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Another Leadership in Social Change Program by Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom
One thousand of the world’s Outstanding Students will
come together for the 5th University Scholars
Leadership (USL) Symposium in Phnom Penh,
This annual event hosted by Humanitarian Affairs
United Kingdom is specially designed to provide the
next generation leaders an understanding of key
sustainable development challenges, and to motivate
them to realise their potential as agents of change
through motivational talks by renowned international
trainers and inspiring lectures by experienced
humanitarian leaders.
The program will allow Promising Youth Leaders from Institutions of Higher Learning and NGOs the
necessary knowledge and skills to initiate humanitarian services to the Global Poor.
It will also provide them with opportunities for growth and involvement. The University Scholars Leadership
Symposium will engage participants and enable them to deliver humanitarian aid to disadvantaged
communities in poverty-driven and disaster-prone nations.
Humanitarian Affairs, United Kingdom provides a venue for young
people to be trained in doing social development work in order to
nurture them into world-class citizens with a global mindset towards
alleviating the problems of communities in need.
It runs programmes across different nations through the relief efforts
they extend to countries and communities that are poverty and
disaster-stricken. Humanitarian Affairs believes that encountering
different cultures and providing aid to those suffering abroad
facilitates both intellectual and emotional development for the young
people it mentors. Through its projects, Humanitarian Affairs aspires
to transform momentary feelings of compassion into a long-lasting
sense of responsibility, community and sympathy for the Global Poor.
Humanitarian Affairs is a London-based non-profit, non-government
organisation. As a social enterprise, it is incorporated under the
Company Act of 1985 and registered with the Registrar of Companies
in England and Wales.
Humanitarian Affairs Asia Regional Headquarter is based in Thailand.
Humanitarian Affairs is a member of the World Association of NonGovernmental Organizations and the World Alliance for Citizens.
Phnom Penh Symposium will bring
1,000 of the world’s promising student
leaders in the field of sustainable
development together in August 2014. It
offers a unique opportunity to network with
young leaders from 45 countries and those
who share the same passion for alleviating
the plight of the poor.
Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom
recognises the importance to enhance
delegates’ experiences beyond merely
acquiring new knowledge on humanitarian
services. Thus, nurturing creative thinkers
and grooming aspiring leaders are two important programs of the Phnom Penh Symposium. Our goal is for
every delegate to experience activities that contribute to their holistic development and empower them to
become excellent global citizens dedicated to service leadership.
Pushpa Basnet, a CNN Hero of the Year 2012, is a 28-year
old lady from Nepal whose ambition is set on the dreams
of the children she cares for. All of these children once
lived in Nepali prisons with their incarcerated parents. For
seven years, she has been running a children’s centre to
provide these children with education, food, medical care
and the opportunity to live through a happy and normal
childhood outside of prison walls. Pushpa had her calling
to help these children at the early age of 21. Even though
she came from a well-to-do family that ran a successful
business, she chose to study social work in college.
As one of her requirements in class, she visited a women’s
prison and was deeply struck by the living conditions of
the imprisoned women. What moved her more was the fact
that some of the children of these women stayed with them
in prison. One such child tugged at her shawl and smiled
at her while she was going around the prison facility. It was
then when she felt a strong urge to get these children out
of an imprisoned life they did not deserve.
Two months after her first visit to the prison, she began a
daycare centre that started with just five children. Pushpa
would pick them up every weekday morning, take them to
the centre and bring them back to their mothers in prison
in the afternoon. Her work eventually grew into a fullfledged home called the Butterfly Home after two years
since the start of her programme. About 40 children were
living in the centre along with Pushpa. Her children from
the home call her “Mamu” because the loving and
motherly care she gave to all children who have received
her guidance.
Pushpa continues to provide the best things in life for her
children. With about 80 children still living inside prison
walls, she is determined to bring them out to live out her
promise as “Mamu” to these children in need.
Robin Lim is a CNN Hero of the Year 2011 Awardee for her work in promoting maternal health
care and traditional birthing techniques for disadvantaged mothers in Bali, Indonesia. She was
pushed into pursuing midwifery in 1995 after experiencing the loss of three important women in
her life—her midwife, Sunny Supplee, her best friend, Brenda Swartz, and her younger sister,
Christine Kim who died while carrying a baby in her womb.
Emerging from her suffering, she decided to live her life only for love and envelope those around
her with this same love. These were the beginnings of her commitment to providing mothers and
babies a safe and loving environment during a mother’s pregnancy, childbirth and thereafter
especially after moving to Bali, Indonesia with her family.
Robin encountered challenges during her pregnancy and in her hunt for safe midwifery in Bali. It
was through this experience that she decided to put up Yayasan Bumi Sehat (Healthy Mother Earth
Foundation) with the help of family members and good friends. The clinic’s humble beginnings
started out in providing prenatal care from Robin’s house. Eventually, the demand for her expertise
and care grew as more and more people sought her help in giving safe maternal care for mothers
who did not have enough money to pay for such services. She became known as “Ibu Robin” for
her work in providing free prenatal care, birthing services and other support for them.
Geraldine started her career with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs in 1970. Her first
posting was to Phnom Penh, where she experienced life in a country at war when the Vietnam War
spilled over into Cambodia.
After resigning from the government in 1987 she worked for 8 years with The Chase Manhattan
Bank in Sydney before deciding to live in Cambodia in 1996.
Geraldine’s original experiences in Cambodia never left her and on a return visit in 1993 she
became involved in helping an orphaned Cambodian child. From that small beginning Geraldine
co- founded what is now the Sunrise Children’s Villages.
Pan Macmillan published Geraldine’s autobiography, Home Is
Where the Heart Is in 2000 and
Hollywood bought the rights to make a feature film based on her book.
The documentary, My Khmer Heart, won the Hollywood Film Festival Documentary of the Year
Award in 2000 and has since been bought and screened by HBO and Discovery Cable Channels
Her story has been featured on Australian Television over the last few years on Australian Story,
The Sunday Program, This Is Your Life, Four Corners, Today Tonight, The 7.30 Report, 60
Minutes and Talking Heads.
Francis Kong is the Philippines’ top inspirational speaker and leadership guru. As an excellent
communicator, Francis is trained and licensed by Maximum Impact of Atlanta Georgia to conduct
the Maxwell leadership programmes, and by the Ziglar Corporation in London for the Ziglar Sales
and Presentation programs.
Francis is the president of Success Options Publishing Company and began his career in the
manufacturing and retail industry. His wealth of experience as a co-founder of a popular company
and in running a retail chain for many years allows him to provide premium business advice. He
has founded and co-founded successful enterprises such as the Success Options Publishing
Company, FunWorks, Inc., and Inspire Leadership Consultancy.
With a gift in writing, Francis communicates excellence in business and leadership to his audiences
through his 14 book titles and weekly business columns in The Philippines Star. His writings have
earned him high praise from Channel News Asia of Singapore. He also seizes opportunities to
inspire people through his frequent guest appearances in Shoptalk, Umagang Kay Ganda, and other
top-rating programmes in free TV and cable channels.
Francis is highly respected for the dedication he puts into all of his endeavors. In all of his actions,
he projects his personal motto of “inspiring excellence” in people as a speaker, writer, broadcaster,
entrepreneur and family man.
Pamela Wigglesworth is an American international corporate trainer, inspiring speaker and
managing director of Experiential Hands-on Learning, a training and development consultancy
Pamela has been living in Asia for over 20 years and works with various organisations to enhance
their branding and marketing communications. She specialise in providing trainings on presentation
skills, personal communication skills and self-effectiveness.
She has a love of learning which keeps her at the top of her game and enjoys passing on that
knowledge to those in her courses. Utilizing her enthusiasm and leadership skills she is able to
engage every participant through teaching and activities that help them growth as an individual.
She has lectured on general business subjects for Regent Business School, Raffles Institute of
Design and the Asian Centre for Professional Excellence. As part of a United Nations Development
Programme effort, she conducted retail business plan development training for several Bhutanese
She is a member of the Asia Professional Speakers and served as the 2011-2012 Vice President.
She is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce and a founding board member of the
PrimeTime Business and Professional Women’s Association. She has had multiple articles
published in the various newspapers and magazines.
Essential LifeSkills
Building Your Confidence
Your confidence will grow over time, but you can give yourself a head-start by
becoming comfortable with your own personality, understanding and learning about
other people’s, and following a few confidence-boosting tips from our trainers.
Overcoming Fear of Failure
Failure is not a nice word to hear, but we all have to face it now and again. It’s
important to remember that, although it can often feel like the end of the world
at the time, a failure is how we learn and develop. Try changing the way you view
There are three workshop sessions
where the delegates can choose to
attend. All the workshop sessions will
focus on building a sustainable future
for the less fortunate communities.
To build a Better World, we believe in
building the characters of our young
leaders by involving and allowing them
to lead these new initiatives.
A Youth Ambassador
Humanitarian Journey
Humanitarian Affairs has started a search for
ground-breaking projects that will help alleviate
poverty. Participants of the Phnom Penh
Symposium 2014 are invited to submit their
proposals on the following topics:
1. Using education as a means to break free
from poverty
2. Creating a sustainable community
programme to end poverty
The organisations believe that the youth are able
to make a positive change in the world. With
mentorship and resource support from Humanitarian Affairs, the youth will be able to furnish projects
of the best quality and the highest social impact.
The Symposium presents the “Voice in Social Change” as an opportunity for its young delegates to turn
their social development proposals into a reality to ultimately help disadvantaged communities in the
To help the youth turn their ideas into reality, Humanitarian Affairs will provide close mentorship
for 12-months and cash grants of up to USD 5,000 to be given progressively to ONE winning individual
or team.
The Learning Journey of the USL Symposium is
that one-day in the weeklong event wherein the
delegates have the opportunity to do humanitarian
work. This activity is a full day dedicated to
spending time with children of disadvantaged
backgrounds to help the delegates have a better
grasp of the field of humanitarian work. Delegates
have the opportunity to put what they learn into
practice and dive “into the trenches” of sustainable
development through a variety of humanitarian
service projects.
Truly, the Learning Journey is the heart of the USL
Symposium. Not only do the delegates get to impart
lessons on the children, but they also take home with
them life lessons that these children in turn give to
them. The Learning Journey is one unforgettable
event for the many lives it touches at the end of the
Do you have a passion to alleviate the disease of global
Do you have a vision of Doing Something for the Global
Have you also thought of becoming a Young Role Model to
inspire others and to make a positive contribution in this
If you are that person with passion, vision and positive
motivation, then you should attend the University Scholars
Leadership Symposium in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
We at Humanitarian Affairs can empower you to take
concrete action to realize your vision and passion!
The Symposium will teach you exactly what you should
know from planning, managing and implementing a
successful humanitarian service project in your local
communities or around the globe. We provide guidance and
leadership training to bring about social change to those who
share our vision.
If you want to be an Agent of Change, this is an opportunity
not to be missed.
Be a part of the Movement to bring positive change to the
Humanitarian Affairs welcomes anyone aged between 17 to
30 years old. Any graduate or young professional who
wishes to learn about Humanitarian initiatives is encouraged
to join the Symposium. Those who may participate are:
Non-Profit Organisation Leaders
Non-Government Organisation Leaders
Foundations Leaders
Humanitarian Relief Organisations
Civil Service Personnel
Social Entrepreneurs
International Volunteer Leaders
Youth Leaders
Aspiring Volunteer Leaders
Volunteers Who Want to Make Difference
Be Part of the Global Movement and Participate in the Symposium
Leadership in Social Change
Happening in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
August 1 to 7, 2014
Angelica Casado (Australia)
After attending the USL Symposium in Pattaya, Thailand, Angelica was inspired to create a relief appeal to her university
which raised more than $5,000 AUD for the Thai flood victims in 2011. Her leadership and involvement in community
work has garnered her the title of being Australia’s sole representative to the World Summit in Mexico.
Holly Ransom (Australia)
Holly was truly inspired at the Melaka Symposium and she decided to become a social entrepreneur running a business
centered on helping young people realize their full potentials & leading innovative change in not-for-profit organisations.
Brandon Louise Medrano (Philippines)
Brandon decided to do something worthwhile after attending the Pattaya Symposium. He set-up a Humanitarian Affairs
Chapter in his college to benefit more young people. Under his leadership, the HA Chapter was able to collect 21,800
plastic bottles in a single day. The collected bottles were recycled and funds raised were used to buy 171 chairs for a
school in the Isabela Province of the Philippines that was devastated by the Typhoon Washi back in 2011.
Ibrahim Olouch (Kenya)
Ibrahim was a delegate of the first and second USL Symposium. Ever since his participation in the two Symposiums, he
had coordinated with the organisation to set-up Humanitarian Affairs Chapters in three African countries and has
recently organised a training camp to teach more African youths on sustainable livelihood.
Teresa Seminara (Canada)
In May 2011, Teresa was awarded with the Youth Medal by the Quebec Lieutenant Governor for her work with
Humanitarian Affairs and through the Humanitarian Affairs Chapter which she initiated after having been inspired to do
humanitarian work by participating in the USL Symposium in Melaka in 2010.
Laura Sykes (Australia)
It was indeed a truly life-changing experience for Laura. It allowed her to learn more about global humanitarian issues
and the challenges facing those involved in the field of social development. In her pursuit to share the knowledge she
gained from the Symposium, she started her own Vision Group through Vision Generation, World Vision’s youth
movement, in order for her to educate and empower students in her university about key humanitarian issues.
Katie Blundy (Australia)
Katie’s passion was ignited after her participation in the USL Symposium. After the Symposium, she has dedicated her
time and her talents in creating sustainable livelihood for a Zulu community in South Africa as she works full time on a
cultural tourism project that aims to empower and generate income for the members of this community.
It is such a wonderful opportunity for me to have been part of the USL symposium in my capacity as a faculty observer.
My experiences in Pattaya, Thailand in 2011 and in Bali, Indonesia in 2012 have been great. I have seen how the
delegates all over the world have been transformed into more responsible members of the community. I have also
witnessed how our scholar-delegates have developed their leadership skills. In fact, they have been able to organize the
Humanitarian Affairs De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Chapter. Indeed, USL symposium makes one’s dreams
happen. See you in the Philippines for the 4th USL Symposium ’13.
Dr. Johnny O. Cabanias
Director for Academic Services
De La Salle Health Sciences Institute, Philippines
My participation as a faculty observer in the last University Scholars Leadership Symposium has been an experience of
a lifetime. I have come to witness peoples from different cultures, different religions and different races, working
together, living together, and loving together; peoples from various nations and various languages unified by the
common spirit of giving, loving, sharing, caring, and cooperating and raring to become their own persons.
In this symposium, I had an awesome experience of learning new things, meeting good friends, building and nurturing
relationships, and creating networks with delegates from other universities; as well as visiting wonderful locations and
enjoying places of interest in the host country.
My wish is for more people to learn and share the same wonderful opportunities and amazing experiences I had.
You, too, can have the same opportunity in Manila! You, too, can have your chance to live the Humanitarian Affairs
Experience in Manila! Have more fun in the Manila Symposium 2013!
Mr. Severino P. Pader
VP Administration, Student Services
Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines
What is the most important thing to be a leader? It is not a question of how to be a leader or what kind of skills we need
to be a leader, but it is about for what we exercise our leadership. In my opinion, it is not for ourselves, but for the others,
and more importantly, for our society. I am talking about social responsibility of the leaders. ‘Our society’ is not referred
to only our country, but it is extended to global community and all mankind. The USL Symposium in Bali did not
provide the young student leaders from around the world with only the skills of being leader, but also the social
responsibility. The Bali Symposium delivered experiences and inspiration from many international esteemed leaders
who have utilized their leadership to help people and to make our society and the world better. More importantly, it was
the process of activity-based learning to understand, to analyze, to plan and to act to solve problems in our society. And
the most wonderful outcome was the participants can learn from each other. Not only can the student leaders learn, but
also I learned, with amusement. And that made the Bali Symposium the best and the most enjoyable symposium I had
attended over the past few years.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Prinya Thaewanarumitkul
Vice Rector for Student Affairs
Thammasat University, Thailand
Connecting People with Communities in Need
Symposium Website
Official Symposium Facebook
Organisation Website
ASIA Secretariat
28/43-44, Moo. 2 Najomtien Sattahip, Chonburi 20250 Thailand
TEL : +66-38-235-038 FAX: +66-38-235-037
[email protected]
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