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CUAV 2015
Shedding Light on Key Controls
Michelle Workman
Glenn Wilson
George Mason University
Old Dominion University
Account Management
User Account Management
Privileged Account Management
User Account Management
What is it?
◦ Managing the life-cycle of user accounts:
requesting, approving, administering, and
Why is it important?
◦ Authorized users may use accounts for unauthorized
◦ Unauthorized users may use/exploit accounts for
unauthorized and sometimes malicious purposes
User Account Management
Best Practices:
◦ Documented account management policy that
formalizes the process for requesting, granting,
administering, and terminating accounts
◦ Access is granted on the principles of least privilege
and separation of duties
◦ Limit/Prohibit the use of generic and shared
User Account Management
Best Practices (continued):
◦ Require prompt notification when a user account is
no longer required or a user’s access level
requirements change
◦ Periodically review all user accounts and
corresponding privileges
 Avoid privilege creep with user access recertifications
 Avoid rubber stamping: occurs when business units are
asked to review and approved “cryptic” access privileges
User Account Management
Best Practices (continued):
◦ Monitoring account usage to identify:
 Dormant accounts
 Users who have logged in during unusual hours
User Account Management
Common Misconceptions
◦ When determining whether IDs are personal or
generic, do not depend on format alone
◦ Don’t only test “front door” access (a user’s access
to data through an application)
◦ Vendor accounts are required
◦ Disabling vs. deleting user accounts
User Account Management
Red Flags
◦ Generic and shared accounts
◦ Common account management practices that promote
violations of least privilege and separation of duties:
 Playing the short staffed card: “We have small staff and therefore
have to grant broad access to lots of people”
 “We have a large staff and people change jobs and tend to
accumulate the sum of all the privileges they’ve ever had”
 System limitations: “The system doesn’t support granular enough
 Account cloning: “We copy privileges for users in the same role”
Privileged Account Management
What is it?
◦ An account that is used to perform tasks that an
ordinary user account cannot perform
Why is it important?
◦ These accounts allow users to perform
elevated/sensitive tasks, often with impunity,
because multiple users know the same account ID
and password
Privileged Account Management
Best Practices
◦ Documented policy for the management of
privileged accounts
◦ Reduce the complexity of privileged accounts
◦ Eliminate, where possible, the practice of sharing
privileged account credentials among multiple
◦ Privileged accounts should only be used to perform
tasks requiring elevated rights
Privileged Account Management
Best Practices (continued)
◦ Document the functionality of privileged accounts
◦ Consider account “check-out” mechanisms that
require an employee to log a request for specific
privileged account credentials
◦ Consider mechanisms that change the password
associated with a privileged account a certain
length of time after it has been requested for use by
an employee
Privileged Account Management
Best Practices (continued)
◦ Log the activity of privileged accounts; these logs
should be maintained on a separate server from the
one being audited so the privileged user does not
have rights to change the stored logs
◦ Monitor the use of privileged accounts
◦ Have procedures in place to ensure that an
employee no longer with the university has access to
privileged accounts
Privileged Account Management
Common Misconceptions
◦ Privileged accounts are only at risk from attackers
outside of the network
 Attackers on the inside who have hijacked a legit account
for their own needs
 Staffers who abuse access for one reason or another
 Or - and most likely - a user with too much access who
makes a mistake that results in a security incident
Privileged Account Management
Common Misconceptions (continued)
“When you’re in positions of privileged access,
like a systems administrator, you’re exposed to a
lot more information on a broader scale than the
average employee,” says Snowden. “Because of
that you see things that may be disturbing. Over
the course of a normal person’s career, you’d
only see one or two instances, but when you see
everything, you see them on a more frequent
Privileged Account Management
Common Misconceptions (continued)
Privileged Account Management
Common Misconceptions (continued)
◦ Only a few trusted individuals know the passwords for
privileged accounts
Privileged Account Management
Red Flags
◦ Users of privileged accounts do not have a separate, less
privileged account to perform day to day tasks (e.g.,
checking email)
◦ Weak password policy: privileged passwords are
frequently not subject to a policy requiring regular
password changes or locking the account after so many
failed login attempts
◦ Passwords for privileged application, service, and batch
accounts are often embedded/hard coded and stored
in plain text
Account Management
◦ SANS Critical Security Controls
 Control #16: Account Monitoring and Control
 Control #12: Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges
◦ ITRM Guideline SEC509-00: IT Logical Access Control
Data Backup: What is the Objective?
The backup method must ensure the required
Recovery time objective (RTO) = Statement of
duration and service level within which a business
function must be restored after a disruption, to
avoid unacceptable consequential loss.
Recovery point objective (RPO) = Statement of
data loss related to backup points and service
recovery time.
Data Backup: Why is it Important?
There odds are strong that you will need them
 Hardware failures
 Soft failures / data corruption
 File and transaction deletions
 Failed upgrades
 Malicious activity
Data Backup: Modes
 Disk > Tape
 Disk > Disk
 Disk <> Media
 Disk <> Device
Data Backup: Methods
 File level backups
 Block level backups
 Transactional logs
 Real-time replication
 Virtual snapshots
 Disk imaging
Data Backup: Schemes
 Full
 Full
+ Differential
 Full
Backup + Incremental Backups
 Rotations
First In, First Out
Tower of Hanoi
Data Backup: Best Practices
 Conduct
a formal business impact analysis
 Geographically separate backups
 Establish a lifecycle operations calendar
 Conduct recovery objective testing
 Classify data to establish required security
 Design a monitoring and remediation workflow
 Conduct tape and file inventory audits
 Protect the backup database or catalog
Data Backup: Misconceptions
 Everything is all backed up
 Info Technology Services handles it all
 Assuming that all backups are secure
 We don’t need local backups because
the vendor can/will provide the data
Data Backup: Red Flags
 No formal communication of recovery objectives
 Mismatched recovery objectives and backup methods
 Infrequent or absence of full restorative testing
 Missing or weak error handling procedures
 Missing or weak vaulting or data inventory procedures
 Diminished data management and security standards
 Missing or weak contractual agreements
Data Backup: Resources
• NIST Special Publication 800-34 Contingency Planning
Guide for Federal Information Systems
• United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
• Iron Mountain
Password Policies
What is it?
◦ A set of rules designed to enhance security by
requiring users to employ strong passwords and use
them properly
Why is it important?
◦ Without a strong policy enforcing password
requirements, people continue to choose bad
passwords and protection practices
Password Policies
SplashData released its
annual list of the 25 most
common passwords found
on the Internet
Shows that many people
continue to put
themselves at risk by using
weak, easily guessable
Password Policies
Best Practices
◦ There is no one size fits all password policy –
requirements should be commensurate with the level
of risk and sensitivity of the system
◦ The password policy should also include human
factors (social engineering factors) to ensure the
integrity of the user’s password
◦ Prohibit the transmission and storage of passwords in
clear text
Password Policies
Red Flags
◦ “Off setting” password parameters
 If password history is not set, then password expiration is
 If minimal password age is set too low, users can change
their password repeatedly in the same day until password
history is exceeded, and begin reusing their original
◦ (specific to a Windows environment): the “Store
passwords using reversible encryption” setting is
◦ Forgotten passwords are reissued
Password Policies
Common Misconceptions
◦ One size fits all password policy – should be based on
the level of risk and sensitivity of the system
◦ Balancing the threat of a brute force attack on user
passwords vs setting an account lockout threshold
◦ The longer and more complex your password is, the
stronger and more secure it is
◦ You are protected so long as you enforce a strong
password policy
Password Policies
Common Misconceptions (continued)
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opRMrEfAIiI
Password Policies
◦ ITRM Guideline SEC509-00: IT Logical Access Control
◦ NIST Special Publication 800-118 (Draft)
Sensitive Data Storage: Data Types
Virginia Information Technologies Agency Website
Personally Identifiable Information, including information that
describes, locates or indexes anything about an individual including
financial transactions, Social Security numbers, medical history,
ancestry, religion, political ideology, criminal or employment record
and photographs.
Proprietary research data
Certain confidential proprietary data
Network diagrams and IP addresses
Server names and configurations
Contract cost estimates
Sensitive Data Storage: Importance
Compliance and legal
Grants and funding
Organizational reputation
System / network intrusion
Theft of organizational assets
Data integrity
Sensitive Data Storage: Best Practices
Commonwealth of Virginia ITRM Standard SEC501-09
May 1, 2015
MP-1-COV Media Protection
Prohibit the storage of sensitive data on any non-network storage device or media,
except for backup media, unless the data is encrypted and there is a written exception
approved by the Agency Head accepting all residual risks.
Secure storage includes, for example, a locked drawer, desk, or cabinet, or a controlled
media library. The type of media storage is commensurate with the security category
and/or classification of the information residing on the media.
The organization applies nondestructive sanitization techniques to portable storage
devices prior to connecting such devices to the information system under the following
circumstances. While scanning such storage devices is always recommended,
sanitization provides additional assurance that the devices are free of malicious code to
include code capable of initiating zero-day attacks.
Sensitive Data Storage: Best Practices
Identify and classify sensitive data elements in your data
Know what policies and standards apply to each data element
Know the necessary business uses for the sensitive data
- Store sensitive data in the least mobile, most secured locations
- Store sensitive data with the least access possible
- Maintain a secured state as continuously as possible
Utilize strong, standardized full-device or container encryption and
employ proper encryption key management
Know why an element of sensitive data is necessary and do not
collect sensitive data unless there is an absolute business
necessity. Collecting only a portion of sensitive data may be
sufficient such as the last four digits of a credit card number or
social security number.
Sensitive Data Storage: Misconceptions
• Knowing everywhere their sensitive data is stored
• Everyone is aware of data policies and standards
• Drives are as secure as a managed database
• It’s highly secure because its encrypted
• Assuming control strength is essentially the same
across a variety of storage media and storage
Sensitive Data Storage: Red Flags
 Failure to systematically classify data
 No set policies for data management
 User awareness training is absent or informal
 Weak or absent technical controls to enforce policies
 Business pressure drives control design/implementation
 Not encrypting data before uploading to the Cloud
 Large volume of data extracts stored in various formats
on local drives, network shares and removable media.
Sensitive Data Storage: Resources
• National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST SP800-53 Revision 4 Cybersecurity Framework
• Virginia Information Technologies Agency Information
Security Management Standard SEC 501-09
• NIST Special Publication 800-11 Guide to Storage
Encryption Technologies for End User Devices
Production Change Controls
What is it?
◦ Controls to manage changes, updates, or
modifications to hardware, operating systems,
applications, and databases
◦ It’s the process used to request, review, specify, plan,
approve, and implement changes
Production Change Controls
Why is it important?
◦ Significant risk that unauthorized, unapproved, or
untested changes may be introduced into the
production environment
◦ Critical system failure/disruption of IT services due to
unforeseen technical problems
◦ Potential security implications
Production Change Controls
Best Practices
◦ Needs to be appropriate separation of duties
between who can request a change, approve a
change, develop a change, test the change, and
move the change into production
Production Change Controls
Best Practices (continued)
◦ Ideally systems should have at least three separate
environments for development, testing and
 The test and production environments should be as similar
as possible
 If cost prohibits having three environments, testing and
development could take place in the same environment;
but development activity would need to be closely
managed during acceptance testing
Production Change Controls
Best Practices (continued)
◦ As a general principle development and production
should always be separate with no crossover
 Developers should not have access to production systems
 Developers may be granted access to production for
emergency changes using pre-established accounts for this
purpose at the time of need
Production Change Controls
Best Practices (continued)
◦ No code should ever be installed in a production
environment that has not been approved and
◦ Not only test that the changes are operating as
intended, but to verify that only intended and
approved changes were made and to assess its
impact on operations and security
◦ A back-out plan needs to be established for the
specific changes that describes how a failed
change can be restored to its previous state
Production Change Controls
Common Misconceptions
◦ Only changes of a certain size need to be
 At a minimum a change log should be maintained that
includes a brief functional description of the change; date
the change was implemented; who made the change;
who authorized the change; and what technical elements
were affected by the change
◦ We manually log/track all changes, so all changes
are known
Production Change Controls
Red Flags
◦ Only a production environment exists
◦ No mechanism to detect and log changes being
moved to production
◦ Nothing supporting version control
◦ The number of “emergency changes” far exceeds
the number of normal changes
Production Change Controls
COBIT: Build, Acquire and Implement (BAI)06
Manage Changes (through ISACA
Data Accuracy & Integrity: What is it?
Components of data quality (accuracy, completeness,
validity, consistency)
Accuracy refers to “correctness” of value and format.
Integrity refers to maintaining and assuring accuracy
through prevention of unintentional changes over its entire
Both are dependent on system design, implementation,
operation and usage.
The successful input of data into a system not meeting the
standard for correctness is a data accuracy failure.
Unintended changes to data resulting from any cause is a
failure of data integrity.
Data Accuracy & Integrity: Importance
Business intelligence
Life critical systems
Record retention and compliance
(Clery Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, Do Not Call Registry, HIPAA)
Error propagation through depts. and business functions.
Duplication of records
Erroneous reports and filings
Communication errors
Data Accuracy & Integrity: Best Practices
Do not rely solely on system design and operation
Establish a formal data control function
Conduct cause and effect analysis on any noted errors,
omissions or exceptions
Develop methods to detect/correct data issues in real time
Design error checking routines into data interfaces
Communicate data standards and definitions
Limit data feeds to the systems of record
Lock or signature stamp archives and templates
Audit and test data records and files
Data Accuracy & Integrity: Testing
• What should be tested?
− Closed records
− Permanent records
− Fee schedules
− Calculated values
− Spreadsheets
Data Accuracy & Integrity: Testing
• Comparative Tests
− File signatures
− Content based tools
− Source records to extracts
Data Accuracy & Integrity: Testing
• Rule Based Tests
− Format consistency
− Boundary checks
− Completeness
− Invalid duplication
Data Accuracy & Integrity: Red Flags
 Overreliance on soft controls
 Relying on weak or fuzzy matching algorithms
 Relying on default system/application controls
 Structural database updates / system conversion
 Weak or absent data control function or processes
 Unvetted ad hoc reports, update queries and scripts
 Instances of workarounds and manual corrections
Data Accuracy & Integrity: Resources
• The Practitioner's Guide to Data Quality
Improvement by David Loshin
• Experian Data Quality Resource Center
Thank You!
Feel free to contact us for
any additional information
Michelle Workman
[email protected]
Glenn Wilson
[email protected]
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