
1 Kathy Bussert-Webb, Ph.D. Full Professor with Tenure

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1 Kathy Bussert-Webb, Ph.D. Full Professor with Tenure
Kathy Bussert-Webb, Ph.D.
Full Professor with Tenure
Language, Literacy, and Intercultural Studies Department (LLIS), College of Education
University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB)
Awards and Honors
(August 2013). Received notification of Full Professor at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2011). Awarded the title of fellow of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
(NCATE) at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(April 28, 2011). Received a Community Engagement Certificate by the Center for Civic Engagement
(CCE) for completing at least 20 hours of community service, for receiving the Scholarship of Community
Engagement (SOCE) grant, and for participating in the 2011 Service Learning (SL) Exhibition at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2011). Nominated by the Academic Community Engagement Committee of the Academic Senate
for the national Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award for exemplary community engaged
scholarship at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2010). Received notification that UTB received the Community Engagement Classification from the
Carnegie Foundation. Led application efforts with Ms. Ethel Cantu, Associate Vice President of Academic
Affairs, and put several university-wide processes in place for a successful classification at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2009). Received notification of the President’s Exceptional Merit at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2008). Nominated for the 2009 Chancellor’s Council Innovations in Teaching Award at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(April 2006). My former students (Cori Alaniz, Claudia Ortiz, and Richard Noell) and I won an award for
our presentation of Semiotics and Service Learning to Affect Change: Dulce and the Good Life, a Diabetes
Awareness Play at the Annual Research Symposium at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2005). Nominated for the President’s Outstanding Teaching Excellence Award at UTB, Brownsville,
(Summer 2005). Received notification of tenure at UTB, Brownsville, TX
(Fall 2004). Received notification of exceptional merit at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
June 1997, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Language Education (Literacy)
Recipient of fee scholarships. Selected for Who’s Who among American Teachers.
Instructor of record for Content Area Literacy, Multicultural Education, and a
master’s level curriculum class. Collaborated with local teachers, assessed and
tutored secondary students in literacy, and presented at national conferences.
Research assistant. Individually published an article synthesizing 107 workplace
literacy programs. Co-taught and conducted dissertation research for one academic
year in a public, urban Midwestern school.
Master of Arts
May 1989, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Applied Linguistics/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Recipient of fee scholarships. Received an Indiana University fellowship to teach
English as a foreign language at la Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain.
Assisted in designing and implementing an adult ESL practicum. Studied French,
German, and Hungarian as electives. Conducted original research in phonetics and
grammar. Assistant coordinator of an international graduate residence hall for two
years. ESL instructor of record for the Linguistics Department.
Bachelor of Arts
May 1984, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Journalism and Political Science
Received several academic scholarships. Received a fellowship to study in Hungary
the summer of 1983. Member of the National Debate Honor Society. Awarded
"Outstanding Resident Assistant” by student government.
Member and officer of the Indiana University Debate Team, officer of the
Hungarian Cultural Association, and arts reporter for college newspaper. Paid my
way through college as a resident assistant and as a summer cornfield inspector.
Employment History
LLIS Department, formerly the Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) Department at UTB,
Brownsville, TX
Have taught undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral classes in literacy and curriculum, with
service learning and field components. Organized field experiences and service learning
projects. Observed and evaluated field-based students teaching lessons in public schools
every semester from 2000 to 2007. Secondary Team Leader for the C&I Department for
three years. Coordinator of Graduate Reading and Digital Literacy Programs. SPA report
writer and coordinator of fully NCATE-recognized English 4-8 and 8-12 programs. Mentor
adjuncts, professors, and lecturers. Serve on committees as assigned.
Center for Civic Engagement at UTB, Brownsville, TX
Director for the Center for Civic Engagement for 12 months, while continuing to teach
classes as a faculty member in the LLIS Department. With the Associate Vice President of
Academic Affairs, led the Carnegie Foundation Community Engagement Classification
application, and received notification of classification in December 2010. Assisted in
transforming the Center for Civic Engagement and the campus to become more civically
engaged. Assisted in putting several key processes and products together to do this.
Education Department at the College of Mount St. Joseph, Cincinnati, OH
Taught graduate and undergraduate classes in curriculum, classroom management,
adolescent literacy, children and adolescent literature, and adolescent development.
Supervised practicum students and student teachers. Co-principal investigator for a State of
Ohio summer reading grant in an urban school; participants made statistically significant
gains in reading as a result of the tutoring and multiple intelligences program.
Reading Department at Rivera High School, B.I.S.D., Brownsville, TX
Taught remedial reading to all grade levels. Department chair for one academic year.
C&I Department at Indiana University-Purdue University,
Indianapolis, IN
Instructor of record of graduate and undergraduate classes in multicultural education and
Language Education and C&I Departments at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Taught undergraduate classes in content area literacy and also multicultural education.
Research assistant in workplace literacy.
ESL Program at Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO
Taught English as a second language to Japanese college-bound students, ages 17-19.
Departamento de Lengua Inglesa at La Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain
Taught English as a foreign language to college sophomores as part of a teaching
scholarship from Indiana University, Bloomington.
Applied Linguistics and also Residence Halls at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Taught ESL to college-bound students for the Applied Linguistics Department. Assistant
coordinator/supervisor at an international graduate student residence hall.
Rural Public Schools for the U.S. Peace Corps, Ojojona, Francisco Morazón, Honduras
Taught grades second through seventh English as a foreign language, gardening,
beekeeping, sewing, crafts, and nutrition in five rural pilot schools; spent one day a week at
each school. Motivated community members to build latrines, which were non-existent.
Assisted in receiving grants for two community spring water systems and another
community’s child nutrition center.
Dekalb Pfizer Genetics, Windfall, IN
Field inspector of seed corn for three summers; responsible for over 1,500 dispersed acres.
Advanced from laborer, crew inspector, and supervisor; worked in the fields for this
company for nine summers. First female field inspector nationally for the company. Used
earnings to help pay for college.
Course Load
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
? students
EDLI 4367
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
11 students EDLI 6320
16 students EDFR 6388
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
6 students
EDCI 8324 (Wed.)
6 students
EDCI 8324 (Th.)
Extended/Long Summer
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
10 Students EDLI 6360
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
5 students
EDCI 8324
20 students EDLI/EALI 4351 (T and Th)
20 students EDLI/EALI 4351 (T)
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
13 students EDLI 6310
13 students EDLI 6320
11 students EDCI 8324
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
14 students EDLI 4367
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
12 students EDLI 3325
10 students EDLI 6330
9 students
EDLI 6360
(No course release or compensation)
Teaching Reading to the English Language Learner (ELL),
field experience (FE), service learning (SE), taught in
a local colonia
(No course release or compensation)
Adolescent Reading and Digital Literacy Instruction
Sociocultural Foundations of Education
(No course release or compensation)
Literacy across the Curriculum, doctoral
Literacy across the Curriculum, doctoral
(No course release or compensation)
Assessment Practices and Leadership in Print and Digital
Literacies for Diverse Learners
(No course release or compensation)
Literacy across the Curriculum, doctoral
Content Area Literacy, FE SL
Content Area Literacy, FE, SL
(No course release or compensation)
Emergent Literacy, master’s, SL, 100% online
Adolescent Literacy, master’s, SL, 100% online
Literacy across the Curriculum, doctoral
(No course release or compensation)
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL, taught in a local
(No course release or compensation)
Literacy across the Curriculum for ELLs, FE, SL
Diverse Learner Print and Digital Issues, Instruction, and
Assessment Practices and Leadership in Print and Digital
Literacies for Diverse Learners
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
21 students EDLI/EALI 4367
16 students EDLI 6310
15 students EDLI 6320
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
20 students EDLI/EALI 4367
22 students EDLI 3325
23 students EDLI/EALI 4351 (pm)
19 students EDLI/EALI 4351 (am)
(No course release or compensation)
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
Beginning Literacy, master’s, SL, 100% online
Adolescent Literacy, master’s, SL, 100% online
(No course release or compensation)
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
Literacy across the Curriculum for ELLs, FE, SL
Content Area Literacy, FE SL
Content Area Literacy, FE, SL
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
(No course release or compensation)
21 students EDLI 3329/EALI 4329
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
21 students EDLI 4367/EALI 4367
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
21 students EDLI 3329/EALI 4329
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
3 students
EDLI 6320
Adolescent Literacy, master’s, SL
* Graduate Reading Program Coordinator (Recruited, initiated all MRT and online course delivery
program actions, and coordinated summer comprehensive exams).
1 student
EDCI 8391
Dissertation Hours, doctoral
15 students EDLI 4367
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
7 students
EDLI 6340
Children and Adolescent Literature, master’s, SL
8 students
EDCI 8324
Literacy across the Curriculum, doctoral
Full-time Director of the Center for Civic Engagement September 1, 2009 - September 1, 2010
*Graduate Reading Program Coordinator
(One course release for advising, coordinating the
comprehensive exams, recruiting, and creating many program
1 student
EDCI 8391
Dissertation Hours, doctoral
17 students EDLI/EALI 4367
Teaching Reading to the ELL, field experience, SL
9 students
EDLI 6360
Assessment Issues and Practices in Literacy, master’s, SL
23 students EDLI 3325
English Literacy across the Curriculum for ELLs, FE, SL
10 students EDLI 4367
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
taught in a local colonia
8 students
EDCI 8324
Literacy across the Curriculum, doctoral
Faculty Liaison for the Center for Civic Engagement
12 students EDLI/EALI 4367
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
12 students EDLI 3329
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
20 students EDLI 3329
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
11 students EDLI 4367
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
taught in a local colonia
EDLI 6320
Adolescent Literacy, master’s
EDLI 4367
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
EDLI 3329
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
17 students
16 students
16 students
12 students
4 students
7 students
16 students
26 students
21 students
20 students
21 students
16 students
20 students
14 students
EDLI 3329
EDLI 3329/EALI 4329
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
taught in a local colonia
EDLI 4350
EDLI 6320
EDLI 3329/EALI 4329
Adolescent Literature, SL
Adolescent Literacy, master’s
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
EDLI 3329
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
Content Area Literacy, field-based, SL
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
taught in a local colonia
EDLI 3329/EALI 4329
EDLI 3329
EDLI 3329
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
Team leader 4-8 and 8-12 grade level certification programs (spring and summer)
15 students EDLI 3329
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
15 students EDLI 3329
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
12 students EDLI/EALI 4367
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
1 student
EDLI 6360
Literacy Assessment, independent study, no
compensation, no overload, SL, master’s
20 students
Teaching Reading to the ELL, FE, SL
taught in a local colonia
16 students
20 students
4 students
EDLI 3329
EDLI 6320
ESL Literacy Assessment, FE, SL
Content Area Literacy, field-based, SL
Adolescent Literacy, master’s
Because of space considerations, teaching before fall 2005 is not included.
Student and peer evaluation of instructor and course syllabi. Peer observations.
Office Hours
Five hours scheduled and others by appointment.
Academic Advising
(2005-2007 and Fall 2010-Present). Advisor. Reading and Digital Literacy Master’s Level Programs. Sole
advisor until November 12, 2014. Advised graduate students responded to inquiries, and met with students.
Helped the students with programs of study, getting into courses, and chairing their e-portfolio defenses.
Advised over 30 students in these certificate programs: Master Reading Teacher (MRT), Digital Literacy
Leader, and Online K-12 Instruction/TxVSN Digital Literacies, as well as these master’s programs: Digital
Literacy and Reading specializations of the C&I M.Ed. Now advising only students who applied before
December 2014 at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2010-2011). Member. Master’s Thesis in Interdisciplinary Studies (Reading, Sociology, and English).
Lisa was using Lord of the Flies as a theoretical framework for understanding Latino/a high school
dropouts and also student rebellion. Met with the student and the thesis committee, reviewed and made
suggestions on two thesis proposal drafts, lent the student at least 12 of my books related to her thesis, and
met with the student in my office at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2009-Spring 2012). Member. Doctoral Dissertation in C&I with an Emphasis in Bilingual
Education. Assisted with Miriam Garza’s dissertation on teacher knowledge of reading comprehension in a
bilingual classroom at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2009-Spring 2011). Chair. Doctoral Dissertation in C&I with an Emphasis in Bilingual Education.
Co-chaired Maria Díaz’s dissertation on language maintenance and shift in a Brownsville colonia. Assisted
and mentored with every facet of the dissertation at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Program and Curriculum Development
(Spring 2014 – Present). Course and Program Designer. Helped to decide required courses, names,
descriptions, sequences, policies, mission statements, and SLOs, and submitted several revisions for the
undergraduate English 4-8 and 7-12 certification programs, the graduate Digital Literacy programs, the
C&I M.Ed., and the Literacy specialization of the C&I Ed.D. programs. Collaborated with Brownsville and
Edinburg faculty and staff many times via email, face-to-face meetings, Zoom (similar to Google
Hangouts), and Sharepoint to create these programs and get them approved. Also co-developed READ
6300 (Foundations) and 6380 (Leadership) and several undergraduate and doctoral courses as part of
UTRGV, Rio Grande Valley, TX.
(Spring 2014). Course Designer. EC-6 Initial Certification Programs. With help from graduate assistant
Zelica Espinoza and feedback from Dr. Alma Rodriguez, created a new undergraduate course, EDLI 4330,
Elementary Language Arts Content Pedagogy, for ESL, Bilingual, and Special Education certification
majors. The class was fully approved spring 2014 at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2014). TxVSN Graduate Program Designer. Rewrote EDLI 6360 to align with 30 iNACOL
standards for the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) application. Assisted Dr. Lori Wells in revising
EDLI 6330, which she is currently teaching, to align with eight international online teaching (iNACOL)
standards. Collaborated with Dr. Butler in writing the TxVSN program overview and application. Assisted
Drs. Butler and Wells in aligning EDLI 6330, EDLI 6360, EDTC 6340, and EDTC 6341 to 62 iNACOL
total standards. Received TxVSN approval for the UTB Online K-12 Instruction Internal Graduate
Certificate program to be an approved provider of online K-12 professional development throughout Texas
at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2013-Spring 2014). Graduate Literacy Program Designer. Created the internal graduate certificates in
Online K-12 Instruction and Digital Literacy Leader and significantly revised the C&I/Digital Literacy
M.Ed. program and e-portfolio artifacts and reflections and the e-portfolio policy for the latter; all three
programs passed all committees. Completed UTB and UT System proposals (which required detailed
financial analyses) for the M.Ed. in Digital Literacy (pending joint Pan Am/UTB Graduate Curriculum and
UT System approvals). Created and typed all Curriculum Action Requests (CARs) and Program Action
Requests (PARs) and collaborated with faculty and administrators to create and refine these programs.
Rewrote EDLI 6310, 6320, 6330, 6360, and 6380 syllabi to comply with National Council for the
Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and Texas Education Agency (TEA) standards and to align
with TExES Master Reading Teacher (MRT) and Reading Specialist programs. Attended all curriculum
meetings concerning these actions at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2010- 2013). Course Developer and Program Innovator. Graduate Reading Faculty. Developed the
Practicum in Literacy Leadership (EDLI 6380) for the M.Ed. Reading Specialist and C&I/Reading
Programs, which passed all curriculum committees. Changed the Master Reading Teacher certificate to
make it an online program and substituted EDLI 6380 for Language Arts (EDLI 6350) to comply with state
practicum requirements. Created an e-portfolio to replace the comprehensive exam system for the Reading
Specialist M.Ed., and then different e-portfolios for the C&I/Reading M.Ed. and C&I/Digital Literacy
M.Ed. programs. Created the online C&I/Digital Literacy M.Ed. Found other universities in Texas and the
U.S.A. with e-portfolios and digital literacy master’s programs and there are few. Found studies
demonstrating the effectiveness of e-portfolios. Completed detailed UTB proposals, created and typed
Curriculum Action Requests (CARs) and Program Action Requests (PARs) and collaborated with faculty
and administrators to make all changes. Attended all curriculum meetings concerning these actions at
UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2012-2013). Lead Evaluator, Writer, and Coordinator. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
Education (NCATE) Resubmission Report for the 4-8 and 8-12 English Programs. Undergraduate Reading
Faculty. Gathered and interpreted data, wrote both 4-8 and 8-12 resubmission reports (with eight
assessments each) with little assistance from faculty and staff. Revised the assessments and reports after
feedback from internal reviewers and SPA representatives. Created and aligned Assessments 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
and 8. Substantially improved Assessment 2 (English Portfolio) to align to NCTE standards. Gathered and
assessed over 60% of the data by myself. Rewrote EDLI 3325 (elementary syllabus) and 3329, 4350, 4367,
and 4351 syllabi to comply with NCATE standards. Created rubrics and aligned both programs to National
Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) standards UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2011-2013). Lead Writer and Coordinator. NCATE Report for the Reading Specialist Master’s Program.
Graduate Reading Faculty. Created and aligned one major assignment, Adolescent Literacy (EDLI 6320),
to match International Reading Association (IRA) standards in reading for NCATE. Coordinated and
edited all assessments and wrote the report, but the program was cancelled by administrators due to low
enrollment at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2013). Course Designer. Rewrote EDLI 3311 while on vacation in Europe and Canada to include dyslexia
in the course objectives, agenda, and assessments because of a new state law. UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2011, Summer). NCATE Assessment Developer. Undergraduate Reading Faculty. Created key
assessments from my courses, ESL Literacy Assessment (EDLI 3329) and Teaching Reading to the ELL
(EDLI 4367), to align with NCTE standards in reading for NCATE Accreditations in the 4-8 and 8-12
English Programs.
(2008-2011). Member. Graduate Reading Faculty. Doctoral Program. Assisted in deciding the five reading
classes and their sequence for a proposed doctoral degree in C&I with a Reading Emphasis. Developed a
course syllabus for Critical Literacies. Prepared my own syllabus for Literacy across the Curriculum (EDCI
8324), a doctoral course I taught for two semesters at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2005-Summer 2011). Member. Doctoral Program in C&I with different specializations. Participated in
meetings and faculty decision-making. Assisted in establishing doctoral student admission criteria,
procedures for appeals, and in deciding the first cohort. Assisted in evaluating students’ applications for
cohorts one, two, and five. Interviewed candidates for at least four hours for cohorts one and five and
assisted in final decisions at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2008). Collaborator. Undergraduate Reading Faculty. Assisted in deciding a new program for EDLI
EC-6 ESL Generalist classes. Assisted in writing course descriptions at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2008). Member. Doctoral Program in C&I with a Bilingual Education Emphasis. Read and prepared a
synthesis of a portion of The Formation of Scholars. Assisted in deciding the comprehensive exam format
during a retreat at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2008). Expert Faculty for Content Area Literacy. Assisted in developing an Online ACP class and all
assignments for Content Area Literacy. Prepared strategy models with current students in the teacher
certification program; the written and video-taped models became available Online as demonstrations for
ACP students at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2006-2007). Chair. Course Outlines and Curricular Action Requests (CARS) for Proposed Doctoral
Program in C&I with a Specialization in Bilingual Education. Chaired the development of course outlines
and CARS for EDCI 8380: Thematic Dissertation Seminar I, EDCI 8381: Thematic Dissertation Seminar
II, and EDCI 8324: Literacy across the Curriculum. Committee member to select a course textbook and to
develop an outline for EDCI 8343, Literacy and Biliteracy Development at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2004-2007). Member. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Assisted in creating, revising, editing, and
approving CARS and programs of study for the C&I Department at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2005). Chair. Field-based Ad Hoc Committee. Helped to set the hour requirements for field-observation,
field-experience, and field-based classes for the C&I Department at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Recruitment of Students
(2010-Present). Recruiter. Keep in regular contact with TxVSN and completed all requirements for the
Online K-12 Instruction (now called TxVSN Digital Literacies) professional development. By February
2014, only two universities/colleges were approved TxVSN PD providers and many school districts are
moving to online courses; thus, the market for this program is immense. TxVSN, which is part of TEA and
Region 10, advertises our program for free at: http://txvsn.org/
(June 10, 2014). TV News Interviewee. Participated in a video-taped interview about the TxVSN-affiliated
program I created. The TV journalist was Zach Armstrong and the segment appeared on Channel 23 News
at http://www.kveo.com/news/k-12-students-could-now-take-all-classes-online.
(June 2014). UTB News and Information Liaison. Provided information, participated in an interview, and
posed for several photographs with Dr. Lori Wells concerning the TxVSN-affiliated program I created at
(April 16, 2014). Recruiter. Participated in a Graduate Studies recruitment session involving Graduate
Studies and College of Education professors in Sabal Hall at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2013-2014). Recruiter. Collaborated with UT Online Consortium (UTOC) staff and created several
documents to put online the C&I/Digital Literacy M.Ed. and these 100% online graduate certificates:
MRT, Digital Literacy Leader, and Online K-12 Instruction. These programs can be located on this
website: http://www.utcoursesonline.org/
(Fall 2010-Present). Recruiter. Have recruited students for our graduate programs. Constantly email, call,
meet in person, and follow up with students and Mari Stevens from the UTB Graduate Studies Office to
recruit students into our literacy-related programs. Helped in creating listservs comprised of UTB
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree graduates in Education and Liberal Arts. Sent over 300 recruitment emails
to potential students and emailed over 40 people for the Doctoral program in C&I with a Literacy
Emphasis. Presented to potential Harlingen Cohort students in 2011 at Texas State Technical College
(TSTC), Harlingen, on January 6, March 1, April 19, and June 8. Assisted in planning the fall 2011
implementation of the Harlingen Cohort, Video-conferencing M.Ed. Reading Specialist Program at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(2007). School/University Collaborator. Organized a meeting between Brownsville Independent School
District (BISD) central office administrators and UTB reading faculty to ask how we could collaborate in
reading initiatives. Also discussed ways more BISD reading coaches could take more graduate level
classes in reading at the UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(October 25, 2006). Graduate Student Recruiter. Distributed flyers and attempted to recruit students into
the Graduate Reading Specialist program for two hours during the Graduate and Professional School Fair
at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2011-2013). Co-organizer. Helped to organize a tour of UTB for over 800 elementary and middle school
students in the fall, and also career pathway presentations in several UTB departments for the same
students in the spring. Each group of children attended at least two presentations in different departments.
(May 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2015). Organized a college recruitment session for parents and children
for UTB representatives from the offices of Financial Aid and New Students to give PowerPoint
presentations in Spanish to parents and children in a local colonia, or unincorporated settlement. The
presentations focused on UTB/UTRGV admission procedures, financial aid, and what UTB/UTRGV has
to offer. Brought refreshments and created recruitment-related BINGO games for the presenters, tutorial
staff, children, and parents.
Comprehensive Exam Preparation
(2000-Summer 2012). Collaborator. Graduate Reading Program. Assisted in arranging meetings,
participating in review sessions, meeting with students, developing comprehensive exam questions and
procedures, preparing handouts, and evaluating responses for LLIS and C&I Departments at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
E-portfolio Defense (Oral Comprehensive Exams)
(2012-Present). Committee Chair. C&I/Reading and C&I/Digital Literacy M.Ed. programs. Coordinated
the e-portfolio artifact and reflection scoring in Tk20 with Luis Machuca, candidates, and professors of
record. Set up defense hearings. Created instructions for candidates and a defense rubric; made pass/fail
decisions with two other committee members after each candidate’s live e-portfolio defense in Blackboard
Collaborate. Communicated on a regular basis with Graduate Studies and candidates regarding graduate
applications and e-portfolio defense results for graduation requirements. By fall 2015 five M.Ed.
candidates passed their e-portfolio defenses and graduated, by spring 2015 two had done so; by summer
2015 four will defend and graduate and by fall 2015 five more will defend and graduate.
TExES Preparation
(2013-2015). Master Reading Teacher (MRT) Coach. Sent candidates MRT practice test files and links for
the MRT domains and competencies. Required candidates to take another practice MRT test and for them
to write a reflection of each question they missed and their action plan. Met face-to-face with graduate
students who completed the MRT program and provided test-taking tips and lent them three MRT
preparation binders at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(May 19, 2014). Presenter. Presented a TExES PPR workshop to approximately 30 teacher candidates from
all certification grade levels. Collaborated with the Field Based Office for at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(March 21, 2014). Presenter. Presented a TExES Language Arts workshop to approximately 20 students
candidates for these certification programs: EC-6 ESL, Bilingual, Generalist, and English 4-8.
Collaborated with the Field Based Office in making copies and advertising the workshop at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(February 21, 2014). Presenter. Presented a TExES Language Arts workshop to approximately 20 EC-6
ESL, Bilingual, Generalist, and English 4-8 candidates. Collaborated with the Field Based Office for at
UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(December 14, 2012). Presenter. TExES Language Arts workshop (for EC-6 ESL, Bilingual, Generalist,
and English 4-8 candidates), presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(January 14, 2011). Presenter. TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility (PPR) workshop
presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(September 24, 2010). Presenter. PPR workshop presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(October 10, 2008). Presenter. PPR workshop presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(September 21, 2008). Presenter. PPR workshop presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(February 8, 2008). Presenter. PPR workshop presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(September 21, 2007). Presenter. PPR workshop presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(October 6, 2006). Presenter. PPR workshop presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(February 10, 2006). Presenter. PPR workshop presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(September 9, 2005). Presenter. PPR workshop presented at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Because of space considerations, workshops before fall 2005 are not included.
Professional Development
(2012-Present). Prayer Group Member. Have been attending a women’s prayer group every Monday. Read
Christian books and prepare answers to chapter questions. Discuss the books in a group setting at Church
of the Advent, Brownsville, TX.
(2007-Present). Trainee. Completed initial and continued Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative
(CITI), Human Research Curriculum, for IRB-HS requirements at UTB.
(2000-Present). Technology Learner. Worked with the EDTC 6329 students in Dr. Janice Butler’s course
in Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 to learn Web 2.0 tools and also the Canvas platform. Helped to transfer and
revise course content from Blackboard to Canvas for the EDLI 6360 extended summer course. Learned
how to use all facets of Blackboard Collaborate, Prezi, GoogleDocs, Animoto, Zoom, Skype, and Survey
Monkey for teaching and research. Learned how to create a YouTube Video using Media Player and posted
the video in my EDCI 8324 course. The video is my interpretation of a required course reading, “My
Mother Never Read to Me” at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2000-Present). Attendee. Presentations at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association (AERA) throughout the United States.
(March 4, 2015). Attendee. Attended a presentation by Nancy Silberkleit, co-CEO of Archie Comics, and
founder of Rise Above Social Issues, concerning graphic literacy. The presentation was sponsored by
Healthy Communities of Brownsville, Brownsville, TX.
(October 29, 2014). Attendee. Attended a faculty meeting with Sonia Nieto, as well as her presentation in
the student union, and met with her and other colleagues for dinner in Brownsville, TX.
(September 25, 2015). Attendee. Attended a health conference and fund raiser sponsored by Proyecto Juan
Diego, at the Event Center, Brownsville, TX.
(April 26, 2014). Attendee. Attended a presentation by Manuel Scott (former Freedom Writer) at the
Laborers in the Field of Education (LIFE) breakfast at the Holiday Inn, Brownsville, TX.
(February 1, 2014). Attendee. Attended a presentation by Dr. William (Trey) Roach, Port Isabel High
School Principal, at the Field of Education (LIFE) breakfast at the Holiday Inn, Brownsville, TX.
(January 29, 2014). Attendee. Attended a presentation by Dr. Heriberto Godina concerning the intersection
of bilingual education and reading at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(September 28, 2013). Attendee. Attended a presentation by Betty Thompson, former third grade teacher,
at the Field of Education (LIFE) breakfast at the Holiday Inn, Brownsville, TX.
(2010-2013). Attendee. Presentations at the Annual Conference of the Literacy Research Association
(LRA), formerly National Reading Conference (NRC) throughout the United States.
(October 8, 2012). Attendee. Alfredo Artiles’ discussion with faculty and Distinguished Lecture Series
Presentation, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(August 20, 2012. Attendee. Attended an NCATE professional workshop by Dr. Charles Love for UTB
College of Education Faculty.
(March 19, 2012). Attendee. Angela Valenzuela’s discussion with faculty and Distinguished Lecture Series
Presentation, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(February 29, 2012). Attendee. Thomas Friedman’s presentation at UT Pan American, Edinburg, TX.
(January 11, 2012). Attendee. Aaron Thompson’s presentation, Laying the Foundation for a Promising
Future, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(October 27, 2011). Attendee. Robert Arnove, Keynote Speaker. Ahead of the Future Conference at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(January 11, 2011-Summer 2011). Trainee. Attended a three hour Blackboard training seminar. Piloted the
9.1 Blackboard course management system in EDLI 4367 and completed an evaluation of the system at
UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(March 31, 2011). Attendee. Conversations with Authors Series: Díana López. Sabal Palms Writing
Project at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(April 25, 2011). Attendee. Attended Yetta Goodman’s Presentation as part of the Distinguished Lecture
Series at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Because of space considerations, professional development before 2010 is not included.
Foreign Travel
(1983-Present). Traveler. Have traveled and or lived in these countries to enhance my languages, to study
new languages, and to enrich my understanding of diversity:
North America:
Throughout Mexico in car, and the U.S.A. and Canada.
Central America:
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama.
South America:
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Uruguay.
Austria, Croatia, France, England, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg,
Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and the Vatican.
Middle East:
Israel and Turkey.
Australia, Fiji, Japan, and New Zealand.
Morocco, South Africa, and Swaziland.
Life-long certification in Secondary Reading, English, and Speech Communications in Texas; received 40
hours of English Advanced Placement training in Texas. Life-long certification in Secondary Reading,
Journalism, Social Studies, and ESL in Indiana.
Serving on Editorial Boards
(2012-Present). Board Member. The International Journal of Research on Service-Learning in Teacher
Education, hosted by Duke University and the SL and Experiential Education SIG of the AERA.
National Accreditation – Category 1 Scholarship at UTB
Bussert-Webb, K. (2013). NCATE resubmission reports for the 4-8 and 8-12 English certification
programs. Both programs were fully recognized in February 2014 by the National Council of English
Teachers (NCTE). The UTB College of Education was fully accredited by NCATE/CAEP in November
Peer Reviewed Articles Published or Accepted for Publication
Bussert-Webb, K. (In Press). Parrying the pathologization of a strong, unified Mexican-American
community. Creative Approaches to Research, a journal of the Australian Association for Qualitative
Research. Article can be accessed in June 2015 at:
Bussert-Webb, K. (2014). Problems and possibilities: Emergent bilinguals and multimodalities. The
Tapestry Journal: An International Multidisciplinary Journal on English Language Learner Education, 6(1).
Retrieved from http://journals.fcla.edu/tapestry/issue/view/4060/showToc
Bussert-Webb, K., & Curtis, M. G. (2014). Theater and health: Results from “Dulce and the Good Life.”
Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion, 1(1), 43–62. Submitted in spring 2014.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. E. (2013). Digital literacy, language, and Latinos: L1.4Word. Journal of
Literacy and Technology, 14(1). * This is an international journal.
Díaz, M. E., & Bussert-Webb, K. (2013). Reading and Language Beliefs and Practices of Latino/a Children
in a Border Colonia. Journal of Latinos and Education, 12(1), 59-73. * This journal has a 12% acceptance
Bussert-Webb, K. (2012). “So they can feel sure of themselves”: Community service learning impact on
female walkers. Journal for Civic Commitment, 18. Retrieved from
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. E. (2012). New literacy opportunities and practices of Latino/a children of
poverty in and out of school. Language and Literacy, 14(1), pp. 1-25. * This is an international journal of
the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC).
Retrieved from http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/langandlit/issue/current
Bussert-Webb, K. (2011). Becoming socially just disciplinary teachers through a community service
learning project. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 7(2). 44-66. Retrieved from
Bussert-Webb, K. (2009). Gardening, tutoring, and service by and for Latinos: La Esperanza. Education
Research and Perspectives Journal, 3(2). *This is an international journal featured in Cabell’s. Retrieved
from http://www.education.uwa.edu.au/research/journal
Bussert-Webb, K. (2009). Community service learning impact: Tutees and walkers. Academic Exchange
Quarterly, 13(3), 65-70. Keyword: service. Retrieved from http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/fal2009.htm
Bussert-Webb, K. (2009).¿Qué hago? Latino/a children describe their activities in an “exemplary” school.
Journal of Latinos and Education, 8, 38-54 . * This journal has a 12% acceptance rate.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2008, Fall). Gardening hope: How a tutoring and native garden project impacted
preservice teachers. The Journal for Civic Commitment, 11. Retrieved from
Bussert-Webb, K. (2008). Conflicts with students: To be avoided? Teaching and Learning: The Journal of
Natural Inquiry & Reflective Practice, 22, 66-81. Retrieved from
Bussert-Webb, K. (2007, Fall). Community words: A research-based strategy. The State of Reading.
Retrieved from http://www.tsra.us/state_of_reading.htm
Bussert-Webb, K. (2005, Fall). An after-school cultural arts program. Academic Exchange Quarterly.
Retrieved from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/An+after-school+cultural+arts+program.-a0138703655
Bussert-Webb, K. (2004). The teacher’s testing panopticon. Teaching and Learning: The Journal of
Natural Inquiry & Reflective Practice, 18, 98-112. Retrieved from
Bussert-Webb, K. (2003). Whose children are being left behind? Research and experience in high-stakes
testing. E-Journal of Teaching and Learning in Diverse Settings, 1, 1-37. Retrieved from
Bussert-Webb, K. (2001). I won't tell you about myself, but I will draw my story. Language Arts, 78, 511519.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2000). Did my holistic teaching positively affect my students’ standardized test scores?
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 43, 572-573.
Bussert-Webb, K. (1999, April). To teach or to test? Reflections from a holistic teacher-researcher in
south Texas. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 42, 582-585.
Articles under Review in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Bussert-Webb, K. (Under Review). Children and preservice teachers: Contextualized, out-of school
disciplinary literacy.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. E. (Under Review). Latino children’s out-of-school math and science
experiences: Impact on pre-service teachers.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Zhang, Z. (Under Review). Reading attitudes of Texas high school students.
Non-peer Reviewed Articles Published
Bussert-Webb, K. (2013, June). Internal program evaluation of the 21st Century, Cycle 7 Program, 20122013. Brownsville, TX: Brownsville Independent School District.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2012, June). Internal program evaluation of the 21st Century, Cycle 7 Program, 20112012. Brownsville, TX: Brownsville Independent School District.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2009, October). University of Texas-Brownsville celebrates Constitution Day. For the
Record, a Publication of the Cameron County Bar Association, 6.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2003, December 17). What I’ve learned about testing. The Brownsville Herald. p. C3.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2003). Final report to the Kennedy Foundation: ALAS (arts and literacy to achieve
success): A university, school, and community collaboration. UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Mickel, V., & Bussert-Webb, K. (2000). Final report to the Ohio Department of Education: OhioReads
Summer Reading Grant. The College of Mount St. Joseph, Cincinnati, OH.
Bussert, K. (1993). Synthesis of 107 workplace literacy programs. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service
No. ED 353 385)
Book Chapters Published
Bussert-Webb, K. (2013). Latino/a preservice teachers and community service learning: Justice embraced,
dodged and troubled. In V. M. Jagla, J. A. Erickson, & A. Tinkler (Eds.). Transforming Teacher
Education through Service-Learning (pp. 145-177). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2008). Drawing on multiple intelligences to teach special populations. In D. Freeman,
Y Freeman, and R. Ramirez (Eds.), Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners (pp. 121-138). Portsmouth,
NH: Heinemann.
Book Manuscript under Review
Bussert-Webb, K., Díaz, M. E., & Guadarrama, I., and Hernandez, C. (Under Review). Book manuscript
submitted to a major commercial publisher.
Book Reviews Published
Bussert-Webb, K. (2007). Book Review. [N. Unrau, Content area reading and writing]. Part of my
evaluation appears on the back cover of Content area reading and writing. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2006). Book Review. [C. Booth Olson, The reading/writing connection: Strategies for
teaching and learning in the secondary classroom]. Part of my evaluation appears on the back cover of
The Reading/Writing Connection: Strategies for teaching and learning in the secondary classroom.
Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Book Reviews in Press
Bussert-Webb, K. (In press). Book Review. [N. González, L. Moll, C. Amanti, Funds of Knowledge:
Theorizing Practices in Households, Communities, and Classrooms]. Routledge. (Newest edition not
published yet.)
Scholarly Work in Progress
Bussert-Webb, K., Díaz, M. E., & Guadarrama, I., and Hernandez, C. (2015). Service and community.
Received IRB-HS approval from UTB to conduct this community-based research.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2015). Academic mentoring and digital literacies. Received IRB-HS approvals from a
local school district and UTB to study the impact of academic mentoring and the digital technology aspects
of the 21st Century Learning Center Grant, Cycle 7. Conducted the study for two years as Principal
Investigator. Collaborating with another professor to publish manuscripts based on our findings.
Bussert-Webb, K. & Henry, L. (2015). A manuscript based on our research is close to submission in a peer-reviewed
journal. The focus is on Latino/a children’s digital access, practices, and skills.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Zhang, Z. (2015). Reading attitudes and L2 Students. Manuscript in preparation.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2015). Bridge over troubled research: From conflict to connection in an urban
classroom. Book manuscript in preparation.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2015). The socio-semiotics of resistance and creation in language: An urban youth’s
story. Manuscript in preparation.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2015). Stopping summer reading loss: Statistically significant reading gains from a
multiple intelligences literacy program. Manuscript in preparation.
Bussert-Webb, K., Díaz, M. E., & Guadarrama, I. (2015). In community: The intersection of language,
culture, and education. Book manuscript in preparation.
Creative Works Published
Bussert-Webb, K., et al. (2005). Dulce and the good life: a theatrical play. The entire play aired several
times on KBSD, Channel 17, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K., et al. (2005, November and December). Dulce and the good life: a theatrical play.
Presented and filmed at Porter High School, BISD, and at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Creative Works in Progress
Bussert-Webb, K. (2014). The DANCE: A celebration. *This children’s book won first place in the Valley
“Byliners” Excellence in Writing Competition.
International Research Presentations (Non-Invited)
Bussert-Webb, K. (2014). Toward Justice: Parrying the Press’s Pathologizing in Poetry and Pictures.
Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, Chicago, IL in April 2015.
Díaz, M. E., & Bussert-Webb, K. (2014). Community Service-learning, Math and Science Experiences,
and Preservice Teachers. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, Chicago, IL in April
Bussert-Webb, K. (2014, October). Talking back to media portrayals of a colonia. Paper presented at XXI
Encuentro Binacional de Educación, UTB and Video-conferencing in Matamoros, with direct interaction
with both sets of audiences, Brownsville, TX, and Matamoros, MX.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Henry, L. (2013). Transformative literacy? Latino/a children’s use of
technology. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Dallas,
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. E. (2013). Digital literacy, language, and Latinos: L1.4Word.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San
Francisco, CA.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. E. (2012, November). Latino/a children and disciplinary literacy in out-ofschool contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), San
Diego, CA.
Bussert-Webb, K., Díaz, M. E. (2012, April). Children and preservice teachers: Gardening, academics,
and situated disciplinary literacy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, Vancouver,
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. (2011, December). Widening the circle to include colonia children’s
technology use: Literacy and language issues. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the LRA,
Jacksonville, FL.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. E. (2011, April). Gardening justice, year five: How a tutoring and native
garden project impacted preservice teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, New
Orleans, LA.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. E. (2010, April). Gardening justice, year four: How a tutoring and native
garden project impacted preservice teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA,
Colorado, CO.
Bussert-Webb, K. & Díaz, M. E. (2010, April). Community service learning: Impact on tutees. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, Colorado, CO.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2009, April). Gardening justice, year three: How a tutoring and native garden project
impacted pre-service teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, San Diego, CA.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2009, April).The impact of a service learning project on children and walking path
users. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, San Diego, CA.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2008, April). Gardening joy, year two: How a tutoring and native garden project
impacted pre-service teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, New York, NY.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Mugdh, M. (2007, April). Semiotics and service learning to affect change: Results of
a theatrical play. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, Chicago, IL.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2007, April). Low-income Latino children describe their activities in an “exemplary”
test-focused school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, Chicago, IL.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2007, April). Gardening hope: How a tutoring and native garden project impacted preservice teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, Chicago, IL.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2005, April). After-school programs: Oases or mirages in high-stakes environments?
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, Montreal, CA.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2005, May). Using multiple sign/communication systems to solve local issues: Our
comic book and play about a Mexican-American with Type II Diabetes. Poster session presented at the
annual meeting of the IRA, San Antonio, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2004, May). Don’t limit me: An urban adolescent resists years of traditional reading
instruction. Research poster session presented at the Annual Convention of the IRA, Reno, NV.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2003, May). How can multiple sign systems increase reading comprehension? Poster
session presented for the research strand of the Annual Convention of the IRA, Orlando, FL.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2002, April). In their hands: Ethnographic role-plays to invite teachers and students to
re-present and write research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, New Orleans, LA.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2001, April). I knew. I didn't know. I learned: A teacher- researcher's journey with
urban, pregnant middle school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA, Seattle, WA.
Submitted (Under Review)
Díaz, M., & Bussert-Webb, K. (2015). Mothers’ Intimate, Imaginative Literacy Practices as Pushback.
Paper submitted to the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, to be held in California.
O’Bryne, I., Casteñeda, M., …….., & Bussert-Webb, K. (2015). Session presentation submitted on digital
literacy and emergent bilinguals to the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, to be held in
Submitted, but rejected
Bussert-Webb, K. (2014). Third space, panopticism, and Latino/a children of poverty. Paper proposed for
the annual conference of the Literacy Research Association, Florida. (Not accepted).
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. E. (2014). Toward Justice: Situating Math and Science in an Out-of-school
Program. Paper proposed for the annual meeting of the AERA, Chicago, IL. (Not accepted).
National Research Presentations (Non-Invited)
Bussert-Webb, K. (2007, July). Gardening literacy: How a tutoring and native garden project impacted
pre-service teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Literacies for All Summer Institute, Literate Lives: A
Human Right. Whole Language Umbrella, NCTE, Louisville, KY.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2003, November). After-school arts programs: An answer to high-stakes testing?
Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the NCTE, San Francisco, CA.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2001, November). High-stakes testing: How to fight back. Paper presented at the
Annual Convention of the NCTE in Baltimore, MD.
Bussert-Webb, K. (1997, October). A white feminist teacher-researcher and pregnant inner-city middle
school students: A self-reflexive tale of contexts, values, and growth. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the National Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practices (Bergamo),
Bloomington, IN.
Bussert-Webb, K. (1997, July). How liberating are our liberating philosophies? Pregnant middle school
students teach me a lesson. Paper presented at the Whole Language Umbrella Conference, Seattle, WA.
Bussert, K. (1995, November). A feminist teacher-researcher clashes with pregnant middle school
students, or how we oppressed each other. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the NCTE, San
Diego, CA.
Bussert, K. (1993, December). Multiple ways of knowing: High school students’ interpretations of
literature through the arts. Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, Charleston, SC.
Bussert, K., Smith, D., Sperry, S., Tseng, Y.H., & Vantine, R. (1992, December). Transmediations in a
doctoral seminar. Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.
National Research Presentations (Non-Invited)
Bussert-Webb, K. (2015, February 26). Emergent bilinguals of poverty and technology: Rhizomes for
change. Invited presentation via YouTube for the Topical Action Group: Preparing Educators of English
Learners, at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE),
Atlanta, Georgia. The presentation was based on my article published in Tapestry.
Other: YouTube Interview Based on an Article I Published
Bussert-Webb, K. (2015, March 2). Interviewed by Drs. Ian O’Bryne and Martha Casteñeda based on a
research article I published in the Tapestry journal. Retrieved from
State and Local Research Presentations (Non-Invited and Unpaid)
Bussert-Webb, K. (2014, September). Pathologizing press portrayals and poetic parrying. Women in
Academe: Activism and Scholarship. Part of a six-member panel, including a scholar from Georgia,
Sponsored by the Teaching, Learning, and Innovation Department, Brownsville, TX.
Zhang, Z., & Bussert-Webb, K. (2013, April). The Reading dispositions, practices, and access of 2,568
Texas High School Students. Paper presented at the Annual UTB Research Symposium, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Díaz, M. E. E. (2011, October). Which language do I use when accessing digital
technology? Implications for educators. Paper presented at the Ahead of the Future Technology and
Education Conference at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Martinez, A. (2007, March). Gardening literacy: How a tutoring and native garden
project impacted pre-service teachers. Paper presented at the Current Issues in Education Symposium,
College of Education, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K., & Alaniz, C. (2006, November). The impact of drama and service learning. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Texas State Reading Association, Austin, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K., Alaniz, C., Ortiz, C., & Noell, R. (2006, April). Semiotics and service learning to affect
change: Dulce and the Good Life, a Diabetes awareness play. Paper presented at the annual UTB
Research Symposium, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert, K., Smith, D., Sperry, S., Tseng, Y.H., & Vantine, R. (1992, December). Who’s teaching the
class? Paper presented at the Fall Language Arts Conference, Bloomington, IN.
National, Regional, State, and Local Workshops (Non-Invited and Unpaid)
Bussert-Webb, K., Gomez, A., & Troncoso, C. (2011, April 28). Becoming socially just disciplinary
teachers through service learning. Poster session presented at the Community Engagement Recognition
Ceremony and Service Learning Exhibition, Salón Cassia at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, January 23). Building literacy bridges with art and music. Workshop presented at
the Annual Convention of the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, Austin, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2009, January 30). Unlimited conversations through the arts. Workshop presented at
the Annual Convention of the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, Ft. Worth, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2008, November). Constructing difficult texts: An engaging strategy to enhance
reading. Workshop presented at the Annual Binational Conference of Education, Matamoros, Tamaulipas,
Bussert-Webb, K. (2008, November). Constructing difficult texts: Helping learners to travel the “word.”
Workshop presented at the Annual Convention of the Texas State Reading Association, Austin, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2007, November). The role of music in critical and creative literacy. Workshop
presented at the Annual Binational Conference of Education, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2007, November). Community words: Uniting the language arts through multiple
intelligences. Workshop presented at the Annual Convention of the Texas State Reading Association, El
Paso, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2006, November). A little more liberty in building fluency. Workshop presented at the
Annual Convention of the Texas State Reading Association, Austin, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2006, October). Como valorar y constuir la fluidez. Workshop presented at the Annual
Binational Conference of Education, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2005, November). Doing the mock trial: Research and TAKS support. Workshop
presented at the Annual Convention of the Texas State Reading Association, Houston, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2005, October). Multiple intelligences and high-stakes testing. Workshop presented at
the Annual Binational Conference of Education, Brownsville, TX.
Because of space considerations, all workshops conducted before fall 2015 were deleted.
Local Workshops (Invited, but Unpaid)
Bussert-Webb, K. (2006, October). How do I help my students to become fluent readers? Workshop
presented to faculty at Aiken Elementary, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2006, March). Reading fluency strategies. Workshop presented to faculty at Egly
Elementary, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
(2006, January). Presenter. Presented a free, all-day in-service “Multiple Intelligences and the TAKS,”
tailored for high school students. Co-presented a portion of the workshop with the dean and fine arts
teachers, who rotated the auditorium in 15-minute intervals to help content teachers to apply art, music,
and drama to their classes, at Porter High School, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2005, November). Multiple intelligences applied to the TAKS. All-day workshop
presented at Russell Elementary, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
Because of space considerations, all workshops conducted before fall 2015 were deleted.
Keynote Speaker
Bussert-Webb, K. (2013, March 26). Reading strategies to use at home. Keynote address presented for the
Spartan Family Literacy Night, Manzano Middle School, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2011, April). Balancing acts: Works in progress. Keynote address presented at UTB
Scholastic Excellence Awards Ceremony at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Local Workshops (Invited and Paid)
Bussert-Webb, K. (2011: November 9 and 29. 2012: January 12, March 1, and October 11). Mentor
training. Workshop presented to new UTB Mentors/Tutors of Cycle 7, 21st Century Grant Program, Grants
Office, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2011, May 12). Stopping Summer Reading Loss. Created and presented a professional
development session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies
and concepts to BHA staff at the Buena Vida Learning Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2011, April 14). Enhanced reading comprehension concepts and strategies. Created
and presented a professional development session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family
literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to BHA staff at the Buena Vida Learning Center in
Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2011, March 10). Enhanced fluency concepts and strategies. Created and presented a
professional development session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring
strategies and concepts to BHA staff at the Citrus Gardens Learning Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2011, February 10). Extended writing. Created and presented a professional
development session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies
and concepts to BHA staff at the Victoria Gardens Learning Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2011, January 13). Academic Motivation and Community Building Strategies. Created
and presented a professional development session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family
literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to BHA staff at the Buena Vida Learning Center in
Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, December 9). Enhanced testing strategies. Created and presented a professional
development session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies
and concepts to BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents, children, and BISD representatives at the Las Brisas
Learning Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, November 18). Extended understanding and using textbooks, worksheets, and
external aids. Created and presented a professional development session, written in Spanish and English.
Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents,
children, and BISD representatives at the Citrus Gardens Learning Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, October 21). Motivating communities to read, reading aloud to children, and
book handling. Created and presented a professional development session, written in Spanish and English.
Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents,
children, and BISD representatives at the Victoria Gardens Learning Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, October 14). Understanding and using textbooks, worksheets, and external aids.
Created and presented a professional development session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on
family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents, children, and
BISD representatives at the Victoria Gardens Learning Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, May 4). Summary and applications of parent literacy strategies and skills
training. Created and presented a professional development session, written in Spanish and English.
Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents,
children, and BISD representatives at the Citrus Gardens Learning Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, April 20). Testing strategies. Created and presented a professional development
session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to
BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents, children, and BISD representatives at the Las Brisas Learning
Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, March 30). Metacognition. Created and presented a professional development
session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to
BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents, children, and BISD representatives at the Buena Vida Learning
Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, March 9). Writing, continued. Created and presented a professional development
session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to
BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents, children, and BISD representatives at the Las Brisas Learning
Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, February 24). Writing. Created and presented a professional development
session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to
BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents, children, and BISD representatives at the Citrus Gardens Learning
Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, February 9). Grammar in context. Created and presented a professional
development session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies
and concepts to BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents, children, and BISD representatives at the Citrus
Gardens Learning Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, January 27). External aids. Created and presented a professional development
session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to
BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents, children, and BISD representatives at the Victoria Gardens Learning
Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2010, January 12). Vocabulary. Created and presented a professional development
session, written in Spanish and English. Focused on family literacy and tutoring strategies and concepts to
BHA tutors, other BHA staff, parents, children, and BISD representatives at the Buena Vida Learning
Center in Brownsville, TX.
Bussert-Webb, K. (2007, December 7 and 14). Improving students’ reading. Presented two half-day
workshops for English language arts teachers and their dean at San Benito High School, San Benito, TX.
Other workshops conducted before fall 2005 were deleted here because of space considerations.
Grants Awarded
(March 2011-July 2013). Collaborator. Assisted the Brownsville Independent School District (BISD) with
21st Century grant, Cycle 7, awarded by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Helped to develop the idea of
UTB COE students mentoring children in after-school programs. Assisted in the hiring, training,
supervision, and evaluation of these UTB mentors at nine elementary and middle schools, as well as the
events at UTB twice a semester. Evaluated the program impact on the children and UTB students in
Brownsville, TX.
(May 2013). Principal Investigator. Received a SOCE grant of $500 to for my SL project in a Brownsville
colonia. Grant from the CCE at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(May 2013). Principal Investigator. Awarded approximately $400 to pay for a research assistant for the
gardening and tutoring SL project in a local colonia. The research assistant collected assent and consent
forms and data and interviewed children. Grant from the Dean’s Office, College of Education at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(February 2012). Principal Investigator. Received $800 from the Dean’s Competitive Travel Fund
Competition to present my paper at the AERA (AERA) in Vancouver, Canada.
(February 2012). Principal Investigator. Received a SOCE grant of $500 to present my SL research at the
annual meeting of the AERA in Vancouver, Canada. Grant from the CCE at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(February 2011). Principal Investigator. Received a SOCE grant of $500 to present my SL research at the
annual meeting of the AERA in New Orleans, LA. Grant from the CCE at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2009-May 2011). Collaborator. Assisted BISD and the Brownsville Housing Authority (BHA)
with the 21st Century grant, Cycle 6, awarded by the TEA. BISD needed a community agency to apply for
the grant. Met with leaders from a non-profit agency and the BISD grant writer several times, but the
agency’s program was not feasible. Began work with BHA and assisted the agency with the project design,
narrative, and budget. Spent at least 60 hours helping with the grant application. Beginning the fall of
2009, began to provide professional development sessions to the paid BHA tutors on family literacy
concepts and strategies. Assisted in implementing informal lending libraries at the five BHA learning
centers. Continued assisting in the grant design, budget, and professional development program on family
literacy in Brownsville, TX.
(May 2009-2011). Principal Investigator. Awarded approximately $400 in grants each May to pay for a
research assistant for the gardening and tutoring SL project in a local colonia. The research assistant
collected assent and consent forms and data and interviewed children. Grant from the Dean’s Office,
College of Education at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2006-2009). Principal Investigator. Principal Investigator. Received SOCE grants from $400 to $500 each
May for a gardening and tutoring SL project in a local colonia. Grant from the CCE at UTB, Brownsville,
(2007). Collaborator. The Big Read. National Endowment for the Arts. Assisted staff at the Alnulfo
Oliveira Library in brainstorming ideas for the $16,000 awarded grant. Participated in community-based
collaborations, including hosting a reading club and a theatrical production of To Kill a Mockingbird in a
local colonia. Involved my students in SL projects related to the grant at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2006). Principal Investigator. Received a SOCE grant of $300 to take a former student with me to the
annual meeting of the Texas State Reading Association in Austin, TX, so we could give a presentation on
our SL project, Dulce and the Good Life. Grant from the CCE at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2005). Principal Investigator. Received a SOCE grant of $500 grant to produce Dulce and the Good Life
as part of a SL project. Grant from the CCE at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Other grants awarded before fall 2005 were deleted here because of space considerations.
Grant Applications (Not Awarded)
(2012-2013). Principal Investigator. The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations. Plan to submit a grant
application of up to $200,000 to pay, in part or whole, for the professional development of high school
teachers in the areas of digital literacy and leadership at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2009-2011). Collaborator. The First Lady’s Family Literacy Initiative for Texas Grant; Caminantes de
Cameron!; Cameron County Health Research Consortium, National Institute of Health; Brownsville, TX.
(2009-2010). Collaborator. Empower Change: City of Brownsville Volunteer Program. Collaborated with
Stephanie Garza, Grant Writer for the City of Brownsville, UTB professors, and other City of Brownsville
staff and elected officials in applying for a Rockefeller grant on community engagement. Organized
meetings in Brownsville, TX.
(October 2008). Principal Investigator. National Gardening Association. Applied for a grant to continue the
May SL project at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2006). Co-principal investigator. Striving Readers program. U.S. Department of Education. Grant award
was a potential $5 million at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Professional Service
(2013-Spring 2015). Secretary. Selected to be the secretary of SL SIG of the AERA Annual Meeting.
Participated in a 2013 meeting and sent the business meeting minutes to members in San Francisco, CA.
Correspond via email with other SL SIG officers.
(March 29, 2015). Reviewed a service-learning manuscript for The International Journal of Research on
Service-Learning in Teacher Education.
(March 11, 2015). Reviewed a presentation proposal for the fall 2015 Annual Meeting of the Literacy
Research Association.
(August 2014). Reviewer. Reviewed 10 AERA paper proposals for the Service Learning and Experiential
Education SIG, 10 for the Research in Reading and Literacy SIG, and one special request because of a
submission’s conflict of interest, for the AERA Annual Meeting, to be held in Chicago, ILL.
(August 9, 2014). Reviewer. Reviewed a manuscript for the Journal of Latinos and Education.
(May 1, 2013). Reviewer. Reviewed two paper proposals for the Annual Conference of the Literacy
Research Association (LRA), held in Dallas, TX.
(March 21, 2013). Reviewer. Reviewed a manuscript for Current Issues in Education.
(November 14, 2012). Reviewer. Reviewed a manuscript for the International Journal of Qualitative
Studies in Education.
(Fall 2012). Reviewer. Reviewed three manuscripts for Transforming Teacher Education through ServiceLearning, edited by Virginia M. Jagla, Joseph A. Erickson & Alan Tinkler, published in 2013 by
Information Age Publishing.
(August 2012). Reviewer. Reviewed 10 AERA paper proposals for the SL SIG of the AERA Annual
Meeting at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2012). Reviewer. Journal of Latinos and Education. Reviewed "The Traditional Notion of Representation
and Hispanic School Boards in North Central Texas," manuscript ID HJLE-2012-0601 in February 2012.
(2011). Reviewer. Reviewed 10 AERA papers for Division C, Learning and Instruction, Section 1:
Reading, Writing, and Language Arts at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2008-April 2011). Program Co-chair Officer. Selected to be the co-program chair of the SL SIG of the
AERA Annual Meeting. Participated in a two-hour All Academic Training for Program Chairs. Completed
reviewer selections, based on the documentation volunteers provided. After reviews were completed by
others, placed presentations into sessions. Liaison between AERA, SIG officers, reviewers, and presenters.
Participated in SIG meetings and communicated with committee members regularly via email. Helped to
decide the journal name, format, publication rate, and the policies for The International Journal of
Research on Service-Learning in Teacher Education at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2010). Reviewer. Teaching & Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry and Reflective Practice.
"Finding a Reading Identity: A Book Choice Program for Ethnically Diverse Urban High School Students"
in December 2010.
(April 2010). Discussant. Summarized and critiqued five papers in writing and orally for a SL session for
AERA in Denver, Colorado.
(July 2010). Reviewer. Reviewed two manuscripts for The International Journal of Research on Service-
Learning in Teacher Education, hosted by Duke University and the SL and Experiential Education SIG of
the AERA.
(2005-2010). Reviewer. Reviewed AERA presentation proposals every year for other divisions and SIGS:
Multiple Intelligences, Arts and Learning, Arts and Inquiry, and SL, and for Division B (Curriculum
Studies). Reviewers must apply and must be selected by division and SIG chairs of AERA, Washington,
(May 27, 2009). Reviewer. Reviewed “Faculty of Color: An Analysis of Service in the Arizona Public
University System” for Current Issues in Education, a peer-reviewed journal.
(April 27, 2009). Reviewer. Completed a detailed review and then a resubmission of “A Learner’s Journey:
From Outsider to Insider” for the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
(May 2007). Interviewee. Participated in a one and a half hour interview with Dr. Heather Zavadsky,
National Center for Educational Accountability, Teacher Preparation in the UT System, at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(April 2007). Discussant. Summarized and critiqued six papers in writing and orally for the Curriculum
Division at the annual meeting of the AERA, Chicago, IL.
(Spring 2007). Reviewer. Reviewed the textbook manuscript: Language and Literacy for English
Learners. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon Publishers.
(2006-2007). Education Activist. Emailed several legislators to suggest having electronic portfolios
alongside the TAKS. Volunteered to speak about the consequences of high-stakes testing on low-income
children of color. Emailed Ruben Navarrette, a syndicated columnist about his article on No Child Left
Behind (NCLB), Brownsville, TX.
(2004-2008). Reviewer. Reviewed five articles for Teaching and Learning: The Journal of Natural
(2006). Reviewer. Reviewed: Language and Reading in Content Areas: Toward a Linguistically Informed
Secondary Reading Pedagogy for Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
(2005). Reviewer. Reviewed: Unrau, N. Content Area Reading and Writing for Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, NJ.
(2005). Reviewer. Reviewed: Booth Olson, C. The Reading/Writing Connection: Strategies for teaching
and learning in the secondary classroom for Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA.
Because of space considerations, I deleted all of my professional service before fall 2005.
University Service
(Spring 2015). HOP Reviewer. With Dr. Jose Gutierrez, UT Pan Am professor, engaged in a series of e-
mail exchanges and phone conversations to finalize the changes to the HOP document: Policies for
Program Abandonment for UTRGV, Rio Grande Valley, TX.
(June 4, 2014). Participant. Participated in a focus group discussion with UT public relations consultants
(STAMATS) regarding recruitment, marketing, and communications for UTRGV. The meeting took place
at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(March 28, 2011 and March 27, 2013). Host and Facilitator. Latino Education and Advocacy Days
(LEAD), Annual Summits. Volunteered to host this webinar from California State University San
Bernadino, featuring prominent leaders and educators from throughout the United States. The free
webinars, open to community members, students, faculty, and staff, were at the Salón Cassia at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2010-2013). Member. Academic Community Engagement Committee of UTB Academic Senate.
Assisted in creating SL SLOs for the entire campus for instructors to use in their SL courses at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(October 2012). Debate Judge. Government and Communications Departments and Dean of Students, in
affiliation with Project 100% Voting Initiative. Judged student debates on the role of the U.S. government
in the management of the economy at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2005-2010). Liaison and Facilitator. UTB CCE. Gave several presentations to faculty and administrators
about SL. Assisted in arranging SL placements for students enrolled in community after-school tutorial
centers for EDLI 3325, 3329, 4367, and 4351 at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2009-2011). Member. SACS Standards Committee. Attended a meeting at the Salon Cassia to
discuss the committee’s charge, members’ responsibilities, and the compliance of assigned standards at
UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2012). Member. Hearing Committee for Appeals at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2010-2012). Collaborator and Mentor. Reviewed three papers for the 35th annual Teaching Public
Administration Conference at South Padre Island, TX, and made suggestions regarding two manuscript
submissions for a Government professor at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(January 22, 2011 and June 4, 2011). Creator and Presenter. GRE Preparation Session. Without
compensation, created two GRE introduction presentations, practice materials, and a PowerPoint.
Presented to 12 students the first time and 16 the second in campus-wide fields at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(August-October, 2010). Liaison and Speaker. With the staff of the Vice President of Institutional
Advancement, helped in organizing a visit to a local colonia. On October 18, met representatives from
several national and state foundations at UTB and gave a presentation from on their bus about the history
and demographics of this colonia in Brownsville, TX.
(September 1, 2009-August 31, 2010). Leader. Co-led the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community
Engagement. Led weekly task force meetings and committee charges. Helped to revise the Scorpion
Challenge to include faculty and staff; connected the Challenge to the U.S. Presidential Volunteer Service
Award. Motivated faculty to designate classes as SL. Changed the CCE Scholar focus so they became
campus and community leaders in SL through Trickle-up SL and speeches in classes. Created the first draft
of a SL definition. Helped to connect CCE-sponsored events to UTB professors and their classes, e.g.,
CCE Health Fair, Arbor Day, “Get Moving Joins Brownsville’s Biggest Loser.” Reintroduced and revised
the SOCE grant, which went from one recipient in 2008-2009 to eight in 2009-2010. Sponsored an intern
from Berea College to assist a chemistry professor in a SL project and to help us with our book drive. Cocreated a MOU with the Criminal Justice Department, Liberal Arts, to have an intern from CRIJ 4301
assist with the Municipal Court Community Service Program at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(October 2009-January 2010). Designer, Instructor, and Evaluator. Beginning Level SL Certificate for
students, faculty, and staff. With Robert Rivera from Online Learning, created seven faculty modules and
six student/staff modules, including discussion boards and instructions regarding SL ideas for student
organizations and classes. Created comprehension questions to test enrollees’ knowledge. Ms. Cantu,
Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, reviewed a printed first draft of module one with me, but I
planned and executed the content of all modules and referenced any work cited. Answered over 250 emails
from students, faculty, and students regarding the Blackboard modules. Evaluated faculty modules and
delegated the grading of student/staff modules to CCE staff at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2009-2010). Co-creator. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). With Blanca Bauer, created SLOs for part
students’ Blackboard discussions and their uploaded co-curricular SL plans for the Beginning Level SL
Certificate. Created rubrics for these SLOs at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(August 2010). Guest presenter. Presented the Beginning Level SL Certificate, the SOCE grant, and
Trickle-up SL at the Academic Affairs Convocation and also the New Faculty Orientation at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(April and June, 2010). Guest presenter. Presented about the Carnegie Classification Application for
Community Engagement and designating classes as SL at the Deans and Chairs Council at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(May 4, 2010). Master of Ceremonies and Co-collaborator. UTB/TSC CCE Recognition Ceremony.
Collaborated with the President’s Office and helped to organize the campus-wide award community
engagement ceremony for faculty, students, and staff at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2010). Participant. Constitution Day Planning. Participated in meetings and emailed faculty to
motivate them to engage their students in SL activities during Constitution Day on September 17, 2010, at
UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(January 15 and 20 and March 8, 2010). Co-organizer. Deputy Voter Registration sessions. Assisted in
organizing sessions for the Cameron County Elections Office to deputize volunteer voter registrars at the
Student Union at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(September 2009-February 2010). Co-chair. Roles and Purposes Dimension of the Foundations of
Excellence (FOE). Prepared and sent minutes from the first meeting and co-organized the second meeting.
Helped to create the November 2009 Faculty SL Survey, which was used in the report. Participated in
several FOE meetings and communicated with committee and subcommittee members through email.
Completed the FOE faculty survey, motivated others to complete theirs, and emailed suggestions for the
student, staff, and faculty survey design questions at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(February 19, 2010). Guest presenter. Presented at the Deans and Chairs meeting. Distributed a UTB
definition of SL, which I developed based on a thorough research review, my original SL research, and
years of experience teaching SL classes. Presented a Power Point presentation of SL examples and models,
which I created. Challenged the deans and chairs to motivate faculty to incorporate SL in their classes at
UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(October 2009-February 2010). Member. Project 100%. Required CCE Scholars to give “Go Vote”
speeches and motivated Developmental Reading professors to require their students give the same
speeches in classes. Attended Project 100% meetings, corresponded regularly with committee members,
and helped to arrange and publicize three sessions to deputize volunteer voter registrars at UTB polling
site, Brownsville, TX.
(January 14, 2010). Guest presenter. Presented the Beginning Level SL Certificate, the SOCE grant, and
Trickle-up SL at the Academic Affairs Convocation and the Title V/QEP Learning Communities Center
for Teaching and Learning; had 18 faculty trainees at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(November 11, 2009). Presenter. Presented a speech about co-curricular SL to student organizations, the
Student Life Director, and Assistant Director at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(July 16, 2009). UTB Representative. Visited the University of Houston Clear Lake with three CCE staff
members; spent a day with Provost Dr. Carl Stockton and Assistant Provost, Dr. Mrinal Mugdh, to learn
about how they achieved this Carnegie classification at the University of Texas Clear Lake, Houston, TX.
(Spring 2009). Member. Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award University Faculty Committee. Spent five
hours evaluating portfolios and also met with committee members twice to help determine outstanding
full-time faculty for this teaching award at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(January-April, 2009). Member. Search Committee for an Administrative Assistant, the Center for the
CCE. Reviewed 25 applications, interviewed five candidates in person, and assisted in hiring one
candidate, Estela Martinez, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(February 2009). Volunteer. Planted “Seeds of Hope” with UTB President Dr. Juliet Garcia and other
university and community members along the border fence at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(January 8, 2009). Co-presenter. Civic Engagement Show and Tell Panel. Presentation at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(January 8, 2009). Presenter. New Student Orientation for the Online Alternative Certification Program
(ACP) at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2008-2009). Co-advisor. Chi Alpha, a Christian student organization. Attended weekly meetings and
assisted in planning and elections. Participated in a Saturday leadership meeting on South Padre Island.
Attended the Student Leadership Banquet with Chi Alpha at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2008). Member. Active participant on the Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Science,
Mathematics, and Technology at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2008). Writing Judge. The Distinguished Lecture Series Student Essay Competition. Assisted in selecting
the best student essay for this topic, “What I Think Can Cause a Society to Succeed or Fail?” The essay
contest was part of a lecture given by Pulitzer Prize Winner, Dr. Jared Diamond, at UTB, Development
Office, Brownsville, TX.
(2005-2007). Graduate Representative. Office of Graduate Studies. Assisted in Jonathan Jones’s English
thesis defense: “The Reach Beyond Babel: Persuasion and Schemata in Indo-European Scholarship,”
Anissa Longoria’s English thesis defense: “The Evolution of Hump: The Seawolf as an Exemplification of
Maslow’s Hierarchical Structure of Motivation,” and Christopher Carmona’s English thesis defense: “The
Legacy of Joan Vollmer: The Short Significant Life of a Beat Woman,” at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2006). Member. Served on this UTB Committee for SACS Accreditation: “The Task Force on Student
Success: Subcommittee 10: ‘A UTB student will attain professional certification in the chosen academic
field, if applicable’” at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Because of space considerations, I deleted all of my university service before fall 2005.
College of Education Service
(2011-Present). NCATE 4-8 and 8-12 English Certification Program Liaison and Report Writer. Ensure all
data were scored by faculty, university supervisors, and student teacher mentors. Send key assessment
rubrics and instructions to faculty. Gather, analyze, and make curricular and program changes (or closed
the loop) for the data. Coordinate the Council of English Education related to student teacher lessons. Meet
in person with English university supervisors (Maggie Galvan and then Mary Flores) and also with student
teachers to explain Key Assessments 3, 4, and 5 for English 4-8 and 8-12 student teachers. Help student
teachers with lesson design for Key Assessment 3 by providing feedback to multiple lesson drafts. In 2012,
evaluated the student teacher’s lesson plan and implementation in a public school in fall 2012. Enter the
results of their final Key Assessment 3 submissions into the Tk20 portfolio system at UTB, Brownsville,
(December 4, 2014). Teacher Work Sample (TWS) Scorer. Participated in the NCATE scoring calibration
of the TWS in various disciplines from 10 until 2:30 p.m. at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2013-Spring 2014). Co-chair. Personnel Committee. College of Education. Reviewed personnel
binders, made personnel recommendations alone and then with others, and wrote letters to the Dean with
the committee at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2014-Fall 2014). Participant. Attended several meetings with the NCATE/CAEP consultant and
with UTPA to reconcile the UTB and UTPA graduate and undergraduate degree plans and to ensure
that NCATE/CAEP accreditation continues. Meetings took place at the University Center, Harlingen, TX.
(June 2014). Liaison. Met with Pan Am Graduate Reading faculty (Dr. Janine Schall and another
professor) at Pan Am and then for lunch in Edinburg regarding admission criteria and program plans. Met
with Dr. Maria Reyes, Pan Am secondary faculty member, for lunch in Harlingen to discuss the 4-8 and 812 programs and NCATE/CAEP. Meetings took place in Edinburg and Harlingen, TX.
(April 7-11, 2014). Participant. NCATE Site Visit Team. Participated in these focus group discussions:
field experiences, SPA report writers, and general questions with faculty and staff. Attended the
preliminary findings session from Dr. Gerry Giordano, chairman of a visiting six-member accreditation
team, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(April 6, 2014). Poster Coordinator. UTB and BISD 21st Century Collaboration. Coordinated this NCATE
poster session and presented with two UTB Mentors, Luis Sauceda and Jackie Escobedo, as well as two
BISD 21st Century Staff Members, Alpha Cervantes and Alma Gonzales. Wrote the poster board session
proposal, assisted in the creation of two poster boards for the NCATE Site Visit, and met at the 21st
Century Grants Office with the two students and Alma Gonzalez to plan the session and to prepare
possible questions and answers at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(April 6, 2014). Poster Coordinator. UTB and Proyecto Juan Diego. Coordinated this NCATE poster
session and presented with Proyecto Juan Diego Staff Members, Sister Phylis Peters and Maria De La O, a
parent volunteer, a parent volunteer, and her children, as well as Drs. Karin Lewis and Brendan O’Connor.
Wrote the poster board session proposal and provided several photos to Dr. Lewis, who created the poster
for the NCATE Site Visit. Treated the Proyecto Juan Diego staff, parent volunteer, and children to eat at
Johnny Carino’s after the event in Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2014). Mentor. Mentored and coordinated all submissions for Karin Lewis, Assistant Professor in
the Educational Leadership and Psychology Department of the College of Education, regarding the Ernest
A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty. Spent at least 12 hours on
the application process through the Center for Engaged Democracy.
(Fall 2013-January 2014). Member and also Secretary. NCATE Standard 5 Committee: Faculty
Qualifications and Development. Attended meetings, created reporting forms for data gathering, collected
and analyzed data, helped to propose actions, assisted in writing reports at UTB, verified attendance with
photos of sign-in sheets, and wrote and sent minutes to committee members. Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2011-2014). Collaborator. NCATE Pedagogy Team. Assisted in collecting and organizing data for
the undergraduate teacher certification programs at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(December 4 and 9, 2013). NCATE TWS Scorer. Participated in the NCATE scoring calibration of the
Teacher Work Sample (TWS) and scored at least nine TWSs of Student Teachers in various disciplines at
UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(April 24, 2013). NCATE TWS Scorer. Participated in the NCATE scoring calibration of the Teacher
Work Sample (TWS) and scored TWSs from Student Teachers at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(September 6, 2012). Participant. Attended the BISD/UTB Training for Student Teachers and met with the
student teachers and administrators of the Council for English Education to discuss NCATE-related lesson
plans and observations at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(April 4, 2012). Attendee. Participated in the Teacher Work Sample (TWS) all-day training for NCATE,
presented by faculty from Sam Houston State University, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2011-Fall 2011). Member. Goodie Bag Committee. Ahead of the Future Technology and
Education Conference. Visited at least 30 businesses, sometimes four times for one business, for coupons
and door prize donations. Donated $100 of my personal funds. Received several donations from local
restaurants for the October conference at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2010-2011). Lead Evaluator and Writer. NCATE Initial Report for the Reading Specialist Master’s
Program. Graduate Reading Faculty. Created and aligned one major assignment for Adolescent Literacy
(EDLI 6320), to match IRA standards in reading for NCATE Accreditation. Coordinated and edited all
assessments and wrote the report, but the program was cancelled by administrators due to low enrollment.
(Spring-Summer 2011). Assessment Writer. Collected and analyzed data and wrote two key assessments
for the English 4-8 and 8-12 program review reports for the NCTE at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2010- Spring 2011). Member. Faculty Coordinators Committee (FCC). Conceptual Framework for
the Preconditions Report. Assisted in giving feedback for the conceptual framework and attended two
meetings regarding the conceptual framework for NCATE at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(February 2011). Reviewer. Dean’s Competitive Travel Funds. Read eight travel grant applications from
COE faculty who were accepted to present their research at international and national conferences. Rankordered the applications at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(November 6, 2010). Proctor. Proctored the comprehensive exams for four hours for TLI and LLIS
master’s programs at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(November 2009). International Film Festival Judge. Judged seven videos about diversity, created by
students in Dr. Laura Jewett’s and Dr. Suniti Sharma’s EDUC 1301 classes. Scored each video, wrote
detailed comments, and selected the top three videos at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(January 2009). Presenter. New Student Orientation for ACP Online Program. Presented to the second
cohort of the Transition to Teaching through Technology Alternative Certification Program at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(October 13, 2007). Panelist. No Child Left Behind Panel and Forum. Presented from the perspective of a
parent of a local school student at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(May 25, 2007). Presenter. Presented a lesson on multiple intelligences applied to the TAKS for one and a
half hours for EDUC 1301, Introduction to the Teaching Profession, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(March 21-27, 2007). Volunteer and Proctor. Motivated my students to donate their time and supplies for
the “Longest Reading Aloud” Marathon. Witness for four hours on March 24 and four hours on March 25
(eight hours total) and prepared two meals for the volunteers at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2007). Member. Alternative Education Program. Attended all meetings and revised the evaluation
forms for ACP student interns and student teachers at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Because of space considerations, I deleted all of my COE service before fall 2005.
Departmental Service
(2009–Present). Graduate Program Coordinator. Sole person responsible for the Reading and Digital
Literacy M.Ed. specializations and three certificate programs until November 14, 2014. Combined roles
include: Recruiter, E-portfolio Coordinator, TxVSN Liaison, Graduate Studies and College of Education
Contact, and Advisor. Mentored Dr. Jacqueline Koonce so she could take over the Advisor role on
November 14, 2014. Received compensation/course release for only the Fall 2009 semester at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2014-Present). Member. LLIS Personnel Committee at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2013-Present). Mentor of Tenure-track Faculty. LLIS Department. Spend at least 30 minutes weekly
mentoring a tenure-track faculty member concerning all aspects of the tenure-track process and courses.
Wrote a letter in support of one mentee for the Supporting Young Scholars Mentoring Program, sponsored
by the Reading Hall of Fame, Literacy Research Association. Wrote four recommendation letters for four
professors’ personnel actions in 2014 at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2004-Present). Mentor of Non-tenure Track Faculty. C&I Department/LLIS Departments. Mentor
adjuncts and lecturers who teach all EDLI courses. Provide adjuncts and lecturers with electronic copies of
my course syllabi and complete access to all course materials in Blackboard. Had two adjuncts over to my
house on different occasions to explain EDLI 4367 materials and assignments. Meet and/or email the
instructors on an on-going basis to ensure course quality. Wrote several recommendation letters for these
people at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2010-September 2014). Unofficial Undergraduate Reading Program Liaison. Decided which EDLI
courses would be field-experience and revised course inventories for the Field-based Office. Created a
rubric for field-experiences for EDLI undergraduate classes at UTB. Approved course substitution and
course admissions for undergraduates taking EDLI courses, in response to emails from a staff member.
From May 2013-May 2014 - Assisted a Department Chair in planning EDLI course offerings and found
adjuncts and helped them to get on the payroll at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(August 2012-2014). Trainer and Facilitator. Mandatory Orientation Sessions. 2012, 2013, and 2014
Cohorts of the: Master Reading Teacher Certificate, Digital Literacy Leader Certificate, and Online K-12
Instruction Certificate, C&I/Reading M.Ed., C&I/Digital Literacy M.Ed. programs. Organized the sessions,
consisting of: student, staff, and professor introductions; Luis Machuca’s presentation about Tk20 and the
e-portfolio; Francisco Garcia’s and Roberto Rivera’s presentation over Blackboard Collaborate;
housekeeping (which advisees needed to send me their signed e-portfolio policies and programs of study);
completion of a telephone chain; and a group photo. Had Online Learning staff post the group photos (and
photo-shopped remote participants) in Blackboard to establish classroom community. Most cohort students
attended the session live or in person at UTB, in EDBC 1.312, Brownsville, TX.
(2013-2014). Chair. Search Committee. Literacy Education Faculty. LLIS Department. Assisted Norma
Infante Garcia in creating and revising the search advertisement. Sent search advertisements through the
Literacy Research Association listserv. With Drs. Brendan O’Connor and Kip Hinton, created and revised
selection criteria, Skype interview questions, on campus interview questions, student feedback form (for
teaching presentation), and faculty feedback form (for research presentation). Responded to all candidate
inquiries. Reviewed approximately 12 binders. Emailed, called, and met with Drs. Brendan O’Connor and
Kip Hinton regarding the search and scores. With committee members, conducted two phone interviews
and two campus visits. Organized and attended the candidates’ research and classroom presentations, as
well as all local meals. Called over six references regarding the candidates. Kept in constant
communication with the UTB Human Resources representative and sent the person all required
documentation. Assisted with the offer and with the hiring process for one candidate at UTB, Brownsville,
(2013-2014). Chair. Personnel Committee. LLIS Department. Reviewed personnel binders, made
personnel recommendations, and wrote letters with the committee members at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2012-2013). Member. TExES Improvement Committee. Member of an ad hoc committee comprised of
LLIS faculty to determine how to align courses to the TExES and how to improve students’ test scores on
the ESL and Bilingual TExES tests at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2010-Spring 2012). Member. Personnel Committee. LLIS Department. Reviewed personnel binders.
Made at least 10 personnel decisions with the committee at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(December 14, 2012). Testing Facilitator. Arranged for the English Language Arts EC-6 and 4-8 TExES
materials to be permanently housed on the COE website to assist other candidates. This was in response to
the new State requirements and a discussion with the TExES Improvement Committee concerning ways
we could help candidates with the content area exams in ESL and Bilingual Education at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(2011). Lead Professor. Undergraduate Reading Program. TExES Ad Hoc Committee. Collaborated with
professors and helped to redesign courses to align with TExES ESL domains and competencies for initial
EC-6 ESL certification at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2000-2011). Member. Reading Specialist Program. Active in all program aspects until the program was
closed at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2008). Member. EDMG and EDSC 4324 and 4325 Textbook Selections. Assisted in finding an
appropriate textbook to use for both 4324 and 4325 at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2001-2008). Collaborator. Helped with the Assessment of the Major for the Reading Faculty, C&I, at
UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(March 2007). Participant. Assisted the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board meeting for
supporting faculty members of the doctoral program, met the Coordinating Board members for dinner, and
also attended the Coordinating Board Luncheon at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2004-2006). Team Leader. C&I Department. Team leader for the 4-8 and 8-12 Certification Programs at
UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2005). Chair. Search Committee for the EC-8 Science, Social Studies, or Math Assistant/Associate
Faculty Position, C&I. Established rubrics with committee members, reviewed applications, assisted in
conducting phone interviews, and interviewed candidates at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
Because of space considerations, I deleted all of my dept. service before fall 2005.
Community Service
(Summer 2014-Present). Search Member for new priest. Church of the Advent. Brownsville, TX.
(2011-Present). Laborers in the Field of Education (LIFE) School Contact, Prayer Partner, Sponsor, and
Active Member of the Decorations Committee for fall and spring LIFE Breakfast Meetings (with 500-1000
attendees). Also invite students and faculty to attend the meetings and provide free tickets for them,
Brownsville, TX.
(March 2013-Present). Advent Food Bank. Complete federally required civil rights training on a yearly
basis. Monthly (and with other volunteers): fill bags of food, make direct contact with clients, and notify
intake staff of remaining food. Assist over 50 families monthly. Church of the Advent. Brownsville, TX.
(May 2006-Present). Facilitator. Initiated a community vegetable garden and a butterfly garden in 2006 and
a community walking path in 2007 in a local colonia. Motivated and led several community agencies,
churches, private companies, Cameron County city officials and employees, and professors to donate their
time and materials for the tutorials, center library, and walking path landscaping. Planted native flora with
my students, tutees, parents, and volunteers. Carlos Cascos, Cameron County Judge, officiated the ribboncutting ceremony in May 2006 of the walking path and he led ceremony attendees in laps to break in the
community walking path. Parent volunteers, community volunteers, colonia children, my students in EDLI
4367 (Teaching Reading to the English Language Learner), tutorial center staff, and I have participated for
six summers in gardening, tutorials, and UTB financial aid/admissions presentations for the children and
gardening in Brownsville, TX.
(October 25, 2014). Volunteer. From 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., and with United Launch Alliance staff,
painted La Posada Providencia, a church-based residential area for recent immigrants who are seeking
asylum from their home countries. San Benito, TX.
(April 15, 2014). School Volunteer. Based on an invitation from the school librarian, I read a children’s
book manuscript I wrote (The Dance) to a group of students in the classroom of Mrs. C. Ramirez. Had the
children draw (and then later share) their interpretations of any scene in the story I read aloud. Showed the
children my watercolor pictures of key scenes and discussed how they could also get their books published
at Benavides Elementary, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
(March 2011-July 2013). Mentor Liaison. Assisted BISD with Cycle 7 of the 21st Century Community
Learning Center Grant, which was re-awarded and re-allocated by the TEA. Assisted BISD in developing
the idea of UTB COE students mentoring children in after-school programs. Assisted in the hiring,
training, supervision, and evaluation of these UTB mentors at nine BISD elementary and middle schools.
(201-June 2013). Member. BISD 21st Century Task Force. Attended meetings and supplied information for
BISD. Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2011-July 2013). Field Trip Collaborator. 21st Century, Cycle 7, BISD. Helped to coordinate and
supervise BISD children’s visit to: Storm Fury (part of the Ahead of the Future Conference) at Jacob
Brown on October 29, 2011, Campus Tours on January 28, 2012, and November 10, 2012, Zoo-Zoo
Theatrical Production at the Performing Arts Center on February 27, 2012, and Career Pathway
Presentations on March 31, 2012 and January 26, 2013, and the Ragamala Dance Performance from India
on April 27, 2013, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2012 and 2013). Created a game over reading strategies, Constructing Difficult Texts, and
implemented it with four groups of BISD children (n=200) and their teachers for two hours each spring
when the children came to UTB for the Career Pathways presentations.
(May 20, 2011) English Language Arts Fair Judge. From 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. judged the high school
exhibits and interviewed students who created posters on the books they read at the Harmony Science
Academy, Brownsville, TX.
(December 11, 2010) Science Fair Judge. From 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. judged the Elementary, Middle School,
and High School exhibits and interviewed the young scientists at the Harmony Science Academy,
Brownsville, TX.
(August-October 18, 2010). Collaborator. National Foundations Visit. Liaison and collaborator with a local
tutorial center in a colonia. The tutorial center received a grant as a result of the national foundations’ visit
in Brownsville, Texas.
(June 26, 2010). Participant. Participated in a beach clean-up, organized by my former students in EDLI
4367 (Cindy Garcia and Bea Garcia), the BHA, and the CCE at Boca Chica Beach, Brownsville,
Brownsville, TX.
(June 11, 2010). Co-organizer and Presenter. Co-organized the first annual Community Partner Workshop
for local agencies, UTB staff, and faculty. Assisted in deciding attendees. Created the content of the
questions for the community partner survey. Created and delivered the Power Point presentation on the
differences between community service, SL, and volunteerism at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(April 30, 2010). Co-organizer. Arbor Day. Assisted in organizing Arbor Day at the Inwood Subdivision
near 802 and Dana Road. In collaboration with Greg Flores of Youth Build, UTB gathered 70 volunteers
from the CCE Scholars Club, environmental science, architecture, and biology. Worked hard to get
professors and their students involved for SL projects, met with Youth Build to go over the plans, and
taught a CCE staff member about which plants to request for donations at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(April 10, 2010). Co-organizer and participant. Get Moving Joins Brownsville’s Biggest Loser.
Collaborated with the City of Brownsville, UH Medical Branch School of Public Health, UTB Campus
REC, Health and Human Performance, the Kinesiology Club, botanists, community naturalists, and a
chemistry professor to promote physical activity, outdoor exercise, and health at Lincoln Park. Met with
two botanists to identify native flora around the 1.09 mile campus nature walk, found naturalists to lead the
nature walks, laced plant name signs along the path, and participated in a nature walk. Persuaded a
chemistry professor and his students to give a presentation by the COE Resaca about their water quality SL
project at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(March 15-17, 2010). Co-organizer. Alternative Spring Break Health Fair. Good Neighbor Settlement
House. Participated for at least two hours daily. Walked with CCE Scholars around the neighborhood to
invite more attendees and to distribute flyers. Contacted professors to create SL opportunities for students
at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2009-2010). Co-creator. Assisted in creating the CCE Community Advisory Board. Helped to create an
active CCE Advisory Board with by-laws, required and at-large seats, officers, and meeting minutes and
agendas. Held two formal meetings with the Board at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2009-2010). Creator. Book Drive and Valley Lending Libraries and Book Corners. Co-organized a book
drive and established over 55 drop-off sites. Received over 4,000 books in Spanish and English as well as
several boxes of prizes for reading incentives for 11 centers in Brownsville and Harlingen, which now
have Spanish and English books for children, teens, and adults, electronic files of the books, book labels,
library cards, and the center’s address labels. The initiative appeared in the “Get Involved” section of The
Brownsville Herald throughout December 2009 and January 2010. A 6” X 8” article about the initiative
appeared in The Brownsville Herald on a November 16, 2009, Brownsville, TX.
(2009-2010). Facilitator. Assisted the Bilingual class of Ms. Alaniz Cruz, Russell Elementary, in attending
the Constitution Day ceremony at UTB and engaged her students in an “Interpreting Literature through the
Arts” activity in her classroom, Russell Elementary, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
(2008-2010). Member. United Brownsville Education (formerly Imagine Brownsville) Sub-committee.
Attended two meetings so far and exchanged several emails. One of my proposed goals about SL was
accepted by the sub-committee in Brownsville, TX.
(May 2003-May 2010). Committee Member. La Iglesia Episcopal de San Pablo/Saint Paul’s Episcopal
Church. Participated in church beautification, the welcoming committee, and Eucharistic ministry.
Coordinate and with youth group members, visited Brownsville nursing homes, Ozanam Center, and the
Matamoros dump to bring food, clothing, and hope, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2010). Facilitator. Assisted the Bilingual class of Ms. Alaniz Cruz, Russell Elementary, in an
“Interpreting Literature through the Arts” activity in her classroom, Russell Elementary, BISD,
Brownsville, TX.
(December 3, 2009). Co-organizer. Kids Voting Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Co-organized a
MOU signing ceremony between BISD and the CCE. President Juliet Garcia and Provost Alan Artibise
spoke at the event, as did BISD Superintendent Brett Springston, and School Board President Ronaldo
Aguilar. Father Armand Mathew, BISD staff, CCE Advisory Board members, UTB staff and faculty, and
individuals from the community attended. Several TV news stations, photographers, and reporters were
present. An article about the event was featured in UTB News and Information on December 4, 2009.
Wrote the revised the MOU and went through several drafts with BISD and UTB administrators and legal
counsel to institutionalize events and dates, delineate responsibilities of each party, and to share costs. On
October 20, 2009 attended a three-hour BISD School Board meeting in case school board members had
questions about the MOU in Brownsville, TX.
(November 2009).Guest presenter. International Rotary Club. Presented about the city-wide book drive to
ask for drop-off sites in Brownsville, TX.
(Fall 2009). Co-organizer. Blanket drive. Co-sponsored a blanket drive with Student Health Services and
received 205 blankets for the community. An article and accompanying photo in the Valley Morning Star
featured our blanket drive. The blankets were delivered to the Good Neighbor Settlement House and were
given to people in the Buena Vida neighborhood, Brownsville, TX.
(November 21, 2009). Volunteer. Youth Build. Assisted for two hours in hammering nails into affordable
homes being constructed, in collaboration with the CCE and Youth Build, Dana Road, Brownsville, TX.
(October 28, 2009). Co-organizer. Kids Voting Benefit for Father Armand Mathew. Attended a planning
session, helped to organize Father Mathew’s birthday party and the fund raiser, and served food and cake
to attendees. Helped to decorate the area in a patriotic motif and cleaned the entire area after the
celebration at the Endowment Courtyard at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(October 23, 2009). Participant and Leader. One Star Foundation and CCAT Assessment. Attended a
three-hour meeting organized by One Star, the umbrella organization for Americorps and Campus
Compact. Through focus group discussions and activities with other community members interested in
community engagement, helped to create a picture of volunteering in Brownsville. Led a CCAT
Assessment, completed by CCE staff, CCE Advisory Board members, and myself, and analyzed by One
Star. The assessment determined the CCE was strong as a community engaged organization at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(October 20-27, 2009). Co-organizer. First Electronic Issues Voting for K-12 Students. A front banner,
front page article and photo about the initiative appeared in the December Ballot Box, a national newsletter
of Kids Voting USA. With BISD and CCE employees, organized the voting from the CCE website. Over
17,000 elementary, middle school, and high school students from BISD and private and charter schools
voted on issues, such as cell phones in the classroom and state propositions. Awarded prizes to four BISD
and private schools with the highest voter turnout in Brownsville, TX.
(September 23, 2009). Volunteer. Good Neighbor Settlement House. Assisted in Help a Good Neighbor
Days for two hours in organizing the downstairs learning center so the walls could be painted; helped to
weed raised beds at the Good Neighbor Settlement House, Brownsville, TX.
(September 12, 2009). Co-organizer. First Annual Patriotism Alive/Kids Voting Teacher Workshop. Coorganized the workshop, presented by a national Kids Voting presenter, with BISD and Father Armand
Mathew. A front banner, first page photo and article about the event appeared in the November Ballot Box,
a national newsletter of Kids Voting USA. About 200 teachers participated from BISD and private and
charter schools. Distributed evaluation forms to attendees, typed and analyzed the results, and used the
evaluations to improve the second annual workshop for the fall of 2010, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(September 12, 2009). Co-organizer. First Annual Student Leadership Luncheon, comprised of BISD high
school student council representatives and their advisors, as well as UTB Student Government Association
(SGA) leaders. As a result of the meeting, SGA President Ruby de la Fuente and I sent the student council
members a sample referendum so they could begin to create and pass referendums at their high schools.
Led efforts in distributing evaluation forms to attendees, typing and analyzing the results, and using the
evaluations to improve the second annual student leadership luncheon at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(July 14, 2009). Participant. White House Initiative: Community Conversations. Gave suggestions to
approximately 150 people a group as part of an informal panel; spoke about the importance of first
language (L1) literacy development to improve L2 development. Participated in a focus group discussion
and used post-it notes to write answers to questions posed by the presenter, Juan Sepulveda, at UTB,
Brownsville, TX.
(April 2009). Presenter. Gave a presentation to the Lion’s Club at Shoney’s concerning the Community
Engagement book drive and the after-school tutorial center in a colonia, Brownsville, TX.
(April 21, 2009). Host, Organizer, and Instructor. Russell Elementary, BISD, Field Trip to Education
Classes Co-organized for a Proyecto Sol dual-language class, Russell Elementary, BISD to attend my class
(ESL Literacy Assessment) as well as Dr. Patrick Smith’s bilingual education class. Planned and
implemented “Interpreting Literature through the Arts” for my students and the Russell students. Served
the elementary students and their teacher a free lunch and beverages at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(February 13, 2009). Volunteer. Planting Seeds of Hope. Planted native bushes with my family and other
community and UTB volunteers, including UTB President, Dr. Juliet Garcia, at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(Spring 2009). Curriculum Innovator. Gendered middle school concept. Presented to BISD and South
Texas ISD a public middle school concept in which science, math, and technology classes would be single
gender and in which SL would be a school-wide component in the lower Rio Grande Valley, TX. Created a
white paper with curricular ideas, research support, and references at UTB, Brownsville, TX.
(2007-2009). Committee member. Education Sub-committee, part of the Social Needs Committee. Imagine
Brownsville, then United Brownsville. Met with, and emailed, committee and staff members throughout
different sectors to suggest and modify goals for the city of Brownsville. My goal for SL was accepted by
this Sub-committee. Attended a Brownsville City Council Meeting regarding Imagine Brownsville,
Brownsville, TX.
(April 3, 2008). Facilitator and Instructor. Co-organized for two dual-language classes of Russell
Elementary students and their teachers to attend my class (ESL Literacy Assessment) as well as Professor
Murillo Sutterby’s class. Planned and implemented “Interpreting Literature through the Arts” for my
students and the Russell students. Served elementary students and teachers free lunch and beverages at
UTB, Brownsville, TX. (A photo and a short article about the event appeared in The Brownsville Herald.)
(2003-2006, 2008-2009). Co-youth minister. Co-led the youth group in Bible studies, community service,
and multiple intelligences activities involving Bible interpretations at La Iglesia Episcopal de San
Pablo/Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Brownsville, TX.
(September 5, 2007). Volunteer. Met with a local elementary principal to suggest ways to make the school
even better. Researched and printed recess-related state recommendations, association policy statements,
book chapters, and research articles in support of recess. As a result of the meeting, the principal promised
several changes, including a recess schedule, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
(August 30, 2007). Volunteer and Speaker. Addressed an entire audience for Imagine Brownsville
concerning the needs of the community. My speech was aired several times on local TV. Participated in
voting in four categories concerning our community’s needs, Brownsville, TX.
(2006-2007). President. PTA. Attended regular meetings. Led and assisted in school fundraisers and
donated all PTA money earned for teachers and students at Russell Elementary, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
(2006-2007). Organizer and Ride Supervisor. Assisted in organizing the Russell Fall and Spring Carnivals.
Supervised rides for several hours at Russell Elementary, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
(2005-2007). Participant. Participated in CATCH walks to raise awareness about diabetes. Participated in
the American Heart Association Jump Rope-a-thon. Russell Elementary, BISD, Brownsville, TX.
(November 28, 2006). Facilitator and Instructor. Co-organized visits of two dual-language classes from
Russell Elementary to attend my class (ESL Literacy Assessment) as well as Professor Murillo Sutterby’s
class. Planned and implemented “Interpreting Literature through the Arts” for my students and the Russell
children. Bought food and drinks and helped to serve lunch and beverages to the children and their teachers
at UTB, Brownsville, TX. A photo and a short article about the event appeared in The Collegian.
Because of space considerations, I am deleted all of my professional service before fall 2005.
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Literacy Research Association (LRA), formerly National Reading Conference (NRC)
Fly UP