
The University of Texas at Brownsville Staff Performance Review

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The University of Texas at Brownsville Staff Performance Review
The University of Texas at Brownsville
Staff Performance Review
FY 2014
Purpose of Staff Performance Reviews
This training is designed to discuss the
Performance Review process for Fiscal Year 2014.
Performance Reviews are conducted for the purpose of
employee development, goal setting and evaluating staff
performance in relation to job expectations as well as
exceptional merit goals.
The deadline for turning in all Staff Performance Reviews is
October 31, 2014
The policy applies only to all benefits-eligible staff
employees (full-time and half-time) and to probationary
staff employees (initial six months).
Does not apply to:
Administrative employees from dean/director and
assistant/associate vice president and above
Faculty (full-time and half-time)
Part-time employees (19 hours/week or less)
Student employees (College Work-Study and SEI)
Temporary employees (assignment period less than 4
½ months)
5 Point Scale System
1. Does not meet expectations: Performance is at a level below established objectives
with the result that the overall contribution is marginal and substandard.
Performance requires a high level degree of supervision. If you use this rating, you
must complete the comments section under the letter being evaluated. Please be as
specific as possible.
2. Below expectations: Meets some of the established objectives and expectations but
definite areas exist where achievements are substandard. Performance requires
somewhat more than normal degree of direction and supervision.
3. Meets expectations: Meets established objectives in a satisfactory and adequate
manner. Performance requires normal degree of supervision.
4. Exceeds expectations: Accomplishments are above expected level or essential
5. Substantially exceeds expectations: Job performance easily exceeds job
requirements. Performance approaches the best possible attainment. If you use this
rating, you must complete the comments section under the letter being evaluated.
Please be as specific as possible.
Supervisor’s Checklist
1. Ask your employees to self-evaluate by using the form.
2. Use the form to think about, plan and make notes for each
Performance Standard of events that happened all year, not just
3. Set a day and time to meet with each employee separately.
4. Rate each employee using documentation, observations, verbal
counseling, time and leave records, deadlines, written goals and
expectations and if appropriate, customer feedback.
Supervisor’s Checklist
Meeting and Post-Meeting
1. Conduct annual performance reviews by discussing the Performance
2. Set goals and expectations for the next review period.
3. Allow the employee to write his/her response, if the employee wants.
4. Explain dispute process to the employee.
5. Sign and have the employee sign the performance review.
6. Send the scanned form to the Office of Human Resources by email to:
[email protected] or [email protected] .
7. Keep a copy for you and give the employee a copy.
8. Inform your chain-of-command of any employees needing improvement
or who excel.
9. Use the Performance Review as an ongoing tool throughout the year.
Setting Goals
 Goals need to be evaluated every fiscal year and new goals set for the next
fiscal year.
 There is not a certain number of goals expected (depends on the size of
each goal).
 Goals need to be SMART:
 Specific in order for employees to know exactly what they need to
 Measurable (use benchmarks as a tool to evaluate year round).
 Attainable
(employee and supervisor should agree to benchmark dates).
 Reasonable (within the scope of the job description).
 Time sensitive
(in order for the supervisor to know if deadlines are met).
 Goals may be adjusted throughout the year if there is a problem with
their completion.
Performance Review Form
The form is available on the Human Resources web page
at www.utb.edu/ba/hr/development/
The University’s Staff Performance Review form is to be
used to evaluate the employees’ job performance.
Any other performance review or evaluation form or tool
not allowed.
Staff Employees Performance Standards
A. Performance of essential duties and responsibilities of the job
- are you doing the job that we pay you to do
B. Completion of assigned tasks, projects, mandated training, etc.
- do you complete tasks that are given to you in a timely manner
and with quality
C. Reliability and dependability
- can you be counted on
D. Interpersonal relations and customer service
- are you a team player and treat customers with respect
E. Initiative and resourcefulness
- do you anticipate and look for solutions
Supervisor Performance Standards
F. Performance of supervisory tasks
- do you plan, organize, execute and monitor your unit
G. Leading, coaching and mentoring staff
- do you develop your employees
H. Resourcefulness and creativity
- do you do more with less
I. Problem-solving and decision-making
- do you identify problems, determine the cause,
develop a solution, make a decision, follow-up to make
sure solution worked
Summary of accomplishments, strengths
and notable performances
 What goals, projects or additional duties were
completed during the review period that had not been
originally scheduled?
 What community service that promotes the University
or supports student success did the employee
undertake within the review period?
 What teamwork efforts were put forth in order to
assist in meeting deadlines?
 What event(s) has this employee represent his/her
department well?
Setting Department, Exceptional Merit and Career
Development Goals
 Establish your department goals
 Establish at least one exceptional merit goal:
Successfully supported the implementation of
PeopleSoft in the Office of Human Resources.
 Establish at least one developmental goal:
Take an intensive excel course to learn how to do
pivot tables and data analysis.
Signatures required and Performance
Improvement Plan
• Once you have completed the evaluation you must seek
secondary approval (Manager, Director or VP) for any
overall rating of 2.0 or below.
• The supervisor will work in conjunction with HR to
develop a performance improvement plan that will be in
effect for 3-6 months.
Reviews Should Not Have…
 Any discriminatory remarks concerning race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or
 Any mention of an employee’s medical condition or disability.
 Any Family Medical Leave issues (time taken for FML should not
count as absence, including child birth and surgeries)
 Inappropriate language or sexual remarks
 Blank fields on form – goals and expectations need to be filled in
 Any reference to Military Leave or other approved leaves
 Personal information regarding the employee
 A reference to another employee
 Events that occurred outside of the review period.
Dispute Procedures
Employees should be allowed to review and discuss their
performance with their supervisor and disagree with the
evaluation, without any concern for retaliation.
In some cases, the employee may choose to follow the
grievance procedure as outlined in HOP Policy 8.2.10.
Exceptional Merit Process
Exceptional Merit Guidelines
Guidelines for merit pay distribution - Classified Staff 2014
HR conducts performance evaluation training for all supervisors/evaluators.
Evaluation period begins.
Employees must have a performance evaluation on file and a 3.0 or higher to be eligible for merit
A division dollar amount and instructions will be distributed via email to each VP.
Supervisor will recommend to their VP in priority order those employees who are deemed meritorious.
Each recommendation will be accompanied by a justification.
VPs will review the recommendations and will recommend to the Provost no more than 30% of the
division’s staff. Recommendations will be accompanied by a minimum dollar amount of $200 and in increments
of $200 up to a maximum dollar amount of $1,000.
Provost will review each division’s recommendations and make final merit recommendations.
HR Director reviews and approves bonus for payment
BSC enters and processes payroll
Employees receive merit bonus
All merit awards will be distributed as one time bonus.
Human Resources
If you are having technical problems, need assistance with
setting goals or have a question/comment/concern please
Office of Human Resources
Phone: 956-882-8205
The deadline for turning in all Staff Performance Reviews
October 31, 2014
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