
Market Participant Comment and Rationale Form AESO AUTHORITATIVE DOCUMENT PROCESS

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Market Participant Comment and Rationale Form AESO AUTHORITATIVE DOCUMENT PROCESS
Market Participant Comment and Rationale Form
Market Participant Consultation Draft
Consultation on Proposed New Critical Infrastructure Protection (“CIP”) Alberta Reliability Standard:
CIP-007-AB-5 Systems Security Management (“CIP-007-AB-5”)
Date of Request for Comment [yyyy/mm/dd]:
Period of Consultation [yyyy/mm/dd]:
Comments From:
Syncrude Canada Ltd.
Date [yyyy/mm/dd]:
Christine Tran
(780) 790-4412
[email protected]
Listed below is the summary description for the proposed new sections of the Alberta reliability standards. Please refer back to the Consultation Letter under the “Attachments” section to view the
actual proposed content to the Alberta reliability standards. Please place your comments/reasons for position underneath (if any).
1. CIP-007-AB-5
a) New
The AESO is seeking comments from market participants with regard to the
following matters:
Market Participant Comments and/or Alternative
Comment # 1: Insert Comments / Reason for Position
(if any)
AESO Replies
AESO Reply # 1: AESO to provide
1. Are there any requirements contained in CIP-007-AB-5 that are not clearly
articulated? If yes, please indicate the specific section of CIP-007-AB-5,
describe the concern and suggest alternative language.
2. Do market participants have any concerns that CIP-007-AB-5 is not capable of
being applied in Alberta? If appropriate, please indicate the specific section of
CIP-007-AB-5 and describe the concern.
3. Do market participants disagree with any CIP-007-AB-5 Alberta variances that
are contained in CIP-007-AB-5? If appropriate, please indicate the specific
section of CIP-007-AB-5, describe the concern and suggest alternative
Issued for Market Participant Consultation: 2013-12-12
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b) Other
[Note to Market Participants: please copy and paste the section of CIP-007-AB-5
being commented on here]
CIP-007-AB-5 Table R2 Part 2.1:
Requirement: A patch management process for tracking, evaluating, and installing
cyber security patches for applicable cyber assets. The tracking portion shall include
the identification of a source or sources that the Responsible Entity tracks for the
release of cyber security patches for applicable cyber assets that are updateable and
for which a patching source exists.
Table R5 Part 5.1:
Requirement: Have a method to enforce authentication of interactive user access,
where technically feasible.
Comment # 1: Insert Comments / Reason for Position
(if any)
AESO Reply # 1: AESO to provide
Syncrude would like to request AESO to provide
clarification in the case of a turnkey control system
computer provided by a automation vendor which uses
the Windows operating system. Is the patch source in
this case the automation vendor or Microsoft?
Experience indicates that the safety & operational risks
to require an operator to authenticate on an attended
(24 x 7) console panel far exceed the security risk
In addition, please clarify applicability of R5.1 for
systems that control physical security access systems.
Issued for Market Participant Consultation: 2013-12-12
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