
Javier Cavazos Vela Assistant Professor University of Texas at Brownsville

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Javier Cavazos Vela Assistant Professor University of Texas at Brownsville
Javier Cavazos Vela
Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Brownsville
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies
[email protected]
Educational Background
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Counselor Education (CACREP
accredited, May 2012)
Dissertation: Understanding Predictors of Enrollment in Advanced Placement
(AP) Coursework among Latina/o Students
University of Texas-Pan American, Guidance and Counseling (2008)
University of Texas-Pan American, Sociology (2006, Magna Cum Laude)
Employment History
Fall 2012Present
Fall 2011Summer 2012
Summer 2011
Spring 2011Summer 2011
Fall 2010Spring 2011
Fall 2009Summer 2010
Fall 2006Spring 2009
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and
Leadership Studies, University of Texas at Brownsville.
Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies,
University of Texas at Brownsville.
Residential Mentor, Governor’s Academy for Teaching Excellence
(GATE), Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
Research Assistant, ELITE Graduate Program, Texas A&M-University.
Adjunct Instructor/Seminar Leader, First Year Learning Communities
Program, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Counseling and Educational
Psychology, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Educational Psychology,
University of Texas-Pan American.
Summer 2006
Residential Assistant, Valley Outreach Center, University of Texas-Pan
Summer 2005
Research Experience for Undergraduate Students, Department of
Sociology, Texas A&M University-College Station.
Professional Practice Experience
Spring 2011,
Fall 2013
Spring 2010Spring 2011
Spring 2009
Fall 2008Spring 2009
Spring 2008
Practicum supervisor, Department of Educational Psychology and
Leadership Studies, University of Texas at Brownsville.
Doctoral practicum supervisor. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
Counseling intern, University of Texas-Pan American Counseling Center,
Counseling and Psychological Services.
Counseling Intern, Abundant Grace Church in Edinburg, Texas,
University of Texas-Pan American.
School Counseling Intern, PSJA North High School, University of TexasPan American.
Teaching and Related Responsibilities
Graduate Courses: University of Texas at Brownsville
COUN 6301 Introduction to Research Methods in Counseling
COUN 6361 Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy
COUN 6345 Career Counseling
COUN 6310 Introduction to Guidance and Counseling
COUN 6313 Personal Growth
COUN 6368 Group Counseling
COUN 6365 Counseling Practicum I
COUN 6364 Multicultural Counseling
COUN 6349 Child and Adolescent Counseling
Undergraduate Courses: Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
UCCP 1101 First-Year Seminar I
UCCP 1102 First-Year Seminar II
Advisement: University of Texas at Brownsville
Spring 2012
Advise approximately 10-15 students annually.
Refereed Journal Articles
16. Balkin, R., Cavazos, J., Hernandez, A. E., Garcia, R., Dominguez, D., & Valarezo, A.
(2013). Assessing at-risk youth using the Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory
with a Latino/a population. Journal of Addiction and Offender Counseling, 30-39. doi:
15. Cavazos, J., Holt, M. L., & Flamez, B. (2012). Using narrative therapy to help Hispanic
students pursue and succeed in higher education: Implications for counselors and counselor
educators. Arizona Counseling Journal, 27,4-14.
14. Castro, V., Garcia, E. E., Cavazos, J., & Castro, A. (2011). The road to doctoral success and
beyond. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 6, 51-77.
13. Sangganjanavanich, V., Lenz, S., & Cavazos, J. (2011). International students during
employment seeking: A phenomenological study. Journal of Employment Counseling, 48, 17-26.
Retrieved from http://www.employmentcounseling.org/Journal-of- EmploymentCounseling.aspx
12. Johnson, M. B., Cavazos, J., & Corb, R. E. (2011). Group counseling for sports teams:
Linking research and practice. Athletic Insight, 3, 1-17. Retrieved from
11. Sangganjanavanich, V., & Cavazos, J. (2010). Workplace aggression: Toward justice and
Advocacy in counseling for transgender individuals. Journal of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Issues in Counseling, 4,1-15. doi: 10.1080/15538605.2010524844
10. Cavazos, J., Johnson, M. B., & Sparrow, G. S. (2010). Overcoming personal and academic
challenges: Perspectives from Latina/o college students. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education,
9, 304-316. doi: 10.1177/1538192710380744
9. Cavazos, J., Johnson, M. B., Fielding, C., Cavazos, A. G., Castro, V., & Vela-Gude, L.
(2010). A qualitative study of resilient Latina/o college students. Journal of Latinos and
Education, 9, 172-188. doi: 10.1080/15348431003761166
8. Cavazos, A. G., & Cavazos, J. (2010). Understanding the experiences of Latina/o
students: A qualitative study for change. American Secondary Education, 38, 95-109. Retrieved
from http://www.ashland.edu/ase
7. Johnson, M. B., Edmonds, W. A., Jain, S., & Cavazos, J. (2010). Conceptualizing thesystemic
interplay of athlete development. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 41, 1-23. Retrieved
from http://www.ijsp-online.com/
6. Johnson, M. B., Edmonds, W.A., Jain, S., & Cavazos, J. (2009). Analyses of elite swimming
performances and their respective between-gender differences over time. Journal of Quantitative
Analysis in Sports, 5(4), 1-18. Retrieved from http://www.bepress.com/jqas/
5. Vela-Gude, L., Cavazos, J., Johnson, M. B., Fielding, C., Cavazos, A. G., Campos, L., &
Rodriguez, I. (2009). “My counselors were never there:” Perceptions from Latina/o college
students. Professional School Counseling, 12, 272-279. Retrieved from
4. Cavazos, J., Alvarado, V., Rodriguez, I., & Iruegas, J. R. (2009). Examining Hispanic
counseling students’ worries: A qualitative approach. Journal of School Counseling (7)12.
Retrieved from http://www.jsc.montana.edu/articles/v7n12.pdf
3. Cavazos, J., Cavazos, A. G., Hinojosa, M., & Silva, M. (2009). Dispelling seven myths
concerning Latina/o students: A call to action for school counselors. Journal of School
Counseling (7)8. Retrieved from http://www.jsc.montana.edu/articles/v7n8.pdf
2. Johnson, M. B., Castillo, Y., Sacks, D. N., Cavazos, J., Edmonds, W. A, & Tenenbaum, G.
(2008). “Hard work beats talent until talent decides to work hard:” Coaches’ perspectives
regarding differentiating elite and non-elite swimmers. International Journal of Sport Science &
Coaching, 3, 417-430. doi: 10.1260/174795408786238579
1. Alvarado, V., & Cavazos, J. (2007). Allegories and symbols in counseling. Journal of
Creativity in Mental Health, 2, 51-59. Retrieved from
Book Chapters
2. Johnson, M. B., Cavazos, J., & Corb, R. E. (2012). Group counseling for sports teams: A
conceptualization linked to practice. In R. Schinke (Ed.), Athletic insight’s writings in sport
psychology. (pp. 183-198). Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
*This book chapter was selected for print based on a previous journal article in the journal.
1. Flamez, B., Cavazos, J., Sangganjanavanich, V. F., & Watson, J. C. (2012). Developing
scholarship through mentoring and self-reflection: A transformative process for doctoral
students. In C. J. Boden & S. M. Kippers (Eds.), Pathways to transformation: Learning in
Relationship (pp. 111-129). Information Age Publishing Inc.
Manuscripts under Review
10. Smith, R. L., Flamez, B. N., Cavazos Vela, J., Fernandez, M., & Schomaker, S. (2013). An
experimental investigation: A comparison of level of learning and learning efficiency between
online and face-to-face instruction. Manuscript submitted for publication consideration.
9. Cavazos Vela, J., Johnson, M. B., Ikonomoupolus, J., Cavazos, L., & Gonzalez, S. L. (2013).
The relation of barriers, acculturation, and goals on Latina/o students’ academic performance.
Manuscript submitted for publication consideration.
8. Clark, A., Flamez, B., & Cavazos Vela, J. (2013). Multiple sclerosis: Moving beyond physical
and neurological implications into family counseling. Manuscript submitted for publication
7. Cavazos Vela, J., Sparrow, G. S., Lerma, E., Cavazos, M., & Calvillo, M. (2013). The role of
school counselors to help teachers understand challenges that impede Latina/o students from
enrolling in higher education. Manuscript submitted for publication consideration.
6. Cavazos Vela, J., Pierre Lu, M. T., Veliz, L., Johnson, M. B., & Castro, V. (2013). Future
school counselors’ perceptions of challenges that Latina/o students face: An exploratory study.
Manuscript submitted for publication consideration.
5. Cavazos Vela, J., Gonzalez, S., Ikonomopoulos, J., Nelson, V., & Dorado, N. (2013). School
counselors’ perceptions of best practices when working with Latina/o students. Manuscript
submitted for publication consideration.
4. Cavazos Vela, J., Castro, V., Cavazos, L., Cavazos, M., & Gonzalez, S. (2013).
Understanding the relationship among meaning in life, spiritual experiences, and subjective
happiness: A study with Latina/o college students. Manuscript submitted for publication
3. Cavazos Vela, J., Zamarripa, M. X., Balkin, R. S., Johnson, M. B., & Smith, R. S. (2012).
Understanding Latina/o students’ perceptions of support from school counselors and
acculturation as predictors of enrollment in AP coursework. Manuscript revised and resubmitted
for publication consideration.
2. Pierre Lu, M. T., & Cavazos Vela, J. (2013). Online learning perceptions and effectiveness of
research methods courses. Manuscript submitted for publication consideration.
1. Cavazos Vela, J., Johnson, M. B., Castro, V., Ikonomopolis, J., Gonzalez, P., & Gonzalez, S.
L. (2013). College instructors’ perceptions of differentiating factors between successful and less
successful Latina/o students. Manuscript submitted for publication consideration.
Manuscripts in preparation
5. Sparrow, G. S., Alvarado, V. A., Cavazos Vela, J., & Carlson, R. E. (2013). Surveying the
core beliefs and values of graduate counseling students. Manuscript in preparation.
4. Cavazos Vela, J., Gonzalez, S., Pierre Lu, M. T., & Smith, R. L. (2013). School counselors’
perceptions of differences between successful and less successful Latina/o high school students.
Manuscript in preparation.
3. Johnson, M. B., & Cavazos Vela, J. (2013). Brain development and doping. Manuscript in
2. Lerma, E., Zamarrpa, M. X., Oliver, M., & Cavazos Vela, J. (2013). Journey to the doctorate.
Manuscript in preparation.
1. Ikonomopolis, J., & Cavazos Vela, J. (2013). A narrative approach to supervisión with
Latina/o graduate counseling students. Manuscript in preparation.
Research in Development
5. Cavazos Vela, J., Flamez, B., & Gonzalez, S. L., & Clark, A. (2013). The relationship
between Latina/o students’ perceptions of support from high school counselors on career selfefficacy.
4. Cavazos Vela, J., Flamez, B., Gonzalez, S., & Clark, A. (2013). The relationship between
Latina/o students’ perceptions of support from high school counselors on college self-efficacy.
3. Abrego, J., Garcia, A., Lerma, E., Cavazos Vela, J., & Rodriguez, B. (2013). School
administrators’ perceptions of the roles of school counselors.
2. Cavazos Vela, J., Lenz, S., Guardiola, R., Cavazos, M. (2013). The relationship between
Latina/o students’ perceptions of support from high school teachers on college self-efficacy and
academic goals.
1. Cavazos Vela, J., Lenz, A. S., Lerma, E., Guardiola, R., & Cavazos, M. (2013). The
relationship between Latina/o students’ perceptions of support from high school teachers on
career and vocational self-efficacy.
Grant Activity (Submitted)
1. Cavazos Vela, J. (2014). The influence of individual, interpersonal, and institutional factors
on Latina/o students’ mental health, Hogg Foundation. $19,250.
2. Cavazos Vela, J. (2014). Identifying individual, interpersonal, and institutional predictors of
students’ mental health, Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation. $22,500.
3. Cavazos Vela, J. (2014). The impact of individual, interpersonal, and institutional factors on
Latina/o students’ postsecondary preparation, access, and persistence, Greater Texas Faculty
Fellowship Program. $97,077.
Grant Activity (Not Funded)
1. Cavazos Vela, J. (2013). Understanding predictors of mental health, help-seeking attitudes,
and utilization of counseling services among Latina/o college students, Hogg Foundation,
Conference Presentations
National or International
20. Cavazos Vela, J., Gonzalez, S., Ikonomopolous, J., & Cavazos, L. (2013, October). School
counselors’ perceptions of working with Latina/o students: A phenomenological approach.
Roundtable presentation at the meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and
Supervision, Denver, CO.
19. Cavazos Vela, J., Johnson, M. B., Cavazos, L., Ikonomopolous, J., & Gonzalez, S. (2013,
October). Examining predictors of goals among Latina/o college students. Poster session at the
meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, CO.
18. Lu, M. T., & Cavazos, J. (2013, March). Online learning perceptions and effectiveness of
research methods courses. Presentation at the meeting of the Society for Information
Technology and Teacher Education, New Orleans, LA.
17. Cavazos Vela, J., & Flamez, B. (2013, March). Beginning professors’: Perspectives on
navigating the publication process. Presentation at the meeting of the American Association of
Hispanics in Higher Education, San Antonio, TX.
16. Snook, J., Cavazos, J., McFarlin, S., & Ikonomopoulos, J. (2011, October). The effects of the
Day of Silence on attitudes toward the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and questioning
(LGBTQ) population. Poster presentation at the meeting of the Association for Counselor
Educators and Supervisors, Nashville, TN.
15. Ikonomopoulos, J., & Cavazos, J. (2010, November). Clinical supervision and consultation:
Experiences in a multicultural context. Poster presentation at the meeting of the National
Latina/o Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
14. Cavazos, J., & Ikonomopoulos, J. (2010, November). Using coping responses to overcome
challenges to higher education: A review of the literature. Poster presentation at the meeting of
the National Latina/o Psychological Association, San Antonio, TX.
13. Johnson, M. B., Edmonds, W.A., Jain, S., & Cavazos, J. (2010, August). Analyses of elite
swimming performances and their respective between-gender differences over time. Presentation
at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
12. Cavazos, J., Vela Gude, L. ,Campos, L., & Rodriguez, I. (2009, June). The role of school
counselors in helping Latina/o students pursue and succeed in higher education. Presentation at
the meeting of the American School Counseling Association, Dallas, TX.
11. Cavazos, J., Hinojosa, M. G., & Iruegas, J. R. (2009, March). Future teachers’ perceptions
of barriers that prevent Hispanic students from enrolling in higher education. Presentation
conducted at the meeting of the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, San
Antonio, TX.
10. Valle, F., Calderon, E., & Cavazos, J. (2009, March). Exploring Latina/o resiliency within
the higher education pipeline of South Texas. Presentation conducted at the meeting of the
American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, San Antonio, TX.
9. Cavazos, J., (2008, November). Barriers that prevent Latina/o students from
pursuing higher education and beyond. In L. Vela Gude (Chair), Helping Latina/o students
navigate the pathway to higher education and beyond: Graduate students’ perspectives on
barriers, positive coping, and mentoring. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National
Latina/o Psychological Association, Costa Mesa, CA.
8. Vela Gude, L., & Cavazos, J. (2008, November). The importance of mentoring Latina/o.
students in graduate school. In L. Vela Gude (Chair), Helping Latina/o students navigate the
pathway to higher education and beyond: Graduate students’ perspectives on barriers, positive
coping, and mentoring. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Latina/o
Psychological Association, Costa Mesa, CA.
7. Cavazos, J. (2008, November). Positive coping in helping Latina/o students overcome
adverse experiences. In L. Vela Gude (Chair), Helping Latina/o students navigate the pathway
to higher education and beyond: Graduate students’ perspectives on barriers, positive coping,
and mentoring. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Latina/o Psychological
Association, Costa Mesa, CA.
6. Cavazos, J., Johnson, M. B., Cavazos, A. G., & Vela Gude, L. (2008, November). A
qualitative study of resilient Latina/o college students. Poster presentation at the meeting of the
National Latina/o Psychological Association, Costa Mesa, CA.
5. Cavazos, J., Johnson, M. B., Rodriguez, I., & Hinojosa, M. (2008, November). Using
cognitivebehavior therapy to elicit weight loss with Latina/o students. Poster presentation at the
meeting of the National Latina/o Psychological Association, Costa Mesa, CA.
4. Corb, R. E., Johnson, M. B., & Cavazos, J. (2008, September). Group counseling for sports
teams: An initial conceptualization linked to practice. In M. B. Johnson (Chair), Linking
counseling psychology and sport psychology. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the
Association for Applied Sport Psychology, St. Louis, MO.
3. Johnson, M. B., Edmonds, W. A., Jain, S., & Cavazos, J. (2008, September). Genetics as a
factor in elite athletic development and performance. Poster presentation at the meeting of the
Association for Applied Sport Psychology, St. Louis, MO.
2. Johnson, M. B., Edmonds, W. A., Jain, S., & Cavazos, J. (2008, September). Conceptualizing
the systemic interplay of athlete development. Poster presentation at the meeting of the
Association for Applied Sport Psychology, St. Louis, MO.
1. Cavazos, J., & Vela Gude, L. (2008, February). What made the little engine that could say, Si
se puede? Poster presentation at the meeting of the National Association of Hispanic and Latino
Studies, Baton Rouge, LA.
State, Regional, or Local
18. Aguilar, A., Troncoso, C., & Cavazos Vela, J. (2014, January). Helping female victims of
domestic violence. Presentation at the meeting of the Counselors’ Institute, South Padre Island,
17. Duque, O., & Cavazos Vela, J. (2014, January). Using existenital therapy and positive
psychology to help veterans and their families. Presentation at the meeting of the Counselors’
Institute, South Padre Island, TX.
16. Gonzalez, S.,. & Cavazos Vela, J. (2014, January). Understanding Latina/o high school
students’ perceptions of bullying behaviors. Presentation at the meeting of the Counselors’
Institute, South Padre Island, TX.
15. McGarraugh, S., Rodriguez, B., & Cavazos Vela, J. (2014, January). Helping high school
students with learning disabilities reach their potential when transitioning to higher education.
Presentation at the meeting of the Counselors’ Institute, South Padre Island, TX.
14. Cavazos, M., Duque-Hernandez, O., & Cavazos Vela, J. (2013, January). Working with
children and families of military personnel. Presentation at the meeting of the Tip of Texas
Counseling Association, South Padre Island, TX.
13. Cavazos, J., Flamez, B., Ikonomopoulos, J., & Smith, R. L. (2012, September). The use of
narrative therapy to help Latina/o adolescents become resilient. Roundtable presentation at the
meeting of the Southern Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Savannah,
12. Smith, W. D., Ikonomopoulos, J., & Cavazos, J. (2012, January). How to get into a
competitive Counselor education doctoral program: Students’ perspectives. Presentation at the
meeting of the Counselors’ Institute, South Padre Island, TX.
11. De la Garza, B., Miller, J., & Cavazos, J. (2010, February). Music therapy:
Recommendations and techniques. Presentation at the meeting of the Texas Association
Counselor Education conference, Austin, TX.
10. Cavazos, J., Casillas, C., & Mendoza, S. (2010, January). Using positive psychology in K-12
schools: Implications for school counselors. Presentation at the Counselors’ Institute, South
Padre Island, TX.
9. Cavazos, J., Casillas, C., & Mendoza, S. (2010, January). The importance of writing in
helping students develop resiliency: Implications for school counselors. Presentation at the
Counselors’ Institute, South Padre Island, TX.
8. Cavazos, J. (2009, March). A graduate student’s perspective on the publication process.
Presentation at the Third Annual College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Research and
Training Conference, Edinburg, TX.
7. Veliz, L., Iruegas, J. R., & Cavazos, J. (2009, March). Future school counselors’ perceptions
of barriers that Latina/o students face: An exploratory study. Poster presentation at the Third
Annual College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Research and Training Conference, Edinburg,
6. Veliz, L., & Cavazos, J. (2009, March). Helping Hispanic students navigate the pathway to
higher education and beyond: Resiliency and positive coping. Presentation at the University of
Texas-Pan American’s Parent Gear Up Conference, McAllen, TX.
5. Cavazos, J., Campos, L, & Castro, V. (2009, January). Building awareness and promoting
advocacy for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Students. Presentation at the Counselors’
Institute, South Padre Island, TX.
4. Cavazos, J., Chapa, S., Rodriguez, I., & Cantu, A. (2009, January). The role of school
counselors in promoting resiliency in K-12 schools. Presentation at the Counselors’ Institute,
South Padre Island, TX.
3. Cavazos, A. G., & Cavazos, J. (2008, February). Tracking Hispanic students away
from higher education: The role of school counselors in the Rio Grande Valley. Poster
presentation at the meeting of the Conference on Research and Teaching in the Social and
Behavioral Sciences, Edinburg, TX.
2. Cavazos, J., & Vela Cavazos, P. (2008, January). The importance of post-suicide strategies
for secondary school counselors. Poster presentation at the meeting of the Annual Counselor’s
Institute, South Padre Island, TX
1. Campos, L., Luna, A., Vera, A., & Cavazos, J. (2008, January). Falling through the
cracks: Single parents in the Rio Grande Valley. Poster presentation at the meeting of the Annual
Counselor’s Institute, South Padre Island, TX.
Invited Workshops
3. Cavazos Vela, J., & Cavazos, A. G. (2013, June). Understanding motivation and student
success. Workshop delivered to San Benito Independent School District.
2. Cavazos Vela, J., & Cavazos, A. G. (2013, June). The in’s and out’s of conducting research:
Using data for accountability. Workshop delivered to San Benito Independent School District.
1. Abrego, M., Abrego, J., & Cavazos, J. (2012, October). Helping principals and counselors
deal with challenging situations. Workshop delivered to San Benito Independent School District.
Guest Lectures
2. Cavazos, J. (2011, April). Outcome research. Presentation to Professor Mary Fernandez’
Introduction to Counseling course, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi,
1. Cavazos, J. (2008, April). How to develop a research question: Inequality in education.
Presentation to Professor Alyssa G. Cavazos’ Freshmen English course, University of Texas-Pan
American, Edinburg, TX.
Fall 2012Present
Member, University Student Success Team: Academic Advising
College of Education
Fall 2012Present
Member, NCATE College of Education Assessment Committee.
Spring 2012Present
Member, NCATE Standard 5 Faculty Qualifications Committee, Department of
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies.
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies
Fall 2012Present
Fall 2013Present
Chair, Department Assessment Committee.
Assessment Liaison
Counseling and Guidance Program
Fall 2013Present
Advisor of Counseling and Guidance Student Organization
Spring 2012- Coordinator, Oral Examination
Fall 2012present
Fall 2012Spring 2013
Faculty coordinator of Counseling Student conference
Coordinator of Faculty Seminar Series
Summer 2013Present
Reviewer: Journal of Counseling and Development
Fall 2012Present
Reviewer: Journal of School Counseling
Proposal Reviewer: American Counseling Association’s Annual
Proposal Reviewer: American Education Research Association’s Annual
Spring 2010
Fall 2008Spring 2009
Mentor in the Guidance, Partnership, and Success (GPS) Program, Corpus
Christi Independent School District. Responsibilities included mentoring a
middle school student related to personal and academic success.
Youth Volunteer, Harlingen Boys and Girls Club. Responsibilities
included participation in athletic events, taking care of youth at Ben
Milam Elementary, and helping youth directors with after school activities
(i.e., golf).
Professional Memberships
American Counseling Association
Association for Humanistic Counseling
Counselor Education Research Consortium
Gulf Coast Counseling Association
Texas Counseling Association
Texas Career Development Association
Fly UP