Good Morining, Health Disparities Scholars! News & Notes
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Good Morining, Health Disparities Scholars! News & Notes
Health Disparities Scholars Program Newsletter (March 31, 2014) Good Morining, Health Disparities Scholars! News & Notes Memorial for Dr. Luis Colom – Dr. Colom passed away last Thursday after a fight against cancer. A service celebrating his life will be held on campus Thursday, April 3rd, 6:30PM in El Gran Salón at the Student Union. Please join us to celebrate the life of Dr. Colom who was a great mentor and professor to all of us. Lab Hours due Tomorrow – Turn in Lab hours worked from March 16th thru March 31st. UTB Research Symposium – The UTB Research Symposium will be held on April 4th from 8AM to 3PM at El Gran Salon in the Student Union. For more details follow the link below: Photo Release Form – Please fill out the new Photo release form with Ms. Farrell in her office if you haven’t filled it out already. We need all of them by the end of this week. Join us on Facebook: GRE Prep GRE Word of the Week : Acumen (AK-yuh-muhn), noun; Quickness of perception or discernment; shrewdness shown by keen insight. SYNONYMS: Acuity, Awareness, Ingenuity, Intuition The family store gave him a sharp business acumen – acquired, he would say, by manning the cash register – that few of his rivals possessed. ---David Schiff, “Who Was That Masked Composer?” Workshops & Seminars: MBRS-RISE Workshops –The next workshop is scheduled for Friday, April 4th at BRHP 1.222 from 4:00-5:30 pm. Presentation Title: SACNAS Abstract Peer Review Session Translational Research Seminar Series – The next Seminar is scheduled for Friday, April 4th at RAHC N1.130 from 11:00-12:00p.m by Dr. Hector Sandoval from the Dan and Jean Duncan Neurological Research Institute in Houston. Presentation Title: Drosophila Mitofusin affects mitochondrial trafficking, steroid hormone production and synaptic terminal maturation HACU Health Disparities Research Workshop – This Seminar is scheduled for Monday, April 7 at The University of Texas School of Public Health, Brownsville Regional Campus. The agenda includes a graduate student panel, group activities and presentations by leading Latino health researchers and mentors, Raymond Garza PhD and Eloy Rodriguez PhD. th This workshop is limited to 50 students with a 3.0 GPA or higher. Students interested can apply before the deadline on Thursday, April 3, 2014 here: Superstar Kudos Congratulations Adelaeda Barrera on getting accepted into the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program at the University of New Mexico! Congratulations Erika Espinosa on getting accepted to the summer research programs at Harvard! Send us and email and let us know if you were accepted to a summer research program. Health Disparities Scholars Team Dr. Sue Anne Chew: [email protected] Bianca Farrell: [email protected] Marco Muñoz: [email protected]