
Document 2243699

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Document 2243699
January 16, 2014
Dear Market Participants and Other Interested Parties:
Letter of Notice – Consultation on the Proposed Removal of ISO OPP 523 Medicine Hat Area
Operation (“ISO OPP 523 Removal”).
Pursuant to Section 2 of the Alberta Utilities Commission (“AUC”) Rule 017, the Alberta Electric System
Operator (“AESO”) is providing notice and seeking feedback from market participants and other interested
parties on the attached proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal.
The proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal applies to:
(a) market participants;
(b) legal owners and operators of transmission facilities;
(c) the City of Medicine Hat Electric Utility Operator; and
(d) the AESO.
Existing ISO OPP 523 Medicine Hat Area Operation (“ISO OPP 523”) sets out the policies and procedures for
managing the inflow to the City of Medicine Hat. In accordance with the principles of the AESO’s Transition of
Authoritative Document project, the AESO is proposing to remove ISO OPP 523 in its entirety to eliminate
duplication of authoritative requirements and unneccesary non-authoritative content.
Confidential Figures and Tables in ISO OPP 523
ISO OPP 523 contains confidential Figure 1, Medicine Hat Area Transmission System, Table 1, City of
Medicine Generators, and Table 2, City of Medicine DTS and STS Contract. As a result, when the AESO files
ISO OPP 523 Removal it will request that disclosure of Figure 1, Medicine Hat Area Transmission System,
Table 1, City of Medicine Generators, and Table 2, City of Medicine DTS and STS Contract contained in ISO
OPP 523, would not be in the public interest.
Scope of Consultation
The scope of this consultation is limited to the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal. Any comments received by
the AESO that are outside of the scope outlined above will not be considered by the AESO.
Previous AESO Consultations, Papers and Other Related Communications
No previous consultation has occurred specific to the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal.
Request for Stakeholder Comments
Please use the attached comment matrix when submitting comments to the AESO on the proposed ISO OPP
523 Removal. The AESO’s rationale for the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal has been provided in the
respective comment matrix. Only written comments will be considered in finalizing the proposed ISO OPP 523
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Public Information
When reviewing the attached draft ISO rules, stakeholders should note that all defined terms in the draft ISO
rules are emphasized using “bold”. Stakeholders are encouraged to refer to the AESO’s Consolidated
Authoritative Documents Glossary when reviewing draft ISO rules to ensure they have an accurate
understanding of those defined terms.
In keeping with the AESO Principles for Consultation on ISO Rules Changes please ensure that comments
provided represent all interests within each stakeholder organization with respect to the proposed ISO OPP
523 Removal.
Please provide stakeholder comments or questions no later than January 31, 2014, to Kerry Snelson, 403539-2470 at [email protected].
Adherence to deadlines is integral to the integrity of the ISO Rules Consultation Process. As such, any
stakeholder comments received after January 31, 2014 may not be published, replied to, or otherwise
considered by the AESO.
The AESO will be publishing all stakeholder comments received in February 2014.
AESO Reply to Stakeholder Comments
In accordance with section 8 of AUC Rule 017, the AESO is required to provide a reply to stakeholder
comments received regarding the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal. The AESO is expecting to publish the
replies to stakeholder comments in February, 2014.
If no comments are received by the AESO regarding the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal, the AESO will
proceed, pursuant to AUC Rule 017, to file the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal with the AUC no sooner than
three days after the deadline for comments as specified in this Letter of Notice.
In accordance with section 20.4 of the Electric Utilities Act, market participants may object to ISO rules filed
with the AUC within 10 days of the publication of the Notice of Filing of the ISO rules.
Attachments to Letter of Notice
In accordance with section 4 of AUC Rule 017, the following documents are attached to this Letter of Notice:
a) Copy of existing ISO OPP 523.
b) Copy of the comment-rationale matrix for the proposed ISO OPP 523 Removal.
If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned.
Yours sincerely,
“Original Signed By”
Marina Jagbandhansingh
Supervisor, Regulatory Services
Ph: 403-539-2587
E-mail: [email protected]
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