
VITA Graciela P. Rosenberg, Ed. D. Professor of Bilingual/ESL Education

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VITA Graciela P. Rosenberg, Ed. D. Professor of Bilingual/ESL Education
Graciela P. Rosenberg, Ed. D.
Professor of Bilingual/ESL Education
Bilingual (Spanish)
Curriculum and Instruction
Bilingual/ESL Education
Texas A & I University
Kingsville, Texas
Graduated: 1981
D.M.L. (Pending)
Spanish/Latin American Literature
Middlebury College (Language Schools)
Middlebury, Vermont
Masters Degree:
Spanish Literature
University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
Graduated: 1976
Masters Degree:
Education/Spanish Literature
Middlebury College
Middlebury, Vermont
Graduated: 1972
Bachelors Degree:
Goddard College
Plainfield, Vermont
Graduated: 1970
Teaching Certificate, State of Texas
C-Hi-Spanish and French
Professional Interests
Teaching Reading Spanish/English
Cross-cultural development in the following areas:
Bilingual Education (Spanish/English)
English as a Second Language
Multicultural Theater
Professional Experience
Professor , Bilingual/ESL Education, The University of Texas at Brownsville, Texas,
Associate Professor, Bilingual/ESL Education, The University of Texas at Brownsville,
Texas, 1992-1999.
Associate Professor, Spanish, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas, 1989-90.
Assistant Professor, Bilingual/ESL Education, Texas A & M University, College Station,
Texas, Spring and Summer 1988.
Assistant Professor, Bilingual/ESL Education, Pan American University, Brownsville,
Texas, 1985-1989, 1990-1991.
Assistant Professor, Bilingual/ESL Education, under Title VII Federal Grant, Pan
American University, Brownsville, Texas, 1981-85.
Adjunct Instructor, Spanish Language, Pan American University, Edinburg, Texas, Fall,
Adjunct Instructor, Spanish Language and Culture, Bilingual Education, English as a
Second Language (ESL) and Reading, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas, 197681.
Spanish Teacher, Corpus Christi Minor Seminary, Corpus Christi, Texas, 1976-81.
Teaching Fellow, Spanish, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, 1971-72.
Spanish Teacher, Vershire High School, Vershire, Vermont, 1970-71.
English Teacher, Academia José Ma. Morelos, Morelia, Michoacán, México.
Other Activities
Co-Managing Director, Bilingual Theater Company, 1982-92.
Material Development for Bilingual Education, ESL (English as a Second Language),
and Spanish Teaching, 1978-Present.
Consultant Bilingual Education/ESL/Spanish Theater/Cross-Cultural Activities, 1977Present.
Translator, Spanish/English, English/Spanish, 1972-Present.
Awards and Recognition
Received the ASPIRE 9th Annual Faculty Appreciation Award (2006). I was nominated
by my students to receive this award.
Nominated for the 2004 Chancellor’s Council Outstanding Teaching Award.
Nominated for the 2003 Council of Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) U.S.
Professors of the Year Award.
Received the Chancellor of the University of Texas System Award. 1998 Chancellor’s
Council Outstanding Teaching Award in recognition of Educational Achievement in the
Pursuit of Learning and Exccellence as a member of the faculty of the University of
Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College, Presented May 14, 1998.
(Textbook Publications)
Blanco, G. M., Cummins, J., Izquierdo, E., Perez, B., Rodriguuez-Brown, F.,
Rosenberg, G. P., and Smith H. (2000). Lectura. K-6 Spanish Reading Program: it
includes student textbooks, teacher guides, and several other resources. State adopted
materials, Scott Foresman, Glenview, Illinois.
Reviewed: Lectura Scott Foresman Research Base Booklet for Phonics. This will
accompany Lectura K-6 Spanish Reading Program.
Rosenberg, Joe and Graciela (1992). Translation of Historias para ser contadas por
Osvaldo Dragun, Stories for the Theatre. Encore Performance Publishing, Orem, Utah
Rosenberg, G.P. & M. Barrera, et al, (1987). Lectura en Español. Series for K-6,
State adopted materials, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich
Rosenberg, G.P. & M. Barrera, (1982). El Enseñar a escuchar a hablar, a leer y a
escribir, Dallas Dissemination center.
Rosenberg, G.P. & Armendáriz B. et al, (1982). Translations: Spanish Keys for
Kindergarten. State adopted materials published by Economy Company.
(Journal Publications)
Under Review
Rosenberg, G. P. (under review). The use of drama techniques and cultura for
second language acquisition.
Morgan, B., Rosenberg, G. P. & Wells, L. (in press). Undergraduate Hispanic
student response to cooperative learning. College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal.
Morgan, B., & Rosenberg,G. P. (2010). Redisigning curriculum to meet society
needs on both sides of the border. International Journal of Scholarly Academic
Intellectual Diversity. 12 (1).
Rosenberg, G. P. (in press). Aspectos lingüísticos y metodología de la enseñanza
del inglés como segundo idioma. Primera Jornada Binacional de Educación
Intercultural. Universidad de Tamaulipas, México.
Rosenberg, G. P. (in press). Lingüística comparada en la enseñanza del inglés y
técnicas dramáticas. Segunda Jornada Binacional de Educación Intercultural.
Universidad de Tamaulipas, México.
Morgan, B., Rodriguez, A. & Rosenberg, G. P. (2008). Cooperative learning
jigsaw strategies, and reflections of graduate and undergraduate education students. The
College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal. 4 (2): 1-5.
Morgan, B. & Rosenberg, G. P> (2008). Cooperative learning and drama
techniques: A good teaching team for second language acquisition. The International
Journal of Humanities. 3, 223.
Rosenberg, G.P. (1996). La muerte popular en México y en Gringo Viejo de
Carlos Fuentes. Narrativa Hispanoamericana Contemporánea; Entre la Vanguardia y el
Postboom. Editorial Pliegos, Madrid, Spain.
Rosenberg, G.P. (1994). Los personajes de La señorita de Tacna: ¿victimas o
victimarios? Mario Vargas Llosa Opera Omnia. Editorial Pliegos. Madrid, Spain
Rosenberg, G.P. (1992). Aspectos modernos y modernistas de algunos cuentos de
Darío. Congreso Cien Años de Azul. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Rosenberg, G.P. (1991). Comparación de Leyendas de México y la frontera. Still
more Studies in Brownsville History. The University of Texas at Brownsville
Rosenberg, G.P. (1990). Aura-México: ¿realidad o sueño? Interpretaciones a la
obra de Carlos Fuentes. Ediciones Beramar. Madrid, Spain.
Other publications
Morgan, B., Abrego, M., Rosenberg, G. P., Gawenda, P., et al. (2006). Proposasl:
Doctor of Education, (Ed.D. Degree) in Curriculum and Instruction. School of Education,
The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College, TX.
Rosenberg, G.P. (1997). The War of Canudos/La Guerra de Canudos by Joe
Rosenberg, for Professional Performance by Ignacio López Tarso in México City.
Rosenberg, G.P. & Rosenberg, J. (1979). I do, I do/ Acepto, Acepto for
Professional Performance in México City.
Rosenberg, G.P. & Rosenberg, J. (1976). Requiem por un girasol/ Réquiem for a
Sunflower by Jorge Díaz. Over 50 international performances. Performed by various
Rosenberg, G.P. & Rosenberg, J. (1975). Un maldito domingo/One Lousy Sunday
by Osvaldo Dragun.
Rosenberg, G.P. & Rosenberg, J. (1974). Milagro en el Mercado Viejo/ Miracle
in the Old Market by Osvaldo Dragun. Over 100 International Performances.
Rosenberg, G.P. & Rosenberg, J. (1974). Historias para ser contadas/ Stories for
the Theatre by Osvaldo Dragun. (TAIUS, 1976) Over 600 international performances.
Opened American College Theatre Festival at Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Washington D.C. 1997.
(Cassettes, Films, Audios)
Rosenberg, G.P. (1985). ESL Drama Techniques.TABE Convention, San Antonio, Tx.,
Audio Tape Matson Multi-Media Co., Inc.
Rosenberg, G.P. (1982). The Grotesque in Two South American Playwrights, Egon Wolf
and Enrique Buenaventura. ATA Convention, New York, Tape 68, On-the-Spot
Duplicators, Inc.
Rosenberg, G.P. (1982). Contemporary women Playwrights: Garro, Castellanos, Villalta
and Hernández. ATA Convention, New York, Tape 68, On-the-Spot Duplicators, Inc.
Rosenberg, G.P. (1981). Theatre Arts Training as a Means to Develop Expression and
Communication Skills for Selected Bilingual Secondary School Pupils. Dissertation.
(ERIC) Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Rosenberg, G.P. (1980). “Los Chicahuastles”, Latin American Folklore Music. Video
Tape, Educational Channel 16 (KEDT TV), Corpus Christi.
Rosenberg, G.P. & Rosenberg, J. (1978). Historias para ser contadas/Stories for the
Theatre. Video Tape, Educational Channel 16 (KEDT TV), Corpus Christi.
(Video Presentations)
Rosenberg, G.P. with Linda Forse and Mireya Henggler a video session on “Motivation
and Adult ESL Learners” at the Sixth Annual UNAM-SA (Universidad Autonoma de
Mexico en San Antonio) ESL Conference: “Adult ESL in the Electronic Age”. It was
communicated to Colima Mexico and other cities. September 27, 1997.
Rosenberg, G.P., a session on “Piaget en la Educación Bilingüe en Texas” at the Piaget
Video Conference at the University of Tamaulipas in Ciudad Victoria, México. It was
communicated to Ciudad Madero and Tampico. September 26-1996.
Rosenberg, G.P. with Linda Forse a video session on “Adult ESL” at the Fifth Annual
UNAM-SA (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in San Antonio) ESL
Conference: “Teaching and Evaluating Adult ESL Students.” It was communicated to
UNAM in Mexico City and other cities. September 21, 1996.
International Presentations in other Countries
(Chair, Panels)
Rosenberg, G. P. Panel Moderator “Miguel Angel Asturias”. CILCA (Congreso
Internacional de Literatura Centro Americana) Séptimo Congreso, Managua, Nicaragua.
March 1999.
Rosenberg, G.P. Panel Organizer and Moderator “Literatura Colombiana”. SCOLAS
(Southwest Council for Latin American Studies) Annual Convention, Oaxaca, México.
March 1996.
Rosenberg, G.P. Panel Organizer and Moderator “Bilingual Education”. ALDEEU
(Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos ) International
Convention at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. July 1994.
Morgan, B. & Rosenberg, G. P. (2010). Crossing the borders of race, culture and
language in higher education: Re-designing curriculum to meet society needs on both
sides of the border. World Council of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, Turkey.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2010). Mexican women playwrights and their socio-cultural
context. Oxford Round Table: Women in Literature the 19th and 20th Centuries,
Wadham College, Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2009). Using drama in the teaching of children’s literature.
Oxford Round Table: Children’s Literature: Allutions to Culture and Religion Since
1850, Pembroke College, Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2008). The use of drama techniques and culture for second
language acquisition. Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social
Sciences, Monash University Centre, Prato, Tuscany, Italy.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2008). The use of drama techniques and culture for second
language acquisition. Oxford Round Table: Proficiency in Language: Bilingual Education
and English Language Acquisition, Mansfield College, Oxford University, Oxford,
United Kingdom.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2007). The use of drama techniques and culture for second
language acquisition. Oxford Round Table: Bilingual Education. Pembroke College,
Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2006). Transferring skills and drama techniques: Good teaching
approaches for second language acquisition. Oxford Round Table: Bilingual Education.
Lincoln College, Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Morgan, B. & Rosenberg, G. P. (2005). Cooperative learning and drama techniques
a good teaching team for second language acquisition. The Third Interational Conference
on New Directions in the Humanities, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2005). El teatro de Miguel Angel Asturias: más allá de las
máscaras. Decimotercer Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centro Americana
(CILCA) XIII), San Salvador, El Salvador.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2004). Valle Inclán precursor del teatro grotesco
hispanoamericano. Annual convention of Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores
Españoles en los Estados Unidos (ALDEEU), Lorca, Spain.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2003). Analisis de Soluna de Miguel Angel Asturias. The
Thirteenth Annual Afro-Hispanic Literature and Culture Conference, Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2003). Relectura de Azul: aspectos modernos y modernistas.
Congreso Internacional de literatura Centro Americana (CILCA), San Jose, Costa Rica.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2000). El teatro de Miguel Angel Asturias. Presented at the 50
International Congress of Americanists (ICA), Warszawa, Poland.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2000). Mitología Maya and Jung en el teatro de Miguel Angel
Asturias. Octavo Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centro Americana (CILCA),
Antigua, Guatemala.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1999). Jung en el teatro de Miguel Angel Asturias. Séptimo
Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centro Americana (CILCA), Managua, Nicaragua.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1998). Jung en el teatro de Miguel Angel Asturias. Eightieth
Annual Convention of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
(HISPANIA), Madrid, Spain.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1998). El campesino según JUAN Rulfo y Toms Rivera. Tenth
Annual Conference of Afro-Hispanic Literature and Culture, Xalapa, Veracruz México.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1998). Valle Inclán: Precursor del teatro grotesco
hispanoamericano. Annual Convention of Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores
Españoles en los Estados Unidos (ALDEEU), San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1998). El teatro de Miguel Angel Asturias. Annual Conference
of the Southwest Council of Latin American Studies (SCOLAS), Havana, Cuba.
Rosenberg, G.P. (1997). El teatro de Miguel Ángel Asturias. Annual Conference of
the Southwest Council of Latin American Studies (SCOLAS). San Jose, Costa Rica.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1996). El teatro del grotesco en Latinoamérica. Annual
Convention of Asociacién de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos
(ALDEEU), University of León in León Spain.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1996). Relectura de El coronel no tiene quien le escriba de
García Márquez. Annual Convention of the Southwest Council for Latin American
Studies (SCOLAS), Oaxaca, Mexico.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1995). El uso del teatro para el desarrollo del lenguaje. Congreso
Tamaulipeco de Investigación Educativa, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1995). El teatro de Miguel Angel Asturias: más allá de las
máscaras. Third International Symposium of Central America Literature at Guatemala
City, Guatemala.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1994). (Seminar) Contrastive Linguistics and Methodology for
Teaching the English Language. Presented at the University of Tamaulipas, Ciudad
Victoria, Tamaulipas, México.
Rosenberg, G. P. 1994. Tres etapas de Valle Inclán. International convention of
Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos (ALDEEU) at
the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1994). Rubén Darío, moderno y modernista. Relectura de Azul.
Second International Symposium of Central America Literature at Tegucigalpa,
Rosenberg, G. P. (1992). Visión Popular de la muerte en México y en Gringo
Viejo. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Seventy Fourth
Annual meeting, Cancún, Quintana Roo, México.
Rosenberg, G. P. (November, 1991). Panel Participant in discussion sessions
concerning aspects of teaching languages as a member of a delegation of selected
University Linguistic Educators at different universities in Beijing, Nanjing, Shangai, and
Hong Kong in China.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1992). Algunos aspectos culturales y educativos de la Nueva
España del Siglo XVI. Annual Convention Southwest Council of Latin American Studies
(SCOLAS), Mérida, Yucatán, México.
Rosenberg, G. P. (May, 1992). Panel Participant in discussion sessions concerning
aspects of teaching reading as a member of a delegation of selected University Reading
Educators at different universities in Budapest, Hungary; Moscow, and St. Petersburg in
Rosenberg, G.P. (1990). Algunos aspectos culturales y educativos de la Nueva
España del Siglo XVI. Primer Congreso de Literatura at the Universidad de las Américas,
Puebla, México.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1990). Juan Rulfo y Tomas Rivera. Annual Convention
Southwest Council of Latin American Studies (SCOLAS), Monterrey, Nuevo León,
National, State and Regional Presentations
(Chair, Panels)
Rosenberg, G. P., as a co-author: Lectura Scott Foresman, participated in the Spanish
Reading Authors Panel Discussion. The Moderator was Delia Pompa, Director of
OBLEMA, Department of Education, D. C. at the Annual Convention of the National
Association of Bilingual Education (NABE), Denver, Colorado, January, 1999.
Rosenberg, G. P. Panel Moderator, Session: The Parameters of Cultural Diversity, at the
Annual Conference of the Southwest Theatre Association (SWAT), Shreverport/Bossier,
Louisiana, November, 1999.
Rosenberg, G. P. by invitation participated in a panel: Global Education, at the University
of Tamaulipas, Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México, October, 1998.
Rosenberg, G. P. as a member participated in the meeting of Multicultural Affairs
Committee, at the Annual Conference of the Southwest Theatre Association (SWAT),
Forth Worth, Texas, November, 1998.
Rosenberg, G. P. Chair a panel: Ethno-Linguistic Patterns of Theatre in Our Future, at the
Annual Conference of the Southwest Theatre Association (SWAT), Alburquerque, New
Mexico, November, 1997.
Rosenberg, G.P. Panel Moderator, Session “Tomas Rivera” VII Annual International
Symposium on Spanish Topic: Hispanic-American Writers in the United States. The
University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, Texas. April 1993.
Rosenberg, G.P., Panel Moderator, at the V Annual International Symposium on Spanish
at the University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, Texas. April, 1991.
Rosenberg, G.P., Facilitator for the First Annual Alternative Teacher Certification
National Conference at South Padre Island, Texas. April, 1991.
Rosenberg, G.P., Panel Moderator at the IV Annual International Symposium on Spanish
Topic: Latin American Poetry. The University of Texas-Pan American. Edinburg, Texas.
April, 1990.
Morgan, B., Rodriguez, A. & Rosenberg, G. P. (2011). Results: Hispanic preservice teachers engage ESL learners in literature with cooperative learning and drama.
American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. (under review
Rodriguez, A., Morgan, B. & Rosenberg, G. P.(2011). Engaging ESL learners in
literature through cooperative learning and drama. Teaching English to Speakers of Other
Languages, New Orleans, LA. (under review)
Rosenberg, G. P.& Morgan, B. (2011). Using cooperative learning, music, and
drama in the ESL classroom. National Association of Bilingual Education, New Orleans,
LA. (under review)
Morgan, B. & Rosenberg, G. P.(2010). Crossing the borders of race, culture and
language in higher education: Re-designing curriculum to meet society needs on both
sides of the border. World Council of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, Turkey.
Morgan, B., Rosenberg, G. P.& Wells, L. (2010). Undergraduate Hispanic student
response to cooperative learning. American Educational Research Association, Denver,
Rosenberg, G. P. (2010). Mexican women playwrights and their socio-cultural
context. Oxford Round Table: Women in Literature: the 19th and 20th Centuries, Wadham
College, Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Rosenberg, G. P. & Morgan, B. (2010). The power of drama, music, and
cooperative learning in the ESL classroom. National Association of Bilingual Education,
Denver, CO.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2009). Estimulando la educación y cultura con un lazo integral
del hogar, escuela y comunidad. Segunda Jornada Binacional de Educación Intercultural,
Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México.
Rosenberg, G. P.(2009). Lingüística comparada en la enseñanza del inglés y
técnicas dramáticas. Segunda Jornada Binacional de Educación Intercultural,
Brownsville, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2009). Using drama in the teaching of children’s literature.
Oxford Round Table: Children’s Literature: Allusions to Culture and Religion Since
1850, Pembroke College, Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Rosenberg, G. P. Morgan, B. & Parson, P. (2009). Powerful strategies for ESL:
drama, music, and cooperative learning. National Association of Bilingual Education,
Austin, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2008). Aspectos lingüísticos y metodología de la enseñanza del
inglés como segundo idioma. Primera Jornada Binacional de Educación Intercultural.
Brownsville, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. & Morgan, B. (2008). The power of drama, music, and
cooperative learning in the ESL classroom. Texas Association of Bilingual Education,
Arlington, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2008). The use of drama techniques and culture for second
language acquisition. Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social
Sciences, Monash University Centre, Prato, Tuscany, Italy.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2008). The use of drama techniques and culture for second
language acquisition. Oxford Round Table: Proficiency in Language: Bilingual Education
and English Language Acquisition, Mansfield College, Oxford University, Oxford,
United Kingdom.
Morgan, B. & Rosenberg, G. P. (2008). Using cooperative learning, music, and
drama techniques in ESL classrooms. National Association of Bilingual Education,
Tampa, FL.
Rosenberg, G. P. & Morgan, B. (2007). Drama and music make reading come
alive. Texas Association of Bilingual Education, San Antonio, Texas.
Morgan, B., Abrego, M. & Rosenberg, G. P. (2007) Increasing access: Process
and product, the development of a doctorate. Association of Teacher Educators. San
Diego, CA.
Morgan, B., Rosenberg, G. P. & Rodriguez, A. (2007). Cooperative learning,
jigsaw, and reflections of graduate and undergraduate education students. American
Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2007). The use of drama techniques and culture for second
language acquisition. Oxford Round Table: Bilingual Education. Pembroke College,
Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Rosenberg G. P. & Morgan, B. (2007). Teaching English as a second language
using cooperative learning with music and drama. National Association of Bilingual
Education, San Jose, CA.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2006). Transferring skills from Spanish reading to English
reading or vice-versa. Texas Association of Bilingual Education, Galveston, TX.
Rosenberg. G. P. (2006). Estructura del español para la enseñanza de la lectura y
escritura en el salón bilingüe. Strengthening Language Arts Instruction in the Bilingual &
ESL Classroom, conference sponsored by Texas A & M University Corpus Christi,
Department of Education, South Padre Island, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2006). Garro, Hernández, and Vilalta: Mexican women
playwrights. Annual convention of the Popular Culture Association and American
Culture Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
Morgan, B., Rodriguez, A. & Rosenberg, G. P. (2006). Cooperative learning and
jigsaw II strategies’ effectiveness, and reflections of graduate and undergraduate
education students. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2006). Transferring skills and drama techniques: Good teaching
approaches for second language acquisition. Oxford Round Table: Bilingual Education.
Lincoln College, Oxford University, United Kingdom.
Morgan, B. & Rosenberg, G. P. (2006). Cooperative learning and drama
techniques: A good teaching team for second language acquisition. National Association
of Bilingual Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Rosenberg, G. P. & Rodriguez, A. (2005). Drama & music make reading come
alive. Texas Association of Bilingual Education, Corpus Christi, TX.
Morgan, B. & Rosenberg, G. (2005). Cooperative learning and drama techniques
a good teaching team for second language acquisition. The Third International
Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, University of Cambridge, United
Rosenberg, G. P. (2005). From Autos to Actos Spanish and Mexican-American
plays. Annual convention of the Popular Culture Association and American Culture
Association, San Diego, CA.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2005). El teatro de Miguel Angel Asturias: más allá de las
mascaras. Decimotercer Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centro Americana (CILCA
XIII), San Salvador, El Salvador.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2005). Transferring skills from Spanish reading to English
reading and vice-versa. National Association of Bilingual Association, San Antonio, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. & Perez, E. C. (2004). Migrant Head Start. Texas Association of
Bilingual Education, El Paso, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2004). Valle Inclán precursor del teatro grotesco
hispanoamericano. Annual convention of Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores
Españoles de los Estados Unidos (ALDEEU), Lorca, Spain.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2004). Mexican American Ghosts and Spirits. Annual
convention of the Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association, San
Antonio, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2004). Transferring skills from Spanish reading to English
reading and vice-versa. Annual Bilingual Conference at Texas A & M Kingsville
University, Kingsville, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2004. Transferring skills from Spanish reading to English
reading and vice-versa. National Association of Bilingual Education, Albuquerque, NM.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2003). Analisis de Soluna de Miguel Angel Asturias. The
Thirteenth Annual Afro-Hispanic Literature and Culture Conference, Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2003). Relectura de Azul: aspectos modernos y modernistas.
Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana (CILCA), San Jose, Costa Rica.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2003). Bilingual Reading. Bryan Independent School District,
Bryan, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2003). Mexican American Folktales. Annual convention of the
Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association, New Orleans, LA.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2003). Transferring skills from Spanish reading to English
reading and vice-versa. National Association of Bilingual Education, New Orleans, LA.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2003). Mexican American Folktales. Annual Convention of the
Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2003). Transferring skills from Spanish reading to English
reading and vice-versa. National Association of Bilingual Education, New Orleans,
Rosenberg, G. P. (2002). Native language literacy instruction and transfer of skills
from Spanish Reading to English. Demonstration session presented for teachers and
graduate students at Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2002). Techniques to improve bilingual literacy. Demonstration
session presented for teachers and administerators at Syracuse Special Education
Training and Resource Center (SETRC), Syracuse, NY.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2002). Reading transferring skills from Spanish Reading to
English Reading and vice-versa. National Association of Bilingual Education,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2002). The transfer of Reading skills: Spanish to English. Annual
Spring Bilingual Conference Texas A & M University Kingsville, Texas.
Rosenberg G. P. (2001). Transferring skills from Spanish Reading to English
Reading or vice-versa. Texas Association of Bilingual Education, Dallas, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2001). Miguel Angel Asturias’ theater and Jung’s symbols of
transformation. Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2001). Transferring skills from Spanish Reading to English
Reading or vice-versa. National Association of Bilingual Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Rosenberg, G. P. Reading transferring skills from Spanish Reading to English
Reading and vice-versa. Texas Association of Bilingual Education, El Paso, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2000). Mexican American Ghosts & Spirits. Popular Culture
Association and American Culture Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Rosenberg, G. P. (2000). Implementing quality native language literacy programs
for language minority students. Demonstration session presented for teachers and
graduate students at Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.
Rosenberg, G. P., Coronado, L. & Garcia, N. (2000). Music & drama make
Reading come alive. National Association of Bilingual Education, San Antonio, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P., Coronado, L. & Garcia, N. (1999). Drama and music make
reading come alive. Texas Association of Bilingual Education, Corpus Christi, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1999). La creatividad a través del uso del lenguaje y la cultura.
Early Childhood Conference at the University of Texas at Brownsville, Texas.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1999). Teaching literacy skills in Spanish as a native language
(Desarrollo de la lectura en español). Demonstration session presented for teachers and
graduatestudents at Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1999). The relation of Mayan mythology to modern
psychoanalitic thought. Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association,
San Diego, CA.
Rosenberg, G. P., Ceballos, A., Garcia, N. & Spanier, M. (1999). Drama & music
make Reading come alive. Demostration session presented with graduate students at the
Annuakl Spring Bilingual Conference at Texas A & M University Kingsville, Kingsville,
Rosenberg, G. P., Curtis, M. & Willis, L. (1998). A BilingualGlossary for
Educators. Poster session presented at the 19th Southeast International Reading
Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1998). ESL Suggestopedia Method: Does it work? Texas
Association of Bilingual Education, San Antonio, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1998). Tres etapas de Valle Inclán. Presented at the International
Symposium on Spanish at the University of Texas-Pan-American, Edinburg, TX.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1998). Mexican American Folktales. Popular Culture
Association and American Culture Association, Orlando, FL.
Rosenberg, G. P. (1998). Fun activities for teaching ESL. Demonstration session
presented at the Annual Spring Bilingual Conference at Texas A & M University
Kingsville, Kingsville, TX.
Rosenberg , G. P., Avila Marquez, V., Duarte, G., Gonzalez, O., Santillana, T., &
Vela, M. E. (1998). Two countries, two universities, and two yars of bilingual
colaboration. Symposium presented at the National Association of Bilingual Education,
Dallas, TX.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper on “The Grotesque in Latin American Theatre”
at the 27th Popular Culture and American Culture Association Annual Convention in San
Antonio, Texas. March, 1997.
Rosenberg, G.P., a session with a Graduate Student on “ESL Suggestopedia
Method: Does it work?” at the 23rd Annual Spring Bilingual Conference at Texas A & M
University in Kingsville, Texas. March, 1997.
Rosenberg, G.P., (Co-presenter) “ A Binational Project in Ciudad Victoria,
Mexico: Issues of Cultural Sensitivity and Practice”. NABE 26th Annual International
Bilingual/Multicultural Education Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. February,
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper on “The Theme of Popular Death in Mexican
Playwrights” at the Southwest Theatre Annual Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
November, 1996.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Capacitación lingüística y cultural para el maestro bilingüe”.
Octava Jornada Pedagógica Internacional para la Educación Bilingüe: un Futuro sin
Fronteras. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA. November, 1996.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Carlos Fuentes Old Gringo: Exploration of a
Mexican Saying”. Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting Popular Culture and American Culture
Association, Las Vegas, Nevada. March, 1996.
Rosenberg, G.P., (Presentation with Graduate Students) “ El uso de la literatura en
la enseñanza de las artes del lenguaje en Mexico y en Texas:. 22nd Annual Spring
Bilingual Conference at Texas A & M University, Kingsville, Texas. March 1996.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Bilingual Education in the16th Century”.
Brownsville Association of the Education of Young Children, Brownsville, Texas.
February 1996.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Multicultural Fun Activities of Motivate Students for Second
Language Acquisition”. Twenty-third Annual Conference TABE (Texas Association of
Bilingual Education), El Paso, Texas. November 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Spanish Children’s Theater”. Southwest Theatre Association
Annual Convention. Dallas, Texas. November, 1995
Rosenberg, G.P., “Los Padres como lectores”. Session presented at Southmost
Elementary School in Brownsville, Texas. November 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., (Presenter on panel discussion) “Bilingual Education”. First
Binational Border Education Meeting in Matamoros, Mexico. October 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Bilingual Education: Good Policy or Bad Policy”. Presented
for the Fall Social Sciences Symposium in Brownsville, Texas. September, 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Taking pride in our Language/Tener orgullo de nuestro
idioma”. International Literacy Day for Parents at Southmost Elementary School,
Brownsville, Texas. September, 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Overview and Cultural Heritage Model” Lower Valley CPDT
Mini Conference of Multicultural Diversity for Mentor Teachers in Brownsville, Texas.
August, 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., a session “The Use of the Theater for Language Development”.
Texas Foreign Language Spring Conference at Padre Island, Texas. April, 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Evolution of the Mexican Woman as a Playwright”. Twentyfifth Annual Meeting Popular Culture and American Culture Association, Philadelphia,
Penn. April, 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “La muerte popular en México y en Gringo
Viejo”. IX Annual International Symposium on Spanish at the University of Texas Pan
American, Edinburg, Texas. April, 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., (Presentation with Graduate Students) “Integrating Culture and
Spanish Language Skills in the Bilingual Classroom”. 21st Annual Spring Bilingual
Conference at Texas A & M University, Kingsville, Texas. March, 1995.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Drama Techniques and Cooperative Learning for Second
Language Acquisition”. 22nd Annual Conference TABE (Texas Association of Bilingual
Education), Austin, Texas. November 1994.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Hispanic Theater for Youth”. Southwest Theatre Association
Annual Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana. November, 1994.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Didactismo por humor en los Entremeses de
Cervantes”. VIII Annual International Symposium on Spanish. University of Texas-Pan
American, Edinburg, Texas. April, 1994.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research paper “The Woman’s Role in the Mexican Corrido”.
Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting Popular Culture and American Culture Association,
Chicago, Illinois. April 1994.
Rosenberg, G.P., (Presentation with Graduate Students) “Teaching Oral Language
and Spanish Reading”. 20th Annual Spring Bilingual Conference at Texas A & M
University, Kingsville, Texas. March, 1994.
Rosenberg, G.P., (Presentation with Graduate Students) “Spanish Reading:
Phonetic or Global Methods?”. STAR (South Texas Advancement of Reading
Conference), Brownsville, Texas. February, 1994.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Latin American Children’s Theater”. Southwest Theatre
Association Annual Convention. Little Rock, AK. November, 1993.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper, “Sobre Literatura y Critica Mexicana”.
Hispania (The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese) SeventyFifth Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. August, 1993.
Whole Day Institute “Literacy from a Global Perspective”. Presenters were from
Hungary, Russia and the United States. “Advances in TESOL” was my research
contribution presented at the International Reading Association 38th Annual Convention
in San Antonio, Texas. April 26-30, 1993.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Some Cultural and Educational Aspects of the
16th Century Nueva Espana”. Twenty-Third Annual Meeting Popular Culture
Association, New Orleans, LA. April 8, 1993.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “El tema de la angustia etnica en Y no se lo
trago la tierra de Tomas Rivera”. VII Annual International Symposium on
Spanish Topic: Hispanic-American Writers in the United States. University of
Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, Texas. April, 1993.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Disyuncion Politico Literaria entre Martin
Fierro y Facundo Southwest Council for Latin American Studies, Texas A & M
University, College Station, Texas. March, 1993.
Rosenberg, G.P., Southwest Theatre Association Annual Convention, Arlington,
Texas. November 1992.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Creating Independent Learners for the Year 2000: Texas
Annual Migrant Education Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas. November, 1992.
Rosenberg, G.P., “El uso de técnicas dramáticas en la enseñanza del lenguaje”. V
Annual International Symposium on Spanish, University of Texas-Pan American,
Edinburg, Texas. April, 1991.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Cooperative Learning in the Bilingual Classroom”. 17th Annual
Spring Bilingual Conference at Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas. 1991
Rosenberg, G.P., “Networking Students: Cooperative Learning in the Foreign
Second Language Classroom”. Presented twice at the Texas Foreign Language
Association Fall Conference, Fort Worth, Texas. October, 1990.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “La existencia y la muerte en algunos poemas
de Cesar Vallejo” IV Annual International Symposium on Spanish topic: Latin American
Poetry, University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, Texas. April, 1990.
Rosenberg, G.P., ”Reading Transferring Skills from Spanish to English”
Sixteenth Annual Spring Bilingual Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville,
Texas. February, 1990.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Leyendas de Mexico y la Frontera” Conference
of South Texas Folklore, Texas A & I, Kingsville, Texas, 1989.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Nurturing Success: Activities for ESL” TABE (Texas
Association of Bilingual Education) Eighteenth Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.
October, 1989.
Rosenberg, G.P. “Experiencing Culture Through Language: A potpourri of
Classroom Activities”, Texas Foreign Language Association Annual Conference, San
Antonio, Texas. 1989.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Literatura gauchesca: ¿fantasía o realidad?”
Ninth Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literature. University of
Cincinnati, Ohio. May, 1989.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Fun Activities for ESL” and “Drama Techniques for Language
Arts Development” Texas State Annual Migrant Education Conference, Corpus Christi,
Texas. November, 1988.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Aspectos modernos y modernistas de algunos
cuentos de Darío” International Symposium: Congreso Internacional para celebrar el
centenario de la publicación de Azul de Darío. University of Northern Iowa. November,
Rosenberg, G.P., “Drama in the Second/Foreign Language Classroom”. State Fall
Conference of Texas Foreign Language Association, Austin, Texas. October, 1988.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Bilingual Children’s Theatre: “El gato sin amigos/ The Cat
Who Had No Friends”. Goddard College Alumnae Reunion, Plainfield, Vermont. June,
Rosenberg, G.P., “Theatre Arts and the Essential Elements”, Robstown ISD,
Robstown, Texas. June, 1988.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Language Attitudes: A Multi-Group Perception of the Spanish
Language”, Inquiry Day Conference “Issues in Education and Research”, College of
Education, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas. April, 1988.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper, “Rubén Darío: moderno y modernista”
SCOLAS, Southwest Conference of Latin American Studies, San Antonio, Texas. April,
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper, “The Spanish Language in Mexican American
Literature” Second Annual Symposium on Spanish Language at Pan American
University, Edinburg, Texas. 1988.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Language Transfer Skills. Why? What? How? When?”
Fourteenth Annual Spring Conference at Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas.
February 1988.
Rosenberg, G.P. & M. Barrera, “Culture in the Classroom: What? When? How?”
TABE (Texas Association for Bilingual Education), Corpus Christi, Texas. November,
Rosenberg, G.P. & M. Barrera, “Spanish for the Bilingual Classroom.” TABE
(Texas Association for Bilingual Education), Corpus Christi, Texas. November, 1987.
Rosenberg, G.P. “Fine Arts and the Essential Elements: What? When? How?”
Thirteenth Annual Spring Bilingual Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville,
Texas. March, 1987.
Rosenberg, G.P. “Tecnicas teatrales en la ensenanza bilingue”. Symposium Rio
Grande Research Group for Language and LIngusitics. Pan American University,
Brownsville, Texas. March 1987.
Rosenberg, G.P. & J. Rosenberg, Bilingual Theatre Company, “Interlocking
Narration: A New Technique for Teaching ESL.” National Association of Bilingual
Educators (NABE), Denver, Colorado. April, 1987.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Aura-México: ¿realidad o sueno? Carlos
Fuentes International Symposium, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. April,
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Realidad y ficción en los cuentos de Rulfo.
Southwest Council for Latin American Studies, Nacogdoches, Texas. March 1987.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Ruben Dario, moderno y modernista.
Southwest Council for Latin American Studies, Dallas, Texas. 1986.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Interlocking Narration: A New Technique for Educators.”
Southwest Theater Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 1986.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Fine Arts and the Essential Elements: Twelfth Annual Spring
Bilingual Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas. February, 1986.
Rosenberg, G.P., “ESL Drama Techniques” NABE (National Association of
Bilingual Educators), San Francisco, CA. 1985.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Fine Arts and the Essential Elements: What? When? How?
“Eleventh Annual Spring Bilingual Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville,
Texas. February, 1985.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Language Usage, Language Attitudes, and Language
Instruction in the Lower Rio Grande Valley”: Western Social Science Association, Fort
Worth, Texas. 1985.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Analysis of “The Night of the Swallow” by Estela Portillo”
Southwest Theater Conference, Little Rock, AK. November, 1985.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Towards a Minority Aesthetic Policy” Southwest Theater
Conference”. Houston, Texas. November, 1984.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Culture in the Classroom: What? When? How? Tenth Annual
Spring Bilingual Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas. March, 1984.
Rosenberg, G.P., “ESL Drama Techniques” TABE (Texas Association of
Bilingual Education), Fort Worth, Texas. November, 1983.
Rosenberg, G.P. “Esthetics of an Integrated Theatre: The Latin American
Viewpoint.” Southwest Theatre Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. November, 1983.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Latin American Theatre”, American Theatre
Association, Minneapolis, MN. August, 1983.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Simplification of the Spanish Accent Rules”, Ninth Annual
Spring Bilingual Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas. 1983.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “The Grotesque in Two Latin American
Playwrights”, American Theatre Association, New York, NY. August, 1982.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Mexican American Culture”, Eighth Annual Spring Bilingual
Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas. February, 1982.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “From Autos to Actos” Southwest Theatre
Conference, Albuquerque, NM. October, 1981.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Teatro Comprometido: Background and
Horizons of the New Dramaturgy in Latin America. Santander and the New Theatre”
American Theatre Association, Dallas, Texas. August, 1981.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Spanish Language Skills” Region I Bilingual Conference,
Edinburg, Texas. April, 1981.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Mexican American Heritage” Parental Involvement
Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas. Spring, 1981.
Rosenberg, G.P., “Drama Techniques for Oral Language Development”
Children’s Literature Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas. 1981.
Rosenberg, G.P., “ESL Unstructured Techniques. Fun Activities for English
Language Development”. Seventh Annual Spring Bilingual Conference. Texas A & I
University, Kingsville, Texas. 1981.
Rosenberg, G.P., Research Paper “Jorge Díaz, Latin American Playwright.”
American Theatre Association, San Diego, CA. 1980.
Rosenberg, G.P. & M.K. Caples “Drama Techniques in Second Language
Development” Fifth Annual Spring Bilingual Conference, Texas A & I University,
Kingsville, Texas. 1979.
Rosenberg, G.P., Caples, Garza, Rivera. “Teaching Culture” Fourth Annual
Spring Bilingual Conference, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas. March, 1978
In-Service Consultancies
Devising a Program Guide for teaching Spanish Language skills to bilingual teachers in
Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington, July, 1987.
Devising a TEAMS version in Spanish to use as a pre-test at Brownsville and other South
Texas School Districts, Brownsville ISD. 1986.
Directed and worked with K-6 Bilingual teachers to implement Science and Social
Studies units designed by Raymondville School District. Materials were designed for
implementation of the units. Activities can be used in learning centers. Raymondville
ISD. 1984-85.
Supervisor of 6th grade teachers on development of ESL Social Studies Learning Centers
to facilitate teaching the MacMillan textbook “Nations of the World”. San Benito ISD.
Spring, 1983.
Designed and directed a project with sixth grade teachers to help the bilingual and regular
students increase their English speaking skills for social studies. Materials were designed
and set up in a booklet. ESL Social Studies Learning Centers, San Benito ISD. Summer,
Supervisor Bilingual Education Programs grades 1-6 in La Encantada School, San Benito
ISD. Spring, 1982.
Humanist discussion leader in six communities of Texas for Texas Committee for the
Humanities on subject of value of bilingual drama to Hispanics. Included Southern
Methodist University of Dallas, University of Texas at Arlington, Our Lady of the Lake
University at San Antonio, Texas. 1980-81.
Santillana Publishing Company regarding teacher in-service sessions on use of Santillana
Language Arts Materials.
Supervisor at Robstown, Texas for the Adult Education Center, Doctoral Project under
Dr. David Zufelt at Texas A & I University. Spring, 1978.
(Seminars and Institutes)
“Literacy from a Global Perspective” Presenters from Russia, Hungary, and the United
States, at the 38th Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, San
Antonio, Texas. April, 1993.
“Spanish Skills for Bilingual Teacher” to help teachers develop their Spanish Language
Skills in order to function in the bilingual classroom. It included several aspects of the
Spanish language, linguistics, grammar and oral language development. Materials were
developed by the presenter. Brownsville ISD. Fall, 1985, Spring & Fall 1986 & 1987.
“Spanish for the monolingual Teacher” to help monolingual teachers function in bilingual
classroom situations. It included practical vocabulary for the classroom. Materials were
developed by the presenter. Brownsville ISD. Fall 1985, Spring & Fall 1986 & 1987.
“Enriching Curriculum in Early Childhood Education: Fine Arts for the Young Child.”
Mini-course at Texas A & I University. Fall, 1984. Materials developed by the presenter.
“Spanish Language Skills for Bilingual Teachers”, Institutes level I and II. They included
several aspects of the Spanish Language, linguistics and grammar, as well as
methodology for teaching the language arts. Materials were developed by the presenter.
Sixteen series of three or five whole day sessions were presented for bilingual teachers
and aides at Robstown ISD, 1980, Kingsville, 1981, Corpus Christi, 1982, & San Benito
ISD, 1981-82.
“Spanish Language Skills Institute for Doctoral Studies.” Six days of intensive training
on Spanish language, linguistics, grammar, orthography, syntax and prosody. It was
presented for doctoral students at Texas A & I University. Summer 1981. Materials were
developed by the presenter.
“Spanish Language Skills for Monolingual Teachers.” It included a comparison of the
structures of the Spanish and English languages. Series of three to five whole day
intensive training sessions to help monolingual teachers function in bilingual classroom
situations. San Benito ISD, March and April, 1982. Materials were developed by the
“Teaching Reading in Spanish.” Included methodology for teaching reading in Spanish,
use of materials, oral language development, and skills that can be transferred from
Spanish reading to English reading. Series of three whole day sessions at Kingsville,
Brooks County, Benavides and San Diego ISD’s.
(Workshops 150 +)
Titles of workshops presented several times in various school districts throughout South
Texas in the Following Areas:
Teaching the Language Arts in Spanish
Teaching the Language Arts in Spanish and English
Oral Language Development in Spanish
Oral Language Development in Spanish and English
Teaching Spanish Reading
Teaching English Reading
Teaching Writing Skills for Grades K-6
Teaching Spanish Grammar
Advanced Spanish for Bilingual Teachers
Teaching the Spanish Language in a Bilingual Program for Parents’ Conference
Spanish Terminology for the Content Area
Spanish Vocabulary for Science and Mathematics
Teaching Social Studies
Teaching Science in the Bilingual Classroom
Teaching Science in Spanish (Primary and Intermediate Grades)
Teaching Math in Spanish and English
The Metric System
ESL (English as a Second Language) for State Training Institute. “Structured
Tecniques” co-writer and co-presenter Texas A & I University 1977-78.
Teaching ESL (English as a Second Languag
ESL Structured Techniques
ESL Unstructured Techniques
ESL Classroom Management
ESL in the Content Areas
ESL Individualized Instruction
ESL Fun Activities for Oral Language Development
Teaching Language through Drama Techniques
ESL Drama Techniques
Individualized Instruction
Individualized Instruction in Bilingual Education
Classroom Management
Classroom Management in Bilingual Education
Use of Teacher’s Aides
Learning Centers
Mexican American Culture
Teaching Mexican-American Culture
Teaching Mexican American Folklore
Mexican-American Folklore
Teaching Mexican-American Culture in Adult Education ESL Courses
Teaching Children’s Literature
Latin American Folklore Music. Co-presenter with Mexican Folklore Music Group, “Los
Chicahuastles”, sponsored by Texas A & I University and Kingsville ISD, April, 1982
Teaching the Fine Arts
The Fine Arts and the Essential Elements
Theater Arts in the Elementary Curriculum. Lower Rio Grande Valley Teacher Center,
Fall student Teacher Supervisors Conference, Brownsville, Texas. Fall 1985.
Theatre Arts in the Elementary Curriculum. Co-presenter with “Teatro Bilingue” for
Lower Rio Grande Valley Teacher Center, Spring Student Teacher Supervisors
Conference, Brownsville, Texas. April, 1986.
These workshops were presented in the years 1977 to 2001 in the following school
districts: Kingsville, Corpus Christi, San Diego, Alice Brooks County (Falfurrias),
Benavides, Robstown, San Benito, Brownsville, West Oso, Raymondville, Roma, La
Joya, Santa Maria, Pharr-San Juan-Alamo, Hidalgo and Rio Hondo.
Inventory of Courses Taught
EDSL 4307 Foundations of Bilingual/ESL (Previously: Foundations of ESL)
EDSL 4306 Content Area Methods in the ESL Classroom
BILS 3312 Teaching Reading in the Bilingual Classroom
BILS 3314 Content Area Methodology in the Bilingual Classroom
EDLI 4367 Teaching Reading to the English Language Learner
EDSL 4308 Teaching ESL in the 2nd-4th Grade
EDSC 4380 Teaching ESL 8-12
BILC 4320 English as a Second Language
BILC 3320 English as a Second Language
EDCI 3324 Taching English as a Second Language
BILC 4325 Spanish Literacy in a Dual Language Program
EDCI 4303 First Language Learning and Second Language Acquisition
EDCI 4611 Direct Teaching Elementary
EDCI 4320 Direct Teaching Elementary
EDCI 4311 Direct Teaching Elementary
SPAN 4369 Latin American Theater
EDCI 8342 Content Area Instruction in Bilingual Programs
EDCI 6324 Language Acquisition and Implications for Teaching
(Previously: Second Language Teaching: Theory and Methodology)
EDCI 6327 ESL Techniques in the Content Areas EDCI 6325 ESL for Bilingual and Multicultural Settings (Previously: ESL for International and Intercultural Settings) EDCI 6326 Current Practices in Adult ESL Settings EDCI 6328 Problems in Teaching English as a Second Language EDCI 6320 Practicum in Teaching ESL EDCI 6336 Problems in Education EDCI 6322 The Bilingual Child EDCI 6319 Practicum in Bilingual Education EDCI 6316 Development & Assessment of Psycholinguistic Process EDCI 6330 The Curriculum in the Elementary School EDCI 6335 Teaching Elementary School Subjects in Bilingual Schools READ 6309 Topics in Reading EDCI 7300 Thesis ESL Master (Elementary Education Master) EDCI 7301 Thesis ESL Master (Elementary Education Master) SERVICE (To the University) Member, doctoral Program Committee.
Member, Segunda Jornada Binacional de Educación Intercultural. Organized with
professors from the University of Tamaulipas in Ciudad Victoria this conference took
place during the month of October, 2009, one day in Matamoros and one day in UTB.
Member, Primera Jornada Binacional de Educación Intercultural.. Organized with
professors from the University of Tamaulipas in Ciudad Victoria this Binational
Conference of Intercultural Education took place during the month of October, 2008, one
day in Matamoros and one day in UTB.
Member, 15th Annual Binational Conference, Educación Integral para la Vida that took
place during the month of November 2008. Served in registration.
Member, Comprehensive Exam Committee for Luz Marshall M.A.I.S. 2008. Participated
preparing a question with her advisor Dr. Sherry McCullough from Behavioral Sciences.
Members, SACS 3.5.1. Taskforce. Worked with Edith Galy, Ava S. Miller, David Fisher,
and Natalia V. Guevara to address SACS Comprehension Standard 3.5.1.
Member, Master Thesis Committee for Aida Stinson Reivindicación de la Hispanidad en
la Obra Literaria de Alma Flor Ada. Master’s of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies with
concentration in Spanish. (2007).
Member Task Force on Student Success Subcommittee # 21. Student will appreciate
knowledge through life-long learning.
Member of the Committee to develop the Doctorate, Curriculum and Instruction, School
of Education, 2005-2006. Participated in all the planning and elaborating meetings with
Dr. Morgan, Chair of the Committee, and the other members, Dr. Abrego and Dr.
Gawenda. I researched other doctoral programs and provided input.
Advisor to the Student Organization “Teatro Laberinto” (2003-2005). The objective of
this students club was to promote Spanish theater.
(To the School/College) Working with Matamoros professor and Dr. Morgan to establish a Master Degree in
Curriculum and Instruction with specialization in ESL for Mexican teachers. (20092010).
Member, Doctoral Program Committee. Attended most of the monthly meetings for
College of Education Faculty to learn and provide input for the Doctoral Program. (2007present).
Participated in reviewing the applications for the Doctoral Program and I served in the
interviews to select first, second, third, and fourth cohorts. (Spring 2007, 2008, 2009, and
Member, Dissertation Committee for three doctoral students. (2009-present).
With Dr. Morgan, took students to China where we visited schools, during the Summer
2009. I taught a course EDCI 6325 ESL for Bilingual and Multicultural Settings, part in
Taught and developed materials for the doctoral course EDCI 8342 Content Area
Instruction in Bilingual Programs. This course was taught for the first time during the
Fall 2009.
Conducted half day Review Sessions for Bilingual/ESL ExCET, now TExES exam
during the following days: October 10, 2008; October 12, 2007; October 6, and February
10, 2006; September 17, 2004; and March 29, 2003. The number of students attending
was 15, 30, 20, 35, 35, and 45, respectively.
Help individual students to prepare for the Bilingual/ESL TExES exams.
Chair, Teacher Education Committee. (2003-2008).
Member, Solution and Appeals Committee. Doctoral Program in Curriculum and
Instruction with Specialization in Bilingual Education. Assisted in establishing admission
criteria procedures for appeals. Spring 2007.
Work with the Solution and Appeals Committee to develop a Grievance Statement for the
Doctoral Student Handbook, and Appeal Process for individuals not selected for the
doctoral program. Spring 2007.
Last official observer for Guiness World Record for continuous reading aloud by a team
of education professors and students. Spring 2007.
Member, of the Doctoral Studies Committee. Participation in course development with
Dr. David Freeman for Ed.D. Program in Curriculum & Instruction with Specialization in
Bilingual Studies. EDCI # 8342 Content Area Instruction in Bilingual Programs, and
EDCI # 8341 Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition.
Participated with Dr. Morgan in arranging the Spring Brake 2006 trip to Madrid, Spain.
Twenty two educators participated. We visited primary and secondary schools as well as
museums. I personally arranged the school visitations through the Spanish Embassy.
(To the Department) Program coordinator for the ESL Master Program (until Summer 2009).
Contributed in the development of the Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Plan
documents for the Master’s in Bilingual Education and Master’s in ESL. (2009).
Begun work with my ESL colleague and bilingual faculty to join the bilingual and ESL
programs. (2009).
Helped in the scheduling of undergraduate bilingual and ESL courses for the Spring
Member, Search Committee for C&I curriculum generalist position 2008-2009).
Member, Personnel Committee ( Year 2004, and Fall 2007- Summer 2008).
Member, Committee for Bilingual Education and ESL. Collaborated in the Program
revisions to the Master in ESL. (2008).
Member, Search Committee for Curriculum and Instruction Secondary Specialist. (2008).
Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum. (Fall 2003 to Summer 2007).
Member, Undergraduate Curriculum. (Fall 2003 to Summer 2007).
Member, Committee for Bilingual Education and ESL. Collaborated in the Program
revisions to the Master in ESL. 2007.
Member of Thesis Committee with Dr. Bobbette Morgan (Chair), and Dr. James Telese
for Michael Grebb. Thesis completed Spring 2008: Improving, Homework Completion
Rates in the Middle School.
Served on the Search Committee for Curriculum Generalist (FY-07-34). Committee: Dr.
Alma Rodriguez (Chair) and Dr. Bobbette Morgan, 2007-2008. Position filed: Dr.
Hannah Gerber.
Member, Early Childhood-4th Grade Bilingual Generalist. 2003-2006.
Member, Field Based Hours and Field Experience 2003-2005.
Member, Secondary Education, 8th-12th Grade 2003.
(To the Profession) Committee Memberships
(State and National Professional Societies)
Member, Multicultural Affairs Division, Southwest, Theatre Association, 1980-Present
Vice-Chair, Multicultural Affairs Committee, Southwest Theatre Association, 1986-92
Member, Citizen Ambassador Program Reading Education Delegation to Hungary and
Russia, May 1992
Member, Citizen Ambassador Program Linguistics Educators Delegation to the People’s
Republic of China, November 1991
Member, Test Development Advisory Committee of Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board for Development of Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP), I
served on the development of the Reading Session of TASP, 1987-90.
Member, Committee on Final Review of Bilingual ExCET Exam for Bilingual Teachers,
Texas Education Agency, September, 1987
Member, Committee for Review of the TECAT, Texas Education Agency, August 1985
Member, Latin American Theatre Committee, American Theatre Association, 1979-84
Member, Third National Hispanic Leadership Conference, Washington, D.C., April 1984.
Committee on Recommendations for Hispanic Education; Committee Media; delegate to
White House Conference on above.
Service to the Profession
Discussion leader, Oxford Round Table: Women in Literature: the 19th and 20th
Centuries, for The Elements of Existentialism in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry, and Versifying
the Voyage: Women’s Poetry of the Mormon Maritime Migration-Liverpool to New York.
Wadham College, Oxford University, United Kingdom. (2010).
Member, BTLPT (Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test) – Spanish. I have
participated in creating this new Texas Certification Test for future bilingual education
teachers. During the month of January 2009, I reviewed the rubrics.
Consultant in the fields of Bilingual Education, ESL (English as a Second Language),
Spanish Reading and Curriculum Development.
Member, BTLPT (Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test) – Spanish. I participated
to create this new Texas Certification Test for future bilingual education teachers.
Participated in several virtual meetings for two or more hours each one. (2008).
Member, BTLPT (Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test) – Spanish. I participate to
create this new Texas Certification Test for future bilingual education teachers. The first
test development meeting was in Austin, Texas during July 10-12, 2007.
Proposals reader for the National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE) to select
presenters for the 2004, 2005, and 2006 Annual Conventions.
SBEC (State Board for Educator Certification) Panel member for English as a Second
Language (EC-12) Standards Development.
2003-2004. Participated in the selection of ESL Standards for the State of Texas.
SBEC (State Board for Educator Certification) Panel member for English as a Second
Language (EC-12) ExCET items reviewer. 2003-2004. Participated in selecting and
reviewing the ESL items for the exams that ESL teachers need to take in order to be
certified in the State of Texas.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Attended several sessions on different aspects related to Bilingual Education, ESL
(English as a Second Language), Reading and Culture at the different conventions and
conferences I participated during the calendar years 2003-2009. Some of them were at the
National Association of Bilingual Education.
Attended all the sessions at the Oxford Round Table Children’s Literature Conference
during March 2009 at Oxford University in England. The participants were from different
countries as well as different universities from the United States.
Attended all the sessions at the Primera and Segunda Jornada Binacional de Educación
Intercultural in Matamoros, México and Brownsville, Texas. (2008, 2009).
Attended the Oxford Round Table Bilingual/ESL Conference during March 2008 at
Oxford University in England. The participants were from different countries as well as
different universities from the United States.
Attended the Oxford Round Table Bilingual/ESL Conference during March 18-23, 2007
at Oxford University in England. The participants were from different countries as well
as different universities from the United States.
Attended the Oxford Round Table Bilingual/ESL Conference during March 19-24, 2006,
at Oxford University in England. The participants were from different countries as well
as different universities from the United States.
Attended The 13TH ISBS (International Society for Burn Injuries) Congress during
September 19-23, 2006, at Fortaleza, Brazil. I attended cultural and psychological
sessions. I obtained information about injured children returning to school and how to
prepare teachers and their classes before children return to school.
Participated in the training: Mentoring Techniques for Working with Field-Based
University Students, Student Teachers and New Hires. As part of the training, I attended
the Two Way Bilingual Symposium at South Padre Island in May 2004. I also
participated at the HEC (Higher Education Collaborative) Seminar for Reading
Assessment at Texas Center for Reading & Language Arts in Austin, Texas in May 2004.
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE) Texas Association of Bilingual Education (TABE) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) American Educational Research Association (AERA) International Reading Association (IRA) Popular Culture Association American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (HISPANIA) Texas Foreign Language (TFL) Southwest Theatre ASSOCIATION (swat) South Council of Latin American Studies (SCOLAS) Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos (ALDEEU) 
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