Name: Boris S. Ermolinsky Date and place of birth:
Curriculum vitae I. BIOGRAPHICAL AND CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Date and place of birth: Citizenship: II. EMPLOYMENT 2007-present 2006-2007 2002-2006 1993-present 1985-1993 III. 2002-2006 1995-2000 1979-1985 IV. Boris S. Ermolinsky September 21st, 1960; Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan Russian, Green Card Research Assistant Professor, University of Texas Brownsville (UTB) Lecturer, Dept. Biological Science, University of Texas Brownsville (UTB) Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Public Health, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston – Brownsville regional campus Senior Research Scientist, Engelgardt Institute of Molecular Biology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Stereochemistry of Enzymatic Reactions, Moscow. Research Assistant. USSR Research Institute of Phytopathology, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Moscow region. EDUCATION Postdoctoral training, School of Public Health, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston – Brownsville regional campus Ph.D. in Chemistry, Engelgardt Institute of Molecular Biology Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia. M.S. in Chemistry, Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology. SKILLS Computer literacy: general computer skills in DOS, Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, Paint Shop Pro, ChemWindow, ISIS/Draw, ISIS/Base, HyperChem. The basic skills of operation in the Internet) Languages: Russian, English Laboratory Techniques: Organic chemistry: General organic synthesis, synthesis of nucleotide-nucleoside derivatives, synthesis of modified oligonuleotides, purification and analysis of synthesized compounds. Biochemistry: Enzymatic synthesis of biochemical compounds, methods of enzymatic kinetics, methods of modification of antibodies, protein analysis, protein purification. Molecular biology: molecular cloning, immunochemistry, design and preparation different vectors for molecular cell biology. I General skills of tissue culture, immunohystochemistry, design and setup methods of transfection of different lines of cells, design and setup methods of analysis of expression different genes by RT QPCR. Instrumentation: electrophoresis, HPLC-technique, LC-MS of proteins, ELISA, QPCR, imaging, microscopy, centrifugation, UV, IR, mass spectrometry, NMR spectrometry. V. MEMBERSHIPS 2011-Present 2007-Present 2006-Present 2006-Present VI. 2010 American Chemical Society Center for Biomedical Studies (CBS) at UTB/TSC American Society of Mass Spectrometry American Association for the Advancement of Sciences AWARDS AND HONORS 2006 2005 Certificate of Appreciation, University of Texas at Brownsville, the Biological Chemical Radiation Safety Committee. Certificate of Recognition, Texas A&M University System and Cameron County. Certificate of Appreciation, School of Public Health, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston – Brownsville regional campus. VII. 2009 2006 2004 2004 2004 2004 CERTIFICATIONS Shipping Infectious Substances and Diagnostic Specimens, UTB Shipping Infectious Substances and Diagnostic Specimens, UTB Radiation Safety Training Course, UTB Shipping Infectious Substances and Diagnostic Specimens, UTB Blood borne Pathogens Training Course, UTB Laboratory Safety, UTB VIII. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 2005-present Radiation Safety Officer and member of the Biological-Chemical-RadiationSafety Committee, UTB XI. FUNDING 2009-present Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions (RIMI). Subproject#1: Aptamerdirected nanocomplexes for targeted transfection. Role : PI. 2007-2009 Grant from the National Institute of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders, 1R21NS056160-01A2 (Garrido-Sanabria, PI). Targeted immunoliposomes for cell-type specific gene therapy of epilepsy. Role: Co-PI 2004-2006 National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD). Creation of an Hispanic Health Research Center in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (EXPORT). Role: Co-Investigator II 2004-2005 NIH-EXPORT PILOT grant, UTHSCS/SPH, Development of new screening methods for cervical cancer in low income women. Role: PI Russian foundation for basic research. Affinity modification and inhibition of enzymes by oligonucleotides with reactive dialdehyde groups. Role: PI 2001-2003 X. INVITED SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS 2005 XI. Border Health Seminar Series, University of Texas Brownsville - School of Public Health, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston – Brownsville regional campus TEACHING i. 2010-2011 2008-2009 2006-2008 2003-2006 2003-2006 2003-2006 Tarun Pandari (Master`s Thesis), UTB Frank Skinner (undergraduate student at UTB, Major in Biology) Masoud Arshadmansad (undergraduate student at UTB, Major in Biology) Robert Wilson, (undergraduate RISE student), UTB Angel Olguin, UTB (Master’s Thesis), UTB Alisande Cardenas (Master’s Thesis), UTB ii. 2008-2009 2006-2008 2006-2009 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-Present 2006-2007 2000-2002 XII. Students mentored in the laboratory: Lectures and laboratory courses: General Biology I laboratory, undergraduate students, UTB Organic Chemistry I and II Lab, undergraduate students, UTB. General Chemistry I laboratory, undergraduate students, UTB. Cell and Molecular Biology laboratory, undergraduate students, UTB Advanced Physiology Laboratory, undergraduate students, UTB General Biology I laboratory, undergraduate students, UTB Immunology, laboratory and lectures, undergraduate and graduate students, UTB Chemistry and Structure of nucleic acids, Doctoral students PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES 1. Beigelman L.N., Gurskaya G.V., Tsapkina E.N., Karpeisky M.Ya., Ermolinsky B.S., Mikhailov S.N. A new synthesis of 2'-C-methylnucleosides starting from D-ribose. Nucleic Acids Symp Ser V.18, p. 41-44, (1987). 2. Beigelman L.N., Gurskaya G.V., Tsapkina E.N., Karpeisky M.Ya, Ermolinsky B.S., Mikhailov S.N. New synthesis of 2'-C-methylnucleosides starting from D-ribose and Dglucose Carbohydrate research, V.166, 219-223, (1987) III 3. Khurs E.N., Voinova T.M., Ermolinsky B.S., Dzavakhia V.G., Khomutov R.M. New inhibitor of AcCoA dependent biosynthesis of the natural products. Abstracts of 14-th International Congress of Biochemistry, Prague, Czechoslovakia, July 10-15, 1988, V.II, Tu.665, p.233 4. Khurs E.N., Voinova T.M., Ermolinsky B.S., Dzavakhia V.G., Khomutov R.M. Antipenetrant action of 1-aminoethyl phosphorus acid which inhibits conidia genesis of phytotoxine of fungus Pyricularia oryzae Cav. Book of abstracts 7-th International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry. Hamburg, August 5-10, 1990, 04D-08, 236 5. Khomutov R. M., Khurs E. N., Biryukov A. I., Zhukov Yu. N., Dzhavahia V. G., Voinova T.M., Ermolinsky B. S. Alaphosphalin (L-alanyl-L-1-aminoethylphosphonic acid) inhibits Ac-CoA-dependent pathways of micromycetes biosynthesis. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 1990, 16 (2):275-279 6. S. I. Sviridov and B. S. Ermolinskii. Secondary metabolites of Pyricularia oryzae I. ONitrophenol derivatives. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, V.26, N6 / Nov., 1991, 691-696 7. Mikhailov S.N., Fomitcheva M.V., Efimtseva E.V., Ermolinsky B.S., Meshkov S.V., Esipov D.S., Boldyreva E.F., Korobko V.G. Oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing 1--Dglucopyranosylthymine : synthesis and substrate properties. Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. Special Issue, 61, 222-225 (1996). 8. Mikhailov S.N., Efimtseva E.V., Ermolinsky B.S., Fomitcheva M.V., Gritsenko O.M., Brevnov M.G., Gromova E.S., Schepers G., Van Aerschot A., Herdewijn P. Regioselective incorporation of reactive dialdehyde groups into synthetic oligonucleotides. Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. Special Issue, V.61, 210-212 (1996). 9. Mikhailov S.N., Fomitcheva M.V., Efimtseva E.V., Ermolinsky B.S., Meshkov S.V., Esipov D.S., Boldyreva E.F., Korobko V.G. Oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing 1--Dglucopyranosylthymine: synthesis and substrate properties. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, V.15, No 10, 1619-1634 (1996). IV 10. M.G. Brevnov, O.M. Gritsenko, S.N.Mikhailov, E.V. Efimtseva, Ermolinsky B.S., A.Van Aerschot, P. Herdewijn, A.V.Repyk, E.S. Gromova. DNA duplexes with reactive dialdehyde groups as novel reagents for cross-linking to restriction-modification enzymes Nucleic Acids Research, Vol.25,No.16., 3302-3309 (1997) 11. V.L. Tunitskaya, E.E.Rusakova, N.Sh.Padyukova, Ermolinsky B.S., A.A.Chernyi, S.N.Kochetkov, Yu.P. Lysov, S.N.Mikhailov. Substrate properties of C`-methyl UTP derivatives in T7 RNA polymerase reactions. Evidence for N-type NTP conformation. FEBS letters 400 , 1997, 263-266 12. Efimtseva E.V., Victorova L.S., Rodionov A.A., Ermolinsky B.S., Fomitcheva M.V., Mikhailov S.N., Oivanen M., Van Aerschot A., Herdewijn P. Disaccharide nucleosides and their enzymatic and chemical incorporation into oligonucleotides. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 17, 1681-1684, (1998) 13. Tunitskaya V.L., Rusakova E.E., Memelova L.V., Kochetkov S.N., Van Aerschot A., Herdewijn P., Efimtseva E.V., Ermolinsky B.S., Mikhailov S. The mapping of T7 RNA polymerase active site with novel reagents - oligonucleotides with reactive dialdehyde groups. FEBS Lett., 442, 20-24, (1999). 14. Mikhailov S.N., Rodionov A.A., Efimtseva E.V., Ermolinsky B.S., Fomitcheva M.V., Padyukova N.Sh., Rothenbacher K., Lescrinier E., Herdewijn P. Studies on disaccharide nucleoside synthesis. Mechanism of the formation of trisaccharide purine nucleosides. Nucleosides & Nucleotides 18, 691-692, (1999) 15. Mikhailov S.N., Efimtseva E.V. Ermolinsky B.S., Brevnov M.G., Gritsenko O.M., Gromova E.S., Van Aerschot A., Herdewijn P. Oligonucleotides with reactive dialdehyde groups as novel affinity reagents. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 18, 1469-1470, (1999). 16. Padyukova N.Sh., Dixon H.B.F., Efimtseva E.V., Ermolinsky B.S., Mikhailov S.N., Karpeisky M.Ya. Synthesis and properties of novel NTP derivatives. Nucleosides & Nucleotides 18, 1013-1014, (1999). V 17. Rusakova E., Tunitskaya V., Memelova L., Kochetkov S., Ermolinsky B., Mikhailov S. Localization of the initiation site in T7 RNA polymerase by affinity labeling. Nucleosides & Nucleotides 18, 1359-1360, (1999). 18. B.S.Ermolisky, and S.N.Mikhailov. Periodate oxidation in chemistry of nucleic acids: Dialdehyde derivatives of nucleosides, nucleotides and oligonucleotides (Review). Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 2000, 26 (7):429-449. 19. O.I.Andreeva, A.S.Golubeva, S.N.Kochetkov, A.Van Aershot, P.Herdewjin, E.V. Efimtseva, B.S.Ermolisky, and S.N.Mikhailov. An additional 2`-ribofuranose residue at a specific position of DNA primer prevents its elongation by HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. Bioorg. Med.Chem.Lett.12:681,(2002). 20. O.M. Gritsenko, E.V. Koudan, S.N. Mikhailov, B.S. Ermolinsky, A.Van Aershot, P. Herdewjin, E.S. Gromova. Affinity modification of EcoRII DNA methyltransferase by the dialdehyde-substituted DNA duplexes: mapping the enzyme region that interacts with DNA. Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids. 2002 Nov-Dec;21(11-12):753-64. 21. Ermolinsky BS, Efimtseva EV, Alexeev CS, Mikhailov SN, Balzarini J, De Clercq E. Synopsis of current work. Dinucleoside monophosphates containing AZT and 1methyladenosine or 7-methylguanosine. Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids. 2003 MayAug;22(5-8):853-5. 22. Mikhailov SN, Efimtseva EV, Ermolinsky BS, Bobkov GV, Andreeva OI, Golubeva AS, Kochetkov SN, Van Aerschot A, Schepers G, Herdewijn P. Oligonucleotides containing disaccharide nucleosides: synthesis, physicochemical, and substrate properties. Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids. 2003 May-Aug;22(5-8):1117-8 23. Golubeva AS, Ermolinsky BS, Efimtseva EV, Tunitskaya VL, van Aerschot A, Herdewijn P, Mikhailov SN, Kochetkov SN. Interaction of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase with modified oligonucleotide primers containing 2'-O-beta-D-ribofuranosyladenosine. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2004 Feb;69(2):130-6. 24. Pacheco LF, Hernandez, E.F, Arshadmansab, M.F, Francisco, S., Willis, M., Ermolinsky, B., Zarei, M.M, Knaus, H-G., Garrido Sanabria, E.R. Down-regulation of BK channel expression in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain Research 2008, 1200: 116-131. VI 25. Ermolinsky B, Pacheco LF, Arshadmansab MF, Garrido-Sanabria ER. Differential changes in mGluR2 and mGluR3 gene expression following pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus: A comparative real-time PCR analysis. Brain Research 2008, 1226:173-180. 26. Emilio R. Garrido-Sanabria, Luis F. Pacheco Otalora, Massoud F. Arshadmansab, Berenice Herrera, Sebastian Francisco, Boris S. Ermolinsky. Impaired expression and function of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors in pilocarpine-treated chronically epileptic rats. Brain Research 2008, 1240: 165-176. 27. Boris Ermolinsky, Massoud F Arshadmansab; Luis F Pacheco, Masoud M Zarei. Deficit of Kcnma1 mRNA expression in the dentate gyrus of epileptic rats. Neuroreport 2008 19(13):1291-4. 28. Guevara JG Jr, Prashad N, Ermolinsky B, Gaubatz JW, Kang D, Schwarzbach AE, Loose DS, Guevara NV. Apo B100 similarities to viral proteins suggest basis for LDL-DNA binding and transfection capacity. J Lipid Res. 2010 Jul;51(7):1704-18. 29. Oliveira MS, Skinner F, Arshadmansab MF, Garcia I, Mello CF, Knaus HG, Ermolinsky BS, Otalora LF, Garrido-Sanabria ER. Altered expression and function of small-conductance (SK) Ca2+-activated K+ channels in pilocarpine-treated epileptic rats. Brain Res. 2010 Jun 8. [Epub ahead of print] 30. Ermolinsky BS, Skinner F, Garcia I, Arshadmansab MF, Otalora LF, Zarei MM, GarridoSanabria ER. Upregulation of STREX splice variant of the large conductance Ca2+-activated potassium (BK) channel in a rat model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurosci Res. 2011 Jan 69(1): 73-80. 31. Pacheco Otalora LF, Skinner F, Oliveira MS, Farrell B, Arshadmansab MF, Pandari T, Garcia I, Robles L, Rosas G, Mello CF, Ermolinsky BS, Garrido-Sanabria ER. Chronic deficit in the expression of voltage-gated potassium channel Kv3.4 subunit in the hippocampus of pilocarpine-treated epileptic rats. Brain Res. 2010 Oct 21. VII