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20 21 23 22 24 12 26 14 11 10 28 13 15 BROWNSVILLE B1 7 8 B2 6 27 Conference Parking 4 ROAD GGOLD 5 3rd Annual Behavioral Health Conference (8) RIN E. J ACK S B5 ON B3 9 STR EET B4 25 . VE MA FJR 1 E. 3 JA CK SO N ST RE ER RIV ER VE LE ET D OA 2 UTB CAMPUS PARKING A1 - General and Visitor Parking B1 - Faculty Parking B2 - General Parking B3 - General Parking B4 - General Parking B5 - General Parking UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UT BROWNSVILLE OFFICES AND DEPARTMENTS - A-Prime Time Program BRHP 1.110 - Dean of College of Biomedical Science and Health Professions BRHP 2.101 - Department of Biomedicine BRHP 2.101 - Health Disparities Scholars Program BRHP 2.101 - MBRS Rise Program BRHP 1.113 - Office of Sponsored Programs BRHP 1.101 - Office of the President BRHP 2.212 5. BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH II - Biomedical Research Labs - Freshman Research Initiatives - Human Resources - Internal Audits - PeopleSoft Project - Purchasing - Vice President for Business Affairs 8. STUDENT UNION 13. CAVALRY HALL 19. RESACA VILLAGE - Chess SUNI 1.20A - Delicious Desserts – El Comedor - Learning Enrichment SUNI 2.16 - Student Government Association SUNI 1.28 - Student Life SUNI 1.28 - Student Media SUNI 1.16 - Student Organizations SUNI 1.28 - Veterans Upward Bound SUNI 2.28 - Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy CAVL 104 14. RUSTEBERG HALL - Department of Visual Arts RUST 130 - Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness RUST 211 - ITS RUST 165 - ROTC RUST 143 - The Gallery at Rusteberg Hall 9. CASA BELLA STUDENT HOUSING 15. BOOKSTORE 10. SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING - MO 16. LUCENA HOUSE - Department of Criminal Justice MO 1.114 - Department of Government MO 1.114 - Department of History MO 1.114 - CAMP CRTZ 138 - Career Services CRTZ 129 - Dean of Students CRTZ 213 - Disability Services CRTZ 129 - Grievances CRTZ 211 - Students’ Rights and Responsibilities CRTZ 211 - SSSP/ASPIRE Program CRTZ 105 - Student Health Services CRTZ 237 - Creative Services - News and Information - University Relations - Vice President of Institutional Advancement - Web Communication and Data 20. TSC ARTS CENTER 21. MUSIC BUILDING - Department of Music EIDM 107A 23. GARZA GYMNASIUM - Athletics GYM 102 24. GYMNASIUM ANNEX E. A LTO N GLO OR 25. RECREATION, EDUCATION AND KINESIOLOGY CENTER 26. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND CENTRAL RECEIVING 18. THE WOODS 27. FACILITIES SERVICES 28. REGIONAL ACADEMIC HEALTH CENTER - Accounting and Finance - Associate Vice President for Business Affairs - Associate Vice President for Facilities Services - Budget Office - Compliance Office - EDC - Employee Development Center - Environmental Health and Safety 18 22. EIDMAN HALL UTB CAMPUS BUILDINGS 19 OFF-CAMPUS BUILDINGS PARKING 77 12. CORTEZ HALL 17. CUETO BUILDING - Business Incubator and Entrepreneurship - Testing - The Language Institute and Professional Education ICE R .P Y 7. LIFE AND HEALTH SCIENCES BUILDING - Center for Civic Engagement 16 W 11. SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING LECTURE HALL 17 H 6. LIFE AND HEALTH SCIENCES BIOLOGY WING - Center for Teaching and Learning - College of Nursing LHSB 2.720 - Dean of College of Science, Mathematics and Technology LHSB 2.202 - Department of Biological Sciences LHSB 2.816 - Department of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences LHSB 2.816 - Department of Mathematics LHSB 2.228 IC M ANO R 4. BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH BUILDING - Student Leadership CRTZ 212 - Talent Search Program CRTZ 101 - Upward Bound CRTZ 117 - Upward Bound Math and Science Program CRTZ 101 - Vice President of Student Affairs CRTZ 205 . - Computer Labs - ITS Help Desk - Learning Resource Center (second floor) - Special Collections (third floor) ST - Department of Physics and Astronomy LHSB 2.228 - School of Engineering and Computational Sciences LHSB 2.500 - Provost and Academic Affairs LHSB 2.402 and 2.436 - UTEACH LHSB 2.818A RUS T 3. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ON IS - Classrooms UBCB 1.202 - Department of English (second floor) - Graduate Studies UBCB 2.200A AD - Academic Advising Center EDBC 1.400 - Admissions and Recruitment EDBC 1.102 - Cashiers EDBC 1.106 - Center for Teaching, Learning and Innovation EDBC 2.306 - College of Education, Counseling EDBC 1.210G - College of Education Testing Center EDBC 1.212 - Dean of College of Education EDBC 2.306 - Dean of College of Liberal Arts EDBC 1.534 - Dean of School of Business EDBC 2.504 - Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems EDBC 2.542D - Department of Behavioral Sciences EDBC 1.534 - Department of Communication EDBC 1.210 - Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies EDBC 2.501 - Department of Finance and Economics EDBC 2.542D - Department of Health and Human Performance EDBC 2.501 - Department of Management and Marketing EDBC 2.452D - Department of Modern Languages EDBC 1.534 - Enrollment Services (Enrollment Center @ The Tower) EDBC 1.100 - Financial Aid EDBC 1.102 - Global Engagement EDBC 1.308 - Language Literacy Intercultural Studies EDBC 2.306 - Mathematics and Science Academy EDBC 2.126 - Registrar EDBC 1.102 - Teacher Certification Program EDBC 2.200C - Transfer Services EDBC 1.102 - Veterans Services EDBC 1.100 - Vice President for Enrollment Services EDBC 1.100 M 2. SABAL HALL E. 1. MAIN (EDUCATION AND BUSINESS COMPLEX) H ST. E. 13T E . RD