
Document 2243651

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Document 2243651
March 3, 2014
Alberta Utilities Commission (“AUC”)
Notice of Filing – Proposed Removal of ISO OPP 523 Medicine Hat Area Operation (“ISO OPP
523 Removal”)
The Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) is filing the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal pursuant to
section 20.2(1) of the Electric Utilities Act (“EUA”) and sections 11 through 13 of AUC Rule 017. The AESO is
authorized to make ISO rules, including Operating Policies and Procedures, in accordance with sections 19
and 20 of the EUA.
The existing ISO OPP 523 Medicine Hat Area Operation (“ISO OPP 523”) provides policies and procedures to
manage inflow to the City of Medicine Hat. In accordance with the principles of the AESO’s Transition of
Authoritative Document project, the AESO is proposing to remove ISO OPP 523 in its entirety to eliminate
duplication of authoritative requirements and unnecessary non-authoritative content. The content of ISO OPP
523 will survive in the Empress Area System Controller Procedure Manual.
Summary of AESO Consultation
On January 16, 2014, the AESO posted a Letter of Notice on its website and in its stakeholder newsletter
requesting written comments from market participants and interested parties that the AESO considered likely
to be affected by the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal.
AESO Reply to Stakeholder Comments
In accordance with section 8 of AUC Rule 017, the AESO is required to provide a reply to written comments
received in response to a Letter of Notice.
No written comments were received from market participants or other interested parties with respect to the
proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal.
Attachments to Notice of Filing
In accordance with section 13 of AUC Rule 017, the following documents are attached to this Notice of Filing:
1. Letter of Notice dated January 16, 2014; and
2. Copy of existing ISO OPP 523.
Due to the confidential nature of, Table 1 (City of Medicine Generators), Table 2 (City of Medicine DTS and
STS Contract), and Figure 1 (Medicine Hat Area Transmission System) of ISO OPP 523 (collectively,
“Confidential Tables and Figure”), copies of the Confidential Tables and Figure are not attached to this Notice
of Filing. However, the Confidential Tables and Figures will be forwarded to the AUC under separate cover.
The AESO submits that the disclosure of the Confidential Tables and Figure is not in the public interest
because they contain certain information that the AESO has identified as commercially sensitive and not
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appropriate for public disclosure. The AESO requests that the AUC determine that disclosure of the
Confidental Tables and Figure would not be in the public interest.
Proposed Effective Date
In accordance with section 20.3 of the EUA, the AESO is proposing that proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal
become effective on March 20, 2014.
The AESO submits that the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal is not technically deficient, supports the fair,
efficient and openly competitive operation of the market, and is in the public interest.
If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned.
“Original Signed By”
Marina Jagbandhansingh
Manager, Regulatory Services
Phone: 403-539-2587
Email: [email protected]
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