OLLI @ CCU The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), housed in the Office of Executive Development and Continuing Education at Coastal Carolina University, seeks to provide opportunities for older adult, noncredit students to achieve intellectual, cultural and social growth while fostering a close, lasting and mutually beneficial relationship between the OLLI students and the University. Visit The Office of Executive Development and Continuing Education at Coastal Carolina University provides the best in adult education throughout the Conway, Georgetown, Litchfield and Myrtle Beach communities. Lifelong Learning courses are designed to meet the needs and interests of older adults in these communities and are offered during day and evening hours at four convenient locations. Georgetown Education Center (GEC1) 909 Front St., Georgetown 843-349-6584 OLLI STAFF Karen Edgington, director, Executive Development and Continuing Education Kelli Barker, associate director, Executive Development and Continuing Education Gayle Britt, director of operations, Litchfield and Georgetown Lisa Rickenbrode, director of operations, Myrtle Beach and Conway Cal Wall, administrative specialist Cam Crawford, administrative specialist Casey Keck, administrative specialist Ellen Jampole, administrative specialist Litchfield Education Center (LEC1) 14427 Ocean Highway, Litchfield Landing 843-349-6584 Myrtle Beach Education Center (MBEC1) 900 79th Ave. N., Myrtle Beach 843-349-2767 Registration Information A service fee of 2.7 percent will be applied on all credit and debit card payments unless card is checked by staff in person; this includes payments done by phone or mail. Taste of OLLI, Jan. 7-14, 2016 During the “Taste of OLLI,” the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Coastal Carolina University will treat current and prospective Lifelong Learners to dozens of free overviews, mini-lectures and demonstrations of upcoming courses and clubs. Attendees can meet instructors and staff members, learn how to access OLLI’s website and WebAdvisor, and register for OLLI membership, classes and parking permits. To register online, go to Click on “Continuing Ed.” Click on “Register and pay for OLLI Noncredit Classes.” Click on the location from the drop-down menu (CSCC1, GEC1, LEC1 or MBEC1), and click submit. Click on the course(s) you want, and follow the registration instructions. Georgetown - Tuesday, Jan. 5, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Conway - Thursday, Jan. 7, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Myrtle Beach - Tuesday, Jan. 12, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Litchfield - Thursday, Jan. 14, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. To register by telephone Contact any Outreach Center Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express card information. OUTREACH CENTER LOCATIONS To register in person Stop by any Outreach Center Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Normal operating hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Coastal Science Center (CSCC1) 301 Allied Drive, Conway 843-349-5002 1 To register by mail Mail completed registration form with credit card information or check (payable to OLLI@CCU) to: Office of Executive Development & Continuing Education-OLLI Coastal Carolina University P.O. Box 261954 Conway, SC 29528-6054 A list of materials required for classes is on the OLLI website as well as at the centers’ registration desks. Table of Contents Locations and Directions Registration Information OLLI Membership Benefits Special Interest Groups Community Partnerships Schedules at a Glance Conway at Coastal Science Center Georgetown Education Center Litchfield Education Center Myrtle Beach Education Center Excursions All about OLLI and BOVL Registration Form Investing in Your Future with OLLI Deadline Early registration is advised to prevent course and excursion cancellations. All courses and excursions have minimum and maximum enrollment. The decision to go forward or cancel a course or excursion will be made one week before the course is scheduled to begin or on the excursion date. Confirmation You are registered as soon as we receive your completed registration form along with payment. Be sure to mark your calendar for the first class meeting. Staff does not send out reminders. You will not receive a mailed schedule confirmation unless requested. Page # 1 1 2 2-3 3-4 6-8 8 9-12 13-17 18-19 20 21-22 23 OLLI Membership: In order to take a class or join any of the special interest groups (clubs). The membership fee is $20 in the fall (September-December) and spring (JanuaryMay) and entitles the member to a photo ID and a campus parking permit. This fee is required whether you are signing up for a one-day workshop, excursion, multiple courses or a special interest group. Add Policy You may join a class that has already begun for the full course fee pending the instructor’s approval and seat availability. Alumni: Members in good standing of the CCU Alumni Association are welcome to participate in OLLI-sponsored clubs and events without becoming an OLLI member. Withdrawal/Refund Policy If you withdraw from an excursion one week prior, you will receive a full refund. If you withdraw from a one- or two-session workshop three days prior to the first class meeting, you will receive a full course refund. If you withdraw from a three+ session course within 10 days after its start date, you will receive a full course refund. Thereafter, no refunds will be awarded. Photo IDs: Available at Baxley Hall (100 Chanticleer Drive E., Conway) throughout the semester. Photo IDs will be available at Litchfield on Tuesday, Feb. 29, and at Myrtle Beach on Thursday, Feb. 11. The time for both locations is 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. In the event of inclement weather, details on closings will be posted on the University’s website (,the OLLI Facebook page and the OLLI newsletter. Please also monitor your local news in the event of inclement weather. MEMBER BENEFITS e-Newsletter: Lifelong Learners with email addresses are sent the weekly OLLI e-Newsletter, which keeps them updated on events and schedule changes. Many opportunities arise during each term that are not finalized when the catalog is printed. To receive the weekly updates, send your email address to [email protected]. The newsletter is also posted on the OLLI website home page ( If you are an OLLI member, you are welcome to “sit in” on any course on the first day it meets. Exceptions include courses that reached capacity during registration, excursions and one- or two-day workshops. Please check with staff to see if there is room for you to preview a course. After attending the preview class, you may register for the course if space is available. Free-with-Membership Lectures: The bold entries on the ata-glance pages indicate these classes are free with OLLI membership. It is still necessary to register for these classes. About this Catalog Looking for courses offered on a certain day or at a specific OLLI location? Check out the daily schedules in the OLLI At A Glance. Course descriptions, instructor biographies and course descriptions are available on our website ( Special Interest Groups Participation in OLLI-sponsored clubs is free with OLLI membership. Registration is required to ensure adequate space. The plus sign (+) after a fee indicates text and/or materials are required for the class that are not included in the fee. 2 Introduction to Gardening in Horry County (C01), led by Faye Akers, is a two-semester course designed to introduce novice and “transplanted” gardeners to the unique challenges of gardening in Horry County. This basic course will cover all aspects of gardening in the South. Topics include local soil characteristics, plants that will (and will not) grow in this area, pests (insects, diseases, weeds), and dealing with our climate from the plant’s perspective. It meets every Wednesday, beginning Jan. 13 in Conway from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. Academy of Gardening: Tips and Techniques (C02), led by Carol Peeples, is an ongoing group that discusses topics and techniques related to gardening in Horry County. Seminars and hands-on projects are designed to inform and teach both casual and serious gardeners. Occasional field trips and guest speakers will supplement classroom activities. Prerequisite: Intro to Gardening. It meets on the first and third Wednesdays each month in Conway from 9 to 10 a.m.: 1/6-5/4. Litchfield Academy of Gardening (L01) is led by Sue Mushock Myers and Anita Lampley. There are no prerequisites to participate. The club meets the first Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon: 1/5, 2/2, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3. Book Clubs (XLITR 512) meet once a month to discuss works selected by the group. Book selections are listed on the website and in the weekly e-Newsletter. Georgetown (G01), under the leadership of Ann Carlson and Sandra Quinn, reads books by Southern writers. It meets once a month from 3 to 4:30 p.m.: 1/11, 2/1, 3/7, 4/4, 5/2. Conway (C01), under the leadership of Susan Galante, meets year-round on the second Monday each month from 1 to 2:30 p.m.: 1/11, 2/8, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9. Litchfield (L01), under the leadership of Anne Duncan, is a contemporary club that meets year-round on the fourth Monday each month from 10 a.m. to noon: 1/25, 2/22, 3/28, 4/25, 5/23. Litchfield (L02), the Classic Book Club, led by John Hobson, meets on the first Thursday each month from 2 to 4 p.m.: 1/7, 2/4, 3/3, 4/7, 5/5. Myrtle Beach (M01), under the leadership of John Hobson, meets year-round on the first Monday each month from 10 a.m. to noon: 1/4, 2/1, 3/7, 4/4, 5/2. Gilles Bridge Society (XSKIL 736 C01) is a progressive rubber bridge group (NOT a club). Each player is asked to contribute 50 cents at each meeting to provide prize money. The format is unique for social bridge in that the same partner is retained throughout the evening and penalties for slow play are mitigated. Individuals without partners are welcome. The society has no affiliation with a national organization. Under the leadership of Wally Lasher, the society meets every Thursday from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Coastal Science Center in Conway. Reservations must be made by the preceding Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. by calling 843-347-2339 or emailing [email protected]. Investor Education Club (XFINC 701 L01) in Litchfield. Learn about the different kinds of financial investments, as well as the risks and rewards associated with each. Club participants will be able to more confidently construct an investment portfolio designed to meet your specific objectives and/or more intelligently work with a financial adviser in structuring your investment strategy. Come to share knowledge and experiences with other investors as part of a participative learning experience. The club, led by Tim Miller, meets the first Tuesday of each month from 6 to 7 p.m.: 1/5, 2/2, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3. Computer Clubs (XCTEC 200) meet monthly to discuss new technology: iPad Club Conway (C01), led by Roy Frost, meets at the Coastal Science Center the second Friday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon: 1/8, 2/12, 3/11, 4/8. Litchfield (L01), led by Ed Robidoux, meets at Litchfield the first Friday each month from 9 to 10 a.m.: 1/8, 2/5, 3/4, 4/1, 5/6. Myrtle Beach (M01), led by Roy Frost, meets at Myrtle Beach the third Friday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon: 1/15, 2/19, 3/18, 4/15. Mac Computer Club (L02), led by Ed Robidoux, meets at Litchfield the first Friday each month from 10 a.m. to noon: 1/8, 2/5, 3/4, 4/1, 5/6. Foreign Language Clubs French Conversation Club (XFREN 310 M01) led by Samih Baalbaki in Myrtle Beach, meets alternate Wednesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. beginning 1/27. Spanish Conversation Clubs (XSPAN 300), led by Luz Greene, meets in Myrtle Beach on the following Thursdays: 1/21, 2/25, 3/31, 4/28 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Travel Clubs Coastal Carolina Travel Clubs (XPERS 700), led by Bill and Judy Blackburn, aim to bring together fans of world travel who want to learn and share with other travel club members. Second Monday meetings at Litchfield (L01), 10 to 11:30 a.m., and Myrtle Beach (M01), 2 to 3:30 p.m.: 1/11, 2/8, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9. Travel with OLLI: Partnerships with well-respected tour companies (Earth Travel Pals; World Cultural Tours) have produced several exciting and affordable travel opportunities for OLLI members. Information is available at the outreach centers. Current Events Clubs The World (XGOVT 401 L01), led by Bob Poirier, meets in Litchfield once a month, Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon: 1/13, 2/10, 3/9, 4/13, 5/11. Middle East (XGOVT 403 M01), led by Samih Baalbaki, meets in Myrtle Beach alternate Wednesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. beginning 1/20. COASTAL CAROLINA UNIVERSITY BENEFITS CCU Cultural Events: Admission to most CCU-produced events is discounted for senior citizens (65 and over) and OLLI members. You can find the cultural calendar on the Gardening Clubs (XGAR 914) are led by master gardeners in Conway and Litchfield. 3 CCU website and it will also be available at the outreach centers. For ticket information, please call the Wheelwright Box Office at 843-349-ARTS (2787). Kimbel Library: OLLI members are encouraged to utilize Kimbel Library’s resources on Saturdays when the library is less busy. Enjoy on-campus access to public computers, online databases (including newspaper databases) and reference assistance. Members may also request a community borrower’s card for year-round checkout privileges. Library services information: 843-349-2400. Coastal Carolina University Bookstore: Lifelong Learners receive a 10 percent discount on clothing and gift items with their ID; exceptions include textbooks, diploma frames, software/computer-related products/video games, sodas, snacks and candy. The Hackler Golf Course: A special OLLI rate of $30 plus tax per round (with cart) provides a $12 discount off the public rate ($42). For unlimited golf privileges, Lifelong Learners pay $750 per year (compared to $825 for the public). This includes green fees for the year. Cart fees are $17. Discounted practice balls will also be included with this membership. Tee times must be booked seven days in advance. For more information, call 843-349-6600. current ID cards receive 50 percent off the daily walkin fee ($7.50 instead of $15) which includes classes, equipment, courts, pools, lockers and towel service, everything except Day Spa service and child care. Visit or call 843-237-2205. YMCA (Myrtle Beach, Georgetown): Myrtle Beach (Claire Chapin Epps Family YMCA at 62nd Avenue North and U.S. 17 Bypass) and Georgetown (Georgetown County Family YMCA at 529 Browns Ferry Road, S.C. 51) facilities offer OLLI members with current ID cards 20 percent off the monthly rate and waive the joining fee. Visit to obtain the latest group exercise class schedule, programs and events. Brookgreen Gardens: OLLI members with current ID cards receive $2 off the admission fee at the entrance plaza. Single admission is good for seven days. For season details, visit Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Myrtle Beach Art Museum: OLLI members with current ID cards are welcome to attend exhibition opening receptions for free and to participate in museumorganized road trips at the member price. Details will be listed in the OLLI e-Newsletter, 843-238-2510 or visit Belle W. Baruch Foundation’s Hobcaw Barony. During the semester, specific events and programs organized by Hobcaw Barony will be offered to OLLI members with current ID cards at a special rate. Details will be listed in the OLLI e-Newsletter and at Horry County Museum: During the semester, specific events and programs organized by the museum will be offered to OLLI members. Details will be listed in the OLLI e-Newsletter and at All Conway OLLI history courses will be held at the Horry County Museum. Kaminski House Museum: Current OLLI students receive a $2 off admission fee at the museum. For more information, call 843-546-7706 or visit Atlantic Stage: OLLI members with current ID cards enjoy the published student rate on season or individual tickets. For the season’s schedule and tickets, visit Long Bay Symphony: OLLI members with current ID cards receive 10 percent off all Long Bay Symphony performances. For season details, call 843-448-8379 or visit Theatre of the Republic: OLLI members with current ID cards receive $3 off performance tickets. OLLI members must purchase tickets at the box office and must have a current OLLI membership card; no phone or online orders. For the season’s schedule and tickets, call 843-488-0821 or visit PARKING PRIVILEGES Parking on campus: OLLI members are responsible for observing all University regulations and displaying their parking decal when parking on the main campus and at the Coastal Science Center. The decals and expiration stickers are available at the outreach centers. Parking at Coastal Science Center: Lifelong Learners (students, instructors and volunteers) attending classes, clubs and events at, or excursions departing from, the Coastal Science Center in Conway will need to secure a valid parking decal (required Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). No parking decal is required at Georgetown Education Center, Litchfield Education Center or Myrtle Beach Education Center. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Fit4Everyone: Guided strength training for 50+ taught by CCU professors. $10 discount for your first month’s membership for OLLI members. For more information, call 910-258-9009 or visit Fitness Edge (Murrells Inlet, Carolina Forest): OLLI members with current ID cards receive a 50 percent off enrollment fee, plus 10 percent off the regular price monthly dues at both locations. For detailed services, call 843-652-3488 or visit SC Maritime Museum: During the semester, specific events and programs organized by the museum will be offered to OLLI members. Details will be listed in the OLLI e-Newsletter. Tidelands Health (formerly Health Point Center for Health & Fitness) (Litchfield): OLLI members with 4 OLLI VOLUNTEERS We couldn’t do it without you! Whether teaching a class, leading a special interest group, proofreading the fall or spring catalogs, driving a CCU van, assisting students during Free Week, giving a presentation to your local homeowners/civic church/book club, being a committee member, welcoming visitors at senior expos or distributing catalogs along the Grand Strand, our OLLI volunteers are vital to this operation. OLLI’s Special Interest Group Leaders: Faye Akers and Carol Peeples, Conway Academy of Gardening Samih Baalbaki, French Conversation Club and Middle East Current Events Bill and Judy Blackburn, Coastal Carolina Travel Clubs Anne Duncan, Litchfield Contemporary Book Club Susan Galante, Conway Book Club Ann Carlson and Sandra Quinn, Georgetown Book Club of Southern Writers Luz Greene, Spanish Conversation Club (Litchfield and Myrtle Beach) John Hobson, Litchfield Classic Book Club and Myrtle Beach Book Club Wally Lasher, Gilles Bridge Society (Conway) Tim Miller, Investor Education Club (Litchfield) Sue M. Myers and Anita Lampley, Litchfield Academy of Gardening Bob Poirier, Current Events Club (Litchfield) Roy Frost, iPad Computer Clubs (Conway and Myrtle Beach) Ed Robidoux, iPad/Mac Computer Clubs (Litchfield) Excursion Drivers: Anita Lampley, Randy Lampley, Robert Libbey If you are interested in becoming an OLLI volunteer or an OLLI driver, contact any of the centers: Conway at 843-349-5002, Georgetown and Litchfield at 843-349-6584, Myrtle Beach at 843-349-2767. 5 CONWAY ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at Spring 2016 MONDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9:30 a.m. to noon 9:30 a.m. to noon 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Susan Duke Susan Duke Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly $75+ $75+ $60 $60 $40 XART 126 C01 XART 126 C02 XMUSC 622 C01 XMUSC 683 C01 XMUSC 653 C01 1 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. Watercolor Painting (6 wks, 1/25-2/29) Watercolor Painting (6 wks, 3/7-4/11) The Art of Listening (6 wks, 1/25-2/29) The Muses of Mozart (6 wks, 3/7-4/11) Beethoven, Revolution and Romanticism (4 wks, 4/18-5/9) Knitting for Beginners to Advanced (4 wks, 1/25-2/15) Knitting for Beginners to Advanced (4 wks, 2/22-3/14) Knitting for Beginners to Advanced (4 wks, 3/28-4/18) Knitting for Beginners to Advanced (4 wks, 4/25-5/16) Book Club (2nd Mon., 1/11, 2/8, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9) Understanding Terrorism (8 wks, 1/25-3/14) 1 to 3 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Noon to 3 p.m. Priscille Boisvert $60+ XART 182 C01 Priscille Boisvert $60+ XART 182 C02 Priscille Boisvert $60+ XART 182 C03 Priscille Boisvert $60+ XART 182 C04 OLLI $80 XLITR 512 C01 XHIST 482 C01 Music and the Enlightment (6 wks, 1/25-2/29) Opera Unmasked (6 wks, 3/7-4/11) Music at the Movies (4 wks, 4/18-5/9) Italian Conversation I (6 wks, 1/25-2/29) Shimmy, Shake and Raqs I (2 wks, 1/25-2/1) Shimmy, Shake and Raqs II (7 wks, 2/8-3/21) Shimmy, Shake and Raqs III (7 wks, 3/28-5/9) Susan Galante Joseph Fitsanakis Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly Ellen Jampole Ellen Jampole Ellen Jampole $60 $60 $40 $60 OLLI $35 $35 XMUSC 660 C01 XMUSC 652 C01 XMUSC 694 C01 XITAL 316 C01 XMUSC 690 C01 XMUSC 690 C02 XMUSC 690 C03 TUESDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9 to 11 a.m. 9 to 11 a.m. 9 to 11 a.m. 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 10 a.m. to noon Suicide in Later Life (2/2) Grief (3/1) Improving Your Memory (4/5) AARP Driver Safety (2/9) AARP Driver Safety (4/12) Building Effective Relationships Between Parent & Adult Children (2 wks, 1/19-26) End-of-Life Preparedness Workshop (2 wks, 3/1-8 ) The Baha'i Faith and the Life of the Spirit (4 wks, 2/2-2/23) Bert Hayslip Bert Hayslip Bert Hayslip Scott Johnson Scott Johnson William Jordan OLLI OLLI OLLI OLLI+ OLLI+ OLLI XHEAL 769 C01 XHEAL 702 C01 XHEAL 768 C01 XSKIL 766 C01 XSKIL 766 C02 XPERS 753 C01 Donna Hutter OLLI+ XHEAL 742 C01 Becky Fairley E.A. Gore James Fairley Vicki Kron Vicki Kron Gina Montori Gina Montori $40 XREL 871 C01 $75+ $65+ $20 $60+ XSKIL 715 C01 XSKIL 715 C02 XPERS 792 C01 XPERS 701 C01 Donna Carr Donna Carr $45+ $45+ XFITN 709 C01 XFITN 709 C02 Noon to 3 p.m. Noon to 3 p.m. Noon to 3 p.m. 10 a.m. to noon 11 a.m. to noon Noon to 3 p.m. Noon to 3 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 3:30 to 5 p.m. 3:30 to 5 p.m. 3:30 to 5 p.m. Beginning Mah Jongg (6 wks, 1/26-3/1) Mah Jongg Beyond the Basics (5 wks, 3/8-4/5) Cycle of Change (1/19) Finding Your Own North Star (8 wks, 2/2-3/29, no class 3/8) Beginners/Chair Yoga (6 wks, 1/26-3/1) Beginners/Chair Yoga (6 wks, 3/29-5/3) 6 CONWAY ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at Spring 2016 5:30 to 7 p.m. 5:30 to 7 p.m. Simply Yoga (6 wks, 1/26-3/1) Simply Yoga (6 wks, 3/29-5/3) Donna Carr Donna Carr $45+ $45+ XFITN 710 C01 XFITN 710 C02 WEDNESDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9 to 10 a.m. Academy of Gardening: Tips (1st & 3rd Weds. each month, 1/6-5/4) Beginner's Geography (6 wks, 1/20-2/24) Intro to Gardening in Horry County (weekly 1/13-5/11) The Baha'i Faith and the Life of the Spirit (4 wks, 4/6-4/27) Carol Peeples OLLI XGAR 914 C02 Jessica Handy Faye Akers $60 OLLI XHIST 518 C01 XGAR 914 C01 Becky Fairley E.A. Gore James Fairley Jessica Handy $40 XREL 871 C02 $30 XHIST 519 C01 Jessica Handy $40 XHIST 520 C01 Lloyd Kaplan $80 XMUSC 694 C01 Jessica Handy $45 XHIST 521 C01 Regina Markland Jessica Handy OLLI XFINC 726 C01 $40 XHIST 456 C01 INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # $45+ $45+ OLLI XFITN 710 C03 XFITN 710 C04 XGOVT 415 C01 $80 OLLI+ OLLI+ OLLI+ $40 $20 $20 $80 XWRIT 524 C01 XGOVT 420 C01 XGOVT 420 C02 XGOVT 420 C03 XGOVT 422 C01 XGOVT 423 C01 XGOVT 424 C01 XHIST 517 C01 $30 XHEAL 704 C01 10 to 11:30 a.m. 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. 11 a.m. to noon 1 to 2 p.m. 1 to 2:30 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. 2:30 to 4 p.m. Untold Stories of the S.C. Civil Rights (4 wks, 2/17-3/9) Who Were the Founding Fathers? (4 wks, 1/20-2/10) The Black American Influence on American Music; 1840-1960 (8 wks, 1/27-3/16) Significant Supreme Court Cases (6 wks, 2/17-3/23) Planned Giving Options and Advantages (2/3) 3 to 4:30 p.m. Lewis and Clark: Exploring America (4 wks, 1/20-2/10) THURSDAY COURSE TITLE 9 to 10:30 a.m. 9 to 10:30 a.m. 10 to 10:30 a.m. Simply Yoga (6 wks, 1/28-3/3) Donna Carr Simply Yoga (6 wks, 3/31-5/5) Donna Carr Middle East Current Events Discussion (weekly Samih Baalbaki 1/21-4/28, no class 3/17 and 4/14) How to Write a Good Poem (8 wks, 1/21-3/10) Joe DiSabatino Coffee, Donuts and Middle East Politics (1/21) Samih Baalbaki Coffee, Donuts and Middle East Politics (3/10) Samih Baalbaki Coffee, Donuts and Middle East Politics (4/7) Samih Baalbaki Is the Syrian Crisis About to End? (4 wks, 2/11-3/3) Samih Baalbaki Child Soldiers with ISIS (2 wks, 3/24-31) Samih Baalbaki Women's Lives Under the Taliban (2 wks, 4/21-28) Samih Baalbaki Russian History: Culture and People (8 wks, Helen Christman 1/21-3/10) Health and Nutrition: Its Influence on Aging Helen Christman (3 wks, 3/17-3/31) Creating Abstract Art (8 wks, 1/21-3/10) Joe DiSabatino Goodness of Grains (2/25) Pam Wilk and Mandy Wilk Gilles Bridge Society (ongoing, year-round) Wally Lasher 10 a.m. to noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 7 to 10 p.m. 7 $100+ XART 193 C01 OLLI+ XHEAL 705 C01 OLLI XSKIL 736 C01 CONWAY ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at Spring 2016 FRIDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9:30 to 11 a.m. 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 1 to 3 p.m. Christianity and the Historical Jesus (2/19) iPad Club (2nd Fri., 1/8, 2/12, 3/11, 4/8) Longevity and Healthy Aging (4 wks, 2/5-2/26) Spy Operations that Changed History (8 wks, 1/22-3/11) Norm Whiteley Roy Frost Pam Wilk Joseph Fitsanakis OLLI OLLI OLLI+ $80 XREL 802 C01 XCTEC 200 C01 XHEAL 733 C01 XHIST 522 C01 GEORGETOWN ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at Spring 2016 MONDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 10 a.m. to noon Ralph Edwards Donna Hutter OLLI+ XSKIL 766 G01 OLLI+ XHEAL 742 G01 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 4:30 p.m. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. AARP Driver Safety (4/25) End-of-Life Preparedness Workshop (2 wks, 2/8-15) Basic Digital Photography (4 wks, 2/1-2/22) Economic Challenges Facing the USA (4 wks, 1/25-2/15) Irish History: Its Modernizing Influence (4 wks, 2/22-3/21, no class 3/7) Open Studio (8 wks, 1/25-3/14) Georgetown Southern Writers Book Club (1/11, 2/1, 3/7, 4/4, 5/2) Cycle of Change (1/25) Finding Your Own North Star (8 wks, 2/8-3/28) Photo Safari (4/11) TUESDAY COURSE TITLE 9 to 11:30 a.m. 10 to 11:30 a.m. Adobe Photoshop (4 wks, 2/2-2/23) Planned Giving Options and Advantages (2/9) 1 to 3 p.m. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. 3 to 4:30 p.m. 10 a.m. to noon Noon to 1 p.m. Noon to 1 p.m. Noon to 1 p.m. Noon to 1 p.m. COURSE # Paige Sawyer $50 James O'Sullivan $40 XPHO 149 G01 XGOVT 405 G01 James O'Sullivan $40 XHIST 423 G01 Lillian Cotton Ann Carlson Sandra Quinn Gina Montori Gina Montori Paige Sawyer $100+ XART 165 G01 OLLI XLITR 512 G01 $20 $60+ $50 XPERS 792 G01 XPERS 701 G01 XPHO 163 G01 INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # Ed Robidoux Regina Markland Building Effective Relationships Between Parents William Jordan & Adult Children (2 wks, 2/2-2/9) Lunch and Learn with Coastal and Marine Science CCU Faculty / (1/26) Student TBA Lunch and Learn with Coastal and Marine Science CCU Faculty / (2/23) Student TBA Lunch and Learn with Coastal and Marine Science CCU Faculty / (3/22) Student TBA Lunch and Learn with Coastal and Marine Science CCU Faculty / (4/26) Student TBA $50 OLLI XCTEC 298 G01 XFINC 726 G01 OLLI XPERS 753 G01 $10 XSCI 937 G01 $10 XSCI 937 G02 $10 XSCI 937 G03 $10 XSCI 937 G04 8 LITCHFIELD ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at Spring 2016 MONDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9 a.m. to noon Oil Painting Basic Realism (all levels) (6 wks, 1/25-2/29) Oil Painting Basic Realism (all levels) (6 wks, 3/7-4/11) Basic and Intermediate Spanish (8 wks, 1/25-3/14) Basic and Intermediate Spanish (8 wks, 3/21-5/9) Yoga Stretch (7 wks, 1/25-3/7) Yoga Stretch (7 wks, 3/21-5/2) Book Club (4th Mon., 1/25, 2/22, 3/28, 4/25, 5/23) Coastal Carolina Travel Club (2nd Mon., 1/11, 2/8, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9) Rice Plantations of Georgetown County (6 wks, 2/15-3/21) History of Charleston Renaissance (6 wks, 4/4-5/9) Creating Short Fiction (8 wks, 1/25-3/14) Jef Sturm $90+ XART 148 L01 Jef Sturm $90+ XART 148 L02 Luz Greene $100+ XSPAN 301 L01 Luz Greene $100+ XSPAN 301 L02 Cathy King Cathy King Anne Duncan $55+ $55+ OLLI XFITN 711 L01 XFITN 711 L02 XLITR 512 L01 Bill and Judy Blackburn Robin McCall OLLI XPERS 700 L01 $60 XHIST 432 L01 Robin McCall $60 XHIST 444 L01 Richard Lutman $80 XWRIT 510 L01 Pat Thompson $75+ XSKIL 715 L03 1 to 4 p.m. 1 to 5 p.m. Beginners Mah Jongg (6 wks, 2/1-3/14; no class 2/29) Beyond Basics Mah Jongg (4 wks, 3/28-4/18) Seaside Baskets (2/29) $55+ $25+ XSKIL 715 L04 XART 128 L01 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Jewels of the Sea (2/22) OLLI XNAT 918 L01 1 to 3 p.m. Afternoon Tea Party (2/15) $25+ XHIST 417 L01 1:30 to 3 p.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Christianity and the Historical Jesus (1/25) Mosaic Basics (4 days - M/T/W/Th, 2/15-2/18) Political Communication from Kennedy/Nixon to Obama/Romney (6 wks, 1/25-2/29) Pat Thompson Sue Ann Whittick Sue Ann Whittick Sue Ann Whittick Norm Whiteley Simone Esquibel Greg Farmer OLLI $60+ $30 XREL 802 L01 XART 184 L01 XGOVT 412 L01 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. The Highlights of 1 Samuel (5 wks, 2/1-2/29) The Highlights of 1 Kings (4 wks, 4/4-4/25) Lydia Barrows Lydia Barrows $50 $40 XREL 872 L01 XREL 873 L01 TUESDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9 to 10:30 a.m. Planned Giving Options and Advantages (3/8) OLLI XFINC 726 L01 9 to 10 a.m. 9 to 10 a.m. 9 to 11 a.m. 9 a.m. to noon Taoist Tai Chi III and IV (6 wks, T/Th, 1/19-2/25) Taoist Tai Chi III and IV (6 wks, T/Th, 3/1-4/7 ) Advanced Photography (6 wks, 1/19-2/23) Discovery Art Group (8 wks, 1/19-3/8) Regina Markland Hileman/Fee Hileman/Fee David Fattaleh Barnie Slice $60 $60 $60 $100+ XFITN 706 L01 XFITN 706 L02 XPHO 169 L01 XART 169 L01 9 a.m. to noon 9 a.m. to noon 9 a.m. to noon 9 to 10:30 a.m. 9 to 10:30 a.m. 10 a.m. to noon 10 to 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 1 to 4 p.m. 9 LITCHFIELD ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at 9 a.m. to noon 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 10 to 10:30 a.m. 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to noon 10:30 a.m. to noon 10:30 a.m. to noon 1 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 4 to 7 p.m. Discovery Art Group (8 wks, 3/15-5/3) AARP Driver Safety (3/15) Middle East Discussion (weekly, 1/19-4/26, no class 3/15 and 4/12) Academy of Gardening (1st Tues., 1/5, 2/2, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3) Goodness of Grains (2/9) How to Publish on Kindle (1/19) How to Publish on CreateSpace (2/9) Coffee, Donuts and Middle East Politics (1/19) Coffee, Donuts and Middle East Politics (3/8) Coffee, Donuts and Middle East Politics (4/5) Should the U.S. Government Pressure Israel? (2 wks, 1/26-2/2) Is the Syrian Crisis About to End? (4 wks, 2/9-3/1) Child Soldiers with ISIS (2 wks, 3/22-29) Women's Life Under the Taliban (2 wks, 4/19-26) Taoist Tai Chi II (6 wks, T/Th, 1/19-2/25) Taoist Tai Ch II (6 wks, T/Th, 3/1-4/7) Marvelous Gardens: Canada Maritime Provinces (4 wks, 2/2-2/23) Healthy Living and Healthy Aging (4 wks, 2/16-3/8) British Social History 1850-1914 (8 wks, 2/2-3/22) Painting with Acrylics (8 wks, 1/19-3/8) Painting with Acrylics (8 wks, 3/15-5/3) Building Effective Relationships Between Parents & Adult Children (2/2-9) Self-Promotion for Authors: Overview Building Your Platform (4/5) Current Trends in International Films (6 wks, 1/19-2/23) Creative Writing Roundtable (8 wks, 1/19-3/8) 6 to 7 p.m. The Message in the Spring Feasts of Israel/appointed times (3/8) Ayurveda Life Style Weight Loss Program (6 wks, 2/16-3/22) Exercise Pilates (6 wks, 4/5-5/10) Investor Education Club (1st Tues., 1/5, 2/2, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3) Basic to Intermediate Shag (6 wks, 1/19-2/23) 6 to 7 p.m. Basic to Intermediate Shag (6 wks, 3/1-4/5) 7 to 8 p.m. Couples Communication Workshop (6 wks, 2/2-3/8) 5 to 6 p.m. 5 to 6 p.m. 6 to 7 p.m. 10 Spring 2016 Barnie Slice $100+ XART 169 L02 Sandy Lempert OLLI+ XSKIL 766 L01 Samih Baalbaki OLLI XGOVT 415 L01 Sue M. Myers Anita Lampley Pam Wilk Mandy Wilk Tibby Plants Tibby Plants Samih Baalbaki Samih Baalbaki Samih Baalbaki Samih Baalbaki OLLI XGAR 914 L01 $20 $20 OLLI+ OLLI+ OLLI+ $20 XWRIT 543 L01 XWRIT 542 L01 XGOVT 420 L01 XGOVT 420 L02 XGOVT 420 L03 XGOVT 421 L01 Samih Baalbaki $40 XGOVT 422 L01 Samih Baalbaki Samih Baalbaki $20 $20 XGOVT 423 L01 XGOVT 424 L01 Hileman/Fee Hileman/Fee Richard Hull $65 $65 $30 XFITN 704 L01 XFITN 704 L02 XGAR 911 L01 Daphne Trent OLLI+ XHEAL 733 L01 Clark Wilburn Barnie Slice Barnie Slice William Jordan $80 $100+ $100+ OLLI XHIST 511 L01 XART 129 L01 XART 129 L02 XPERS 753 L01 Tibby Plants $25 XWRIT 547 L01 Josette Sharwell $90 XFILM 607 L01 Tibby Plants $60 XWRIT 501 L01 Lydia Barrows $25 XREL 837 L01 OLLI+ XHEAL 705 L01 Patricia Dunning $30 XFITN 722 L01 Patricia Dunning $30 Tim Miller OLLI XFITN 726 L01 XFINC 701 L01 Sandra Lucas$78 Hyde Sandra Lucas$78 Hyde Patricia Dunning $30 XMUSC 626 L01 XMUSC 626 L02 XPERS 717 L01 LITCHFIELD ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at 7 to 8 p.m. Social Ballroom Dancing (6 wks, 1/19-2/23) 7 to 8 p.m. Social Ballroom Dancing (6 wks, 3/1-4/5) WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. to noon 9 a.m. to noon 9 to 10:30 a.m. 9 to 10:30 a.m. 9 a.m. to noon 9 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Spring 2016 Sandra LucasHyde Sandra LucasHyde $78 XMUSC 625 L01 $78 XMUSC 625 L02 COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # Luz Greene Luz Greene Cathy King Cathy King Kathy Welde Kathy Welde Larry Gates Larry Gates Larry Gates Larry Gates $100+ $100+ $60+ $60+ $100+ $100+ OLLI OLLI $25 $45 XSPAN 303 L01 XSPAN 303 L02 XFITN 711 L03 XFITN 711 L04 XART 122 L01 XART 122 L02 XPERS 793 L01 XPERS 794 L01 XREL 874 L01 XREL 875 L01 Bob Poirier OLLI XGOVT 401 L01 Michael Gay Michael Gay Kathleen Fair $60+ $60+ $60 XART 103 L01 XART 103 L02 XHIST 522 L01 Donna Hutter OLLI+ XHEAL 742 L01 Luz Greene Luz Greene Michael Gay Bill Warner $80+ $80+ $60+ $40 XSPAN 304 L01 XSPAN 304 L02 XART 153 L01 XREL 871 L01 Paige Sawyer Kathy Welde Kathy Welde Carol Meldrom Carol Meldrom Gary Newman $50 $100+ $100+ $45+ $40+ $40+ XPHO 149 L01 XART 122 L03 XART 122 L04 XSKIL 715 L01 XSKIL 715 L02 XFINC 703 L01 Gary Newman $30+ XFINC 773 L01 3 to 5 p.m. Advanced Spanish (8 wks, 1/20-3/9 ) Advanced Spanish (8 wks, 3/16-5/4 ) Yoga Stretch (7 wks, 1/27-3/9) Yoga Stretch (7 wks, 3/23-5/4) Stained Glass (8 wks, 1/27-3/16) Stained Glass (8 wks, 3/23-5/11) The Lost Language of the Heart (1/20) Nonviolence: A Spiritual Path (1/27) Saint Francis of Assisi (3 wks, 2/3-2/17) Carl Jung on Religion and Mysticism (4 wks, 3/2-3/23) Current Events Club (2nd Weds., 1/13, 2/10, 3/9, 4/13, 5/11) Basic Drawing I (6 wks, 1/20-2/24) Basic Drawing II (6 wks, 3/2-4/6) Mysterious Civilizations of the Past (6 wks, 2/3- 3/9) End-of-Life Preparedness Workshop (2 wks, 2/17- 24) Spanish for Travelers (8 wks, 1/20-3/9) Spanish for Travelers (8 wks, 3/16-5/4) Urban Sketching I (6 wks, 1/20-2/24) Religion in the Modern Public Square (5 wks, 3/2-3/30) Basic Digital Photography (4 wks, 2/3-2/24) Stained Glass (8 wks, 1/27-3/16) Stained Glass (8 wks, 3/23-5/11) Beginning Mah Jongg (6 wks, 3/2-4/6) Mah Jongg Beyond the Basics (5 wks, 4/13-5/11) Smart Managing for Elder Living (6 wks, 1/20-2/24) Estate Planning and Administration Basics (3 wks, 3/2-3/16) Portrait Drawing I (6 wks, 1/20-2/24) Michael Gay $60+ XART 141 L01 THURSDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9 a.m. to noon 9 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon Watercolor Painting (8 wks, 1/21-3/10) Watercolor Painting (8 wks, 3/17-5/5) Beginning Quilting (6 wks, 2/18-3/24) History of Modern Russia from the last Tsar to Present (8 wks, 1/28-3/17) Barnie Slice Barnie Slice Karen Fedor Bob Poirier $100+ $100+ $60 $80 XART 126 L01 XART 126 L02 XART 191 L01 XHIST 514 L01 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 12:15 to 2:15 p.m. 12:15 to 2:15 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 11 LITCHFIELD ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at 10 a.m. to noon 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. noon to 2 p.m. Spring 2016 Carl DiLorenzo Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly $60+ $60 $40 XCTEC 294 L01 XITAL 316 L01 XMUSC 653 L01 Carl DiLorenzo $50+ XCTEC 294 L02 Bob Poirier Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly Sue Myers Lillian Cotton John Hobson $80 $60 $60 $60 $100+ OLLI XHIST 410 L01 XMUSC 660 L01 XMUSC 683 L01 XHIST 418 L01 XART 165 L01 XLITR 512 L02 Sarah Kelly Gina Montori George Devens $40 $60+ $60 XMUSC 694 L01 XPERS 701 L01 XMUSC 680 L01 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. Functions of iPhones and iPads (6 wks, 2/25-3/31) Italian Conversation I (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) Beethoven, Revolution and Romanticism (4 wks, 4/14-5/5) Advanced Functions of iPhones and iPads (5 wks, 2/25-3/24) The Crusades (8 wks, 1/28-3/17) Music and the Enlightenment (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) The Muses to Mozart (6 wks, 3/3-4/7) The South for Northerners (8 wks, 1/28-3/17) Open Studio (8 wks, 3/17-5/5 ) Classic Book Club (1st Thurs., 1/7, 2/4, 3/3, 4/7, 5/5) Music at the Movies (4 wks, 4/14-5/5) Finding Your Own North Star (8 wks, 2/4-3/24) The Golden Age of the American Songbook (6 wks, 2/4-3/10) Cycle of Change (1/21) The Art of Listening (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) Opera Unmasked (6 wks, 3/3-4/7) Gina Montori Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly $20 $60 $60 XPERS 792 L01 XMUSC 622 L01 XMUSC 652 L01 FRIDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9 to 10 a.m. 9 to 11 a.m. 9 to 11 a.m. 9 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon iPad Club (1st Fri., 1/8, 2/5, 3/4, 4/1, 5/6) Grief (2/26) Improving Your Memory (4/8) Beginning Genealogy (5 wks, 1/29-2/26) Colored Pencil Painting Techniques (6 wks, 1/22-2/26) Mac Computer Club (1st Fri., 1/8, 2/5, 3/4, 4/1, 5/6) Better Choices, Better Health Workshop (6 wks, 1/22-2/26) Ed Robidoux Bert Hayslip Bert Hayslip Gail Reynolds Jolene Williams OLLI OLLI OLLI $75+ $60+ XCTEC 200 L01 XHEAL 702 L01 XHEAL 768 L01 XSKIL 706 L01 XART 160 L01 Ed Robidoux OLLI XCTEC 200 L02 Stephen Firsing OLLI Ellen Jampole XHEAL 738 L01 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Understanding Medicare (3 wks, 2/5-2/19) XHEAL 746 L01 Noon to 2 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Suicide Later In Life (1/29) Russian History: Culture and People (8 wks, 1/29-3/18) Health and Nutrition: Its Influence on Aging (3 wks, 3/25-4/8) Heritage Quest Online (1/29) Basic Design and Drawing (6 wks, 1/22-2/26) Stan and Terri OLLI Stephens Bert Hayslip OLLI Helen Christman $80 Helen Christman $30 XHEAL 704 L01 Gail Reynolds OLLI Jolene Williams $60+ XSKIL 729 L01 XART 202 L01 Ed Robidoux Ellen Jampole Ellen Jampole Ellen Jampole Jolene Williams XCTEC 298 L01 XMUSC 690 L01 XMUSC 690 L02 XMUSC 690 L03 XART 199 L01 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 3 to 4:30 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 3:30 p.m. 3 to 4 p.m. 3 to 4 p.m. 3 to 4 p.m. 3 to 4 p.m. Adobe Photoshop (4 wks, 3/4-3/25) Shimmy, Shake and Raqs I (2 wks, 1/22-1/29) Shimmy, Shake and Raqs II (7 wks, 2/5-3/18) Shimmy, Shake and Raqs III (7 wks, 3/25-5/6) Famous Paintings to See Before You Die (5 wks, 1/29-2/26) 12 $50 OLLI $35 $35 $40 XHEAL 769 L01 XHIST 517 L01 MYRTLE BEACH ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at Spring 2016 MONDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR 9 to 10 a.m. 9 a.m. to noon Zumba Gold (6 wks, (1/25-2/29) Introduction to Wordpress (2 wks, M/W, 4/18-4/27) Mosaic Mirror (4 days - M/T/W/Th, 2/15-2/18) Organize Your Family History (5 wks, 1/25-2/22) Better Choices, Better Health Workshop (6 wks, 3/7-4/11) Barbara Melenik $30 Charles Engle $60 XFITN 717 M01 XCTEC 220 M01 Simone Esquibel $60+ Christine Davis $75 Stephen Firsing OLLI Ellen Jampole XART 183 M01 XSKIL 771 M01 XHEAL 738 M01 Alice Estes $75 XART 108 M01 Alice Estes $75 XART 108 M02 Norm Whiteley David Soma $10 $60 XREL 802 M01 XHIST 524 M01 Pam Wilk John Hobson Joe DiSabatino Bill Warner OLLI+ OLLI $80 $40 XHEAL 733 M01 XLITR 512 M01 XWRIT 524 M01 XREL 871 M01 1 to 2 p.m. Mixed Media Painting Techniques (6 wks, 1/25-2/29) Mixed Media Painting Techniques (6 wks, 3/7-4/11) Christianity and the Historical Jesus (3/7) Mountain Men and Frontier Women of the American West (6 wks, 1/25-2/29) Longevity and Healthy Aging (4 wks, 3/28-4/18) Book Club (1st Mon., 1/4, 2/1, 3/7, 4/4, 5/2) How to Write a Good Poem (8 wks, 2/1-3/21) Religion in the Modern Public Square (5 wks, 2/1-2/29) Group Ukulele (16 wks, 1/25-5/9) $80 XMUSC 617 M01 1 to 3 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. More Italic Calligraphy (5 wks, 1/25-2/22) Afternoon Tea Party (3/21) $50+ $25+ XART 136 M01 XHIST 417 M01 1 to 4 p.m. Windows: Beyond the Basics (2 wks, M/W, 4/18-4/27) Self-Promotion for Authors: Overview Building Your Platform (1/25) Beginning Mah Jongg (6 wks, 1/25-2/29) Mah Jongg Beyond the Basics (5 wks, 3/7-4/4) Seaside Baskets (3/14) Gary Assadourian Barbara Brittain Sue Ann Whittick Charles Engle $60 XCTEC 221 M01 Tibby Plants $25 XWRIT 547 M01 $75 $65 $25+ XSKIL 715 M01 XSKIL 715 M02 XART 128 M01 OLLI XNAT 918 M01 $80 XMUSC 602 M01 9 a.m. to noon 9 a.m. to noon 9 a.m. to noon 9:30 a.m. to noon 9:30 a.m. to noon 9:30 to 11 a.m. 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 1 to 5 p.m. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. 2 to 3 p.m. 2 to 3:30 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. Vicki Kron Vicki Kron Sue Ann Whittick Sue Ann Jewels of the Sea (3/7) Whittick Gary Group Guitar (16 wks, 1/25-5/9) Assadourian Bill and Judy Coastal Carolina Travel Club (2nd Mon., 1/11, 2/8, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9) Blackburn The Black American Influence on American Music; Lloyd Kaplan 1840-1960 (6 wks, 2/8-3/14) Creating Abstract Art (8 wks, 2/1-3/21) Joe DiSabatino Gary Group Piano (16 wks, 1/25-5/9) Assadourian 13 FEE COURSE # XPERS 700 M01 OLLI $60 XMUSC 621 M01 $100+ XART 193 M01 $160+ XMUSC 611 M01 MYRTLE BEACH ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at Spring 2016 TUESDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9 to 11 a.m. 9 to 11 a.m. 9 a.m. to noon Basic Conversational Spanish (8 wks, 1/19-3/8) Basic Conversational Spanish (8 wks, 3/15-5/3) Researching Your Immigrant Ancestors (5 wks, 1/19-2/16) Taoist Tai Chi Beginners (8 wks, T/Th 1/19-3/10) Taoist Tai Chi Beginners (7 wks, T/Th 3/15-5/5, no class 3/29 and 31) AARP Driver Safety (1/26) Luz Greene Luz Greene Gail Reynolds $80+ $80+ $75 XSPAN 301 M01 XSPAN 301 M02 XSKIL 709 M01 Holly Uzun $75 XFITN 704 M01 Holly Uzun $65 XFITN 704 M02 Judy Chamberlain Alice Estes Alice Estes Bob Poirier OLLI+ XSKIL 766 M01 $75 $75 $80 XART 126 M01 XART 126 M02 XHIST 523 M01 Holly Uzun Holly Uzun $75 $65 XFITN 706 M01 XFITN 706 M02 Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly $60 $60 $40 XMUSC 660 M01 XMUSC 683 M01 XMUSC 653 M01 Luz Greene $100+ XSPAN 302 M01 Luz Greene $100+ XSPAN 302 M02 Jo Ann Tufo $40 XHIST 454 M01 Jo Ann Tufo $60 XHIST 485 M01 Jo Ann Tufo CCU Faculty / Student TBA CCU Faculty / Student TBA CCU Faculty / Student TBA CCU Faculty / Student TBA Bob Poirier Kate Middleton Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly Jo Ann Tufo Jo Ann Tufo $40 $10 XHIST 465 M01 XSCI 937 M01 $10 XSCI 937 M02 $10 XSCI 937 M03 $10 XSCI 937 M04 $80 OLLI+ $60 $60 $40 $40 $40 XHIST 410 M01 XART 205 M01 XMUSC 622 M01 XMUSC 652 M01 XMUSC 694 M01 XHIST 484 M01 XTHRA 620 M01 9 to 10:30 a.m. 9 to 10:30 a.m. 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. to noon 9:30 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10:30 a.m. to noon 10:30 a.m. to noon 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Noon to 1 p.m. Noon to 1 p.m. Noon to 1 p.m. Noon to 1 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 2 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Watercolor Painting (6 wks, 1/26-3/1) Watercolor Painting (6 wks, 3/8-4/12) The History of the Cold War 1945-1990 (8 wks, 1/26-3/15) Taoist Tai Chi Continuing (8 wks, T/Th 1/19-3/10) Taoist Tai Chi Continuing (7 wks, T/Th 3/15-5/5, no class 3/29 and 31) Music and the Enlightment (6 wks, 1/19-2/23) The Muses to Mozart (6 wks, 3/1-4/5) Beethoven, Revolution and Romanticism (4 wks, 4/12-5/3) Intermediate Conversational Spanish (8 wks, 1/19-3/8) Intermediate Conversational Spanish (8 wks, 3/15-5/3) The History and Mystery of Benjamin Franklin (4 wks, 1/19-2/9) Wives, Lovers & Spies: Women of the Civil War (6 wks, 3/22-4/26) First Ladies (4 wks, 2/16-3/8) Lunch and Learn with Coastal and Marine Science (1/19) Lunch and Learn with Coastal and Marine Science (2/16) Lunch and Learn with Coastal and Marine Science (3/15) Lunch and Learn with Coastal and Marine Science (4/19) The Crusades (8 wks, 1/26-3/15) Adult Coloring Craze (6 wks, 3/1-4/5) The Art of Listening (6 wks, 1/19-2/23) Opera Unmasked (6 wks, 3/1-4/5) Music at the Movies (4 wks, 4/12-5/3) Women of Power (4 wks, 1/19-2/9) Laughing Ladies: Women of American Comedy (4 wks, 2/16-3/8) 14 MYRTLE BEACH ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. $60 XHIST 518 M01 Angela O'Sullivan Angela O'Sullivan Computers for Absolute Beginners I (5 sess. T/Th Angela 1/19-2/2) O'Sullivan Computers for Absolute Beginners 2 (5 sess. T/Th Angela 2/9-2/23) O'Sullivan Smart Managing For Elder Living (6 wks, 1/19-2/23 Gary Newman Estate Planning and Administration Basics Gary Newman (3 wks, 3/1-3/15) Building Effective Relationships Between Parents William Jordan & Adult Children (2 wks, 1/19-26) $50+ XCTEC 217 M01 $50+ XCTEC 271 M02 $65+ XCTEC 201 M01 $65+ XCTEC 202 M01 $40+ $30+ XFINC 703 M01 XFINC 773 M01 OLLI XPERS 753 M01 WEDNESDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. AARP Driver Safety (4/27) 10 to 10:30 a.m. Middle East Discussion (weekly, 1/20-4/27, no class 3/16 and 4/13) Animal Care - For the Love of Your Pet (5 wks, 1/20-2/17) Animal Care - More Topics for Beginners (5 wks, 3/2-3/30) Functions of iPhones and iPads (6 wks, 2/24-3/30) End-of-Life Preparedness (2 wks, 1/20-27) Goodness of Grains (3/2) Judy OLLI+ XSKIL 766 M02 Chamberlain Samih Baalbaki OLLI XGOVT 415 M01 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 1:30 to 4 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 10 to 11 a.m. 10 to 11 a.m. 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 2:30 to 4 p.m. Ladies of the High Seas: Women in Piracy (6 wks, 3/22-4/26) Using the Internet I: World Wide Web (5 sess. T/Th 3/15-3/29) Using the Internet 2: Email (5 sess. T/Th 4/5-4/19) Jo Ann Tufo Spring 2016 Lisa Aprea $40 XHEAL 720 M01 Lisa Aprea $40 XHEAL 720 M02 Carl DiLorenzo Donna Hutter Pam Wilk Mandy Wilk Darlene Eichler Darlene Eichler Samih Baalbaki Samih Baalbaki Samih Baalbaki Danny Cross Samih Baalbaki $60+ XCTEC 294 M01 OLLI+ XHEAL 742 M01 OLLI+ XHEAL 705 M01 Making Your Memoir (6 wks, 1/20-2/24) Making Your Memoir (6 wks, 3/9-4/13) Coffee, Donuts and Middle East Politics (1/20) Coffee, Donuts and Middle East Politics (3/9) Coffee, Donuts and Middle East Politics (4/6) Self-Defense for Seniors (8 wks, 2/3-3/23) Should the U.S. Government Pressure Israel? (2 wks, 1/27-2/3) Is the Syrian Crisis About To End? (4 wks, 2/10-3/2) Samih Baalbaki Child Soldiers with ISIS (2 wks, 3/23-30) Samih Baalbaki Samih Baalbaki Women's Lives Under the Taliban (2 wks, 4/20-27) Carl DiLorenzo Advanced Functions of iPads and iPhones (5 wks, 2/24-3/23) French Club (Weds., bi-weekly, beginning 1/20, Samih Baalbaki no class 3/16 and 4/13) Samih Baalbaki Middle East Current Events Club (Weds., biweekly, beginning 1/27) Regina Planned Giving Options and Advantages (4/6) Markland 15 $60 $60 OLLI+ OLLI+ OLLI+ $60 $20 XWRIT 512 M01 XWRIT 512 M02 XGOVT 420 M01 XGOVT 420 M02 XGOVT 420 M03 XFITN 705 M01 XGOVT 421 M01 $40 $20 $20 XGOVT 422 M01 XGOVT 423 M01 XGOVT 424 M01 $50+ XCTEC 294 M02 OLLI XFREN 310 M01 OLLI XGOVT 403 M01 OLLI XFINC 726 M01 MYRTLE BEACH ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. Neil Diamond Musical Biography (1/27) The Bobby Darin Story: Beyond the Song (3/2) The Five Women in the Genealogy of Jesus, the Christ (5 wks, 3/2-3/30) Russian History: Culture and People (8 wks, 1/27-3/16) Health and Nutrition: Its Influence on Aging (3 wks, 3/23-4/6) Phil Bruschi Phil Bruschi Lydia Barrows THURSDAY 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 9 to 10:30 a.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 2:30 p.m. 1 to 3 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 3 to 4 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. Spring 2016 $20 $20 $50 XMUSC 650 M01 XMUSC 650 M02 XREL 833 M01 Helen Christman $80 XHIST 517 M01 Helen Christman $30 XHEAL 704 M01 COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # Batik Workshop: Silk Scarf (2/4) Spanish Conversation Club (1/21, 2/25, 3/31, 4/28) Basic Drawing Skills I (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) Basic Drawing Skills II (6 wks, 3/3-4/7) Mysterious Civilizations of the Past (6 wks, 2/4- 3/10) How to Publish on Kindle (2/4) How to Publish on CreateSpace (2/18) Colored Pencil Painting Techniques (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) Adobe Photoshop (4 wks, 1/28-2/18) Self-Promotion for Authors: Building Your Platform (2/25) Beginners Piano Keyboard Lab (8 wks, 2/25-4/14) Understanding Medicare (3 wks, 2/4-2/18) Alice Estes Luz Greene $30+ OLLI XART 105 M01 XSPAN 300 M01 Michael Gay Michael Gay Kathleen Fair $60+ $60+ $60 XART 103 M01 XART 103 M02 XHIST 522 M01 Tibby Plants $20 Tibby Plants $20 Jolene Williams $60+ XWRIT 543 M01 XWRIT 542 M01 XART 160 M01 Ed Robidoux Tibby Plants $50 $25 XCTEC 298 M01 XWRIT 547 M01 Paul Ondrus $60+ XMUSC 610 M01 Stan & Terri OLLI Stephens The Messages of Hope, Peace, Reconciliation and Vivian Jacobson $20 Love in the Artwork of Marc Chagall (1/28) XHEAL 746 M01 The Golden Age of the American Songbook (6 wks, 2/4-3/10) Simply Yoga (6 wks, 1/28-3/3) Simply Yoga (6 wks, 3/31-5/5) Urban Sketching I (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) Basic Design and Drawing (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) Exploring the Similarities in Gothic and Modern Architecture (5 wks, 2/4-3/3) Make Your Dream Doll House (4 wks, 3/3-3/24) Economic Challenges Facing the USA (4 wks, 3/17-4/7) Irish History: Its Modernizing Influence (4 wks, 4/14-5/5) Famous Paintings to See Before You Die (5 wks, 1/28-2/25) Portrait Drawing I (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) 16 XART 145 M01 George Devens $60 XMUSC 680 M01 Donna Carr Donna Carr Michael Gay Jolene Williams Bobbie Lawson $45+ $45+ $60+ $60+ $40 XFITN 710 M01 XFITN 710 M02 XART 153 M01 XART 202 M01 XART 194 M01 Sue Ann $40+ Whittick James O'Sullivan $40 XART 207 M01 James O'Sullivan $40 XHIST 423 M01 Jolene Williams $40 XART 199 M01 Michael Gay XART 141 M01 $60+ XGOVT 405 M01 MYRTLE BEACH ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at 3 to 5 p.m. 4 to 7 p.m. Spring 2016 6 to 8 p.m. 6 to 8 p.m. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Portrait Drawing II (6 wks, 3/3-4/7) The Message in the Spring Feasts of Israel/appointed times (3/10) Basic to Intermediate Shag Dance (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) Basic to Intermediate Shag Dance (6 wks, 3/3-4/7) Photography - Digital SLR (8 wks, 1/21-3/10) Photo Journalism (8 wks, 3/17-5/5) Social Ballroom Dancing (6 wks, 1/21-2/25) 6:30 to 8 p.m. Social Ballroom Dancing (6 wks, 3/3-4/7) FRIDAY COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 9 a.m. to noon 9 a.m. to noon 10 to 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon Gail Reynolds Jan Garber Jessica Handy Roy Frost Austin Hitt $75+ $60+ $45 OLLI $20 XSKIL 726 M01 XART 206 M01 XHIST 518 M01 XCTEC 200 M01 XSCI 902 M01 3 to 4:30 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. 3 to 5 p.m. Googling Your Family History (5 wks, 4/1-4/29) Art in the Style of . . . (4 wks, 2/5-2/26) Beginner's Geography (6 wks, 4/1-5/6) iPad Club (3rd Fri., 1/15, 2/19, 3/18, 4/15) From Arboreal Primates to Jerry Springer: The Evolution of Communication, Morality and Thinking (2/12) Painting Street Scenes in Watercolor (6 wks, 2/5-3/11) Introduction to Astrology (5 wks, 1/29-2/26) Heritage Quest Online (1/22) Untold Stories of the South Carolina Civil Rights (4 wks, 1/22-2/12) Who Were the Founding Fathers? (4 wks, 2/19-3/18) Significant Supreme Court Cases (6 wks, 1/22-2/26) Lewis and Clark: Exploring America (4 wks, 2/19-3/11) Finding Your Own North Star (8 wks, 2/5-3/25) Suicide Later in Life (2/5) Grief (3/18) Improving Your Memory (4/15) Cycle of Change (1/22) SATURDAY 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Michael Gay Lydia Barrows $60+ $25 XART 141 M02 XREL 837 M01 Sandra LucasHyde Sandra LucasHyde Keith Jacobs Keith Jacobs Sandra LucasHyde Sandra LucasHyde $78 XMUSC 626 M01 $78 XMUSC 626 M02 $80 $80 $78 XPHO 149 M01 XPHO 157 M01 XMUSC 625 M01 $78 XMUSC 625 M02 Hank Pulkowski $90+ XART 127 M01 Jane Stenglein Gail Reynolds Jessica Handy $40 OLLI $30 XSCI 901 M01 XSKIL 729 M01 XHIST 519 M01 Jessica Handy $40 XHIST 520 M01 Jessica Handy $60 XHIST 521 M01 Jessica Handy $40 XHIST 456 M01 Gina Montori Bert Hayslip Bert Hayslip Bert Hayslip Gina Montori $60+ OLLI OLLI OLLI $20 XPERS 701 M01 XHEAL 769 M01 XHEAL 702 M01 XHEAL 768 M01 XPERS 792 M01 COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR FEE COURSE # 10 a.m. to noon Great Decisions - The Rise of ISIS (2/6) OLLI XHIST 415 M01 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon 10 a.m. to noon Great Decisions - The Middle East (2/13) Great Decisions - Migration (2/20) Great Decisions - The United Nations (2/27) Joseph Fitsanakis Suheir Daoud Scott Firsing Paul Meyer OLLI OLLI OLLI XHIST 415 M02 XHIST 415 M03 XHIST 415 M04 Noon to 1 p.m. 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. 1 to 2 p.m. 1 to 2:30 p.m. 3 to 4 p.m. 3 to 4:30 p.m. 17 EXCURSIONS ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at DATE DESTINATION Jan. 23 (Sat.) XHIST 457 L01 Spring 2016 ACTIVITY LEVEL FEE Charleston Aquarium / Turtle Hospital 2 $60 Jan. 27 (Weds.) XHIST 457 L02 North Carolina Aquarium 2 $60 Jan. 29 (Fri.) XHIST 457 L03 South Carolina State Museum 3 $60 Feb. 6 (Sat.) XHIST 457 L04 Hunley Museum 3 $55 Feb. 17 (Weds.) XHIST 457 L05 Camden and the Revolutionary War Trail 5 $50 March 2 (Weds.) XHIST 457 L06 The Grove Inn/Marion 3 $60 March 11 (Fri.) XHIST 457 L07 Middleton Place 5 $60 March 12 (Sat.) XHIST 457 L08 Skirmish at Gamble's Hotel 5 $50 18 EXCURSIONS ~ OLLI at a GLANCE ~ Course descriptions available online at DATE DESTINATION March 16 (Weds.) XHIST 457 L09 Spring 2016 ACTIVITY LEVEL FEE Bellamy Mansion 5 $55 March 30 (Weds.) XHIST 457 L10 Cap'n Rod's Plantation Boat Tour 2 $70 April 2 (Sat.) XHIST 457 L11 Millford Plantation 4 $60 April 8 (Fri.) XHIST 457 L12 Pearl Fryar's Topiary and The Button Museum 4 $55 April 15 (Fri.) XHIST 457 L13 Charleston Churches 4 $60 April 20 (Weds.) XHIST 457 L14 Magnolia Cemetery 5 $40 April 28 (Thurs.) XHIST 457 L15 Anne Tilghman Boyce Coastal Reserve and Waites Island 5 $30 May 4 (Weds.) XHIST 457 L16 Charleston Tea Plantation and Angel Oak 3 $55 19 ALL ABOUT OLLI The Bernard Osher Foundation, a San Francisco-based philanthropic organization dedicated to supporting higher education and the arts, has provided funding to institutions of higher education to develop and grow noncredit, intellectually stimulating programs for older adults since the fall of 2002. Through its Osher Lifelong Learning Institute grant program, the Osher Foundation awards annual grants of $100,000 to university and college campuses with the understanding that, once a lifelong learning institute is established with annual support and demonstrates potential for long-term success, the foundation considers an endowment gift of no less than $1 million. At present, the Osher Foundation supports 119 OLLIs on university and college campuses in all 50 states (plus the District of Columbia), as well as a National Resource Center for the institutes at the Northwestern University in Chicago ( In the Fall of 2007, Coastal Carolina University’s Division of Academic Outreach was awarded its first $100,000 grant from the Bernard Osher Foundation. Upon receipt of the grant, our 20-year-old adult education program was renamed the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Coastal Carolina University, nicknamed “OLLI@CCU,” and rededicated to providing quality learning and networking opportunities to the large and growing older adult population along the Grand Strand. The structure and management of Coastal Carolina University’s Lifelong Learning program has evolved over the years under various leadership forms but always with the strong and indispensable support from the University, which has provided staff, facilities and the technical resources needed to serve nearly 3,000 adults a year. With the rapid growth of the University’s undergraduate and graduate programs, the increase of the retiring (and Southern migrating) baby boomers and tight budgets, the Osher Foundation’s support has been key to fulfilling the goal of our strategic plan – to secure the financial underpinnings of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Coastal Carolina University. In June 2009, OLLI@CCU received a second grant, and in June 2011, the third and final annual support grant was awarded. These grants were devoted to marketing and publicizing the OLLI program with the intended results of increasing enrollment and membership. In 2013, the Osher Foundation’s $1 million endowment to Coastal Carolina University plus a $50,000 “bridge” grant made it possible to transition the program to utilize the interest-only revenue for operational purposes. With the University’s commitment to provide space and auxiliary support and the initiation of a fundraising strategy to ensure the future sustainability of our OLLI@CCU, we received a $50,000 operating grant in June 2014 to aid in fundraising efforts aimed at securing a second million-dollar endowment. Thanks to our exemplary members, dedicated staff and the robust support from the Office of Philanthropy, we are working diligently to do our part in fulfilling the requirements set forth by the Osher Foundation, to continue the success and future of our OLLI program. OLLI at CCU Board of Volunteer Leaders The Board of Volunteer Leaders (BOVL) for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Coastal Carolina University was organized in the spring of 2012. The group contributes to OLLI’s mission “to provide opportunities for older adult, noncredit students to achieve intellectual stimulation, as well as cultural and social growth, while fostering a close, lasting and mutually beneficial relationship between the students and the University.” The success of this program is dependent upon the active support and participation of the OLLI Board of Volunteer Leaders, who have a significant role in assisting the Lifelong Learning student body in achieving their objectives. The initial board membership was filled by invitation and voluntary participation. One- to three-year terms for future rotation and continuity are held by: Ellen Elliott, Doris Gleason, Sally Z. Hare, John Kenny and Mike Kohler. Two ex-officio members from the University include the provost (or his designee) and the OLLI director. BOVL officers include Chair John Kenny, Vice Chair Ellen Elliott and Secretary (to be announced), elected for the term February 2015-January 2016. In addition, four standing committees include: Membership/Program Committee – Chair Sally Z. Hare, responsible for outreach for new members, membership fee review, speakers bureau to promote OLLI and for identifying and presenting free-with-membership programs for inclusion in the semester offerings; Nominating Committee – Chair (to be announced), responsible for providing a slate of additional members with skills and diversity from the geographic area served; Communications Committee – Chair John Kenny, responsible for assessing and proposing methods for communicating with the membership; Fundraising Committee – responsible for researching and proposing the strategy approved by the board. 20 Membership and Course Registration Date_______________________ *First name _ MI *Birth date * Last name _______________________________________ OLLI Student ID # ___________________________________________ *Permanent mailing address __________________________________________________________________ *City *State *Zip ___________________________________ Phone – at least one number is required: Local phone Cellphone ___________________________________ *Email ____________________________________________________________________________________ *Emergency contact information Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone – at least one number is required: Local phone Primary residence: S.C. or Cellphone Months in S.C. each calendar year [ ] YES, I WOULD LIKE TO BE A VOLUNTEER! Please contact me about volunteer opportunities! [ ] YES, I WOULD LIKE TO DONATE TO THE ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN TO SUPPORT OPERATIONS! Term 16/XSP 16/XSP 16/XSP 16/XSP 16/XSP 16/XSP 16/XSP Course Title OLLI Membership Fee for Spring 2016 Course Number XOLLI 999 X01 Fee $20.00 Annual Giving Tax-Deductible Gift Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Endowment Donations will be a separate payment from either the OLLI@CCU membership fee or course fee and payable to Coastal Educational Foundation-OLLI. PAYMENT OPTIONS CHECK ‐ Make payable to OLLI@CCU Check # Effective Dec. 4, 2013, a service fee of 2.7 percent will be applied by Official Payments on all credit card and debit card payments. CREDIT CARDS VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMEX Account # Exp. date Security code Cardholder’s name (please print) Signature Date (To mail registration and payment – Office of Executive Development & Continuing Education-OLLI, Coastal Carolina University, P.O. Box 261954, Conway, SC 29528-6054.) A completed Membership Registration includes review and acknowledgment of the following releases. 21 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE OLLI@CCU shares class rosters with the class instructor, indicating each student’s name, phone and email, as compiled from the OLLI@CCU membership database. Instructors and trip leaders will use this roster to communicate with the members of their class. The roster will not be used for solicitation purposes or any purpose unrelated to the class. If you feel an instructor has used this for solicitation purposes or any purpose not related to the class, please notify an OLLI@CCU staff member immediately. By agreeing to this authorization and release, I grant OLLI@CCU permission to distribute this information to my class instructor. Yes, I agree No, I do not agree PHOTO AND PRINT AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE OLLI@CCU may release from time to time a variety of informational and promotional materials, in print or electronic format. By agreeing to this authorization and release, I grant OLLI@CCU nonexclusive permission to reproduce, in whole or in part, for education, information or promotional purposes, which may include my picture or image, or any article I may write for OLLI@CCU in any printed or electronic publication or University form. Yes, I agree No, I do not agree WAIVER OF INSTITUTIONAL LIABILITY FOR OLLI@CCU ACTIVITIES OR TRIPS To participate in any OLLI@CCU activity or trip, each OLLI@CCU member is required to acknowledge that they have read, understand and agree to the following waiver terms: 1. Neither Coastal Carolina University, OLLI@CCU, their officers, agents nor employees represent or act as agents for trip organizers or for transportation carriers, hotels and other suppliers of services associated with activities or trips nor do activity or trip organizers act on behalf of Coastal Carolina University. 2. Neither Coastal Carolina University, OLLI@CCU, their officers, agents nor employees are responsible or liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, claim or other cause of action that arises out of the trips organized or provided to OLLI@CCU participants by a third party. 3. Neither Coastal Carolina University, OLLI@CCU, their officers, agents nor employees are responsible or liable for any losses, damages, claims or expenses due to sickness, weather, strikes, hostilities, wars, natural disasters or other such causes; or for any disruption of travel arrangements or any consequential additional expenses that arise from trips organized or provided to OLLI@CCU participants by a third party. Yes, I agree No, I do not agree Level of Physical Activity for Trips or Activity courses The instructor of the trip or course will make every effort to explain exactly what level of physical activity will be needed so that OLLI@CCU participants may judge the suitability of the trip or activity. The Physical Activity ratings are: 1 Easy – minimal level of physical activity- minimal walking and limited stairs or standing. 2 Moderate – walk up to a mile a day and/or stand for a few hours. 3 Active – walk as much as two miles a day. 4 Moderately Challenging – spend most of your day walking or standing for extended periods of time. 5 Challenging – These are demanding programs, for seasoned outdoor enthusiasts and/or extremely active adults. Signature ____________________________Date_____________ 22 Investing in Your Future with OLLI 2015-16 Annual Giving Campaign The Board of Volunteer Leaders of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Coastal Carolina University (CCU) is asking for your help in providing top quality programs for your educational, cultural and social enjoyment. We hear stories every day of how much the OLLI program means to you, how it has enriched your lives, that it is a large part of your decision to move here or spend your winters on the Grand Strand. Now is the time to show your appreciation in support of the lifelong learning program. OLLI is fortunate to have received an earlier endowment from the Bernard Osher Foundation. In bestowing this support, the foundation expects the quality and scope of the programs offered to be maintained. To ensure the long-term fiscal health and sustainability of the OLLI program we all value, contributed revenue must be generated through program growth, other grants, voluntary donations of gifts, planned giving as part of an overall estate or financial plan, and through this annual giving campaign, as is stressed by the foundation. The board respectfully asks you to make a donation to OLLI@CCU to support these areas of financial need: • • • • Support for Technology: Donations in this area will enable OLLI to provide education programs at each location to be current with the changing technological environment utilizing laptops, smart phones and tablets. Program Enhancements: Additional needs vary according to the course offerings at each location and may, on occasion, require replacing or updating equipment such as musical instruments for students’ use, lapel microphones and external speakers, and classroom aids for the hearing impaired. Small Class Funding: On occasion, courses with one or two students shy of the minimum must be canceled, disappointing those who are registered. Small Class Funding will provide monies to cover the balance of costs for classes close to the minimum enrollment. General Support: Not only will your generous gift allow OLLI to direct resources where they are most needed, your donation will help keep membership and course fees low, allowing more people to attend OLLI courses and events, as well as help attract the highly qualified instructors who form the educational foundation of the program. The number of locations has increased to five and has been in operation since the Fall of 2015. As a board, we believe OLLI will continue to provide you with the educational, cultural and social benefits you expect and enjoy. Many of you have gratefully expressed the personal enrichment you’ve received from the Osher program at CCU. Please join us in ensuring the OLLI program will be available for you and all those who follow. Donations will be exclusively for OLLI use and are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. The board of volunteer leaders sincerely hopes you will help reach our goal so that we will be able to continue the OLLI program for years to come. Any amount, large or small, is welcome, since both the dollars raised and the numbers of individuals participating are important evidence of member support for OLLI. Sincerely, John Kenny, Chair Board of Volunteer Leaders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m Investing in the Future of OLLI at Coastal Carolina University I/We would like to donate: $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 Other In Honor of or In Memory of (Optional):_ I/We would like to be contacted about planned giving opportunities for OLLI at CCU. First name M.I. Last name Second name M.I. Last name Yes No Permanent mailing address City State Preferred phone # • Check: Check # • Credit Card: (check one) Zip code Email Payable to Coastal Educational Foundation-OLLI (P.O. Box 261954, Conway, SC 29528-6054) Visa MasterCard Discover Account number AmEx Exp. date / Sec. Code Cardholder’s name (print) Signature Date 23 _ _ _ _