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January-February 2011
37| |No.
6 1
AACN Releases Findings from a National Study on Academic
Nursing’s Progress in Transitioning to the Practice Doctorate
Marilyn Tavenner and Rep. Lois
Capps Receive Policy Luminary
Awards at Fall Meeting
AACN was pleased to present Marilyn
Tavenner, MHA, RN, Administrator of the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
with her 2013 Policy Luminary Award at
the Fall Semiannual Meeting. Administrator
Tavenner (right, with President Eileen Breslin)
has demonstrated incredible leadership in
navigating the delivery of critical programs
to millions of Americans nationwide. She is
an advocate for public health and strives to
ensure access to care for all communities.
AACN was thrilled to have Ms. Tavenner
accept the award at the Fall Meeting and
hear her inspiring remarks.
In addition, AACN was pleased
to present the 2014 Policy Luminary
Award to longstanding nursing champion
Representative Lois Capps, RN (D-CA). As
founder and Co-Chair of the House Nursing
Caucus, Rep. Capps’ unwavering support for
the profession has helped to ensure that
nursing programs, including the Title VIII
Nursing Workforce Development Programs,
receive critical federal support. Although
Rep. Capps was not present in Washington,
DC to receive the award, she acknowledged
AACN members through a pre-recorded
message encouraging members to continue
their work educating future generations of
nursing leaders.
AACN has released findings from a national study conducted by the RAND
Corporation, which examined the progress made by nursing schools in transitioning to
the practice doctorate – a solution advanced 10 years ago to better meet the healthcare
needs of the nation. The report authors found near universal agreement among nurse
educators about the value of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree in preparing
individuals for advanced nursing practice. Though many schools are moving to transition
from the master’s degree to the doctorate for select nursing roles, many schools are facing
barriers to full adoption of the DNP, which AACN is committed to addressing.
“The RAND study showcases widespread support for the DNP while pointing the way
toward future action,” said AACN President Eileen T. Breslin. “AACN is pleased to see
growth in the number of schools with the practice doctorate and will continue to work
with stakeholders as we move toward the desired state of full adoption of the DNP by
schools offering advanced nursing practice degrees.”
In 2004, member schools affiliated with AACN voted to endorse the Position Statement
on the Practice Doctorate in Nursing, which called for moving the level of preparation
necessary for advanced nursing practice from the master’s degree to the doctorate by the
target year of 2015. Even though schools have moved rapidly to offer the DNP, AACN
acknowledges that all schools will not be able to fully transition their master’s-level programs
to the practice doctorate by next year and that many schools are electing to maintain both
master’s and DNP options to prepare Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
To better understand the issues facing schools moving to the DNP, the AACN Board
of Directors commissioned the RAND Corporation to conduct a national survey of
nursing schools with APRN programs to identify the barriers and facilitators to offering a
post-baccalaureate DNP.
Continued on page 2
Roberta Olson Honored with Sr. Bernadette Armiger Award
10 Questions with Betty Ferrell, FAAN, FPCN
Listening Tour with AACN’s CEO Deborah Trautman
National Coalition Launches Effort to Place 10,000 Nurses on
Governing Boards by 2020
Tri-Council Releases Statement on Engaging Academic
Nursing in Response to Ebola
Opportunities and More
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
Fay Raines and Polly Bednash Honored at Fall Semiannual
Fay Raines (right) with President Breslin
Polly Bednash (center) with President
Breslin and AACN CEO Deb Trautman
Drs. Fay Raines and Polly Bednash were the recipients of two prestigious
AACN awards at the Fall Semiannual Meeting in Washington, DC.
AACN President Eileen Breslin presented Fay Raines with Honorary
Membership. Dr. Raines has a long-standing association with AACN, serving
as President from 2008-2010, President-Elect from 2006-2008, and as Treasurer
and Chair of the Finance Committee from 2002-2006. In addition, she served as
Chair of the AACN Task Force on Articulation, as a member of a joint AACNAONE Task Force on Differentiated Practice, and as a member of the Master’s
Education Subcommittee. Dr. Raines currently is serving as Chair of the AACN
Futures Task Force and recently led the work of the Bylaws Task Force from
2012-2013. She served as Dean of the College of Nursing at The University of
Alabama – Huntsville from 1990-2014. During that time she also served as
the university’s associate provost for Institutional Effectiveness. Dr. Raines has
served in a number of leadership positions in national and state professional
organizations and is honored for her long-standing commitment to AACN.
Dr. Polly Bednash, former AACN Chief Executive Officer, received the
Honorary Associate Membership Award.
Dr. Bednash was appointed the Executive Director of AACN in 1989 and
served as CEO of the association until her retirement in 2014. She is credited
with establishing AACN as the national voice for baccalaureate and graduate
nursing education. Membership in the organization grew under her leadership
from 411 member schools in 1989 to close to 750 institutions when she retired
in June 2014. During her 28-year tenure, Dr. Bednash used her extensive
background in education and nursing care to serve as an effective leader of the
association. She made great strides in advancing the mission of AACN with a
singular focus on furthering nursing education in America’s universities and fouryear colleges.
FINDINGS continued from page 2
Key findings from the report include:
DNP programs – either at the postbaccalaureate (BSN-DNP) or postmaster’s (MSN-DNP) level – are
now offered at more than 250 schools
• The study authors found near
“universal agreement” among nursing’s
academic leaders regarding the value
of DNP education in preparing nurses
to serve in one of the four APRN
roles, specifically Nurse Practitioners,
Clinical Nurse Specialists, Certified
Registered Nurse Anesthetists, and
Certified Nurse-Midwives.
• Though the master’s degree remains the
dominant route into APRN practice
at this point in time, the educational
landscape is changing. Approximately
30% of nursing schools with APRN
programs now offer the BSN-DNP, and
this proportion will climb to greater
than 50% within the next few years.
• Barriers identified by schools
transitioning to the BSN-DNP include
a lack of faculty, costs and budgetary
concerns, insufficient clinical sites, and
resource challenges associated with
overseeing DNP scholarly projects.
The requirement of the DNP for
certification and accreditation is an
important factor in a school’s decision
to transition fully to the BSN-DNP.
The RAND study is titled The DNP by
2015: A Study of the Institutional, Political,
and Professional Issues that Facilitate or
Impede Establishing a Post-Baccalaureate
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program and is
available on the AACN’s web site at www.
aacn.nche.edu/DNP/DNP-Study.pdf. To
highlight key elements contained in the
report, AACN developed a set of talking
points that may be downloaded from the
Web site at www.aacn.nche.edu/DNP/
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
Opportunities for Involvement at AACN
Opportunities for Engagement for AACN Member Deans
AACN has many opportunities for engagement and involvement for member deans,
including committee positions, elected positions, mentorships, and consultants. To
volunteer, log in to My AACN (www.aacn.nche.edu) and click “Update My Profile.” At
the bottom of the page, you will see various sections, including “Opportunities for Deans,”
“Opportunities for Engagement,” and “AACN Member Expertise.” Simply fill out these
sections and save your profile, and we will contact you when opportunities arise. If you
have any questions, please contact [email protected].
Be a Part of AACN’s Consultant Directory
AACN maintains a database of faculty and deans with self-identified expertise. This
database is used by AACN when members request names of possible consultants on a
particular topic or issue. If you are interested in being a consultant in our database, please
click here to provide your demographic data and select your area(s) of expertise. AACN
is not involved in any logistics regarding consultations other than providing names and
contact information as a benefit to a requesting member school.
Roberta Olson Honored with Sr. Bernadette Armiger Award
Roberta Olson, Dean Emeritus
of the College of Nursing at South
Dakota State University, received the
2014 Sister Bernadette Armiger Award
at AACN’s Fall Semiannual Meeting
in Washington, DC. Dr. Olson
was recognized for her significant
contributions to AACN and its goals,
to nursing education, and to the advancement of the nursing profession.
Dr. Olson served on the AACN Board of Directors from 2002-2006 as Board
Member-at-Large. In addition, she chaired the Executive Development Series
Subcommittee, was a member of the Program Committee and Finance Committee,
and chaired the Faculty Development Committee. Other service to AACN included
membership on the Task Force on Diversity, Task Force on Distance Education, and
the Task Force on Education and Regulation.
During her 20-year tenure as Dean of the College of Nursing at South Dakota
State University, Dr. Olson shaped the nursing workforce in South Dakota. She
oversaw the development and implementation of the PhD in Nursing program
and the Clinical Nurse Leader track in the MS program, and she was committed
to providing greater access to education for the working nurse, integrating online
delivery for the RN-BSN program and the MS program for nurse educators, nurse
administrators, and family nurse practitioners.
Jennie Chin Hansen Delivers
McGovern Award Lecture
At AACN’s Fall Semiannual Meeting,
Jennie Chin Hansen, Chief Executive
Officer of the American Geriatrics Society
(AGS), was honored with the John P.
McGovern Award Lectureship Award.
This award is an invitational lectureship
bestowed upon individuals who have
made outstanding contributions in the
healthcare or education arenas. The
award is named for John P. McGovern, a
physician, humanitarian, teacher, historian,
and philanthropist.
AGS is the nation’s leading membership
organization of geriatrics health care
professionals, whose shared mission is to
improve the health, independence, and
quality of life of older people.
Ms. Hansen has been working to
improve patient care for three decades,
with the first 25 years at On Lok Inc., a
nonprofit group of organizations providing
integrated primary, acute, and long-term
care community-based services in San
Francisco. On Lok served as the prototype
for Medicare and Medicaid’s Program of
All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).
In May 2010, Ms. Hansen completed her
two-year term as AARP President, leading
the organization through the national
debate over healthcare reform. Prior to
that position, she served six years on the
AARP national board of directors.
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
& Information
with Betty Ferrell
Betty Ferrell, PhD, RN, FAAN, FPCN
Professor and Research Scientist, City of Hope
Betty Ferrell has been in oncology nursing for 35 years
and has focused her clinical expertise and research in pain
management, quality of life, and palliative care. Dr. Ferrell is a
professor and research scientist at City of Hope in Los Angeles.
She is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, and she
has over 300 publications in peer-reviewed journals and texts.
She is principal investigator of a Program Project funded by
the National Cancer Institute on “Palliative Care for Quality
of Life and Symptom Concerns in Lung Cancer” and principal
investigator of the “End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium”
(ELNEC) project. She directs several other funded projects related to palliative care
in cancer centers and quality-of-life issues. Dr. Ferrell is a member of the board of
scientific advisors of the National Cancer Institute and is chairperson of the National
Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care. She is also the chairperson of the
Southern California Cancer Pain Initiative. Dr. Ferrell received her BSN from Central
State University (OK), her MSN from the University of Oklahoma, and her PhD in
nursing from Texas Women’s University. She completed a master’s degree in theology,
ethics and culture from Claremont Graduate University in 2007.
1) What motivated you to pursue a career
in oncology nursing and palliative care?
I began my nursing career in 1977
as a new graduate in oncology. I was
immediately drawn to the patients
with advanced disease. Hospice was a
new concept and there were no hospice
programs in my state. The word palliative
care wasn’t even in our vocabulary. My
motivation to focus on palliative care was
my desire to support patients and family
caregivers as they faced complex symptoms
and the many psychosocial and spiritual
needs at the end of life.
2) What was the impetus for ELNEC and
how did you first get involved?
In 1989 I joined the City of Hope
Medical Center as a researcher and over
the years 1989 to 1997 my research
program in palliative care was launched.
This was a time when the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation (RWJF) was
supporting many activities related to
palliative care and medical education. I
strongly believed that nursing education
was also essential to improving palliative
care so I approached RWJF to seek
support for nursing education. We were
funded from 1997-2000 to conduct an
assessment of nursing education needs
which demonstrated significant gaps
in nursing textbooks, curricula, faculty
preparation and nursing practice. This
formed the basis for ELNEC, which
was funded by RWJF to begin in 2000.
Another key aspect of launching this work
was our collaboration with AACN and
their leadership in creating the “Peaceful
Death” document identifying nursing
competencies needed to insure quality care
for patients. Visionary leadership by Anne
Rhome and Polly Bednash from AACN
was critical in these early efforts.
3) How was the ELNEC curriculum
The curriculum was developed in 2000
and launched with our first course in 2001,
so in January 2015 we will celebrate our
15th anniversary. We initially developed a
Core curriculum but quickly realized that
palliative care is a broad field and that
several specialty curricula were needed.
We later developed ELNEC curricula
in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Critical Care,
Oncology, and Graduate Education.
In 2010 we had the privilege of working
with the Veterans Administration to
create an ELNEC-Veterans curriculum
for distribution through all VA hospitals
and in 2011 we created ELNEC– Public
Hospitals curriculum to meet the unique
needs of safety net hospitals in California.
Our newest curriculum, ELNEC for
Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP)
began in 2013. Rose Virani has been the
Project Director since the inception and
has lead development of every curriculum
with Pamela Malloy as co-investigator
from AACN who joined us in 2003. The
ELNEC curricula are evidence based and
updated annually.
In 2013 we also launched ELNECAdvanced Practice Nursing to meet the
demand for advanced practice nurses to
develop and lead palliative care programs
4) Why is ELNEC important for nurse
educators, students, and patients?
The field of palliative care is now
firmly established as an essential aspect
of the health care system. Palliative care
applies across all serious illness, across
settings and across all ages from neonatal
care to geriatrics. ELNEC is important
to nurses and students because patients
deserve high quality care in serious illness
and at the end of life. We have had the
opportunity to write and have published
over 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals
since the beginning of this project
5) How does the City of Hope and
AACN partnership work?
The COH ELNEC team and AACN
have been partners since the inception of
ELNEC in 2000. In the initial conception
of ELNEC we knew that partnership
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
Continued on page 5
10 Questions with Betty Ferrell
10 QUESTIONS continued from page 4
with AACN as the leader in nursing
education would be necessary for success.
In ELNEC we frequently say “Nurses
can’t practice what they don’t know,” as
a reminder that quality palliative care at
the bedside is only possible if we have
nurses who have been educated to provide
compassionate, competent care. We are so
fortunate to work closely with AACN in
all aspects of ELNEC.
6) Has ELNEC helped nursing assume a
greater role in palliative care?
ELNEC has been a vital force in
preparing nurses across each of the areas
of our curriculum. ELNEC prepares
nurses in pain and symptom management,
addressing ethical issues, bereavement
support, providing culturally respectful
care, and care in the final hours. Increasing
competency in communication with
patients, family and interdisciplinary
colleagues is also a key aspect of ELNEC.
7) What has been ELNEC’s effect
beyond the United States?
ELNEC’s international efforts began
almost immediately as nurses trained
through ELNEC began to share their
opportunities to take ELNEC beyond
the U.S. Over the past 15 years we have
developed a vast international outreach
with ELNEC now in 85 countries. We
are now focusing on creating ELNEC
leaders around the world to promote
regional leadership. ELNEC has now been
translated in 8 languages. In 2015 we will
launch ELNEC in China.
8) Does the new IOM report on Dying
in America have any implications for
The IOM report reinforces the
critical work to be done in the decades
ahead. With a very burdened health care
system, an aging population, expansion of
palliative care in pediatrics and in chronic
illness, there is an ever-increasing demand
for ELNEC prepared nurses.
9) What do you foresee for ELNEC in
the future?
The demand for ELNEC will only
continue to grow as palliative care is fully
integrated into health care in the U.S. and
internationally. Each year the ELNEC
team does a Strategic Planning process to
identify the most important needs and the
best investment of our limited resources.
In 2015 we will re-focus attention on
undergraduate nursing education as we
believe that the need for preparation of
nurses entering practice is unprecedented.
All nurses need competence in palliative
care. Our success depends on the
commitment of our nursing faculty and
deans to support palliative care education
10) What advice can you give to future
nurses interested in palliative care?
The advice I would give is that
every nurse who will care for any patient
facing serious illness needs palliative
care education. Caring for seriously ill
patients and those facing the end of life is
very demanding work. It is also the most
rewarding career a nurse can experience.
Upcoming AACN
AACN offers a full line-up
of free Webinars each month to
meet the professional development
needs of nursing school staff, faculty,
students, and other constituents.
American Nurses Credentialing
Center (ANCC) contact hours will
be awarded to those who attend the
entire Webinar and complete the
electronic evaluation process after
the Webinar. Click on programs of
interest to find out more.
The Dark Side of Dissemination:
Traditionaland Open Access Versus
Predatory Journals
December 3, 2014
2:00 - 3:00 pm (ET)
Population Health Series Part II:
Population Health into APRN
Primary Care via the DNP
December 10, 2014
4:00 - 5:00 pm (ET)
Beyond Cultural Competence:
Cultivating Language Capacity
January 20, 2015
2:00 - 3:00 pm (ET)
Be Well, Teach Well, Learn Well:
Wellness for Faculty and Students
March 4, 2015
2:00 - 3:00 pm (ET)
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
Listening Tour with AACN’s CEO Deborah Trautman
ELNEC TURNS 15 in 2015!
For the past 15 years, the End-ofLife Nursing Education Consortium
(ELNEC) has been presented to over
19,000 nurses and other healthcare
professionals in every state of America
and in 85 various countries worldwide. The curriculum has been
translated into 9 languages. Major
updates have been made to each of the
curricula for 2015. Plan now to attend
one of 9 national ELNEC train-thetrainer courses planned for 2015:
January 19-20: ELNEC Summit,
Anaheim, CA*
May 20-21: ELNEC-Core,
Scottsdale, AZ
June 29-30: Implementing
Palliative Care into Doctor of
Nursing Practice (DNP) Education
and Practice, St. Louis, MO
July 28-29: ELNEC-Core,
Atlanta, GA
July 28-29: ELNEC-Pediatric
Palliative Care, Atlanta, GA
August 19-20: ELNEC Summit,
Kona, HI* (on August 18, an Asian
conference will be held in Kona)
October 14-15: ELNEC-Core,
Houston, TX
November 5-6: ELNEC-APRN,
Washington, DC
November 5-6: ELNEC-Core,
Washington, DC
For more information and/or to
register for any of the above courses,
go to www.aacn.nche.edu/ELNEC
or contact Pam Malloy at pmalloy@
Meet AACN’s new Chief Executive Officer Deborah “Deb” Trautman, PhD, RN, at
one of the many stops on her upcoming Listening Tour. As part of her work to get to know
AACN members and stakeholders, Deb will be hosting town hall meetings, webinars, and
other special events to find out more about your priorities and the latest developments at
your school of nursing. All are invited to meet Deb at these events and exchange ideas about
emerging issues and trends of interest to leaders in nursing education, research, and practice.
In-Person Sessions:
Doctoral Education Conference, San Diego, CA
Friday, January 30, 5:30-6:30 pm
Master’s Education Conference, St. Petersburg, FL
Friday, February 27, 5:00-6:00 pm
AACN Spring Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
March 2015
Graduate Nursing Admissions Professional Meeting, Phoenix, AZ
April 2015
RSVP for Innovations in Enrollment Management: NursingCAS 3.0
The new version of nursing’s centralized application service NursingCAS 3.0 is
open. Applicants now have the opportunity to apply to over 800 programs through
the centralized application service at participating schools nationwide. Join us for an
upcoming Webinar or session at an AACN conference to learn more about how the fully
customizable version of NursingCAS provides state-of-the-art technology to elevate your
program’s enrollment management activities.
December 3, Webinar from 2:00-3:00 pm (ET) – RSVP
December 9, Webinar from 12:00-1:00 pm (ET) - RSVP
January 21 at the Doctoral Conference in San Diego, CA - RSVP
February 27 at the Master’s Conference in St. Petersburg, FL - RSVP
We listened to you and are excited to announce that the new, redesigned application
offers an innovative experience.
Intuitive, Responsive Design
Simplified and Improved User Experience
Mobile and Tablet Ready
New Notification System
Customized Program Pages for Schools
Clear Direction on Program Requirements
Simplified Coursework Entry (only if required by the program)
For more information on how to join NursingCAS, visit www.aacn.nche.edu/
nursingcas/join. Schools interested in using the new NursingCAS platform should direct
questions to AACN’s NursingCAS Director, Caroline Allen, at [email protected]
or 202-463-6930 ext. 258.
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
AACN Futures Task Force Seeks Feedback
Given the significant changes underway in the U.S. healthcare system and the new
practice expectations for nurses, AACN established the Futures Task Force to reassess
our organizational priorities and seek recommendations for the future work of AACN.
All members, including deans, faculty, and graduate students are encouraged to provide
feedback and input by filling out a brief feedback form at www.aacn.nche.edu/leadinginitiatives/future-task-force/feed-back.
Additional opportunities for feedback can be found at
http://www.aacn.nche.edu/leading-initiatives/future-task-force, including an
opportunity to give input to the task force via a Webinar scheduled for February 2015. To
learn more about AACN’s Futures Task Force, click here.
Register for the CNL Summit and CNL Research Symposium
The annual Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) Summit will be held January 2224, 2015 at the Buena Vista Palace in Orlando, Florida. Please join academic and
practice leaders from across the nation to explore how Clinical Nurse Leaders
(CNLs) transform practice and improve quality care. Whether your institution has
adopted the CNL initiative or is exploring new ways to achieve quality outcomes,
the CNL Summit will provide tools to enhance your understanding of the changing
healthcare environment and the value added by CNLs. Special forums for the CNLA
membership, CNL faculty, and nursing/healthcare executives will also be offered.
Click here to view the summit brochure.
The 2015 CNL Research Symposium is taking place on January 22, 2015 from
8:00 am -12:15 pm at the Buena Vista Palace in Orlando, Florida. The theme for
this pre-conference session which takes place in conjunction with the AACN’s CNL
Summit is Translating CNL Practice to Evidence: Concepts to Strengthen the Evaluation
of CNL Initiatives. Educators, practicing CNLs, students, healthcare administrators,
nurse executives, and physicians among others are encouraged to attend this event.
The early registration deadline is January 9, 2015, and the fee is $110. After January
9, the registration fee is $139. Click here to view the research symposium brochure.
To register and for hotel information for the CNL Summit and Research
Symposium, click here.
CNL Certification Exam Registration Deadline
The deadline to register for the CNL Certification Exam is December 12, 2014
(this applies to the February 2-20, 2015 testing period). To be eligible to sit for the
CNL Certification Exam, a student may be in their last term of a CNL education
program or have graduated from of a CNL education program. Note: Eligibility
requirements have been waived for faculty of CNL education programs until
December 31, 2016.
To view the CNL exam eligibility requirements, click here.
To complete the online exam application and to download the additional required
documents to sit for the exam, click here.
Have questions? Contact CNC’s staff at [email protected].
National Coalition Launches
Effort to Place 10,000
Nurses on Governing Boards
by 2020
AACN is pleased to be a
founding member of the Nurses
on Boards Coalition, a group of
national nursing organizations
working together to increase nurses’
presence on corporate and non-profit
health-related boards of directors
throughout the country. “Without
a nurse trustee, boards lack an
authority on the patient experience,
quality and safety, and the largest
part of the hospital workforce,”
Trustee Magazine, a publication of
the American Hospital Association,
wrote recently.
The coalition will implement a
national strategy to bring nurses’
valuable perspective to governing
boards, as well as state-level and
national commissions, with an
interest in health. The goal is to put
10,000 nurses on boards by the year
2020. The effort is a direct response
to the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM)
report, The Future of Nursing:
Leading Change, Advancing Health
(2011), which recommended nurses
play more pivotal roles on boards and
commissions in improving the health
of all Americans.
The effort is supported by the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
and AARP as part of their
collaborative effort to implement the
recommendations of the IOM report
through the Future of Nursing:
Campaign for Action.
For more information, including
a list of all coalition members, go to
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
Tri-Council Releases
Statement on Engaging
Academic Nursing in
Response to Ebola
The Tri-Council for Nursing –
whose members include AACN, the
American Nurses Association, the
American Organization of Nurse
Executives, and the National League
for Nursing - has released a Joint
Statement: Engaging Academic Nursing
in the National Response to Ebola.
Member organizations are calling on
all sectors of the nursing workforce
to engage in the response to Ebola,
including leveraging the resident
expertise found within schools of
nursing. The statement can be found
on AACN’s web site www.aacn.nche.
Ebola Resources for Nurse
To support the information
needs of nursing school deans, faculty,
students, and other stakeholders,
AACN has developed an online
resource center to highlight key
information sources about the Ebola
crisis found on the web. This page
is updated daily to include details
about new informational events and
webinars, the latest news from the
CDC, and work underway at our
nation’s nursing schools related to
Ebola preparedness and response.
Schools wishing to suggest
resources and links to be added to this
page are encouraged to send an email
to [email protected]. To
view the Ebola Resources for Nurse
Educators page, visit www.aacn.
Information Session on Learning Collaborative for Development of
SBIRT Curriculum
The National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago has partnered
with the Council on Social Work Education, the Center for Clinical Social Work, and
AACN to engage nursing and social work schools—in a learning collaborative funded
by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation—to develop and evaluate interactive, competencybased substance-use screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT)
undergraduate and graduate curricular materials. This learning collaborative will consist of
a wide variety of nursing and social work schools who will take an active role in shaping
the development of the SBIRT curriculum.
Learning collaborative members will participate in monthly calls with project staff to
share their experiences and learn from other educators about integrating substance-use
education into existing curriculum. In addition, members will have access to free resources
and materials as well as have the opportunity to apply for a grant to pilot the curriculum
in the classroom.
An information session for the Learning Collaborative will be held December 9, from
3:00 - 4:00 pm (ET). To participate, please use the following dial-in information:
Phone Number: 712-432-0360
Passcode: 426443
If you or your institution is interested in participating in this Learning Collaborative
but are not able to participate in the December 9 call or would like more information,
please contact Danielle Noriega at [email protected].
San Diego to Host Doctoral Education Conference and Faculty
Practice Pre-Conference
Join your AACN colleagues in San Diego for the Doctoral Education Conference,
The Synergy of Scholarship: Research and Practice, January 29-31, 2015. This engaging
program will address issues and challenges specific to doctoral education. Attend thoughtprovoking sessions and network with your peers in a beautiful, relaxed setting.
The Faculty Practice Pre-Conference—for those who promote, administer, and engage
in faculty practice—will precede the Doctoral Education Conference on January 28.
Also to be held in San Diego on January 28 will be the Nursing Science and the
Research-Focused Doctorate Pre-Conference Workshop for deans/directors/chairs
and/or associate deans for research who offer research-focused doctoral nursing programs.
In addition, the Research Leadership Network (RLN) Program will be held in San
Diego on January 29. The RLN is comprised of nursing faculty who have leadership roles
facilitating research within their nursing programs. The RLN fosters professional growth
and development, information sharing, communication, and discussion of key issues.
For information and to register for all of these conferences/programs, go to www.aacn.
Exhibiting and Sponsorship Opportunities
AACN offers a unique opportunity to market products and services to chief decisionmakers at the nation’s schools of nursing. AACN represents more than 750 schools of
nursing at public and private universities and senior colleges nationwide. Click here to
view current opportunities.
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
Faculty Positions and Hariri Endowed Chair
in Research at the Rafic Hariri School of
The Rafic Hariri School of Nursing (HSON)
at the American University of Beirut (AUB)
is seeking applications for faculty positions
with strong research and clinical expertise
in particular in Psychiatry and Mental Health
Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Adult Care
Nursing, and Public & Global Health Nursing.
HSON is also seeking applications from
distinguished scholars for the Hariri endowed
chair in research. This chair offers exceptional
opportunities for a senior scholar with
a strong record of funded research and
demonstrated capacity to develop research
expertise among early career faculty
members to develop and lead the Centre
for Research at HSON and to develop
an interdisciplinary PhD program in close
collaboration with other disciplines at AUB.
AUB, founded in 1866 as the first American
University abroad, continues to attract
extraordinary students and to provide
education following the American model.
HSON, founded in 1905, was the first nursing
school in the Middle East. Its mission is to
promote the highest educational standards
of excellence, integrity, and professionalism
in the science of nursing. The American
University of Beirut Medical Center is JCI
accredited, has received Magnet status,
and offers excellent possibilities for
interdisciplinary collaborative research.
HSON currently has BSN and MSN
programs; both programs are registered
in the Department of Education of New
York State. The baccalaureate and master’s
programs at the American University of
Beirut – Rafic Hariri School of Nursing are
accredited by the Commission on Collegiate
Nursing Education, One Dupont Circle, NW,
Suite 530, Washington DC 20036, (202)8876791.
PhD holders with expertise in the above
areas are requested to submit complete CV,
a letter including a statement on teaching
and research interest, and the names mailing
addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail
addresses of four references to:
Dr. Huda Abu-Saad Huijer, RN, PhD, FEANS,
Director, Rafic Hariri School of Nursing,
American University of Beirut
P.O. Box 11-0236
Beirut, Lebanon 1107-2020
Tel: 961 1 374374 Ext: 5952/3 and 5950/1;
FAX: 961 1 744 476;
E-Mail: [email protected]
Electronic applications are welcome.
The Search Committee will accept
applications and nominations until April
30, 2015. Candidate screening will begin
The American University of Beirut is an
Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.
Belmont University is an equal opportunity
employer committed to fostering a diverse
learning community of committed Christians
from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Under
federal law, the university may discriminate
on the basis of religion in order to fulfill
its purposes. Belmont’s Office of Human
Resources actively pursues an annual
affirmative action plan that outlines the
university’s commitment to hiring women,
minorities, veterans and disabled individuals
in all positions. The selected candidate for
this position will be required to complete
a background check satisfactory to the
Review of applications will begin immediately
and continue until the position is filled.
The selected candidate for these positions
will be required to complete a background
check satisfactory to the University.
Director of Nursing
Assistant Professor of Adult Health Nursing
Assistant Professor of Advanced Practice
Nursing (graduate)
The School of Nursing at Belmont University
is seeking applications for two tenure-track
faculty position in nursing at the rank of
Assistant Professor beginning August 1, 2015.
A doctoral degree is required; teaching
experience and a track record of
scholarly work is strongly preferred. Job
responsibilities include classroom, lab, and
clinical teaching, advising students, engaging
in scholarly activity and professional
development, and participating in activities to
support the school, college, and university.
For additional information about the
positions and to complete the online
application, candidates are directed to https://
jobs.belmont.edu. An electronic version of a
Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae, and List of
References with contact information must
be attached in order to complete the online
The Department of Nursing is seeking
a Director. The candidate must have the
desire to work in an environment that
integrates Christian faith and Nursing and
that values care to underserved multicultural
populations. The candidate must have
demonstrated success in personalized
interactions with faculty, students, staff and all
communities of interest.
An earned doctorate is required. The
masters or doctorate must be in Nursing
with emphasis in Nursing, Education, or
Administration. The candidate must be
eligible for licensure as a registered nurse
in California. A minimum of three years of
experience in an academic administrative
position is desired. Effective teaching,
curriculum development, and program
evaluation experience is essential.
• Administer the Nursing department
• Develop vision with a strategic plan for
future of the department
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
Continued on page 13
News & Information
OPPORTUNITIES continued from page 12
Foster development of faculty
Oversee curriculum development and
program evaluation
Participate on departmental and
university committees
Possible classroom teaching in area of
Advance nursing to the university and
external community
Please apply online at https://biola.edu/
employment by submitting a letter of interest,
a curriculum vitae and a 1-page testimony
of your faith. After a review by the search
committee, promising candidates will be sent
the Biola faculty application. Position is open
until filled.
Psych/Mental Health-Fulltime Nursing
The Department of Nursing has both full
and part time faculty openings in the Psych/
Mental Health area. Candidates must have
the desire to work in an environment
that integrates Christian faith and nursing,
engages in personalized interactions
with students, and that values care to
underserved multicultural populations.
Salary and rank based on education and
experience. The mission of the Department
of Nursing is to prepare students to be
competent nursing professionals who
integrate Christian caring into their nursing
practice. The vision of the Department
of Nursing is Excellence in Professional
Nursing: Called to Model Christ.
Master of Science in Nursing required;
doctorate preferred. Must be eligible for
licensure as a registered nurse in California
and demonstrate current expertise in
designated clinical area. Effective didactic,
clinical and simulation teaching experience
• Assume responsibility for collaboration
with faculty in implementing a particular
content area of the curriculum that
promotes students’ ability to achieve
the mission, purposes, and program
objectives and expected outcomes.
Involvement includes theoretical and
clinical learning methodologies and
Participate in assigned department and
university committees and process.
Present assignment in BSN level.
Opportunities in future MSN program
Please apply online at https://biola.edu/
employment by submitting a letter of interest,
a curriculum vitae and a 1-page testimony
of your faith. After a review by the search
committee, promising candidates will be sent
the Biola faculty application. Position is open
until filled.
Biola is an evangelical Christian university
in which faculty endorse the University
Doctrinal Statement, adhere to the Standard
of Conduct, and are committed to integration
of faith and learning. Faculty endorse a
university-wide statement of Christian faith
and community values. Personal commitment
to the Christian faith is required. Biola serves
a student body of over 6,000 undergraduate
and graduate students and is accredited by
WASC. For more information on Biola, visit
Assistant/Associate Professor Of Nursing
Full time tenured-track position: 2015-2016
The Nursing Department at California State
University Northridge invites applications
for a tenure track position. Candidates must
hold an earned doctorate in nursing or in a
related field. All but dissertation candidates
will be considered, but must have completed
the doctorate at the time of appointment.
For full job description, qualifications and
application please visit:
Interim Director of the Family Nurse
Practitioner Program
Charleston Southern University invites
applications for the position of Interim
Director of the Family Nurse Practitioner
(FNP) Program to begin January 1, 2015. This
position is a full-time position that reports
to the Director for the MSN Program and
the Dean of the College of Nursing. The
successful applicant will be responsible for
working with the MSN Director and other
MSN faculty to develop the curriculum and
submit application for ACEN accreditation
of the FNP program at Charleston Southern
University. The position requires a family
nurse practitioner with national accreditation
as a CFNP and license in the State of South
Carolina as an Advanced Practice Registered
Minimum Qualifications
• An earned doctorate in nursing (PhD or
DNP) is preferred
• National certification and state licensure
as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
• Demonstrated record of academic
teaching including curriculum
development, course design and
experience working with accrediting
bodies in nursing education at the
graduate level.
• Minimum of 5 years academic
• Demonstrated record of professional
involvement; scholarly achievement and
• Record of successful collaboration
with health related partnerships and
• Demonstrated personal commitment to
Christian higher education
How to Apply
Candidates should complete the online
application through the following link (select
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
Continued on page 14
News & Information
OPPORTUNITIES continued from page 13
“Interim Director of the FNP Program”) and
attach a curriculum vitae: http://www.csuniv.
Review of credentials will begin immediately.
Minority candidates are encouraged to
apply. Applicants will be required to submit
a CSU Faculty Background Questionnaire,
including a faith statement, prior to entering
the second phase of consideration for the
The College of Nursing at Charleston
Southern University invites applications for
several faculty positions for a hire date of
January 1, 2015 to teach in the BSN and MSN
programs. Rank will be commensurate with
Minimum Qualifications
Candidates must have an earned Doctorate
in Nursing and an MSN degree. ABD
candidates will be considered. Applicants
should have at least five years full time direct
patient care experience. Candidates must
have an eagerness to work with beginning
nursing students as well as graduate students.
The desirable candidate will have higher
education teaching experience and be able to
supervise students in clinical areas.
Charleston Southern seeks candidates
who are professing Christians and who
are committed to excellence in teaching,
scholarship, and service. They should support
the goals of a strong liberal arts education
and be willing to explore with students the
integration of faith and learning.
How to Apply
Candidates should complete the online
application through the following link (select
“Nursing Faculty”) and attach a curriculum
vitae: http://www.csuniv.edu/facultyandstaff/
Review of credentials will begin immediately.
Minority candidates are encouraged to
apply. Applicants will be required to submit
a CSU Faculty Background Questionnaire,
including a faith statement, prior to entering
the second phase of consideration for the
Nursing Program Director
Fisher College seeks a dynamic academic
leader to expand and manage a developing
RN to BSN program. The director must
have a clear vision of nursing education
and the leadership skills to realize this
vision. Experience in nursing education
administration is required.
• Ensure that the Bachelor of Science
in Nursing Program meets the
requirements and standards of the
Massachusetts Board of Higher
Education and the Commission on
Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
• Oversee curriculum development,
academic planning and implementation
of the nursing program.
• Increase enrollments in the existing
program and expand its delivery to
Fisher’s two other academic sites in
southeastern Massachusetts
• Maintain administrative oversight of
the program including faculty hiring,
supervision, and evaluation.
• Teach courses as required.
• Attend open houses, information
sessions, and other recruitment events
as required.
• Interview prospective students,
review admissions materials to include
immunization and health records.
• The Ideal Candidate will have the
following credentials and background:
• Doctorate in Nursing or a related field
• Current RN licensure in Massachusetts
(or eligibility)
• Seven years of teaching experience
minimally at the baccalaureate level
• Five years of clinical practice as a RN
Three years of administrative experience
in academic nursing
Proven track record in curriculum
Ability to implement CCNE
accreditation standards successfully
A proven track record in scholarship/
Excellent communication and
organizational skills
Application Procedures: Applicants should
include a cover letter, curriculum vitae/
resume, contact information, and three
professional references by November 1,
2014. Applications will be reviewed until the
position is filled. Please send all material via
email to:
Dr. Jennifer Weiner
Assistant Dean, School of Health Professions
and Human Services
[email protected]. No phone calls, please.
Assistant Professor/Nursing/2 Open
Positions/Tenure Track
The Nursing department at Fitchburg
State University is seeking to fill two open
faculty positions. Responsibilities include
teaching in a dynamic nursing program in the
undergraduate content area of adult health
with classroom and clinical responsibilities.
Participation in curriculum development
and program evaluation; academic advising;
engagement in scholarly activities and other
department initiatives. An earned doctorate
is required.
Please visit our online job site at https://
jobs.fitchburgstate.edu for a detailed job
description and to apply. Review begins
immediately yet positions remain open until
Fitchburg State University is an affirmative
action/equal opportunity employer, actively
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
Continued on page 15
News & Information
OPPORTUNITIES continued from page 14
seeking to develop the diversity of its
workforce. Females, minorities, veterans,
and persons with disabilities are strongly
encouraged to apply.
and Georgia professional nursing licensure or
eligibility for licensure in Georgia. L16-067
Three Assistant/Associate Professors (tenure
Fitchburg State does not sponsor applicants
for work visas.
The SON invites applications for three
full-time tenure track faculty positions.
Responsibilities of these 9-month tenure
track positions include developing or
continuing a program of funded research,
participating in scholarly activities, and
teaching in the undergraduate/graduate
programs. Other responsibilities include
student advisement and mentoring, and
involvement in school, university and
community service. The successful candidate
will possess evidence of a focused area of
research consistent with the GSU strategic
Byrdine F. Lewis Chair in Nursing (Full
The School of Nursing (SON), located in
downtown Atlanta, invites applications and
nominations for the Byrdine F. Lewis Chair
in Nursing. The Lewis Chair will provide
leadership in advancing the research portfolio
and enhancing the baccalaureate, masters, and
doctoral (DNP and PhD) nursing programs
that are delivered in a variety of formats. This
is a nine-month tenure track faculty position.
In conjunction with the Associate Dean/
Director of the School of Nursing (SON), the
Lewis Chair facilitates the development of the
SON’s research portfolio that supports the
SON, College, and University’s strategic plans.
The Lewis Chair will provide key leadership
in the PhD Program and in the growth and
expansion of the School’s status as a leader in
the profession locally, regionally and globally.
The successful candidate will possess a
strong research portfolio. Research areas
of interest focus on symptom management/
self-management, wellness promotion, illness
prevention, and end of life/palliative care.
A track record of extramural funding is
expected with a history of federal funding.
The candidate will have demonstrated
leadership in the development and mentoring
of tenure track/tenured faculty and
excellence in teaching. Qualified candidates
will be considered for tenure at the Full
Professor rank.
Cluster hires are possible. Competitive
compensation package.
Qualifications include a PhD or equivalent
doctoral degree, a Master’s degree in nursing,
Minimum qualifications include: 1) Georgia
RN license/license eligible, 2) PhD or
equivalent doctoral degree, and 3) a master’s
in nursing. Preferred areas for research
focus and clinical scholarship are: symptom
management/self-management, wellness
promotion, illness prevention, and end of life/
palliative care; other areas will be considered.
Certification as an advanced practice RN and
teaching experience desirable. Preferred start
August 2015. Competitive compensation
package with startup funds available.
For all positions above - Nominations/
applications are encouraged. Completed
applications, including a letter of application,
vitae, and contact information for five
professional references, should be emailed
to Rent Consulting Group, LLC at grent@
rentconsultinggroup.com . Confidential
review of applicants will commence on
November 24, 2014 and continue until the
positions are filled. L16-063,L16-064,L16-065
Georgia State University, a unit of the
University System of Georgia, is an equal
opportunity educational institution and
an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer and accommodates individuals
with disabilities. All applicants must comply
with the Immigration Reform and Control
Act. Women and minorities are strongly
encouraged to apply. An offer of employment
will be contingent upon successful
completion of a background report.
Dean for the College of Health and
The Dean is the Chief Administrative Officer
for the College of Health and Education,
overseeing the Schools of Nursing, Physical
Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and
Education. The Dean reports to the Provost
and is a member of the Deans’ Council
and advisor to the Provost. The Dean
serves as the public face and advocate for
the quality and well-being of the College
of Health and Education. The Dean has
primary responsibility for the administration,
development, strategic planning, assessment
and evaluation, and resource allocation of the
College, working closely with the program
Directors. The Dean serves as a liaison
between the COHE and the University and
broader community.
Duties and responsibilities include the
following. Other duties may be assigned.
• Serve as Chief Administrative Officer for
the College of Health and Education
• Advocate of the quality and well-being of
the College
• Initiate and identify collaboration with
other colleges, schools, programs, and
administration to foster an integrate
university-wide initiatives
• Serve as the public face of the COHE
• Lead strategic planning for the COHE
that supports the development of
health and education disciplines,
interprofessional education, and
collaborative partnerships among health
and education disciplines
• Development of community partnerships
• Budget development and resource
allocation for the COHE
• Preside over COHE Directors’ and
faculty meetings
• Direct the academic affairs of the
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
Continued on page 16
News & Information
OPPORTUNITIES continued from page 15
Promote a culture of COHE assessment
and accreditation and guide faculty, staff,
program and curricular assessment
Ensure faculty development
opportunities for the enhancement of
faculty human capital
Ensure quality of faculty contributions
and attention to responsibilities
Develop research supports and
Develop external revenue resources
Foster internal and external partnerships
in support of COHE research and quality
learning experiences
Assess and advocate for continual
development of technology resources in
support of quality learning
Education: Earned doctoral degree in
Healthcare, Education, or Counselor
Education, with a strong professional
background and academic experience in
health, education, and/or related fields.
Experience: University or College level
administrative and teaching experiences in
health and/or education/counselor education
Knowledge, Skills and/or Abilities: Knowledge
and experience in grant writing and
administration of grants preferred.
Apply online at http://husson.peopleadmin.
The Department of Nursing at Moravian
College is seeking qualified applicants for
four new fulltime faculty positions and a
fulltime coordinator for its new Nurse
Practitioner programs, to provide support
for its rapidly expanding programs. Located in
historic Bethlehem, Pennsylvania the College
provides a values-based liberal arts education
that nurtures students in the development
of leadership, lifelong learning, and positive
societal contributions.
Faculty will have opportunities to teach
at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Moravian College offers CCNE accredited
undergraduate and graduate programs,
including those for pre-licensure students,
Registered Nurses (RN to BS), and, as of
fall 2014, a 16-month accelerated postbaccalaureate program for non-nursing
graduates. The Master of Science Program in
Nursing allows students to select from the
Clinical Nurse Leader, Nurse Administrator,
and Nurse Educator tracks, along with new
tracks preparing Adult-Gerontology Nurse
Practitioners for roles in Acute or Primary
The Nursing Department seeks candidates
with earned PhDs or DNPs or those who
have made significant progress towards a
doctoral degree. A minimum of a Master of
Science in nursing and experience in nursing
education or related clinical experience is
required. The individual must be licensed or
eligible for professional nurse licensure in
Responsibilities include working in
collaboration with Nursing Faculty, Program
Coordinators, and the Chairperson. Faculty
positions are available as 9 or 12-month
tenure-track appointments, and include
preferences for individuals appropriately
credentialed and experienced to teach
concepts and principles of community health,
psychiatric-mental health, and adult acute
care nursing. The candidate for fulltime Nurse
Practitioner coordinator must be certified
as an Adult-Gerontology, Adult, Gerontology,
or Family Nurse Practitioner. If certified as a
Family Nurse Practitioner, the individual must
have provided care primarily for an adult
The deadline for application is February 1,
2015. Please submit a curriculum vitae, and
names of 3 professional references by email
([email protected]), fax (610-6257861) or direct mail to Dr. Lori Hoffman,
Associate Professor, Moravian College, 1200
Main St., Bethlehem, PA 18018.
Moravian College values diversity and
encourages women and minorities to apply.
Assistant/Associate Professor- School of
This is a 9-month academic year, tenure track
position located on the Flagstaff campus
in the School of Nursing. Position begins
8/18/2014. There are two positions available.
Faculty member will be responsible for
teaching theory and clinical courses in the
undergraduate and or graduate nursing
program. Areas of specialty include Family
Nurse Practitioner and Medical/Surgical
Nursing (Adult Health) using traditional and
distance technology. In addition to teaching,
the faculty is expected to demonstrate a
focused program of research and scholarship
and serve on departmental committees.
See website at http://nau.edu/HumanResources/Careers/Applying-HiringInformation/. Click on faculty openings.
Pace University’s College of Health
Professions, Lienhard School of Nursing
seeks full-time tenure track faculty members
to teach on the Pleasantville and New York
City campuses.
We are seeking:
• A Chair, Department of Undergraduate
• A Chair, Department of Graduate
• An undergraduate tenure track faculty
member in psychiatric-mental health
• A graduate tenure track faculty member
in Adult Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
The ideal candidates for the chair
positions will be experienced in curriculum
development, accreditation and professional
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
Continued on page 17
News & Information
OPPORTUNITIES continued from page 16
guidelines, enrollment management and
strategic planning. More info at: http://www.
pace.edu/lienhard/chair-positions. Credentials
appropriate to rank of Associate Professor or
Professor required for tenure eligibility in the
chair role.
Candidates for all positions should have
a PhD, EdD, or other research doctorate.
Academic rank and salary is commensurate
with educational preparation and experience.
These include teaching experience, an
active program of research, and a track
record of publications and grant activity.
The ideal candidates for the faculty (nonchair) positions will have current national
certification in the clinical specialty
noted above, teaching and current clinical
experience, and a background in evidencebased practice and cultural competence.
Candidates with a proven track record of
externally funded research are preferred.
E-mail cover letter and CV to
[email protected]. Application
reviews will continue until the positions are
filled; faculty appointments commence on
9/1/15. Chair positions commence on 7/1/14.
Details for all positions can be found at
Dean of the Loretto Heights School of
Nursing, Regis University, Denver
Regis University invites applications from
dynamic individuals for the position of Dean
of the Loretto Heights School of Nursing,
one of three schools and two divisions that
make up the Rueckert-Hartman College for
Health Professions. The successful candidate
will be a forward-minded leader who will
embrace our multi-faceted programs,
inspire and develop faculty leaders and build
collaborative relationships throughout the
College, University, and external community.
Earned doctorate in a nursing related field
Direct questions to Dr. Karen LeDuc,
Associate Professor Loretto Heights School
of Nursing at 303-458-4338 or mleduc@
regis.edu . Apply for the position online at
citizenship, color, religion, sex, national origin,
age, veteran status, disability status, sexual
orientation, or gender identity. Sam Houston
State University is an “at will” employer.
Security sensitive positions at SHSU require
background checks in accordance with
Education Code 51.215.
Position: Full-Time Tenure-Track Assistant/
Associate/Full Professor of Nursing
Hiring Salary:
Commensurate with Experience
College/Dept: College of Health Sciences/
School of Nursing
Open Until Filled
Full Position Announcements Available at
The Valley Foundation School of Nursing:
Assistant Professor (Tenure-track), 2
Dr. Anne Stiles, Director
University (JOID# 23063)
School of Nursing
(936) 294-2369
[email protected]
Duties: Clinical and classroom teachers. An
active program of research and scholarly
publication is required.
Requirements: Earned doctorate in nursing
preferred or doctorate in related discipline.
Master’s Degree in nursing required.
Experience Requirements: Three years of
clinical experience and/or classroom teaching
experience. Experience in curriculum design
and program development; and experience
with varied instructional methods, including
simulation instruction.
Other Requirements: Eligible for registered
nurse licensure in Texas. A record of
accomplishments in teaching, scholarship, and
service in a school of nursing.
Sam Houston State University is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan
Employer and Smoke/Drug-Free Workplace.
All qualified applicants will receive
consideration for employment without
regard to race, creed, ancestry, marital status,
REQUIRED: A Doctorate in nursing (PhD,
DNSc, DNP) or a related field (e.g., EdD,
etc.) is required by time of appointment. A
Baccalaureate or higher degree in nursing
with a Master’s degree which includes
coursework in nursing, nursing education, or
administration with a (1) Community Health
Nursing or (2) Medical-Surgical Nursing (with
Gerontology) focus. Current physical and
psychosocial assessment skills. Possession of,
or eligibility for, RN licensure in California.
California Public Health Nursing certification.
A minimum of 1 year recent experience
(within 5 years) in (1) Community Health
Nursing or (2) Medical-Surgical Nursing (with
Gerontology) providing direct patient care.
Clinical teaching applies toward direct patient
care. One year of teaching experience
in a registered nurse education program.
Excellent written and oral communication
skills, as well as the ability to work well with
teams. Applicants should have awareness
of and sensitivity to the educational goals
of multicultural, and vulnerable populations
as might have been gained in cross-cultural
study, training, teaching and other comparable
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
Continued on page 18
News & Information
OPPORTUNITIES continued from page 17
SJSU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action employer committed to the core
values of inclusion, civility, and respect for
each individual.
Shepherd University
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Shepherd University seeks qualified
candidates for tenure-track faculty
appointments in the following areas:
Medical/Surgical Nursing (two positions
Pediatrics and Children’s Health Nursing
Psychiatric – Mental Health Nursing
Earned doctorate in nursing or related field
is required (or currently enrolled and have
demonstrated progress); master’s degree
in nursing and unencumbered license to
practice nursing in West Virginia are required
for nurse faculty.
For information about Shepherd University,
go to www.shepherd.edu
For details and to apply, go to https://jobs.
shepherd.edu. EOE
College of Nursing
Associate Dean, Academic Programs: Denton
Campus and Houston Center
Associate Dean for Research and Clinical
The College of Nursing, with three large
campuses located in the growth areas of
Denton, the Dallas metroplex and the worldrenowned Texas Medical Center in Houston,
has two Associate Dean positions open for
energetic and creative nursing leaders at the
Denton Campus and Houston Center.
Texas Woman’s University, a doctoral/
research intensive university was founded
in 1901. With an enrollment of over 15,000
students, TWU is the nation’s largest
university primarily for women. The College
of Nursing graduates the greatest number
of new baccalaureate nurses in the state
of Texas. Programs offered are BS, RN-BS/
RN-MS, MS degree as a nurse practitioner,
educator, health systems management, clinical
nurse leader, PhD in nursing science and
The Position, Associate Dean Denton
campus; Associate Dean Houston Center
The Associate Dean position carries primary
administrative responsibility for the oversight
and implementation of the academic
programs on the respective campus,
including the curriculum and recruitment,
development, evaluation and retention of
highly qualified faculty on each campus.
The Associate Dean manages the budget,
collaborates with program directors/
coordinators of undergraduate, graduate and
doctoral programs and support staff. The
Associate Dean reports directly to the Dean
of the College of Nursing.
In addition, the Associate Dean serves in
a leadership role in their respective health
care community to help promote the
College-wide vision: Pioneering Nursing’s
Future: An Adventure in Excellence. The
Associate Dean has minimal teaching
responsibilities, but may guest lecture on
areas of expertise and advise graduate
students on synthesis projects and/or
dissertations and is expected to participate
in scholarly endeavors.
Associate Dean Research and Clinical
The Associate Dean of Research and Clinical
Scholarship is responsible for developing
and overseeing the research initiative for the
College of Nursing on all three campuses:
Denton, Dallas, and Houston. This individual
will lead the College of Nursing in research
and clinical scholarship through maintaining
an active program of research, mentoring
faculty, guiding student research, and
increasing extramural funding.
Candidates must hold an earned doctorate
in nursing or related field, qualify for the rank
of Associate Professor or Professor, have
experience with baccalaureate and higher
degree programs and be eligible for licensure
as a registered nurse in Texas. Associate
Dean Research candidates must also have
an outstanding record of extramural funded
program of research or scientific scholarship,
strong leadership, integrity and organizational
abilities and a record of professional,
community and university service.
Application or Nomination
Please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae,
copy of graduate transcripts, and names with
email address and phone numbers of three
references via email to [email protected]
(email Header or Subject line must include job
title and job code number (Denton – 14NU09;
Houston – 14NU10; 15NU01-Research).
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Nursing
Thomas Edison State College provides
flexible, high-quality, collegiate learning
opportunities for self-directed adults. The W.
Cary Edwards School of Nursing is seeking
an Associate Dean for Undergraduate
Nursing Programs. This position requires
a current RN license in New Jersey and
an earned doctorate. A minimum of six
years’ experience in a higher education
environment combining academic instruction,
program development and administration,
or the equivalent as determined by the
appointing authority. Experience teaching in
an online environment is strongly preferred.
For complete details and to apply for this
position, visit:
When submitting the online application (link
listed above), please be prepared to attach
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
Continued on page 19
News & Information
OPPORTUNITIES continued from page 18
a resume, cover letter, curriculum vitae, and
two letters of reference.
Thomas Edison State College and its affiliate,
The New Jersey State Library, are Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employers.
Project Faculty Leader (HRSA Grant)
Position Summary:
This grant funded position is responsible for
managing the overall content and direction
of the Círculo de Cuidado program and
instructing pre-nursing, and nursing students
as a faculty member. The grant supports
scholarships for Hispanic nursing students
and benefits areas underserved by health
care professionals. The BSN program is
approved by the Kansas Board of Nursing
and is accredited by the Commission on
Collegiate Nursing Education*. The new
MSN program is in the application process.
• MSN degree required, Doctorate in
Nursing preferred.
• Licensure as a Registered Professional
Nurse in the state of Kansas and
Missouri or the ability to obtain such
licensure prior to finalization of contract.
• Bi-lingual in Spanish and English.
• Previous experience with leading similar
community reform initiatives.
For more information on this position please
refer to www.stmary.edu/hr.
searching for a full-time, pediatric nursing
instructor for Sping 2015. This position
involves the provision of effective didactic,
laboratory, simulation, and clinical nursing
education for both pre-licensure students.
Please visit https://uscjobs.sc.edu/applicants/
Central?quickFind=75144 to see the
complete job posting. Applicants must use
the online application form.
The University of South Carolina is an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
Institution. Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.
Chair, Department Of Family Health
Now seeking qualified candidates. Review
of applications begins immediately and will
continue until the position is filled. “We’re
changing the world – through discovery,
education, and care.” For information or to
apply, go to: https://jobs.uth.tmc.edu/ and
search by job title or for Req. No.#150308.
The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston (UTHealth) is an Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants
will receive consideration for employment
without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, national origin, disability unrelated
to program performance, age, citizenship
status, or veteran’s status. Under Section 504
of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans
with Disabilities Act, reasonable disability
accommodations will be provided, as needed.
Adjunct, Nursing of Children Peds
Dean, Faculty of Human and Social Development
The University of South Carolina Beaufort
offers a rewarding opportunity for a nurse
educator to teach in a CCNE accredited
baccalaureate program, located at the gateway
to Hilton Head Island. We are currently
The University of Victoria (www.uvic.ca)
is consistently ranked as one of Canada’s
leading research universities demonstrating
an extraordinary depth of excellence across
a wide array of academic programs at the
undergraduate and graduate level. The
University has earned a reputation for its
commitment to research, scholarship and
experiential learning and is widely recognized
for its innovative and responsive programs,
interdisciplinary and international initiatives,
a broad based co-op program and a diverse
and welcoming learning community. With over
20,000 students and nearly 5,000 faculty and
staff, the University of Victoria has established
an exceedingly collegial leadership culture
with a tangible esprit de corps across campus.
One of the most vibrant Faculties at the
University, the Faculty of Human and Social
Development is a dynamic and multi-faceted
community of people. The Faculty offers
undergraduate and graduate programs in
seven different disciplines; Child and Youth
Care, Health Information Science, Indigenous
Governance, Nursing, Public Administration,
Public Health and Social Policy and Social
Work. To learn more about the Faculty
please visit: www.uvic.ca/hsd/.
Reporting to the Vice-President Academic
and Provost, the new Dean of the Faculty
of Human and Social Development will be
a distinguished academic with a passion
for excellence in research and teaching.
Candidates will possess a doctoral degree
and will have a demonstrated record of
achievement in academic administration,
communication, collaborative leadership and
a willingness to engage in robust fundraising
and external relations.
The University of Victoria is an equity
employer and encourages applications from
women, persons with disabilities, visible
minorities, Aboriginal people, people of
all sexual orientations and genders, and
others who may contribute to the further
diversification of the University. All qualified
candidates are encouraged to apply; however,
Canadians and permanent residents of
Canada will be given priority.
This is an exciting and challenging opportunity
to play a leadership role in one of Canada’s
most innovative universities. Should you want
to learn more please call Danielle Conn
or Maureen Geldart at (604) 926-0005 or
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
Continued on page 20
News & Information
OPPORTUNITIES continued from page 19
forward your CV, a letter of introduction and
the names of three referees, in confidence, to
[email protected].
The Department of Nursing in the College
of Nursing and Health Sciences invites
applications for Assistant, Associate and Full
Professor positions.
Tenure-track positions are available at all
ranks. Appointments are nine months with
possibilities for summer appointments.
Excellent opportunities exist for leadership,
clinical and professional development,
and research. Engaged teams of students
and faculty conduct research through the
University student-faculty collaborative
research program. Interdisciplinary teaching
and scholarship opportunities are readily
available and supported. Collaborative
community exchanges, cultural immersion
programs and global awareness initiatives
are well established and new, innovative
partnerships are supported through the
university strategic plan and community
agencies. Faculty and staff foster studentcentered learning, leadership skill
development, and shared governance. Priority
areas of expertise sought: Nurse Practitioner
(NP): Gerontology, Adult-Gerontology, Adult,
or Family Primary Care with certification
and prescriptive authority; Clinical Nurse
Specialist (CNS): Gerontology or Adult/
Gerontology with certification; NP or CNS:
Psychiatric/Mental Health with certification.
Applicants with other clinical practice and
or scholarship expertise may be considered
depending on departmental need. For a
complete list of qualifications and to apply,
please visit our website at http://www.uwec.
The Director of Clinical Simulation Labs
The University of Maryland School of
Nursing (UMSON) is seeking a dynamic
leader to further advance the development
and pedagogical integration of this state-ofthe-art educational facility in support of the
School’s mission. UMSON shares a 61-acre
campus with five other professional schools
– Dentistry, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy and
Social Work. Close by are the University
of Maryland Medical Center, University
of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, and
the Baltimore VA Medical Center. The
resources and collegial atmosphere present
unlimited opportunities for interdisciplinary
research collaborations. The close
proximity to Washington, DC promotes
active participation in policy initiatives and
professional conferences.
Washburn University seeks dynamic Family
Nurse Practitioner for tenure track position
starting August 2015. Qualifications include
national certification in population foci,
licensed in KS as RN/APRN by August 1,
2015, 2 years current experience as NP in
primary care practice, graduate teaching
experience. Washburn University is an EOE.
See http://www.washburn.edu/faculty-staff/
human-resources/faculty-vacancies/dnptenure-track-professor.html for full details.
The Director of Clinical Simulation Labs:
• Serves as the manager for 24 CSLs and
staff located in Baltimore and works
in close collaboration with the CSL
director for UMSON’s six labs at its
Universities at Shady Grove site.
• Contributes to the elaboration and
realization of the strategic vision for the
• Oversees management of all operations
• Serves as a resource for the design,
application, research, and testing of
clinical simulation in the educate and
evaluation of students and health care
• Collaborates with faculty members
in the development, implementation
and evaluation of courses and clinical
• Assists in the recruitment of students
• Teaches in UMSON’s undergraduate and
graduate programs and advises students
• Represents UMSON in local, national,
and international activities. Facilitate
interdisciplinary collaboration
Full-time and Adjunct Nursing Faculty
For more information, visit: http://www.
The University of Maryland is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ADA Employer.
West Coast University is growing throughout
Southern California with campuses in
Anaheim, Ontario, Los Angeles and Van Nuys.
As our nursing programs continue to thrive,
we are looking for an array of full-time and
adjunct nursing faculty with backgrounds
in various nursing specialties. The right
candidates will demonstrate high level of
professional expertise on the basis of theory
and clinical-based experience in their relevant
specialty. All positions require a Master’s
Degree in Nursing; terminal degree preferred.
Desired specialties/areas of expertise:
• Family Nurse Practitioner
• Medical-Surgical nursing
• Obstetrics
• Pediatrics
• Psychiatric/ Mental Health
• Simulation
For more information and a full list of open
positions, please visit our employment page
at http://westcoastuniversity.edu/about/
jobs.html or email your curriculum vitae to
[email protected].
West Coast University is proud to be an
equal opportunity employer, and we seek
candidates who desire to work in and serve
an ethnically-diverse population.
Nursing Faculty - DNP Program
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
Experience the Possibilities
through Johns Hopkins Nursing Faculty Opportunities
Seeking Innovative Faculty
for Our New Master’s Entry
into Nursing Program
Positions Available in the
Practice-Education and
Research-Education Tracks
Join our accomplished faculty and teach in
an environment of interdisciplinary learning,
research, service, and practice.
Learn more about the new Master’s
Entry program launching in fall 2015 at
• Adult Health
• Child Health
• Childbearing Families
Faculty applications will be selected by
January 15, 2015. Applications and
inquiries are confidential.
• Psychiatric/Mental Health
Apply at nursing.jhu.edu/facultypositions
• DNP or PhD in Nursing, or
a related field
• CNS or NP Certification,
preferred but not required
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
The Penn State College of Nursing invites nominations and applications for the following
faculty positions:
Eberly Professor of Nursing (Endowed Chair/Tenured)
Open-Rank Faculty Position (Tenure-Line)
Assistant or Associate Professor of Nursing (Sleep Research; Tenure-Line)
Family Nurse Practitioner Faculty
The College of Nursing is among the country’s top schools of nursing in NIH research funding.
Our graduate program is ranked in the top 10 percent of nursing schools nationwide. We offer
excellent opportunities for faculty mentorship and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Penn State is supportive of dual-career situations and seeks candidates who are interested in
contributing to the University’s diversity mission.
For more information, visit: www.nursing.psu.edu/faculty-vacancies
CAMPUS SECURITY CRIME STATISTICS: For more about safety at Penn State, and to review the Annual Security Report which contains information about crime statistics and
other safety and security matters, please go to http://www.police.psu.edu/clery/, which will also provide you with detail on how to request a hard copy of the Annual Security Report
Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to minorities, women, veterans, individuals with disabilities,
and other protected groups.
Dean, School of Nursing | University of Portland
The University of Portland invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the School of Nursing. The position will open
July 1, 2015. The Dean reports to the Provost and is responsible for the general welfare of the School. The Dean facilitates faculty development,
curriculum review, and planning; oversees the School’s budget, and faculty and staff appointments; advances innovation in nursing education; maintains a positive ethos in a mission driven unit; and maintains dynamic relationships within the University and community.
The successful candidate will possess a doctoral degree in nursing, or an appropriate discipline; eligibility for Oregon licensure as a
registered nurse; a record of teaching and scholarship that warrants appointment to the faculty at senior rank; previous teaching and
administrative experience in higher education; understanding and support for the Catholic mission of the University and the School of
Nursing; an ambition to lead a School recognized for the premier quality of its graduates; and the ability to establish links between the
University and public and private health care facilities. The School of Nursing offers Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science, and Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees. It is fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and approved by the Oregon State Board of Nursing.
Founded in 1901, the University of Portland is a private Catholic teaching university. It is the largest private comprehensive university in
Oregon with a College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Nursing, the School of Education, the Shiley School of Engineering, and the
Pamplin School of Business. University enrollment is approximately 4,025 undergraduate and graduate students.
Consideration of applications will begin December 1 and applications will be accepted until the position has been filled.
For additional information and to apply see: up.hiretouch.com
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
Search 67262
Georgia Southern University, School of Nursing, invites nominations and
applications for the position of Instructor (Search 67262)
The successful candidate’s responsibilities will include teaching in the
classroom and clinical settings in the undergraduate and graduate
programs. In addition, responsibilities include scholarship yielding
publications, service on committees, and participation in official
activities of the School, College and University. The salary is competitive
and commensurate with qualifications and experience. For a complete
list of required and preferred qualifications, see our website at
Screening of applications begins November 15, 2014, and continues until
the position is filled. Position start date is August 1, 2015. A complete
application consists of a letter addressing the qualifications cited on the
website; a curriculum vita; and the names, addresses, telephone
numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least 5 professional references.
Applications and nominations should be sent to:
Sharon Radzyminski, PhD, JD, RN
Search Chair, Search #67262
Georgia Southern University School of Nursing, P. O. Box 8158
Statesboro, GA 30460-8158
Electronic mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 912/478-5455
More information about the institution is at
http://www.georgiasouthern.edu and
Names of applicants and nominees, vitae, and other non-evaluative
information may be subject to public inspection under the Georgia Open
Records Act.
Georgia Southern University is an AA/EO institution.
ADA accommodations arranged upon request.
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing invites applicants for the Associate Dean
for Nursing Research, Scholarship and Science position. The School of Nursing has over 1,000 students,
offering Baccalaureate, Masters, Doctor of Nursing Practice and Doctoral of Nursing Science degree programs
within an academic health sciences center environment. The School of Nursing is one of six schools in the
Health Sciences Center [“HSC”] (Medicine, Dentistry, Public Health, Allied Health and Graduate Studies). The
incumbent for this administrative position will be responsible for directing the Office of Nursing Research,
Scholarship and Science, stimulating, promoting and developing the research interests and related productivity
of the Nursing Faculty, and directing the Doctor of Nursing Science Program. Incumbent will direct and assist
faculty to develop programs of externally funded nursing research; develop & implement intramural research
& scholarship programs; establish clinical agency research partnerships; develop & plan programs to maintain
institutional evaluation data related to the School; collaborate with Programs, Departments, Associate Deans
and appropriate Health Sciences Center committees to implement & coordinate an ongoing evaluation program
for the School; ensure compliance with Human Subjects Protection; interpret Institutional Review Board
standards, administrative procedures and requirements; facilitate grant production activities and dissemination
of research, scholarship & science; promote development of intellectual property; coordinate an internal review
& critique of all grant proposals submitted to an Institutional Review Board and/or for external funding; maintain
a faculty development plan to develop the research expertise of faculty; and facilitate networking & information
sharing for and among faculty around common research interests (e.g. forums, clinics, colloquia, faculty
development). The Associate Dean is responsible for ensuring the standards, goals & objectives of their areas of
responsibility are accomplished within the strategic plans of the School of Nursing and the University; manage
the resources, activities & provision of services; consult with Associate Deans on curriculum matters; maintain
multiple databases regarding local, national & international research opportunities, record ongoing activities
& communicate data to faculty; prepare annual fiscal report of research & scholarship activities of the School;
serve on School & HSC committees and represent the School in the HSC and community.
Qualification Requirements
• Earned research focused Doctorate Degree in Nursing, or related field
• Currently licensed to practice as a registered nurse in the United States and eligible for licensure in Louisiana
• A minimum of five (5) years experience as faculty in a University School of Nursing
• Demonstrated high-level of interpersonal skills for communication, consultation & collaboration
• Documented record of successful grant writing and research funded at the national level
Applicant Instructions
• Forward letter of interest, a current CV and letters of reference to:
Dr. Demetrius Porche, Dean, electronically to [email protected]
• A copy of your transcript(s) may be attached to your resume (if available). However, original
transcripts are required prior to hire
Closing Date: 8/10/214
LSUHSC is an
Equal Opportunity Employer for females, minorities,
Issue: NOV/DEC
individuals with disabilities and protected veterans.
1/4 Page = 3.25 x 4.5”
Careers with Mass Appeal
Search 67266
Georgia Southern University, School of Nursing, invites nominations and
applications for the position of Bulloch County Hospital Foundation
Endowed Chair (Search 67266).
The successful candidate’s responsibilities will include teaching, research
and service. In addition, responsibilities include establishing a vigorous
research program, teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs,
and assuming a leadership role in the School of Nursing’s development of
rural community health nursing practice and research leading to graduate
degrees. The salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications
and experience. For a complete list of required and preferred qualifications,
see our website at http://chhs.georgiasouthern.edu/employment/.
Screening of applications begins November 15, 2014, and continues until
the position is filled. Position start date is August 1, 2015. A complete
application consists of a letter addressing the qualifications cited on the
website; a curriculum vita; and the names, addresses, telephone
numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least 5 professional references.
Applications and nominations should be sent to:
Sharon Radzyminski, PhD, JD, RN
Search Chair, Search #67266
Georgia Southern University School of Nursing, P. O. Box 8158
Statesboro, GA 30460-8158
Electronic mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 912/478-5455
More information about the institution is at
http://www.georgiasouthern.edu and
Names of applicants and nominees, vitae, and other non-evaluative information
may be subject to public inspection under the Georgia Open Records Act.
Georgia Southern University is an AA/EO institution.
ADA accommodations arranged upon request.
College of Health Sciences
School of Nursing - Faculty Positions
Located in the historic industrial city of Lowell, 25 miles northwest of
Boston, the University of Massachusetts Lowell would like to invite
applications for the following open faculty positions in the School of
Nursing within the College of Health Sciences:
Assistant/Associate Professor
Clinical Assistant Professor
Visiting Faculty (Multiple Positions)
For complete job descriptions, required materials, application
deadlines and to apply, please visit https://jobs.uml.edu.
Applicants can find more information about the College of Health
Sciences at http://www.uml.edu/health-sciences.
Underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. We
believe that diversity that reflects the community we serve enhances
the academic experience for our students and is essential to the
University of Massachusetts Lowell’s success.
The University of Massachusetts Lowell is an Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action, Title IX employer. All qualified applicants will
receive consideration for employment without regard to race, sex,
color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age over 40, protected
Issue: veteran
issue sexual orientation, gender identity/
status, disability,
or other protected class.
Size: expression,
1/4 Page
= 3.25
x 4.5”
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
Executive Associate Dean
he MGH Institute of Health Professions invites
applications, nominations, and inquiries for the
position of Executive Associate Dean of the School of
Nursing (SON). Reporting directly to the Dean of the SON,
the Executive Associate Dean provides day-to-day leadership
for operational activities in the School. The Executive
Associate Dean is a key member of the administrative
leadership team of the School.
Provide leadership for innovation and academic excellence
in all programs
Collaborate with the Dean, Assistant Deans and faculty to
advance the mission, vision, and strategic plan.
Lead and manage systems and policies that support
academic program planning, implementation, evaluation
and continuous improvement
Coordinate academic program activities in the SON
Develop initiatives to promote faculty and student success
related to the areas of teaching and learning
Provide leadership in developing a culture that supports
scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching
Seek and facilitate funding to support innovation in the
academic programs within the SON
Oversee compliance with accreditation and regulatory
requirements for academic programs
Recommend fiscal and other resources to support the
academic programs
Coordinate the expansion and evaluation of clinical
Represent the Dean at designated campus and professional
Continuously monitor and respond to national and
regional trends in nursing education, suggesting changes
and initiatives as appropriate
Create and foster a positive work environment in line with
the Institute’s core values and mission
Recognize and foster the critical roles of research,
education, and practice in shaping the future for the SON
The successful candidate will be a licensed RN, eligible
for licensure in Massachusetts, hold at least one graduate
degree in nursing and an earned PhD in nursing or a related
discipline. The candidate must be a successful educator,
possess excellent interpersonal skills, show a demonstrated
commitment to diversity, and have a CV consistent with
appointment at senior rank. Other preferred qualifications
include experience in higher education administration,
interprofessional education, the ability to mentor faculty at
all levels, as well as a record of scholarship and program
funding related to nursing and interprofessional education.
The School of Nursing
Serving over 600 students with 57 full-time faculty, SON
offers an accelerated BSN program, an entry-level and postprofessional Master of Science in Nursing, a Certificate of
Advanced Study, and the Doctor of Nursing Practice, one of
the first accredited DNP programs in the country. The BSN,
MS and DNP programs in the SON are accredited by CCNE
through June 2024.
Applicants should submit a letter of interest and current CV
directly to Laurie M. Lauzon Clabo, Dean and Professor,
School of Nursing at [email protected]. The letter
of interest should describe the candidate’s professional
strengths and experiences and how these experiences fit the
requirements and expectations of the role. Nominations are
also encouraged. Confidential review of applications will
begin promptly, and continue until the position is filled.
The MGH Institute of Health Professions is an equal opportunity
employer and is committed to enhancing the diversity of its
faculty and staff. We welcome nominations and applications from
individuals who would bring diversity of experience, thought and
practice to the Institute’s research, teaching and clinical missions.
Applications from protected veterans and individuals with
disabilities are strongly encouraged.
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
TriHealth is seeking highly skilled MSN Clinical Nurse Leaders
Med/Surg FT, days (#42823) Telemetry FT, days (#42825)
As a CNL you will focus on outcomes-based practice and quality
improvement, having a measurable impact on the quality of nursing
services as you:
• establish strong partnerships while delivering optimal care
• improve care outcomes, realize sizable cost-savings, and suggest
necessary improvements or changes to the setting
• provide critical thinking and innovation in nursing care
• provide horizontal leadership as you manage the care environment
Great healthcare
begins with great
• Master’s Degree in Nursing; CNL Certification
• 3-4 yrs min exp Professional Nursing in acute care setting
• Ability to prioritize, problem solve; interpersonal communication skills;
demonstrated ability to motivate others and adapt information based
on ability/needs
*Telemetry or Critical Care experience preferred for #42825.
Contact Mary Terrell, Nurse
Recruiter, at 513 862 2442
or visit TriHealth.com to
TriHealth is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to
fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce.
Pre- and Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Nurses
TriHealth TriHealth TriHealth TriHealth TriHealth TriHealth
TriHealth TriHealth TriHealth TriHealth TriHealth TriHealth
• Design and lead
interprofessional efforts for
quality improvement
• Teach health professionals
about healthcare improvement
and quality
• Design and conduct research
or improvement projects and
publish results in peer-reviewed
• Develop new knowledge for
the ongoing improvement of
the quality and value of
healthcare services
Two-year interprofessional program that trains nurses in
healthcare quality improvement through innovation,
teaching, and research
Broad curriculum combined with individualized training
at one of eight VA sites
Cross-site learning experiences convened by faculty of
the Houston Center for Training in Healthcare Quality.
Positions available at each site for nurses accepted into
DNP or PhD programs or post-doctoral nurses
Contact site leaders for application information. Pre and postdoctoral nurses and nurse practitioners who seek training in
healthcare quality through teaching, research, and administration
are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be US citizens and hold
valid, unrestricted licenses to practice.
Atlanta, GA- VAMC
Carolyn Clevenger, DNP
[email protected]
Birmingham, AL- VAMC
Patricia Patrician, RN, PhD
[email protected]
Cleveland, OH- VAMC
Mary A. Dolansky, RN, PhD
[email protected]
Greater Los Angeles, CA- VAMC
Lynn Soban, PhD, MPH, RN
[email protected]
Iowa City, IA- VAMC
Jill Scott-Cawiezell, RN, PhD
[email protected]
Nashville, TN- VAMC
Lorraine Mion, RN, PhD
[email protected]
San Francisco, CA- VAMC
Margaret I. Wallhagen, PhD, GNP
[email protected]
White River Junction, VT- VAMC
Brant Oliver, PhD, NP, MS, MPH
[email protected]
VAQS Coordinating Center Co-Director
Jane Anderson, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC
[email protected]
Houston Center for Training in Healthcare
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
News & Information
UNC in beautiful Northern Colorado is currently seeking applicants for nursing
faculty positions.
Three tenure track positions are currently open, requiring a PhD in Nursing or
closely related field, with experience in teaching and program of research
preferred. One of the positions is tenure-eligible.
Please access the UNC website for details about each of these opportunities:
Syllabus is published bimonthly by the
American Association of Colleges of
Nursing (AACN). Address Changes: Send
to Syllabus, AACN, One Dupont Circle,
Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036.
Managing Editor: William O’Connor
Contributing Editor: Robert Rosseter,
Chief Communications Officer
Integrating Health Policy into
Doctoral Nursing Programs:
Continuing the Conversation in 2015
Space in Opportunities is available for
advertising position openings, availabilities,
and consultant and other services.
This conference offers PhD and DNP faculty strategies for inte
into their
Its the
All programs
is courses.
subject to
publisher’s and inter
for developing
expertise in policy analysis and research. The conference foster
Wood Johnson Foundation in building a culture of health, whi
Publications of the American Association
encompasses more than health care, and that health policy nece
of Nursing
advanceaspects of heal
the quality
with beginning
health and
knowledge are enco
nursing education, promote nursing
and develop academic leaders.
AACN therefore reserves the right to
At the conclusion of this conference, participants will be able to
omit, orand
1. Identify
and explore
that enhance
is not
in the
of health
doctoral nursing cu
2. Discuss
and interdisciplinary
of the objectives
and policies collaboration
for of
the Association,
or into
is not innursing programs to
preparing students to address current and emerging health p
keeping with the generally scholarly and
3. Identify roles that nurses prepared at the PhD or DNP level
to helpnature
shape of
address social determi
The publication
of population
any advertisement
of health
and improve
health outcomes.
AACN is strategies
neither an
of the of research
4. Recommend
developing programs
and students
focus on
broad understanding o
nor the
health policies to address the relationships between soc
determinants of health, population health, and health care.
5. Recognize
social determinants
of health and integrate a
AACN the
equal employment
understanding of these determinants into policy analysis an
as a way to help build a culture of health in the United Stat
accepts only advertisements that are not
discriminatory on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap,
8:00 am–8:30 am
Registration and Continental Breakfast
sexual orientation,
vetran status, or for any
other reason not related to individal merit.
8:30 am–8:45 am
Welcome and Introductions
Rates: The classified
ad rateCo-Chairs:
is $10 perCarol A. Lockha
Sally S. Cohen, PhD, RN, FAAN
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Hotel del Coronado
1500 Orange Avenue, Coronado, CA
Presented by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nursing and Health Policy
Collaborative at the University of New Mexico
line for AACN members; $12 per line for
nonmembers (approximately 40 characters
8:45 am–9:00 am
Opening Remarks
and spaces per line).
Susan B. Hassmiller, PhD, RN, FAAN
Deadlines: Opportunities is published
Keynote Address: Translating Research
bimonthly beginning
the January
C. Reinhard,
issue. Deadline for including, changing, or
cancelling am
ads isBreak
the 15th of the month
10:00 am–10:15
preceding publication date. Advertisers are
invoiced with
10:15 am–11:20
am proof
Health Policy Leadership
9:00 am–10:00 am
Send Copy To: All
copy must
be submitted
A. Carter,
Adriana Perez,
RN, ANP, and
electronically, preferably
in Word
Julie A.
(or PDFs for display
to Marsha
Semelfort ([email protected]).
AACN | One Dupont Circle, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036 | www.aacn.nche.edu | 202-463-6930
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