APPENDIX A CONNECTION ASSESSMENT ATCOiiecrric Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application Bohn 931 S Transformer Addition File No. 7570 Revision: 1 Revision Date: 2016-02-09 APEGA Permit to Practice P0850 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition Executive Summary Project Overview ATCO Electric Ltd., in its capacity as the legal owner of distribution facilities (DFO), has received a request from Enbridge (Athabasca) Pipeline (Enbridge) to expand the electric service to its Enbridge Janvier surface pump station (Facility) in the Janvier South area for its Wood Buffalo Pipeline Extension project. The DFO has submitted a System Access Service Request (SASR) to the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), which includes a Rate DTS, Demand Transmission Service, contract capacity increase from 12 MW to 19 MW. The existing load at the Facility is served by the Bohn 931S substation. The Bohn 931S substation currently includes one 15/20/25 MVA 144/4.16 kV transformer and one 4.16 kV breaker dedicated to serving the Facility load. The new load includes three new motor/pump sets that will be used to increase the flowrate of the Enbridge pipeline that runs through the Facility. To meet Enbridge’s operational requirements, which stipulate that a maximum of four motor/pump sets be connected to one feeder, at minimum Enbridge needs a dedicated 4.16 kV breaker to serve the new load. Although the transformer that currently serves the Facility has enough spare capacity available to connect a new dedicated 4.16 kV breaker, Enbridge has asked that the new dedicated breaker be connected to a second transformer to improve the reliability of electrical service to the Facility. The Facility provides pumping support to a key Enbridge pipeline and operates continuously. A second transformer ensures that the Enbridge pipeline will continue to operate should there be an outage to one of the transformers. The requested in-service date (ISD) for the Project is February 1, 2017. This report presents the results of the study that assesses the impact of the Project on the Alberta interconnected electric system (AIES). Existing System The Facility is located in the Fort McMurray area (AESO planning area 25), which is part of the AESO Northeast region. The Fort McMurray area occupies the northeast corner of Alberta. The transmission system in the Fort McMurray area is comprised of 240 kV, 144 kV and 72 kV. Currently, the Fort McMurray area connects to the AIES through four long 240 kV transmission lines. Two of these 240 kV lines, 9L55 and 9L930, are part of the 240 kV path connecting Fort McMurray Area to the Edmonton area (AESO planning area 60) while the third line, 9L56, is part of the path connecting Fort McMurray area to the High Prairie area (AESO planning area 21) and 9L15 which connects Fort McMurray area with Peace River area (AESO planning area 19). The existing constraints in the Northeast region are managed in accordance with Section 302.1 of the ISO rules, Real Time Transmission Constraint Management.1 1 Available on the AESO website ATCO Electric 1 February 2016 R1 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition Study Summary Study Area for the Project The Study Area for the Project consists of the south-east portion of the Fort McMurray area (AESO planning area 25). Studies performed for the Project Power flow analysis was performed for the 2016 winter peak (2016WP) pre- and postconnection scenarios and the 2017 summer peak (2017SP) post-connection scenario. Voltage stability analysis was completed for the 2016WP post-connection scenario. The analyses included all Category A and Category B conditions. All transmission facilities within the Study Area were studied and monitored to assess the impact of the Project on the AIES, including any violations of the Reliability Criteria (as defined in Section 2.1.1). Results of the pre-connection studies No Reliability Criteria violations were observed for the pre-connection study scenario. Connection alternatives examined for the Project The Project is located close to one point-of-delivery (POD), the Bohn 931S substation. All other PODs in the area are too far away to effectively serve the requested load addition. Therefore, the only connection alternative considered for the Project included the addition of a second 15/20/25 MVA 144/4.16 kV transformer with a dedicated 4.16 kV breaker to the Bohn 931S substation to supply the requested load addition. Results of the post-connection studies Category A (N-G-0) conditions Under Category A conditions, no Reliability Criteria violations were observed for any of the studied scenarios with the examined alternative. Category B (N-G-1) contingency conditions Under Category B contingency conditions, no Reliability Criteria violations were observed for any of the studied scenarios with the examined alternative. Conclusions and Recommendation The study confirmed that the AIES is not adversely impacted by upgrading the Bohn 931S substation and increasing its DTS. It also confirmed that this alternative is technically viable and that there are no Reliability Criteria violations. Therefore, it is recommended to proceed with the addition of a second transformer at the Bohn 931S substation. ATCO Electric 2 February 2016 R1 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1. Project ........................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1.1. Project Overview.................................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2. Load Component ................................................................................................................... 5 1.1.3. Generation Component ......................................................................................................... 6 1.2. Study Scope .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.2.1. Study Objectives .................................................................................................................... 6 1.2.2. Study Area ............................................................................................................................. 6 1.2.3. Studies Performed ................................................................................................................. 9 1.3. Report Overview ............................................................................................................................ 9 2. Criteria, System Data, and Study Assumptions ............................................................................. 10 2.1. Criteria, Standards, and Requirements ....................................................................................... 10 2.1.1. Transmission Planning Standards and Criteria ............................................................. 10 2.1.2. AESO Rules ........................................................................................................................ 11 2.2. Load and Generation Assumptions ............................................................................................. 11 2.2.1. Load Assumptions ............................................................................................................... 11 2.2.2. Generation Assumptions ..................................................................................................... 11 2.2.3. Intertie Flow and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Line Flow Assumptions ................. 13 2.3. System Projects........................................................................................................................... 13 2.4. Customer Connection Projects.................................................................................................... 13 2.5. Facility Ratings and Shunt Elements........................................................................................... 13 2.6. Voltage Profile Assumptions ....................................................................................................... 14 3. Study Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 16 3.1. Study Objectives.......................................................................................................................... 16 3.2. Study Scenarios .......................................................................................................................... 16 3.3. Connection Studies Carried Out.................................................................................................. 16 3.4. Power flow Analysis .................................................................................................................. 17 3.4.1. Contingencies Studied ...................................................................................................... 17 3.5. Voltage Stability Analysis ............................................................................................................ 17 3.5.1. Contingencies Studied ......................................................................................................... 17 4. Pre-Connection System Assessment ............................................................................................. 18 4.1. Pre-Connection Power flow Analysis .......................................................................................... 18 4.1.1. Scenario 1: 2016WP Pre-Connection.................................................................................. 18 5. Connection Alternatives ................................................................................................................... 18 5.1. Connection Alternative Identified................................................................................................. 18 5.1.1. Connection Alternatives Selected for Further Studies .................................................. 19 5.1.2. Connection Alternatives Not Selected for Further Studies .................................................. 19 6. Post-Connection System Assessment ........................................................................................... 20 6.1. Post-Connection Power Flow Analysis........................................................................................ 20 6.1.1. Scenario 2: 2016WP Post-Connection ................................................................................ 20 6.1.2. Scenario 3: 2017SP Post-Connection ................................................................................. 20 6.2. Post-Connection Voltage Stability Analysis................................................................................. 20 6.2.1. Scenario 2: 2016WP Post-Connection ................................................................................ 20 ATCO Electric 3 February 2016 R1 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 6.3. Mitigation Measures for Identified Issues .................................................................................... 21 6.4. Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................................... 21 7. Project Interdependencies ............................................................................................................... 21 8. Conclusions and Recommendations .............................................................................................. 21 Attachments Attachment A Pre-Connection System Power Flow Plots Attachment B Post-Connection System Power Flow Plots Attachment C Post-Connection System Voltage Stability Analysis Results Figures Figure 1-1: Fort McMurray Area Transmission Network................................................................................................. 7 Figure 1-2: The Transmission Network in the Study Area .............................................................................................. 8 Figure 5-1: Alternative 1 - Serve load from the existing Bohn 931S Substation ........................................................... 19 Tables Table 1-1: Summary of Recently Energized System Projects in the Study Area ........................................................... 9 Table 2-1: Post-Contingency Voltage Deviation Guidelines for Low Voltage Busses .................................................. 11 Table 2-2: Fort McMurray Area Coincident 2014 LTO Peak Load Forecasted ............................................................ 11 Table 2-3: Key Generation Facilities by Study Scenarios ............................................................................................ 12 Table 2-4: Summary of Customer Connection Projects Assumptions .......................................................................... 13 Table 2-5: Key Transmission Line Ratings in the Study Area (MVA) ........................................................................... 13 Table 3-1: Study Scenarios Analyzed .......................................................................................................................... 16 Table 3-2: Summary of Studies Performed .................................................................................................................. 16 Table 6-1: Scenario 2 - 2016WP Post-Connection (Voltage Stability Analysis Results) .............................................. 20 ATCO Electric 4 February 2016 R1 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 1. Introduction This Engineering Study Report presents the results of the study that assesses the impact of the Project (as defined below) on the AIES. 1.1. Project 1.1.1. Project Overview ATCO, in its capacity as the DFO in the Janvier South area, has received a request from Enbridge to expand the electric service to its Facility for the Wood Buffalo Pipeline Extension project. The DFO has submitted a SASR to the AESO, which includes a Rate DTS, Demand Transmission Service, contract capacity increase from 12 MW to 19 MW. The existing load at the Facility is served by the Bohn 931S substation. The substation currently includes one 15/20/25 MVA 144/4.16 kV transformer and one 4.16 kV breaker dedicated to serving the Facility load. The new load includes three new motor/pump sets that will be used to increase the pipeline flowrate of the Enbridge pipeline that runs through the Facility. To meet Enbridge’s operational requirements, which stipulate that a maximum of four motor/pump sets be connected to one feeder, at minimum Enbridge needs a dedicated 4.16 kV breaker to serve the new load. Although the transformer that currently serves the Facility has enough spare capacity available to connect a new dedicated 4.16 kV breaker, Enbridge has asked that the new dedicated breaker be connected to a second transformer to improve the reliability of electrical service to the Facility. The Facility provides pumping support to a key Enbridge pipeline and operates continuously. A second transformer ensures that the Enbridge pipeline will continue to operate should there be an outage to one of the transformers. In this report, connecting the load addition at the Facility will be referred to as the Project. The requested ISD for the Project is February 1, 2017. 1.1.2. Load Component Existing DTS contract capacity: 12 MW. Requested DTS contract capacity: 19 MW. Power Factor Studied: 0.9 lagging. Load Type: Industrial motor/ pump station. Existing Number of Motors: 3. Number of Motors with new load: 6. Future Allowance for Load Growth: Enbridge does not currently have future expansion plans to increase the load above 19 MW at its Facility. ATCO Electric 5 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 1.1.3. Generation Component There is no generation component associated with the Project. 1.2. Study Scope 1.2.1. Study Objectives The objectives of the study are as follows: Assess the impact of the Project on the performance of the AIES. Identify any violations of the Reliability Criteria, standards or requirements of the AESO both pre- and post-connection of the Project. Mitigation measures, if required, to enable the reliable connection of the Project to the AIES. 1.2.2. Study Area Study Area Description The Project is located within the Fort McMurray area which is part of the Northeast region. The Study Area for the Project consists of the south-east portion of the Fort McMurray area (AESO planning area 25). The transmission system in the Fort McMurray Area is comprised of 240 kV, 144 kV and 72 kV. Currently, the Fort McMurray area connects to the AIES through four long 240 kV transmission lines. Two of these 240 kV lines, 9L55 and 9L930, are part of the 240 kV path connecting Fort McMurray Area to the Edmonton area (AESO planning area 60) while the third line, 9L56, is part of the path connecting Fort McMurray area to the Wabamun area (AESO planning area 40) and 9L15 which connects Fort McMurray area with Peace River area (AESO planning area 19). Figure 1-1 shows transmission network of the Fort McMurray Area. Figure 1-2 shows the transmission network of the Study Area. ATCO Electric 6 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition Figure 1-1: Fort McMurray Area Transmission Network CNRL Horizon (CNR5) HORIZON UPGRADING 842S 9L101 9L 69 AURORA 9L32 KVAL-1 KVAL-2 9L84 STEEPBANK 836S 29EDD-55 9L2 7L 47 RUTH LAKE 848S 7L 71 DOG RIB 2082S 74 7L165 9L 29PL9-14 29PL9-15 29PL6-24 29EDD-93 29EDD-9 HORSESHOE 737S 29EDD-8 29EDD-10 29EDD-19 29EDD-45 29EDD -0020 29EDD-33 29EDD-19 3 29PL6-28 29EDD-62 29EDD-31 29EDD-46 29EDD-64 29EDD-84 29EDD-83 7 A9 7L 7L126 9L85 GREGOIRE 883S 7 18 L 3 7LA183 ENGSTROM 2060S MEADOW CREEK 2081S MEG1 Christina Lake (MEG1) BOHN 931S 957 QUIGLEY 989S SUNDAY CREEK 539S CHRISTINA LAKE 723S CONKLIN 762S 1118L 971L 05 90 7L 9L9 LEISMER 72S 9L55 (to Round Hill 852S) MCMILLAN 885S 7L1 14 7LA114 CROW 860S 9L930 (to Heart Lake 898S) 7L02 7L02 45 KETTLE RIVER 2049S 9L 7L121 9L89 7L MARIANA 833S 5 7L104 HORSE RIVER 917S 240 kV Double Circuit P1570 Project Area AESO Planning Areas 7L1 KINOSIS 856S 7LA121 LONG LAKE 841S LONG LAKE COGEN 864S BLACK SPRUCE 154S 1115L (to Pike 170S) 7L38 ALGAR 875S Nexen Inc #2 (NX02) 7 7L155 16 7L182 7L194 CHARD 658S 240 kV SALT CREEK 977S 7L36 WILLOW LAKE 2009S LIVOCK 939S 138/144 kV 138/144 kV Double Circuit 7L1 35 HANGINGSTONE 820S 7L 9L89 7L97 AHS 01 279S 7 9L5 9L M 56 ( 73 itsu to 2S e ) ATCO Electric 29EDD-67 HALFWAY 2014S WADDEL 907S Currency Date: 2016-01-29 29 EDD-7 29PL6-16 29PL6-29 29PL6-26 9L07 29PL6-7 29PL6-14 29EDD -0056 29PL9-6 29EDD -32 ATHABASCA CROSSING EDD200 SCR1 29PL6-23 29PL6-22 29PL6-05 29PL6-06 SCR1 6L 32 SCR5 29EDD-5 TOWER ROAD 933S WABASCA 720S Gas Generator 69 or 72 kV Substation 138 or 144 kV Substation 240 kV Substation 69/72 kV 9 29PL6-01 9L01 FIREBAG 29EDD-18 29EDD-0063 29PL6-27 BRINTNELL 876S PL 4 29PL9-5 29PL6-04 9- 2 1 PL 29 L 9 P 29 MACKAY RIVER 874S BIRCHWOOD CREEK 960S 9L10 56 29 / -3 PARSONS CREEK 718S 7L170 9L 29EDD-3 MILLENIUM 29EDD-1 RL1 RL2 6LML2 6LML1 SCR1 29PL6-20 PLANT 30-2 UE-1 SCR6 DAWES 2011S 9L15 (to Wesley Creek 834S) SUNCOR FACILITY SCR1 29EDD-22 29EDD-2 29PL6-02 9L74 9L58 9L43 9L0 1 9L0 7 SCR1 29PL7-1 29PL6-03 9L08 9L09 East Mine DML MacKay River (MKRC) 9L 28 9L19 JACK PINE 920S 29EDD-71 29PL7-3 29PL7-4 Muskeg River (MKR1) MILDRED LAKE 9L58 AMR02 937S 29EDD-65 9LJH1 9LJH2 D05 DOVER 888S 9L39 MUSKEG RIVER 847S 9L66 GREEN STOCKING 925S 9L77 BLACK FLY 934S Syncrude #1 (SCL1) Syncrude #1 (SCL1) 25 - Fort McMurray KEARL 9900S L9900 29PL7-5 75_PLH-902 MCCLELLAND 957S 9L32 JOSLYN CREEK 849S This diagram contains a simplified version of the system configuration. Technical detail has been simplified for illustration purposes. It does not indicate geographical locations of facilities. IOR3 Kearl (IOR3) BITUMOUNT 941S 29PL7-2 75-PLH-3 29PL6-23 75-PLH-4 29PL9-12 29PL9-13 HORIZON MINING 838S 75_PLH-901 Project 1570 Area Transmission System 1099L 1090L JACKFISH 698S February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition AHS 01 279S 9L84 (to Black Fly 934S) 7L1 35 HANGINGSTONE 820S SALT CREEK 977S 7L126 7L182 9L07 (to Dover 888S) 7LA97 HALFWAY 2014S 9L23 (to Ruth Lake 848S) Project 1570 Area Transmission System 7L97 (to Tower Road 933S) Figure 1-2: The Transmission Network in the Study Area 7L36 4 7L19 Nexen Inc #2 (NX02) GREGOIRE 883S 7L155 ALGAR 875S 7L38 KINOSIS 856S 7LA183 KETTLE RIVER 2049S 7L02 7L1 14 7LA114 CROW 860S WADDEL 907S 9L9 90 CHARD 658S LEISMER 72S MCMILLAN 885S BOHN 931S 957 L MEADOW CREEK 2081S SUNDAY CREEK 539S MEG1 Christina Lake (MEG1) 1118L CONKLIN 762S 1099L 9L55 (to Round Hill 852S) CHRISTINA LAKE 723S 9L930 (to Heart Lake 898S) Gas Generator 138 or 144 kV Substation 240 kV Substation 7L 05 ENGSTROM 2060S 971L 9L 45 7L 18 3 MARIANA 833S 7LA121 This diagram contains a simplified version of the system configuration. Technical detail has been simplified for illustration purposes. It does not indicate geographical locations of facilities. QUIGLEY 989S 7L104 25 - Fort McMurray 7L121 9L89 LONG LAKE 841S 5 7L1 HORSE RIVER 917S Currency Date: 2016-01-11 LONGLAKE COGEN 864S 7L 16 7 7L170 9L 85 DAWES 2011S WILLOW LAKE 2009S 138/144 kV 240 kV P1570 Project Area AESO Planning Areas BLACK SPRUCE 154S 1090L JACKFISH 698S 27 - Athabasca / Lac La Biche 1 Pi 115 ke L 17 (to 0S ) 28 Cold Lake Existing Constraints The Northeast region is currently managed by the AESO Rule 302.1 Information Document ID#2011-008(R) - Real Time Transmission Constraint Management (TCM Rule). This AESO ID specifies the Fort McMurray Export Cutplane Transfer-out-Limits (710 MW) and the Fort McMurray Import Cutplane Transfer-In-Limits (593 MW (Voltage) / 512 MW (Thermal)). These transfer levels are based on the existing transmission network configuration and represent the system normal condition (all transmission elements in service). ATCO Electric 8 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition AESO Long-Term Plans The AESO published the AESO 2015 Long Term Plan (2015 LTP) in November 2015. There are no transmission developments proposed for the Study Area in the near-term.2 Table 1-1 shows system reinforcements in the Fort McMurray area recently energized. Table 1-1: Summary of Recently Energized System Projects in the Study Area Project Name Whitefish 825S 100 MVAr capacitor bank addition Dover 888S 100 MVAr capacitor bank addition Leismer 72S 60 MVAr capacitor bank addition Winefred 818S 42 MVAR capacitor bank addition Kettle River 2049S 60 MVAr capacitor bank addition Kinosis area 60 MVAr capacitor bank addition Algar Area System Reinforcement Project Christina Lake Area Transmission Development project 1.2.3. Studies Performed The following studies were performed for both the pre-connection and post-connection analysis: • Power flow analysis (Category A and B). The following studies were performed for the post-connection analysis: • Voltage stability analysis (Category A and B). For load connection projects, the load level modelled in post-connection scenarios is the same or higher than in pre-connection scenarios. Therefore, voltage stability analysis for preconnection scenarios will only be performed if post-connection scenarios show voltage stability criteria violations. 1.3. Report Overview The Executive Summary provides a high-level summary of the report and its conclusions. Section 1 provides an introduction of the Project. Section 2 describes the Reliability Criteria, system data, and other study assumptions used in this report. Section 3 describes the study methodology used. Section 4 discusses the pre-connection assessment of the system. Section 5 presents the connection alternatives identified. Section 6 provides a technical analysis of the connection alternative selected for further study. Section 7 discusses project interdependencies. Section 8 presents a conclusions and recommendations of this study. 2 Refer to: AESO 2015 Long-term Transmission Plan available on the AESO website. ATCO Electric 9 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 2. 2.1. Criteria, System Data, and Study Assumptions Criteria, Standards, and Requirements 2.1.1. Transmission Planning Standards and Criteria The Transmission Planning (TPL) Standards, which are included in the Alberta Reliability Standards, and the AESO’s Transmission Planning Criteria – Basis and Assumptions3 (collectively, the Reliability Criteria) were applied to evaluate system performance under Category A system conditions (i.e., all elements in-service) and following Category B contingencies (i.e., single element outage), prior to and following the studied alternatives. Below is a summary of Category A and Category B system conditions. Category A, often referred to as the N-0 condition, represents a normal system with no contingencies and all facilities in service. Under this condition, the system must be able to supply all firm load and firm transfers to other areas. All equipment must operate within its applicable rating, voltages must be within their applicable range, and the system must be stable with no cascading outages. Category B events, often referred to as an N-1 or N-G-1 with the most critical generator out of service, result in the loss of any single specified system element under specified fault conditions with normal clearing. These elements are a generator, a transmission circuit, a transformer, or a single pole of a DC transmission line. The acceptable impact on the system is the same as Category A. Planned or controlled interruptions of electric supply to radial customers or some local network customers, connected to or supplied by the faulted element or by the affected area, may occur in certain areas without impacting the overall reliability of the interconnected transmission systems. To prepare for the next contingency, system adjustments are permitted, including curtailments of contracted firm (non-recallable reserved) transmission service electric power transfers. The TPL standards, TPL-001-AB-0 and TPL-002-AB-0 have referenced Applicable Rating when specifying the required system performance under Category A and Category B events. For the purpose of applying the TPL standards to the studies documented in this report Applicable Ratings are defined as follows: • Seasonal continuous thermal rating of the line’s loading limits. • Highest specified loading limits for transformers. • For Category A conditions: Voltage range under normal operating condition per AESO Information Document ID# 2010-007RS, General Operating Practice – Voltage Control. • For Category B conditions: The extreme voltage range as applicable from Table 2-1 in the Transmission Planning Criteria – Basis and Assumptions. • Desired post-contingency voltage deviations for three defined post event timeframes as provided in Table 2-1 below. 3 Filed under a separate cover ATCO Electric 10 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition The post contingency voltage deviations following Category B events were compared with the guidelines in Table 2-1. Table 2-1: Post-Contingency Voltage Deviation Guidelines for Low Voltage Busses Time Period Post-Transient (Up to 30 sec) Post-Auto Control (30 sec to 5 min) Post-manual Control (Steady State) Voltage Deviation from Steady State at POD Low Voltage Bus ± 10% ± 7% ± 5% 2.1.2. AESO Rules ISO rules Section 304.4 ID #2010-007RS4 was used to set the system pre-contingency voltages at critical busses to be within the desired range. The Northeast region constraints are outlined in AESO ID#2011-008R5. The AESO Voltage Control Practice ID # 2010-007RS, which relates to Section 304.4 of the ISO Rules, Maintaining Network Voltage will be applied to establish pre-contingency voltage profiles in the study region. The TCM Rule will be followed in setting up the study scenarios and assessment of the connection impact. In addition, due regard will be given to the AESO Customer Connection Study Requirements Document and the Generation and Load Interconnection Standard. 2.2. 2.2.1. Load and Generation Assumptions Load Assumptions The Fort McMurray area load forecast used for this connection study is reflected in Table 2-2 and is based on the AESO 2014 Long-Term Outlook (LTO). Table 2-2: Fort McMurray Area Coincident 2014 LTO Peak Load Forecasted Area Name 2016WP Forecast Peak Load (MW) 2017SP Forecast Peak Load (MW) Fort McMurray area 2614.9 2363.5 Alberta Internal Load (AIL) without Losses 12154.5 11441 2.2.2. Generation Assumptions The generation within the Northeast region contains natural gas-fired generation from industrial sites in the Fort Saskatchewan (AESO planning area 33), Fort McMurray and Cold Lake areas, and biomass generation in the Athabasca/Lac La Biche area (AESO planning area 27). 4 5 Available on the AESO website Available on the AESO website ATCO Electric 11 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition Table 2-3 provides the area generation assumptions used in this engineering study. The MEGConklin generator is defined as the Study Area critical generator and its status is off on all analyses. Table 2-3: Key Generation Facilities by Study Scenarios Area Capacity (MW) 2016WP Unit Net Generation (MW) 2017SP Unit Net Generation (MW) 13249 25 80 80 78 LONGLAKE G2 12249 25 80 80 78 Existing LONGLAKE G3 11241 25 11.5 11 11 Existing LONGLAKE G4 11241 25 11.5 11 11 Existing MEG-Conklin 2405 25 85 Offline 0ffline Existing MEG-Conklin 2B 3405 25 85 85 70 Future Project 1245 23754 25 50 44 38 Future Project 1245 23755 25 50 44 38 Existing Mackay 18274 25 185 181 153 Existing Syncrude G1 19209 25 53 42 37 Existing Syncrude-UE-1-G11 17233 25 22 18 15 Existing Syncrude-UE-1-G12 16233 25 86 69 61 Existing Syncrude G2 18209 25 53 42 37 Existing Syncrude G20 18206 25 100 80 70 Existing Syncrude G21 18207 25 100 80 70 Existing Syncrude G3 17209 25 28.8 23 20 Existing Syncrude G4 17210 25 53 42 37 Existing Syncrude G5 18210 25 28.8 23 20 Existing Syncrude G6 19210 25 67.5 54 48 Existing Suncor 1 16218 25 34.4 31 27 Existing Suncor 2 18218 25 34.4 31 27 Existing Millennium 3 16219 25 68.8 62 54 Existing Millennium 4 18223 25 81 73 63 Existing Millennium 5 18208 25 130.5 118 102 Existing Millennium 6 19208 25 130.5 118 102 Existing Suncor 3273 25 86.8 79 68 Existing Firebag 3 G1 19297 25 85 77 66 Existing Firebag 3 G2 18297 25 85 77 66 Existing Firebag 4 G1 17297 25 95 86 74 Existing Firebag 4 G2 16297 25 95 86 74 Future Project 1404 (Cenovus Narrows Lake) 4733 25 50 0 41 Existing/ Future Plant name Bus Number Existing LONGLAKE G1 Existing ATCO Electric 12 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 2.2.3. Intertie Flow and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Line Flow Assumptions The intertie points are deemed to be too far away to have an effect on the assessment of the proposed connection. The flows in the Study Area are not influenced by the AIES HVDC facilities. As a result, the intertie and HVDC assumptions are consistent with that in the AESO planning base cases. 2.3. System Projects No additional system projects were identified to be included in the study aside from those listed in Table 1-1. 2.4. Customer Connection Projects Table 2-4 lists the customer connection projects included in all study scenarios unless noted otherwise. Table 2-4: Summary of Customer Connection Projects Assumptions AESO Project Number Project Description Generation (MW) Load (MW) Projected inservice date 1245 Cenovus Sunday Creek BTF 30 50 March 1, 2016 1482 ATCO Grand Rapids MacKay Pumpstation 0 1.5 May 6, 2016 1491 ATCO Wabasca 720S-Breaker Addition 0 8 July 1, 2016 1287 Fortis Alberta CNRL - Edwards Lake Substation 0 50 March 1, 2017 1258 Fortis Alberta Grist Lake (Pike) Substation 0 29.2 March 1, 2017 1404* Cenovus Narrows Lake Substation (Boreal) 0 35 June 1, 2017 1348* Fort Hills Switching Station 0 20 June 1, 2017 1104* AOC Dover West Leduc Insitu Bitumen Extraction Facility 0 120 November 20, 2017 *Projects P1404, P1348 and P1104 are included in 2017SP scenario only. 2.5. Facility Ratings and Shunt Elements Table 2-5 provide the summer and winter ratings of key transmission lines for the Project in the Study Area. Table 2-5: Key Transmission Line Ratings in the Study Area (MVA) Transmission Line From Substation To Substation Nominal Voltage (kV) Summer Rating (MVA) Winter Rating (MVA) 971L Conklin 762S Black Spruce 154S 240 624 764 1099L Black Spruce 154S Jackfish 698S 240 624 764 1090L Jackfish 698S Christina Lake 723S 240 594 713 ATCO Electric 13 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition Transmission Line From Substation To Substation Nominal Voltage (kV) Summer Rating (MVA) Winter Rating (MVA) 9L930 Leismer 72S Heart Lake 898S 240 592 713 9L45 Kettle River 2049S Kinosis 856S 240 332 332 9L990 Kinosis 856S Leismer 72S 240 332 332 1115L Black Spruce 154S Pike 170S 240 931 1117 1116L Pike 170S Ipiatik 167S 240 874 1103 1117L Ipiatik 167S Heart Lake 898S 240 874 1103 Table 2-6 provides the summary of key shunt elements for the Project in the Study Area. Table 2-6: Key Shunt Elements in the Study Area Bus Name Nominal Bus Voltage (kV) Block 1 Steps Block 1 Bstep (Mvar) Block 2 Steps Block 2 Bstep (Mvar) Block 3 Steps Block 3 Bstep (Mvar) 1402 SALTCR1 240 1 -34.96 0 0 0 0 17218 SUNC_R67 13.8 1 8.17 0 0 0 0 18200 RUTH LA9 14.4 3 -5 0 0 0 0 18224 HANGSTO1 25 2 5 0 0 0 0 19200 RUTH LB9 14.4 1 -20 0 0 0 0 19218 SUNC_R68 13.8 1 8.17 0 0 0 0 19224 HANGSTO9 25 2 5 0 0 0 0 468 LEISMER7 138 2 27.19 0 0 0 0 1242 KINOSIS2 138 2 30 0 0 0 0 17204 MCMILLA9 25 1 -20 0 0 0 0 18291 KR03 138 2 27.55 0 0 0 0 19242 KINOSIS3 25 1 -20 0 0 0 0 Bus Number 2.6. Voltage Profile Assumptions The voltages at the key Fort McMurray area substations in the study scenarios for the Project are shown in Table 2-7. The desired voltage ranges as provided in the AESO ID# 2010-007RS were utilized to set the study scenarios voltages prior to power flow analysis. Table 2-7: Summary of Voltages at Key Substations in Fort McMurray Area AESO ID# 2010-007RS Substation Whitefish 825S ATCO Electric Nominal Voltage (kV) Minimum Operating Limit (kV) Desired Range (kV) 240 253 255-265 14 Voltage in the Study Scenarios N-G (kV) Maximum Operating Limit (kV) 275 Preconnection Post-connection 2016WP 2016WP 2017SP 261.6 261.4 265.2 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition AESO ID# 2010-007RS Substation Ruth Lake 848S Dover 888S Heart Lake 898S Leismer 72S Salt Creek 977S ATCO Electric Nominal Voltage (kV) Minimum Operating Limit (kV) Desired Range (kV) 240 248 263– 269 144 141 240 Voltage in the Study Scenarios N-G (kV) Maximum Operating Limit (kV) Preconnection Post-connection 2016WP 2016WP 2017SP 275 263.4 263.4 263.5 144-153 155 149.4 149.6 150.6 263 264-271 275 266.7 266.7 266.2 240 258 260-269 275 265.5 265.3 267.7 144 138 140-144 145 143.8 143.7 143.4 240 248 262-271 280 265.4 264.8 264.5 144 138 140-146 150 144.7 144.7 144.8 240 246 258-269 275 263.9 263.4 262.2 144 144 147-152 155 150.3 150.6 150.5 15 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 3. Study Methodology All the following analysis was completed using PTI PSS/E version 33. 3.1. Study Objectives The objectives of the study are as follows: Assess the impact of the Project on the performance of the AIES. Identify any violations of the Reliability Criteria, standards or requirements of the AESO both pre- and post-connection of the Project. Recommend mitigation measures, if required, to enable the reliable connection of the Project into the AIES. 3.2. Study Scenarios The study was conducted using the 2016WP and 2017SP scenarios. The study scenarios were derived from the published AESO’s 2014 Planning Base Case Suite and related auxiliary data files. Table 3-1 lists the scenarios considered for the project study. A power factor of 0.9 lagging was used for the new Facility load. Table 3-1: Study Scenarios Analyzed Study Scenario Study Scenarios for Alternative Identified Facility Load (MW) System Generation Dispatch Conditions 2016WP pre-connection 12 Economic 2016WP post-connection 19 Economic 2017SP post-connection 19 Economic 1 2 3 Note that the critical generator identified for this study was the MEG-Conklin unit. The power flow and voltage stability analyses were performed with this generator out-of-service. 3.3. Connection Studies Carried Out The following studies were carried out for this connection study: Table 3-2: Summary of Studies Performed Study Scenarios Critical Generator Status Studies Performed Conditions Studied 1,2,3 OFF Power flow Category A and B 2 OFF Voltage stability Category B ATCO Electric 16 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 3.4. Power flow Analysis Power flow analysis was completed to identify any thermal or transmission voltage violations as per the Reliability Criteria. The purpose of the power flow analysis is to quantify any incremental violations that are observed following the connection of the Project. PODs low voltage bus deviations were also assessed by first locking all tap changers and area capacitors to identify any post transient voltage deviations above 10%. Tap changers were then allowed to move while capacitors remained locked to determine if any voltage deviations above 7% were found in the area. Once all taps and capacitor controls were allowed to adjust, voltage deviations above 5% were reported for both the pre-connection and post-connection networks. 3.4.1. Contingencies Studied The contingencies studied include all lines and transformers in Study Area as well as ties into it. The Study Area was monitored for voltage and thermal violations during contingency analysis. 3.5. Voltage Stability Analysis Voltage stability analysis was performed according to the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Voltage Stability Assessment Methodology. WECC voltage stability criteria states, “for load areas, post-transient voltage stability is required for the area modelled at a minimum of 105% of the reference load level for system normal conditions (Category A) and for single contingencies (Category B)”. For this standard, the reference load level is the maximum established planned load. The reference load level is the maximum forecasted load for the Fort McMurray area. The Wabamun area (AESO planning area 40) was used as the remote generation source for the voltage stability analysis. The objective of the Power-Voltage (PV) curve is to determine the ability of the network to maintain voltage stability at all the busses in the system under normal and abnormal system conditions. The PV curve is a representation of voltage change as a result of increased power transfer between two systems. The reported incremental transfers will be to the collapse point. As per the AESO requirements, no assessment based upon other criteria such as minimum voltage will be made at the PV minimum transfer. As per the voltage stability criteria, post-transient techniques (all tap changers, all discrete capacitors locked, but SVCs were allowed to adjust) were used in applying the criteria and this information is reflected in all tables and graphs. Also for this analysis, no limits were selected for the generation sources and non-negative active power constant MVA loads was enforced. 3.5.1. Contingencies Studied Voltage stability analysis was performed for the Category A condition and all Category B contingencies in the study area for the 2016WP post-connection scenario to determine the system voltage stability margin. ATCO Electric 17 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 4. Pre-Connection System Assessment 4.1. Pre-Connection Power flow Analysis No Reliability Criteria violation was observed for Category A conditions and Category B contingencies studied in the 2016WP pre-connection scenario within the study area. Please refer to Attachment A for pre-connection power flow plots for the Study Area. 4.1.1. Scenario 1: 2016WP Pre-Connection No thermal overloads, voltage violations or POD bus voltage deviations were found for the Category A condition or the Category B contingencies analyzed. 5. 5.1. Connection Alternatives Connection Alternative Identified Bohn 931S substation is supplying the existing Facility load. The requested load addition is at the Facility site. The new load includes three new motor/pump sets that will be used to increase the flowrate of the Enbridge pipeline that runs through the Facility. To meet Enbridge’s operational requirements, which stipulate that a maximum of four motor/pump sets be connected to one feeder, at minimum Enbridge needs a dedicated 4.16 kV breaker to serve the new load. Although the transformer that currently serves the Facility has enough spare capacity available to connect a new dedicated 4.16 kV breaker, Enbridge has asked that the new dedicated breaker be connected to a second transformer to improve the reliability of electrical service to the Facility. The Facility provides pumping support to a key Enbridge pipeline and operates continuously. A second transformer ensures that the Enbridge pipeline will continue to operate should there be an outage to one of the transformers. ATCO Electric DFO6 concluded that there are no other PODs in the vicinity of the customer site technically capable of supplying the proposed load effectively. Therefore, only one alternative was evaluated for this connection project: 6 Please refer to: ATCO Electric 2016 Distribution Deficiency Report Bohn 931S Transformer Addition, which has been filed under a separate cover. ATCO Electric 18 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition Alternative 1: Install a second 15/20/25 MVA 144/4.16 kV transformer at the Bohn 931S substation with a dedicated 4.16 kV breaker This alternative includes the following work at Bohn 931S: Installing 1 (one) 15/20/25 MVA 144/4.16 kV LTC transformer. Installing 1 (one) grounding resistor. Size to be defined by Enbridge. Installing 1 (one) 144 kV breaker and associated disconnect switch and instrument transformers. Installing 1 (one) 4.16 kV breaker and associated disconnect switches. 5.1.1. Connection Alternatives Selected for Further Studies Only Alternative 1 was evaluated. The red elements in Figure 5-1 show the proposed developments in Bohn 931S substation for the connection alternative evaluated. Figure 5-1: Alternative 1 - Serve load from the existing Bohn 931S Substation 5.1.2. Connection Alternatives Not Selected for Further Studies N/A ATCO Electric 19 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 6. Post-Connection System Assessment No transmission criteria violation was found for the contingencies studied in the 2016WP and 2017SP post-connection scenarios within the Study Area. Please refer to Attachment B for postconnection power flow plots. Also, no voltage stability margin problems were found in the Study Area for this connection project. 6.1. Post-Connection Power Flow Analysis 6.1.1. Scenario 2: 2016WP Post-Connection No thermal overloads, voltage violations or POD bus voltage deviations were found for any Category A conditions or Category B contingencies within the Study Area. 6.1.2. Scenario 3: 2017SP Post-Connection No thermal overloads, voltage violations or POD bus voltage deviations were found for any Category A or B or selected C5 contingencies within the Study Area. 6.2. Post-Connection Voltage Stability Analysis The voltage stability analysis was conducted for the 2016WP post-connection scenario. 6.2.1. Scenario 2: 2016WP Post-Connection In the 2016WP post-connection scenario, the reference load level for the Fort McMurray area is 2614.9MW. The minimum incremental load transfer for the Category B contingencies is 5.0% of the reference load or 130.75 MW to meet the voltage stability criteria (0.05 x 2614.9MW = 130.75MW). All contingencies met the minimum criteria. The five worst contingencies for Categories B contingencies are shown in Table 6-1. The PV curves for the 240 kV transmission line 9L10, the MacKay generator’s transformer, the 240 kV transmission line 9L43, the 240 kV transmission line 9L57, and the 240 kV transmission line 9L930 contingencies in the Study Area in the 2016WP post-connection scenario are included in Attachment C. Table 6-1: Scenario 2 - 2016WP Post-Connection (Voltage Stability Analysis Results) Contingency From Substation To Substation System Normal (N-G) Maximum incremental transfer (MW) Meets transfer criteria? 560 YES Category B (Min Transfer = 130.75 MW) 9L10 Brintnell 876S Livock 939S MacKay Generator’s Transformer 9L43 ATCO Electric Dover 888S MacKay 874S 20 410 YES 430 YES 440 YES February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition Contingency From Substation To Substation Maximum incremental transfer (MW) Meets transfer criteria? 9L57 Livock 939S Birchwood Creek 960S 460 YES 9L930 Edwards Lake 89S Heart Lake 898S 470 YES 6.3. Mitigation Measures for Identified Issues No Reliability Criteria violations were found in the Study Area for the 2016WP pre- and postconnection scenarios and the 2017SP post-connection scenario for the conditions studied. No mitigation measures are, therefore, required. 6.4. Conclusions and Recommendations There were no Reliability Criteria violations found within the Study Area or on the tie lines that connect it to the AIES for the evaluated connection alternative. Hence, the evaluated connection alternative is recommended to proceed based on the technical assessment presented in Section 6. 7. Project Interdependencies No project interdependencies were identified. 8. Conclusions and Recommendations ATCO, in its capacity as DFO, in the Janvier South area, has received a request from Enbridge to expand the electric service to its Facility. The DFO has submitted a SASR to the AESO, which includes a Rate DTS, Demand Transmission Service, contract capacity increase from 12 MW to 19 MW. In addition to increased capacity, Enbridge has asked for a second transformer to serve its Facility to improve the reliability of the electricity service to its Facility. The existing load at the Facility is served by the Bohn 931S substation. The ISD requested for the Project is February 1, 2017. This report presented the results of the study that assesses the impact of the Project on the AIES. The Project is located within the Fort McMurray area, which is part of the Northeast region. The existing constraints in the Northeast region are managed in accordance Section 302.1 of the ISO rules, Real Time Transmission Constraint Management. ATCO Electric 21 February 2016 Connection Engineering Study Report for AUC Application: Bohn 931S Transformer Addition Study Area The Study Area chosen was defined as south-east portion of the Fort McMurray area (AESO planning area 25). Studies performed for the Project Power flow analysis was performed for the 2016WP pre- and post-connection scenarios and 2017SP post-connection scenario. Voltage stability analysis was completed for the 2016WP post-connection scenario. Results of the pre-connection studies No Reliability Criteria violations were observed for the pre-connection study scenario. Connection alternatives examined for the Project The only alternative considered and evaluated includes adding a second 15/20/25 MVA 144/4.16 kV transformer with a dedicated 4.16 kV breaker at the Bohn 931S substation to supply the additional Enbridge load. All other PODs in the area are too far away to effectively serve the requested load addition. Results of the post-connection studies Category A (N-G-0) conditions Under Category A conditions, no Reliability Criteria violations were observed for any of the studied scenarios with the examined alternative. Category B (N-G-1) contingency conditions Under Category B contingency conditions, no Reliability Criteria violations were observed for any of the studied scenarios with the examined alternative. Recommendations The study confirmed that the AIES is not adversely impacted by upgrading the Bohn 931S substation and increasing its DTS. It also confirmed that this alternative is technically viable and that there are no Reliability Criteria violations. Therefore, it is recommended to proceed with the addition of a second transformer at the Bohn 931S substation. ATCO Electric 22 February 2016 ATTACHMENT A Pre-Connection System Power Flow Plots ATCO Electric A-1 R1 A-1 System Power Flow Results Power Flow Diagrams The pre-connection power flow diagrams for Categories A and B contingencies are provided in this section. The following table presents the list of the power flow diagrams. Table A-1: List of Pre-Connection Power Flow Diagrams Scenario Scenario 1 (2016WP-Pre Project) Power Flow Diagram Page Number N-G-0, System Normal Condition A-3 N-G-1, Loss of 9L45 A-4 N-G-1, Loss of 9L990 A-5 N-G-1, Loss of 9L85 A-6 N-G-1, Loss of 9L47 A-7 NOTES: Other power flow diagrams will be provided upon request. ATCO Electric A-2 R1 1.1 267.9 9L69 1.1 148.4 1625 DAWES138 42.3 -13.2 -9.4 -9.4 8.8 3.8 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 6.9 13.2 -98.3 8.0 1.0 143.7 9L56 -29.4 9L22 -65.2 -16.5 -16.5 -65.2 22.7 118.4 22.8 -7.3 180.8 180.8 -7.3 21.8 -62.1 -39.1 21.8 -62.1 14.3 -18.4 19.4 17.2 -46.3 46.3 -22.1 1.1 149.9 1.1 260.5 11245 KINOSIS6 9L81 51.9 1292 MEAD_144 23.1 -0.0 1.1 149.1 -69.9 1.1 266.3 1.0 26.0 SW 1.0 4.3 60.7 24.7 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 -64.1 -12.0 12.0 99 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -6.6 -6.0 1.1 260.5 9L45 29.8 -32.1 -50.3 10291 KR02 6.0 1687 BOHN_01 19687 BOHN_02 -29.8 1245 KINOSIS1 -6.0 -10.3 10.4 -10.2 10282 898ST1 -98.5 144.0 47.0 -21.0 -101.9 1.1 263.7 SW 10.3 -10.3 -9.4 9.4 19.0 17282 HEARTLAK -78.5 957L 1090L 971L -129.1 369 CHRISLK1 -93.4 348 LEISMER4 38.7 25.0 24.4 -40.0 879 539S_240 50.5 1.1 264.9 405 CONKLIN1 -37.7 1.1 263.8 1.1 263.9 1.0 144.3 -0.0 SW 39.1 -39.0 -29.1 30.4 428L -13.9 43.8 1949 ILAKE_01 457L 1.1 261.6 2949 ILAKE_02 CATEGORY A, N-0 2016WP PRE-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:45 306 WINEFRE7 974 PIKE_01 SW -45.9 3.0 1.1 264.4 1.0 143.9 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.1 -49.6 49.7 -29.9 33.5 71.6 44.4H 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 264.6 -1.5 435 1134L_TP 1118L 1.0 144.1 38.7 1 -3.0 1.6 -8.0 1116 2.6 1.1 264.8 1.0 14.0 3.1 -13.8 434 189_240 -129.4 1099L 878 JFISH01 27.4 321 HEARTLAK 902 BCKSP_01 10.8 52.3 1291 KR01 1.1 264.9 1.1 263.7 9L930 1117L 10295 KR05 9L990 -50.8 19.3 10.3 -32.0 1.0 24.6 48.1 1348 WHITFISH 19291 KR04 0.0 -29.8 44.4 1.1 265.5 9L913 18.4 10245 KINOSIS5 6.0 1.1 147.3 21.1 1.0 143.8 -104.3 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 39.7 SW 7L104 -21.0 1.1 259.8 SW 1.1 261.5 -39.7 18291 KR03 45.8 9L47 14.6 -134.0 1.1 265.1 28.0 -17.2 1.1 148.4 1.1 265.5 1.1 265.6 1228 MITS E.4 -28.0 7L183 1046 21.0 7L114 2.3 1.1 266.8 468 LEISMER7 21.3 -27.8 -7.5 39.7 29.8 799 CHARD_TP -63.0 25.0 -59.9 12.3 920 ROUND01 9L40 -62.4 7L15 -52.5 -94.1 9L85 1402 SALTCR1 1.1 268.8 1241 LONGLK1 56.8 1.1 263.1 1.0 25.8 9L929 9L56 1409 QUIGL1 -0.0 1.1 148.9 56.1 1.1 148.5 1.0 144.0 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 265.8 9L15 16.3 15241 LONGLK15 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 8.7 7LA114 1226 WABASCA4 page A-3 15.0 -15.7 7L167 9L55 1010 CHARD_01 20.3 -56.8 -0.9 24.5 1.0 144.8 1.0 144.0 0.0 -0.0 -18.5 -14.9 2.8 1.1 266.4 1260 LOU CR.4 -14.9 -15.7H SW -39.7 5.6 1.0 141.9 138 N BARRH4 16.3 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 33.3R 12249 LNGLKCG2 1.1 15.2 6.3 1227 CROWLK7 1.0 142.1 1280 BRINT02 15.0 -15.7 80.0 -26.4 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 1.1 268.7 -79.8 -10.8 9L84 SW 1.1 14.6 1246 LNGLKC02 1276 S-SHINE1 15.0 -13.9 0.7 -79.8 -14.9 -9.1 7L121 -22.5 1249 LNGLKC01 -26.4 M2 1.1 147.2 -8.3 7L02 1.1 147.3 -79.8 -22.7 -5.5 17.8 -25.1 -20.7 4.3 1.1 147.7 1.1 147.3 9.4 1.1 267.0 60.3 -13.9 1008 SALE01 8.1 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 147.2 -11.8 -0.0 -23.2 1.1 265.9 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 148.0 -22.5 5.8 -20.2 -15.9 -15.7H 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 -79.8 30.1R -14.9 M1 -1.8 5.9 80.0 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 15.2 -8.5 1256 SWEETHE7 -8.8 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 4.6 3.6 13.4 1.0 142.7 1.1 147.9 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 1.1 261.0 1405 SALTCR2 1.1 147.3 1.1 147.3 3.5 1.1 265.9 16.6 28.9 -42.3 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 1602 LIVOCKPS 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 267.7 1.1 14.5 G1 7L36 1.1 267.0 1.6 11402 977S901T -60.3 7L135 1.1 149.9 1282 WILL01 1.1 148.4 SW 1.1 265.5 21.1 42.3 -18.0 PST -9.9 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1.1 150.4 1.1 149.9 1.1 149.9 1.1 9L89 20.2 22.7 9L77 10200 848S901T 1201 RUTH LK8 -25.1 -20.2 1224 HANGSTO7 7L194 1.1 267.2 -18.4 13.6 17288 LIVOCK05 -11.7 -34.6 -16.4 -5.9 -43.6 11.7 1.1 264.2 7.5 -51.0 5.7 43.6 -11.8 -16.4 28.4 51.0 1.1 258.9 -43.6 1673 HALF_01 -60.2 10655 DAWE701T 5.6 -28.6 -5.6 -5.7 -11.5 1622 TWR_RD1 21.9 6.8 1.0 24.8 -0.0 -42.3 -51.0 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.8 9L57 9L144 51.1 30.9 7L165 1.1 257.6 -43.0 9L23 -4.2 -9.1 -0.5 1.1 148.4 7 0.0 1462 -15.5 1.1 149.1 1627 7LA97_TP 1.0 247.7 16.9 1239 GREGOIRE -5.1 -4.6 7L155 -20.2 1.1 148.5 -1.1 1.1 265.8 1670 BWC01 -14.1 48.7 71.1 -51.9 -70.7 1.0 20.9 11.5 11200 848S902T 2.6 -5.9 1.0 143.5 -1.5 1.1 150.0 7L47 43.0 -11.6 7.7 11201 848S703T 23.0 -30.8 1202 RUTH LA7 -23.0 1.1 148.9 -43.0 32.2 4.7 -8.1 1.0 143.9 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 24.4 -32.2 3.5 -3.5 1.1 149.6 6.5 -13.0 13.1 1.1 266.9 1.1 268.0 -11.8 1.1 265.8 1203 RUTH LK7 24.3 -24.3 7L71 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 263.7 1.1 258.9 43.7 -41.2R 88.0 -87.5 SW 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 666 DOVER 46.3 9L43 -29.9 3.4 9L07 46.6 1.0 71.7 1.1 149.2 -31.0 -165.7 9L09 9L28 -11.8 1.1 265.8 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.4 62.9 52.0 154.4 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.4 -22.6 9L08 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 262.9 9L58 59 -5.3 -25.9 -22.1 -5.6 -26.0 1.1 267.5 1 60.8R 60.8 14.1 182.2 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 267.2 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 182.2 -123.7 -27.7 82.7 -25.9 -22.1 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 267.4 1.1 258.4 167.4 1.0 18.7 -181.2 1.1 266.3 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 43.1 1274 MACKAY -39.2 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 263.9 -32.7 -86.5 1236 MUSKEG1 13.1 6.8 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 264.0 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -2.5 1603 KEARL240 -51.3 -6.0L -16.9 33.2 1612 SECORD01 1.1 262.7 9L32 6.8 1.1 264.0 -28.9 -90.2 -16.9 1214 EDD34 118.4 1.1 264.0 -63.5 6.5 1.1 267.9 32.5 6.5 -63.6 109.5 1.1 266.3 1.1 266.8 1.1 266.7 109.5 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 140.8 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 21.9 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 265.7 9L69 1625 DAWES138 42.3 -13.2 1.1 147.3 -13.3 -13.2 -12.2 8.3 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 7LA114 7.9 1.1 145.7 468 LEISMER7 9L56 -64.9 -16.5 -16.5 -64.9 26.3 118.4 26.4 56.8 -62.5 25.1 -27.9 -23.7 9L22 27.9 -10.2 10.2 180.7 2.0 21.8 -59.8 -12.8 -59.8 15.9 -45.1 39.7 -39.7 39.7 12.6 10245 KINOSIS5 -12.6 13.5 -46.3 46.3 -15.1 1.1 149.9 1.1 260.5 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 144.9 9L81 -0.0 1.1 149.1 1.1 271.4 1.0 26.0 SW 1.0 4.3 60.7 24.9 1.0 143.7 16.1 -29.8 -66.6 7L104 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 -64.1 -12.0 12.0 99 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -6.6 9L45 29.8 6.0 1687 BOHN_01 19687 BOHN_02 -6.0 1.1 260.5 10291 KR02 -29.8 1245 KINOSIS1 -6.0 11.2 -11.2 11.3 -11.1 10282 898ST1 123.8 51.7 -36.0 -98.8 4.3 53.6 -67.3 9L990 -52.5 1.0 24.7 1.1 266.5 SW 11.2 -11.2 -8.8 8.7 31.4 17282 HEARTLAK -66.2 957L 1090L 971L -116.9 369 CHRISLK1 -73.6 348 LEISMER4 38.7 18.0 17.4 -27.7 879 539S_240 50.5 1.1 267.9 405 CONKLIN1 -52.2 1.1 266.2 1.1 266.3 1.1 145.4 -0.0 SW 39.1 -39.0 -29.8 31.1 428L -13.9 44.5 1949 ILAKE_01 457L 1.1 262.8 2949 ILAKE_02 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L45 2016WP PRE-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:45 306 WINEFRE7 974 PIKE_01 SW -46.7 3.0 1.1 266.7 1.1 145.1 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.1 -49.6 49.7 -22.9 26.1 71.6 36.9R 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 264.4 -1.5 435 1134L_TP 1118L 1.1 145.3 38.7 1 -3.0 1.6 16.2 1116 7.1 1.1 267.0 1.0 14.2 3.1 -10.9 434 189_240 -117.0 1099L 878 JFISH01 39.8 321 HEARTLAK 902 BCKSP_01 35.0 76.7 1291 KR01 1.1 267.1 1.1 266.4 9L930 1117L 10295 KR05 12.2 19.6 -95.5 53.0 1348 WHITFISH 19291 KR04 0.0 6.0 SW 1046 1.1 267.6 9L913 -27.9 7L183 1292 MEAD_144 -126.1 9L85 1402 SALTCR1 7L15 -36.4 1241 LONGLK1 21.1 1.0 144.7 -105.7 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 1.0 25.2 1.1 262.4 56.1 1.0 144.9 -21.0 1.1 261.3 SW 1.1 261.3 2.0 180.7 16.4 1.1 256.2 18291 KR03 67.3 9L47 14.9 20.5 -137.5 1.1 264.7 -0.0 1.1 145.4 1.1 269.1 1.1 267.3 1228 MITS E.4 -67.3 -15.7 21.0 7L114 2.2 1.1 267.8 0.0 -0.0 29.8 799 CHARD_TP 9L40 15.0 -61.5 6.9 13.7 -106.1 1409 QUIGL1 SW -12.7 -14.9 15241 LONGLK15 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 8.7 12249 LNGLKCG2 9L929 9L56 -14.9 -15.7H 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 39.7H -39.7 7L167 9L55 1010 CHARD_01 21.1 -64.6 -0.6 36.1 9L15 1.1 146.8 1.1 146.0 12.3 920 ROUND01 page A-4 16.4 80.0 -32.2 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 1.1 262.4 -79.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -3.1 9L84 SW 1.0 14.4 1.1 14.9 1.1 146.0 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 265.2 1260 LOU CR.4 15.0 -15.7 2.8 1226 WABASCA4 138 N BARRH4 -14.9 5.6 1.0 141.5 1.1 265.8 -79.8 -32.2 5.9 1227 CROWLK7 -31.9 1249 LNGLKC01 -12.9 7L121 1.0 141.6 1280 BRINT02 21.8 7L165 -2.0 7.7 1.0 144.5 -79.8 1276 S-SHINE1 25.6 -13.8 -4.1 13249 LNGLKCG1 M2 1.0 143.6 -8.0 7L02 -31.9 -22.7 -5.5 11.1 -25.1 -42.0 8.1 1.1 147.4 1.1 147.3 13.2 1.1 264.3 51.1 -13.8 1008 SALE01 -0.0 -23.2 1.1 266.0 144 ALGAR 7 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 147.6 -79.8 40.2H 5.9 -20.3 -11.6 -15.7H 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 80.0 -14.9 M1 -5.6 5.6 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 1.1 257.7 1405 SALTCR2 1.0 144.4 1.0 144.5 1.1 14.9 -6.9 1256 SWEETHE7 -8.3 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 22.2 3.6 13.4 1.0 142.3 1.1 147.4 1.0 14.4 3.5 1.1 265.1 16.6 28.9 1602 LIVOCKPS -42.3 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 267.8 1.1 264.3 1.7 11402 977S901T -51.1 7L135 G1 7L36 SW 1.1 264.7 21.1 42.3 -6.4 PST -10.0 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1.1 148.5 1.1 148.1 1.1 148.1 4.9 9L89 20.2 22.7 9L77 -42.3 1.1 148.1 1282 WILL01 1.1 147.9 1.1 264.4 10200 848S901T 1201 RUTH LK8 -25.1 -20.2 1224 HANGSTO7 7L194 17288 LIVOCK05 -13.1 -29.2 -10.2 -8.5 -44.1 13.1 1.1 260.2 4.9 -55.7 8.4 44.1 -13.2 1673 HALF_01 9.8 27.5 55.7 7.1 1.1 257.0 -44.1 -10.1 18.1 10655 DAWE701T 1.1 147.9 -13.0 1622 TWR_RD1 -51.0 -8.4 31.4 -36.9 -13.9 9.7 1.0 24.7 -0.0 -42.3 -55.7 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 264.9 9L57 9L144 55.7 -43.5 9L23 -1.6 -8.2 -1.8 1.1 147.5 1.1 147.1 7 1.1 256.7 0.0 1462 -14.2 1239 GREGOIRE -5.1 1627 7LA97_TP 1.0 246.9 20.8 7L155 -19.3 1.1 147.2 -1.1 1.1 264.9 1670 BWC01 -14.5 50.6 73.7 -44.9 -61.0 1.0 20.8 13.0 11200 848S902T 4.0 -7.4 1.0 142.5 -2.9 1.1 148.6 7L47 43.5 -13.1 9.2 11201 848S703T 23.5 -31.3 1202 RUTH LA7 -23.5 1.1 147.3 -43.5 32.6 6.2 -9.6 1.0 142.9 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 24.8 -32.6 4.9 -4.9 1.1 148.1 6.5 -13.0 13.1 1.1 265.9 1.1 267.4 -11.8 1.1 264.8 1203 RUTH LK7 24.8 -24.8 7L71 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 262.4 1.1 257.1 44.2 -33.7R 88.0 -87.5 SW 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 666 DOVER 38.4 9L43 -31.4 3.4 9L07 33.7 1.0 71.2 1.1 147.7 -36.9 -165.7 9L09 9L28 -11.8 1.1 264.8 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.4 51.3 54.0 160.2 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.4 -20.0 9L08 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 261.6 9L58 59 2.0 -26.9 -23.0 -6.7 -26.9 1.1 266.2 1 67.2R 67.2 15.7 182.2 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 266.1 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 182.2 -122.7 -17.8 90.4 -26.9 -23.0 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 266.0 1.1 257.1 183.3 1.0 18.7 -181.2 1.1 264.8 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 43.6 1274 MACKAY -45.2 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 262.7 -29.4 -83.5 1236 MUSKEG1 13.1 6.0 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 262.8 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -0.2 1603 KEARL240 -51.4 -6.0L -16.9 23.6 1612 SECORD01 1.1 261.4 9L32 6.0 1.1 262.8 -28.9 -77.9 -16.9 1214 EDD34 118.4 1.1 262.9 -71.2 10.6 1.1 265.7 22.8 10.6 -71.3 109.5 1.1 264.9 1.1 265.1 1.1 265.0 109.5 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 142.1 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 21.9 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 268.1 9L69 1625 DAWES138 42.3 -13.2 1.1 147.2 -13.9 -13.9 -9.7 10.8 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 7LA114 8.0 1.0 142.5 468 LEISMER7 9L56 -65.2 -16.5 -16.5 -65.2 22.6 118.4 22.7 -34.9 9L22 -94.2 42.6 -62.4 24.9 -27.7 7L15 -56.7 1241 LONGLK1 56.8 -28.0 28.0 -19.2 19.2 7L183 180.8 -7.7 21.8 -62.1 -45.5 -62.1 14.4 11.7 39.7 -39.7 39.8 20.1 10245 KINOSIS5 -20.1 21.1 -46.3 46.3 -24.1 1.1 149.6 1.1 260.0 11245 KINOSIS6 1.1 148.9 9L81 -97.4 43.5 1292 MEAD_144 -0.0 1.1 148.8 -70.3 1.1 268.3 24.7 1.1 147.8 1.0 26.0 SW 1.0 4.3 60.7 7L104 25.2 -29.6 12.0 99 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 -63.9 -12.0 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -6.6 9L45 29.6 12.3 -73.2 10291 KR02 6.0 1687 BOHN_01 19687 BOHN_02 -6.0 1.1 260.0 -29.6 1245 KINOSIS1 -6.0 4.3 50.8 -49.8 1.0 24.5 1.1 261.8 SW 19.2 11.0 -11.0 9.3 -9.2 10282 898ST1 36.3 17282 HEARTLAK 11.0 -11.0 -66.3 -10.4 10.4 10.1 116.4 -61.3 957L 1.1 261.9 1090L 971L 24.4 1.1 263.1 -0.0 SW 39.1 -39.0 -28.6 29.9 428L -13.9 43.3 405 CONKLIN1 -28.2 1.1 262.2 457L 1.1 261.1 2949 ILAKE_02 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L990 2016WP PRE-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:45 306 WINEFRE7 974 PIKE_01 SW -45.5 3.0 1.1 262.3 1.1 263.0 1.0 143.2 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.0 -49.6 49.7 -29.8 33.5 71.6 44.4H 1.0 143.6 1949 ILAKE_01 -1.5 435 1134L_TP 1118L 1.0 143.4 38.7 24.9 -22.8 879 539S_240 50.5 1116 -4.4 38.7 1 -3.0 1.6 -20.4 434 189_240 -112.1 1.1 263.2 1.0 14.0 3.1 -24.1 9L930 1117L 1099L 878 JFISH01 348 LEISMER4 -6.3 902 BCKSP_01 -111.9 369 CHRISLK1 1291 KR01 1.1 263.3 -5.3 36.4 321 HEARTLAK 10295 KR05 9L990 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 264.4 1348 WHITFISH 19291 KR04 0.0 6.0 SW 1046 1.1 264.3 9L913 1.1 269.7 56.1 1.1 149.0 -138.5 9L85 1402 SALTCR1 21.1 1.0 143.4 -103.7 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition -7.7 180.8 16.3 -21.0 1.1 259.1 SW 1.1 261.3 1.0 25.9 18291 KR03 74.7 9L47 15.8 21.6 -139.2 1.1 264.8 -69.3 -15.7 1.1 264.1 1.1 149.4 1.1 263.3 1.1 264.7 1228 MITS E.4 -0.0 21.0 7L114 2.3 1.1 266.1 0.0 -0.0 29.6 799 CHARD_TP 9L40 15.0 -58.8 6.9 16.3 -109.8 1409 QUIGL1 SW -20.2 -14.9 15241 LONGLK15 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 8.7 12249 LNGLKCG2 9L929 9L56 -14.9 -15.7H 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 31.0R -39.7 7L167 9L55 1010 CHARD_01 23.7 -68.2 -4.6 41.5 9L15 1.0 143.5 1.0 142.7 12.3 920 ROUND01 page A-5 16.3 80.0 -24.3 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 1.1 269.6 -79.8 1246 LNGLKC02 0.5 9L84 SW 1.1 14.6 1.1 15.2 1.0 142.7 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 265.5 1260 LOU CR.4 15.0 -15.7 2.8 1226 WABASCA4 138 N BARRH4 -14.9 5.6 1.0 141.9 1.1 266.2 -79.8 -24.3 8.5 1227 CROWLK7 -20.4 1249 LNGLKC01 -13.6 7L121 1.0 142.0 1280 BRINT02 21.8 7L165 -4.8 8.3 1.1 147.6 -79.8 1276 S-SHINE1 11.9 -13.9 8.5 13249 LNGLKCG1 M2 1.1 147.7 -10.5 7L02 -20.4 -22.7 -5.5 22.2 -25.1 -49.3 8.1 1.1 147.6 1.1 147.2 13.9 1.1 267.3 49.3 -13.9 1008 SALE01 -0.0 -23.2 1.1 265.8 144 ALGAR 7 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 148.0 -79.8 27.8R 5.9 -20.2 -21.6 -15.7H 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 80.0 -14.9 M1 -6.3 8.1 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 1.1 261.0 1405 SALTCR2 1.1 147.6 1.1 147.6 1.1 15.2 -10.7 1256 SWEETHE7 -10.8 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 28.8 3.6 13.4 1.0 142.6 1.1 147.9 1.1 14.5 3.5 1.1 265.7 16.6 28.9 1602 LIVOCKPS -42.3 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 267.3 1.1 267.3 1.6 11402 977S901T -49.3 7L135 G1 7L36 SW 1.1 265.4 21.1 42.3 -1.0 PST -14.0 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1.1 150.5 1.1 149.9 1.1 149.9 5.5 9L89 20.2 22.7 9L77 -45.9 1.1 149.9 1282 WILL01 1.1 148.4 1.1 267.4 10200 848S901T 1201 RUTH LK8 -25.1 -20.2 1224 HANGSTO7 7L194 17288 LIVOCK05 -11.6 -15.3 -21.3 -4.1 -44.4 11.6 1.1 264.6 7.7 -56.6 4.0 44.4 -11.7 1673 HALF_01 18.1 27.0 56.6 5.6 1.1 258.9 -44.4 -21.2 26.6 10655 DAWE701T 1.1 148.4 -11.5 1622 TWR_RD1 -49.2 -4.0 31.6 -38.3 -15.2 5.3 1.0 24.8 -0.0 -42.3 -56.6 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.8 9L57 9L144 56.6 -43.8 9L23 -4.4 -7.7 -0.4 1.1 149.1 1.1 148.4 7 1.1 257.6 0.0 1462 -15.6 1239 GREGOIRE -5.1 1627 7LA97_TP 1.0 247.6 22.6 7L155 -18.8 1.1 148.5 -1.1 1.1 265.8 1670 BWC01 -14.8 46.3 67.6 -41.7 -56.6 1.0 20.9 11.5 11200 848S902T 2.5 -5.9 1.0 143.5 -1.4 1.1 150.0 7L47 43.8 -11.6 7.7 11201 848S703T 23.7 -31.5 1202 RUTH LA7 -23.7 1.1 148.9 -43.8 32.9 4.7 -8.0 1.0 143.9 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 25.1 -32.9 3.4 -3.4 1.1 149.6 6.5 -13.0 13.1 1.1 267.0 1.1 267.8 -11.8 1.1 265.8 1203 RUTH LK7 25.0 -25.0 7L71 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 263.8 1.1 259.0 44.4 -41.3R 88.0 -87.5 SW 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 666 DOVER 46.4 9L43 -26.0 7.1 9L07 27.9 1.0 71.8 1.1 149.2 -30.9 -165.7 9L09 9L28 -11.8 1.1 265.8 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.4 45.9 54.9 162.9 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.4 -23.0 9L08 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 262.9 9L58 59 -6.6 -27.4 -21.8 -5.4 -27.4 1.1 267.5 1 60.7R 60.7 14.2 182.2 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 267.2 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 182.2 -123.7 -30.1 94.1 -27.3 -21.8 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 267.4 1.1 258.5 190.4 1.0 18.7 -181.2 1.1 266.3 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 43.8 1274 MACKAY -39.2 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 263.9 -39.4 -86.6 1236 MUSKEG1 13.1 6.8 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 264.0 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -2.6 1603 KEARL240 -51.3 -6.0L -16.9 36.1 1612 SECORD01 1.1 262.8 9L32 6.8 1.1 264.0 -28.9 -72.9 -16.9 1214 EDD34 118.4 1.1 264.1 -74.8 6.4 1.1 268.1 35.1 6.4 -74.9 109.5 1.1 266.4 1.1 266.9 1.1 266.7 109.5 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 140.1 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 21.9 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 268.4 9L69 42.3 -13.2 1.1 146.3 0.5 0.5 -13.9 6.4 1008 SALE01 39.8 10204 885ST1 -3.6 309 MCMILLA7 -62.5 25.1 -27.9 9L56 12.0 -123.7 -24.8 9L22 -65.1 -16.5 -16.5 -65.1 21.9 118.4 22.0 -9.6 180.8 -9.6 180.8 21.8 -62.5 -41.0 -62.5 13.7 42.3 41.7 13.5 39.7 -39.7 39.7 12.4 10245 KINOSIS5 -12.4 13.3 27.9 -10.0 10.0 -46.2 46.3 -14.9 1.1 149.2 1.1 259.4 11245 KINOSIS6 19291 KR04 1292 MEAD_144 15.8 0.0 -0.0 1.1 262.6 6.0 SW 1.0 25.9 -29.5 1.1 148.4 -67.8 SW 1.0 4.3 60.7 24.9 1.1 145.1 12.0 99 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 -63.6 -12.0 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -6.6 9L45 29.5 -126.1 -44.5 6.0 1687 BOHN_01 19687 BOHN_02 -6.0 1.1 259.4 10291 KR02 -29.5 1245 KINOSIS1 -6.0 4.3 50.5 -7.9 9.9 -9.8 10282 898ST1 -108.5 203.7 43.5 -17.6 9L81 -112.1 44.4 -30.2 9L990 -49.4 1.0 24.4 1.1 261.0 SW 19.0 7.9 7.9 -7.9 -9.5 9.5 -17.7 17282 HEARTLAK -115.3 957L 1090L 971L -165.9 369 CHRISLK1 -151.7 348 LEISMER4 -0.0 SW 39.1 -39.0 -28.2 29.5 1.1 262.0 428L -13.9 42.9 457L 2949 ILAKE_02 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L85 2016WP PRE-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:45 405 CONKLIN1 -23.5 1.1 261.4 306 WINEFRE7 974 PIKE_01 SW -45.1 3.0 1.1 261.5 1.1 262.0 1.0 142.6 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 13.9 -49.6 49.7 -29.8 33.5 71.6 44.4H 1.0 143.0 1949 ILAKE_01 1.1 260.1 24.4 -1.5 435 1134L_TP 879 539S_240 50.5 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 265.0 38.7 24.9 -76.9 1118L 1.0 142.8 38.7 1 -3.0 1.6 -17.5 1116 3.7 1.1 262.4 1.0 13.9 3.1 -9.9 434 189_240 -166.3 1099L 878 JFISH01 33.0 321 HEARTLAK 902 BCKSP_01 1.5 43.3 1291 KR01 1.1 262.5 1.1 261.1 9L930 1117L 10295 KR05 139.4 1.1 263.1 9L913 -27.9 1.1 146.2 7L104 21.1 1.0 142.7 -102.7 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 9L85 1402 SALTCR1 7L183 1046 -21.0 1.1 257.8 SW 1.1 261.8 1.0 25.5 7L15 -37.3 1241 LONGLK1 56.8 1.1 258.5 18291 KR03 -14.7 9L47 1348 WHITFISH -0.0 1.1 264.8 1.1 262.4 1.1 263.5 1.1 265.7 20.3 21.8 7L165 8.0 1.0 142.0 7.3 -75.4 1409 QUIGL1 0.0 -0.0 1.1 146.7 56.1 1.1 146.2 21.0 7L114 2.2 1.1 265.1 12249 LNGLKCG2 SW 29.5 468 LEISMER7 1228 MITS E.4 -50.3 16.4 7L167 9L55 6.9 12.3 920 ROUND01 9L40 -15.7 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 39.7H 9L929 9L56 15.0 -58.5 799 CHARD_TP 9L15 -14.9 -15.7H 80.0 -12.5 -14.9 -34.0 9L84 SW -32.3 1276 S-SHINE1 14.5 1.1 264.7 -79.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -22.7 -5.5 15.7 -39.7 1.0 142.2 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 266.4 page A-6 16.3 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 8.7 7LA114 13.9 -34.0 6.3 -9.6 1.0 143.1 1.0 142.3 1.1 267.7 84.8 1.1 14.5 1.1 15.0 5.6 1010 CHARD_01 1226 WABASCA4 138 N BARRH4 15.0 -15.7 2.8 1.1 266.9 -79.8 -14.9 3.9 1227 CROWLK7 -32.0 -32.3 0.8 7L121 1.1 145.7 -79.8 1249 LNGLKC01 15241 LONGLK15 -5.9 7L02 -32.0 13249 LNGLKCG1 M2 1.1 144.9 -6.1 1.1 146.4 -0.5 1.0 142.0 1260 LOU CR.4 8.1 1.1 147.0 1.0 142.2 1280 BRINT02 -0.0 -23.2 1.1 264.3 144 ALGAR 7 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 147.5 -79.8 40.2H 5.8 -20.2 -13.7 -15.7H 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 80.0 -14.9 M1 8.1 3.5 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 1.1 262.3 1405 SALTCR2 1.1 145.7 1.1 145.7 1.1 15.0 -5.2 1256 SWEETHE7 -6.4 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 -45.8 3.6 13.4 1.0 142.8 1.1 147.5 1.1 14.5 3.5 1.1 266.3 16.6 28.9 1602 LIVOCKPS -42.3 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 266.3 1.1 267.7 1.6 11402 977S901T -84.7 7L135 G1 7L36 SW 1.1 265.6 21.1 42.3 -52.1 PST -2.6 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1.1 151.1 1.1 150.6 1.1 150.6 -8.8 9L89 20.1 22.7 9L77 10200 848S901T 1201 RUTH LK8 -11.4 1.1 150.6 1282 WILL01 1.1 148.0 1.1 267.8 -13.9 1625 DAWES138 -20.1 1224 HANGSTO7 7L194 17288 LIVOCK05 -11.2 -17.9 -12.7 -6.1 -42.2 11.2 1.1 265.2 8.1 -39.1 6.1 42.2 -11.3 1673 HALF_01 9.5 31.2 39.1 5.2 1.1 259.4 -42.2 -13.1 17.7 10655 DAWE701T 1.1 148.0 -11.1 1622 TWR_RD1 -84.5 -6.1 29.5 -7.1 16.0 6.7 1.0 24.8 -0.0 -42.3 -39.1 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 266.0 9L57 9L144 39.1 -41.7 9L23 -4.8 -11.8 -0.2 1.1 148.7 7 1.1 257.0 0.0 1462 -15.1 1.1 149.6 1627 7LA97_TP 1.0 247.9 5.6 1239 GREGOIRE -5.1 -5.2 7L155 -23.0 1.1 148.8 -1.1 1.1 266.0 1670 BWC01 -12.7 73.8 -99.8 50.3 -73.0 1.0 20.9 11.1 11200 848S902T 2.1 -5.5 1.0 143.7 -1.2 1.1 150.4 7L47 41.7 -11.2 7.3 11201 848S703T 21.6 -29.4 1202 RUTH LA7 -21.6 1.1 149.4 -41.7 30.8 4.2 -7.6 1.0 144.1 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 23.0 -30.8 3.1 -3.1 1.1 150.0 6.5 -13.0 13.1 1.1 267.1 1.1 267.4 -11.8 1.1 265.9 1203 RUTH LK7 22.9 -22.9 7L71 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 264.0 1.1 259.4 -25.1 -42.4R 88.0 -87.5 SW 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 666 DOVER 47.6 9L43 -28.6 -2.1 9L07 85.7 1.0 71.9 1.1 149.6 -30.0 -165.7 9L09 9L28 -11.8 1.1 265.9 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.4 97.4 46.1 136.8 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.4 -23.2 9L08 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 263.2 9L58 59 -6.9 -23.0 -22.1 -5.5 -23.0 1.1 267.8 1 59.7R 59.7 -13.9 182.2 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 267.3 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 182.2 -123.9 -28.8 59.4 -23.0 -22.0 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 267.7 1.1 258.7 119.8 1.0 18.7 -181.2 1.1 266.6 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 -25.1 1274 MACKAY -38.2 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 264.2 -29.8 -87.2 1236 MUSKEG1 13.1 7.0 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 264.2 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -3.0 1603 KEARL240 -51.3 -6.0L -16.9 33.6 1612 SECORD01 1.1 263.0 9L32 7.0 1.1 264.2 -28.9 -127.1 -16.9 1214 EDD34 118.4 1.1 264.3 -40.3 5.6 1.1 268.4 33.2 5.6 -40.3 109.5 1.1 266.6 1.1 267.3 1.1 267.0 109.5 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 139.5 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 21.9 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 267.9 9L69 42.3 -13.2 1.1 147.3 -2.6 -2.6 -14.9 5.7 1008 SALE01 25.0 -12.2 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 -5.1 8.0 15.9 -108.5 9L56 -62.5 25.0 -27.8 -65.2 -16.5 -16.5 -65.2 22.7 118.4 22.8 -7.3 180.8 -7.3 21.8 -62.1 -36.7 -62.1 14.1 43.8 13.9 43.2 28.0 -16.5 16.5 -17.5 39.7 -39.7 39.7 17.9 10245 KINOSIS5 -17.9 18.8 -46.3 46.3 -21.4 1.1 149.5 1.1 259.8 11245 KINOSIS6 1.1 148.3 19291 KR04 -0.0 1.1 265.5 1.1 148.6 SW 1.0 4.3 60.7 24.7 1.1 147.2 1.0 26.0 -29.6 -69.7 7L104 22.4 0.0 6.0 SW 1046 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 -63.8 -12.0 12.0 99 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -6.6 9L45 29.6 -62.3 -39.1 6.0 1687 BOHN_01 19687 BOHN_02 -6.0 1.1 259.8 10291 KR02 -29.6 1245 KINOSIS1 -6.0 4.3 51.4 -10.9 9.0 -8.9 10282 898ST1 9L22 -94.6 162.9 40.9 -26.6 -97.8 41.9 9L990 -50.4 1.1 262.8 SW 10.9 -10.9 -10.6 10.6 7.1 17282 HEARTLAK -90.4 957L 1090L -112.0 971L 348 LEISMER4 -0.0 SW 39.1 -39.0 -28.6 29.9 1.1 263.8 428L -13.9 43.4 457L 2949 ILAKE_02 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L47 2016WP PRE-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:45 405 CONKLIN1 -32.5 1.1 262.9 306 WINEFRE7 974 PIKE_01 SW -45.5 3.0 1.1 263.0 1.1 263.4 1.0 143.2 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.0 -49.6 49.7 -29.8 33.5 71.6 44.4H 1.0 143.6 1949 ILAKE_01 1.1 260.8 24.4 -1.5 435 1134L_TP 1118L 1.0 143.5 38.7 25.0 -51.9 879 539S_240 50.5 1116 7.2 38.7 1 -3.0 1.6 -8.2 434 189_240 -141.3 1.1 263.9 1.0 14.0 3.1 -7.4 9L930 1117L 1099L 878 JFISH01 35.7 321 HEARTLAK 902 BCKSP_01 -141.0 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 264.4 1.1 262.8 369 CHRISLK1 1291 KR01 1.1 264.0 11.5 53.1 1.1 264.3 9L81 -41.7 1.0 24.5 19.2 10.9 10295 KR05 74.8 21.1 1.0 143.2 -103.2 9L913 -28.0 7L183 1292 MEAD_144 -63.8 9L85 1402 SALTCR1 7L15 -51.1 1241 LONGLK1 56.8 1.1 262.7 1.0 25.8 1.1 268.5 56.1 1.1 148.3 -21.0 1.1 258.6 SW P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition -0.0 18291 KR03 9L47 15.7 -138.6 180.8 16.3 21.0 7L114 1.0 143.2 1348 WHITFISH 0.0 -0.0 1.1 148.8 1.1 264.6 1.1 264.2 1.1 261.3 12249 LNGLKCG2 SW 29.6 2.3 1.1 268.0 1.1 264.8 21.6 21.8 7L165 6.9 468 LEISMER7 1228 MITS E.4 -68.6 -15.7 -59.4 799 CHARD_TP 9L40 15.0 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 34.0R 9L929 9L56 1409 QUIGL1 80.0 -17.9 -14.9 -17.0 9L84 SW -27.1 1276 S-SHINE1 16.1 1.1 268.4 -79.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -22.7 -5.5 14.0 -39.7 7L167 9L55 7LA114 23.3 -66.9 -4.2 39.6 -14.9 -15.7H 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 8.7 12.3 920 ROUND01 page A-7 16.3 1.0 143.4 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 265.5 9L15 1.0 144.3 1.0 143.5 1.1 267.0 71.9 1.1 14.6 1.1 15.2 5.6 1010 CHARD_01 1226 WABASCA4 138 N BARRH4 15.0 -15.7 2.8 1.1 266.2 -79.8 -14.9 3.1 1227 CROWLK7 -23.2 -27.1 -2.4 7L121 1.1 147.2 -79.8 1249 LNGLKC01 15241 LONGLK15 -5.1 7L02 -23.2 13249 LNGLKCG1 M2 1.1 147.0 -2.9 1.1 147.4 2.6 1.0 141.9 1260 LOU CR.4 8.1 1.1 147.7 1.0 142.0 1280 BRINT02 -0.0 -23.2 1.1 266.0 144 ALGAR 7 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 148.1 -79.8 30.8R 5.8 -20.2 -6.1 -15.7H 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 80.0 -14.9 M1 4.9 2.7 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 1.1 261.4 1405 SALTCR2 1.1 147.2 1.1 147.2 1.1 15.2 -5.4 1256 SWEETHE7 -5.7 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 -34.2 3.6 13.4 1.0 142.7 1.1 147.9 1.1 14.5 3.5 1.1 265.7 16.6 28.9 1602 LIVOCKPS -42.3 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 268.2 1.1 267.0 1.6 11402 977S901T -71.9 7L135 G1 7L36 SW 1.1 265.4 21.1 42.3 -2.9 PST -13.5 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1.1 150.6 1.1 150.1 1.1 150.1 -5.6 9L89 20.2 22.7 9L77 10200 848S901T 1201 RUTH LK8 -28.4 1.1 150.1 1282 WILL01 1.1 148.5 1.1 267.1 -13.9 1625 DAWES138 -20.2 1224 HANGSTO7 7L194 17288 LIVOCK05 -11.4 -19.6 -11.9 -7.2 -43.7 11.4 1.1 264.1 8.0 -45.8 7.1 43.7 -11.5 1673 HALF_01 8.7 28.2 45.8 5.3 1.1 259.0 -43.7 1622 TWR_RD1 -71.7 10655 DAWE701T 1.1 148.5 -11.3 -12.1 6.1 -7.1 31.0 -16.9 16.9 8.0 1.0 24.8 -0.0 -42.3 -45.8 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.8 9L57 9L144 45.8 -43.1 9L23 -4.7 -8.9 -0.2 1.1 149.2 1.1 148.5 7 1.1 257.7 0.0 1462 -15.6 1239 GREGOIRE -5.1 1627 7LA97_TP 1.0 247.6 21.9 7L155 -20.0 1.1 148.7 -1.1 1.1 265.8 1670 BWC01 -14.2 49.6 72.5 -57.3 -78.1 1.0 20.9 11.3 11200 848S902T 2.3 -5.7 1.0 143.5 -1.3 1.1 150.1 7L47 43.1 -11.3 7.5 11201 848S703T 23.1 -30.9 1202 RUTH LA7 -23.1 1.1 149.0 -43.1 32.3 4.4 -7.8 1.0 143.9 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 24.5 -32.3 3.2 -3.2 1.1 149.7 6.5 -13.0 13.1 1.1 266.9 1.1 268.2 -11.8 1.1 265.8 1203 RUTH LK7 24.4 -24.4 7L71 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 263.7 1.1 259.0 -25.1 -41.2R 88.0 -87.5 SW 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 666 DOVER 46.3 9L43 -35.9 6.6 9L07 80.7 1.0 71.8 1.1 149.3 -31.0 -165.7 9L09 9L28 -11.8 1.1 265.8 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.4 47.8 50.4 149.7 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.4 -22.5 9L08 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 262.9 9L58 59 -4.9 -25.1 -22.2 -5.7 -25.2 1.1 267.5 1 60.8R 60.8 -13.9 182.2 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 267.2 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 182.2 -123.7 -26.8 76.5 -25.1 -22.2 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 267.4 1.1 258.4 154.5 1.0 18.7 -181.2 1.1 266.3 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 -25.1 1274 MACKAY -39.2 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 263.9 -27.5 -86.5 1236 MUSKEG1 13.1 6.8 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 264.0 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -2.4 1603 KEARL240 -51.3 -6.0L -16.9 32.1 1612 SECORD01 1.1 262.7 9L32 6.8 1.1 264.0 -28.9 -102.1 -16.9 1214 EDD34 118.4 1.1 264.0 -57.3 6.5 1.1 267.9 31.5 6.5 -57.4 109.5 1.1 266.3 1.1 266.8 1.1 266.6 109.5 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 140.3 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 21.9 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 ATTACHMENT B Post-Connection System Power Flow Plots ATCO Electric B-1 R1 B-1 System Power Flow Results Power Flow Diagrams The post-connection power flow diagrams for Categories A and B contingencies are provided in this section. The following table presents the list of the power flow diagrams. Table B-1: List of Post-Connection Power Flow Diagrams Scenario Scenario 2 (2016WP-Post Project) Scenario 3 (2017SP-Post Project) Power Flow Diagram Page Number N-G-0, System Normal Condition B-3 N-G-1, Loss of 9L45 B-4 N-G-1, Loss of 9L990 B-5 N-G-1, Loss of 9L85 B-6 N-G-1, Loss of 9L47 B-7 N-G-0, System Normal Condition B-8 N-G-1, Loss of 9L45 B-9 N-G-1, Loss of 9L990 B-10 N-G-1, Loss of 9L85 B-11 N-G-1, Loss of 9L47 B-12 NOTES: Other power flow diagrams will be provided upon request. ATCO Electric B-2 R1 1.1 267.7 9L69 1239 GREGOIRE 1.1 149.3 -5.1 1625 DAWES138 42.1 -13.2 -9.2 -9.2 9.0 3.6 309 MCMILLA7 7.9 1.0 143.7 13.1 -97.9 1046 9L56 14.5 -133.9 -30.2 9L22 51.9 -64.5 -15.7 -15.7 -64.5 23.0 117.6 23.1 -4.8 181.3 -4.8 181.3 -10.2 10.2 -10.1 5.9 19687 BOHN_02 10282 898ST1 -98.8 145.5 46.2 -18.5 -10.2 9.5 9L81 -102.2 47.3 -80.2 957L -63.0 -34.0 13.6 9L23 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -7.1 7.1 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -3.4 1687 3.7 -63.6 -10.3 -27.5 -0.0 SW 1348 WHITFISH 39.1 -39.0 -28.9 30.2 1.1 902 264.4 BCKSP_01 1.1 263.2 1090L -130.7 971L 38.8 38.8 25.0 24.4 1099L 43.6 -40.9 457L 1.1 261.4 2949 ILAKE_02 CATEGORY A, N-0 2016WP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:48 306 WINEFRE7 1.0 14.0 1 -3.0 1.6 -1.5 3.0 -35.2 1.1 263.4 -49.6 49.8 -29.9 33.5 974 PIKE_01 21.8 1.1 263.5 1.1 264.1 1.0 143.7 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 71.6 44.4H 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.0 435 1134L_TP 879 539S_240 51.1 SW -45.8 1291 KR01 -14.7 1.1 264.4 -13.9 1245 KINOSIS1 3.1 -11.3 1.0 144.1 428L -51.7 -9.6 1.1 264.5 878 JFISH01 1949 ILAKE_01 -28.5 10295 KR05 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 264.6 9L45 27.5 27.5 18291 KR03 1116 1.0 143.9 -9.6 1.1 259.4 10291 KR02 BOHN_01 25.0 434 189_240 1.7 1.0 25.9 SW -19.2 7.4 348 LEISMER4 1.1 265.4 9.6 7.1 369 CHRISLK1 -95.1 26.2 -27.5 9L990 48.7 19291 KR04 0.0 -0.0 -26.1 17.2 17282 HEARTLAK -130.0 1.1 259.4 9.6 1.1 263.2 321 HEARTLAK 46.2 1.1 149.2 1.1 147.9 9L930 1117L 21.9 4.3 1242 KINOSIS2 SW 10.2 -20.9 -25.1 -50.8 -9.5 39.7 20.9 10245 KINOSIS5 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition 1.0 19.3 10.2 22.3 -63.0 22.3 99 60.7 1.0 24.6 1.1 265.2 9L913 -69.2 47.9 1.0 143.7 -39.7 -46.2 12.0 1.1 146.6 21.0 44.6 9L47 -104.1 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 1292 MEAD_144 -11.8 39.7 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 4.3 SW 24.8 -20.9 1.1 259.5 SW 1.1 261.5 20.2 1.1 147.7 7L104 20.9 7L114 2.2 1.1 266.6 1.1 265.1 21.2 -27.8 27.9 -20.2 7L183 1.1 264.9 1.1 265.3 1228 MITS E.4 -62.7 25.0 -27.9 1 468 LEISMER7 9L40 -62.5 7L15 -57.1 -97.6 9L85 1402 SALTCR1 1.1 267.5 1241 LONGLK1 56.8 1.1 262.2 1.0 25.7 9L929 9L56 1409 QUIGL1 -0.0 1.1 148.2 56.3 1.1 147.8 7L167 9L55 6.8 12.2 920 ROUND01 page B-3 16.4 -59.8 799 CHARD_TP 1260 LOU CR.4 -15.7 15241 LONGLK15 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 8.6 7LA114 1226 WABASCA4 138 N BARRH4 15.0 1.0 143.9 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 265.8 9L15 1010 CHARD_01 20.2 -56.6 -0.7 24.2 1.0 144.7 1.0 143.9 0.0 -0.0 -21.0 -14.9 2.8 1.1 266.4 -15.5 -14.9 -15.7H SW -39.7 5.6 1.0 141.9 16.7 16.3 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 8.4R 12249 LNGLKCG2 1.1 15.1 6.5 1227 CROWLK7 1.0 142.1 1280 BRINT02 15.0 -15.7 80.0 -2.5 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 1.1 267.5 -79.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -9.5 9L84 SW 1.1 14.6 -13.8 10204 885ST1 -79.8 -14.9 -8.9 7L121 -28.7 1249 LNGLKC01 -2.5 M2 1.1 146.5 -8.5 7L02 1.1 146.4 -79.8 1276 S-SHINE1 17.1 -25.0 1.5 8.0 1.1 147.7 1.1 147.2 9.2 -28.7 -22.6 -5.5 20.1 -13.8 -19.6 28.2 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 147.2 -11.6 -0.0 -23.1 1.1 265.9 -15.7H 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 148.0 -79.8 36.6R -14.9 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 80.0 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 15.1 M1 -1.6 1.1 266.7 60.3 -25.0 1008 SALE01 -60.2 -8.7 6.1 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 1.1 261.5 1405 SALTCR2 1.1 146.3 1.1 146.4 G1 7L36 1.1 266.7 1.6 11402 977S901T -60.3 7L135 5.8 -42.1 -16.5 22.6 9L77 1.1 150.7 1.1 150.2 1282 WILL01 1256 SWEETHE7 1.1 266.8 10200 848S901T 1201 RUTH LK8 1.1 150.2 -18.6 -9.0 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 3.8 3.6 13.3 1.0 142.7 1.1 147.9 -11.0 -35.8 3.5 1.1 265.9 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 267.6 -20.1 21.0 -18.1 42.1 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 28.8 1602 LIVOCKPS 1.1 265.4 16.6 PST -9.6 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 -43.5 11.0 -20.5 1.1 150.2 1.0 9L89 20.1 1224 HANGSTO7 1.1 148.4 43.5 -11.1 1.1 263.6 8.7 7L194 17288 LIVOCK05 -20.1 4.5 1.1 14.5 -5.3 -4.9 30.8 1.1 259.1 -43.5 1673 HALF_01 23.0 -50.7 4.8 -10.9 -18.6 SW -42.1 50.7 11201 848S703T 22.9 -30.7 1.5 -4.8 1.0 143.5 14.8 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.8 9L57 9L144 10655 DAWE701T 0.0 -43.0 11200 848S902T -28.3 1.1 148.4 -4.8 1.0 24.8 0.0 1462 1.0000 5.9 1.0375 1.0 247.7 -0.5 1.1 150.1 10.9 1622 TWR_RD1 1627 7LA97_TP -50.7 7L47 4.2 1.1 148.6 7 -5.8 7L155 -20.1 1.1 148.7 1.1 257.7 50.7 1202 RUTH LA7 -22.9 43.0 -10.9 7.5 7L165 -5.4 -9.0 -0.3 -14.2 48.8 71.4 -52.1 -70.9 6.5 -13.1 13.2 1.0 20.9 -1.1 1.1 265.8 1670 BWC01 1.1 149.0 -43.0 32.2 4.5 -7.8 1.0 144.0 3.3 -3.3 1.1 149.7 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 24.4 -32.2 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 263.6 1.1 259.1 43.6 -40.9R 88.5 88.5 SW 1.1 266.9 1.1 268.0 -11.7 1.1 265.8 1203 RUTH LK7 24.4 -24.4 7L71 -40.9 9L43 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 1.1 149.3 -31.5 -164.6 -30.2 47.1 1.0 71.8 666 DOVER 9L07 3.0 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 262.8 9L58 59 9L09 9L28 -11.7 1.1 265.8 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.3 62.9 51.9 154.1 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.3 -22.3 9L08 1 61.0R 61.0 13.4 181.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 267.1 -4.3 -25.9 -22.3 -5.8 -25.9 1.1 267.4 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 181.0 -123.7 -25.8 83.0 -25.9 -22.2 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 267.3 1.1 258.4 169.6 1.0 18.7 -180.1 1.1 266.2 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 43.0 1274 MACKAY -39.7 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 263.8 -33.5 -85.8 1236 MUSKEG1 13.2 6.7 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 263.9 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -2.2 1603 KEARL240 -51.7 -6.0L -16.4 31.3 1612 SECORD01 1.1 262.6 9L32 6.7 1.1 263.9 -28.1 -90.9 -16.4 1214 EDD34 117.6 1.1 264.0 -63.9 8.4 1.1 267.7 30.6 8.4 -64.0 111.0 1.1 266.2 1.1 266.7 1.1 266.5 111.0 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 142.6 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 265.7 9L69 1239 GREGOIRE 1.1 147.8 -5.1 1625 DAWES138 42.1 -13.2 1.1 147.3 -12.6 -12.6 -12.1 8.5 7.0 309 MCMILLA7 -27.9 1046 7L167 9L55 13.6 -104.8 7.8 1.1 145.8 9L56 -24.4 9L22 -11.0 11.2 -11.1 53.8 -64.5 -15.7 -15.7 -64.5 26.1 117.6 26.2 3.6 181.3 3.6 181.3 10282 898ST1 -96.2 127.6 51.5 -34.9 9L81 -99.4 52.7 99 5.9 60.7 19687 BOHN_02 8.8 -69.4 957L -61.2 -10.5 15.0 9L23 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -7.1 7.1 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -3.4 1687 3.7 -65.0 -10.3 -28.3 1090L 1.1 902 266.9 BCKSP_01 -119.8 -0.0 SW 1348 WHITFISH 971L 38.8 38.8 18.6 18.0 1099L -30.0 39.1 -39.0 -29.8 31.1 44.5 -51.1 1.1 266.0 457L 1.1 262.7 2949 ILAKE_02 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L45 2016WP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:48 306 WINEFRE7 974 PIKE_01 SW -46.6 -1.5 3.0 -49.6 49.8 -23.4 26.7 21.8 1.1 266.2 1.1 266.5 1.1 145.0 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 71.6 37.5R 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.1 435 1134L_TP 879 539S_240 51.1 1.1 267.7 -13.9 1 -3.0 1.6 -11.0 1.1 145.4 428L 1.0 14.1 3.1 14.3 878 JFISH01 1949 ILAKE_01 1291 KR01 1.1 266.9 1.1 266.2 1245 KINOSIS1 -9.6 10295 KR05 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 264.4 9L45 28.3 28.3 18291 KR03 1116 1.1 145.2 -9.6 1.1 262.2 10291 KR02 BOHN_01 39.1 434 189_240 6.9 1.0 26.2 SW -19.2 33.0 348 LEISMER4 1.1 270.9 9.6 7.1 369 CHRISLK1 -77.5 16.3 -28.3 9L990 74.6 19291 KR04 0.0 -0.0 -64.3 28.2 17282 HEARTLAK -119.1 1.1 262.2 9.6 1.1 266.3 321 HEARTLAK 46.2 1.1 150.9 4.3 1242 KINOSIS2 SW -11.0 13.7 -15.4 -52.7 11.0 -12.8 1.1 149.5 9L930 1117L 22.3 -61.2 22.3 -66.5 1.0 24.7 -8.8 39.6 12.8 10245 KINOSIS5 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition 1.0 19.5 11.0 -39.6 -46.2 12.0 1.0 143.6 1.1 267.5 9L913 1292 MEAD_144 -45.4 39.6 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 4.3 SW 19.4 1.0 144.6 -105.5 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 10.4 1.0 144.8 7L104 21.0 1.1 261.2 SW 1.1 261.3 27.9 -10.5 24.9 -20.9 63.7 9L47 14.8 -136.9 20.6 25.1 -27.9 7L183 1.1 268.8 1.1 267.1 1.1 264.8 -66.5 -62.5 20.9 7L114 2.2 1.1 267.7 468 LEISMER7 9L40 56.8 7L15 -36.8 1241 LONGLK1 -125.9 9L85 1402 SALTCR1 1.1 262.2 56.3 1.0 144.8 1.1 256.0 1.0 25.2 9L929 9L56 1409 QUIGL1 -0.0 1.1 145.3 1 799 CHARD_TP page B-4 16.4 -61.6 6.8 12.2 920 ROUND01 1228 MITS E.4 1260 LOU CR.4 -15.7 15241 LONGLK15 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 8.6 7LA114 1226 WABASCA4 138 N BARRH4 15.0 1.1 146.1 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 265.3 9L15 1010 CHARD_01 20.8 -63.4 -0.4 34.4 1.1 146.9 1.1 146.1 0.0 -0.0 -12.9 -14.9 2.8 1.1 265.9 -14.3 -14.9 -15.7H SW -39.6 5.6 1.0 141.5 20.2 16.4 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 23.5R 12249 LNGLKCG2 1.1 14.9 6.0 1227 CROWLK7 1.0 141.7 1280 BRINT02 15.0 -15.7 80.0 -17.2 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 1.1 262.2 -79.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -2.7 9L84 SW 1.1 14.6 -13.8 10204 885ST1 -79.8 -14.9 -12.3 7L121 -31.9 1249 LNGLKC01 -17.1 M2 1.0 143.5 -8.0 7L02 1.0 144.3 -79.8 1276 S-SHINE1 26.5 -25.0 -3.7 8.0 1.1 147.5 1.1 147.3 12.6 -15.7H 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 147.7 -31.9 -22.6 -5.5 13.9 -13.8 -38.5 27.4 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 264.3 52.0 1.1 258.6 1405 SALTCR2 1.0 144.3 -14.9 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 -79.8 40.2H 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 14.9 M1 -5.0 5.6 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 -25.0 1008 SALE01 -51.9 -7.3 1.1 264.3 1.7 11402 977S901T -52.0 1.0 144.3 -13.0 -0.0 -23.1 1.1 266.0 1.1 149.0 80.0 5.9 -42.1 -11.9 22.6 9L77 7L135 G1 7L36 1256 SWEETHE7 1.1 264.4 10200 848S901T 1201 RUTH LK8 1.1 148.6 1.1 148.6 1282 WILL01 -8.5 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 19.4 3.6 13.3 1.0 142.3 1.1 147.5 -12.3 -42.5 3.5 1.1 265.2 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 267.8 -20.2 21.0 -7.9 42.1 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 28.8 1602 LIVOCKPS 1.1 264.8 16.6 PST -9.7 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 -43.9 12.3 -30.1 1.1 148.6 4.4 9L89 20.1 1224 HANGSTO7 1.1 148.0 43.9 -12.4 1.1 260.0 6.4 7L194 17288 LIVOCK05 -20.1 5.8 1.1 257.4 -43.9 1673 HALF_01 19.4 -7.5 31.2 1.0 14.4 -12.8 -54.9 7.3 -12.2 -12.9 SW -42.1 54.9 11201 848S703T 23.3 -31.1 2.8 -6.1 1.0 142.7 11.1 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 264.9 9L57 9L144 10655 DAWE701T 0.0 -43.4 11200 848S902T -35.7 1.1 148.0 -7.3 1.0 24.7 0.0 1462 1.0000 8.6 1.0375 1.0 247.0 -1.7 1.1 148.8 12.2 1622 TWR_RD1 1627 7LA97_TP -54.9 7L47 4.2 1.1 147.5 7 -3.5 7L155 -19.3 1.1 147.6 1.1 257.0 54.9 1202 RUTH LA7 -23.3 43.4 -12.2 8.8 7L165 -3.1 -8.2 -1.5 -14.5 50.8 73.9 -45.9 -62.3 6.5 -13.1 13.2 1.0 20.8 -1.1 1.1 264.9 1670 BWC01 1.1 147.7 -43.4 32.6 5.8 -9.2 1.0 143.1 4.5 -4.5 1.1 148.4 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 24.8 -32.6 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 262.5 1.1 257.4 44.0 -34.2R 88.5 88.5 SW 1.1 266.0 1.1 267.5 -11.7 1.1 264.9 1203 RUTH LK7 24.8 -24.8 7L71 -34.2 9L43 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 1.1 148.0 -36.8 -164.6 -32.2 35.7 1.0 71.3 666 DOVER 9L07 3.0 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 261.7 9L58 59 9L09 9L28 -11.7 1.1 264.9 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.3 52.7 53.6 159.2 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.3 -19.9 9L08 1 66.7R 66.7 14.9 181.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 266.2 2.2 -26.7 -23.1 -6.8 -26.8 1.1 266.2 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 181.0 -122.8 -17.0 89.8 -26.7 -23.1 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 266.1 1.1 257.2 183.6 1.0 18.7 -180.1 1.1 264.9 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 43.4 1274 MACKAY -45.0 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 262.8 -29.5 -83.2 1236 MUSKEG1 13.2 6.0 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 262.8 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -0.2 1603 KEARL240 -51.7 -6.0L -16.4 22.7 1612 SECORD01 1.1 261.5 9L32 6.0 1.1 262.8 -28.1 -80.0 -16.4 1214 EDD34 117.6 1.1 263.0 -70.7 12.1 1.1 265.7 21.9 12.1 -70.7 111.0 1.1 265.0 1.1 265.1 1.1 265.0 111.0 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 142.0 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 267.6 9L69 1239 GREGOIRE 1.1 149.1 -5.1 1625 DAWES138 42.1 -13.2 -14.1 -9.6 11.0 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 9L56 799 CHARD_TP -62.5 25.0 -27.8 7L167 1046 -34.8 9L22 -94.2 42.7 -64.6 -15.7 -15.7 -64.6 23.1 117.6 23.2 -4.4 181.3 -4.4 181.3 -11.0 9.3 -9.2 10282 898ST1 9L81 -97.4 43.7 SW 1292 MEAD_144 -69.4 8.0 26.7 -62.9 -38.0 13.8 21.8 10245 KINOSIS5 -21.8 22.7 99 5.9 19687 BOHN_02 1.1 260.5 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -61.6 957L -64.1 -10.3 11.0 -11.0 -65.8 -10.3 10.3 10.3 -7.1 7.1 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -3.4 1687 3.7 -27.8 1.1 902 263.3 BCKSP_01 1.1 262.0 1090L -112.1 -0.0 SW 1348 WHITFISH 971L 38.8 38.8 25.0 24.4 1099L -22.2 -39.0 -28.6 29.9 -13.9 43.4 457L 1.1 261.1 2949 ILAKE_02 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L990 2016WP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:48 306 WINEFRE7 -1.5 3.0 -28.7 1.1 262.3 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.0 -49.6 49.8 -29.9 33.5 974 PIKE_01 1.1 262.4 1.1 263.1 1.0 143.2 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 71.6 21.8 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 36 44.4H 879 539S_240 51.1 SW -45.5 1 -3.0 1.6 435 1134L_TP 1.0 143.6 428L 1.0 14.0 -20.5 1116 39.1 1291 KR01 3.1 -23.7 1.1 263.2 1949 ILAKE_01 1245 KINOSIS1 10295 KR05 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 264.4 19.5 -69.5 -9.6 1.1 263.4 878 JFISH01 434 189_240 1.0 143.5 9L45 27.8 27.8 18291 KR03 BOHN_01 9L930 -4.1 -9.6 1.1 260.5 9.6 7.1 369 CHRISLK1 348 LEISMER4 1.0 26.0 10291 KR02 -5.0 36.6 1.1 266.5 SW -19.2 9L990 35.8 27.2 -0.0 9.6 4.3 1242 KINOSIS2 19291 KR04 0.0 -27.8 1.1 148.5 1.1 261.9 -6.7 46.2 1.1 149.9 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition 1.0 17282 HEARTLAK -111.4 39.7 -26.1 -50.1 321 HEARTLAK 4.3 -39.7 -46.2 12.0 60.7 SW -145.6 9L85 39.7 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 4.4 1.1 148.0 1.0 24.5 115.7 1117L 22.3 -62.9 22.3 7L183 7L104 19.2 11.0 9L23 21.2 1.1 146.9 1.1 264.3 9L913 27.9 -21.2 24.8 51.1 1.0 143.5 -103.7 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition -27.9 21.0 1.1 259.1 SW 1.1 261.3 7L15 -59.0 1241 LONGLK1 56.8 1.1 262.6 1.0 25.8 1.1 267.9 56.3 1.1 148.0 -20.9 76.0 9L47 15.9 -139.4 21.6 -69.5 1.1 264.8 9L40 16.4 1.1 263.4 1.1 264.8 1228 MITS E.4 page B-5 15.0 -15.7 5.8 9L55 468 LEISMER7 16.3 -110.2 8.0 1.0 142.8 -0.0 1402 SALTCR1 20.9 7L114 2.3 1.1 266.2 0.0 -0.0 1.1 148.5 1 12.2 920 ROUND01 SW -21.8 -14.9 -59.1 6.9 12249 LNGLKCG2 9L929 9L56 9L15 1409 QUIGL1 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 7.5R -39.7 1.0 143.0 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 265.5 1260 LOU CR.4 -14.9 -15.7H 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 8.6 7LA114 23.6 -68.8 -4.4 42.5 1.0 143.9 1.0 143.0 1010 CHARD_01 1226 WABASCA4 138 N BARRH4 16.3 80.0 -1.6 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 1.1 267.8 -79.8 1246 LNGLKC02 2.6 9L84 SW 1.1 14.6 1.1 15.1 2.8 1.1 266.1 -15.5 15.0 -15.7 5.6 1.0 141.8 22.8 -14.9 8.6 1227 CROWLK7 -79.8 1276 S-SHINE1 14.9 -13.8 8.5 -27.8 1249 LNGLKC01 -13.8 7L121 1.1 146.5 -79.8 -22.6 -5.5 23.9 -25.0 -50.6 -27.8 15241 LONGLK15 -10.6 7L02 -79.8 35.7R -1.6 M2 1.1 146.7 8.5 1.1 147.2 14.1 -15.7H 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 148.0 1.1 147.6 1.0 142.0 1280 BRINT02 1290 HORSERV7 1.1 266.7 48.2 1.1 261.2 1405 SALTCR2 1.1 146.5 -14.9 7L38 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 147.2 -14.1 -48.2 80.0 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 15.1 M1 -6.5 8.3 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 11402 977S901T -13.8 1008 SALE01 -23.0 -0.0 -23.1 1.1 265.9 1.1 150.6 1.1 146.5 -48.1 -10.9 1.1 266.7 1.6 -25.0 -21.5 22.6 9L77 7L135 G1 7L36 1256 SWEETHE7 1.1 266.8 10200 848S901T 1201 RUTH LK8 1.1 150.0 1.1 150.0 1282 WILL01 -11.0 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 29.9 3.6 1.0 142.6 1.1 147.9 -11.0 -47.9 3.5 1.1 265.6 13.3 28.8 -42.1 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 267.3 -20.1 21.0 0.1 42.1 1.1 265.3 16.6 PST 1602 LIVOCKPS -13.8 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 -44.3 11.0 -18.3 1.1 150.0 5.9 9L89 20.1 1224 HANGSTO7 1.1 148.4 44.3 -11.1 1.1 263.7 8.7 7L194 17288 LIVOCK05 -20.1 4.6 1.1 258.9 -44.3 1673 HALF_01 27.4 -3.5 31.6 1.1 14.5 -15.9 -56.8 3.3 -10.9 -22.9 SW -42.1 56.8 11201 848S703T 23.7 -31.5 1.5 -4.9 1.0 143.4 18.9 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.7 9L57 9L144 10655 DAWE701T -0.0 -43.7 11200 848S902T -39.0 1.1 148.4 -3.3 1.0 24.8 0.0 1462 1.0000 4.7 1.0375 1.0 247.5 -0.5 1.1 150.0 10.9 1622 TWR_RD1 1627 7LA97_TP -56.8 7L47 4.2 1.1 148.4 7 -5.8 7L155 -18.5 1.1 148.6 1.1 257.7 56.8 1202 RUTH LA7 -23.7 43.7 -11.0 7.6 7L165 -5.4 -7.4 -0.3 -14.9 46.6 68.1 -41.1 -55.8 6.5 -13.1 13.2 1.0 20.9 -1.1 1.1 265.7 1670 BWC01 1.1 148.9 -43.7 33.0 4.6 -7.9 1.0 143.9 3.3 -3.3 1.1 149.6 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 25.2 -33.0 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 263.6 1.1 259.0 44.4 -40.3R 88.5 88.5 SW 1.1 266.8 1.1 267.8 -11.7 1.1 265.7 1203 RUTH LK7 25.1 -25.1 7L71 -40.3 9L43 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 1.1 149.2 -32.0 -164.6 -26.8 27.0 1.0 71.8 666 DOVER 9L07 6.8 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 262.7 9L58 59 9L09 9L28 -11.7 1.1 265.7 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.3 44.6 55.0 163.2 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.3 -22.5 9L08 1 61.5R 61.5 13.6 181.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 267.0 -5.0 -27.4 -22.1 -5.6 -27.4 1.1 267.3 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 181.0 -123.6 -27.3 95.2 -27.4 -22.0 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 267.2 1.1 258.3 194.4 1.0 18.7 -180.1 1.1 266.1 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 43.8 1274 MACKAY -40.1 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 263.8 -39.2 -85.6 1236 MUSKEG1 13.2 6.7 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 263.9 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -2.1 1603 KEARL240 -51.7 -6.0L -16.4 33.3 1612 SECORD01 1.1 262.6 9L32 6.7 1.1 263.9 -28.1 -72.3 -16.4 1214 EDD34 117.6 1.1 264.0 -76.0 8.6 1.1 267.6 32.3 8.6 -76.1 111.0 1.1 266.2 1.1 266.6 1.1 266.4 111.0 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 142.0 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 268.4 9L69 1.1 150.0 1.0000 1625 DAWES138 -20.1 42.1 1008 SALE01 43.1 -13.2 8.7 1.2 1.2 -13.6 6.7 309 MCMILLA7 8.0 9L56 56.8 -62.5 25.0 -27.9 1046 -26.0 SW 9L22 9L913 9L81 7.6 -7.6 9.6 -9.5 10282 898ST1 -64.4 -15.7 -15.7 -64.4 21.8 117.6 21.8 -8.0 181.3 -8.0 207.5 42.1 -13.6 -112.8 1292 MEAD_144 -66.9 99 -0.0 SW 8.0 -0.0 -63.5 -38.6 12.8 42.2 12.6 41.6 5.9 60.7 9.7 19687 BOHN_02 9L23 1.1 257.7 -118.4 957L -0.0 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -7.1 7.1 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -3.4 1687 3.7 -62.8 -10.3 -27.1 -39.0 -28.0 29.3 1.1 902 261.7 BCKSP_01 1.1 260.3 1090L -168.8 42.7 457L 2949 ILAKE_02 306 WINEFRE7 1291 KR01 971L 38.8 38.8 24.9 24.4 1099L -79.1 1.0 13.9 1 3.1 -3.0 1.6 -1.5 3.0 -49.6 49.8 -29.8 33.5 21.8 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 974 PIKE_01 1.1 260.8 1.1 261.4 1.0 142.2 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 71.6 44.4H 435 1134L_TP 879 539S_240 51.1 -19.4 1.1 260.7 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 13.9 -11.0 SW -44.9 1245 KINOSIS1 -9.6 -22.7 1.1 261.2 -13.9 -47.6 10295 KR05 1.0 142.6 428L -125.9 27.1 18291 KR03 1116 39.1 9L45 27.1 1.1 261.8 878 JFISH01 1949 ILAKE_01 -9.6 1.1 257.7 10291 KR02 BOHN_01 29.8 1.0 142.5 1.0 25.8 SW -19.2 -3.8 348 LEISMER4 1.1 261.2 9.6 7.1 369 CHRISLK1 -155.6 17.5 -27.1 9L990 38.0 19291 KR04 0.0 9.6 -21.9 434 189_240 2.3 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L85 2016WP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:49 46.2 1.1 148.3 4.3 1242 KINOSIS2 -20.9 321 HEARTLAK 1.1 259.8 14.7 1.1 146.9 1.1 260.2 17282 HEARTLAK -168.4 -13.8 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition 1.0 SW -7.6 39.6 13.8 10245 KINOSIS5 -16.5 -49.2 7.6 -39.6 -46.2 12.0 9L930 1117L 22.3 -63.5 22.3 SW 1.0 24.3 -9.7 9L85 39.6 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 4.3 1.1 145.2 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 265.0 1348 WHITFISH page B-6 -109.1 43.0 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 11.6 1.0 144.0 1.1 262.5 1.1 261.9 27.9 -11.6 7L183 7L104 19.0 -102.3 138 N BARRH4 -27.9 24.8 50.2 1.1 256.9 1402 SALTCR1 146.6 1.0 142.5 -0.0 1.0 25.3 7L15 -39.3 1241 LONGLK1 21.0 1.1 257.3 0.0 -0.0 1.1 263.0 56.3 1.1 145.2 -20.9 -18.1 9L47 11.9 -123.2 1.1 265.7 12249 LNGLKCG2 SW 1.1 145.7 1.1 261.4 1.1 263.0 1228 MITS E.4 181.3 16.4 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 21.2R 9L929 1.0 141.7 468 LEISMER7 20.4 -15.7 7L167 9L55 1409 QUIGL1 80.0 -13.9 15.0 20.9 7L114 2.3 1.1 264.7 799 CHARD_TP -49.7 -14.9 -15.7H 15.5 -39.6 -14.9 1276 S-SHINE1 -33.5 9L84 SW -15.0 -22.6 -5.5 18.9 1.1 262.9 -79.8 1246 LNGLKC02 1 12.2 920 ROUND01 9L40 16.4 -58.2 6.9 1.1 267.6 85.8 1.1 14.6 1.1 14.9 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 8.6 7.1 -74.2 1.0 142.8 1.0 142.0 7LA114 13.7 -32.9 9L56 9L15 15.0 -15.7 5.6 1010 CHARD_01 1226 WABASCA4 1260 LOU CR.4 -79.8 -14.9 4.1 1227 CROWLK7 -31.9 -15.0 1.4 7L121 1.0 144.6 -79.8 1249 LNGLKC01 1.0 142.0 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 266.4 -15.2 -31.9 2.8 1.1 267.0 5.0 -79.8 40.2H 15241 LONGLK15 -6.1 7L02 80.0 13249 LNGLKCG1 M2 1.0 143.9 -6.7 1.1 146.3 -1.2 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 147.5 1.1 147.0 1.0 142.1 6.5 -11.2 1290 HORSERV7 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 146.3 -15.7H 7L38 3.7 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 1.1 263.1 1405 SALTCR2 1.0 144.6 -14.9 M1 -5.6 1.0 142.2 1280 BRINT02 -85.6 1.1 14.9 SW -23.1 1.1 264.2 10204 885ST1 -2.2 G1 7L36 1.1 267.7 1.5 11402 977S901T -85.8 1.0 144.6 1.1 151.0 1282 WILL01 1256 SWEETHE7 10200 848S901T 1.1 151.6 7L135 5.9 -42.1 -14.8 22.6 9L77 1.1 151.0 -15.8 -6.7 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 -48.5 3.6 13.3 1.0 142.8 1.1 147.6 1.1 267.8 -11.7 3.5 1.1 266.4 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 266.2 -20.1 21.0 -53.5 42.1 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 28.8 1602 LIVOCKPS 1.1 265.7 16.6 PST -2.3 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 -10.4 -18.8 1.1 151.0 -9.3 9L89 20.1 1224 HANGSTO7 1.1 148.1 -42.1 10.4 1.1 265.0 9.6 7L194 17288 LIVOCK05 -42.1 42.1 -10.5 1201 RUTH LK8 1.0 14.4 31.1 -4.9 3.9 1.1 259.8 -42.1 1673 HALF_01 19.3 -38.3 4.8 -10.3 -16.2 17.2 38.3 29.3 0.8 -4.2 1.0 143.9 11.1 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 266.0 9L57 9L144 10655 DAWE701T 0.0 11201 848S703T 21.5 -29.3 -5.8 1.1 148.1 -4.8 1.0 24.8 0.0 1462 1.0375 5.4 -41.5 11200 848S902T 1622 TWR_RD1 1627 7LA97_TP 1.0 247.9 0.0 1.1 150.6 4.2 1.1 149.0 7 -38.3 7L47 10.3 -13.8 1239 GREGOIRE -5.1 -6.6 7L155 -22.9 1.1 149.1 1.1 257.1 38.3 1202 RUTH LA7 -21.5 41.5 -10.3 6.9 7L165 -6.2 -11.8 0.2 -12.7 73.7 -101.0 50.2 -73.9 6.5 -13.1 13.2 1.0 20.9 -1.1 1.1 266.0 1670 BWC01 1.1 149.7 -41.5 30.8 3.8 -7.2 1.0 144.3 2.8 -2.8 1.1 150.3 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 23.0 -30.8 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 264.1 1.1 259.8 -25.0 -42.8R 88.5 88.5 SW 1.1 267.2 1.1 267.4 -11.7 1.1 266.0 1203 RUTH LK7 22.9 -22.9 7L71 -42.8 9L43 -164.6 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 1.1 149.9 -30.0 -28.5 87.6 1.0 72.0 666 DOVER 9L07 -2.4 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 263.2 9L58 59 9L09 9L28 -11.7 1.1 266.0 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.3 98.7 45.8 135.9 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.3 -23.1 9L08 1 59.4R 59.4 -13.8 181.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 267.4 -6.7 -22.8 -22.1 -5.5 -22.8 1.1 267.8 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 181.0 -123.9 -28.0 58.8 -22.8 -22.1 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 267.7 1.1 258.8 120.4 1.0 18.7 -180.1 1.1 266.6 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 -25.0 1274 MACKAY -38.2 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 264.3 -30.8 -86.8 1236 MUSKEG1 13.2 7.0 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 264.3 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -3.0 1603 KEARL240 -51.7 -6.0L -16.4 32.7 1612 SECORD01 1.1 263.1 9L32 7.0 1.1 264.3 -28.1 -129.2 -16.4 1214 EDD34 117.6 1.1 264.4 -39.8 7.1 1.1 268.4 32.3 7.1 -39.8 111.0 1.1 266.7 1.1 267.3 1.1 267.1 111.0 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 141.1 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 267.7 9L69 1.1 149.4 42.1 -13.2 1.1 147.4 -2.6 -2.6 -14.8 5.8 1008 SALE01 24.9 -12.3 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 8.0 9L56 15.6 -138.4 21.6 -62.5 25.0 -27.8 1046 SW 9L22 -64.5 -15.7 -15.7 -64.5 22.9 117.6 23.0 9L81 10.7 -10.7 8.8 -8.7 10282 898ST1 -95.0 163.9 40.0 -24.3 -98.2 40.8 -5.0 181.3 -5.0 181.3 SW -69.1 99 5.9 60.7 19687 BOHN_02 10.8 -91.8 957L -0.0 SW 22.3 -63.0 -31.6 13.3 43.7 9L23 -12.0 12.0 -5.9 6.6 -7.1 7.1 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -3.4 1687 3.7 39.1 -39.0 -28.5 29.8 -27.4 43.2 457L 2949 ILAKE_02 306 WINEFRE7 -45.4 -40.3 1090L -142.3 1245 KINOSIS1 -9.6 10295 KR05 1291 KR01 971L 38.8 38.8 25.0 24.4 1099L 1 -3.0 1.6 -1.5 3.0 -49.6 49.8 -29.9 33.5 21.8 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 974 PIKE_01 1.1 262.6 1.1 263.0 1.0 143.0 -25.1 -13.6 2974 PIKE_02 71.6 44.4H 435 1134L_TP 879 539S_240 51.1 -29.9 1.1 262.5 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.0 -10.7 -52.4 1.0 14.0 3.1 -9.0 SW -57.8 27.4 18291 KR03 1.1 902 263.5 BCKSP_01 1.1 262.3 1.1 263.2 -13.9 9L45 27.4 10291 KR02 1.0 143.4 428L -9.6 1.1 258.6 1.1 263.6 878 JFISH01 1949 ILAKE_01 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L47 2016WP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:49 -63.2 -10.3 1116 1.0 143.3 1.0 25.9 SW -19.2 BOHN_01 33.5 348 LEISMER4 1.1 264.7 9.6 7.1 369 CHRISLK1 -113.1 25.5 -0.0 8.1 49.5 19291 KR04 0.0 -27.4 9L990 434 189_240 6.4 1.1 260.5 1.1 258.6 9.6 -35.9 5.7 321 HEARTLAK 46.2 1.1 148.8 1.1 147.5 1.1 262.3 17282 HEARTLAK -141.7 21.3 4.3 1242 KINOSIS2 SW -10.7 -20.4 -24.4 -50.4 10.7 39.7 20.4 10245 KINOSIS5 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition 1.0 1.0 24.4 -10.8 -21.8 -39.7 -46.2 12.0 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 264.4 1348 WHITFISH -63.0 22.3 1.0 4.3 1.1 147.6 1292 MEAD_144 -68.2 9L85 39.7 11245 KINOSIS6 9L930 1117L 13.2 43.1 19.5 77.5 1.1 264.0 9L913 27.9 -19.5 1.1 146.5 19.1 -103.0 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition -27.9 24.8 51.4 1.1 261.8 1402 SALTCR1 7L183 7L104 21.0 1.0 143.0 -0.0 1.0 25.7 7L15 -55.6 1241 LONGLK1 56.8 -20.9 9L47 0.0 -0.0 1.1 267.2 1.1 264.0 1.1 258.3 SW 1.1 148.1 56.3 1.1 147.6 20.9 7L114 1.0 143.1 15.8 -107.9 1409 QUIGL1 1.1 263.9 1.1 261.3 12249 LNGLKCG2 1 2.3 1.1 268.2 1.1 264.9 -68.2 16.4 7L167 9L55 6.8 468 LEISMER7 9L40 -15.7 -59.4 799 CHARD_TP page B-7 15.0 1277 BLK_FLY1 -0.0 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 9.1R 9L929 9L56 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 SW 12.2 920 ROUND01 1228 MITS E.4 1260 LOU CR.4 -14.9 -15.7H 80.0 -20.4 -14.9 -15.5 9L84 SW -3.2 1276 S-SHINE1 18.2 1.1 267.2 -79.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -22.6 -5.5 16.1 -39.7 1.0 143.4 1411 WADDELL7 1.1 265.6 9L15 1.0 144.2 8.6 7LA114 23.1 -66.5 -3.9 39.0 1010 CHARD_01 1226 WABASCA4 138 N BARRH4 16.3 5.6 1.0 143.4 1.1 266.7 71.6 1.1 14.6 1.1 15.1 2.8 1.1 266.2 -15.6 15.0 -15.7 3.2 1227 CROWLK7 -79.8 -14.9 -2.4 7L121 -29.3 1249 LNGLKC01 15241 LONGLK15 -5.2 7L02 1.1 146.3 -79.8 -3.2 M2 1.1 146.3 -2.9 1.1 147.4 2.6 1.0 141.9 21.7 8.0 1.1 147.8 1.0 142.0 1280 BRINT02 -0.0 -23.1 1.1 266.2 144 ALGAR 7 -29.3 5.8 -42.1 -6.0 -15.7H 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 148.2 -79.8 37.3R -14.9 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 80.0 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 15.1 M1 4.9 2.8 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 1.1 261.9 1405 SALTCR2 1.1 146.3 1.1 146.3 -71.4 -5.7 1.1 266.7 1.6 11402 977S901T -71.5 7L135 G1 7L36 1256 SWEETHE7 10200 848S901T 1.1 150.9 1.1 150.4 1282 WILL01 -5.8 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 -34.1 3.6 13.3 1.0 142.7 1.1 148.0 22.6 9L77 1.1 150.4 3.5 1.1 265.7 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 268.4 -20.1 21.0 -3.4 42.1 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 28.8 1602 LIVOCKPS 1.1 265.4 16.6 PST -13.2 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1.1 266.8 -29.7 -14.1 1.1 148.6 -10.7 -21.7 1.1 150.4 -5.5 9L89 20.1 1224 HANGSTO7 28.0 1.0000 1625 DAWES138 -20.1 -43.6 10.7 1.1 263.5 9.2 7L194 17288 LIVOCK05 43.6 -10.8 1201 RUTH LK8 1.1 14.5 6.1 -6.4 4.2 1.1 259.2 -43.6 1673 HALF_01 18.0 -45.6 6.3 -10.6 -14.2 SW -42.1 45.6 30.9 1.2 -4.5 1.0 143.5 9.8 7L170 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.8 9L57 9L144 10655 DAWE701T 0.0 11201 848S703T 23.0 -30.8 -16.9 1.1 148.6 -6.3 1.0 24.8 0.0 1462 1.0375 7.2 -43.0 11200 848S902T 1622 TWR_RD1 1627 7LA97_TP 1.0 247.6 -0.2 1.1 150.2 4.2 1.1 148.8 7 -45.6 7L47 10.6 -13.8 1239 GREGOIRE -5.1 -6.3 7L155 -19.9 1.1 148.9 1.1 257.9 45.6 1202 RUTH LA7 -23.0 43.0 -10.7 7.2 7L165 -6.0 -8.8 -0.0 -14.2 49.9 72.9 -57.3 -78.0 6.5 -13.1 13.2 1.0 20.9 -1.1 1.1 265.8 1670 BWC01 1.1 149.2 -43.0 32.3 4.2 -7.5 1.0 144.0 3.0 -3.0 1.1 149.9 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 10201 848S704T 24.5 -32.3 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 263.7 1.1 259.2 -25.0 -41.1R 88.5 88.5 SW 1.1 266.9 1.1 268.3 -11.7 1.1 265.8 1203 RUTH LK7 24.5 -24.5 7L71 -41.1 9L43 70107 GENCOG7 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.8 1.1 149.5 -31.4 -164.6 -36.9 80.3 1.0 71.8 666 DOVER 9L07 6.2 70159 GENCOG59 1.1 262.8 9L58 59 9L09 9L28 -11.7 1.1 265.8 1626 AMRBUS04 -22.3 48.1 50.4 149.5 1669 AMRBUS01 -22.3 -22.1 9L08 1 60.9R 60.9 -13.8 181.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 267.1 -3.9 -25.1 -22.4 -5.9 -25.1 1.1 267.4 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 181.0 -123.7 -25.0 76.9 -25.1 -22.4 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 267.3 1.1 258.4 157.1 1.0 18.7 -180.1 1.1 266.2 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 -25.0 1274 MACKAY -39.5 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 263.9 -28.0 -85.9 1236 MUSKEG1 13.2 6.8 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 263.9 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -2.2 1603 KEARL240 -51.7 -6.0L -16.4 30.2 1612 SECORD01 1.1 262.7 9L32 6.8 1.1 263.9 -28.1 -102.5 -16.4 1214 EDD34 117.6 1.1 264.0 -57.8 8.4 1.1 267.7 29.6 8.4 -57.9 111.0 1.1 266.3 1.1 266.7 1.1 266.5 111.0 1680 BITUMONT 1.0 142.0 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate B kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 10.9 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 263.9 9L69 17288 LIVOCK05 1625 DAWES138 -9.8 25.6 PST 1008 SALE01 -22.6 0.9 1.1 271.7 -5.7 -10.4 -10.4 -14.4 7.1 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 -14.3 -15.7H 16.3 23.4 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 1409 QUIGL1 468 LEISMER7 2.2 9L56 -28.3 28.8 -10.6 -16.5 16.7 SW 2.0 9L22 -67.6 9L81 -69.9 26.6 10282 898ST1 -16.7 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 99 57.2 19687 BOHN_02 37.7 -37.7 17.0 -16.1 -0.0 -45.0 -28.7 -28.7 -45.0 25.9 101.7 26.0 -3.5 159.3 -3.5 -8.1 -48.1 -14.4 -48.1 19.4 37.0 6.6 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -7.0 7.0 -3.4 3.7 -28.4 -0.0 457L 2949 ILAKE_02 1.1 262.6 1090L 1.1 263.6 902 BCKSP_01 971L -154.4 1099L 88.9 49.6 15.4 28.6 -39.3 -15.3 -52.1 1.1 262.6 13.8 1291 KR01 1.0 14.0 1 -3.0 1.6 -1.5 3.0 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 1.1 262.8 733 193S_240 1.1 263.8 1.0 143.0 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate A kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.1 -59.5 59.6 -33.7 38.8 70.0 43.9R 435 1134L_TP 1.0 143.2 2974 PIKE_02 1245 KINOSIS1 3.1 2.0 879 539S_240 50.4 -12.5 -60.0 -9.6 1.1 263.7 -28.8 -24.4 -48.9 10295 KR05 1.1 263.3 -3.8 9L45 28.4 28.4 18291 KR03 1.0 143.4 306 WINEFRE7 -9.6 1.1 261.2 10291 KR02 1687 BOHN_01 1.1 265.5 1949 ILAKE_01 CATEGORY A, N-0 2017SP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:50 -65.3 -10.3 9.6 7.0 974 PIKE_01 1.0 26.1 SW -19.1 1.0 4.3 878 JFISH01 SW 1.1 264.6 9.6 20.8 -13.3 35.9 19291 KR04 0.0 -28.4 1116 1.0 143.4 1.1 261.2 -0.0 12.0 369 CHRISLK1 434 189_240 -42.1 1.1 265.2 40.4 1.1 150.3 -5.9 9L930 -78.6 30.1 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition -107.9 957L 348 LEISMER4 4.0 1117L -29.0 -12.0 -15.9 321 HEARTLAK 100.2 34.8 29.0 10245 KINOSIS5 9L990 -75.9 -21.2 -34.8 1.1 148.9 -18.5 59.6 428L SW 36.5 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 -19.7 16.7 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 263.9 1348 WHITFISH -67.9 SW -68.8 9L85 34.8 -34.8 12.0 1.1 262.7 17282 HEARTLAK 1.1 260.5 -40.4 -28.3 1.1 264.7 9L913 9L40 26.0 1.1 259.3 1292 MEAD_144 1.0 24.9 10.6 10.6 -106.0 page B-8 SW 68.4 19.3 1.0 143.3 -10.6 -0.0 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 4.3 1.1 146.3 1.1 145.2 -0.0 47.0 9L47 -43.4 30.7 24.8 -19.2 1.1 259.0 8.4 -136.1 15.4 -39.0 1.1 262.7 23.5 -30.7 7L183 1.1 264.5 1.1 267.7 1228 MITS E.4 -23.5 9L929 4.6 11.3 799 CHARD_TP 0.0 -0.0 1.0 25.5 7L15 7L104 19.2 1.1 SW 1402 SALTCR1 1 1411 WADDELL7 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 34.4R 12249 LNGLKCG2 -75.2 -57.1 1046 7LA183TP -29.9 7L114 1.1 268.8 78.0 -27.7 1.1 264.8 1241 LONGLK1 -26.1 -0.0 1.1 146.8 57.0 1.1 146.3 51.7 SW 7.9 0.2 1.0 144.2 138 N BARRH4 -8.1 -15.7 1.0 144.4 920 ROUND01 159.3 14.4 7L167 1.0 144.8 1.0 144.4 -77.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -29.1 -14.3 -16.3 SW 1.1 264.7 -34.8 5.4 1226 WABASCA4 -49.3 16.3 9L84 1276 S-SHINE1 -0.7 1.1 14.6 1.1 15.0 4.5 1227 CROWLK7 7LA114 20.7 -17.9 1.1 264.8 9L56 14.4 -15.7 -10.2 7L121 1010 CHARD_01 9L55 -10.1 -13.6 -14.3 15241 LONGLK15 -3.8 7L02 -77.8 -27.7 M2 1.1 145.2 4.7 1.1 150.5 10.4 15.4 1249 LNGLKC01 -19.4 -11.0 13.2 1277 BLK_FLY1 1.0 144.0 -77.8 2.7 1.1 263.8 9L15 -0.1 1.1 150.6 1.1 146.2 1260 LOU CR.4 8.0 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 150.4 -15.7H 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 150.6 15.3 -14.3 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 -77.8 -8.9R 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 15.0 M1 -2.9 -15.2 1.1 146.2 1280 BRINT02 -12.4 78.0 2.1 -9.8 -16.1 -50.0 3.4 1256 SWEETHE7 1.1 263.1 50.1 1.1 261.7 1405 SALTCR2 1.0 144.0 1.0 144.0 G1 7L36 -7.1 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 10.8 1.5 9.4 1.1 146.6 1.1 149.3 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 11402 977S901T -50.1 7L135 -1.0 1.1 265.1 8.3 16.3 1602 LIVOCKPS -25.6 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 -10.9 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 269.7 1.1 150.5 1.1 150.1 1.1 150.1 1282 WILL01 1.1 149.6 -16.4 1.1 265.1 10.1 -39.4 25.6 -8.2 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1224 HANGSTO7 1.1 263.2 -22.4 1.1 150.1 0.0 9L89 9.8 7L194 29.5 8.9 9L77 7.2 1.1 262.2 12.6 -33.1 19.4 1.1 14.5 SW -25.6 33.1 -9.0 1.1 263.4 10200 848S901T -12.2 -10.7 10655 DAWE701T -17.3 -14.0 8.6 7L170 9L57 9L144 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.6 0.0 -0.0 11.1 -37.0 17.3 1201 RUTH LK8 -22.1 1.1 149.6 9.0 1.0 25.4 1.1 265.1 1462 1.0000 -8.5 1.0425 1.1 254.4 -33.1 7.9 -11.4 1.1 147.3 37.0 -17.4 1673 HALF_01 1627 7LA97_TP 33.1 25.4 1.1 265.2 -37.0 1622 TWR_RD1 4.1 1.1 149.4 7 1.1 259.8 -17.1 -6.3 1.1 149.7 -36.5 11200 848S902T 7L165 1239 GREGOIRE -2.7 2.9 7L155 17.1 13.2 11201 848S703T 18.2 -25.3 -7.2 1.1 151.1 7L47 36.5 -17.1 9L23 3.5 -12.0 -6.2 -9.4 58.9 -52.1 40.0 -38.3 1.1 149.5 -21.4 11.0 1.0 20.9 -1.8 1.1 265.6 1670 BWC01 1202 RUTH LA7 -18.2 1.1 149.7 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 -36.5 26.6 10.0 -13.4 1.1 147.6 9.1 -9.1 1.1 150.6 6.4 -11.0 70107 GENCOG7 1.1 266.2 10201 848S704T 19.4 -26.6 -12.8 -60.0L 77.2 77.2 -60.0 65.0 -76.7 SW 666 DOVER 1.1 269.9 -7.3 1.1 265.6 1203 RUTH LK7 19.4 -19.4 7L71 1.1 150.1 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.1 21.1 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 263.4 1.1 265.3 19.1 1.1 73.5 -123.1 9L43 -137.5 -27.9 -45.9 -6.7 9L28 -7.3 1.1 265.6 1626 AMRBUS04 -14.2 22.5 9L07 9L08 1669 AMRBUS01 -14.2 68.1 54.3 -20.1 -8.6 9L82 1.1 262.7 9L58 59 9L09 -7.7 125.4 1.1 265.4 1 50.8R 50.8 -6.3 153.0 70159 GENCOG59 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 153.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 266.4 19.2 -3.9 -7.7 -20.3 21.3 11.5 -7.7 765 STONE_01 -38.7 -20.3 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 265.4 1.1 259.5 136.4 1.0 18.7 -152.3 1.1 264.5 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 -12.8 1274 MACKAY -35.6 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 263.6 -32.0 -69.1 1236 MUSKEG1 11.0 9.4 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 263.7 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -29.9 1603 KEARL240 -62.9 -6.0L -20.1 8.7 1612 SECORD01 1.1 261.6 9L32 9.4 1.1 263.7 -38.8 -40.9 -20.1 1214 EDD34 101.7 1.1 263.9 -61.2 21.1 1.1 263.9 81.6 8.3 -17.3 21.1 1.1 264.6 1.1 263.8 1.1 263.9 81.6 1680 BITUMONT 10.4 5.1 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 261.6 9L69 17288 LIVOCK05 1625 DAWES138 -9.9 25.6 1008 SALE01 -54.4 1.7 1.1 271.0 -5.7 -15.8 -15.8 -13.4 7.9 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 16.4 23.6 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 1409 QUIGL1 1.2 9L56 9.5 -141.9 15.1 -45.6 -26.8 28.4 7.7 9L22 9L913 9L81 -10.0 -3.3 3.4 10282 898ST1 -62.7 69.3 24.3 -2.9 -64.9 24.8 -22.4 99 57.2 19687 BOHN_02 37.7 -37.7 17.1 -16.2 -43.3 -28.7 -28.7 -43.3 30.1 101.7 30.2 7.1 159.2 7.1 -8.1 -43.2 15.0 -43.2 21.0 37.6 20.8 6.6 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -7.0 7.0 -3.4 3.6 -30.8 -10.3 -11.1 1090L 457L 2949 ILAKE_02 1.1 264.4 902 BCKSP_01 971L -135.7 -0.0 1099L 88.9 49.6 11.5 26.1 -39.3 3.4 15.1 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 1.1 263.7 733 193S_240 1.1 264.5 1.0 141.8 -12.6 1 -3.0 1.6 -1.5 2974 PIKE_02 3.0 1.0 141.4 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate A kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.1 -59.5 59.6 -31.1 36.0 70.0 41.1R 435 1134L_TP 879 539S_240 50.4 -52.1 1.1 263.5 1.0 14.0 3.1 9.1 -25.2 -24.4 1291 KR01 1.1 264.5 1.1 263.6 1245 KINOSIS1 -9.6 10295 KR05 1.1 264.1 -3.8 9L45 11.1 11.1 18291 KR03 1.0 142.0 306 WINEFRE7 -9.6 1.1 253.3 10291 KR02 1687 BOHN_01 1.1 266.4 1949 ILAKE_01 1.0 25.3 9.6 7.0 974 PIKE_01 23.5 SW -19.1 1.0 4.3 878 JFISH01 SW 1.1 266.7 9.6 27.8 -13.3 19291 KR04 0.0 -11.1 1116 1.0 142.0 1.1 253.3 -0.0 12.0 369 CHRISLK1 434 189_240 -38.3 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L45 2017SP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:50 40.3 1.1 145.9 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition -89.2 957L 348 LEISMER4 321 HEARTLAK 1.1 265.4 19.7 -5.9 -11.2 -59.9 -18.8 -12.0 9L930 1117L 34.7 18.8 10245 KINOSIS5 9L990 -45.4 -58.5 -34.7 1.0 144.5 -30.9 66.9 428L -0.0 37.1 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 -1.0 22.4 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 263.6 SW 9L40 page B-9 -64.7 SW -117.4 9L85 34.7 -22.6 12.0 1.1 263.7 17282 HEARTLAK 1.1 253.4 -40.3 -27.9 1.1 265.2 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition 1292 MEAD_144 1.0 24.2 1.0 141.4 -10.0 -0.0 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 4.3 SW 19.2 19.3 10.0 10.0 -106.1 1348 WHITFISH 18.5 1.0 141.7 18.7 79.1 SW 1.1 259.0 23.4 -18.5 25.0 -19.2 1.1 267.8 9L47 -42.3 -23.4 1.0 142.9 1.1 265.9 1.1 255.5 0.0 -0.0 1402 SALTCR1 9L929 5.7 468 LEISMER7 799 CHARD_TP SW 1.0 24.9 7L15 7L104 19.2 1411 WADDELL7 2.2 1.1 262.2 12249 LNGLKCG2 7L183 -26.2 -0.0 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 39.7H 1 11.3 1228 MITS E.4 78.0 -32.5 -50.2 -57.1 1046 7LA183TP -29.6 7L114 1.1 268.4 -77.8 1246 LNGLKC02 1.1 258.6 1241 LONGLK1 -5.8 9L84 SW 1.1 258.6 1.0 143.3 57.0 1.0 142.9 51.7 SW 7.9 0.2 1.0 143.2 138 N BARRH4 -8.1 -15.7 1.0 143.5 920 ROUND01 159.2 14.4 1276 S-SHINE1 9.7 -18.9 -14.3 7L167 1.0 143.9 1.0 143.5 1226 WABASCA4 -61.8 -14.3 -15.7H 8.6 -34.6 5.4 7LA114 22.0 -30.4 1.1 264.0 9L56 16.3 -19.4 -11.1 37.6 1.0 14.4 1.1 14.8 5.5 1227 CROWLK7 1010 CHARD_01 9L55 -10.6 4.5 14.4 -15.7 -15.6 7L121 -77.8 -14.3 15241 LONGLK15 -4.8 7L02 -1.9 1249 LNGLKC01 -32.5 M2 1.0 141.7 10.1 1.1 150.0 15.8 1.1 260.4 1277 BLK_FLY1 1.0 141.7 -77.8 2.7 1.1 263.0 9L15 -2.7 1.1 150.0 1.1 145.6 1260 LOU CR.4 8.0 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 150.0 -15.7H 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 149.9 -1.9 -14.3 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 -77.8 8.4R 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 14.8 M1 -8.2 -14.0 1.1 145.7 1280 BRINT02 -8.3 78.0 2.1 -9.9 -16.1 -37.6 4.3 1.1 260.4 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 1.1 258.0 1405 SALTCR2 1.0 141.7 1.0 141.7 G1 7L36 1256 SWEETHE7 9L77 7.3 11402 977S901T -37.6 7L135 1.1 148.1 1282 WILL01 1.1 148.8 -7.9 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 37.2 1.5 9.4 1.1 146.0 1.1 148.6 1.1 148.4 1.1 148.1 -1.0 1.1 264.2 8.3 16.3 1602 LIVOCKPS -25.6 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 -10.9 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 268.8 PST 1224 HANGSTO7 -16.3 1.1 264.1 10.2 -21.2 25.6 -8.7 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 19.4 10200 848S901T -32.9 1.1 148.1 5.4 9L89 9.9 7L194 28.5 7.5 1.1 260.6 1.1 258.1 10.9 -39.4 -18.8 1201 RUTH LK8 1.1 14.5 -22.1 39.4 -7.6 -37.5 18.8 -8.0 SW -25.6 1.0000 10655 DAWE701T 12.6 37.5 -18.9 -24.6 6.8 7L170 9L57 9L144 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 264.4 0.0 -0.0 9.4 -12.9 1.1 146.2 -33.5 1.1 148.8 7.6 1.0 25.4 1.1 263.5 1462 1.0425 -6.9 25.9 1.1 263.1 -37.5 1673 HALF_01 1627 7LA97_TP 1.1 253.5 -18.6 1622 TWR_RD1 4.1 1.1 147.9 -37.0 -6.3 1.1 147.9 18.6 11200 848S902T 11201 848S703T 18.7 -25.9 -8.6 1.1 149.5 37.0 -18.6 14.7 7L165 1239 GREGOIRE -2.7 7 -39.4 1202 RUTH LA7 -18.7 7L47 5.5 7L155 1.1 258.5 39.4 11.5 -15.0 1.1 146.5 -37.0 27.1 9L23 6.1 -10.9 -7.6 -9.9 58.6 -36.0 39.9 1.1 148.0 -1.8 1.1 264.4 1670 BWC01 10.5 -10.5 1.1 149.0 7L97 9L19 10201 848S704T 19.9 -27.1 1.1 147.9 1.0 20.8 1.1 268.7 -7.3 1.1 264.4 1222 PARS CR7 -20.3 11.0 1.1 264.9 5.4 -11.0 70107 GENCOG7 -26.7 666 DOVER 1203 RUTH LK7 19.9 -19.9 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 261.9 1.1 263.1 -12.8 -60.0L 77.2 77.2 -60.0 7L71 1.1 148.5 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.0 20.9 65.1 -76.7 SW -43.7 2.4 1.1 72.9 -121.8 9L43 -35.7 -137.4 9L28 -7.3 1.1 264.4 1626 AMRBUS04 -14.2 -6.7 9L07 9L08 1669 AMRBUS01 -14.2 49.9 57.0 -20.1 -7.0 9L82 1.1 261.3 9L58 59 9L09 -9.1 133.4 1.1 263.9 1 59.2R 59.2 -6.3 153.0 70159 GENCOG59 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 153.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 265.1 23.2 -4.4 -9.1 -20.6 26.7 22.1 -9.1 765 STONE_01 -38.7 -20.6 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 263.8 1.1 258.1 163.0 1.0 18.7 -152.3 1.1 262.9 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 -12.8 1274 MACKAY -43.4 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 262.2 -28.3 -65.8 1236 MUSKEG1 11.0 8.5 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 262.3 1610 MCCLE_01 -5.1 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -27.0 1603 KEARL240 -62.9 -5.1R -20.1 0.0 1612 SECORD01 1.1 260.1 9L32 8.5 1.1 262.3 -38.8 -22.2 -20.1 1214 EDD34 101.7 1.1 262.5 -71.8 25.8 1.1 261.6 81.6 -2.3 -22.6 25.8 1.1 263.0 1.1 262.0 1.1 262.1 81.6 1680 BITUMONT 10.4 5.1 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 263.5 9L69 17288 LIVOCK05 1625 DAWES138 -9.8 25.6 PST -9.9 -21.2 1008 SALE01 -66.7 8.4 1.1 271.8 -5.7 -17.6 -17.6 -11.9 9.6 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 -14.3 -15.7H 23.5 1409 QUIGL1 468 LEISMER7 2.2 9L56 799 CHARD_TP 28.7 -32.1 10.7 -144.5 16.4 -48.5 SW 10.0 9L22 -12.1 -17.2 17.5 10282 898ST1 9L913 9L81 57.7 23.6 13.2 -63.3 24.1 -0.0 -44.7 -28.7 -44.7 -28.7 101.7 26.8 26.7 -1.6 159.2 -1.6 -8.1 -47.2 -15.7 -47.2 19.8 37.9 28.9 12.0 6.6 37.7 -37.7 17.0 -16.1 -65.0 -10.3 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -7.0 7.0 -3.4 3.7 -28.3 457L 1.1 265.2 2949 ILAKE_02 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L990 2017SP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:50 1.1 263.2 902 BCKSP_01 971L -128.1 -3.8 -0.0 1099L 88.9 49.6 16.4 29.1 -39.3 11.0 13.2 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 1.1 262.4 733 193S_240 1.1 263.5 1.0 143.0 -12.5 1 -3.0 1.6 -1.5 2974 PIKE_02 3.0 1.0 142.8 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate A kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.1 -59.5 59.6 -34.1 39.3 70.0 44.4H 435 1134L_TP 879 539S_240 50.4 -50.9 1.1 262.2 1.0 14.0 3.1 -4.9 -33.2 -24.4 1291 KR01 1.1 263.3 1.1 262.2 1245 KINOSIS1 -9.6 10295 KR05 1.1 263.0 306 WINEFRE7 -70.0 28.3 18291 KR03 1687 BOHN_01 1090L 974 PIKE_01 19.4 9L45 28.3 10291 KR02 1.0 143.2 1949 ILAKE_01 -9.6 1.1 260.4 9.6 7.0 1.1 265.1 SW 1.0 26.0 SW -19.1 1.0 4.3 878 JFISH01 -13.3 1.1 263.9 9.6 1116 1.0 143.3 34.6 19291 KR04 0.0 -28.3 13.8 434 189_240 -46.4 1.1 260.4 -0.0 -5.9 369 CHRISLK1 348 LEISMER4 321 HEARTLAK 40.4 -12.0 -27.4 -52.3 -27.9 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition -81.6 957L -33.8 428L SW 37.4 19687 BOHN_02 9L930 1117L 27.9 10245 KINOSIS5 9L990 52.6 17.5 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 263.6 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition page B-10 -61.2 -17.5 34.8 1.1 148.5 1.1 262.2 1.1 264.5 1348 WHITFISH 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 6.6 -8.8 -34.8 1.1 149.9 12.0 99 57.2 SW -137.0 9L85 34.8 -33.5 -28.2 12.1 12.1 SW 1.1 258.9 -67.6 1.0 24.9 -0.0 -105.9 138 N BARRH4 1292 MEAD_144 7L104 17282 HEARTLAK 1.1 259.9 -40.4 19.3 1.0 143.3 -12.1 -0.0 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 4.3 1.1 146.0 1.0 144.9 -19.2 1.1 259.0 91.6 9L47 -43.7 29.3 7L183 1.1 264.0 1.1 267.6 1.1 262.3 23.5 -29.4 9L929 8.7 11.3 1228 MITS E.4 -23.5 19.2 1.2 0.0 -0.0 1.0 25.4 7L15 1 1411 WADDELL7 SW 1402 SALTCR1 24.8 -29.8 7L114 1.1 268.5 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 35.6R 12249 LNGLKCG2 -72.5 -57.1 1046 7LA183TP 7L167 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 78.0 -28.9 1.1 264.3 1241 LONGLK1 -26.1 -0.0 1.1 146.5 57.0 1.1 146.0 51.7 SW 7.9 0.2 1.0 143.9 9L40 -8.1 16.3 1.0 144.1 920 ROUND01 159.2 14.4 -15.7 2.1 1.0 144.5 1.0 144.1 -77.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -28.0 -14.3 -1.0 9L84 SW 1.1 264.2 -34.8 5.4 1226 WABASCA4 -67.1 16.3 1276 S-SHINE1 -1.3 1.1 14.6 1.1 15.0 7.2 7LA114 25.1 -35.6 1.1 264.4 9L56 14.4 -15.7 15241 LONGLK15 -6.5 1227 CROWLK7 -77.8 -14.3 -17.3 7L121 14.1 1249 LNGLKC01 -19.4 -11.0 16.9 1277 BLK_FLY1 1.0 143.8 -77.8 -28.9 M2 1.0 144.9 11.8 7L02 1010 CHARD_01 9L55 -15.0 12.2 -0.7 1.1 150.5 1.1 150.5 17.6 14.1 2.7 1.1 263.4 9L15 8.0 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 150.5 -15.7H 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 150.6 -77.8 -7.6R -14.3 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 78.0 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 15.0 1.1 146.0 1260 LOU CR.4 -16.7 M1 -10.0 -12.5 1.1 146.1 1280 BRINT02 -33.6 0.9 1256 SWEETHE7 1.1 262.7 33.6 1.1 260.7 1405 SALTCR2 1.0 143.8 1.0 143.8 G1 7L36 -9.6 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 47.7 1.5 9.4 1.1 146.4 1.1 149.2 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 11402 977S901T -33.6 7L135 -1.0 1.1 264.7 8.3 16.3 -25.6 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 1602 LIVOCKPS -10.9 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 269.4 1.1 150.0 1.1 149.6 1.1 149.6 1282 WILL01 1.1 149.5 -16.4 1.1 264.8 10.1 -13.6 25.6 -13.1 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1224 HANGSTO7 1.1 262.7 -37.7 1.1 149.6 7.1 9L89 9.8 7L194 27.9 10.3 9L77 7.3 1.1 261.7 17.4 -41.3 19.4 1.1 14.5 SW -25.6 41.3 -10.4 1.1 262.9 10200 848S901T -16.4 -25.5 10655 DAWE701T -17.7 -13.5 13.1 7L170 9L57 9L144 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.4 0.0 -0.0 11.5 -37.8 17.7 1201 RUTH LK8 -37.0 1.1 149.5 10.4 1.0 25.4 1.1 264.8 1462 1.0000 -9.6 1.0425 1.1 254.2 -41.3 8.3 -11.8 1.1 147.1 37.8 -17.8 1673 HALF_01 1627 7LA97_TP 41.3 26.2 1.1 264.8 -37.8 1622 TWR_RD1 4.1 1.1 149.0 7 1.1 259.7 -17.5 -6.3 1.1 149.3 -37.3 11200 848S902T 7L165 1239 GREGOIRE -2.7 3.5 7L155 17.5 13.6 11201 848S703T 19.0 -26.2 -7.5 1.1 150.7 7L47 37.3 -17.5 9L23 4.1 -10.3 -6.5 -10.2 54.8 -29.4 37.2 -21.8 1.1 149.1 -19.8 11.0 1.0 20.8 -1.8 1.1 265.4 1670 BWC01 1202 RUTH LA7 -19.0 1.1 149.3 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 -37.3 27.4 10.4 -13.9 1.1 147.4 9.4 -9.4 1.1 150.3 6.4 -11.0 70107 GENCOG7 1.1 266.0 10201 848S704T 20.2 -27.4 -12.8 -60.0L 77.2 77.2 -60.0 65.0 -76.7 SW 666 DOVER 1.1 269.6 -7.3 1.1 265.4 1203 RUTH LK7 20.2 -20.2 7L71 1.1 149.8 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.1 21.0 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 263.2 1.1 264.8 19.6 1.1 73.4 -122.8 9L43 -137.5 -29.4 -41.4 -2.8 9L28 -7.3 1.1 265.4 1626 AMRBUS04 -14.2 -6.2 9L07 9L08 1669 AMRBUS01 -14.2 42.2 58.2 -20.1 -8.6 9L82 1.1 262.5 9L58 59 9L09 -9.7 137.0 1.1 265.1 1 52.4R 52.4 -6.3 153.0 70159 GENCOG59 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 153.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 266.2 18.9 -3.7 -9.7 -20.1 20.3 26.9 -9.7 765 STONE_01 -38.7 -20.1 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 265.1 1.1 259.3 174.0 1.0 18.7 -152.3 1.1 264.2 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 -12.8 1274 MACKAY -37.1 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 263.4 -36.4 -68.4 1236 MUSKEG1 11.0 9.3 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 263.5 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -29.4 1603 KEARL240 -62.9 -6.0L -20.1 9.4 1612 SECORD01 1.1 261.3 9L32 9.3 1.1 263.5 -38.8 -14.5 -20.1 1214 EDD34 101.7 1.1 263.6 -76.6 21.9 1.1 263.5 81.6 -7.1 -16.3 21.9 1.1 264.3 1.1 263.5 1.1 263.6 81.6 1680 BITUMONT 10.4 5.1 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 264.6 9L69 17288 LIVOCK05 1625 DAWES138 -9.8 25.6 1008 SALE01 21.5 1.1 270.7 -5.7 -3.0 -3.0 5.6 309 MCMILLA7 23.5 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 1409 QUIGL1 1.2 468 LEISMER7 2.2 799 CHARD_TP 9L56 -26.7 28.1 -8.8 -16.6 16.8 SW -5.8 9L22 -74.6 9L81 -45.5 -28.7 -28.7 -45.5 24.6 101.7 24.6 -7.2 159.3 -7.2 10282 898ST1 19687 BOHN_02 -0.0 -49.7 -22.4 18.6 36.3 22.4 40.3 1.1 148.2 12.0 6.6 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition 37.7 -37.7 17.1 -16.2 SW -19.1 -63.5 -10.3 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -7.0 7.0 -3.4 3.6 -27.5 971L 1099L 49.6 18.8 29.0 10.8 -28.2 -0.0 879 539S_240 50.4 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 1.1 260.8 733 193S_240 1.1 261.9 1.0 142.2 -24.4 -12.6 2974 PIKE_02 1.0 13.9 1 -3.0 1.6 -1.5 3.0 1.0 141.9 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate A kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.0 -59.5 59.6 -34.1 39.3 70.0 44.4H 435 1134L_TP 1.1 261.5 457L 2949 ILAKE_02 88.9 -39.3 -42.0 1.0 142.4 -3.8 1291 KR01 3.1 -11.2 -41.2 1.1 260.7 1245 KINOSIS1 10295 KR05 1.1 261.7 902 BCKSP_01 -181.0 1.1 263.0 306 WINEFRE7 -117.5 -64.5 -9.6 1.1 261.8 1.1 260.4 1090L 974 PIKE_01 9L45 27.5 27.5 18291 KR03 1687 BOHN_01 878 JFISH01 1949 ILAKE_01 -9.6 1.1 257.5 10291 KR02 7.8 SW 1.0 25.8 9.6 7.0 369 CHRISLK1 -13.3 1.1 261.0 9.6 1116 1.0 142.4 26.8 19291 KR04 0.0 -27.5 1.0 4.3 -134.5 957L 434 189_240 -42.3 1.1 257.5 -0.0 -5.9 9L930 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L85 2017SP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:50 -21.5 9L990 348 LEISMER4 9.5 1.1 264.1 34.7 21.5 10245 KINOSIS5 -12.0 -16.4 -105.3 -34.7 1.1 146.8 -6.1 -118.9 428L SW 35.8 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 47.1 321 HEARTLAK 143.9 1117L -8.1 -49.7 -8.1 99 57.2 -46.3 16.8 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 264.1 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition page B-11 -77.1 23.4 1348 WHITFISH -65.7 SW -16.8 9L85 34.7 -25.8 12.0 1.1 260.4 17282 HEARTLAK 1.1 255.6 -40.3 -27.7 1.1 262.9 9L913 9L40 23.0 1.1 259.5 1292 MEAD_144 1.0 24.8 8.8 8.8 -104.8 138 N BARRH4 SW 137.9 19.3 1.0 142.5 -8.8 -0.0 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 4.3 1.0 143.9 1.0 142.8 -0.0 2.8 9L47 -42.9 21.7 24.9 -19.2 1.1 257.5 6.2 -127.9 14.3 -29.8 1.1 263.1 23.4 -21.7 7L183 1.1 261.7 1.1 266.1 1228 MITS E.4 -23.4 9L929 0.7 11.3 1.0 142.6 0.0 -0.0 1.0 25.1 7L15 7L104 19.2 1411 WADDELL7 SW 1402 SALTCR1 1 7L114 1.1 267.6 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 39.7H 12249 LNGLKCG2 -56.9 -57.1 1046 7LA183TP -29.3 0.2 78.0 -32.6 1.1 260.6 1241 LONGLK1 -26.2 -0.0 1.0 144.4 57.0 1.0 144.0 1.0 142.9 920 ROUND01 159.3 16.3 51.7 SW 1226 WABASCA4 -32.1 -15.7 7L167 1.0 143.3 7.9 7LA114 16.8 -0.7 9L56 -14.3 -15.7H 14.4 5.4 1.0 142.9 -77.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -21.6 -14.3 -31.4 SW 1.1 260.5 -34.7 2.9 1227 CROWLK7 1010 CHARD_01 9L55 1.1 265.1 -5.6 -38.6 16.3 9L84 1276 S-SHINE1 -3.9 1.1 14.5 1.1 14.8 2.7 1.1 264.1 9L15 14.4 -15.7 -2.9 7L121 -77.8 -14.3 15241 LONGLK15 -2.3 7L02 3.9 1249 LNGLKC01 -19.4 -11.0 13.1 1277 BLK_FLY1 1.0 142.5 -77.8 -32.6 M2 1.0 142.8 -2.6 1.1 150.0 3.0 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 150.4 1.1 150.3 1.1 146.3 1260 LOU CR.4 8.0 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 149.9 -15.7H 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 3.9 -14.3 M1 4.5 -16.7 -77.8 2.5R 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 14.8 5.1 1.1 146.3 1280 BRINT02 1.0 -11.4 1256 SWEETHE7 -15.7 10204 885ST1 -1.1 -67.0 78.0 2.1 -9.8 -15.5 G1 7L36 -5.6 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 -25.9 1.5 9.4 1.1 146.7 1.1 149.3 1.1 264.1 67.1 1.1 263.2 1405 SALTCR2 1.0 142.5 1.0 142.5 1.1 150.9 1282 WILL01 1.1 149.5 1.1 264.2 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 11402 977S901T -67.1 7L135 -1.0 1.1 265.5 8.3 16.3 1602 LIVOCKPS -25.6 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 -10.9 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 268.9 PST 1224 HANGSTO7 -16.4 1.1 265.3 10.1 -64.4 25.6 -4.1 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1.1 151.4 1.1 150.9 1.1 150.9 -7.3 9L89 9.8 7L194 31.1 9.2 9L77 7.2 -7.3 1.1 14.5 4.7 -24.9 19.4 10200 848S901T -11.5 SW -25.6 24.9 -9.2 1.1 264.4 1.1 263.8 10.7 10655 DAWE701T 0.0 -16.6 -10.8 6.8 7L170 9L57 9L144 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.9 0.0 10.5 -36.2 16.6 1201 RUTH LK8 -6.6 1.1 149.5 9.2 1.0 25.5 1.1 265.5 1462 1.0000 -8.9 1.0425 1.1 254.6 -24.9 7.2 -10.7 1.1 147.7 36.2 -16.7 1673 HALF_01 1627 7LA97_TP 24.9 24.6 1.1 266.0 -36.2 1622 TWR_RD1 4.1 1.1 149.9 7 1.1 259.7 -16.4 -6.3 1.1 150.4 -35.7 11200 848S902T 7L165 1239 GREGOIRE -2.7 1.8 7L155 16.4 12.5 11201 848S703T 17.4 -24.6 -6.6 1.1 151.7 7L47 35.7 -16.5 9L23 2.4 -13.5 -5.7 -8.6 60.6 -74.5 41.0 -54.6 1.1 150.0 -22.9 11.0 1.0 20.9 -1.8 1.1 265.9 1670 BWC01 1202 RUTH LA7 -17.4 1.1 150.3 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 -35.7 25.8 9.3 -12.8 1.1 148.0 8.5 -8.5 1.1 151.2 6.4 -11.0 70107 GENCOG7 1.1 266.6 10201 848S704T 18.6 -25.8 -12.8 -60.0L 77.2 77.2 -60.0 65.0 -76.7 SW 666 DOVER 1.1 269.7 -7.3 1.1 265.9 1203 RUTH LK7 18.6 -18.6 7L71 1.1 150.8 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.1 21.1 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 264.0 1.1 266.0 18.4 1.1 73.7 -123.4 9L43 -137.5 -25.7 -45.7 -9.3 9L28 -7.3 1.1 265.9 1626 AMRBUS04 -14.2 51.1 9L07 9L08 1669 AMRBUS01 -14.2 93.5 50.4 -20.1 -9.2 9L82 1.1 263.2 9L58 59 9L09 -5.8 114.0 1.1 265.9 1 48.5R 48.5 -6.3 153.0 70159 GENCOG59 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 153.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 266.8 17.6 -3.7 -5.8 -20.2 19.6 -3.7 -5.8 765 STONE_01 -38.7 -20.2 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 265.9 1.1 260.0 99.1 1.0 18.7 -152.3 1.1 265.0 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 -12.8 1274 MACKAY -33.4 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 264.1 -31.7 -70.1 1236 MUSKEG1 11.0 9.7 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 264.2 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -30.9 1603 KEARL240 -62.9 -6.0L -20.1 11.3 1612 SECORD01 1.1 262.1 9L32 9.7 1.1 264.2 -38.8 -67.6 -20.1 1214 EDD34 101.7 1.1 264.3 -46.1 19.5 1.1 264.6 81.6 23.5 -15.7 19.5 1.1 265.1 1.1 264.4 1.1 264.5 81.6 1680 BITUMONT 10.4 5.1 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 1.1 263.8 9L69 17288 LIVOCK05 1625 DAWES138 -9.8 25.6 PST -9.8 -29.0 -7.5 1008 SALE01 24.2 -10.7 1.1 271.6 -5.7 144 ALGAR 7 1.1 150.4 -3.3 -3.3 -17.3 4.1 10204 885ST1 309 MCMILLA7 23.4 1409 QUIGL1 1.2 468 LEISMER7 2.2 9L56 SW 28.6 -11.3 -17.6 17.9 SW 6.8 9L22 -63.6 20.6 9L913 9L81 10282 898ST1 -17.9 19687 BOHN_02 -0.0 -45.0 -28.7 -28.7 -45.0 26.0 101.7 26.1 -3.4 159.3 -3.4 -8.1 -48.0 -11.2 -48.0 19.1 37.3 12.0 6.6 P1570 - Bohn Transformer Addition 37.7 -37.7 17.1 -16.1 3.4 18687 BOHN9 -7.0 7.0 -3.4 3.7 1.1 261.8 -28.3 457L 2949 ILAKE_02 1.1 262.9 971L 1099L 88.9 49.6 17.0 29.1 -39.3 -27.6 12.6 405 CONKLIN1 1118L 1.1 262.0 733 193S_240 1.1 262.9 1.0 142.6 -12.5 1291 KR01 2974 PIKE_02 1.0 13.9 1 3.1 -3.0 1.6 -1.5 3.0 1.0 142.5 1483 KIRBY1 Bus - Voltage (kV/pu) Branch - MW/Mvar Equipment - MW/Mvar 100.0%Rate A kV: <=72.000 <=144.000 <=240.000 <=500.000 >500.000 36 1.5 2405 CONKLIN2 1.0 14.0 -59.5 59.6 -34.1 39.3 70.0 44.4H 435 1134L_TP 879 539S_240 50.4 -48.7 1.1 261.9 1245 KINOSIS1 -9.6 2.3 -23.8 -24.4 -49.1 10295 KR05 1.1 262.6 -0.0 -80.0 28.3 18291 KR03 1.0 142.8 -3.8 9L45 28.3 10291 KR02 902 BCKSP_01 -166.6 1.1 264.5 306 WINEFRE7 -9.6 1.1 260.5 1.1 263.0 878 JFISH01 1949 ILAKE_01 CATEGORY B, LOSS OF 9L47 2017SP POST-CONNECTION MON, JAN 25 2016 14:50 -65.0 -10.3 1687 BOHN_01 1090L 974 PIKE_01 1.0 26.1 SW -19.1 21.2 SW 1.1 264.0 9.6 9.6 7.0 369 CHRISLK1 -13.3 35.2 19291 KR04 0.0 -28.3 1116 1.0 142.8 1.1 260.5 1.0 4.3 -120.1 957L 434 189_240 -37.3 1.1 264.4 40.4 1.1 149.9 -5.9 9L930 -90.8 29.4 9L990 348 LEISMER4 -2.0 1117L -28.4 -12.0 -7.9 321 HEARTLAK 119.7 34.8 28.4 10245 KINOSIS5 -0.0 -27.3 -95.2 428L SW 36.8 5.9 1242 KINOSIS2 60.2 17.8 282 HEARTLAK 1.1 263.7 P1570 - Bohn 931S Transformer Addition page B-12 -65.8 21.0 1348 WHITFISH 99 57.2 -31.9 -30.8 -34.8 1.1 148.6 1.1 261.9 1.1 263.7 1.1 259.1 -67.7 SW -37.7 9L85 34.8 -34.1 -28.1 11.3 11.3 -105.0 138 N BARRH4 1292 MEAD_144 1.0 24.8 17282 HEARTLAK 1.1 260.2 -40.4 12.0 99.8 19.3 1.0 142.8 -11.3 -0.0 11245 KINOSIS6 1.0 4.3 1.1 146.2 1.1 145.0 -0.0 9L47 -43.7 30.0 24.8 -19.2 1.1 258.0 9.9 -141.1 16.1 -44.6 1.1 262.5 23.5 -30.0 7L183 1.1 263.7 1.1 266.4 1228 MITS E.4 -23.5 9L929 7.3 11.3 799 CHARD_TP 0.0 -0.0 1.0 25.4 7L15 7L104 19.2 1411 WADDELL7 SW 1402 SALTCR1 1 7L114 1.1 269.6 19242 KINOSIS3 G2 35.0R 12249 LNGLKCG2 -73.7 -57.1 1046 7LA183TP 7L167 179 MARIANA7 1623 ENGSTRM1 78.0 -28.3 1.1 264.5 1241 LONGLK1 -26.1 -0.0 1.1 146.6 57.0 1.1 146.2 -29.8 0.2 1.0 143.7 9L40 -8.1 16.3 1.0 144.0 920 ROUND01 159.3 -15.7 51.7 SW 7.9 1226 WABASCA4 -59.9 -14.3 -15.7H 14.4 2.1 1.0 144.4 1.0 144.0 -77.8 1246 LNGLKC02 -28.5 -14.3 -22.0 SW 1.1 264.4 -34.8 5.4 7LA114 23.6 -28.5 1.1 264.6 9L56 16.3 9L84 1276 S-SHINE1 0.3 1.1 14.6 1.1 15.0 1.4 1010 CHARD_01 9L55 -13.5 1.8 14.4 -15.7 15241 LONGLK15 -0.8 1227 CROWLK7 -77.8 -14.3 -3.2 7L121 14.7 1249 LNGLKC01 -19.4 -11.0 9.5 1277 BLK_FLY1 1.0 143.9 -77.8 2.7 1.1 263.6 9L15 14.7 -28.3 M2 1.1 145.0 -2.3 7L02 1.1 146.2 1260 LOU CR.4 17241 LONGLK17 1.1 150.6 1.1 150.6 1.1 150.4 3.3 -15.7H 7L38 1290 HORSERV7 -77.8 -8.2R -14.3 M1 4.2 -18.3 78.0 13249 LNGLKCG1 1.1 15.0 6.4 1256 SWEETHE7 1.1 146.2 1280 BRINT02 8.0 -8.1 -4.1 1006 GERMAIN1 9L10 1.1 149.3 1.5 9.4 1.1 146.6 -61.6 -1.0 1.1 265.0 8.3 16.3 1602 LIVOCKPS -25.6 1.0000 18288 LIVOCK03 -10.9 204 MCMILLA4 1.1 270.0 1.1 263.1 61.7 1.1 262.0 1405 SALTCR2 1.0 143.9 1.0 143.9 G1 7L36 1.1 263.1 1286 S-SHINE4 9L39 11402 977S901T -61.7 7L135 1.1 150.3 1282 WILL01 1.1 149.6 -16.4 1.1 265.0 10.1 -24.0 25.6 -11.5 10288 LIVOCK02 1288 LIVOCK01 1224 HANGSTO7 -7.0 9L89 9.8 7L194 SW -25.6 1.1 150.6 1.1 150.2 1.1 150.2 0.4 7.7 9L77 7.2 -16.7 1.1 14.5 29.1 -28.0 19.4 1.1 262.1 7.8 28.0 -7.7 1.1 263.3 10200 848S901T -8.1 1.3 10655 DAWE701T -17.0 -15.0 4.0 7L170 9L57 9L144 -0.1 1.1 -0.1 265.6 0.0 -0.0 10.8 -37.2 17.0 1201 RUTH LK8 -10.1 1.1 149.6 7.7 1.0 25.4 1.1 265.1 1462 1.0000 -7.3 1.0425 1.1 254.4 -28.0 7.6 -11.1 1.1 147.3 37.2 -17.1 1673 HALF_01 1627 7LA97_TP 28.0 25.6 1.1 265.3 -37.2 1622 TWR_RD1 4.1 1.1 149.5 7 1.1 259.8 -16.8 -6.3 1.1 149.8 -36.7 11200 848S902T 7L165 1239 GREGOIRE -2.7 2.4 7L155 16.8 12.9 11201 848S703T 18.4 -25.5 -6.9 1.1 151.2 7L47 36.7 -16.9 9L23 3.0 -11.5 -6.0 -9.6 60.5 -60.0 41.0 -44.1 1.1 149.6 -21.0 11.0 1.0 20.9 -1.8 1.1 265.6 1670 BWC01 1202 RUTH LA7 -18.4 1.1 149.8 7L97 9L19 1222 PARS CR7 -36.7 26.8 9.7 -13.1 1.1 147.7 8.8 -8.8 1.1 150.7 6.4 -11.0 70107 GENCOG7 1.1 266.2 10201 848S704T 19.6 -26.8 -12.8 -60.0L 77.2 77.2 -60.0 65.0 -76.7 SW 666 DOVER 1.1 270.0 -7.3 1.1 265.6 1203 RUTH LK7 19.6 -19.6 7L71 1.1 150.3 1655 DAWES240 9L74 1686 DOGRIB01 1.1 21.0 1200 RUTH LK4 1.1 263.4 1.1 265.3 18.8 1.1 73.5 -123.1 9L43 -137.5 -27.9 -51.6 -4.1 9L28 -7.3 1.1 265.6 1626 AMRBUS04 -14.2 57.4 9L07 9L08 1669 AMRBUS01 -14.2 52.6 52.8 -20.1 -8.5 9L82 1.1 262.7 9L58 59 9L09 -7.0 121.1 1.1 265.4 1 50.9R 50.9 -6.3 153.0 70159 GENCOG59 1208 MILLENN4 9L01 153.0 18274 MACKAY2 1.1 266.4 19.6 -4.0 -7.0 -20.4 22.1 5.8 -7.0 765 STONE_01 -38.7 -20.4 9L76 1800 ER_01 1.1 265.4 1.1 259.5 122.3 1.0 18.7 -152.3 1.1 264.5 1295 1206 AURORA 4 1212 MIL_G5 4 1205 SYNC_D04 -12.8 1274 MACKAY -35.7 1263 JOSLYN4 1.1 263.6 -27.0 -69.0 1236 MUSKEG1 11.0 9.4 1251 HORMIN1 1.1 263.7 1610 MCCLE_01 -6.0 9L66 1213 MIL_G6 4 -29.9 1603 KEARL240 -62.9 -6.0L -20.1 7.8 1612 SECORD01 1.1 261.6 9L32 9.4 1.1 263.7 -38.8 -53.1 -20.1 1214 EDD34 101.7 1.1 263.8 -55.5 21.1 1.1 263.8 81.6 14.0 -18.1 21.1 1.1 264.6 1.1 263.8 1.1 263.9 81.6 1680 BITUMONT 10.4 5.1 3405 CONKLIN4 2 37 ATTACHMENT C Post-Connection System Voltage Stability Analysis Results ATCO Electric C-1 R1 C-1 Post-Connection System Voltage Stability Analysis Results Scenario 2: 2016WP Post-Project Figure C-1 shows the PV curves for the 240 kV transmission line 9L10, the MacKay generator’s transformer, the 240 kV transmission line 9L43, the 240 kV transmission line 9L57, and the 240 kV transmission line 9L930 contingencies in the Study Area in the 2016WP post-connection scenario. Figure C-1: PV Curves for Scenario 2 – 2016WP Post-Project Minimum Margin 5% =130.75MW (a) 9L10 Contingency Minimum Margin 5% =130.75MW Minimum Margin 5% =130.75MW (b) MacKay Generator’s Transformer Contingency ATCO Electric C-2 R1 Minimum Margin 5% =130.75MW (c) 9L43 Contingency Minimum Margin 5% =130.75MW (d) 9L57 Contingency ATCO Electric C-3 R1 Minimum Margin 5% =130.75MW (e) 9L930 Contingency ATCO Electric C-4 R1