
The University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College Academic Senate Minutes

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The University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College Academic Senate Minutes
The University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College
Academic Senate Minutes
January 19, 2007
Call to Order
Interim President Karen Fuss-Sommer called the January 19, 2007 meeting of the Academic Senate to
order at 1 p.m. in the SETB Third Floor Conference room.
Senate Members in Attendance:
Arney Janna
Cantu Ethel
Castillo, Hector
Celaya Pat (*)
Corbeil Rene (s)
Dameron Charles
Davis Bill (s)
Ferrier Doug
Fuss-Sommer Karen (*)
Gallegos Therese (s)
Gawenda Peter
Heise Elizabeth (s)
Hockaday Mabel (s)
Jones Irma (*)
Jones Leslie (s)
Lackey Charles
Larson Julie (s)
Virginia (s)
Martin Jose
Molina Domingo (s)
Monroe Angela (s)
Morgan Bobbette (s)
Ortiz Dennis (s)
Peltz Gerson (s)
Ready Arlene (s)
Shane Martin
Stockton Carl
Sullivan Rodney (s)
Zamarripa Manuel (s)
Senate Members Absent:
Holt Jim
Lacher Joe (s)
Lanye Charla (s)
Martinez Rosemary
Nelson Eldon
Phelps Cheryl (s)
Ragland Ruth Ann
Silva Hilda
Sullivan Thelma (s)
Tamez Eloisa (s)
Zavaleta Antonio
Pena Eli
Mrinal Mudgh
Chen Steve
Review and Approval of the Minutes
Karen Fuss-Sommer called for review and approval of the minutes from the December 14, 2006
Academic Senate meeting. Two corrections were noted on the minutes. The addition of the word
“and” on page 2 in the paragraph beginning with “The stakes are high” Bobbette Morgan
indicated it should be research and instruction. The second correction was on page 9 under
announcements, Bobbette Morgan once more pointed out it should read with the issue of
succession for the Senate President on the second line. Bobbette Morgan moved that the
minutes be approved as corrected. Pat Celaya seconded the motion. Motion passed.
School of Education Presentation—Dr. Carl Stockton
Certification Success in Education—Students are passing State Certification at a 97% rate. This
success rate was attributed to all the faculty on the entire campus as all faculty impact students
that come in needing developmental education classes as well as the core classes. He thanked
everyone. The School of Education is monitored by State Board of Educator Certification which
moved to the Texas Education Agency that monitors all education programs all over the state.
Each year the School of Education has to submit a cohort of students which get followed and
reported. Most students coming to our institution normally have to take at least one
developmental education class so it reflects how much faculty and students are working in the
Passing rates have steadily increased over the years: From 1999-2000, it was 78% and has
gone up from then to 97% in 2005-2006. Our institution has one of the highest passing rates in
the state. Students must pass both the content and the pedagogy areas. Art, Music, Kinesiology,
School Counselor, ESL Generalist, Education Diagnostician, English Language Arts, Special
Education, History/Social Studies, Math, Reading, Spanish Licensed Professional Certification
have all passed 100% of the content on the exam.
Bilingual education went from 82% to 99% in 2005-2006.These students are very sought after to
go to other places in the country. We are proud to have growth with quality instruction. School of
Education is producing more and more teachers. In 2001 they graduated 128 teachers and in
2005-2006, they have 261 graduates. The graduate area started out with 101 graduates in 2001
and now it has 139 graduates in 2005-2006.
Texas Academy of Math and Science—Legislation was introduced in the 79th session to “provide
academically gifted and highly motivated junior and senior high school students with a
challenging university-level curriculum.” This academy is important because it attracts more
students to the field of math and science in an environment of faculty to address student’s
learning in math and science. Academy courses are taught by UTB/TSC faculty. Academy
students will take courses along with other UTB/TSC students and are college students taking
college classes. They will be sitting in courses with other college students and faculty. They will
work on an AA degree focusing on electives in Pre-calculus, Linear Algebra, Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, and Human Anatomy. They will complete their high school requirements on our
campus. We will give students a UTB/TSC Texas Academy of Math and Science diploma. This
will be like a high school diploma. They will, at the same time, obtain their AA degree. There are
entrance requirements to get into this program and they must have a 3.0 to stay in the program.
Students will take Composition I and it will count as junior year English as well because it is
articulated. If a student decides they don’t want to continue at the academy, the high schools
must accept their credits. The target population is the State of Texas but because we don’t have
dorms, we will be drawing students in the valley. But the program may have students from other
parts of Texas. Long term, the university may be thinking of having a residential program.
Elizabeth Heise indicated that Environmental Science was not included in the listing. Dr.
Stockton indicated that she should get in touch with Deloria Nance Davis. Students will have the
ranking of First Year Academy Students instead of Freshman, 2nd Year Academy students
instead of Sophomores.
The Doctoral program will start advertising contingent upon approval by THECB. The
Accreditation visit will be in April. They will talk to faculty across other colleges and school, staff
and students. The first cohort of doctoral students will begin in August. Domingo Molina asks
“What is going to happen to UIL activities?” Dr. Stockton replied that when the students withdraw
from their high schools, they will not be able to participate in high school activities; they will be
university students so will be able to participate in university activities. “Are parents going to be
informed because that will limit their scholarships and financial assistance?” Those are decisions
that parents will have to make. When students have attended the North Texas program, they
have been recruited for Harvard and Yale and it doesn’t seem to have been a factor. “What kind
of impact is that to have on the Science Academy, Med High and magnet schools?” asked Leslie
Jones. Dr. Stockton indicated he met with the superintendents and they said, the more the
merrier. It doesn’t seem to bother anyone. They feel that they can recruit more students. Arlene
Ready asked if these students will have to pay tuition. Dr. Stockton indicated that UTB will collect
a daily tuition rate of $88 per student for attendance which will help offset the cost to help pay for
tuition and fees. At the beginning, UTB will have to get some startup funds. Karen Fuss-Sommer
asked if they are going to be in classes with regular college students. She is concerned with
having young people in with 28 year olds. The Academy is planning to cohort the students into
some classes and when they are in their second year, the students will be going into the regular
class room. There will be a principal and counselor to assist with this. Domingo Molina asked
“What kind of effect will it have on the students?” Dr. Stockton indicated that they researched this
and interviewed the North Texas students. The students said things like, “We felt like outcasts
and nerds at our high school but now we feel normal since we are with others that are at our
level. “Will students have an opportunity within the first couple of weeks to decide if they do not
like the Academy to go back to the high school they came from? Yes, students will be able to do
that was the answer. Students, however, will not be able to participate in the athletics at their old
high school because they are not going to be enrolled in high school but at the college academy.
Dennis Ortiz indicated that Coach Rodriguez’s office indicated that Academy students can indeed
participate. Dr. Stockton was going to look into this as he understood that students could not
participate in sports.
Quality Enhancement Plan Presentation —Dr. Eli Pena
UTB needs to develop a Quality Enhancement Plan that is part of the core requirements of the
SACS Accreditation. A brochure has been produced that has questions, answers and an
explanation about Compliance Statement 2.12 that is part of the accreditation process. The QEP
is not a project that Eli Pena just thought up; it is a SACS required project. The QEP must have
broad-based institutional input with a focus on learning outcomes that must be assessed, must
demonstrate the capability to make progress and be financed by the campus, must have broadbased involvement with the development of the QEP, and must identify and assess the goals.
Examples of QEP project on other campuses that have been approved by SACS and involve a
classroom setting will be distributed soon. These QEPs like to develop a project around a
particular class. At UT Pan American, their QEP project was developed around entry-level
mathematics courses: entry level and developmental algebra; Kingsville A & M's QEP involved
two classes: Introduction to Social Work and Jazz Band I; Laredo revamped Comp I and
Literature where they made their QEP a more continuous type of project; Texas Tech worked with
ethical issues on their campus. When you look at individual websites for colleges, if you find their
link to accreditation, you can see what they produced. Eli Pena passed out a blank form and
would like a QEP idea from each senator in this room. A question was asked if there was
someone from Senate on the QEP Council. Eli answered that there were several units that never
responded to the call for volunteers. Eli would like to invite anyone to participate on the QEP
committee. Julie Larson volunteered to serve on the committee. He asks that you give any idea
that you think might work for putting together a QEP. Once the QEP Council looks at all ideas,
they will then be asked to provide a 5-year type of plan for the activity with a budget, etc. After 5
years, it will be reviewed by SACS. In any project that we do, we want to improve students
learning. We don’t know, at this time, what will happen to QEP projects. All projects are 4 years
old so, in 2008, we will see what SACS does with those projects. Therese Gallegos asks how a
QEP will be decided. Eli Pena answers that a large campus constituency will decide because
representation must be broad based. Karen Fuss-Sommer indicated that one university had
several submissions so even those that didn’t get selected were submitted for external grants and
actually were getting completed.
Senate President’s Report
This is a review of issues that arose from the general faculty meeting. At that meeting, the officers
reviewed the concerns from the August meeting and the progress on those issues.
Several new issues arose at the meeting:
Travel reimbursement timeliness
Dual enrollment
ITEC garbage pickup and Senate Representation
What is official policy?
Issue #1
I contacted Rosemary Martinez about travel reimbursement. Concrete examples are needed with
dates etc., so that it can be evaluated what area the problem lies in.
Issue #2
Dual enrollment came up again. Faculty who attended the general meeting were notified that this
is on academic senate’s radar with senators already concerned and aware of issues/problems.
Issue #3
The concern over regular garbage pickup at ITEC and lack of senatorial representation out there
was brought up. This I believe is symptomatic of a feeling of isolation out at ITEC. I contacted
Val Champion the facility manager at ITEC who described to me the garbage pick up schedule
and the rationale for that schedule. Faculty having concern about facilities out there are
encouraged to contact him for resolution. We encourage the senators from Science, Math and
Technology to speak with their constituents at ITEC.
Issue #4
Policy not policy till it is in HOOP. If the faculty would like, Doug Arney is available to give a
discussion about the HOOP and hoop process. Current HOOP is on Web site.
Work Load Survey
The survey results are being tabulated by Welfare committee. I would like to commend the
welfare committee on the diligent work.
University Directory—Karen talked with several constituents, Dr. Chen and Dr. Ragland. Doug
Ferrier indicated that the issue has been addressed. In the middle or later part of the semester
UTB will have an electronic directory. The photos taken at the Library from the ID card will be
used to put in the directory. The question was asked if there will be a printed copy. The answer
was no. To which was asked “why can’t the university print one?” Anyone can print one from the
electronic copy. It will be in a printable program. They have not talked about how the directory
was going to be set up. The suggestion was made that the first couple of sheets that include all
the offices with the office number and fax numbers need to be included in the general directory.
Karen read Dr. Ragland’s response to the directory question:
There have been many changes since the last 2004-05 hard copy campus directory,
which traditionally has been compiled and printed by the Publications Office each year.
These changes include Ronnie Zamora moving to his new position in sports information,
the new telephone system, and upcoming changes for a unified e-mail system, in addition
to the many personnel changes, building changes and office changes.
In December, we convened a group of publications, technical, and HR staff to discuss a
more efficient means of producing more accurate and timely paper and online directories.
The process we've used for many years at UTB/TSC has involved HR providing some of
the information, Publications gathering some of the information, and the university
photographer scheduling photos, which many of our faculty and staff did not do. Once all
that was compiled, then the printed booklet was formatted, printed and distributed by
The group that met in December agreed that our technology can be customized to
electronically compile all the employee information from HR needed for the directory and
match it with photographs taken in the Library for ID cards. Then, that information can be
electronically sent to Publications for formatting, printing and distribution.
We now have about 1,070 full-time employees whose information and accompanying
photos should appear in the directory. To continue doing the directory the way we're now
doing it requires far more folks than either HR or publications has on staff, plus
cooperation of the faculty and staff to provide their information and get their pictures
taken. You'll note in the 2004-05 book that there are 159 employees who had never had
a photo taken for the directory. Harnessing the technology we now have is the only way
we can possibly produce a printed directory with present staff.
As for the online directory, the proposed one would be programmed to automatically
update when faculty and staff make changes on campus or when new employees are
When we met in December, we targeted this spring for making this new directory happen.
It's time for us to meet again for a progress report. If you have questions, please let me
Elizabeth Heise said that we know that an online version is more accurate; however, having a
printed copy is necessary. Most people are still using the 2003 directory and will continue to use
if there are no printed directories made. Doug Ferrier indicated that as soon as they have made a
decision about the directory, they will let senate know. Dennis Ortiz asked if there will be a PDF
version they can download. Doug Ferrier doesn’t see any problems with that.
Welfare Committee Report – Elizabeth Heise, Chair, Welfare Committee
Was deferred to the New Business Section.
HOOP Policies—Janna Arney, Interim Associate VPAA
Policy 7.3.4 — Faculty and Chairs Merit 1st Reading
Because the Deans and Chairs have substantially changed what was sent from the Senate, the
Senate will review this policy again and will be set up for first read at the next meeting.
Policy 7.2.1 — Distinguished Senior Lecturer 2nd Reading – Janna Arney
A couple of recommendations were made by senate. They would like to have the VPAA continue
to use the check list that was presented at the last meeting, label the policy being proposed as a
DRAFT on the policy until it is passed when a campus announcement should be made by the
VPAA. 3E was added to be used as a possible title for a lecturer. Someone asked what the
asterisk referred to? Dr. Arney indicated that the last time it was distributed; she had added some
background information just so that the senators could see an explanation of what the policy
referred. She failed to remove the asterisk. Only page 2 has any changes on it. Whose office
does it go to next? Dr. Dameron will take the policy to Provost Council. What would an example
of B2 be? B2 is not part of the discussion, only the content under revision is part of this
discussion at this time. Bill Davis moves to approve the policy since there is no change from our
last discussion. Elizabeth Heise seconds the motion. Motion carried.
To answer the question about B2, this means that when a faculty member is tenured, they are
tenured to the institution but not tied to the discipline. The faculty member is not tenured in a
department but you are tenured in one of the positions for a department.
Old Business
Alternate Drop-Off Locations for Student Evaluations — Mrinal Mugdh, Therese Gallegos
Yesterday, they discussed the location sites and process of completing the faculty evaluation by
students. UTB will now have six collection sites instead of just one. Some of the security issues
have been resolved such as having a site accessible at night. There will be collection sites in
EDBC in the Education Dean’s Office, Life Health Science Box in the Biology Department, South
Building Dean of Liberal Arts Office, Tandy 217, ITEC-Dean Holt’s Office and one near the library.
Timing of collections-Dr. Mudgh left a message with Police Chief Cardoza and requested that the
buildings be left open a half an hour longer so that students can have access to the buildings that
have the collection sites. In Health complex, they have a secured mailbox to be used as a
collection site. In EDBC and South Building, they have requested from the deans’ secretaries to
have a drop box in their offices. Elizabeth Heise indicated it would be nice to have a box in SETB
since it is as far away from South as Biology. Dr. Mudgh will put it on the schedule. Charlie
Lackey says that evaluations are done prior to the teacher going to class? He was corrected as
evaluations are distributed by the instructor and done after the class has begun. The students
will need to place the evaluations under the dean’s office door. Only the Biology department will
have an outside box. Dr. Stockton indicates that we might have these locations published in the
student newspaper. Dr. Cobeil asked if there could be a drive-up box so that students can drive
up to it and drop off the evaluations in the campus police area. Dr. Mudgh indicated that they are
trying to minimize the number of locations. Karen thanked both Dr. Mudgh and Dr. Gallegos for
their work.
Welfare Committee Recommendations on Adjuncts – Bobbette Morgan, Pat Celaya
The Welfare committee was charged as the top priority the welfare of adjunct faculty. At the last
meeting, they presented the issues and recommendations for adjuncts and it was discussed
thoroughly. The Web site Betsy Price put together was wonderful and we will work on these
types of manuals for adjunct faculty. The explanation sheets distributed are the same as those
distributed at the last meeting. At the last meeting Dr. Lackey suggested including something
about evaluation of adjuncts. The original intent of this document was to improve the working
environment of the adjunct. Because evaluation falls under the deans and chairs and it does not
belong in this document so is not addressed. The recommendations were projected on the
screen and a vote was taken. Bill Davis moves to accept the recommendations as distributed.
Mabel Hockaday seconds the motion. Dennis Ortiz understands the need to increase the salary
of adjuncts but this is more of a minimum wage issue. Would it be better to increase all adjunct
pay or should flexibility be included so that some adjuncts get more than others. Someone asked
how is it a minimum wage issue? Dennis comes back with “how is $1500 fair?” The
recommendation of salary indicates it is flexible for experience etc. Bill Davis says that the
recommendations are in two parts. $1500 is too low for adjunct pay and unless someone gets
behind that, it won’t be raised. The second part is there needs to be some way of showing that
higher credentials or experience allows for increase in the amount. Missing from this report is
some sense as to how adjuncts have grown and how many courses are taught by adjunct
professors. Dr. Martin indicated that the numbers and proportions have not increased and that a
conscientious decision that we turn the part-time part of the budget into tenure or tenure track
instead of just hiring adjuncts. Although the part time adjuncts percentage has gone down, the
number of courses taught by adjuncts has not gone down. The percentage of adjuncts at our
university and college was lower than the national average. UTB is about 38%. Zelma Mata
asked if the administration is looking at adjunct faculty as overloads. Dr. Martin indicated that
they are linked together. The Senate is recommending that if adjuncts pay is increased then
overload pay be increased as well. We are making this recommendation even though we know
that it would be difficult with the budget, however, if someone in the administrative chair would
like to disconnect both parts, they can certainly do so. Motion passed to endorse the
recommendations as distributed. Thanks to Bobbette Morgan, Pat Celaya and Elizabeth Heise
for all their work on this issue.
Non-Smoking Resolution Update – Karen Fuss-Sommer
The non-smoking resolution went to students and staff. The Staff Senate passed the resolution
with a 2 to 1 vote endorsing the resolution. Miguel, President of Staff Senate would prefer to
have a compromise. The Student Government reviewed the policy and rejected it but a
compromise was sought. Money has been devoted to this compromise by offering $1,000 to
build a pavilion for smoking people. Dr. Zavaleta is the liaison in charge of this project. Student
Government made their decision by what students are saying about this policy. All three
presidents, Abraham Ponce, Juan Miguel and Karen will meet. Ethel Cantu indicated that we
really need to do something about the enforcement of the existing rules for not smoking near the
doorways. Faculty has reported smelling smoke in offices and buildings. The inclement weather
doesn’t help because it makes smokers get closer to the doors. Mabel Hockaday stated that we
need to have more signage. There was a fire in a trash can in front of the library and it was
caused by a cigarette. Dr. Stockton wants to echo what Dean Cantu says, there are cigarette
butts along the walkway, and so whatever the policy ends up being put in place, it needs to be
enforced. The Life Health Science building has a receptacle for cigarette butts. Even though
there are receptacles in some areas, smokers don’t use them. Student Government needs to get
the notice out. Dr. Martin indicated that the stronger the feeling for the non-smoking resolution
the better. Faculty must help to get the word out especially to those faculty that do smoke. We
need help because our colleagues that smoke will say we are a communist state to enforce it.
The student body is an indication that there is not the same feeling about non smoking as there is
by the faculty. Who is in charge of signage? Physical plant will put out a receptacle and signage
if you contact them to do so. There is a sign at the biology area, but the no was deleted from the
sign. Domingo Molina asks “do we allow those people that were hired a long time ago and can’t
quit smoking with a smoking cessation seminar? How about those that must smoke every hour,
do they get a break?” Clearly there is so much evidence, in Hong Kong there was a lot of
smoking, but now they can’t smoke in public areas because no one has the right to threaten
others’ health. In travel, some people have stopped flying in American planes because there are
no smoking rules. Some other campuses have non-smoking rules in place so the issue of public
health can be persuasive. The important thing is the environment, if the police are going to
enforce it, then the faculty member is going to resist. More people thinking of a non-smoking
environment, then it would be easier to enforce. Would it be helpful to remind everyone in an
email what the actual policy is on smoking, where it is possible to smoke, etc. asks Karen.
Gerson Peltz is aware of several private companies who have launched partnership campaigns
with pharmaceutical companies to help stop smoking and these campaigns have been successful
because they have many different strategies and approaches that can be used. Although this is
in the public sector, could we do something like that? Can we call these companies and ask how
they can help us reduce the smoking issue. The wellness program has had workshops on how to
quit smoking. Students need to also be included in these activities. Discussion by all vested
parties must be conducted to have a campus-wide initiative. Dennis Ortiz states that the littering
is a problem. Is there a littering policy on campus? No one knows of one. Dr. Martin states that
the VPPA, David Pearson, has been asked to direct the strategic plan for the environment
including recycling, littering, watering, smoking, so he may be calling on each of us. Karen will
send the recommendations and concerns stated by Dr. Stockton and Mabel Hockaday to Dr.
New Business
Julie Larson reminded the Senate that when a colleague passes away, the Senate always sends
a condolence card on behalf of the Academic Senate. Jay Phillips will be missed.
Provost’s Report
SACS and the Strategic Plan — Dr. Martin wanted to follow up on SACS. Our last Unit Strategic
Plan was effective until 2005 and was heavy on input measures. Since then, several important
developments took place: Futures Commission, Change of Mission Statement, Approval by
SACS & UT System of New Mission Statement and New UT System Strategic Plan. Where is
our new Strategic Plan? The Bad news is: We do not have one. The good news is: SACS does
not require one. We are going to be working on one, based on the foundation and one that is
heavier on outcomes. It is going to be a beautiful challenge and we will be coming to you for
input. We are not aiming to have that done for this reaffirmation effort.
We will all be working a lot and not only on the QEP, one of the major thrusts is going to be on
the issue of compliance; we are going to document compliance with the elements of our collective
vision; in the case of non-compliance, we are going to draw plans to comply. Through your
deans and chairs, you will be receiving requests for compliance statements. I know we can count
on this.
Scholarships— financial aid may be based on many factors: financial need, merit, geography and
other factors. Our faculty, staff, administrators and governing board are contemplating a reexamination of our scholarship activities. Some elements have already been initiated: flat tuition,
student employment initiative and Scorpion Scholars. Everything is being reconsidered. We
foresee a multifaceted approach, based not on ideology or one liners, but on two shared
concepts: That we are in the business of facilitating access and success; and that we do not want
to try to “buy students”, but we want us to be a reasonable choice for as many students as we
can reasonably assist. Thank you to those of you who have been working on our different taskoriented groups.
Construction—As our President highlighted at the convocation, status of construction is: Rek
Center at the building stage; Early Childhood Center at the design documents; Music Education
at the design documents; Library at the design documents and board meeting; Classroom
Building at the board meeting; ITEC is enormous and more challenging; Housing On the
Peninsula is in the programming stage and the Science and Technology Building is in the
programming stage.
Our mentor, colleague and friend, Terry Jay Phillips, passed away at 8:45 last Tuesday, which
was also the first day of school here at UTB/TSC, a place where there are few elements of the
institutional infrastructure where he did not leave his mark. His last message to us, a few days
before his death, when he could no longer speak even when aided, was a message of fraternal
love to all of us. Please join us next week, on Saturday, on a day of Celebration of Life in honor
of our dear friend. Some of us are not very spiritual, but Jay was. If there is a way for him to
continue to look out for us, we can be absolutely sure that he will find it.
An Argentinean signer, Alberto Cortes, popularized one of the most poignant songs in the
Spanish language. The title of the song is “Cuando un amigo se va”-- When a friend departs.
The lyrics can be loosely translated as “When a friend departs, that friend leaves an emptiness,
that cannot be filled by the arrival of a new friend” There are other colleagues facing personal and
health challenges. Please do not wait until next week to let those friends know, tell them what
you want to remember having told them, when they, or you for that matter, are here no more.
Blackboard will be affecting the work of the faculty. This spring we are one of the first institutions
in the Texas and in the nation to implement the most comprehensive e-learning solution in higher
education, “Blackboard Outcomes Suite.” My UTBTSC will give access to online tools including a
multilingual portal, a virtual hard drive to store and share documents in a secure environment, ePortfolios for website creations, Learning Object catalog to easily share online content among
courses and online modules and Outcomes System to help in curriculum planning, classroom
assessment, quality initiatives, program reviews and assessments, strategic planning, regional
accreditation, state reporting and institutional research. Several faculty were having issues with
Blackboard before classes started because we were updating the existing system and loading all
the data they would be using. All updates are now completed. Blackboard is installing the
academic suite which is a new system and will ultimately replace the current system. It is much
more comprehensive and extensive. Rodney Sullivan asked if the stuff we have now on
Blackboard will migrate to the new system. It was indicated by someone that Mr. Sullivan needs
to take a vacation as he is becoming pessimistic in his old age.
We would like to welcome Dr .Gawenda back to the Academic Senate.
The School of Business and the Applied Business Technology Department will offer free tax
preparation for anyone with low income, with disabilities, elderly, Spanish speaking individuals
beginning on February 3 at ITEC. An announcement will be going out through Letty Fernandez.
Dr. Davis moved for the meeting to be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Irma S. Jones, Secretary
Fly UP