UTB SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS APPEAL Spring 2015 Suspension Appeal Deadline: December 29, 2015 5:00 p.m. Student Name: ________________________________ UTB ID:___________________ E-mail address: _______________________________ Phone: __________________________ Students may use this form to appeal their conditional probation or suspension. Students must return this appeal form and other required documentation to the Academic Affairs Office, Life and Health Science Building Room 2.402 or by FAX to (956)882-6591. Students will be notified by via email of the final decision. The decision of the committee is final. The appeal will be considered only if the reasons for not meeting the requirements for GOOD STANDING or PROBATION are due to Medical or Personal extenuating circumstances. The appeal will be considered only if the appeal application is complete The application for appeal must include: 1. Unofficial Transcript 2. Essay 3. Verification of Medical or Personal circumstances Instructions 1. An Unofficial Transcript may be obtained from the Registrar‘s Office or printed from UTB Online. 2. Essay Write an essay that (1) provides a detailed but concise explanation of the circumstances that led to your poor academic performance and that are relevant to your academic probation and/or suspension. Be sure to include a semester by semester explanation of the circumstances which led to your current academic status and (2) provides a detailed plan for returning by explaining how you will meet your financial, career and academic goals (see below). a. Financial Write an explanation of how you will pay for classes. Consider these possibilities: financial aid, if approved; wages from work; other benefits, such as VA, Social Security, Unemployment, or Workmen’s Compensation; family and friends; savings or assets; other. b. Career Write an explanation of how you will reach your long-term career goals. Include how you can develop the skills that are necessary for the jobs you are interested in. Areas you should address include work habits, study strategies, and relevant work experience (parttime, internships, volunteer). c. Academic Write an explanation of how you have changed your circumstances and behavior to be more academically successful. Areas you should address include time management, study skills, regular attendance, transportation arrangements, faculty visits, and advising sessions. Identify the campus resources and services you will use when you return. 3. Verification of mitigating circumstances. Medical Circumstance (Physical and/or Mental): Provide documentation from doctor or hospital indicating dates of absence from school, diagnosis, treatment plan, and a schedule of when you will be ready to return to school. Personal Circumstance (affecting you and/or immediate family such as a divorce, death in the family, financial problems, job loss or other hardship): Provide documentation from counselor, clergy, lawyer, court, bank, employer, etc., to verify the specific circumstance. STUDENT CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I have attached the following required items: Verification of Medical or Personal circumstances Essay Unofficial Transcript from Registrar’s Office I understand that I will be notified by e-mail of the final decision. Student’s Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________________