
CURRICULUM VITAE Jacqueline B. Koonce, PhD Assistant Professor

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CURRICULUM VITAE Jacqueline B. Koonce, PhD Assistant Professor
Jacqueline B. Koonce, PhD
Assistant Professor
Language, Literacy, and Intercultural Studies Department
College of Education
University of Texas at Brownsville
Main 2.110
University of Texas at Brownsville
Brownsville, TX 78520
[email protected] - e-mail
956-882-6516 - office
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 2014
Ph.D. Program in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education
Specialization in Language and Literacy Education, 3.82 GPA
Committee Members: Co-Director Douglas K. Hartman, Co-Director Kyle
Greenwalt, Cynthia Okolo, and Denise Troutman
Dissertation Title: “The Caged Birds Sing: Highlighting the Voices of Black
Adolescent Females on their Language and Literacy Practices – Three
Qualitative Investigations”
Teachers College, Columbia University
New York, NY 2000
M.A. English Education, 4.00 GPA
North Carolina A & T State University
Greensboro, NC 1999
B.S. English Education, 3.89 GPA
Former North Carolina certification for grades 9-12 English language arts
Assistant Professor of Language, Literacy, and Intercultural Studies.
University of Texas at Brownsville; Brownsville, TX.
Teach undergraduate courses with projector to also teach master’s level, and
doctoral courses in Reading, Literacy, and Digital Literacy face-to-face and also
CV for Dr. Jacqueline B. Koonce
online synchronously through Blackboard Collaborative or other platforms, develop
and maintain an active research publication agenda, collaborate in further
development of undergraduate and graduate programs, participate in
school/university/community collaborations, and incorporate digital technology
extensively into coursework.
Research Assistant. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Assisted in organizing and analyzing data that supported the effectiveness and
excellence of the MSU Teacher Education Program in preparation for TEAC
FALL 2010-FALL 2012
Editorial Assistant. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Graduate Assistant. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Helped in the post-acceptance phase of publication for the Journal of Literacy
Research. Gave a careful read of manuscripts for clarity; supervised copyediting,
translations, and reference checks; and actively interacted with authors and
publishing staff.
Taught TE 302, Learners and Learning in Context, a course that focused on disciplinary
literacy and the intersection of teacher, students, and content.
FALL 2009SPRING 2010
Graduate Assistant. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Graduate Assistant. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
FALL 2006-2008
Clinical Faculty.
High School English Teacher. Northeast Guilford High School, McLeansville,
Taught an English Education lab where prospective teachers practiced teaching
Served as a field instructor, which involved supervising and coaching interns in their
English language arts classrooms.
North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC.
Supervised field-based experiences. Coordinated some partnership activities.
Assisted with the design and implementation of field experience requirements.
Conducted orientations for field experience students and teachers in partnership
schools. Co-taught, gave lesson demonstrations and modeled realistic classroom
situations. Conducted seminars for student teachers on lesson planning, culturallyresponsive instruction, classroom management, etc. Served on the School of
Education and Teacher Education Committees.
NC. Prepared high school students for the NC Writing Test and Reading
Comprehension Test by teaching reading comprehension and writing skills.
Provided training to high school teachers on how to prepare students for the
English components of state exams. Managed responsibilities of working on various
teams such serving as Chair of the School-Based Leadership team while teaching.
Mentored novice and experienced teachers. Conducted teacher seminar on working
with diverse student populations.
CV for Dr. Jacqueline B. Koonce
Consultant for the National Paideia Center. Chapel Hill, NC.
Worked with a team of educators to effectively prepare for teacher training sessions.
Taught teachers nationwide how to create coached projects (units) and use Socratic
High School English Teacher for Summer Enrichment.
Greensboro, NC.
Taught Upward Bound students language arts skills to prepare them for the
following school year. Remediated instruction for students who lacked grade-level
Literacy Research Association Reading Hall of Fame Supporting Young
Scholars Mentoring Program Applicant (not accepted this year; will apply
again for 2015-16)
Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate Fellowship (Spring
2011, 2012, 2013)
Urban Education Retention Fellowship (Summer 2010, Spring 2012)
NSF Grant to present research at the Sixth Annual International Gender and
Language Association Conference in Tokyo, Japan (Fall 2010)
Summer Research Development Fellowship (Summer 2009)
Urban Education Recruitment Fellowship (Summer 2008)
Articles Submitted for Review in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Koonce, J.B. (under review). Black adolescent
female avid readers.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Koonce, J.B. Digital literacies and critical literacy for
minority students.
Koonce, J.B. (2015). IRB proposal in progress for ethnographic scholarship
on student-professor perceptions reflective of race – African American (me)
and Latino.
Koonce, J.B. (2015). IRB proposal in progress for scholarship on Latino and
African American students' perceptions of each other’s language and literacy
CV for Dr. Jacqueline B. Koonce
Peer-Reviewed Articles Prior to UTB
Koonce, J.B. (2014). “Oh, those loud Black girls!”: A
phenomenological study of Black girls talking with an attitude. Reprinted in N.
Gallavan (Ed.), Annual Editions: Multicultural Education, 17th Edition.
Koonce, J.B. (2012). “Oh, those loud Black girls!”: A
phenomenological study of Black girls talking with an attitude. Journal of
Language and Literacy Education [Online], 8(2), 26-46. Available at
Brooks-Yip, M. & Koonce, J.B. (2010). Taking another look at struggling
adolescent readers. Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 26(1), 33-37. (equally coauthored article) http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/lajm/vol26/iss1/13//≥
International Research Presentations (Non-Invited)
Koonce, J.B. (October 2014). “Oooh, It’s Sooo Good!”: Black Adolescent
Females Experiencing the Delicacy of Reading. Presented at the UTB Universidad Americana del Noreste Binational Conference - XXI Encuentro
Binacional de Educacion: Congreso Internacional de Educacion.
UTB College of Education
Research Presentations
Koonce, J.B. (2014). The roles of digital literacies and critical literacy for
Black adolescent females. Panel titled, “Women in Academe: Activism &
International Research Presentations (Non-Invited)
Submitted for Review
Koonce, J.B. (2014). The roles of digital literacies and critical literacy for
Black adolescent females. Paper proposed for the Annual Meeting of the
AERA, Chicago, IL. (Not accepted).
International Research Presentations Prior to UTB (Non-Invited)
Koonce, J.B. (April 2014). “Oooh, It’s Sooo Good!”: Black Adolescent
Females Experiencing the Delicacy of Reading. Presented in
a paper session titled, “Interrupting Pathologized Identities of Black
Populations,” at the 2014 American Educational Research Association
Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
CV for Dr. Jacqueline B. Koonce
Koonce, J.B. (April 2012). “Oh, Those Loud Black Girls!”: A
Phenomenological Study of Black girls Talking With an Attitude. Presented in
a Paper Session at the 2012 American Educational Research Association
Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Koonce, J.B. & Williams, B. with Troutman, D. (September 2010). African
American Women’s Speech Practices. This researcher’s topic was specifically
Race, Class, and Gender: African American Adolescent Girls’ Language and
Literacies and looked at their use of Ebonics and Talking with an Attitude in
the presence of teachers. The researcher looked for the lived experiences of
these girls’ interactions with these teachers when they used the language and
speech act. Presented at the Sixth International Gender and Language
Association Conference in Tokyo, Japan.
National Research Presentations (Non-Invited)
Koonce, J.B. & Williams, B. with Troutman, D. (November 2010). African
American Women’s Speech Practices. This researcher’s topic was specifically
Race, Class, and Gender: African American Adolescent Girls’ Language and
Literacies and looked at their use of Ebonics and Talking with an Attitude in
the presence of teachers. The researcher looked for the lived experiences of
these girls interactions with these teachers when they used the language and
speech act. Presented at the New Ways of Analyzing Variance 39 (NWAV39)
Conference in San Antonio, Texas.
Regional Research Presentations (Non-Invited)
Brooks-Yip, M.A., Koonce, J.B. (April 2010). Taking Another Look at
Struggling Adolescent Readers. Presented at the Michigan Reading
Brooks-Yip, M.A., Koonce, J.B. (October 2009). Taking Another Look at
Struggling Adolescent Readers. Presented at the Michigan Council of Teachers
of English.
Fall/Spring 2014-15
Teaching EDLI 3329 – ESL Literacy and Assessment, which focuses on
students using state-mandated and other formal and informal assessments
to help plan instruction based on their understanding of normal literacy
development. They determine independent, instructional, and frustration
levels of reading and analyze miscues to plan instruction and intervention.
Taught 24 students.
Teaching EDLI 3340 - ESL Language Arts and Literature, which focuses on
CV for Dr. Jacqueline B. Koonce
developing the language arts skills of English language learners through
reading, writing, listening, viewing and representing. The reading/writing
workshop model includes the writing process, reading quality children
literature in various genres, and responding to the literature. Field experience
required. Taught 21 students.
Peer Evaluation of instructor and course syllabi. Student evaluations.
Office Hours
Five hours scheduled and others by appointment.
Academic Advising
(2014-15). Serve as master’s level advisor for the Curriculum and
Instruction/Digital Literacies, M.Ed. Digital Literacy Leader for two graduate
internal certificates online K-12 Instruction.
Academic Advising
Prior to UTB
Served on practicum (pre-dissertation research paper) committees
for Carleen Carey (2011), Theda Gibbs (2012), and William Reader (2013),
for former Michigan State University doctoral students in the Curriculum,
Instruction, and Teacher Education Department.
(Fall 2014). Dr. Sonia Nieto. Attended Distinguished Lecture titled, “It’s My
Spirit: Lessons from ESL and Bilingual Teachers.”
(Fall 2014). Dr. Deanna Hoelscher. Attended talk titled, “Loving our Children
Too Much: Combatting Child Obesity on the Texas – Mexico Border.”
(Fall 2014). Mike Walker. Attended Talk for Educators in the local area by
Mike Walker, HEB Elementary Principal of the Year for the State of Texas
(Fall 2014). Mentored in order to learn Texas public schools, UT
System, and national accrediting systems (i.e., TEA, SBEC, UT System
Coordinating Board, SACS, NCATE/CAEP, TExES, PPR, EC-6 ESL and
Bilingual TExES, and 4-8 and 8-12 English Language Arts and Reading.
Professional Service
University Service
Serve as a peer reviewer for the journal, Research in the Teaching of English. Two
manuscripts were reviewed from 2013-2014. One was eventually published.
(2014-15). Serve as a Student Disciplinary Hearing Officer for the UTB
Student Services Office.
CV for Dr. Jacqueline B. Koonce
College of Education Service
(2014-15) Serve as sponsor (advisor) for UTB’s Kappa Delta Pi.
(2014-15). Participated in UTB/UT-Pan American consolidation meetings
regarding planned curricula for the merger for UT – Rio Grande Valley
(Spring 2015). Will serve as a Teacher Work Sample Evaluator.
Departmental Service
(2014-15). Serve on the UTB Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.
(Fall 2014). Observed a professor in the department and submitted a detailed
Community Service
(Fall 2014). Participate in HEB Reading Program with Kappa Delta Pi.
(Fall 2014). Volunteered at the Brownsville, TX Heart Gallery (Adoption
awareness) sponsored, in large part, by the Historic Brownsville Rotary Club, a
chapter of the international Rotary Club. Also a member of this organization.
Service Prior to UTB
Served as a MSU doctoral student reviewer for the Journal of Literacy
Research (2011). Also served as co-area editor for a manuscript for this journal.
(2011-2012). Served on the Teacher Education Advisory Committee for the
Department Chair). Michigan State University.
Literacy Research Association (LRA), formerly National Reading Conference
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
International Reading Association (IRA)
Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)
National Education Association (NEA)
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