
Ranis N. Ibragimov Degrees

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Ranis N. Ibragimov Degrees
Ranis N. Ibragimov
Associate Professor
Chair of the Department Graduate Committee phone: 1-956-882-6672
Department of Mathematics
University of Texas at Brownsville, TX 78520
e-mail: [email protected]
2006 Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics …… University of Waterloo
1996 M.S. in Applied Mathematics …….. Novosibirsk State University (Russia);
Strong background in applied and industrial mathematics
Extensive teaching experience at Canadian and US universities
Supervision of graduate and undergraduate students in research projects
High-level of self-motivation and discipline, results driven team player
Proven ability to implement creative methods to meet project outcomes
Devotion to an academic career in science and education
Simulation and Mathematics Consulting work:
Effectiveness of Electrocardiograph (ECG) machine’s diagnostic algorithms - 2011
Customer: Law firm of Randall P. Crane (San Benito, Texas)
Area of Mathematics: Statistics
Enhanced petroleum recovery - 2009
Customer: Global Technology Transfer Inc. (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
Area of Mathematics: Fluid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics
Research areas
Theory and numerical solutions of nonlinear differential equations
Fluid Mechanics (e.g. nonlinear surface and internal waves in oceans and rivers)
Applications to Industrial Mathematics (e.g. application of Lie Group Analysis of Differential
Equations to a qualitative analysis of implicit and numerical solutions of enhanced oil recovery,
material flammability under microgravity and partial gravity conditions )
My research is numerically oriented and theoretical in nature. One of the key features in my
approach is the combination of the approximate forms of the governing equations in
mathematical modeling with careful and precise analysis. The approximations are required to
make any progress possible, while precision is demanded to make the progress meaningful.
Aug 2010-present
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Brownsville
Brownsville, TX, USA
Aug 2007-Aug 2010
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
Socorro, NM, USA
Jan 2008-Aug 2010
Organizer and Member
(Research and Support Center in Applied Mathematics Modeling)
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
Socorro, NM, USA
Jan 2006 - Aug 2007
Post-doctoral research associate
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
McMaster University, Hamilton, ONT, Canada
Jan 2001- Dec 2005
Ph.D. student/ TA Assistant
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ONT, Canada
Oct 1998 - Jan 2001
Lecturer, Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Sep 1996 - Oct 1998
Monbusho research fellow
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Sep 1995 - Sep 1996
Research Fellow
Theoretical Division, Lavryentiev’s Institute of Hydrodynamics
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science
Novosibirsk, Russia
Sep 1994 - Sep 1995
Research Assistant
Department of Engineering, Institute of Thermophysics
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science
Novosibirsk, Russia
Teaching Experience
Aug 2010-present
Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Brownsville, TX, USA
Calculus I, II, III (undergraduate level courses);
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (undergraduate level course);
Statistics/ Elementary Statistics (graduate and undergraduate level courses);
Topics in Industrial Mathematics (graduate level course)
Online course in Mathematical Modeling (graduate level course)
Aug 2007-Aug 2010
Department of Mathematics, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
Socorro, USA
Calculus III (undergraduate level course);
Vector Calculus (undergraduate level course);
Ordinary Differential Equations (undergraduate level course);
Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations (senior level course);
Partial Differential Equations (senior level course);
Fluid Mechanics (graduate level course).
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (graduate level course)
Jan 2006 - Aug 2007
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Canada
Calculus III (undergraduate course)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics III (undergraduate level course);
Lie Group Analysis (senior level course);
Jan 2003 - Dec 2005
Department of Applied Mathematics University of Waterloo, Canada
Calculus II, III (undergraduate level courses);
Differential equations (undergraduate level course);
Partial Differential Equations (undergraduate level course)
Differential equations with elements of Lie Group Analysis (graduate level course)
Oct 1998 - Jan 2001
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Engineering Mathematics (undergraduate level course);
Complex Analysis (undergraduate level course);
Theoretical mechanics (undergraduate level course);
Numerical Methods (undergraduate level course);
Vector Differential Calculus (undergraduate level course);
Mathematical Modeling (graduate/ senior level course);
Differential Equations (graduate/ senior level course);
Nonlinear Waves (graduate/ senior level course)
Ibragimov, N.H, Ibragimov, R.N., “Applications of Lie Group Analysis in
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics”, Series on Complexity, Nonlinearity and Chaos,
Vol 2, World Scientific Publishers, ISBN: 978-981-4340-46-5, (2011)
Recent research papers
Ibragimov, N.H, Ibragimov, R.N., “Rotationally symmetric internal gravity
waves”, International Journal of Non- Linear Mechanics, 47, 46-52, (2012)
Ibragimov, N.H., Ibragimov, R. N., “Integration by quadratures of the nonlinear Euler equations
modeling atmospheric flows in a thin rotating spherical shell”, Physics Letters A, 375, 38583865, (2011)
Ibragimov, R.N., Yilmaz, N., Bakhtiyarov, A.S., “Experimental mixing parameterization due to
multiphase fluid-structure interaction”, Mechanics Research Communications, 38, 261-266,
Ibragimov, R.N., Dameron, M., “Spinning phenomena and energetics of spherically pulsating
patterns in stratified fluids”, Physica Scripta, 84, 015402, (2011)
Akinlar, M.A., Ibragimov, R.N., “Application of an image registration method to noisy images”,
Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 7 (19), 1-9, (2011)
Ibragimov, R. N., “Effects of rotation on self-resonant internal gravity waves in the ocean”,
Ocean Modelling, 31, 80-87, (2010)
Akinlar, M.A., Ibragimov, R.N., “Computational framework for image enhancement”, Applied
Mathematical Science, Vol. 4 (61), 3035 – 3042, (2010)
Ibragimov, R.N., Akinlar, M.A., “Stability and dissipation modeling of oceanic internal gravity
waves”, Current Development in Oceanography, 1 (2), 85-128, (2010)
Ibragimov, R.N., “Free boundary effects on stability of two phase planar fluid motion in annulus:
Migration of the stable mode”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical
Simulations, 15 (9), 2361-2374, (2010)
Ibragimov, N.H, Ibragimov, R.N., “Internal gravity wave beams as invariant solutions of
Boussinesq equations in geophysical fluid dynamics”, Communications in Nonlinear Science
and Numerical Simulations, 15, 198902002, (2010)
Ibragimov, R.N., “Mechanism of energy transfers to smaller scales within the rotational internal
wave field ”, Springer. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 13 (4), 331-355, (2010)
Ibragimov, R.N., Pelinovsky, D.E., “Effects of rotation on stability of viscous stationary flows
on a spherical surface, Physics of Fluids, 22, 126602, (2010)
Ibragimov, N.H, Aitbayev, R and Ibragimov, R.N., “Three-dimensional nonlinear rotating
surface waves in channels of variable depth in the presence of formation of a small perturbation
of atmospheric pressure across the channel”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and
Numerical Simulations, 14, 3811-3820, (2009)
Ibragimov, N.H., Ibragimov, R.N., “Invariant solutions as internal singularities of nonlinear
differential equations and their use for qualitative analysis of implicit and numerical solutions”,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 14, 3537-3547, (2009)
Ibragimov, R.N., Pelinovsky, D.E., “Incompressible viscous flows in a thin spherical shell”,
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 11, 60-90, (2009)
Yilmaz, N., Bakthiyarov, A.S., Ibragimov, R.N., “Experimental investigation of Newtonian and
non-Newtonian flows in porous media”, Mechanics Research Communications, 36 (5), 638-641,
Ibragimov, R.N., Pelinovsky, D.E., “Three-dimensional gravity waves in a channel of variable
depth”, Communications in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulations, 13 (10), 2104-2113,
Ibragimov, R.N., “Generation of internal tides by an oscillating background flow along a
corrugated slope”, Physica Scripta, 78, 065801, (2008)
Ibragimov, R.N., “Resonant triad model for studying evolution of the energy spectrum among a
large number of internal waves” Communications in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical
Simulations, 13 (3), 593-623, (2008)
Current Research Team Supervision
2010 – to date
Michael Dameron (Graduate student, University of Texas at Brownsville)
Spinning phenomenon and energetics of spherically pulsating patterns in stratified fluids
o Status: Completed
9 Our work has been published in Physica Scripta, 84, 015402, (2011),
Professional memberships
Member of Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Member of American Meteorological Society (AMS)
E-mail: [email protected]
Attorney At Law
201 S. Sam Houston
San Benito, Texas 78586
Board Certified Personal lnjury Trial
texas goard of
Phone (956) 399-2496
Iuly 7,2011
This office has had the pleasure of using the services of Dr. Ranis Ibragimov as an expert
witness. His testimony as a mathematician was very helpful in a complicated products liability case
involving a medical device. Dr. Ibragimov's testimony was instrumental in explaining why vadous
mathematical models used to test the veracity of the machine by the manufacture were
mathematically inappropri ate.
We found this expert to be very energetic and intuitive in his understanding of the issues
involved. The undersigned has no hesitation in recommending Dr.
and believe that you will find his assistance invaluable.
Math Research Center Models Industrial Problems
09/17/2009 11:16 AM
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Math Research Center Models Industrial Problems
SOCORRO, N.M. September 2, 2009 – A fledgling industrial mathematics research center is proving to be productive in
publishing research papers and developing professional partnerships.
Math professor Dr. Ranis Ibragimov organized the Research and Support Center in Applied Mathematical Modeling, or
RSCAMM, at New Mexico Tech in 2008, with support from top administrators.
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Math Research Center Models Industrial Problems
09/17/2009 11:16 AM
The Center aims to serve international interests and cooperation in frontier areas of mathematical modeling in industrial areas
and environmental sciences. The main goal of the Center is to collaborate on research projects forming “hotspots” at the
interface between applied mathematics and industry.
One of the Center’s fortes in mathematical modeling is
based on an applications of Lie Group Analysis of
differential equations. Dr. Ibragimov said Lie Group
Analysis provides a universal tool for analytically solving
complex differential equations where traditional means of
integration fail.
Dr. Ibragimov said Lie group analysis provides a universal
tool for solving analytically considerable number of
differential equations for which other traditional means of
integration fail. Traditional integration methods typically
taught at universities rely essentially on linearity and
constant coefficients. Group analysis deals equally easily
with linear and nonlinear differential equations, as well as
with equations involving variable coefficients, Dr.
Ibragimov said.
“The research of the RSCAMM Center is numerically
oriented and theoretical in nature,” Dr. Ibragimov said. “The
key feature in our approach is the combination of the
approximate forms of the governing equations in
mathematical modeling with careful and precise analysis.
The approximations are required to make any progress
possible, while precision is demanded to make the progress
New Mexico Tech math professor Dr. Ranis Ibragimov
explains the concepts behind mathematical modeling
of tidal mixing. Thomas Guengerich/New Mexico Tech
Already, Center-initiated research has led to eight publications in scholarly journals. In addition to Dr. Ibragimov, other Tech
authors of papers include mechanical engineering professor Dr. Nadir Yilmaz, graduate student Akshin Bakhtiyarov and
undergraduate student Margaret Snell.
This year, Dr. Ibragimov has been invited to collaborate in two industrial projects: enhanced oil recovery and self-healing
New Mexico Tech scientists are collaborating with petroleum experts in Russia and Azerbaijan to research more efficient
methods of petroleum recovery. Mechanical Engineering Department chairman Dr. Sayavur Bakhtiyarov, who is also a
member of the Center, is the principal investigator of the project with support from the Global Technology Transfer Inc. in
Tulsa, Okla.
This project has resulted in several publications related to mathematical modeling of enhanced oil recovery. Engineers know
that more than 85 percent of a petroleum is unrecoverable via primary standard recoveries. To recover the remaining oil,
petroleum companies use secondary and tertiary extraction methods based on injection of water or other fluids to force the
crude oil to production wells.
Dr. Ibragimov said mathematical models describe chemical reactions within porous media needed for oil recovery is given in
terms of nonlinear partial differential equations. The existing experimental and numerical methods are not precise enough to
provide estimates of the efficiency of the oil recovery by the chemical reaction. The Center is promoting Lie Group Analysis
as a method of obtaining analytically exact solutions of those partial differential equations.
“The goal was to optimize the chemical reaction between certain chemicals and the petroleum in porous media,” Dr.
Ibragimov said. “The efficiency of the reaction was determined by means of analytical solutions that we have obtained by
solving the differential equations. Our next step is to develop a simple numerical package designed to improve the secondary
oil recovery.”
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Math Research Center Models Industrial Problems
09/17/2009 11:16 AM
Another project is related to mathematical modeling of self-healing materials. Engineers are developing metals that are
coated with a metallic-chemical compound. As the metal heats, the coating compound slowly melts and fills cracks,
preserving the original strength of the metal.
Cracks, which are very common in metals and other materials, lead to corrosion and deterioration. Self-healing represents an
important engineering breakthrough, particularly in systems that require high surface quality, such as vehicles, optical
systems and windows, and in systems that require high reliability, like aircraft and nuclear storage systems.
Detecting and repairing cracked metal surfaces is a complex analytic problem. At present, no detailed mathematical models
predict how the self-healing processes functions over time. The Center is currently involved in the mathematical modeling of
healing rates in metals that will help engineers develop more efficient crack prevention of materials.
Dr. Ibragimov also initiated the global environmental project designed to model mixing processes caused by the interactions
and dissipation of internal waves in the ocean. Internal waves play an important climatic role; they disperse pollutants,
chemical and biological tracers.
The energy available for mixing processes in the ocean operates at large scales (few tens of kilometers) and then transfers
across the internal energetic wave spectrum down to small dissipation scales (a few meters). The goal of the project is to
understand better the dynamics of the ocean and to understand what effects internal waves have on our environment.
Dr. Ibragimov, who is spearheading these studies, invited his colleagues from McMaster and Waterloo universities in Canada
and Kanazawa Institute of Technology in Japan to participate in this project. Dr. Ibragimov is advising doctoral students
Gunter Leguy and Eric Ovaska, who are working with Los Alamos National Lab scientists on modeling oceanic internal
waves and global circulation model, which is the part of that global project. The project has led to several publications
related to mathematical modeling of mixing processes and energy exchange between internal waves in the ocean.
– NMT –
By Thomas Guengerich/New Mexico Tech
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This is to certify that Dr. Ranis Ibragimov is a valued reviewer for
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
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Publisher, Applied Physics
May 2010
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