
Elizabeth A. Heise

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Elizabeth A. Heise
Elizabeth A. Heise
Department of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences
University of Texas at Brownsville
80 Fort Brown
Brownsville, TX 78520
[email protected]
Ph.D. – Geology: May 2001
Texas A & M University, College Station
Dissertation Title: A Comparison of the Fossilization Potential and Recycling of Wood by
Wood-Boring Bivalves and Isopods on the Shelf and Slope of the Bahamas and Gulf of
Bachelor of Science – Geology: September 1990
University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Interim Department Chair, University of Texas at Brownsville 2014-Present
Associate Professor, University of Texas at Brownsville 2003-Present
Adjunct Graduate Faculty, Texas A&M University – College Station 2004- Present
Adjunct Graduate Faculty, Texas A&M University – Kingsville 2011- Present
Instructor, Blinn College, 2001-2003
Awards and Honors
CASE Professor of the Year Nominee
Chancellor’s Council Outstanding Teaching Excellence Award Nominee
Professor of the Month, UTB Collegian Newspaper
Piper Professor Award Nominee
Frances Rusteberg Faculty Fellow
Chancellor’s Council Outstanding Teaching Excellence Award Nominee
Texas Master Naturalist Recognition
Friends of the Rio Grande Recognition
Blinn College Teaching Excellence Award Nominee, Bryan Professional Assn.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Geosciences Honor Society
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
Sabins/Chevron Field Scholarship
Page 1 Grants Awarded
Total Grant Monies to Date: $1,294,616.88
TCEQ/EPA/IBWC “Field Measurements and Ambient Water Sampling Services
for a Binational Synoptic Water Quality Survey of the Lower Rio Grande/Río
Bravo in Cameron County” $33,690 PI Elizabeth Heise
NSF “Diversity and Innovation for Geosciences in Texas (DIG TEXAS) - an
Alliance for Earth Science Literacy” UTB Coordinator Elizabeth Heise
EPA/TCEQ – ARRA “Monitoring of Arroyo Colorado Wastewater Treatment
Plants Quality Assurance Project Plan” $113,869 Subcontract PI Elizabeth Heise
Enhancing Water Quality and Dredged Material for the Port of Harlingen (Phase
I) Coastal Management Program, Cycle 14 General Land Office $13,072
Subcontract PI Elizabeth Heise
NSF – FSML “Infrastructure and Equipment Improvements for the South Padre
Island Field Stations” $135,185 Co-PI Elizabeth Heise
Surfrider Foundation “Town of South Padre Island Continuous Duneline
Restoration Project” $5000 PI: Elizabeth Heise
Texas General Land Office “South Padre Island Sand Source Study:
Reconnaissance Field Investigation” $62,000 Subcontract PI: Elizabeth Heise.
Robert J. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation “JASON Project Bahia Grande
Restoration” $193,896 Co-PI: Elizabeth Heise.
NSF – “CREST RESSACA” Texas A&M University at Kingsville $5,000,000
“Environmental Studies in San Martin Lake” Subproject $50,000 Co-PI: Elizabeth
WalMart Foundation “Think Before You Throw Campus Recycling Program at
UTB/TSC” $1000 PI: Elizabeth Heise.
USDA Sustainable Agriculture Water Conservation in the Rio Grande Basin
(SAWC) “Status and Trends Analysis of Estuarine/Riparian Wetlands in the
Southern most Rio Grande Basin” $57,360 Co-PI: Elizabeth Heise.
2007 – 2008 EPA Gulf of Mexico Program “System-level Monitoring of Restoration Efforts at
Bahia Grande, Lower Laguna Madre, Texas” $489,774 Co-PI: Elizabeth Heise.
2006 - 2007
USGS “Radon Characterization in Soils and Buildings in the Lower Rio Grande
Valley (LRGV), Texas” $4,000 PI: Elizabeth Heise.
Page 2 2005 – 2006 Robert J. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation “JASON Project Bahia Grande
Restoration” $95,750 Co-PI: Elizabeth Heise.
Friends of the Rio Grande, International Boundary Water Commission and Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality “Environmental Education on the Rio
Grande and in Bahia Grande” $8,804.88 PI: Elizabeth Heise.
2004 – 2007 Frances Rusteberg Faculty Fellowship “Bahia Grande Wetlands Baseline Study”
$10,500 PI: Elizabeth Heise.
Teaching Experience
Sept 2003 – Current Associate Professor of Geosciences – Department of Chemistry and
Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Brownsville
• Courses Taught: Physical Geology, Physical Geology Lab, Historical Geology,
Historical Geology Lab, Principles of Earth Science, Principles of
Earth Science Lab, Introduction to Environmental Sciences I
Laboratory, Introduction to Environmental Sciences II, Introduction
to Environmental Sciences II Laboratory, Earth Science for
Educators (Graduate), Oceanography, Oceanography Lab,
Conservation of Natural Resources (UG), Conservation of Natural
Resources (Graduate), Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, Geoscience
Field Excursion, Coastal Geology, Research Problems in
Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences Internship, Special
Topics in Environmental Sciences – Riparia, and Environmental
Sciences Field Methods and Data Analysis.
2011 – Present
Adjunct Graduate Faculty Texas A&M University - Kingsville, Department
of Environmental Engineering
Graduate Committee Service: Member of Mayra Contreras’
Master’s Committee “Analysis of Metal Pollutants in San Martin
Lake” – M.S. in Environmental Engineering TAMUK
2004 – Present
Adjunct Graduate Faculty Texas A&M University, Department of Geology
and Geophysics, College Station
Graduate Committee Service: Member of Steve Lichlyter’s
Master’s Committee “An Applied Paleoecology Case Study: Bahia
Grande, Texas Prior to Construction of the Brownsville Ship
Channel” - M.S. in Geology TAMU
6/2003 – 7/2003
Faculty Training Workshop Leader – Texas A&M University and Blinn
• Course Taught:
Using Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) software for teaching at the
college level
Page 3 • Trained 55 faculty on use of CPR. Workshops included using
assignments that are already available and writing original
assignments. One-on-one work in customizing materials for
individual subject matter
5/2001 – 8/2003
Geology Instructor – Blinn College, Geology Department, Division
of Natural Sciences
• Courses Taught: Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Online Physical Geology
• Introduced PowerPoint, WebCT (Traditional and Online course),
Calibrated Peer Review, Elluminate to all Geology courses
10/2002 – 8/2003
Continuing Education Instructor – Virtual College of Texas
• Courses Taught: Putting Your Course Online, Part 2
• Use WebCT classroom to teach college instructors pedagogy of
online teaching
1/1996 – 5/2001
Graduate Student Teaching Assistant – Texas A&M University, Department
of Geology and Geophysics
• Courses Taught: Honors Physical Geology, Historical Geology, and Dinosaur World
• Coordinated teaching assistants and laboratory exercises,
developed lab exercises
Directed Undergraduate Student Learning
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Plant Community Mapping," Chemistry and
Environmental Science. (August 2013 - Present). Advised: Robert Walsdorf
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Education and Outreach as a Tool for Improving
Recycling Compliance," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (August 2014 – December
2014). Advised: Vanessa Casanova
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Trash accumulation on beaches in Mexico and the
US." (January 2014 - May 2014). Advised: Alejandra De Los Santos
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Dune Profiling on SPI and Boca Chica Beach."
(January 2014 - May 2014). Advised: Michelle Jimenez
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Monitoring the Sand Dune Restoration on SPI,"
Chemistry and Environmental Science. (August 2013 - December 2013). Advised: Jayme
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Comparison of a Rural and Urban Ressaca," Chemistry
and Environmental Science. (August 2013 - December 2013). Advised: Stephanie Mendoza
Page 4 Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Tree Survey on the Duckhead," Chemistry and
Environmental Science. (August 2012 - May 2013). Advised: Bianca Delgado
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Green Roof Design," Chemistry and Environmental
Science. (August 2012 - December 2012). Advised: Luis Jimenez
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Environmental Analysis of Constructed Wetlands,"
Chemistry and Environmental Science. (August 2012 - December 2012). Advised: Nicole
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "South Padre Island Glass Cullet Beach Renourishment
Study," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (December 2011). Advised: Oscar Garcia
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "A Reevaluation of the Plastic Recycling Bins at the
University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College," Chemistry and
Environmental Science. (December 2011). Advised: Reynaldo Rangel
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Arroyo Colorado Watershed Project: Identification of
Native versus Non-Native Plant Species at the Port of Harlingen Wetland Site," Chemistry
and Environmental Science. (May 13, 2011). Advised: Shannon Cass
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "The Laguna Madre Interpretive Center Curriculum at
Port Mansfield," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (December 11, 2010). Advised:
Cynthia Gonzales
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Bacteria Study: Escherichia coli on the Rio Grande
River," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (December 11, 2010). Advised: Nydia
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Environmental Interpretation of Carbonate Beds in the
Bahia Grande Wetlands, South Texas," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (December
11, 2010). Advised: Pavel Vakhlamov
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Hurricane Ike - One Year Later: Damage to the Coastal
System on South Padre Island, Texas," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (May 11,
2010). Advised: Linda Rodriguez
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Mapping The Rio Grande Delta," Chemistry and
Environmental Science. (December 12, 2009). Advised: Jack Wild
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Baseline Bird Species and Population Study Around
the Inlet Channel of the Bahia Grande," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (May 12,
2009). Advised: Erick Tripp
Page 5 Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Bahia Grande: Jude’s Oasis A Preliminary Study of
Overall Species Distribution and Identification," Chemistry and Environmental Science.
(May 12, 2009). Advised: Omar Mendoza
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Excess of Trash Receptacles on the UTB Campus,"
Chemistry and Environmental Science. (December 15, 2008). Advised: Andres Cardenas
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Dune Profiles and Restoration on South Padre Island,
Texas," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (December 15, 2008). Advised: Mara
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Success Rate of Native Plants Transplanted on South
Padre Island Dunes," Communication. (August 8, 2008). Advised: Jorge Martinez
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Growth of Black Mangrove Seedlings in Various
Salinities," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (May 6, 2008). Advised: Diana del Angel
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Analyzing Baseline Sediment Distribution Data,
Utilizing GIS for Bahia Grande, Texas," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (December
17, 2007). Advised: Clint Roberts
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Large-Scale Wetland Restoration Driven by Public
Health Issues, Bahia Grande South Texas," Chemistry and Environmental Science.
(December 17, 2007). Advised: Jose Aguilar
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Trespass Patterns and Pathways by Human Impact on
South Padre Island near the Mansfield Cut," Chemistry and Environmental Science.
(December 17, 2007). Advised: Kevin Earl
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Sediment Accumulation of Resaca de la Guerra,"
Chemistry and Environmental Science. (May 8, 2007). Advised: Jennifer Graves
Undergraduate Capstone/Senior Project, "Comparison of Vegetated and Not Vegetated Lomas
on Bahia Grande," Chemistry and Environmental Science. (December 2, 2006). Advised:
Javier Villarreal
Research Experience
Field Measurements and Ambient Water Sampling Services for a Binational
Synoptic Water Quality Survey of the Lower Rio Grande/Río Bravo in
Cameron County.
• Research Focus: Sampling the Rio Grande from Larado to the Gulf of
Mexico to create a snapshot of the river during low flow conditions.
Diversity and Innovation for Geosciences in Texas (DIG TEXAS) - an
Page 6 Alliance for Earth Science Literacy.
• Research Focus: Curriculum Development for High School Earth
Sciences Courses
Water Quality Characterization in the Arroyo Colorado
• Research Focus: Sampling the outflows of the water treatment plants on
the Arroyo Colorado to see if they are meeting their established water
quality values
Wetland Description and Mapping on the Arroyo Colorado
• Research Focus: Mapping the area where a constructed wetland is
planned to help with choosing a location.
South Padre Island Beach Erosion
• Research Focus: Working with the Town of South Padre Island to limit
the erosion of the beach through locating material for beach nourishment
and restoring a continuous dune line. This research is funded by the Texas
General Land Office and Surfrider Foundation
Radon Characterization in soils and buildings in the Lower Rio Grande
Valley (LRGV), Texas
• Research Focus: Ground-truthing Radon levels in the Lower Rio Grande
Valley. This research was funded by the USGS.
Status and Trends Analysis of Estuarine/Riparian Wetlands in the
Southernmost Rio Grande Basin
• Research Focus: Tracking the changes to the Riparian Zone near the
mouth of the Rio Grande. This research is funded by the USDA through
South West Texas State University.
2004 – present
Bahia Grande Sedimentology and Paleoecology Baseline and Recovery
• Research Focus: Establishing the pre-restoration sediment and fossil
distribution in the Bahia Grande wetlands. This research is funded by the
Frances Rusteberg Faculty Fellowship and the Environmental Protection
Agency – Gulf of Mexico Program.
2004 – present
Bahia Grande Native Plant Project
• Research Focus: Education and outreach to the community with the
propagation of native estuarine plants for Bahia Grande revegeation.
Environmentally sensitive greenhouse methods. This research is funded by
grants from Robert J. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation, Ocean Trust, Gulf
of Mexico Foundation, International Boundary Water Commission, and
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Page 7 1995 – present
SSETI Team Member – Fieldwork in the Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas
onboard RV Edwin Link and laboratory work at Texas A&M University,
• Research Focus: The fate of organic matter in the marine rock record
(shelf/slope break): an experimental study comparing a carbonate
environment (Bahamas) and a clastic environment (Gulf of Mexico). NSF
and NURP funded this research as a part of the SSETI Project.
9/1992 – 1/1996 &
6/1996 – 8/1996 &
6/1997 – 8/1997
Graduate Student Research Assistant – Ocean Drilling Program,
• Research Focus: Paleomagnetics in the Santa Barbara Basin, and on the
East Pacific Rise
5/1989 – 9/1992
Staff Research Associate, SEM Technician – University of California, Los
Angeles Dr. Helen Tappan Loeblich, Department of Earth and Space
• Research Focus: Micropaleontology (foraminifera) of the Timor Sea
Committee Service
Department Service
Interim Department Chair (August 2014 - Present)
Search Committee Environmental Sciences STAR, Committee Member (2014)
Search Committee Environmental Sciences Asst Prof., Committee Member (2013)
Curriculum Committee, Committee Member (August 2013 - May 2014)
Graduate Committee, Committee Member (August 2003 - May 2014)
Search Committee Lecturer Env Sci., Committee Chair (2013)
Environmental Sciences Scholarship Committee, Committee Member (2006 - 2013)
Curriculum Committee, Committee Chair (August 2012 - May 2013)
Environmental Sciences Curriculum Committee, Committee Chair (August 2011 - May
Environmental Sciences Personnel Committee, Committee Member (August 2011 - May
Curriculum Committee, Committee Member (August 2010 - May 2011)
Personnel Committee, Committee Chair (August 2010 - May 2011)
Page 8 Curriculum Committee, Committee Chair (August 2008 - May 2010)
Geochemist Search Committee, Committee Member (August 2007 - May 2008)
Geographer Search Committee, Committee Member (August 2007 - May 2008)
Environmental Sciences Curriculum Committee, Committee Chair (August 2005 - May
Environmental Sciences Search, Committee Member (August 2006 - May 2007)
Geomorphology Search Committee, Committee Chair (August 2006 - May 2007)
Environmental Chemistry Search Committee, Committee Chair (August 2005 - May
Curriculum Committee, Committee Member (May 2003 - May 2005)
Hydrology Search Committee, Committee Chair (May 2003 - August 2004)
College Service
Curriculum Committee, Committee Chair (August 2013 - May 2014)
Curriculum Committee, Committee Member (August 2010 - May 2013)
Personnel Committee, Committee Chair (August 2010 - May 2011)
Curriculum Committee, Committee Chair (August 2009 - May 2010)
Curriculum Committee, Committee Member (August 2007 - May 2009)
Curriculum Committee, Committee Chair (August 2006 - May 2007)
Dean Search Committee, Committee Member (August 2006 - May 2007)
Space Committee, Committee Member (August 2004 - May 2007)
Curriculum Committee, Committee Member (August 2005 - May 2006)
Dean Search Committee, Committee Chair (August 2003 - May 2004)
Page 9 University Service
UT System Faculty Advisory Council, Chair (April 2014 - April 2015)
UTRGV Handbook of Operating Procedures Committee, Co-Chair (Sept 2014-Present)
Math and Science Academy University Scholars Faculty Advisor (2010 - Present)
Recycling Committee, Committee Co-Chair (August 2007 - Present)
Faculty Senate Past President (July 2013 - July 2015)
UTRGV Presidential Search Committee, Committee Member (November 2013 - April 2014)
Campus Master Planning, Physical Resources, and Transportation Linkages Working Group,
Committee Member (September 2013 - April 2014)
Core Curriculum Working Group, Committee Member (September 2013 - April 2014)
Faculty Governance Working Group, Committee Member (September 2013 - April 2014)
Science and Math Working Group, Committee Chair (September 2013 - April 2014)
UT System Faculty Advisory Council Chair Elect (April 2013 - April 2014)
Core Curriculum Ad-Hoc Committee, Committee Member (September 2012 - April 2014)
Faculty Senate Officer, Faculty Senate President (July 2012 - July 2013)
Reduction in Force Faculty Appeals Committee, Committee Chair (August 2012 - May
Liberal Arts Program Review Committee, Committee Member (May 2012 - May 2013)
UT System Faculty Advisory Council Executive Committee Secretary (May 2011 - May
Transition Advisory Council, Committee Member (April 2011 - November 2012)
21st Century University Commission, Committee Member (September 2012 - October 2012)
UTB Core Curriculum Task Force, Committee Member (September 2011 - September 2012)
Academic Senate President (July 2011 - July 2012)
Page 10 Academic Senate Welfare Committee, Committee Member (August 2007 - July 2012)
University Review Committee, Committee Chair (April 2012 - May 2012)
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Committee Chair (May 2010 - May 2012)
Sigma Xi - University of Texas at Brownsville Chapter President (May 2009 - May 2012)
Regional Science Fair Committee, Committee Member (August 2005 - May 2012)
Tuition and Fees Committee, Committee Member (August 2011 - December 2011)
UT System Faculty Advisory Council, Committee Member (August 2007 - August 2011)
Academic Senate Vice President (July 2009 - July 2011)
Student Affairs Partnership Committee, Committee Member (July 2009 - July 2011)
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Committee Member (May 2007 - May 2010)
Tuition and Fees Committee, Committee Member (August 2009 - December 2009)
Academic Senate Treasurer (July 2007 - July 2009)
Business Affairs Partnership Committee, Committee Member (July 2007 - July 2009)
Faculty Club Committee, Committee Member (August 2008 - May 2009)
Sigma Xi - University of Texas at Brownsville Chapter President Elect (May 2006 - May
SACS 3.2.10 Committee, Committee Chair (August 2007 - May 2008)
Academic Senate Senator, Academic Senate College of Science, Mathematics and
Technology Senator (July 2005 - July 2007)
Academic Senate Welfare Committee, Committee Chair (August 2006 - May 2007)
International Technology Education and Commerce Campus Advisory Committee,
Committee Member (August 2006 - May 2007)
Commencement Ceremony Review Committee, Committee Member (August 2005 - May
Academic Senate Welfare Committee, Committee Member (August 2005 - August 2006)
Page 11 Environmental Responsibility Committee, Committee Member (August 2003 - May 2004)
Master Plan Enhancement Subcommittee, Committee Chair (August 2003 - May 2004)
UTB/TSC Futures Commission Academic Programs Task Force, Committee Member
(August 2003 - May 2004)
Professional Service
Geological Society of America, Geosciences Education Division Past Chair. (2014-15).
Geosciences Councilor Council on Undergraduate Research (2008 - Present)
Geological Society of America, Geosciences Education Division Chair. (2013-14).
Geological Society of America, Geosciences Education Division First Vice Chair. (2012-13).
Geological Society of America, Geosciences Education Division Second Vice Chair. (201112).
Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF - Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and
Science Teaching, Science Panel Member. (August 2014).
Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF - Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and
Science Teaching, Science Panel Member. (August 2013).
Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF - Geoscience Education. (January 2012).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal Geoscience Education. (2011).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal Geoscience Education. (2010).
Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF - Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and
Science Teaching, Science Panel Member. (August 2010).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal Geoscience Education. (February 2010).
Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF - Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and
Science Teaching, Science Panel Member. (August 2009).
Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF - Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and
Science Teaching, Science Panel Member. (July 2008).
Paleontology Society South-Central Section Chair. (May 2004 - May 2007).
Page 12 Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal Geoscience Education. (October 2006).
Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF - Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement, Panel
Member. (2005).
Conference-Related, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society – Delegate for
Membership-at-Large. (2005).
Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NASA - Inspiring the Next Generation of Earth Explorers:
Integrated Solutions for K-16 and Informal Education, Panel Member. (2004).
Public Service
Program Organizer, South Padre Island Dune Restoration Pilot project. (2007 - Present).
Member, Arroyo Colorado Watershed Partnership Education and Outreach Workgroup
Member. (2006 - Present).
Member, Arroyo Colorado Watershed Partnership Habitat Restoration Workgroup Member.
(2006 - Present).
Member, Coastal Applied Research Review Team. (2006 - Present).
Member, IBWC/TCEQ Lower Rio Grande Basin Coordinated Monitoring and Clean Rivers
Program Partner. (2005 - Present).
Judge, Regional Science Fair Judge. (2003 - 2011).
Committee Chair, Imagine Brownsville – Environmental Emergency Response
Subcommittee Tri-Chair. (2007 - 2009).
Program Organizer, Environmental Evaluation of the Town of South Padre Island. (January
2009 - May 2009).
Discussant, JASON Project Live Event Panel Member. (2005 - 2008).
Guest Speaker, Town of South Padre Island Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. (April 2008).
Program Coordinator, Rio Grande Valley Chapter, Master Naturalist Field Trip to Bahia
Grande. (February 2008).
Guest Speaker, Rio Grande Valley Chapter, Texas Master Naturalist Presenter. (2007).
Page 13 Committee Member, South Texas Energy Partnership Steering Committee Member – Green
Building Conference. (2006 - 2007).
Guest Speaker, Rio Grande Valley Chapter, Master Naturalist. (June 2006).
Guest Speaker, St Mary’s Catholic School. (February 2005).
Guest Speaker, International Museum of Art and Science. (September 2004).
Guest Speaker, Cub Scout Geology Badge – Pack 47 Den 1. (April 2004).
Professional Organizations
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Geosciences Honor Society
Geological Society of America
Association of Women Geoscientists
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Council on Undergraduate Research
Surfrider Foundation
Vice-President TAMU Oceanography Graduate Council, 1993-1994
Life Member U.C.L.A. Rally Committee
Synergistic Activities
Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) Workshop Leader – UTB/TSC December 2008
• Course Taught: Using Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) software for teaching at the
college level
• Trained 15 faculty on use of CPR. Workshops included using assignments that are
already available online and learning to write original assignments. One-on-one work in
customizing materials for individual subject matter
Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) Workshop Leader – UTB/TSC May 2005
• Course Taught: Using Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) software for teaching at the
college level
• Trained 12 faculty on use of CPR. Workshops included using assignments that are
already available online and learning to write original assignments. One-on-one work in
customizing materials for individual subject matter
Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) Workshop Leader – Marietta College 2/14/2004
• Course Taught: Using Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) software for teaching at the
college level
• Trained 15 faculty on use of CPR. Workshops included using assignments that are
Page 14 already available online and learning to write original assignments. One-on-one work in
customizing materials for individual subject matter
DLESE publication – Calibrated Peer Review assignments for Earth sciences
SERC publication – Calibrated Peer Review Assignments
Faculty Training Workshop Leader – Texas A&M University and Blinn College, 6/2003 –
• Course Taught: Using Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) software for teaching at the
college level
• Trained 55 faculty on use of CPR. Workshops included using assignments that are
available and writing original assignments. One-on-one work in customizing materials
individual subject matter
Workshop participant – Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) Chautauqua Course, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory 5/2003
Continuing Education Instructor – Virtual College of Texas, 10/2002 – 8/2003
• Courses Taught: Putting Your Course Online, Part 2
• Use WebCT classroom to teach college instructors pedagogy of online teaching
Heise, E.A., and Richardson, L., 2003, Using Elluminate in the Distance Learning Environment,
Technology Pre-Conference, Texas Community College Teachers Association and
Virtual College of Texas Technology Seminars, Austin. (Invited Presentation)
Abstracts, and Presentation
Ho, Jungseok, DeYoe, Hudson, Heise, Elizabeth, Clapp, Lee, and Camacho, Lucy, 2014,
Binational Water Quality Monitoring in the Lower Rio Grande/Río Bravo: Cooperative
Efforts to Protect Vital Transboundary Water Resources, World Environmental and Water
Resources Congress, EWRI, Austin.
Contreras, M., Law, J., Delgado, B. , Heise, E., 2013, Annual Meeting of the Geological Society
of America, Analysis of Metal Pollutants in San Martin Lake, Geological Society of
America, Denver.
Page 15 Heise, E., 2012, Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Collaborations, Joint Field
Trips and Making Friends as Methods For Increasing Diversity in Geosciences, Geological
Society of America, Charlotte.
Heise, E, 2011, Curriculum Design with Successful Undergraduate Research Projects as a Goal,
Abstracts with Programs 2010 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America,
Rodriguez, Linda A., Heise, Elizabeth A., Benavides, Jude A., Contreras, Mara, Del Angel,
Diana, Aguilar, Jose M. Jr., Cardenas, Andres, And Vakhlamov, Pavel, 2010,
Undergraduate Student Class And Independent Research Projects That Become Larger
Scale Research Projects, Abstracts with Programs 2010 Annual Meeting of the Geological
Society of America, Denver.
Rodriguez, Linda A., Walsdorf, Robert Adam, Vakhlamov, Pavel, Heise, Elizabeth A.,
Benavides, Jude A., Contreras, Mara, Cardenas, Andres, and Del Angel, Diana, 2009,
Hurricane Ike - One Year Later: Damage to the Coastal System on South Padre Island,
Texas, Abstracts with Programs 2009 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of
America, Portland.
Wilson, J., Benavides, J. A., Heise, E., Zawar-Reza, P., 2009, Regional dust transport associated
with wetland depletion at Bahia Grande: impact on air quality, AAG 2009 Annual
Meeting, Las Vegas.
Vakhlamov, Pavel, Walsdorf, Robert Adam, and Heise, Elizabeth A., 2009, Environmental
Interpretation of Carbonate Beds in the Bahia Grande Wetlands, South Texas, Abstracts
with Programs 2009 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Portland.
Contreras, Mara, Del Angel, Diana, Cardenas, Andres, and Heise, Elizabeth A., 2008, Dune
Profiles and Restoration on South Padre Island Texas, Abstracts with Programs 2008
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Houston.
Aguilar, José M., Jr., Heise, Elizabeth A., Peña, Gonzalo, IV, Roberts, Clinton D. and
Vakhlamov, Pavel, 2008, Monitoring Sediment Distribution in the Bahia Grande Wetlands
Restoration Project, Abstracts with Programs 2008 Annual Meeting of the Geological
Society of America, Houston.
Heise, Elizabeth A., 2008, Advice For the New/Returning Professor: What I Wish I Had Known
Before I Started Teaching, 20th BCCE, Bloomington.
Aguilar Jr., Jose M., Cardenas, Andres, Clark, Michelle, Collins, Schaune, Del Angel, Diana C.,
Contreras, Mara, Cortez, William, Flores, Anna, Flores, Jonathan, Heise, Elizabeth A.,
Martinez, Jorge, Reyes, Luis, Roberts, Clint, Tripp, Erick and Young, Tamara 2008, Dune
Restoration Pilot Project for South Padre Island, Texas, Texas Academy of Sciences
Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi.
Page 16 Roberts, Clinton D., Aguilar, Jose M. Jr., and Heise, Elizabeth A., 2007, Sediment Distribution
Analysis Using GIS for the Bahia Grande Wetland Restoration, South Texas, Abstracts
with Programs 2007 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver.
Del Angel, Diana, and Heise, Elizabeth A., 2007, Black Mangrove Transplantation for Shoreline
Stabilization in the Bahia Grande Wetland Restoration Project, South Texas, Abstracts
with Programs 2007 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver.
Heise, Elizabeth A., 2007, Cultural Connections in Geoscience Education, GSA Joint SouthCentral and North-Central Sections 2007 Abstracts with Programs, Lawrence, KS.
Cantu-Graves, Jennifer R., Earl, Kevin, Young, Tamara, Benavides, Jude A., Heise,
Elizabeth A., 2007, Sediment Accumulation in Brownsville Resacas (Oxbow Lakes), GSA
Joint South-Central and North-Central Sections 2007 Abstracts with Programs, Lawrence,
Heise, Elizabeth A., and Benavides, Jude A., 2006, Bahia Grande: A Community Driven
Restoration Project, 3rd National Conference on Estuarine and Habitat Restoration, Restore
Americas Estuaries, New Orleans.
Heise, Elizabeth A., Benavides, Jude A., and Cintra Buenrostro, Carlos E., 2006, Teaching
Environmental Science along the US/Mexico Border at the University of Texas at
Brownsville, Proceedings of CREST-RESSACA, Monterrey, Mexico.
Heise, Elizabeth A., and Benavides, Jude A., 2006, Building an Environmental Sciences Program
with a Strong Geosciences Component Along the US/Mexico Border, Abstracts with
Programs 2006 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Philadelphia.
Aguilar, José Manuel Jr., Roberts, Clint D., and Heise, Elizabeth A., 2006, Large-Scale Wetland
Restoration Driven by Public Health Issues, Bahia Grande South Texas, Abstracts with
Programs 2006 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Philadelphia.
Roberts, Clint D., Aguilar, José Manuel Jr, and Heise, Elizabeth A., 2006, Sediment Distribution
in the Bahia Grande Wetlands, South Texas, Abstracts with Programs 2006 Annual
Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Philadelphia.
Aguilar, José M. Jr., and Heise, Elizabeth A., 2006, Peer-Tutoring: Getting Past the Science
Phobia and onto Success, GSA South-Central Section Meeting Abstracts with Programs.
Heise, Elizabeth A., and Palmer-Julson, A., 2005, Effective Use of Web-Based Chat Tools to
Facilitate Learning: Providing an Active Learning Experience in an Online Introductory
Geology Course, Abstracts with Programs 2005 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society
of America, Vol. 37, No. 7, pg 409, Salt Lake City.
Heise, Elizabeth A, Berg, William M, and Benavides, Jude A. 2005, A Baseline Data Assessment
Page 17 for the Bahia Grande Wetland Restoration Project, Proceedings of CREST-RESSACA
Modeling and Decision Support for Environmental Systems Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Heise, Elizabeth A, Shands, Mary Jane, Berg, William M, and Benavides, Jude A. 2005, A
network of greenhouses for a mangrove reforestation project, Proceedings of CRESTRESSACA Modeling and Decision Support for Environmental Systems Meeting, San
Antonio, TX.
José, Thomas and Heise, Elizabeth, 2005, Building the Case for Pyramid Testing, National
Science Teachers Association National Convention, Dallas, Texas.
José, Thomas and Heise, Elizabeth, 2004, Ten Things High School Students Should Know Before
Taking College Science, Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching, Science
Teachers Association of Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas.
Heise, Elizabeth A., 2004, Monitoring the Restoration of the Bahia Grande (Lower Laguna Madre):
Connecting the Ecosystem to the Geology, Abstracts with Programs 2004 Annual Meeting of
the Geological Society of America, Vol. 36, No. 5, Denver.
Palmer-Julson, A, and Heise, Elizabeth A., 2004, Removing the Distance from Distance Learning:
Providing an Active Learning Experience in an Online Introductory Geology Course,
Abstracts with Programs 2004 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Vol.
36, No. 5, Denver.
Lichlyter, S, Heise, Elizabeth A., and Raymond, A., 2004, Experimentally Deployed Wood on the
Sea Floor: Implications for Understanding the Teredolites Ichnofacies, , Abstracts with
Programs 2004 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Vol. 36, No. 5,
Heise, Elizabeth A., Palmer-Julson, and Jeffery, David L., 2004, Across the Miles: Using the
Internet to Conduct Cross-College Student Interactive Learning Experiences in Introductory
Geoscience Classes, Abstracts with Programs 2004 South-Central Meeting of the Geological
Society of America, College Station.
Palmer-Julson, Amanda, and Heise, Elizabeth, 2004, The Ocean Drilling Program Online Database
as a Resource fro Introductory Geoscience Classes: Helping Undergraduate Students
Navigate an Ocean of Data , Abstracts with Programs 2004 South-Central Meeting of the
Geological Society of America, College Station.
Bagley, Brian C., Palmer-Julson, Amanda, and Heise, Elizabeth, 2004, Students Helping Students:
Geoscience Outreach in Central Texas, Abstracts with Programs 2004 South-Central
Meeting of the Geological Society of America, College Station.
Heise, Elizabeth A., and Palmer-Julson, Amanda, 2003, From ODP to CPR: Using Ocean Drilling
Program Data in Calibrated Peer Review Assignments, Abstracts with Programs 2003
Page 18 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Seattle.
Bagley, Brian C., Palmer-Julson, Amanda, And Heise, Elizabeth A., 2003, Reaching Out: The
Human Touch in Geoscience Outreach in Central Texas, Abstracts with Programs 2003
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Seattle.
Heise, E.A., and Richardson, L., 2003, Using Elluminate in the Distance Learning Environment,
Technology Pre-Conference, Texas Community College Teachers Association and Virtual
College of Texas Technology Seminars, Austin.
Heise, E.A., Palmer-Julson, A., and Su, T.M., 2002, Calibrated Peer Review Writing Assignments
for Introductory Geology Courses, Abstracts with Programs 2002 Annual Meeting of the
Geological Society of America, Denver.
Heise, E.A., Raymond, A, Parsons-Hubbard, K.M., and Walker, S.E., 1999, Fossilization potential
and recycling of wood by isopods on a carbonate platform, Abstracts with Programs 1999
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver.
Heise, E.A., Raymond, A., Walker, S.E., Brett, C.E., Carlson, D.D., Parsons, K., and Staff, G.,
1998. Preservation potential and biogeochemical cycling of wood in marine carbonate
environments: An experimental study, Abstracts with Programs 1998 Annual Meeting
AAPG, Salt Lake City.
Heise, E.A., Raymond, A., Walker, S.E., Brett, C.E., Parsons, K., 1995. Taphonomy of wood,
cones, and seeds in marine carbonate environments: An experimental study. Abstracts with
Programs 1995 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, New Orleans, A-134.
Rack, F.R, Gardner, J.V., Merrill, R.B., and Heise, E.A., 1994, Proxy Records of Quaternary
Climatic Change from the Santa Barbara Basin: Ocean Drilling Program Site 893, Eos,
Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Abstracts with Programs Spring Meeting 1994,
75 (16) 201.
Raymond, A. and Heise, E., 1994, Terrestrial nutrient cycling in the Paleozoic: More stems less
crap, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Abstracts with Programs Fall
Meeting 1994, 75 (44) 80.
Rack, F.R., Heise, E.A. and Merrill, R.B., 1993, Continuous Logs of Magnetic Susceptibility and
Color Reflectance in Late Quaternary Sediment Cores from the Santa Barbara Basin, ODP
Site 893, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Abstracts with Programs Fall
Meeting 1993, p. 228-229.
Heise, E., Raymond, A., Parsons-Hubbard, K., Walker, S.E., Staff, G., Powell, E.A., Brett, C.,
Ashton-Alcox, K.A. (2011). Wood taphonomy in a tropical marine carbonate environment:
Experimental results from Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. Palaeogeography,
Page 19 Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 363-379.
Heise, Elizabeth A., Benavides, Jude A., Contreras, Mara, Cardenas, Andres and Lemen, Joseph,
2009, Hurricanes Dolly and Ike damaged the Town of South Padre Island from two
different directions in 2008, Shore and Beach, vol. 77, no. 2, p 30-36.
Callender, W.R., Staff, G.M., Parsons-Hubbard, K.M., Powell, E.N., Rowe, G.T., Walker, S.E.,
Brett, C.E., Raymond, A., Carlson, D.D., White, D., and Heise, E.A., 2002, Taphonomic
trends along a fore-reef slope: Lee Stoking Island, Bahamas. I. Location and water depth,
Palaios, 17, 50-65.
Staff, G.M., Callender, W.R., Powell, E.N., Parsons-Hubbard, K.M., Brett, C.E., Walker, S.E.,
Carlson, D.D., White, D., Raymond, A., and Heise, E.A., 2002, Taphonomic trends along a
fore-reef slope: Lee Stoking Island, Bahamas. II. Time, Palaios, 17, 66-83.
Rack, Frank R., Heise, Elizabeth A., Stein, Ruediger, 1996. Magnetic susceptibility and physical
properties of sediment cores from ODP Site 893, Santa Barbara Basin: Records of sediment
diagenesis, or of paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic change?, In:Kennett, J.B. and
Baldauf, J.G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results, 146
(Part 2): College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program).
Stokking, Laura B., Heise, Elizabeth A., Honnorez, J., Allerton, S., and Worm, H.U., 1996. The
dependence of magnetic oxide mineralogy and magnetic properties on the petrology and
alteration of upper crustal rocks from Holes 504B and 896A, In: Alt, J.C., Kinoshita, H.,
and Stokking, L.B., et al., Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results,
148: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program).
Stokking, Laura B., Heise, Elizabeth A., Pariso, Janet E., and Allerton, Simon, 1995. Data report:
Magnetic mineralogy, major- and trace-element geochemistry, and rock magnetic
properties of Hole 504B upper crustal rocks, In: Erzinger, J. Becker, K., Dick, H., and
Stokking, L.B., et al., Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results, 140:
College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 327-337.
Other Scholarly Work
Clapp, L., Heise, E. Monitoring of Arroyo Colorado Wastewater Treatment Plants. Commission
on Environmental Quality. Classification: Contributions to the body of knowledge within a
Verdecchia, E., Heise, E. (2010). Bacteria Characterization in Segment 2301_01 of the Rio
Grande near Brownsville, Texas (pp. 30 pp). International Boundary Water Commission.
Classification: Contributions to the body of knowledge within a discipline, Funded. (Date
Published: April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2010).
Dellapenna, T. M., Webster, R., Taylor, A., Heise, E., Cardenas, A., del Angel, D., Aguilar, J.,
Page 20 Reyes, L. (2008). South Padre Island Sand Source Investigation (pp. 1367 pp). General
Land Office, Texas. Classification: Contributions to the body of
Bottjer, David J, et al. 2006, Future Research Directions in Paleontology, Paleontological Society
(Elizabeth Heise – contributor).
Steve Lichlyter, 2006, An Applied Paleoecology Case Study: Bahia Grande, Texas Prior to
Construction of the Brownsville Ship Channel, M.S. in Geology TAMU, E Heise
committee member and local advisor.
Skinner, Brian J, Murck, Barbara, Heise, Elizabeth A, Julson, Amanda Palmer, Geology Today,
2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
Supervised high school interns in the Rio Grande Valley Science Association’s Summer Science
Internship Program 2006, 2007, 2008.
Proposal Review Panels
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, NSF.
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, NSF.
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, NSF.
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, NSF.
Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement, NSF.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Earth Explorers: Integrated Solutions for K-16 and
Informal Education, NASA.
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