
Document 2304954

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Document 2304954
Thank you to all of the 55th Annual Regional Science & Engineering Fair Sponsors for making this event possible. Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Animal Science 5. Jonathan Gomez, Ventura Valero, LA JOYA HS, Pour Some Sugar On Me 4. CrisKna Mancilla, Jesus Salazar, THELMA SALINAS HS, Variant IncubaKon Temperatures on Quail Hatching 3. Rich Tarpey, Veterans High School, Silent Toxin Methylmercury Levels 2. Lauren Sierra, MaPhew Rodriguez, Hanna High School, Tail Wagging and Brain LateralizaKon 1. Kyrie Garlic , Weslaco East High School, The Effects of Different ConcentraKons of H2CO3 Behavioral and Social Sciences 5. Kathy Estrella, Sarah Chacon, Johnathan Gonzalez, Hanna High School, Is the Brownsville community ready for a change? 4. Izar Trevino, Shakira Hernandez, Hanna High School, Were All Ears 3. Analise Roth, Cynthia Gonzalez, Weslaco East High School, Effect of Anesthesia on Memory 2. Michael Sanchez, Veterans High School, PercepKons of Scale 1. Jesus MarKnez, Jesus MarKnez, Weslaco East High School, Reversing glucose a version in mutant cockroaches Biochemistry 5. Nora Navarro, Alexa Zarate, Veterans High School, We Gut You 4. Rene Rico, Brownsville Early College, Vitamin C You Cant Escape Me 3. Kevin Lopez, Carolina De Leon, Weslaco East High School, Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on the NegaKve Feedback Loop 2. Janet Adame, Alicia Chavez, Yajaira MarKnez, Hanna High School, T.E.C. 1. Raul Venegas, Jaime Rodriguez, WeslacoEast High School, Low Key Cellular and Molecular Biology 4. Edna Marroquin, Maria Garza, Weslaco East High School, Planarian RegeneraKon 3. Miranda Garzoria, Jesse Gomez, Marcela CasKllo , Hanna High School, A_erimages. 2. Kathleen Gonzalez, Georgina Cantu , Rivera High School, To See or Not to See 1. Bianca Castro , Weslaco East High School, The effects of low laser radiaKon Chemistry 5. Taylor Saenz, Samantha Cienfuegos, Veterans High School, Lead Exposed 4. ChrisKan Hernandez, Juan Rodarte, Thelma Salinas HS, Gravimetric Analysis of calcium containing minerals 3. Francis Davalos, Veterans High School, Luminol Glows Away 2. Kyara Aviles, Angela Mondragon, Dasa Cantu, Hanna High School, The truth about fast food 1. Hector Guzman, Weslaco East High School, Design and Synthesis of Novel Dye Molecules Computer Science 5. Lucas Cardenas, Nathaniel Alaniz, Weslaco East High School, Mole Meter 4. Luis Garza, Andrew Douglas, Veterans High School, GravitaKonal Force Simulator 3. Aaron Cantu, Weslaco East High School, Using Wireless Arduino Uno Microcontrollers to Manage Lab Equipment 2. Justeen Cantu, Melinda Moreno, DusKn Gonzalez, Weslaco East High School, D.I.P. 1. Jaime Hernandez, Aleida Olvera, Veterans High School, SmartGuard An Emergency Alert System for AndroidOS Earth Science 3. Adrian Arroyo, Megan Cervantes , Pace High School, Impact Craters 2. Valeria MarKnez, Ashley Lopez , Pace High School, A Legacy of 911 1. Priscila Rojas , Rivera High School, The Apple of My Eye anthropogenic atmospheric condiKons Energy and TransportaCon 5. Michael MarKnez, Thelma Salinas HS, The TransesterificaKon Of Vegetable Oil To Biodiesel 4. Juan BalKerrez, Leonel Abarca Jr, Veterans High School, Ferment Your Life 3. Gina Escamilla, Doris GuKerrez, Weslaco East High School, MagneKc Clutch 2. Daniela Butanda, Angel Quiroz, Pace High School, Sea the Change 1. Jesus R. Franco, Samuel Garza, Porter High School, The Death of the Phantom Engineering: Electrical/Mechanical 5. David Razo, Gilbert Saldana, Veterans High School, ROBO CARE 4. Daisy Hernandez, Guadalupe CasKllo, Thelma Salinas HS, Handy Helper AssisKve Device for the Visually Impaired 3. Nathan Lara, Weslaco High School, Power walking 2. Alejandro Morales, Edgar De Hoyos, Weslaco East High School, The RoboKc Hand 1. Aztrid Grimaldo, Alma Gamez, Pace High School, The Human Power Engineering: Materials/Bioengineering 5. Lauren Gregory, Emily Gregory, Veterans High School, WEATHERED WOODS STRENGTH 4. Valerie Ramirez, Weslaco High School, High Performance Concrete 3. Sergio Espinoza, Hanna High School, The Nano characterizaKon of Green Synthesized Gold Core Shelled NanoparKcles 2. Eduardo Aquino, Jacob Zepeda, Veterans High School, Hot Pajamas 1. Cesar Davila, Luis Gonzalez, Veterans High School, Bridgesnbspto Last Part II Environmental Management 5. Carolina Vazquez, JanePe Lopez, Priscilla Torres, Veterans High School, Cleaning Mans Mess 4. Briana Mares, Jonas Vergara, Veterans High School, Stop Runoff From Running Off 3. Diego Cuevas, CrisKna CasKllo , Pace High School, Weird The Real Difference 2. KaKa Torres, Rivera High School, Delicious Oil 1. Jose Daniel Navarro, Veterans High School, Renewable Food Supply Environmental Sciences 5. Arnold Torres, Veterans High School, pHun with Sealinity 4. Kathryn Stone, Veterans High School, Cost EffecKve Method for Water PurificaKon 3. Diana Sanchez, Abriella Corker, Weslaco East High School, Lead in Soil 2. Analaura Trevino, Weslaco East High School, Efficacy of selected biopesKcides 1. Francisco Hernandez, Olivia Cellum , Weslaco East High School, Can chiKn and chitosan be used an effecKve alternaKve for water treatment polymers? MathemaCcal Sciences 5. Rheana Gomez , Veterans High School, Is It Worth the Cost 4. Leslie Sierra, Jacqueline Calvo, Veterans High School, What Are The Odds? 3. David Mejia, Britney CasKllo , HANNA HIGH SCHOOL , Musical Math 2. Francisco SanKllan , Veterans High School, Beyond SpaKal Dimensions 1. Thomas Hull , Hanna High School, Football Physics Medicine and Health Sciences 5. Armando CasKllo, Veterans High School, Another Teenage Crisis 4. Michelle Faz , Weslaco East High School, A Natural PreservaKve Using Pure Honey 3. Joel Betancourt , Veterans High School, Sugar in Your Blood 2. Ashley Hernandez , Weslaco High School, Aspirin The Oxymoron 1. Juancarlos Sandoval, Ayane Ito, IDEA SAN BENITO HS , The Effect of Forced Leg Movement on Heart Rate Microbiology 5. Devika Raju, Grecia Nino , Veterans High School, Ferricyanide Reductase AcKvity 4. David Serna, Hanna High School, Perfect Buns 3. Michelle Herrera, Rivera High School, Why treat when you can prevent? 2. Julissa Gonzalez , Veterans High School, Washed Away 1. Mashad Arora , Science Academy of South Texas , SelecKve Adhesion to Protein-­‐Coated Surfaces for Bacterial Cell Physics and Astronomy 5. Victor Dominguez, Jesus Rodulfo, Weslaco East High School, The Solar Antenna 4. Aaron Aranda, Porter High School, Rubber Temperature and Suspensionnbsp 3. Alexis Lopez, Rogelio Garcia , Thelma Salinas HS, Determining li_ with various airfoils 2. Jose Aboytes, Rebeccca Cruz, Weslaco East High School, Emergency Belly Landing With Eddy Current 1. Linda Juarez, Tanya Llanas, Pace High School, Clocks in the SkyDetecKon of GravitaKonal Waves Using Pulsar Timing Plant Sciences 5. Leslie Del Angel Ramirez , Pace High School, Leaf Me Alone 4. Christopher Maldonado, Aria Aguilar, CrisKan Arguelles , Hanna High School, Micro Seeds 3. Sharon EveriP , Weslaco East High School, The Remote and Photometric Sensing 2. Paulina Garza, Pablo Covarrubias , Jose Elizondo , Veterans High School, Natural Filter 1. Andrea Pedraza , Weslaco East High School, Effects of Microwave RadiaKon 2nd Runner Up Juan Carlos Sandoval, Ayane Ito, IDEA SAN BENITO HS 1st Runner Up Jaime Hernandez, Aleida Olvera, Veterans High School Grand Champion Mashad Arora , Science Academy of South Texas 
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