
University Graduate Committee Minutes

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University Graduate Committee Minutes
University Graduate Committee
May 6, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Joseph Romano, at 2:00 p.m.
In attendance at the meeting were the following Graduate Committee members:
Dr. Joseph Romano, Chair, College of Science, Mathematics and Technology, Dr. Terry
Overton, College of Education; Dr. Nora Montalvo, College of Nursing; Dr. Clara DowneyAdams, School of Business; Dr. Jared Montoya, College of Liberal Arts, Dr. Charles Lackey,
Dean of Graduate Studies, Ms. Perla Martinez, Office of Graduate Studies
Guests: Dr. Hansheng Lei and Dr. Richard Kline, College of Science, Mathematics and
Technology; Dr. William Yaworsky, College of Liberal Arts; Dr. Hassanali Esphahbodi,
School of Business;
Approval of Minutes for April 15, 2013
The minutes of the April 15, 2013 meeting were approved. Motion by Dr. Jared Montoya and
seconded by Dr. Clara Downey.
Old Business
1. College of Science, Mathematics and Technology
M. S. in Computer Science – Program Revision – 2nd reading – Tabled. Motion by Dr. Terry
Overton and seconded by Dr. Clara Downey.
Dr. Hansheng Lei added a description for each track to distinguish the two tracks and layered
down the core courses. The Committee decided on tabling this program revision until
sufficient changes as requested were submitted. Students are already moving unofficially
towards this track and will not be affected by the delay.
2. College of Education
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership – Program Revision – 2nd reading. Approved. Motion by Dr.
Jared Montoya and seconded by Dr. Terry Overton.
3. School of Business
Integrated BBA/MBA in Accounting – New Program – 2nd reading – Approved. Motion by
Dr. Clara Downey and seconded by Dr. Jared Montoya.
MBA – Program Revision – 2nd reading – Approved. Motion by Dr. Terry Overton and
seconded by Dr. Jared Montoya.
4. College of Liberal Arts
MAIS – Program Revision – 1st reading – Approved. Motion by Dr. Nora Montalvo and
seconded by Dr. Jared Montoya.
New Business
1. College of Science, Mathematics and Technology
Dr. Richard Kline presented the CARs for revisions in the Biology program. He discussed that
when the MS program was first created, they tried to make the courses more flexible and now
they are trying to make it more precise.
BIOL 5136 – New Course – Course that formats the students in a roundtable discussion of
current issues. Approved. Motion by Dr. Nora Montalvo and seconded by Dr. Jared Montoya.
BIOL 5340 – New Course – Course has been presented before under the topics course.
Approved. Motion by Dr. Nora Montalvo and seconded by Dr. Jared Montoya.
BIOL 5342 – New Course - Approved. Motion by Dr. Terry Overton and seconded by Dr.
Clara Downey.
BIOL 6101 – Course Revision – Approved. Motion by Dr. Nora Montalvo and seconded by
Dr. Jared Montoya.
BIOL 6102 – Course Revision – Approved. Motion by Dr. Nora Montalvo and seconded by
Dr. Clara Downey.
BIOL 6390 – New Course – Approved. Motion by Dr Terry Overton and seconded by Dr.
Jared Montoya.
BIOL 6405 – Course Deletion – Approved. Motion by Dr. Nora Montalvo and seconded by
Dr. Clara Downey.
F. Dean’s Report
Dr. Lackey informed the Committee that beginning in the Fall, any program that wants to
update their graduate faculty criteria can do so. The new Graduate Faculty HOP policy is still
pending approval from the Provost and will need approval from UT System. In the meantime,
departments can review their internal policies.
Dr. Lackey thanked the Committee for all their support and assistance even in this time of
turmoil around campus. He thanked Dr. Romano for the great job he performed as chair of
the committee and always keeping things under control.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm
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