
The University of Texas at Brownsville Research Integrity and Compliance

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The University of Texas at Brownsville Research Integrity and Compliance
The University of Texas at Brownsville
Research Integrity and Compliance
The function of Research Integrity and Compliance within the Office of
Research is to promote and encourage ethical conduct in research at
UTB and other collaborative research endeavors. Research Integrity and
Compliance supports the Vice President of Research in serving the UTB
research community by providing oversight in coordinating institution-wide
research compliance policy, procedures and training within UT system
guidelines in collaboration with the Office of Corporate Compliance and
institutional researchers.
RIC staff is available to assist researchers to navigate the complexities of federal, state, and local regulations
that impact research undertaken at academic institutions. Research Integrity and Compliance facilitates
research integrity in the following areas: the use of human subjects and animals in research, biosafety,
chemical and radiation safety, Conflict of Interest in Research & Intellectual Property, export controls, and the
responsible conduct of research.
Research Review Committees
Research projects that involve human participants, animals and/or bio-hazardous material must be reviewed
and approved by the respective research oversight committee before research begins.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) - Human Subjects
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)
Biological, Chemical, and Radiation Safety Committee (BCRS)
Export Control
The Division of research assists faculty and other researchers understand their obligations under Export
Control regulations. The consequences of violating the regulations can be severe, and include loss of research
funding, fines, and/or prison time. Faculty can be held personally liable for failure to comply with Export Control
laws. Fines and penalties are hefty for failure to comply with Export Control regulations and requirements.
Export Control Information
HOP Policy 10.4.7 (NEW) Export Control http://www.utb.edu/ba/hoop/Policy/10-4-7.pdf
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
The Division of Research is responsible to provide educational information, guidance and support for all faculty
and other researchers regarding the ethical and responsible conduct of research for all research and related
activity conducted by and through The University of Texas at Brownville.
“In general terms, responsible conduct in research is simply good citizenship applied to professional life.
Researchers who report their work honestly, accurately, efficiently, and objectively are on the right road when it
comes to responsible conduct.” (Office of Research Integrity, Dept. of Health and Human Services,
Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research, revised Aug. 2007).
RCR Information
HOP Policy 7.7.5 (NEW) Misconduct in Research and Scholarly Activity
Research Conflict of Interest - Financial and commitment of effort
“Research” means any systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable
knowledge. The term includes both basic and applied research and product development and includes all
academic research, including behavioral and social sciences research, in addition to medical research.
“Individual conflict of interest” means activities or personal financial interests that may directly and
significantly affect, or have the appearance of directly and significantly affecting, an individual’s professional
judgment in the design, conduct, or reporting of research or in exercising an institutional duty or responsibility
in relation to research.
“Significant Financial Interest in Research” means the covered individual or a covered family member
owns, holds, or receives any of the following from or in an entity that the individual knows or should know to
have a financial interest in the individual’s research performed at the institution.
HOP Policy 7.7.6
Financial Disclosure Form http://blue.utb.edu/sponsoredprograms/resources/Financial%20Disclosure.pdf
Lynne Depeault
Office of the Vice President for Research
Research Integrity and Compliance
Phone: (956) 882-7731
Office: BRHP 2.210
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