TIMOTHY D. BUTLER Assistant Professor Department of Management & Marketing University of Texas at Brownsville Brownsville, TX 78521 Phone: (956) 882-3880 Email: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. in Marketing University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 2014 Master of Science in Marketing University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 2008 Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics, and Law Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York 2002 PUBLISHED RESEARCH Musgrove, Carolyn, Sara Al-Houti, Timothy D. Butler, and Giles D’Souza, “The Effect of Religious Cues on Consumer Intentions” (Forthcoming at the Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice). Al-Houti Sarah, Timothy D. Butler, and Katy Johnson, “Unwanted Pursuit Behavior: Understanding Salespeople’s Desire to Pursue and Desire to Avoid Customers” (Forthcoming at the Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice). Chang, Woojung, George R. Franke, Timothy D. Butler, Carolyn Musgrove, and Alexander E. Ellinger, “The Role of Radical and Incremental Innovation in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance: A Meta-Analysis” (Forthcoming at the Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice). Gabler, Colin, Timothy D. Butler, and Frank Adams, “The Environmental Belief-Behavior Gap: Exploring Barriers to Green Consumerism” (Forthcoming at the Journal of Customer Behaviour). Butler, Timothy D. and Giles D’Souza, (2011) “The Role of Antecedents and Consequences of Soft and Hard Benefits on Loyalty Program Success” Der Markt-Journal Fur Marketing, 50 (4) 201-217. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Butler, Timothy D., Alex E. Ellinger, and Craig E. Armstrong, “Performance Benefits of Being a Great Firm to Work For: An Investigation from the Employee Perspective” (Target Journal: Journal of Management) Musgrove, Carolyn and Timothy D. Butler, “Online Social Networks: Value Co-Creation between Consumers and Retailers” (Target Journal: Journal of Retailing). CONFERENCE PAPERS Musgrove, Carolyn and Timothy D. Butler, “Online Social Networks: Value Co-Creation between Consumers and Retailers” Spring 2013 AMS Monterrey, CA. Gabler, Colin & Timothy D. Butler, “It’s Not Easy Being Green: Why Consumer Behaviors Don’t Match Their Attitudes” Summer 2011 AMS World Congress, Riems, France. Musgrove, Carolyn, Giles D’Souza, Sarah Al-Houti, and Timothy D. Butler, “The Importance of Religiosity, Belief Congruency, & Consumer Ethics for Online Retailers” Fall 2011 SMA Memphis, Tennessee. Woojung Chang, Timothy D. Butler, Carolyn Musgrove, George R. Franke and Alexander E. Ellinger, “The Role of Radical and Incremental Innovation in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance: A Meta-Analysis” Winter 2011 AMA Austin, Texas. Butler, Timothy D., “The Role of Soft and Hard Benefits of a Loyalty Program on Loyalty Outcomes: A Service Dominant Logic Perspective” Spring 2010 AMS Portland, Oregon. PRESENTATIONS Butler, Timothy D., “How To Maximize Your Experience as an Employee” Summer 2012 Aloha Hospitality MVP Meeting, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (Corporate Sales Training). Gabler, Colin & Timothy D. Butler, “It’s Not Easy Being Green: Why Consumer Behaviors Don’t Match Their Attitudes” Summer 2011 AMS World Congress, Riems, France. Woojung Chang, Timothy D. Butler, Carolyn Musgrove, George R. Franke and Alexander E. Ellinger, “The Role of Radical and Incremental Innovation in the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance: A Meta-Analysis” Winter 2011 AMA, Austin, Texas. Butler, Timothy D. and Giles D’Souza, “Soft and Hard Benefits of a Loyalty Program and Loyalty Outcomes” Spring 2010 AMS Conference Portland, Oregon. Butler, Timothy D. and Vincent Myles Landers, “Exploring the Privacy Paradox in Ecommerce: The Role of Technological Readiness in Online Purchase Decisions” SMS (Southeastern Marketing Symposium) Winter 2010 Memphis, Tennessee. Butler, Timothy D. and Frank G. Adams, “Databar 2009 and Beyond for Effective UPC Coupons, Product Management and Traceability” National Grocers Association; Las Vegas, Nevada. RESEARCH REVIEWER EXPERIENCE SMA Fall 2010 Atlanta, GA. Supply Chain Track Journal of Customer Behaviour (2013), Special Issue for Early Career Researchers SMA Spring 2014 Indianapolis, IN Service Marketing Track TEACHING EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor, College of Business, The University of Texas at Brownsville, 2014-present Marketing 4378 (Retail Management) Fall 2014 (42 students) Instructor rating: TBD Marketing 4377 (Marketing Research) Fall 2014 (25 students) Instructor rating: TBD Marketing 3371 (Principles of Marketing) Fall 2014 (34 students) Instructor rating: TBD Instructor, Culverhouse College of Business Administration, The University of Alabama, 2009present Marketing 300 (Principles of Marketing) Summer 2011 (13 students) Instructor rating: 4.7/5 Marketing 313 (Consumer Behavior) Spring 2014 (60 students) Instructor rating: 4.5/5 Spring 2014 (60 students) Instructor rating: 4.25/5 Marketing 321 (Retail Management) Fall 2010 (37 students) Instructor rating: 4.36/5 Fall 2010 (47 students) Instructor rating: 4.67/5 Spring 2011 (34 students) Instructor rating: 4.18/5 Spring 2011 (33 students) Instructor rating: 4.62/5 Marketing 410 (Innovation Management) Fall 2009 (70 students) Instructor rating: 4.28/5 Summer 2010 (19 students) Instructor rating: 4.83/5 Summer 2012 (23 students) Instructor rating: 4.25/5 Summer 2013 (17 students): Instructor rating: 4.75/5 Summer 2014 (14 students): Instructor rating: 4.75/5 Marketing 473 (Marketing Research) Fall 2013 (42 students): Instructor rating: 4.17/5 Academic Coordinator, Sales Program, The University of Alabama, 2012-2013 Research and Teaching Assistant, Manderson Graduate School of Business, The University of Alabama, assisting Dr. Giles D’Souza and Dr. Sharon Beatty, 2007-2012 COMMUNITY AND CORPORATE ALLIANCES American Mining Insurance 2013 Coordinated with CEO and Senior VP of Business Development on a prospecting strategy Led team of advanced sales students tasked with making phone calls to mines in the Western portion of the United States in an effort to expand the geographic territory of AMI Managed competitive, geographical, and environmental analysis of new territory Instant Scholar 2013 Coordinated with owner and CEO on a complete re-branding of a subscription-based tutoring website Led team of advanced sales students tasked with designing and executing a targeted B2B sales plan Provare 2012 Led team of advanced sales students tasked with developing and implementing a full scale sales strategy for a software consulting firm in Atlanta, GA Supervised students and ensured deliverable objectives were met Read Bama Read’s Color Run 2012 Assisted logistic planning of charity event proceeds of which went to restocking school libraries that were damaged after the tornadoes on 4/27/11 in Tuscaloosa, AL Oversaw logistics for volunteers and parking staff to facilitate event execution Volunteer Resource Center 2011-2012 Incorporated volunteerism into my innovation management course working with the Volunteer Resource Center of Tuscaloosa (after the tornadoes on 4/27/11) Personally worked with director to schedule and design logistics surrounding the collection of volunteer data, administration of a call center, certifying volunteers through safety training courses and accreditation, and deploying volunteers to the most distressed areas Worked with students to design a database designed to organize housing arrangements for outof-town church groups Assisted in deploying assessment teams to individual homes to document damage and clean up debris Aloha Hospitality 2009-present Investigated the market for a new concept store in an 10 restaurant chain in Alabama Performed survey research evaluating the restaurant and food Worked directly with owner to facilitate student research projects National Grocers’ Association, Research Project 2007-2009 Performed research into how grocers nationwide would deal with a major technology shift from traditional UPC codes to more advanced tags which track inventory globally. Provided grocers with a better understanding of the benefits of adopting this new technology Reported results at national convention in Las Vegas, Nevada Data Analysis Project Manager, Carlson Group 2008 Communications liaison between the team and the firm Used large customer database of hotel customers to predict customer intentions using discriminant analysis Presented results to executives in charge of market research and marketing for Carlson Hotels Director of Venue Logistics/Event Coordination, Shoot-for-Life Charity Fundraiser 2007-2008 Organized event to benefit both a University of Alabama football alumnus and a cancer charity which raised $14000 Received Certificate of Merit Award for outstanding community service from the Management & Marketing department, University of Alabama at Honors Day 2008 AWARDS AND HONORS Watson Little Award, University of Alabama 2014 Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Alabama 2012 Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Alabama 2011 Academy of Marketing Science Doctoral Consortium Fellow Award, University of Alabama 2011 Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Alabama 2010 Society of Marketing Advances Doctoral Consortium Fellow Award, University of Alabama 2010 Beta Gamma Sigma (Business Honors Society), University of Alabama 2007-2008 Alpha Epsilon Lambda (Graduate Honors Society), University of Alabama 2007-2008 Certificate of Merit Award for Outstanding Community Service, University of Alabama 20072008 Dean’s List, Binghamton University 2001-2002