
CURRICULUM VITAE Alan F.J. Artibise, Ph. D. March 2014

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CURRICULUM VITAE Alan F.J. Artibise, Ph. D. March 2014
Alan F.J. Artibise, Ph. D.
March 2014
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
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Present Position:
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
The University of Texas Brownsville
University Address:
Life & Health Sciences, Room 2.402
80 Fort Brown
Brownsville, TX 78520
Email Address:
[email protected]
B.A. (First Class), University of Manitoba, 1967
Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 1972
Executive Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University, 2007 - 2009
Dean, Social Sciences, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University, 2004-2007
Executive Director, Institute for Social Science Research, Arizona State University, 2004 - 2009
Dean, College of Urban and Public Affairs, University of New Orleans, 2002-2004
Executive Director, Public Policy Research Center, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1999-2002
E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor, Community Collaboration & Public Policy, University
of Missouri-St. Louis, 1999-2002
Professor of History and Public Policy Administration, University of Missouri-St. Louis 19992001
Managing Director, Sustainable Cities Foundation, 1993-94
Founding Executive-Director, International Centre for Sustainable Cities, 1993-1995
Director, School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, 19881993
Director, Centre for Human Settlements, University of British Columbia, January - September,
1988; Member, CHS Council, September 1988 – 1993
Professor of Planning, University of British Columbia, 1988-1999
Adjunct Professor of History and Planning and Member, Faculty of Graduate Studies,
University of Manitoba, 1985-1992
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Director, Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg, 1983-1988
Co-coordinator, Urban Studies Programme, University of Winnipeg, 1983-1988
Adjunct Professor of History, University of Victoria, 1983-1986
Professor of History, University of Winnipeg, 1983-1988
Professor of History, University of Victoria, 1981-1983
Visiting Professor of History, University of Manitoba, 1980-1981
Associate Professor of History, University of Victoria, 1976-1980
Head, Western Canada History Section, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, 19751976
Chair, Social Sciences Division, University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, B.C. 19731975
Coordinator, Canadian Studies Programme, University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops,
B.C., 1972-1975
Instructor in Canadian History and Canadian Studies, University College of the Cariboo,
Kamloops, B.C., 1971-1975
Chairman, Secretary, and Member, College and University History Liaison Committee, British
Columbia, 1971-1975.
President, Kamloops Museum Association, 1973-1975.
Executive Member, Urban History Group, Canadian Historical Association, 1974-1983.
Secretary, Western Canada History Group, Canadian Historical Association, 1975-1977;
Chair, 1977-1978.
Canadian Historical Association representative, Human Environment Committee, Social
Science Federation of Canada, 1975-1979.
Member, Committee on Graduate Studies, Social Science Federation of Canada, 1977-1979.
Council Member, Canadian Historical Association, 1977-1980.
President, Greater Victoria Archives Society, 1977-1979.
Chair, Regional History Committee, Canadian Historical Association, 1977-1980.
Member, Advisory Board, B.C. Legal History Collection Project, 1977-1983.
Council Member, Champlain Society of Canada, 1979-1982.
Fellow, Royal Historical Society, 1979-1993.
Committee Member, Leave and Post-Doctoral Fellowships Committee, Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada, 1980-1981.
Secretary, Confederation of Faculty Associations of British Columbia, 1982-1983.
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President, Association for Canadian Studies, 1982-1984; 1984-1986; Past-President 19861988.
Executive Member, Canadian Urban History Association, 1983-1988.
Executive Member, International Planning History Group, 1983-1988.
Representative to Board of Directors and General Assembly of Social Science Federation of
Canada (representing ACS), 1983-1985.
Member, Joint Executive Committee, Masters in Public Affairs, Universities of Manitoba and
Winnipeg, 1983-1987.
Member, Board of Directors, Manitoba Multicultural Resources Centre, 1983-1986.
Member, Board of Governors, Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature, 1983-1985; VicePresident, 1985-1986.
Executive Member, International Council for Canadian Studies, 1982-1984; 1984-1986
Vice-President, Manitoba Record Society, 1984-1988.
Member, Board of Directors, Age and Opportunity Centre, Inc., 1984-1987.
Member, Manitoba Environmental Council, 1984-1986.
Vice-Chairman, Committee of Review, City of Winnipeg Act, 1984-1986.
Member, Committee on Bibliography and Information Services for the Social Sciences and
Humanities, National Library of Canada, 1984-1988.
Member, Board of Directors, Woodsworth House Historical Society, 1984-1986.
Member, Planning Committee, National Capital Commission, 1985-1986; Vice-Chairman,
1986-1988; Chairman, 1988-1990.
Member, Board of Directors, Rossbrook House, 1985-1988.
Chairman, Task Force on Funding the Federation, Social Science Federation of Canada, 19861987.
Member, Advisory Board, America: History and Life (ABC-Clio), 1985-1997.
President-Elect, Social Science Federation of Canada, 1985-1986; President, 1986-1987; PastPresident, 1987-1988.
President-Elect, Canadian Regional Science Association, 1985-1986; President, 1986-1987;
Past-President, 1987-1988.
President-Elect, International Council for Canadian Studies, 1985-1987; President, 19871989; Past-President, 1989-1991.
Member, Board of Governors, North American Urban Affairs Association, 1986-1992
Vice-President, Winter Cities Association, 1986-1992.
Member, Task Force on Communications Strategy, Social Science Federation of Canada,
Member, Board of Directors, Forks Renewal Corporation, 1987-1988 (Member of Executive
Committee and Chair of Planning Committee).
Member, Executive Committee, Institute of Public Administration of Canada (Winnipeg
Region), 1987-1988.
Member, Board of Directors, International Downtown Association, 1987-1990.
Chairman, National Jury, 1988 Premier's Awards for Excellence in Design, Province of
Member, Vancouver Chapter, Lambda Alpha International, 1988-1999; Vice President, 19901992; President, 1996-1998.
Member, Board of Directors, Institute for the Study of International Cities, 1989-1993.
Member, Board of Directors, Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproduction, 1990-1993.
Chair, Committee on Programming and Marketing, National Capital Commission, 1990-1993.
Member, Board of Directors, Social Planning and Research Council of B.C., 1990-1991.
Member, Site Visitor Pool, Planning Accreditation Board, American Planning Association,
Director, Jumbo Glacier Alpine Resort Inc., 1990-Present
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Vice-President, Pacific Rim Council on Urban Development, 1990-1993.
Member, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Board, U.B.C., 1990-1992.
Member, Stanley Park Task Force (appointed by Vancouver Parks Board), March-November,
Member, Delta Transportation Task Force (appointed by Delta Municipal Council), 19911993.
Member, The SPARK Construction Roundtable, 1993-1997 (An initiative of the Science
Council of B.C.).
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Public Works Management and Policy, 1995-present.
Member, Board of Advisors, The Trust for Sustainable Development, Inc., 1995-2000.
Member, Communities Portfolio, Council for Sustainability, 1995-1997.
President, Cascadia Institute, 1995-1999.
Graduate, Leadership Vancouver, Class of ’96.
Secretary and Member, Board of Directors, Golden Peaks Resort Inc., 1996-2000.
Member, Planning Committee, Class of ’97. Retreat, Leadership Vancouver.
Chair, Community Issue Day, Leadership Vancouver, Class of ’97, Class of ’98.
Member, Curriculum Committee, Leadership Vancouver, Class of ’97, Class of ’98.
Commodore, False Creek Yacht Club, 1998-1999.
Secretariat Chair, B.C.-Washington Corridor Task Force, 1998-1999.
Member, Board of Directors, Downtown Vancouver Association, 1997-1999.
Member, Board of Directors, Leadership Vancouver, 1997-1999.
Member, International Panel of Advisors, Regional Strategy for Northern Ireland and Belfast
City-Region Plan, Department of the Environment (N.I.), 1997-1999.
Member, Transportation Policy Committee, East West Gateway Coordinating Council, 20002002.
Member, Advisory Board, University of Missouri Consortium for Educational Policy
Analysis, 2000-2002.
Member, St. Louis Regional Workforce Development Policy Group, 2000-2002.
President, Metropolitan St. Louis Section, American Planning Association, 2000-2001.
Member, Organizing Committee, “What is a City?” Conference, Center for the Humanities,
University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1999-2002.
Program Chair, 7th Annual Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference,
St. Louis, March 2001.
Member, Conference Committee, Coalition of Urban Metropolitan Universities, 2001-present.
Member, Legislative Affairs Committee, Downtown St. Louis Partnership, 2000-2001.
Member, Historic District Committee, City of Pasadena Hills, 2001-2002.
Founding Member, East-West Gateway-St. Louis Chapter, Lambda Alpha International, 2001;
Secretary-Treasurer, 2001-2002.
Vice-President-Central, Lambda Alpha International, 2001-2002.
Member, Board of Directors, International Nonprofit Leadership Project, New Orleans, 20022004.
Member, Governance and Finance Subcommittee, Committee for a Better New Orleans, 20022004.
Member, Business Alliance of New Orleans, 2002-2004.
Member, Advisory Board, Canada Arizona Business Council, 2004 – 2009.
Member, Phoenix Council on Foreign Relations, 2004 – 2009.
Member, Arizona –Mexico Border Commission, 2006 – 2009.
Secretary – Treasurer, Western Canadian Studies Association, 2006 – 2009.
Member, Board of Directors, United Brownsville, 2009 – present; Chair, Technical
Committee, United Brownsville, 2010 – present.
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Curriculum Vitae
Member, Rio Grande Valley Higher Education Initiative, UT System, and Chair, Health
Professions Task Force, 2009 – 2011.
Member, Board of Trustees, Valley Baptist Medical Center-Brownsville, 2011-present
Member, Search Committee, Regional Dean, School of Public Health, Brownsville Campus,
Undergraduate Awards
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Staff Award for Outstanding Leadership, St. Joseph’s College, Yorkton, Saskatchewan 1964
McLachlin Scholarship, University of Manitoba, 1965-1966, 1966-1967
Stoffman Prize in History, University of Manitoba, 1965-1966, 1966-1967
Klieforth Prize in History, University of Manitoba, 1967-1968
Graduate Awards
H.R. Macmillan Fellowship, University of British Columbia, 1967-1968, 1968-1969
Fellowship to attend “Seminar for Historical Administrators,” Williamsburg, Virginia,
July 16-26, 1968 (Fellowship awarded by American Association for State and Local History,
National Trust for Historic Preservation, American Association of Museums, and Colonial
Canada Council Doctoral Fellowship, 1969-1970
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Doctoral Fellowship, 1969-1970, 1970-1971
John S. Ewart Grant to Study Canadian History, 1969-1970
Margaret McWilliams Medal, Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, 1972 (Best
University Thesis category)
Research Grants and Fellowships
Canada Council and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 1973 ($1,500); 1974
($2,000); 1977-1981 ($7,700)
University of Victoria, 1976-1979 ($3,000); 1980-1981 ($1,500)
Department of External Affairs, International Travel Grant, 1977 ($1,500)
University of Victoria, President's Fund for Programmes of Special Distinction (re: Vancouver
Island Project), 1981-1982 ($6,500)
Heritage Trust (re: Vancouver Island Project), 1982 ($2,500)
International Division, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Travel Grant, 1982
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Research Grant (re: Vancouver Island
Project), 1982-1983 ($75,000)
Leave Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 1982-1983
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Strategic Grant (re: Urban
Bibliography Project), 1985-1986 ($66,437)
Economic Council of Canada, Research Grant, 1987-1988 ($5,000)
Vancouver Sun, Pacific-Fraser Region Project, 1990, $65,000 (with M. Seelig)
Real Estate Foundation, Grant for Development of Programme in Real Property Development
and Planning, July 1990, $340,000.
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“Centre of Excellence in Human Settlements,” awarded by Canadian International
Development Agency, $6.2M over six years (1991-1997). Grant made to SCARP and Centre
for Human Settlements
Healthy and Sustainable Communities Research Grant, 1991-92, $100,000 (with five faculty
in Planning, Social Work and Medicine)
Real Estate Foundation, Research Grant, 1992, “Understanding Real Property Development”
Transit Research Grant, 1992, “A Model for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Automobiles in
Vancouver Region” ($27,000)
Canada’s Green Plan, Grant For International Centre for Sustainable Cities, $3.5M for period
National Center for the Revitalization of Central Cities, University of New Orleans, 1997-98
B.C.-Washington Corridor Task Force, 1998-1999 ($150,000)
Freeport-McMoRan Foundation, New Orleans, Neighborhood Collaborative Planning
Project, 2003-2004 ($20,000).
Maritime and Intermodal Transportation Center, UNO, 2003-2005 ($500,000).
Mississippi River Corridor Initiative, UNO, 2003-2004 ($600,000).
Honours and Awards
Margaret McWilliams Medal, Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, 1976 (Best
scholarly book category - Winnipeg in Maps/Winnipeg par les cartes, 1816-1972)
Honourary Citizen Award, City of Winnipeg, presented November 1977
Award of Merit, American Association for State and Local History, November 1978. Award
presented for “historical writings on Winnipeg.”
Margaret McWilliams Medal, Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, 1978 (Best
scholarly book category - Winnipeg: An Illustrated History)
Honourary Citizen Award, Town of Dauphin, presented January 1979
Award of Merit, Canadian Historical Association, June 1981
Tremaine Medal, Bibliographical Society of Canada, presented June 15, 1983
“Most Distinguished” Article Award, Volumes XIV and XV (1984 and 1985), American
Review of Canadian Studies. Awarded by the Association for Canadian Studies in the United
States, September 1985.
Honourary Member, Association for Canadian Studies in India, 1987
Honourary Member, Italian Association for Canadian Studies, 1988
“Citation for Citizenship” Award, presented by Secretary of State for Canada, 30 June 1988
First Prize, 1991 Planning Institute of British Columbia Award for Excellence in Planning
(with M. Seelig). Award presented for From Desolation to Hope book.
First Prize, Media Club of Canada Memorial Award, 1991. Award presented for Vancouver
Sun series, "Future Growth-Future Shock."
Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, 1992, “in recognition of
significant contribution to compatriots, community and to Canada.”
Commemorative Medal for Outstanding Service, Awarded by Association for Canadian
Studies, June 1993.
Award of Merit for Leadership, Awarded by International Council for Canadian Studies, June
Gold Georgie Award—“Excellence by Local Government in Cooperation with Industry”—for
Harris Green Charrette (City of Victoria), 1997. Presented by Canadian Home Builders
Commodore's Trophy for “Outstanding Service,” False Creek Yacht Club, 1997.
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“International Fellow Award,” Lambda Alpha International, September 1999.
“Member of the Year Award,” Lambda Alpha International, Vancouver Chapter, June 1999.
“Distinguished Service Award,” Mid-County Partners for Progress, St. Louis County,
October 2000.
Member, Phi Kappa Phi Society.
Urban Affairs Association Service Honor Roll Inductee, February 2014
Books: Monographs and Edited Volumes
Winnipeg: A Social History of Urban Growth, 1874-1914 (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s
University Press, 1975), 382 pp. Voted “Award of Merit” by National Awards Committee of
the American Association for State and Local History, November 1978. Voted “Certificate of
Merit” by Canadian Historical Association, Regional History Committee, June 1981.
Winnipeg in Maps/Winnipeg par les cartes, 1816-1972 (Ottawa: Public Archives of Canada,
1975), 80 pp. (Co-author, Edward H. Dahl). Awarded Manitoba Historical Society Medal,
January 1976.
The Canadian City: Essays in Urban History (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1977), 455
pp. (Co-editor, Gilbert A. Stelter). Reprinted, Macmillan of Canada, 1979.
Winnipeg: An Illustrated History (Toronto: James Lorimer and Company, 1977), 240 pp.
Reprinted 1979, 1983, 1985. Voted “Award of Merit” by National Awards Committee of the
American Association for State and Local History, November 1978. Also awarded Manitoba
Historical Society Medal, January 1979; and “Certificate of Merit” by Canadian Historical
Association, June 1981.
Western Canada Since 1870: A Select Bibliography and Guide (Vancouver: University of
British Columbia Press, 1978), 294 pp.
The Usable Urban Past: Planning and Politics in the Modern Canadian City (Toronto:
Macmillan, 1979), 383 pp. (Co-editor, Gilbert A. Stelter).
Gateway City: Documents on the City of Winnipeg, 1873-1913, Manitoba Record Society,
Volume V (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1979), 228 pp.
Town and City: Aspects of Western Canadian Urban Development, Canadian Plains Studies,
Volume X (Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1981), 455 pp.
Canada’s Urban Past: A Bibliography to 1980 and Guide to Canadian Urban Studies
(Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1981), 396 pp. (Co-author, Gilbert A.
Shaping the Urban Landscape: Aspects of the Canadian City-Building Process (Ottawa:
Carleton University Press, 1982), 436 pp. (Co-editor, Gilbert A. Stelter).
The Canadian City: Essays in Social and Urban History, 2nd edition, revised and expanded
(Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1984), 503 pp. (Co-editor, Gilbert A. Stelter).
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Power and Place: Canadian Urban Development in the North American Context
(Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1986), 398 pp. (Co-editor, Gilbert A.
Canadian Regional Development: The Urban Dimension (Ottawa: Economic Council of
Canada, 1989), 100 pp. (Co-author, M.J. Kiernan).
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian Society (Montreal: McGill Queen's University
Press, 1990), 200 pp.
Canada: Traditions and Revolutions (Ottawa: International Council for Canadian Studies,
1990). 180 pp. (Co-editor, Simon Langlois).
From Desolation to Hope: The Pacific Fraser Region in 2010 (Vancouver: University of
British Columbia, 1991), 108 pp. (Co-author, Michael Y. Seelig). Received Planning Institute
of B.C. Award for Excellence in Planning, 1991; and Media Club of Canada Memorial
Award, 1991.
Complete Communities: Pathways to Design and Implementation - BACKGROUND
PAPERS (Whistler: Whistler Centre for Business and the Arts, 1996), 110 pp.
Revitalizing the City: Strategies to Contain Sprawl and Revive the Core (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E.
Sharpe, 2005. Co-editors: F. Wagner, T. Joder, K. Akundi, and A. Mumphrey). 341 pp.
Major Articles
“The Crucial Decade: Red River at the Outbreak of the American Civil War,” Manitoba
Historical Society Transactions, Series III, No. 23 (1966-1967), pp. 57-66.
“Advertising Winnipeg: The Campaign for Immigrants and Industry, 1974-1914,” Manitoba
Historical Society Transactions, Series III, No. 27 (1970-1971), pp. 75-106.
“The Urban Development of Winnipeg,” Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine, No.
1-72 (February 1972), pp. 5-7.
“Researching Winnipeg,” Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine, No. 2-72 (June
1972), pp. 14-19.
“An Urban Environment: The Process of Growth in Winnipeg,” Canadian Historical
Association, Historical Papers, 1972, pp. 109-134.
“Alexander Logan: Paragon of Boosterism,” The Beaver, Outfit 304, No. 4 (Spring 1974), pp.
“Winnipeg and the City Planning Movement, 1910-1915,” in D.J. Bercuson, ed., Western
Perspectives I: Papers of the Western Canadian Studies Conference, 1973 (Toronto: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1974), pp. 10-20.
“The Origins and Incorporation of Winnipeg,” in A. R. McCormack and Ian MacPherson,
eds., Cities in the West: Proceedings of the Western Canadian Urban History Conference,
Mercury Series #10 (Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1975), pp. 5-25.
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“Maps in the Study of Winnipeg's Urban Development,” in ibid., pp. 139-158. (Co-author, E.
H. Dahl).
“Population Growth Patterns and Ethnic Relationships in Winnipeg, 1874-1974,” Histoire
sociale/Social History, Volume IX, No. 18 (November 1976), pp. 296-335.
“An Urban Economy: Patterns of Economic Change in Winnipeg, 1873-1971,” Prairie
Forum, Volume I, No. 2 (November 1976), pp. 163-188.
“Divided City: The Immigrant in Winnipeg Society, 1874-1921,” in Artibise and Stelter, The
Canadian City, pp. 300-336.
“Winnipeg’s City Halls, 1876-1965,” Manitoba Pageant, Volume XXII, No. 3 (Spring 1977),
pp. 5-10.
“British Columbia in 1978,” in John T. Saywell, ed., The Canadian Annual Review of Politics
and Public Affairs (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1979), pp. 190-205.
“The Urban West: The Evolution of Prairie Towns and Cities to 1930,” Prairie Forum,
Volume IV, No. 2 (Fall 1979), pp. 237-262. Reprinted in Readings in Canadian History:
Post-Confederation (Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982); and in Stelter and Artibise,
The Canadian City: Essays in Urban and Social History (1984).
“Conservation Planning and Urban Planning: The Canadian Commission of Conservation in
Historical Perspective,” in R.J.P. Kain, ed., Planning for Conservation: An International
Perspective (London: Mansell, 1981), pp. 17-36. (Co-author, Gilbert A. Stelter).
“British Columbia in 1979,” in R. L. Byers, ed., The Canadian Annual Review of Politics and
Public Affairs (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981), pp. 334-352.
“Boosterism and the Development of Prairie Cities, 1871-1913,” in Artibise, Town and City,
pp. 209-235. Reprinted in R.D. Francis and H. Palmer, eds., The Prairie West: Historical
Readings (Edmonton: Pica Press, 1985); and ibid, Second Edition, 1992.
“Patterns of Prairie Urban Growth, 1871-1950,” in P.A. Buchner and D.J. Bercuson, eds.,
Eastern and Western Perspectives: Papers from the Joint Atlantic Canada/Western Canadian
Studies Conference (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981), pp. 115-146.
“British Columbia in 1980,” in R.L. Byers, ed., The Canadian Annual Review of Politics and
Public Affairs (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981), pp. 290-305. (Co-author, P. A.
“Process and Structure in Calgary’s Civic Government,” in Harold Coward, ed., Calgary’s
Growth: Bane or Boon? (Calgary: Institute for the Humanities, University of Calgary, 1981),
pp. 13-22.
Prairie Urban Development, 1870-1930, CHA Pamphlet, No. 34 (Ottawa: Canadian
Historical Association, 1981), pp. 42. Translated as L’expansion urbaine dans les prairies,
1870-1930 (Ottawa, 1981), pp. 40.
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“In Pursuit of Growth: Municipal Boosterism and Urban Development in the Canadian
Prairie West,” in Artibise and Stelter, Shaping the Urban Landscape, pp. 116-147.
“British Columbia in 1981,” in R.L. Byers, ed., The Canadian Annual Review of Politics and
Public Affairs (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982), pp. 404-417. (Co-author, P. A.
“Saskatoon’s History and the Usable Urban Past,” in D. Kerr and S. Hanson, Saskatoon: The
First Half-Century (Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1982), pp. 301-315.
“City-Building in the Canadian West: From Boosterism to Corporatism,” Journal of
Canadian Studies, Volume 17, No. 3 (Fall 1982), pp. 35-44.
“’A Worthy, If Unlikely, Enterprise’: The Labour Relations Board and the Evolution of
Labour Policy and Practice in British Columbia 1973-1980,” B.C. Studies, No. 56 (Winter
1982-83), pp. 3-43. Reprinted in T.R. Knight, Selected Readings: Labour Relations
(Vancouver: Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British
Columbia, 1983).
“British Columbia in 1982,” in R.L. Byers, ed., The Canadian Annual Review of Politics and
Public Affairs (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984), pp. 264-275.
“Exploring the North American West: A Comparative Urban Perspective,” The American
Review of Canadian Studies, Volume XIV, No. 1 (Spring 1984), pp. 20-44. Winner of
“Distinguished Article Award” for 1983 and 1984, presented by the Association for Canadian
Studies in the United States. Reprinted in G.A. Stelter, ed., Cities and Urbanization:
Canadian Historical Perspectives (Toronto: Copp Clark, 1990), pp. 246-267.
“A New Frontier for Canadian Studies: Some Comparative Themes in Western North
American Urban Studies,” Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Kanada-Studien, Nr. 1, 4 (Jahrgang
1984), pp. 45-70.
“La storia urbana nel Canada: una rassegna critica degli studi,” Storia urbana, n. 28 (1984),
pp. 115-146. (Co-author, Paul-Andre Linteau).
“The Evolution of Urban Canada: An Analysis of Approaches and Interpretations, Report
No. 4 (Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg, 1984), pp. 46. Also
published as L’evolution de l’urbanisation au Canada: une analyse des perspectives et des
interpretations, Report No. 5, pp. 48. (Co-author, Paul-Andre Linteau).
“Developpement de l’histoire urbaine et les etudes urbaines au Canada,” Canada Ieri E Oggi
(Fasano: Schena, 1986), pp. 207-250. (Co-author, Pau Andre Linteau).
“Citta in un ambiente di frontiera: Modaleta dello sviluppo urbano nella regione delle praterie,
1870-1950, ” Storia Urbana, n. 38 (1987), pp. 61-99.
“Shaping the Urban Landscape: Public Works Professionals and the City-Building Process in
Canada,” in Norman Ball, ed., Building Canada: A History of Public Works (Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1988), pp. 313-321. Also published as “La construction des
villes,” dans Batir Un Pays: Histoire des travaux publics au Canada (Montreal: Boreal,
1988), pp. 335-344.
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“Canada as an Urban Nation: Reflections on City-Building in Toronto, Montreal and
Vancouver,” Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 117,
No.4 (Fall 1988), pp. 237-264. Reprinted in In Search of Canada (New Brunswick, N.J.:
Transaction Books, 1989), pp. 237-264, and in A. Anastasi and G. Bonanno, eds., The
Canadian Vision/La Vision Canadienne (Messina, Italy, 1994), pp. 43-80.
“Canadian Regional Development: The Urban Dimension,” in R. Vogelsang, ed., Canada in
the 1980s: Geographical Problems and Research (Bochum, 1989), pp. 84-108.
“Pacific Views of Canada: Canadian Studies Research in Asia-Oceania,” International
Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1-2 (Spring-Fall, 1990), pp. 142-161.
“Challenges to Urban Development in the Vancouver-Centered Region: The Town Centered
Policy in the 1990s,” in T. McGee, ed., Vancouver and Yokohama: Emerging Cities of the
Pacific Rim (1992).
“The Dynamics of Canadian Urban Development,” in K.R.G. Nair, ed., International Urban
Development Experiences (New Delhi: University of Delhi, 1992).
“Urban Policy Making in a Federal State: The Canadian Experience,” in H. Baldersheim, et
al., eds., Regional Organization and Administrative Performance in Eastern Europe (Prague,
1993), pp. 110-122.
“Seattle’s Urban Village Strategy: Perspectives from Vancouver” (with M.Y. Seelig),
Cascadia Forum: A Regional Journal of Design, Planning and Construction, Vol. 1, No. 1,
October 1993, pp. 8-10.
“Opportunities for Achieving Sustainability in Cascadia,” Publication #1, International Centre
for Sustainable Cities (March 1994), 20 pp.
“Sprawl Withdrawal: Sustainable City Planning on the West Coast,” Cascadia Forum: A
Regional Journal of Design, Planning and Construction, Vol. I, No. 2, May 1994, pp. 29-31,
“Achieving Sustainability in Cascadia: An Emerging Model of Urban Growth Management in
the Vancouver-Seattle-Portland Corridor,” in P. Kresl and G. Gappert, (eds.), North American
Cities and the Global Economy (Beverly Hills, CA.: Sage Publications, 1995), pp. 221-250.
“Challenging the Profession’s Values.” Planning Institute of B.C. News, Vol. 37, No.2 (June
1995), pp.10-13.
“Cascadia,” in Robert Geddes, ed., Cities in Our Future (Washington, D.C.: Island Press,
1996). (Co-authors, E. Seltzer and A. Vernez Moudon).
“Cascadia: Shared Visions and Strategic Alliances in a Cross-Border Region,” in J. Wilkie
and C.E. Smith, eds., Integrating Cities and Regions: North America Faces Globalization
(Guadalajara and Los Angeles: UCLA Program on Mexico, 1996), pp. 77-104.
“Redefining B.C.’s Place in Confederation: The Emergence of Cascadia as a Strategic
Alliance,” Policy Options (September 1996), pp.27-31.
“Building A Sense of Community: The Critical Variable in Urban Development,” in
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H. Coward, ed., Who’s Planning Victoria’s Future? Development and the Soul of the
Community (Victoria: University of Victoria, 1996), pp.1-26.
“Stay the Course: Reflections on Unicity,” N.Klos, ed., The State of Unicity (Winnipeg:
Institute of Urban Studies, 1998), pp.13-17.
“Cities in a Sea of Green: Sustainability Planning in Greater Vancouver,” Annual Review of
Canadian Studies (Japan), 2001.
“Guidelines for Federal Policy Priorities in Urban Areas,” Institute for Urban Studies,
University of Winnipeg, Occasional Paper (January 2001), 37 pp. (Co-authored with IUS
“Tourism Infrastructure in Vancouver, B.C.,” in D. Judd ed., The Infrastructure of Play:
Building the Tourist City (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2003), pp. 271-295. (Co-author, John
“Metropolitan Organization in Greater Vancouver: ‘Do It Yourself’ Regional Government,” in
D. Phares, ed. Metropolitan Governance Without Metropolitan Government? (Aldershot:
Ashgate Publishing, 2004). (Co-authors, J. Seelig and K. Cameron).
“Cascadia,” in H. Nicol and I. Townsend – Gault, eds., Holding the Line: Borders in a Global
World (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2004).
“Regional Governance and Sustainability,” in F. Wagner, A. Artibise, et al, eds., Revitalizing
The City: Strategies to Contain Sprawl and Revive the Core (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe,
2005), pp. 96-125. (Co-author, J. Meligrona).
“Conclusion: Opportunities and Challenges in Containing Sprawl and Reviving the Core,” in
ibid, pp. 313-322.
Other Publications and Professional Reports
Winnipeg: The Growth of a City, Canada’s Visual History Series, Volume I, No. 1 (Ottawa:
National Museum of Man and National Film Board, 1975).
“Electoral Reform in the City of Kamloops: A Background Paper,” in City of Kamloops,
Report on Local Government (Kamloops, 1975).
Canadian Urban Studies: A Select Bibliography (Victoria: University of Victoria, 1976), pp.
“Canadian Urban Studies,” Communique: Canadian Studies, Volume 3, No. 3 (April 1977),
pp. 1-130.
“Canadian Resource Towns,” Special Issue of Plan Canada, Volume 18, No. 1 (March 1978),
pp. 71. (Co-editor, Gilbert A. Stelter)
Index: Urban History Review, 1972-1977, Mercury Series #24 (Ottawa: National Museum of
Man, 1978), pp. 40.
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 14
“Civic Archival Survey of Greater Victoria,” Report and Recommendations (Victoria:
University of Victoria, 1979), pp. 80. (Co-author, Martin Segger)
Bibliography of Canadian Urban History, Public Administration Series, Vance
Bibliographies (Monticello, Illinois, 1980), pp. 238. Part I: General Works. Part II: The
Atlantic Provinces. Part III: Quebec. Part IV: Ontario. Part V: Western Canada. Part VI:
The Canadian North. (Co-authors, F.A. Armstrong and M. Baker)
“The Vancouver Island Project: Research, Resources and Regional Studies,” BC Studies, No.
56 (Winter 1982-1983), pp. 116-119. (Co-authors, P.A. Baskerville and C.M. Gaffield)
“The Vancouver Island Project: Developing a Systematic and Comprehensive Regional
Research Tool,” American Archivist, Volume 46, No. 3 (Summer 1983), pp. 317-320. (Coauthors, P.A. Baskerville and C.M. Gaffield)
Review of “Concerning Work: Change in the Work Process in Canada, 1850-2000,” an
exhibit produced by the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature, published in MUSE (The
Journal of Canadian Museums), Volume II, No. 2 (Summer 1984), pp. 34-43. (In
collaboration with W.A. Fraser)
“Alexander Logan,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Volume XII. (Toronto: University
of Toronto Press, 1990), pp. 568-569. (Co-author, H. Huber)
Articles for The Canadian Encyclopedia, 3 volumes (Edmonton: Hurtig, 1985);
CD-Rom Version, 1996; CD-Rom Version, 1998.
Abbotsford, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Alert Bay, B.C.
Barkerville, B.C.
Burnaby, B.C.
Campbell River, B.C.
Chilliwack, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Comox, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Coquitlam, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Courtney, B.C.
Cumberland, B.C.
Dawson Creek, B.C.
Delta, B.C.
Duncan, B.C.
Esquimalt, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Fort Nelson, B.C.
Fort St. John, B.C.
Jordan River, B.C.
Kamloops, B.C.
Ladysmith, B.C.
Langley, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Mackenzie, B.C.
Maple Ridge, B.C.
Matsqui, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Mission, B.C.
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 15
Nanaimo, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Nootka Sound, B.C. (revised, 1996)
North Vancouver, B.C.
Oak Bay, B.C.
Parksville, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Port Alberni, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Port Coquitlam, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Port Hardy, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Port Moody, B.C.
Powell River, B.C.
Prince Rupert, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Richmond, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Saanich Peninsula, B.C. (revised, 1996)
Sidney, B.C.
Sointula, B.C.
Sooke, B.C.
Squamish, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Surrey, B.C.
Terrace, B.C.
Ucluelet, B.C. (revised, 1997)
Vancouver Island, B.C. (revised, 1996)
West Vancouver, B.C.
White Rock , B.C.
Yale, B.C.
Dauphin, Manitoba (revised, 1997)
Winnipeg, Manitoba (revised, 1997)
The Canadian City (revised, 1996)
Resource Towns (revised, 1996)
Urban Studies (revised, 1996)
Urbanization (revised, 1996)
New Articles for The Canadian Encyclopedia, second edition (1988); revised 1996; revised
International Council for Canadian Studies
Social Science Federation of Canada
Article on “Winnipeg” for The Encyclopedia Americana (1990 edition), pp. 50-52.
“Shaping Tomorrow: Perspectives on Urban Policy for Winnipeg for the 1980s,” Occasional
Paper #1, Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg (December 1983), 14 pp.
“Revitalizing Downtown Winnipeg,” NeWest Review, Vol. 9, No. 9 (May 1984), pp. 6-7.
“A Matter of Political Responsibility: Real Property Assessment in Winnipeg,” Research and
Working Paper #12, Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg (November 1984), 40
City of Winnipeg Act Review Committee, Our City in Review: Issues Paper (Winnipeg:
Committee of Review, 1984), 31 pp. (Co-authors, L. Cherniack, P. Thomas, D.I. MacDonald,
D. Epstein)
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 16
“The Gateway City,” Horizon Canada, Volume I, No. 8 (1984), pp. 182-187.
“Real Property Assessment in Winnipeg,” City Magazine, Volume 7, No. 3 (Summer 1985),
pp. 19-26.
City of Winnipeg Act Review Committee, Final Report (Winnipeg: Queen’s Printer, 1986),
124 pp. (Co-authors, L. Cherniack, P. Thomas, D.I. MacDonald, D. Epstein)
“Challenges and Opportunities: Canadian Studies in the 1980s,” in O.P. Joneja, ed.,
Proceedings of the First Indian Seminar on Canadian Studies (Baroda: University of Baroda,
India, 1985), pp. 6-12.
“Poverty and the Homeless in Winnipeg,” University of Winnipeg Alumni Journal, Volume 2
(Summer 1986), pp. 10-12.
“Urban Heritage: An Engine of Economic Growth,” NeWest Review, Volume II (Summer
1986), p. 25.
“Urban Policy Making in a Federal State: The Canadian Experience,” Trierer Beitrage: Aus
Forschung und Lehre an der Universitat Trier, Heft XVI (June 1986), pp. 20-25.
“Developpement de l’histoire urbaine et des etudes urbaines au Canada,” Canada: Ieri E
Oqqi, III Sezionne Storica (Bari: Schena Editore, 1986), pp. 207-250. (Co-author, PaulAndre Linteau)
“Commentaire," Session on "Histoire/Histoire des idées, ” Revue Interdisciplinaire des études
canadiennes en France, Volume 21 (1986), pp. 21-26.
New Directions for Urban Universities: International Perspectives. Report No. 18, Institute
of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg (January 1987), 324 pp.
Phase One Concept and Financial Plan (Winnipeg: The Forks Renewal Corporation, 1987),
58 pp.
“Coping Constructively: Exploring the Relationship Between the Research Centre and the
Culture of the University,” University Research Centres: Proceedings of the National
Conference on Research Centres in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Ottawa: University
of Ottawa Press, 1987), pp. 107-116.
“Local Government,” Meech Lake: From Centre to Periphery- The Impact of the 1987
Constitutional Accord on Canadian Settlements (Vancouver: Centre for Human Settlements,
UBC, (1988), pp. 141-144.
“Canadian Studies in Asia,” Canadian Issues, Vol. X, No. 2 (1988), 38 pp.
Metrotown: A Planning, Social and Market Analysis of Burnaby’s Metrotown. Report
prepared for Burnaby Municipal Council. (Vancouver, 1989), 156 pp. (Co-authors, G. Gray,
A. Fallick, P. Sorensen).
Challenges and Opportunities: Local Government in the 1990s. Report prepared for Burnaby
Municipal Council. (Vancouver, 1989), 22 pp.
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 17
Town Centres and the Livable Region: A Strategy for the 1990s. Report prepared for the
Greater Vancouver Regional District. (Vancouver, 1990), 54 pp. (Co-authors, J. Wollenberg,
N. Hotson, A. Fallick).
“Canadian Studies Research in India,” The International Canadianist, Vol. 1, No. 4 (August
1990), pp. 1-2.
Special series of articles on the future of the Pacific Fraser Region for The Vancouver Sun.
(Co-author, M. Seelig).
“A Pacific Fraser Vision: From Desolation to Hope,” November 9, 1990.
“Megacity: The Inevitability of More People, More Development and More Density in
the Pacific Fraser Region,” November 11, 1990.
“Who’s Doing What to Whom: Planning and Politics in the Pacific Fraser Region,”
November 12, 1990.
“Land and Environment: Stunning Resources, Critical Challenges,” November 13, 1990.
“Global Connections: Economic Change in the Pacific Fraser Region,” November 14,
“Choking on Growth: The Arduous Route to Urban Mobility,” November 15, 1990.
“Shaping Our Future: An Agenda for 2010,” November 16, 1990.
Revised and expanded version of The Vancouver Sun series published as From Desolation to
Hope: The Pacific Fraser Region in 2010 (Vancouver: School of Community and Regional
Planning, 1990), 108 pp. Awarded prizes by Planning Institute of B.C. and Media Club of
Co-editor, Special Issue on “Heritage Conservation,” Prairie Forum: The Journal of the
Canadian Plains Research Centre, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Fall 1990), 390 pp.
City of North Vancouver: Supply and Demand Analysis for Seniors Rental Housing. Report
prepared for City Council (August 1991), 33 pp. (Co-authors, R. Belyea, G. Gray).
Stanley Park: An Issues Paper (Vancouver: Stanley Park Task Force, 1991), 18 pp.
Borderlands: Essays in Canadian-American Relations (Toronto: ECW Press, 1991), 328 pp.
[Member of Borderlands Project Steering Committee].
Community Based Small Bus Operations in the Greater Vancouver and Greater Victoria
Regional Transit Areas: A Report (Vancouver, 1992), 27 pp. plus Appendices. Report
presented to B.C. Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations.
International Centre for Sustainable Cities: Rationale and Operational Plan, Report
prepared for Canadian Minister of the Environment, November 1992, 98 pp.
International Georgia Basin - Puget Sound Sustainable Urbanization Project: Rationale and
Operational Plan, Report prepared for Premier of B.C., December 1992, 120 pp.
Delta Transportation Task Force: Final Report and Recommendations, Report prepared for
Delta Municipal Council (December 1992), 59 pp.
Cariboo Green: A Case Study in Urban Planning, Report prepared for Burnaby Municipal
Council (January 1993), 203 pp. (Co-authors R. Belyea, G. Gray, P. Sorensen).
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 18
Governance and Sustainability in the Georgia Basin: A Background Paper, Report prepared
for B.C. Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (March 1993), 35 pp. (Co-author,
Jessie Hill).
“Canada’s Profile,” Op-Ed Article in Montreal Gazette, February 18, 1993.
“Growth Management in the Cascadia Context: Governance and Sustainability in the Georgia
Basin,” in T. Hutton, ed., Expanding the Planning Tool Kit: Options for Growth Management
in a Context of Structural Change and Sustainable Development (Vancouver: School of
Community and Regional Planning, U.B.C., 1993), pp. 10-15.
A Comprehensive Planning Process for the Ryder Lake Uplands: Issues and Objectives
Paper. Report prepared for the District of Chilliwack (August 1993), 58pp.
“The International Centre for Sustainable Cities,” Occasional Papers #13, Centre for
European Studies (January 1994), 18pp.
Simon Fraser University in Regional Context: The Livable Region Strategic Plan and
Transport 2021. Report prepared for GVRD, March 1994. Co-authors: W. Gill, J. Munro, J.
Oberlander and L. Evenden, 9 pp.
Municipal Boundary Plan Study: City of Parksville. Report prepared for Parksville and
Ministry of Municipal Affairs, October 1994. Co-author, J. Meligrana, 95 pp.
“‘Part of the Natural Order’: The Theory and Practice of Municipal Governance in Western
Canada,” Affidavit prepared for the Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta in Court of
Queen’s Bench, December 1994. Co-author, Jessie Hill, 40 pp.
The Ryder Lake Comprehensive Plan. Report prepared for District of Chilliwack Council,
April 1996. 360 pp.
Whistler Creekside: A Preliminary Report. Report prepared for Ballast Nedam International
and Whistler Mountain Ski Corporation, June 1996. 220 pp.
“Cascadian Adventures: Shared Visions, Strategic Alliances and Ingrained Barriers in a
Transborder Region.” Paper used as required reading for Political Science 406 class, Western
Washington University, Fall 1996.
“Greater Victoria’s Role in Cascadia,” in Pride in Our Future: City of Victoria Strategic
Planning Process (October 1996).
Regional Governance Without Regional Government: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the
GVRD, Report Prepared for the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, April 1997, 40 pp.
Golden Peaks Resort: A Feasibility Study. Report prepared for Ballast Nedam International
and Town of Golden, April 1997. 90 pp.
Infrastructure Requirements in Support of Tourism: A Review of Best Practices. Report
prepared for Transport Canada and the Canadian Tourism Commission, June 1997. Co-author,
J. Meligrana. 50 pp.
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 19
“Trading Across the North West Frontier,” The Irish Times [Belfast], August 18, 1997, p.20.
(“Op-ed” piece).
The Terraces: A Planning Report. Special Report Prepared for District of Sechelt, August
1997, 13 pp.
“Shaping Your Future: Strategic Planning Lessons from North America,” Denote: The
Journal of the Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland), Vol. 5, Issue 2 (Winter
Approaches to Intergovernmental and Private Sector Cooperative Planning to Achieve
Transportation Requirements in Support of Tourism in the Greater Vancouver Region, Report
prepared for Transport Canada and Canadian Tourism Commission, November 1997, 30 pp.
The Urban Land Market and General Land Management in Vancouver in the 1940s. Expert
Report prepared for Department of Justice, Canada, in regard to False Creek Lands Case,
January 1998, 35 pp.
Villa Maris: A Planning Study. Report prepared for Arbitration Case re: 2222 Bellevue, West
Vancouver, July 1998, 22 pp. plus Appendices.
A Single Bus Transit System for the Greater Vancouver Transit Region: A Planning Appraisal
of Bus Transit Performance Under Different Organizational Structures in Canadian and
American Cities. Report prepared for O.P.E.I.U. and presented to N.D. Lea and Associates
(Consultants to the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority), August 1998, 32 pp.
Vancouver As It Was and As It Might Have Been …. Expert Report prepared for Department
of Justice, Canada, in regard to CPR Lands Case, December 1998, 15 pp.
Transit Privatization: A Review of Potential Impacts. Report prepared for Independent
Canadian Transit Union, Local #7, January 1999, 33 pp.
Hubs, Gateways and Corridors in British Columbia: A Framework for Assessing
Transportation Corridors. Report prepared for Transport Canada, January 2000. 42 pp.
Framing the Issues: The St. Louis Cardinals and a New Stadium. Report prepared for
Mayor’s Office, City of St. Louis, May 2000. 10 pp. (Co-authors D. Judd, D. Laslo, M.
“Development: How Will the Region Grow?,” Op-Ed Article in St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
Dec. 10, 2000. (co-author, M. Tranel).
“El regionalismo nuevo en Cascadia: visiones compartidas, alienzas estrategicas, y barreras
inherentes en una region transfronteriza,” in G. Ibarra and Ana Lus Ruelas, eds., Mexico y
Canada en la globalization (Mexico: Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, 2000), pp. 383-424.
“Fostering Regionalism in Metropolitan St. Louis: A Discussion Paper,” Prepared for
Regional Chamber & Growth Association and FOCUS St. Louis, April 2001, 20 pp.
“Review of Forecasts of Revenue for Highway Improvements in Missouri,” Prepared for EastWest Gateway Coordinating Council, May 25, 2001. (Co-authored by EWGCC Staff, Don
Camph, Don Phares).
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Article for Encyclopedia of Urban Culture (Grolier Educational, 2002). Co-author, T. Carter.
- Winnipeg (3000 words).
Articles for Oxford Companion to Canadian History (Oxford University Press, 2002).
- Urbanization (400 words).
- Winnipeg (750 words).
“Cities, Transportation and the ‘Tipping Point’: Reflections on Achieving an Integrated,
Multimodtal Transportation System,” in Cities and Transportation: Choice and Consequences
(Vancouver: Simon Fraser University, 2002).
Book Reviews
Page 20
Alberta History (x3)
Archivaria (x1)
Historical News (x3)
BC Studies (x8)
The Beaver: Magazine of the North (x1)
Canadian Ethnic Studies (x1)
Canadian Historical Review (x14)
City Magazine (x1)
Environment and Planning: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (x2)
Histoire sociale/Social History (x4)
Journal of American Ethnic History (x1)
Material History Bulletin (x1)
Plan Canada (x1)
Prairie Forum (x2)
Urban History Review (x29)
Urban History Yearbook (x2)
Victorian Periodicals Review (x1)
Planning History Bulletin (x1)
Manitoba History (x2)
American Review of Canadian Studies (x1)
American Historical Review (x4)
Association of Canadian Map Libraries Bulletin (x1)
Journal of Canadian Studies (x1)
Pacific Affairs (x1)
Town Planning Review (x1)
Political Psychology (x1)
Canadian Journal of Urban Research (x5)
Urban Affairs Review (x1)
Housing Policy (x1)
Papers presented to Learned Societies and Professional Meetings
“An Urban Environment: The Process of Growth in Winnipeg.” Paper presented to Canadian
Historical Association, Annual Meeting, Queen's University, June 1972.
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 21
“Winnipeg Civic Politics: The Search for Business Efficiency in Municipal Affairs.” Paper
presented to 7th Annual Northern Great Plains History Conference, Winnipeg, October 1972.
“Winnipeg and the City Planning Movement, 1910-1915.” Paper presented to Western
Canadian Studies Conference, University of Calgary, February 1973.
“Regional Studies and the National Museum of Man.” Paper presented to Laurentian
University, Regional History Conference, Sudbury, October 1975.
“The Historian’s Perspective on Archives.” Paper presented to BC Association of Archivists,
Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC, April 1977.
“Boosterism and the Development of Prairie Cities, 1871-1913.” Paper presented to Canada’s
Urban Past: Canadian Urban History Conference, University of Guelph, May 1977.
“Patterns of Prairie Urban Development, 1871-1951.” Paper presented to Western Canadian
Studies Conference, University of Calgary, February 1978.
“In Pursuit of Growth: Municipal Boosterism and Urban Development in the Canadian
Prairie West.” Paper presented at the Dyos Memorial Conference on The Pursuit of Urban
History, University of Leicester, England, August 1980.
“An Evolutionary Approach to Prairie Urban Development, 1871-1971.” Paper presented at
Organization of American Historians, Annual Meeting, Detroit, April 1981.
“City-Building in the Canadian West: From Boosterism to Corporatism.” Paper presented to
"Profiles of Change: Patterns and Problems of Urban Life in Britain and Canada." An
International Seminar organized by the Centre of Canadian Studies, University of Edinburgh,
May 1982.
“Exploring the North American West: A Comparative Urban Perspective.” Paper presented
to Seventy-Sixth Annual Meeting, Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Association, San
Diego State University, August 1983.
“Urban Institutes in Canada.” Paper presented to “Shaping the Future: North American
Higher Education Conference,” sponsored by The American Council on Education and the
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, Toronto, October 1983.
“A New Frontier for Canadian Studies: Some Comparative Themes in Western NorthAmerican Urban Studies.” Paper presented to Fourth Annual Meeting of Association for
Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries, Grainau, Bavaria, Federal Republic of
Germany, February 1984.
“North American Urban History: Comparative Themes.” Paper presented to Western Social
Science Association Meeting, San Diego, California, April 1984.
“The Evolution of Urban Canada.” Paper presented to Sixth International Canadian Studies
Conference, Selva di Fasano, Italy, March 1985.
“Defining a Constituency: Political and Financial Implications” in session on “Research
Centres: Their Problems, Their Potential,” Canadian Regional Science Association, Annual
Meeting, Winnipeg, May 1986.
“Activating Municipal Government: Developing an Explicit, Dynamic, and Synergetic Role
for Canada’s Towns and Cities.” Keynote Address, Government Finance Officer Association,
Western Canadian Conference, Winnipeg, September 1986.
“The State of Canadian Studies: An International Perspective.” Paper presented to
Association of Canadian Publishers Seminar, Toronto, January 1987.
“The Research Centre Within the University Structure: Synergism or Dichotomy?” Paper
presented to National Research Centres Conference, Social Science Federation of Canada,
Ottawa, March 1987.
“Canada’s National Capital Commission.” Paper presented to History of Planning Session,
American Planning Association National Conference, New York, April 1987.
“Canadian Studies: An International Perspective.” Paper presented to Nordic Association for
Canadian Studies Conference, Lund, Sweden, August 1987.
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 22
“Reflections on the Conference and Single Resource Communities.” International
Conference, “Boom and Bust: Single Resource Communities in North America,” University
of Victoria, August 1987.
“Canadian Studies in an International Context: The Challenges of the 1990’s.” Paper
presented to founding meeting of Association for Canadian Studies in Spain, Madrid, May
“Canadian Regional Development: The Urban Dimension.” Paper presented to Annual
Conference, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, SUNY at Buffalo, October 1988.
“Building A Sense of Community: Utilizing the Social Sciences in Planning.” Paper presented
to Conference on The State of Environmental Design in Canada, University of Montreal,
October 1988.
“Perspectives on Urban Development in Canada.” Canada in the 1980s Conference, Institute
for Canadian Studies, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, West Germany, February 1989.
“Issues in Canadian Regional Development.” Annual Meeting, Association for Canadian
Studies in Ireland, Galway, Ireland, May 1989.
“Urban Policy and Future Structures.” Presentation to Institute of Public Administration of
Canada, Annual Conference, Edmonton, August 1989.
“Community Development and Planning in North America: Trends for the 1990s.” Paper
presented to Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Portland,
Oregon, October 1989.
“Regional Development Strategies in Canada: Past, Present, Future.” Paper presented to
Biennial Meeting, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, San Francisco,
California, November 1989.
“Greater Vancouver’s Regional Town Centre Program: Constraints and Opportunities.” Paper
presented to the Pacific Rim Council on Urban Development Annual Conference, Hong Kong,
October 1990.
“Regional Dreams and Urban Realities: New Perspectives on Canadian Urban Development.”
Paper presented to Indian Association for Canadian Studies Conference, Tiruchirapalli, India,
January 1991.
“Planning Winnipeg’s Waterfront.” Conference on Future of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, April
“Urban Renewal and Revitalization in Canada.” Conference on Comparative Urban
Revitalization Strategies, University of New Orleans, February 1992.
“The Vancouver Metropolis: The Pacific Fraser Region in 2010.” Paper presented to
International Conference of the Italian Association for Canadian Studies, Milan, April 1992.
“Planning the Livable Region: Vancouver in the 1990s.” Paper presented to Canadian Urban
Studies Conference, Winnipeg, May 1992.
“Planning a Livable Region: Vancouver’s Planning Processes.” Paper presented to Urban
Affairs Association Annual Conference, University of Indiana, April 1993.
“Rhetoric vs. Reality: Governance, Planning & Sustainability in the Georgia Basin.” Keynote
Address to Pacific Regional Science Conference, Whistler, July 1993.
“Regional Governance and Performance in Canada's Metropolitan Regions: Lessons for
Central Europe.” Regional Organization Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, September
“Governance and Sustainability.” Growth Management and Urban Ecology Forum, Douglas
College, New Westminster, November 1993.
“The International Centre for Sustainable Cities.” Address to UNDP-Colombia LIFE
Programme Seminar, Cartagena, Colombia, January 1994.
“Opportunities for Achieving Sustainability in Cascadia.” Address to Cascadia Conference,
Vancouver, March 1994.
“Challenging the Need for Change.” Address to Planning Institute of BC Annual Conference,
Whistler, BC, April 1994.
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 23
“The Transportation Dilemma in the GVRD.” Address to BC Hydro, Vancouver, May 1994.
“Opportunities and Challenges in Cascadia,” New Regional Growth Strategies in the World
Economy Conference, San Diego, May 1994.
“Metropolitan Organization in Greater Vancouver.” North American Cities Comparative
Urban Research (NAMICUR) Conference, University of Missouri-St. Louis, June 1994.
“B.C., Cascadia and NAFTA: Opportunities and Constraints.” Address to Western Council of
Governments Annual Conference, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, August 1994.
“The Georgia Basin Initiative.” Address to Appraisal Institute of Canada, BC Conference,
Harrison Hot Springs, September 1994.
“Sustainable Development and the New Environmentalism.” Address to Habitat ‘94 World
Congress, Edmonton, September 1994.
“Cascadia: Managing a Transborder Region.” Presentation to Project Management Institute
Conference (PMI ‘94: Leadership in a World of Change), Vancouver, October 1994.
“Building Complete Communities: Achieving the Vision.” Keynote Address to Urban
Development Institute Workshop, Vancouver, October 1994.
“Complete Communities: Achieving a New Way of Living.” Keynote Address, Complete
Communities Forum, New Westminster, November 1994; Kelowna, November 1994; and
Nanaimo, November 1994.
“Planning for Cross-Border Urbanization: Mainstreet Cascadia.” APA/CIP Annual
Conference, Toronto, April 1995.
“Metropolitan Governance Without Metropolitan Government.” Presentation to Urban Affairs
Association Annual Meeting, Portland, May 1995.
“Challenging the Profession’s Values: Human Settlements, The Environment, Governance and
Change in B.C.” Keynote Address to Annual Conference, P.I.B.C., Campbell River, May
“Greater Vancouver in a Cascadia Context.” Presentation to “Cities in North America”
Conference, Sponsored by U.N. Centre for Human Settlements, New York University, New
York, June 1995.
“Transportation Issues in Cascadia.” Presentation to Pacific Rim Trans-Tech Conference,
Seattle, August 1995.
“Sustainable Downtowns: Prospects and Approaches.” Presentation to International
Downtown Association Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, September 1995.
“Urbanism is Environmentalism.” Keynote Address, International Northwest Parks and
Recreation Association, Kelowna, September 1995.
“The Canadian-American Relationship.” Keynote Address to Denver Colorado Leadership
Forum, Vancouver, September 1995.
“Sustaining Nanaimo’s Character.” Keynote Address to OCP Review Seminar, Nanaimo,
September 1995.
“Cascadia: Cross-Border Issues in the Context of NAFTA.” Keynote Address to Washington
Savings League Annual Meeting, Victoria, September 1995.
“Strategies for Tomorrow: Approaches for the Planning Professions.” Keynote Address to
Real Estate Institute of BC, Annual Senior Level Seminar and Conference, Penticton, October
1995. Reprinted and distributed to all REIBC members.
“Canada as a Mature Economy: The Role of the Citistate.” Address to “Competing in the
21st Century Conference,” Bell Harbour Trade Center, Seattle, July 1996.
“Cascadian Adventures: Shared Visions, Strategic Alliances and Ingrained Barriers in a
Transborder Region.” Keynote Address to “On Brotherly Terms” Symposium, University of
Washington, Seattle, September 1996.
“Designing and Implementing Complete Communities: A Check List for Politicians, Planners
and Citizens.” Luncheon Address to Complete Communities II Conferences, Nanaimo and
Kelowna, October 1996.
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 24
“Cascadia as an Economic Corridor: Lessons from North America.” Joint Business Council of
Ireland and Northern Ireland Conference, Dundalk, January 1997.
“Perspectives on Regional Planning in Cascadia.” Closing Address to Cascadia Metropolitan
Forum, Vancouver, May 1997.
“Cascadia and the Two Nation Vacation.” Luncheon Address to Snohomish Tourism Council,
Everett, WA., June 1997.
“Southern Exposure: A Vancouver View,” Alliance of Border Communities Conference,
Luncheon Address, Bellingham, WA., October 1997.
“Regional Problem Solving: The GVRD Experience,” Rail-Volution Conference, St.Louis,
October 1997.
“Lessons from Manitoba,” Revising the Municipal Act Session, Union of B.C. Municipalities
Annual Conference, Vancouver, October 1997.
“Transportation Planning in the Lower Mainland,” Chartered Institute of Transport,
Vancouver, February 1998.
“Planning on the Frontier: Reflections on Kamloops,” Planning Institute of British Columbia
Annual Conference, Kamloops, May 1998.
"The New Regionalism in a Transborder Region." International Seminar on Globalization,
Regional Development and Federalism in Canada and Mexico, University of Sinaloa, Culican,
Mexico, October 1998.
“Cascadia and the New Regionalism.” Paper presented to APA Conference, Seattle, WA,
April 1999.
“The B.C.-Washington Corridor Task Force.” Paper presented to Institute of Transportation
Engineers, Annual Conference, Victoria, April 1999.
“The Cascadia Inland Corridor.” Inland Corridor Conference, Spokane, WA, July 1999
“Trans-Border Issues in Cascadia.” Permeable Borders and Boundaries in a Globalizing
World Conference, Simon Fraser University, August 1999
“Transborder Relationships: Lessons for Mexico.” North American Partners: The Future of
NAFTA Conference, Mazatlan, Mexico, November 1999.
“Managing Growth: Issues, Trends, Responses.” St. Louis Chapter, American Society of
Public Administration, March 2000.
“Cascadia: The Evolution of Governance,” Presentation to Rethinking the Borders
Conference, Vancouver, B.C., October 2000.
“Of Poetry and Plumbing: Beauty in the City of Vancouver.” Beauty in the City Conference,
University of Missouri-St. Louis, October 2000.
“Revitalizing the City: The Role of Governance.” Presentation to St. Louis Area City
Managers Association (SLACMA), Richmond Heights, MO, February 2001.
“Planning for Change: A Community Livability Approach.” Keynote Address to Missouri City
Management Association, Lake of the Ozarks, April 2001.
“Borders, Nations and Regions.” Presentation to the City in North America Conference,
Mexico City, October 2001.
“The Benefits of Community Design Policies.” Presentation to National Governor’s
Association Conference, St. Louis, November 2001.
“Cities, Transportation and the ‘Tipping Point’: Reflections on Achieving an Integrated,
Multimodal Transportation System....” Paper presented to “Cities and Transportation” Forum,
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C., February 2002.
“Regional Governance Without Regional Government.” Presentation to Urban Affairs
Association Annual Meeting, Boston, March 2002.
“Globalization Strategies for Three North American Cities: Implications for Urban and
Regional Planning.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference,
Baltimore, November 2002. (Co-author, Peter Kane).
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“Workforce Development Challenges.” Presentation to New Orleans MetroVision Workshop,
St. Louis, September 2003.
“Challenges Facing Planning Schools.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
Administrators Conference, Amelia Island, Florida, October 2003.
“Public Administration in the Greater New Orleans Region.” Organizational Meeting for
American Society of Public Administration, New Orleans, October 2003.
Invited Lectures and Addresses
“Comparative Urbanization: An Examination of Patterns of Urban Development in the
American South and the Canadian West.” Public lecture presented to Department of History,
State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, May 1978.
“Teaching and Writing Urban History in Canada.” Public lecture and workshop presented to
Faculty of Education, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, May 1978.
“The Historians’ Approach to Urban Studies,” Seminar presented to Graduate Student-Faculty
Interdisciplinary Symposium, McGill University, October 1978.
“Teaching Urban History: Trends and Approaches.” Address to Manitoba Teachers’
Federation, Annual Seminar, Winnipeg, October 1978.
“The West.” Presentation to Symposium “Urban History in the Study of Regionalism,”
University of Guelph, November 1978.
“The Usable Urban Past: Perspectives on Prairie Urban Development.” R.H.G. Bonnycastle
Memorial Lecture, University of Winnipeg, January 1979.
“Canadian Urban Planning in Historical Perspective.” Lecture presented to Canadian History
Club of Winnipeg, January 30, 1980.
“Prairie Urban Development in Historical Perspective.” Presentation to Urban Studies
Colloquium, University of Calgary, 1980.
“Shaping the Urban Landscape: The City-Building Process in Canada.” Presentation to City
Planning Department, Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba, January 1981.
“Canada's Urban Past: A Critical Review of Recent Publications.” Presentation to Calgary
Institute for the Humanities, University of Calgary, May 1981.
“Urban Bibliographies and Data Bases: Problems, Opportunities, and Approaches.” Paper
presented to Urban Bibliography Workshop, University of Winnipeg, January 1983.
“Shaping Tomorrow: A Perspective on Urban Policies for Winnipeg in the 1980s.” Keynote
address to Annual General Meeting, Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, May 1983.
“Of Poetry and Plumbing: Beauty in the City of Vancouver.” Beauty in the City Conference,
University of Missouri-St. Louis, October 2000.
“Perspectives on the Role of Citizens and Government in Urban Policy Formulation and
Implementation.” Keynote address to Annual General Meeting, Manitoba Society of
Criminology, December 1983.
“The Process of Urbanization in Canada: A Historian’s View.” Presentation to Urban and
Regional Planning Students, Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, January
“The C.P.R.’s Impact on Winnipeg: Past, Present and Future.” Address to Inner City
Committee for Rail Relocation, Winnipeg, February 1984.
“Western Canada’s Position in Confederation.” Presentation at Herman-Ehlers-Akademie,
Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany, February 1984.
“Western Canadian Urban Studies: A Review of Historiography and Methodology.” Lecture
to Graduate Students and Faculty, Université du Québec à Montréal, March 1984.
“A Sense of Place: Conceptual Approaches to Community History.” Address to Council of
Women of Winnipeg, April 1984.
“Amending the City of Winnipeg Act: A Context for Change.” Address to City of Winnipeg
Councilors, May 1984.
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“‘Bull’s Eye of the Dominion’: The Evolution of Winnipeg, 1874-1984.” Address to
Canadian Research Managers’ Association, 22nd Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, October 1984.
“Urban Issues in the Winnipeg School System.” Address to Winnipeg Principals’ Conference,
Portage La Prairie, October 1984.
“The Role of Urban Universities.” Address to Faculty and Staff, Simon Fraser University
Downtown, October 1984.
“The Past in the Present: Exploring the Relevance of Winnipeg’s History.” Address to Senior
Analysts, Department of Regional Industrial Expansion, Prairie Division, Winnipeg, October
“The Changing Inner City Community.” Address to Gordon Bell High School In-Service,
January 1985.
Keynote Address, Founding Meeting of Indian Association for Canadian Studies, University
of Baroda, India, February 19, 1985.
“Contemporary Approaches to Urban Development.” Address to Mortgage Loans
Association of Manitoba, March 20, 1985.
“Urban Canada in Transition.” Lecture to Faculty and Students, University of Florence, Italy,
March 1985.
“Perspectives on Winnipeg Civic Politics.” Address to Manitoba Federation of Labour
Seminar, March 1985.
“Inner City Residents and Current Tax Policies.” Address to Annual General Meeting,
Community Education Development Association, Winnipeg, April 1985.
“A Context for Urban Development Strategies.” Address to “Preparing for the Future,”
Seminar sponsored by Selkirk and District Chamber of Commerce, April 1985.
“Shaping Tomorrow: The Core Area Initiative and Urban Development Strategies in
Winnipeg.” Address to Annual General Meeting, Canadian General Standards Board,
Winnipeg, May 1985.
“Innovation and Urban Policy: The Core Area Initiative.” Address to The Rotary Club of
Winnipeg, May 1985.
“‘Bull’s Eye of the Dominion’: An Illustrated History of Winnipeg.” Address to 1985
Convention of the Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges, September 1985.
“Our Changing City: Challenges and Opportunities.” Networking for Needs Conference,
Winnipeg Convention Centre, September 1985.
“Power and Place in Urban History.” Public lecture at University of Victoria, October 1985.
“The State of Urban Bibliography in Canada: The CANURBAN Project.” Address to School
of Library Service, Dalhousie University, October 1985.
“Winnipeg’s Experience with Metropolitan Government.” Seminar presented to staff, Service
de l’urbanisme, Quebec City, January 1986.
“Towards a Creative Conspiracy: The Need for a Third Generation of Tourism Thinking.”
Address to Annual Meeting, Winnipeg Convention and Visitors Bureau, Winnipeg, January
“Urban Policy Making in a Federal State: The Case of Canada, 1968-1986.” Address to
Faculty and Students, University of Trier, Federal Republic of Germany, February 1986.
“Research Institutes in Canadian Universities: The Challenge of the 1980s.” Address to
Geographical Institute Faculty, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, February 1986.
“Inner City Redevelopment and Revitalization: The Impact on the Suburbs.” Address to St.
Vital Community Conference, March 1986.
“The Challenge of Property Tax Reform in Manitoba.” Address to Real Estate Institute of
Manitoba, March 1986.
“Bull’s Eye of the Dominion: An Illustrated History of Winnipeg.” Lecture to Sir Hugh John
Macdonald House Museum members, April 1986.
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“The Prairie West.” Address to Faculty and Students, Center for the Study of Canada, SUNY
Plattsburg, April 1986.
“Urban Society in the 21st Century.” Address to The Calgary Policy Conference, Liberal
Party of Canada, July 1986.
“Downtown Redevelopment: The North American Experience.” Address to Downtown
Brandon Association, Brandon, September 1986.
“‘Our Similarities Are Different’: Perspectives on Canadian Development in a North
American Context.” Address to Canadian Studies Symposium organized by Center for the
Study of Canada (SUNY Plattsburg), Montreal, October 1986.
“Urban Policy and the Future of Manitoba.” Address to the Manitoba NDP Policy
Conference, Gimili, Manitoba, November 1986.
“The Prairie West.” Address to Faculty and Students, Center for the Study of Canada, SUNY
Plattsburg, December 1986.
“The State of Canadian Studies: An International Perspective.” Canadian Studies
Consultation (organized by Canadian High Commission) Lucas Institute, University of
Birmingham, England, February 1987.
“Canadian Urban Development Since 1945.” Address to Faculty and Students, Institut für
Kanada-Studien, Universität Augsburg, Federal Republic of Germany, February 1987.
Conference Summary Presentation, “Constitutional Regimes and the City” Conference, Wayne
State University Detroit, April 1987.
“The Social Science Federation of Canada and the Challenges of the 1990s.” Address to
Science Policy Forum, University of British Columbia, April 1987.
“The Canadian Political Scene.” Address to English-Speaking Union, Wayne State
University, Detroit, April 1987.
“The Future of Winnipeg.” Distinguished Professors’ Lecture Series, Creative Retirement
Manitoba, Winnipeg, April 1987.
“Municipal Government and Citizen Groups: The Winnipeg Experience.” Address to “Taking
Charge: A Special Course for Local Elected Officials,” University of Western Ontario,
London, May 1987.
“The History of Winnipeg: Continuity and Change.” Lecture to Manitoba Chapter, Canadian
College of Teachers, Winnipeg, May 1987.
“A Sense of Community: Critical Variable in Regional Development.” Seminar presented to
Provincial Directors, Department of Regional and Industrial Expansion, Winnipeg, May 1987.
“Planning and Developing a University/Community Research Centre.” Presentation to
Northern Ontario Studies Group, Laurentian University, June 1987.
“Planning the Forks: A Community Challenge.” Presentation to University Women’s Club,
Winnipeg, November 1987.
“The Prairie West.” Address to Faculty and Students, Center for the Study of Canada, SUNY
Plattsburg, December 1987.
“Community Development Strategies: An International Perspective.” Address to Winnipeg
Urban Ministries Association, December 1987.
“Urban Development Forces in Winnipeg: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to
Chancellor's Forum, University of Winnipeg, January 1988.
“Community and Environment: Challenges for the 1990’s,” Lecture to UBC Connect ‘88,
June 1988, University of British Columbia.
“Omni Trends: Perspectives for Planners,” Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Planning
Commission, Winter Seminar, Edmonton, January 1989.
“Canada As An Urban Nation,” Address to Annual Conference, Association for Canadian
Studies in German-Speaking Countries, Grainau, West Germany, February 1989.
“New Trends in Urban Regional Development,” Address to Richmond Rotary Club, February
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“Trends in Urban and Community Research.” Address to Faculty at Laurentian University,
March 1989.
“Multi-Governmental Urban Development: A New Frontier for Public Policy.” Special
Lecture to Graduate Center for Public Policy, California State University, Long Beach, April
“Regional Development in Canada: Reflections and Prospects.” Keynote address to Annual
Conference, Planning Institute of B.C., New Westminster, May 1989.
“The North American City: Canadian Reflections.” Public Lecture at the University of
Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, October 1989.
“Cities and Regions in Canada.” Graduate Seminar, Canadian Studies Programme, University
of Oregon, October 1989.
“Canada As An Urban Nation.” Lecture to Geography Department, Peking University, China,
November 1989.
“Current Issues in Canadian Regionalism.” Seminar to Faculty, Institute of East and West
Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, November 1989.
“In Search of Canada.” Lecture to Canadian Studies Programme, Sookmyung Women’s
University, Soeul, Korea, November 1989.
“Trends and Problems in Canadian Municipalities.” Keynote address to Seminar on
Geographical Information Management for Municipalities, Banff Centre, School of
Management, Banff, Alberta, November 1989.
“Planning Canadian Cities: Reflections on Vancouver.” Public Lecture at Cariboo College,
Kamloops, B.C., January 1990.
“Community Changes in the 1990s.” Luncheon Address to Greater Vancouver Home Builders
Association, Vancouver, January 1990.
“Planning and Planning Education in the 1990s.” Address to Annual Conference, Planning
Institute of B.C., Victoria, April 1990.
“Canadian Studies: The State of the Art.” Keynote Address to Annual Meeting, Israel
Association for Canadian Studies, Jerusalem, June 1990.
“Canada as an Urban Nation.” Special lecture to faculty and staff, Chulalongkorn University,
Bangkok, Thailand, July 1990.
“Planning Visions: Issues and Challenges for the 1990s.” Keynote Address to Seminar on
Regional Planning, Banff Centre School of Management, November 1990.
“Multigovernmental Urban Development Projects: The Next Frontier for Canadian Public
Policy.” Keynote Address to Symposium on Public Sector Property Development, Ottawa,
November 1990.
“Transportation Issues in Vancouver.” Lecture to B.C. Cancer Society, Vancouver, November
“Challenges for the Pacific Fraser Region.” Address to Vancouver Board of Trade, November
“Racism in Vancouver Real Estate.” Pacific Rim Real Estate Conference, San Francisco,
February 1991.
“Developing an Official City Plan.” Presentation to City of Vancouver Planning Department,
February 1991.
“From Desolation to Hope: The Pacific Fraser Region in 2010.” Special seminar presentation
to Urban Development Institute, Vancouver, April 1991.
“Social Implications of Planning in Downtown South.” Presentation to Downtown Vancouver
Association, May 1991.
“Cities and the Challenges Facing B.C.’s Economy.” Keynote presentation to Canadian Cooperative Association Policy Forum, Vancouver, May 1991.
“Preservation and Adaptive Reuse: Challenges for the 1990s.” Keynote Address to Triennial
Congress, International Federation of Municipal Engineers, Ottawa, May 1991.
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“Future Shock-Future Growth.” Paper presented to “The Garden City.” Series, Community
Arts Council of Vancouver, October 1991.
“Regional Planning in the Lower Mainland.” Luncheon address to Vancouver Board of Trade,
October 1991.
“Livable Communities: Urban Environment and Design Issues.” Community Planning
Conference, Coquitlam, October 1991.
“Long Range Planning: Issues and Perspectives.” Vancouver City Planning Commission
Seminar, October 1991.
“Interprofessional Education.” Presentation to Symposium on Real Estate Education in B.C.,
Vancouver, October 1991.
“Visions and Realities: The Pacific Fraser Region in 2010.” Address to Fraser Presbytery,
United Church, Aldergrove, March 1992.
“Urban Development in Canada: A Century of Achievement.” Lecture to Canadian Studies
Seminar, Giardini-Naxos, Sicily, April 1992.
“Shaping Our Future.” Seminar for Mayor, Council and Senior Administrators, Township of
Langley, June 1992.
“Our Similarities Are Different: Perspectives on Canadian-American Relations,” Keynote
Address to Summer Council of Presidents, American Association of State Colleges and
Universities, July 1992, Whistler, B.C.
“Transportation Planning in Greater Vancouver.” FCM Chinese Open Cities Project Seminar,
Vancouver, September 1992.
“Canadian Urban Development in a North American Perspective.” Lecture to Faculty and
Students, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, October 1992.
“Planning in B.C.” Special Address To Senior Indonesian Planners and Officials, Sulawesi
Regional Development Project, Vancouver, November 1992.
“Growth Management Strategies.” Special Address to Official Plan Seminar, City of
Parksville, January 1993.
“Challenges for Transportation Planning.” Special Address to Institute of Transportation
Engineers, Vancouver, January 1993.
“Regional Governance in the Georgia Basin.” Special Seminar for Directors of Fraser-Cheam
Regional District, Harrison Hot Springs, March 1993.
“Suburbanization in the Pacific Fraser Region.” Lecture to Fraser Valley University College,
March 1993.
“Growth Management in the Cascadia Context.” Presentation to Growth Management Seminar
(sponsored by Province of B.C.), U.B.C., May 1993.
“The Challenge of Community Sustainability.” Keynote Address to ESA Seminar, City of
Kelowna, September 1993.
“Sustainable Communities.” Keynote Address to “Sharing Environmental Responsibilities”
Seminar UBCM Convention, September 1993.
“Governance and Sustainability in Cascadia: An Emerging Model of Growth Management in
the Vancouver-Seattle Corridor.” Lecture to the New International Cities Era (NICE)
Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, October 1993.
“Sustainable City Planning in Canada.” Lecture to Centre for European Studies, University of
Trier, Trier, Germany, October 1993.
Keynote Speaker, UBC Seminar on Growth Management, November 5-7, 1993.
“The Relationship Between Urban Economic Prosperity and Land Use Planning.”
Presentation to Ontario Civil Servants (“Seven Deputies Committee”), Toronto, November 10,
“The Georgia Basin Initiative: Planning Challenges.” Lecture to University of Waterloo
Planning students, Waterloo, November 10, 1993.
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“Creating Sustainable Communities: An Agenda for British Columbia’s Citistates.”
President’s Lecture, Okanagan University College, Kelowna, November 1993.
Keynote Speaker and Facilitator, City of Kelowna Strategic Plan Seminar, November 1993.
“Sustainable Community Planning: Ryder Lake as a Demonstration Project.” Address to
Chilliwack Rotary Club, December 1993.
“Sprawl Withdrawal: Sustainable City Planning in the Vancouver Region.” Address to
Leadership Vancouver “Greater Vancouver Regional Planning Day,” December 1993.
“Council in the Big Picture.” Address to Newly Elected Officials Seminar, Union of B.C.
Municipalities, February 10 and March 4, Richmond; February 24, Penticton, 1994.
“Cascadia: Rhetoric and Realities.” Address to “Brainstorming the Future” Seminar, Kelowna,
February 1994.
“The Environmental Imperative in Planning.” Special lecture at Capilano College, North
Vancouver, March 1994.
“Achieving Sustainability: An Ecosystem Approach.” Keynote Address to Sustainable Seattle
Workshop, October 15, 1994.
“Achieving the New Urbanism in the Fraser Valley: Planning for Urban Villages in
Chilliwack.” Address to 20/20 Vision: A Symposium of Growth Management, Chilliwack,
November 1994.
“Sustainable Communities.” Presentation to “Report Card on Cascadia” Seminar, Seattle,
November 1994.
“Canadian Partnerships and Program Status.” Presentation to “Report Card on Cascadia”
Seminar, Seattle, November 1994.
“The Transportation Challenge in the Greater Vancouver Region.” Presentation to Leadership
Vancouver Seminar, Vancouver, January 1995.
“Cascadia Challenges.” Keynote Address to Cascadia Trade and Transportation Task Force,
Eugene, OR, February 1995.
“The Georgia Basin Initiative: A Critical Perspective.” Architectural Institute of B.C.
Lecture/Seminar Series, Vancouver, February 1995.
“Visions, Realities, Opportunities: A Progress Report on Cascadia.” Lecture to North
American Forum, Stanford University, February 1995.
“Re-Imagining North America: Cascadia and the New Regionalism.” Speakers’ Series, Green
College, UBC, March 1995.
“Facing Environmental Realities: The Cascadia Approach.” Presentation to Standing
Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources, Senate of Canada, Vancouver,
March 1995.
“Complete Community Planning in the Fraser Valley: The Ryder Lake Comprehensive Plan.”
Lecture to University College of the Fraser Valley, March 1995.
“Implementing Good Ideas: The Role of Government.” Presentation to Bamberton Project
Review Committee, Victoria, March 1995.
“Cascadia in the New Economic Geography of North America.” Presentation to Planning
Seminar, UCLA, Los Angeles, April 1995.
“Planning Sustainable Communities: An Assessment of Values, Opinions, Facts.”
Presentation to Community Forum, District of Campbell River, B.C., May 1995.
“Putting the City Back Into the Region: The Georgia Basin as a Sustainable Citistate.”
Presentation to Georgia Basin Initiative Forum, Vancouver, June 1995.
“Urban Planning and Parks and Recreation Planning: Working with New Paradigms.”
Workshop Sessions (x2) at the 1995 International Northwest Parks and Recreation
Association Training Institute, Kelowna, September 1995.
“Sustaining Island Character: Principles and Practices.” Address for Bowen Island
Improvement Association, October 1995.
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“Twenty-First Century Communities.” Presentation to Annual Meeting, APA, Washington
State Chapter, Bellevue, October 1995.
“Cascadia and the Environment.” Presentation to Annual Meeting, West Coast Environmental
Law Association, Victoria, October 1995.
“Sustainable Development in the Pacific Northwest.” Presentation to Biennial Conference,
Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Seattle, November 1995.
“B.C.’s Regional Future: The Cascadia Movement.” Lecture to Vancouver Women’s
Association, Vancouver, November 1995.
“Sustainability Planning in the Fraser Valley.” Address to Chilliwack Fraser Rotary Club,
Chilliwack, November 1995.
“Canadian -American Relations: A Western Perspective.” Luncheon address to Regional
Issues Seminar, Department of Foreign Affairs (Canada), Los Angeles, November 1995.
“Regional Planning in B.C.” Presentation to Early Bird Club, Vancouver, March 1996.
“Sustainable Development in Small Communities.” Presentation to Sechelt Community
Developers Association, Sechelt, March 1996.
“Communications Technologies and the Future of the City.” Presentation to CRTC Public
Hearing, Vancouver, March 1996.
“Main Street Cascadia.” Presentation to Phoenix Club, Vancouver, April 1996.
“Managing Growth to Sustain Community Character.” Public Lecture organized by District of
Sechelt, Sechelt, May 1995.
“Building a Sense of Community: A Critical Variable in Urban Development.” Keynote
Address to 1996 Community Seminar, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University
of Victoria, May 1996.
“Communities and Regional Growth Strategies.” Address to Regional Public Forum,
Thompson-Nicola Regional District, Kamloops, June 1996.
“Cascadia, Governance and Victoria’s Future.” Presentation to Strategic Planning Seminar,
City of Victoria, October 1996.
“Vancouver Island and Cascadia.” Presentation to Geography Department Symposium,
University of Victoria, January 1997.
“Planning the Ryder Lake Area: Lessons and Opportunities.” Lecture Presented to University
College of the Fraser Valley, March 1997.
“The Port of Seattle as Hub - Corridor - Gateway.” Presentation to Commissioners and Senior
Management, Port of Seattle, March 1997.
“Prince Rupert’s Future: The Critical Role of Transportation.” Keynote Address, Digby Island
Bridge Conference, Prince Rupert, April 1997.
“The Role of P3’s in Infrastructure Development: Seven Critical Issues.” Digby Island Bridge
Conference, Prince Rupert, April 1997.
“Stay the Course: Reflections on Unicity,” Unicity - 25 Years Later Conference, University of
Winnipeg, October 1997.
“Building Healthy Communities.” Keynote Address to Saanich Healthy Communities
Conference, Saanich, October 1997.
“The Challenge of Complete Communities.” Keynote Address to Cochrane Community
Workshop, Cochrane, Alberta, November 1997.
“Tourism Planning in B.C.,” Lambda Alpha International Meeting, Vancouver, November
“Creating a Livable Region: A Recipe of Principles and Aphorisms for Preparing a Regional
Strategic Framework for Northern Ireland,” Department of the Environment (NI) Conference,
Belfast, November 1997.
“Planning in Greater Vancouver.” Presentation to West Coast Youth Net Society, Vancouver,
January 1998.
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“Vancouver’s Role in Cascadia.” Presentation to Downtown Vancouver Association,
September 1998.
“Perspective on Implementing an OCP.” City of Richmond Roundtable on the OCP,
September 1998.
“The B.C.-Washington Corridor Task Force.” Cascadia Forum, Bellingham, W.A., October
“A Critique of the Organizational Study of the Greater Vancouver Bus System.” Address to
Joint Union Committee, Public Meeting, Burnaby, November 1998.
“A Strategic Framework Approach to Planning.” Address to Technology, Lifestyle,
Community Conferences, Victoria, September 1999.
“Putting It Together: Approaches to Effective Community Planning.” Address to Annual
B.C. Housing Conference, Vancouver, November 1999.
“Perspectives on Urbanity and Urban Form: The Canadian and American Experience Since
1950.” Center for Humanities Noon Series, UM-St. Louis, April 2000.
“A Community Planning and Design Process.” Workshop presented to St. Louis Chapter,
American Planning Association, Olivette, June 2000.
“Creating Livable Communities: A Recipe for Success.” Address to Meeting of Franklin
County Municipal League, Sullivan, MO, July 2000.
“Revitalizing Downtowns: Strategies and Approaches.” Luncheon Address to Clayton Rotary,
August 2000, Clayton, MO.
“Strategies for Creating Livable Communities.” Keynote address to Jefferson County
Leadership Program, October 2000, Hillsboro, MO.
“PPRC: Directions and Strategies.” Presentation to Friends of UM-St. Louis, University Club,
October 2000, Clayton, MO.
“The Arch as Symbol.” Opening Address to Arch as Symbol Exhibition Celebrating the 35 th
Anniversary of the Gateway Arch, PPRC, UM-St. Louis, October 2000.
“Multiple Realities: The Role of the U.S. Federal Government in the Revitalization of Central
Cities.” Urban Roundtable, University of Winnipeg, November 2000.
“Revitalizing the City: The Role of Governance.” St. Louis Downtown Rotary Club,
November 2000.
“The Pursuit of Public Policy at UMSL.” Presentation to Chancellor’s Council, Clayton,
November 2000.
“New Approaches to Planning and Citizen Participation.” Presentation to Jefferson County
Coalition for Growth Management, High Ridge, MO, February 2001.
“Developing a Masterplan,” Presentation to Major & Council, City of Canton, MO, April
“Urban Policy in Context.” Presentation to Saint Louis Urban Forum Series, Missouri History
Museum, June 2001. Co-presenter, Bruce Katz (Brookings Institute).
“Planning & A Sense of the Past.” Presentation to 2001 Teachers’ Institute, Missouri History
Museum, August 2001.
“Public Policy in the U.S.” Presentation to Russian Young Leaders Fellows Program, UM-St.
Louis, August 2001.
“Fostering Regionalism in St. Louis: Overcoming a Fragmented by Design Mindset.”
Presentation to The School of Architecture and Planning, SUNY-Buffalo, October 2001.
“Cross-Border Sustainability Indicators.” Presentation to The School of Architecture and
Planning, SUNY-Buffalo, October 2001.
“Of Poetry and Plumbing: International Perspectives on Border Communities and the Concept
of North American Integration.” Presentation to The School of Architecture and Planning,
SUNY-Buffalo, October 2001.
“Business Climate: Issues for Metro St. Louis.” Presentation to Civic Progress Members, St.
Louis, February 2002.
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“The University’s Role in the Community.” Presentation to UMSL Alumni Association Board,
March 2002.
“Applied Research in Metropolitan St. Louis: The UMSL-Museum Partnership.” Presentation
to Board of Missouri Historical Society, March 2002.
“CUPA in the Region.” Presentation to New Orleans Metro APA Section, November 2002.
“The Role of Post-Secondary Business/Education Partnerships,” The Mercedes and the
Magnolia: Linking Education, Economic and Workforce Development, University of New
Orleans, November 2002.
“Competing Nationally, Cooperating Regionally” Presentation to Annual Gulliver Dinner
Meeting, New Orleans, December 2002.
“The Role of Campus Image in Retention.” Presentation to UNO Alumni Board, October
“Planning and the Challenge of Telecommunications Towers.” Presentation to Staff, Faulk &
Foster Inc., Monroe, LA, December 2003.
“‘The World is Flat’: Global Competition, Innovation and the Social Sciences.” Presentation
to Arizona State University Presidential Retreat, San Miguel, Mexico, March 2006.
“The Challenge of Change,” Keynote Address to 6th Annual Texas Faculty Development
Network Conference, Lone Star College, Kingwood, Texas, June 4, 2012.
Chairman-Commentator-Panelist at Learned Society and Professional Meetings
Commentator, “City Planning in Canada” Session, Canadian Historical Association, Annual
Meeting, University of Alberta, June 1975.
Panelist, “Canadian City in the Nineteenth Century” session, Canadian Historical Association,
Annual Meeting, University of Alberta, June 1975.
Commentator, “Urban Reform in Canada” session, Canadian Historical Association, Annual
Meeting, Laval University, Quebec, June 1976.
Chair, “The Development Process” session, Canada’s Urban Past: Canadian Urban History
Conference, University of Guelph, May 1977.
Chair, “Fredericton in the Nineteenth Century” session, C.H.A. Annual Meeting, University of
New Brunswick, June 1977.
Chair and Panelist, “Historical Responsibilities of Museums.” British Columbia Museums
Association Annual Seminar, Kelowna, B.C., September 1977.
Chair and Commentator, “North American Planning in the Nineteenth Century.” First
International Conference on the History of Urban Planning, Bedford College, University of
London, September 1977.
Panel Member, Workshop on “Problem of Interdisciplinary Research.” First Annual Meeting
of the General Assembly, Social Science Federation of Canada, University of Ottawa, May
Chair and Panelist, “Publishing Environmental Studies: Canadian Periodicals.” Canadian
Environmental Studies Association Meeting, Learned Societies, University of Western
Ontario, May 1978.
Commentator, “Archives and Urban History” session, Canadian Historical Association Annual
Meeting, University of Western Ontario, June 1978.
“The Visible Urban Past.” Workshop presented to Social Studies Teachers of Manitoba
Teachers’ Federation Annual Seminar, Winnipeg, October 1978.
Commentator, “Progressivism Compared: Urban Growth and Political Reform in Canada and
the United States.” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco,
December 1978.
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Invited participant, representing the University of Victoria, at “The Social Sciences in the
West Conference.” May 1-2, 1980, University of Regina. Organized by Social Science
Federation of Canada.
Special Guest, “The State of the Art: A Conference on Ethnic and Immigration Studies in
North America.” University of Toronto, May 28-30, 1980.
Commentator, “Urban Growth Colloquium.” Department of Economics, University of
Manitoba, October 1980.
Panelist and Commentator, “Calgary: Urban Planning in the 1980s.” Workshop, sponsored
by City of Calgary and Calgary Institute for the Humanities, May 4-6, 1981.
Chair and Commentator, “Vancouver Civic Politics” session, B.C. Studies Conference, Simon
Fraser University, October 1981.
Chair, “The Application of the Principle of Natural Justice to University Procedures” session,
Western Regional Conference of Faculty Associations, Victoria, October 1981.
Chair, “Western Urban Development” session, Canadian Historical Association Annual
Meeting, University of Ottawa, June 1982.
Chair, “Patterns of North American Politics” session, North American Urban History
Conference, University of Guelph, August 1982.
Chair and Commentator, Cities and Communities: The Role of Urban History session, ninth
Annual Conference of the Canadian Oral History Association, University of British Columbia,
June 1983.
Chair, “Adult Education: Learning About Canada” session, Annual Conference of
Association of Canadian Studies, University of British Columbia, June 1983.
Chair, “Place and Space in Canadian Literature” session, Annual Meeting of the Association
of Canadian Studies in the United States, Rockport, Maine, September 29 - October 1, 1983.
Chair, “Neighbourhood Revitalization: The Winnipeg Experience” session, Canadian Studies
Conference, University of Manitoba, 1984.
Panelist and Commentator, “The Archivist's Responsibility to Donor, Institution, and
Researcher,” sponsored by Association of Manitoba Archivists, January 1984.
Panelist, “Libraries and Archives in Manitoba” session, Canadian Studies Conference,
University of Manitoba, January 1984.
Panelist, “The Future of South Winnipeg” session, Annual Meeting of South Winnipeg’s
Resident Advisory Group, January 1984.
Panelist and Commentator, “Comparative Issues in Urban Studies” session, Annual Meeting
of Urban Affairs Association, Portland, Oregon, March 1984.
Moderator, Panel on “A New Place for Local Government: The Prospects for nonGovernment Sector Partnerships,” Federation of Canadian Municipalities, 47 th Annual
Conference, Winnipeg, June 1984.
Panelist and Commentator, Symposium on Interdisciplinary Studies, Institute of Canadian
Studies, Carleton University, August 1984.
Conference Moderator, Conference on “Your Neighbourhood: People, Planning and
Politics,” sponsored by Council of Inner City Neighbourhoods, Winnipeg, December 1984.
Conference Moderator, “Historic Preservation: A Revitalization Option,” National
Conference of Canadian Association of Planning Students, Hotel Fort Garry, January 23-26,
Invited Participant, Seminar on International Collaboration (I.D.O., C.I.D.A., I.D.R.C., etc.),
Universities of Winnipeg and Manitoba, March 1985.
Chair, “The Challenge of University-City Relations” session, Public Universities in Cities:
Challenges and Opportunities Conference, University of South Florida, March 1985.
Commentator, Special Seminar on Canadian Immigration Policy sponsored by Federal
Department of Employment and Immigration, Vancouver, March 1985.
Commentator, Tenth Annual Inter-School Debates, Gordon Bell High School, April 1985.
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Curriculum Vitae
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Chair, “Social Science Research, Policy Formulation and Decision-Making” Workshop,
Annual General Assembly, Social Science Federation of Canada, Ottawa, May 1985.
Chair, “Mapping the Great Depression” session, International Council for Canadian Studies
Conference, Montreal, June 1985.
Commentator/Panelist, “Life Time Learning: The New Contract” session, Annual Meeting of
Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, Winnipeg, June 1985.
Chair, “Evaluating Winnipeg’s Unicity: Scholarly and Practical Perspectives,” Canadian
Urban Studies Conference, University of Winnipeg, August 1985.
Panelist, “Decentralization in Metropolitan Centres,” Annual Meeting of the Institute of
Public Administration of Canada, St. John’s, Newfoundland, August 1985.
Commentator, “Publishing Western Canadiana and Americana: A Twenty-Five Year
Overview” session, Western History Association Annual Conference, Sacramento, California,
October 1985.
Chair, “Ownership, Integration and Firm Size” session, “Still Living Together: Recent Trends
and Future Directions in Canadian Regional Development.” A Conference held at the
Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, October 1985.
Chair, “Revitalizing Downtown Winnipeg” Panel, University of Winnipeg, October 1985.
Chair, “Economic Redevelopment in the Frost Belt” session, Urban Affairs Association,
Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas, March 1986.
Convenor, “Housing in Manitoba” Seminar, Organized by the Institute of Urban Studies,
University of Winnipeg, April 1986.
Chair, Election Forum on “The Future of the City of Winnipeg.” Winnipeg, March 11, 1986.
Coordinator, Session on History, Tenth Annual Meeting of the French Association for
Canadian Studies, Bordeaux, France, May 1986.
Panelist, “The Impact of the SSHRCC on the Historical Association,” Annual Meeting,
University of Manitoba, June 1986.
Chair, “Canadian Studies Material,” Association for Canadian Studies, Annual Meeting,
Winnipeg, June 1986.
Panelist, Colloquium on the Availability of Publications in Canada, sponsored by National
Library of Canada, Quebec City, June 1986.
Convenor, “Housing in Saskatchewan” Seminar, organized by the Institute of Urban Studies,
University of Winnipeg, Regina, July 1986.
Convenor, “Housing in Alberta” Seminar, organized by the Institute of Urban Studies,
University of Winnipeg, Edmonton, November 1986.
Chair, “The North American City in Transition,” Special Luncheon Meeting, The Americas
Society, New York, N.Y., December 1986.
Panelist, Opening Session, Seventh Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian
Studies in the German-Speaking Countries, Grainau, West Germany, February 1987.
Summation of Conference, “The Effect of Constitutional Structure on Urban Policy and
Politics: The U.S., Canada and Britain,” Wayne State University, April 1987.
Panelist, “How Should University Research; and Service Centres Plan for the Future:
Alternative Scenarios and Perspectives,” at Conference on University Research and Service
Centres: Future Directions, University of Akron, Ohio, April 1987.
Convenor, “Northern Housing: Policy, Design & Delivery Conference,” Saskatoon, May
Chair, “Canadian Urban Development” session, International Canadian Studies Conference,
McMaster University, May 1987.
Chair, “Winnipeg: A City of Great Rivers,” A Future for Our Rivers Conference, National
Capital Commission, Ottawa, June 1987.
Chair, “Planning Winter Cities” session, Nordic Association for Canadian Studies Conference,
Lund, Sweden, August 1987.
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Curriculum Vitae
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Chair and Commentator, “Town and Country: Space, Race and Resources” session, Ninth
Biennial Conference, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Montreal,
October 1987.
Panelist, “Multidisciplinary Perspective on the U.S.-Canada Borderlands,” roundtable, Ninth
Biennial Conference, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Montreal,
October 1987.
Chair, Panel on “Federal Political Parties and R & D in Canada,” Social Science Federation of
Canada Annual Meeting, Ottawa, October 1987.
Chair, Panel on “Meech Lake: The Impact of the 1987 Constitutional Accord on Canadian
Settlements,” UBC Centre for Human Settlements, Vancouver, January 1988.
Chair, 1988 Bonnycastle Lecture: Premier Howard Pawley, University of Winnipeg, February
Chair, “Current Housing Policies: A Manitoba Perspective,” session, Canadian Urban and
Housing Studies Conference, University of Winnipeg, February 1988.
Chair, “Perspectives on Canadian Urban Policy: Trends and New Directions,” session,
Canadian Urban and Housing Studies Conference, University of Winnipeg, February 1988.
Chair, “Federal Housing Policies,” session, Canadian Urban and Housing Studies Conference,
University of Winnipeg, February 1988.
Chair, “Race and Ethnicity in North American Cities,” session, Urban Affairs Association
Annual Conference, St. Louis, March 1988.
Chair, “Homelessness: An Irrelevant Issue?” panel, organized by Planning Institute of B.C.,
Vancouver, March 1988.
Panelist, “Our Common Future: The Brundtland Report,” panel, organized by B.C. Society of
Landscape Architects, Vancouver, March 1988.
Chair, Northern Telecom Canadian Studies Awards Presentations, Catania, Italy, May 1988.
Chair, “Material History in B.C.: The Meeting of Europe and Asia,” session, BC Studies
Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, November 1988.
Chair, “Comparative Studies and Canadian Studies,” session, Annual Conference,
International Council for Canadian Studies, Quebec, June 1989.
Chair, “Free Trade and Cross Border Issues,” session, Biennial Conference, Association for
Canadian Studies in the United States, San Francisco, California, November 1989.
Invited Participant, Opinion Leaders’ Meeting: Consultation on Future Levels of Immigration
for 1991-1995, Department of Immigration, Vancouver, March 1990.
Chair, Session on Long Range Planning, Federal Planning Workshop, National Capital
Commission, Ottawa, March 1990.
Chair, Sessions on Human Settlements, All European Canadian Studies Conference, The
Hague, October 1990.
Chair, Session on “Capitals: Symbolism and the Built Environment,” International Capital
Cities Conference, Ottawa, December 1990.
Panelist, Home Pursuit Speakers Forum, Vancouver, October 1990.
Moderator and Facilitator, Forum on the Future of the Waterfront, City of North Vancouver,
March 1991.
Moderator and Facilitator, Seminar on Regional Town Centres, Greater Vancouver Regional
District, June 1991.
Chair, Seminar on “Implications of Urbanization for Sustainable Development,” Sustainable
Development Research Centre Seminar Series, U.B.C., November 1991.
Chair, Presentation by M. Kluckner on “Paving Paradise,” U.B.C., November 1991.
Panelist, “Transportation Planning in Cascadia,” Annual Conference of Pacific NorthWest
Economic Region (PNWER), Portland, December 1992.
Invited Member, Immigration Consultations, Federal Ministry of Employment and
Immigration, Vancouver, March 1993.
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Curriculum Vitae
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Invited Member, Community and Regional Development Forum, Provincial Ministry of
Economic Development, Victoria, March 1993.
Moderator, “Transportation and Trade in the Corridor,” Building Bridges to Sustainability
Conference, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, September 1993.
Invited Member, “Reporting on Sustainability Seminar,” BC Round Table on the Environment
and the Economy, Vancouver, July 1993.
Panelist, Transpovalue ‘94 (Real Estate Institute of Canada), Vancouver, March 1994.
Chair, “Perspectives on the Global Environmental Challenge,” Session, GLOBE ‘94,
Vancouver, March 1994.
Chair, “Public-Private Partnerships in BC” Session, “Renewal BC” Seminar, Vancouver,
September 1994.
Invited Participant, “Sustainable Development and the Future of Cities” Seminar, Dessau,
Germany, August 27 - September 03, 1994.
Chair, Session on “Urban, Regional and Cross Border Development,” Project Management
Institute Annual Conference, Vancouver, October 1994.
Panelist, “The Future of Planning Education in the Northwest” Roundtable, American
Planning Association, Washington and Oregon Chapters Conference, Portland, October 1994.
Moderator, “Technology and Analysis (Modeling and Simulation)” Session, 6 th Annual
International Conference on Vehicular Navigation and Information Systems, Seattle, August
Invited Participant, Workshop on Sustainability Scenarios and Indicators for the Fraser River
Basin, Organized by Environment Canada, Delta, B.C., September 1995.
Moderator, “Regional Planning Issues,” Lambda Alpha XXXI Biennial Congress, Vancouver,
October 1995.
Moderator, “The Canada/U.S. Shared Border Accord: Impact on Ports of Entry,” CrossBorder Workshop, Bellingham, WA, May 1996.
Moderator, Opening and Closing Plenary Sessions, Cascadia Tourism Conference, Seattle,
June 1996.
Moderator, “In Search of a Family of Innovative Services” Sessions, Canadian Urban Transit
Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, November 1996.
Chair and Presenter, “Defining Livability” Seminar, Leadership Vancouver, November 1996.
Invited Participant, RoundTable on Land Use Issues in the Pacific Northwest, Henry Jackson
Foundation, Bell Harbour Conference Center, Seattle, February 1997.
Chair and Commentator, “Implementing Regional Visions” Session, Joint PIBC and
Washington APA Conference, Vancouver, April 1997.
Commentator, Cascadia Metropolitan Forum, Vancouver, May 1997.
Chair, “Personal Leadership Journey,” Leadership Vancouver Retreat, Bowen Island,
September 1997.
Chair, “Community Day,” Leadership Vancouver, GVRD, December 1998.
Chair, Cascadia Conference, Seattle, December 1998.
Chair, Cascadia Inland Corridor Seminar, Osoyoos, September 1997.
Chair, “Citizens and Planners: Deciding Growth Issues” Panel, Urban Affairs Assn. Annual
Conference, Los Angeles, May 2000.
Commentator, “Managing North American Borders,” seminar organized by Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C., June 2000.
Panelist, Kirkwood Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Dialogue, Kirkwood, MO., August
Panelist, Urban Centers Session, Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities
Conference, UM-St. Louis, March 2001.
Panelist, “Planning for the Future: Creating Livable and Walkable Communities” Workshop,
St. Peters, MO, March 2001.
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
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Chair, “The Role of University Research Centers in Metropolitan Planning,” Four State APA
Conference, St. Louis, October 2001.
Chair and Commentator, “Creating Livable Communities Symposium,” University of
Missouri-St. Louis, May 2002.
Chair and Commentator, “The Great Retreat into Urban Privacy” session, Gated Communities
Conference, University of New Orleans, February 2004.
Conference Chair, “Dollars and Sense: Jefferson Parish Priorities Convention,” Westwego,
LA, March 2004.
Co-Chair (with U.S. Senator Landrieu) of “Smart Growth in Louisiana Conference,” New
Orleans, April 2004.
Organizer, Academic Freedom Forums, November 2004 and March 2005, Arizona State
Chair/Moderator, Colloquium on National Security Studies (in collaboration with Office of
Director of National Intelligence), April 2009, Arizona State University
Teaching Duties at Cariboo College, 1971-1975
Survey of Canadian History
Western Canada Since 1867
Canada Since 1867
Canadian Studies: “Canada As Colony”
History of the United States
Teaching Duties at University of Victoria, 1976-1980
History 230: History of Canada
History 344: Canada Since Confederation
History 358: Topics in Canadian History
History 230: History of Canada
History 344: Canada Since Confederation
History 490: Directed Readings in Canadian History
History 520: Tutorial in Canadian History
History 230: History of Canada
History 230: History of Canada
History 344: Canada Since Confederation
History 358: Topics in Canadian History
History 503: Field in Canadian History
History 230: History of Canada
History 344: Canada Since Confederation
History 346: Canadian Urban History
History 490: Directed Readings in Canadian History
History 500: Graduate Course in Historiography
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
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History 595: Extended Research Paper
History 230: History of Canada
History 490: Directed Readings in Canadian History
Visiting Professor, University of Manitoba, 1980-1981
History 236: History of Canada
History 338: Canada Since Confederation
History 749: Canadian Historiography
History 378: Canadian Urban History
Teaching Duties at University of Victoria, 1981-1982
History 230: History of Canada
History 344: Canada Since Confederation
History 346: Canadian Urban History
History 490: Directed Readings in Canadian History
Study Leave, 1982-1983
Teaching Duties at University of Winnipeg/University of Manitoba, 1983-1988
History 3511: History of Winnipeg
History 7509: Seminar in Canadian History
History 3510: History of the Canadian City
History 3511: History of Winnipeg
City Planning 73:721: Planning Theory
(University of Manitoba: Faculty of Architecture)
History 4505: Canadian Urban History
History 3510: History of the Canadian City
Teaching Duties at University of British Columbia, 1988-1999
1988/89 - 1992/93:
Plan 526-001: Public Policy and Urban Planning
Plan 526-002: Advanced Seminar in Public
Policy and Urban Planning
Planning 601: Ph.D. Research Seminar
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
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Administrative Leave
Plan 590A-001: Public Policy and Urban Planning
Plan 501-001: History of Planning
Plan 590B-001: Urban Planning Advanced Seminar
Plan 425: Introduction to Planning
Plan 502: History and Theory of Planning
Plan 590: Public Policy and Urban Planning
Plan 548S: University of Washington Exchange
Teaching Duties at University of Missouri-St. Louis
Public Policy Administration 451: Urban & Regional
Planning and Public Policy
History 405: North American Cities in Comparative
URBN 4061: Transportation and Planning
URBN 4600: History and Practice of Planning
Pol. Sc. 191: The Eagle and the Maple Leaf
Pol. Sc. 191: The Eagle and the Maple Leaf
Pol. Sc. 191: The Eagle and the Maple Leaf
ASU 101: Introduction to the New American
Teaching Duties at the University of Texas at Brownsville
PPAM 6311 – Urban Policy, Planning and Management
UNIV 1101 – First Year Seminar
GOVT 4312 – Issues in Public Planning: Public Policy in Urban Planning
and Development
GOVT 4312 – Issues in Public Planning: Public Policy in Urban Planning
and Development
Teaching Duties at Arizona State University
2007, 2008
2007, 2008
Teaching Duties at University of New Orleans
Graduate Student Supervision
Degree Programme
Type of Supervision
T. Gunton
External Examiner
J. Selwood
Ph.D (Community and
Regional Planning, UBC)
Ph.D. (Geography, Univ.
External Examiner
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 41
B. Vincelli
I. Robertson
R. Adam
E.J. Noble
R. Marchildon
P. Mackenzie
B. Krucko
M. Foran
C. Main
A. Levine
W.J. Wilson
A. Hercz
C. de Mosiac
E. Levin
G. Krushel
D.M. Ediger
G. Bugailiskis
M. Oepkes
J.T. Edgar
K. Huhtala
M. Kenyon
B. Kahnert
M. Carley
F. Warner
R. Innis
J. Sheltinga
L. Chen
S. Ree
C.A. Mills
G.T. Gray
Y. Kobayashi
N. Wilson
J. Hill
of Western Australia)
M.A. (History in Art,
Univ. of Victoria)
M.A. (History,
Univ. of Victoria)
M.A. (History,
Univ. of Victoria)
Ph.D. (History,
Univ. of Guelph)
M.A. (History,
Univ. of Victoria)
M.Ed. (Education,
Univ. Victoria
M.A. (History,
Univ. of Manitoba)
Ph.D. (History,
Univ. of Calgary)
M.P.A. (School of Public
Univ. of Victoria)
Ph.D. (History,
Univ. of Toronto)
Ph.D. (Education,
Univ. of Alberta)
Ph.D. (Geography,
McGill University)
M.A. (History,
Univ. of Manitoba)
Ph.D. (Interdisciplinary
Studies, Univ. Manitoba)
M.A. (History,
Univ. of Manitoba)
M.C.P. (City Planning,
Univ. of Manitoba)
M.A. (History,
Univ. of Winnipeg)
M.P.A. (Univ. of Manitoba)
D. Phil. (Univ. of Waiko,
New Zealand)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.Sc. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Geography (UBC)
M.Sc. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Committee Member
Committee Member
External Examiner
Committee Member
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
External Examiner
Committee Member
External Examiner
External Examiner
External Examiner
External Examiner
Committee Member
External Examiner
Chair of Examination Committee
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Chair of Examination Committee
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
Chair of Examination Committee
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 42
A. James
J. Barrons
D-H. Shin
D. Ho
R.C. Jhappan
V. Billesberger
C. Elkington
C. Lazzarin
R. Morah
M. Morapeli
S. Bailey
A. Millward
J. Atkins
A. Duncan
D. Becker
Y. Pan
J. Yardley
J. Christie
A. Tyakoff
K. Hemmingson
R. Rye
G. McLaren
K. Cook
J. Lawson
B. Stacey
R. Casinder
D. Sanford
R. Perkins
J. Wilson
T. Kemppi
T. Dehnel
S. Bagh
H. Urquhart
D. Stewart
G. DeVerteuil
T. Parker
P. Murray
C. Ebanks
D. Heintz
C. Bannister
D. Anderson
F. Adams
C. Carruthers
A. Khayat
D. Marlor
D. Kamnitzer
J. Robertson
J. Moore
S. Patrinick
G. Andestad
W. Hewson
T. Guppy
M. Coutu
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.Sc. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Poli. Sci. (UBC)
M.Archival Studies (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Asian Studies (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Geography (UBC)
M.Sc. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.Sc Planning (UBC)
M.Sc Planning (UBC)
M.Sc Bus. Admin. (UBC)
Ph.D Engineering (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
PhD Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Chair of Examination Committee
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
Committee Member
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Chair of Examination Committee
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
Committee Member
Chair of Examination Committee
Chair of Examination Committee
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Chair of Examination Committee
Committee Member
Committee Member
University Examiner
Committee Member
Committee Member
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Page 43
B. Mah
S. Megalos
P. Vadanasindu
S. Hollick-Kenyon
A. Rayner
R. Isaiah
B. Tully
A. Cunningham
L. Spitale
S. Watson
L. Arishenkoff
J. Laurien
S. Baker
C. Grant
G. Van Siri
M. Gatti
L. Galli
S. Schneider
L.A. Brueton
R. Booth
J. Meligrana
D. Guiney
A. Christie
I. Fisher
L.A. Garnett
R. Sadilkova
D. Witty
D. Murphy
A. Murphy
P. Bennett
A. Hurmuses
C. Gawronski
R. Blackwell
J. McPhail
C. Andrews
P. Fensterman
M. G. Lewandowski
M.Sc. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. English (UBC)
Ph.D. Architecture
(University of York, U.K.)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.Sc. Planning (UBC)
M.Sc. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Geography (SFU)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Planning (UBC)
Ph.D. Political Sci. (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. Planning (UBC)
M.A. History
(Lakehead University)
University Examiner
Chair of Examination Committee
External Examiner
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
University Examiner
External Examiner
Committee Member
Committee Member
Chair of Examination Committee
External Examiner
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Organizer of “Approaches to Local and Regional History Conference,” Cariboo College,
Kamloops, October 1972.
Editor, B.C. Perspectives, 1972-1975.
Executive Member, Planning Committee, “National Conference on Canadian Studies,” Banff,
May 1974. Sponsored by Association of Canadian Community Colleges.
Member, Task Force, “Habitat: The U.N. Conference on Human Settlements,” 1976.
Co-organizer, “Canada’s Urban Past: Conference on Canadian Urban History,” University of
Guelph, May 1977.
Member, Editorial Board, Historical Atlas of Canada, Volume III (1881-1951), 1977-1980.
Organizer, B.C. Studies Conference, University of Victoria, October 1979.
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Page 44
Co-organizer, B.C. Studies Conference, Simon Fraser University, October 1981.
Consultant, Advisory Committee on Academic Planning, Province of Ontario, 1981-1982.
External referee, tenure case, University of British Columbia, June 1982.
External referee, promotion to full professor case, York University, July 1982.
Co-organizer, North American Urban History Conference, University of Guelph, August
External referee, promotion to full professor case, University of Saskatchewan, November
External referee, promotion to full professor case, McMaster University, November 1982.
Lobbyist, The National Consortium of Scientific and Educational Societies, February 1985;
February 1986.
Member, Research Advisory Committee, Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature Foundation
Fund, 1985-1987.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Urban History, 1979-1986.
External referee, promotion and tenure case, Western Washington State University, November
Member, Joint Disciplinary Committee (University of Manitoba/University of Winnipeg),
Masters in Public Affairs (MPA), 1983-1987.
Member, Senate Committee on Academic Development and Curriculum University of
Winnipeg, 1983-1985.
Chairman, Senate Committee on Continuing Education and Community Service, University of
Winnipeg, 1983-1985.
Member, Canadian Studies National Awards Committee of the Secretary of State, 1983-1986.
Vice-Chairman, Committee of Review, City of Winnipeg Act (appointed by Minister of Urban
Affairs), 1984-1986.
Member, Advisory Committee, Business Fund for Canadian Studies in the United States,
Member, Membership and Organization Committee, Social Science Federation of Canada,
Organizer, "Winnipeg 2000: Exploring Strategic Development Options" Conference,
Winnipeg, September 1984.
Organizer, Canadian Urban Studies Conference, University of Winnipeg, August 1985.
Urban Affairs Commentator (weekly), CBC Information Radio, Winnipeg, October 1983February 1987.
Manitoba Commentator (bi-monthly), “Morningside,” National Network, CBC Radio,
January-December 1985.
Assessor, INRS-Urbanisation (Montreal), on behalf of le Fonds F.C.A.C. pour l'aide et le
soutien à la recherche, February 1985.
Member, Selection Board, Director of Historical Resources, Manitoba Department of Culture,
Heritage and Recreation, March 1985.
Co-organizer, “Public Universities in Cities: Challenges and Opportunities in Canada and the
United States” Conference, University of South Florida, March 1985.
Organizer, “Winnipeg Rivers Conference,” University of Winnipeg, October 1985.
Expert Witness, Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench, Re: Property Assessment, Fall 1985.
Member, Academic Advisory Committee, Programme for Canadian Studies in Israel, 19852000.
Urban Consultant, The Canadian Encyclopedia, 1980-1985.
Organizer, Public Forum on “The Future of Winnipeg: The Committee of Review, City of
Winnipeg Act, Final Report,” University of Winnipeg, April 1986.
Organizer, “Culture, Development and Regional Policy Conference,” Hotel Fort Garry,
Winnipeg, May 1986.
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Organizer, “International Urban Universities Conference,” Westin Hotel, Winnipeg,
September 1986.
Appraiser of Canadian Studies Programme, Trent University, Fall 1986.
Member, Board of Advisors, History of Architecture in Canada Project, 1986-1994.
External Referee, promotion to full professor case, University of British Columbia, October
External Referee, promotion to associate professor case, Western Washington State
University, October 1986.
External Referee, tenure case, University of Alberta, October 1986.
Member, Search Committee for Vice-President (Academic), University of Winnipeg, 19861987.
External Referee, promotion to full professor case, Memorial University of Newfoundland,
January 1987.
Member, Steering Committee, Borderlands Project [a $500,000, multi-disciplinary research
project on Canadian-American Relations], 1987-1991.
Member, Lambda Alpha International, 1988-present.
Member, International Advisory Board, International Symposium on the Role of Universities
in Developing Areas, 1988.
Organizer, “Livable Winter Cities: A Manitoba Perspective” Conference, St. Boniface
College, February 1987.
Chairman, Organizing Committee, National Research Centres Conference, Ottawa, March
Member, Editorial Committee, Special Issue on Canada, Daedalus: Journal of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1987-1988.
Co-organizer, “Northern Housing: Policy, Design, and Delivery” Conference, Saskatoon,
May 1987.
Co-organizer, Third International Urban Universities Conference, Chicago, April 1988.
Expert Witness, Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench, Re: Group Homes, April 1987.
Member, Canadian Delegation to Group on Urban Affairs, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris, 1987-1990.
Delegate, National Forum on Post-Secondary Education, Saskatoon, October 1987.
Editor-in-Chief, Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine, 1975-1988. (Three issues
per year.) Member, Editorial Board, 1989-1995.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Urban Affairs, 1986-1994.
Appraiser of Urban Studies Programme, York University, January 1988.
Organizer, Canadian Urban and Housing Studies Conference, Winnipeg, February 1988.
General Editor, History of Canadian Cities Series, Canadian Museum of Civilization and
James Lorimer and Co., 1976-1989.
Published Volumes:
Artibise, Winnipeg: An Illustrated History (1977).
Foran, Calgary: An Illustrated History (1978).
Roy, Vancouver: An Illustrated History (1980).
Weaver, Hamilton: An Illustrated History (1982).
English and McLaughlin, Kitchener: An Illustrated History (1983).
Careless, Toronto To 1918: An Illustrated History (1985).
Lemon, Toronto Since 1918: An Illustrated History (1985).
Taylor, Ottawa: An Illustrated History (1986).
Hare, Lafrance and Ruddel, Histoire de la ville de Quebec, 1608-1871 (1987).
Osborne and Swainson, Kingston: Building on the Past (1988).
Brennan, Regina: An Illustrated History (1989).
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Member, Dean's Committee on Institutional Arrangements for the Integrated Study of Natural
Resource Systems, UBC, Spring 1988.
Chair, Centre for Human Settlements Review Committee, UBC, Spring 1988.
Member, Special Group on Urbanism, Task Force on Tax Benefits for Northern and Isolated
Areas, Government of Canada, April 1989.
Member, Editorial Board, Revista Espanola de Estudios Canadienses, 1989-present.
Member, Editorial Board, Urban Affairs Quarterly, 1989-1994.
External Referee, promotion to full professor case, University of Calgary, December 1989.
External Reviewer, Canadian Studies Programme, University of Alberta, January 1990.
Chair, Canadian Organizing Committee, Pacific Rim Council on Urban Development, Annual
Conference, Hong Kong, October 1990.
External Referee, promotion to full professor case, University of Regina, January 1990.
Invited Member, “Opinion Leader Meeting,” Employment and Immigration Canada,
Vancouver, March 1990.
External Review Committee Chairman, Canadian Studies Programme, University of Alberta,
February 5-8, 1990.
Member, President’s Advisory Committee on Hampton Place (UBC Real Estate Corporation),
Reviewer, Measures of Health Project, Faculty of Medicine, U.B.C., 1990.
Member, Speakers Bureau Advisory Committee, U.B.C., 1990-1992.
Member, Interdisciplinary Advisory Team, Measures of Health Project, Faculty of Medicine,
UBC, 1990
Member, Editorial Board, Public Works Management and Policy Journal, 1995-present.
Member, Campus Planning and Development Advisory Committee, U.B.C., 1990-1993.
Member, Search Committee, Director of Landscape Architecture Programme, 1990-91.
Member, Editorial Board, Textual Studies in Canada, 1990-present.
Organizer, Planning Institute of B.C.-Urban Affairs Association, Joint Annual Conference,
Vancouver, April 1991.
Member, Conference Organizing Committee, “Focus on the Forks,” Winnipeg, April 1991.
Organizer, “Urban Transportation and Development,” Pacific Rim Council on Urban
Development Annual Conference, Vancouver, October 1991.
Expert Advisor, City of Vancouver Urban Landscape Task Force, January 1992.
Co-organizer, “Policy Workshop on Regional Governance,” SFU at Harbour Centre,
Vancouver, January 1992.
Organizer, Conference on Global Parliamentarians on Habitat, Vancouver, March 1992.
Co-chair, Urban Development Stream, GLOBE ‘92 Conference, Vancouver, March 1992.
Member - U.B.C. Senate, 1992-1993.
Member - U.B.C. Senate Library Committee, 1992-1993.
Member - U.B.C. Continuing Education Committee, 1992 - 1993.
Special Appointment by B.C. Minister of Finance to Examine Small Bus Operations in
Vancouver and Victoria, March-June, 1992.
Member, Graduate Council, Faculty of Graduate Studies, U.B.C., 1991 - 1992.
Special Advisor, Minister of the Environment, Canada, re: International Centre for Sustainable
Cities, September - December, 1992.
Special Advisor, Premier's Office, Province of B.C., re: Georgia Puget Basin Sustainable
Urbanization Project, September - December, 1992.
Member, Program and Organizing Committee, Annual Conference of the Pacific Regional
Science Association, July 1993.
Member, Country Commission (Canada), 1993 Bertelsmann Foundation Award for Innovative
Municipal Management, February-March, 1993.
Organizer, “Sustainable Cities Sessions,” GLOBE ‘94 Conference, Vancouver, March 1994.
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Site Visitor, University of Montreal, Planning Accreditation Board, January 1994.
Member, Commission on Resources and the Environment (CORE), Advisory Forum, 19931994.
Participant, Regional Conference, Federal Science and Technology Review Consultation,
Vancouver, September 1994.
Expert Witness, Public School Boards Association vs. Attorney-General of Alberta, Court of
Queen’s Bench, Province of Alberta, March 1995.
Expert Witness, Century Holdings Corporation vs. the Corporation of Delta, September 1995.
Member, Organizing Committee, XXXI Biennial Congress, Lambda Alpha International,
October 1995.
President, Cascadia Institute, 1995-2000.
Co-organizer, Metropolitan Regions in the Global Economy Seminar, Sponsored by North
American Institute for Comparative Urban Research, Vancouver, April 1996.
Member, Organizing Committee, Designing for Density Forums (Vancouver, Nanaimo and
Penticton), September 1996.
Member, Organizing Committee (Complete Communities II Conferences, Nanaimo and
Kelowna), October 1996.
Member, Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 1997-2000.
Member, Organizing Committee, Cascadia Metropolitan Forum, Vancouver, May 1997.
Member, Harris Green Charrette, City of Victoria, April-May, 1997.
Faculty Advisor, Professor Gao Jianguo, Canada-China Scholar’s Exchange Program, October
1996-November 1997.
External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Geography, Simon Fraser University.
Member, Heritage Advisory Committee, U.B.C., 1997-1999.
Referee, Tenure Case, School of Urban Affairs, Portland State University, October 1997.
Expert Witness, False Creek Lands Case, Federal Court of Canada, June 1998.
Member, Transportation Policy Committee, East-West Gateway Coordinating Committee,
Metropolitan St. Louis, 2000-present.
Facilitator, Strategic Plans Development, Can/Am Border Trade Alliance, July 2000.
Organizer, Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Conference, UM-St. Louis,
March 2001.
Member, Regional Workforce Policy Committee, EWGCC-RCGA, 2000-Present.
Member, Great Cities Public Advocacy Project, Vancouver Province, 2001-Present.
Expert Witness Re: Home Rule, Missouri House Committee, Jefferson City, March 2001.
Visiting Clarkson Chair Professor, SUNY-Buffalo, October 8-12, 2001.
Member and Recording Secretary, UNO Senate, 2002-2004.
Member, Planning Accreditation Board Site Visit Team, Cornell University, October 2002.
External Referee, Promotion to Full Professor Case, University of Waterloo, October 2002
Member, University of New Orleans Internalization Task Force, 2002 – Present
Member, MetroVision Regional Workforce Partnership (New Orleans), 2003-present
External Referee, promotion to associate professor with tenure case, University of Calgary,
Member, Planning Accreditation Board Site Visit Team, University of Colorado-Denver,
March 2006.
Organizer, PAC 10+2 Deans Seminar, Arizona State University, March 2006.
Graduate, Management and Leadership in Education, Harvard University, 2006.
External Referee, Promotion to full professor case, University of Calgary, 2007.
Member, Arizona Governor’s Delegation to Canada, October 2007.
Chair, Site Visit Team, Planning Accreditation Board, Morgan State University, Fall 2011
Chair, Site Visit Team, Planning Accreditation Board, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
Fall 2012
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Member, New University Transition Team (UT Rio Grande Valley), 2013-2015
Member, New University Steering Committee (UT Rio Grande Valley), 2013-2015
Assessor of manuscripts (books and articles) for:
University of Toronto Press, 1975, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1998, 2000, 2007.
Histoire sociale/Social History, 1976, 1979.
Plan Canada, 1976, 1979, 1986.
Carleton Library, McClelland and Stewart, 1977.
Journal of Urban History, 1977 (x2), 1978, 1980, 1984 (x3), 1985 (x2), 1989.
B.C. Studies, 1977, 1979 (x2), 1980, 1985.
Canadian Historical Review, 1978, 1979, 1980.
Acadiensis, 1978, 1980, 1986.
Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme, Social Science Federation of Canada, 1978,
1981, 1984 (x4), 1985 (x2), 1986, 1991 (x2), 1992 (x2).
Prairie Forum, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983 (x5), 1984 (x7), 1985 (x6), 1988 (x7), 1987 (x6),
Urbanism: Past and Present, 1980, 1984.
University of British Columbia Press, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1994.
Manitoba History, 1981, 1984 (x2), 1992.
Methuen Publications, 1983.
The Canadian Geographer, 1983.
Canadian Public Policy, 1983.
Northern Rim Press, 1995.
Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1984, 1985.
Frye Publishers, 1984.
Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 1984.
INRS-Urbanisation, Montreal, 1984.
Canadian Public Administration, 1985.
Journal of Urban Affairs, 1986, 1987 (x2), 1989 (x2), 1990, 1991, 1992 (x2), 1993,
1994, 1998 (x2).
Historical Papers (Canadian Historical Association), 1986.
Studies in Political Economy, 1987.
Urban Affairs Quarterly, 1989, 1992.
Urban History Review, 1989 (x2).
Economic Development Quarterly, 1991, 1993, 1995.
International Journal for Canadian Studies, 1991.
Journal of Canadian Studies, 1991, 1995.
Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 1994 (x2), 1995 (x2), 1996, 1997 (x3).
Institute for Research on Public Policy (Montreal), 1994.
University of Alberta Press, 1995.
Journal of Public Works Management and Policy, 1995, 1997, 2000 (x3)
Journal of Planning Education and Research, 1996, 1997 (x2), 2000
Housing Policy Debate, 1997.
Island Press, 1998.
McGill-Queens University Press, 2000.
Journal of Policy History, 2001.
Housing Policy Debate, 2002.
Urban Land Institute, 2004.
Athabasca University Press, 2007.
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Assessor of Grant Applications for:
Canada Council, 1975 (x2), 1977 (x2), 1978, 1979, 1980, 1987.
Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities, 1976.
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Fellowships Division, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 1978, 1979,
1989, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989.
Fellowships Division, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1979; General Research
Program, NEH, 1983.
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, 1980.
Research Grants Division, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 1980,
1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1991, 1992 (x3), 1996 (x2), 1997 (x2), 1998, 2000,
Strategic Grants Division (Resource Tools-Canadian Studies), Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988.
Killam Research Fellowship, The Canadian Council, 1986.
Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide la Recherche (FCAR), Quebec, 1990,
University of Hong Kong Research Grant Program, 1990.
Canadian Studies Directorate, Secretary of State for Canada, 1992.
Eco-Research, Tri-Council Secretariat, Ottawa, 1993.
American Philosophical Association, 1993.
Canadian Embassy, Washington, D.C., 1996.
Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Victoria, 1996.
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Doctoral Research Grant Program, July
Canada Research Chairs competition, September 2002.
Hampton Research Fund, University of British Columbia, 2004.
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, 2006, 2009.
Pathways to Entrepreneurship Grants Program, Arizona State University, 2009.
American Planning Association
Canadian Institute of Planners
Urban Affairs Association
International Downtown Association
Urban Land Institute
National League of Cities (Associate Member)
NAMI – North American Institute
American Society for Public Administration
International Economic Development Council
United Nations Association
Lambda Alpha International – Phoenix Chapter
Association for Canadian Studies in the United States
Association for Canadian Studies (Life Member)
British Association for Canadian Studies
Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries
Association Francais d’Etudes Canadiennes
Association for Canadian Studies in India (Honorary Life Member)
Nordic Association for Canadian Studies
Society for American City and Regional Planning History
Association for Canadian Studies in Australia and New Zealand
Canadian Regional Science Association
Japanese Association for Canadian Studies
Alan F.J. Artibise
Curriculum Vitae
Association for Canadian Studies in China
Association for Canadian Studies in Italy (Honorary Life Member)
Association for Canadian Studies in Ireland
Association for Canadian Studies in Israel
Association for Canadian Studies in the Netherlands
Spanish Association for Canadian Studies
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
Association for Borderland Studies
American Association for Higher Education
Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration
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