
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Coastal Carolina University OLLI@CCU Outreach Centers:

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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Coastal Carolina University OLLI@CCU Outreach Centers:
Week of May 16, 2016
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Coastal Carolina University
OLLI@CCU Board of Advisors:
P.O. Box 261954, Conway, SC 29528-6054 coastal.edu/olli
Samih Baalbaki, member
OLLI@CCU Outreach Centers:
Coastal Science Center
301 Allied Drive, Conway
Office hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Georgetown Education Center
909 Front St., Georgetown
Staffed only during class hours.
Litchfield Education Center
14427 Ocean Highway, Litchfield Landing
Office hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Myrtle Beach Education Center 900 79th Ave. N., Myrtle Beach
Office hours: Mon.- Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Staff Contacts:
Kelli Barker, associate director of executive development and continuing
Nicolle Candelori, administrative support
Cam Crawford, administrative support
Karen Edgington, director of executive development and continuing
Ellen Jampole, administrative support
Casey Keck, administrative support
Jerry Conley, member
Ellen Elliott, vice chair
Michele Freeman, member
Doris Gleason, member
Les Gore, member
Sally Z. Hare, chair membership
and program committee
Mike Kohler, member
Paige Sawyer, member
Don’t forget to visit us at coastal.edu/olli
or on our Facebook page for updates and
If you have OLLI notices that you wish to
be included in future newsletters, notify
us at [email protected].
OLLI@CCU Bulletin Board – This
bulletin board will be used for our OLLI
students, instructors, partners and
nonprofit groups who are looking for
OLLI opportunities or needing
volunteers. If you would like to have
something posted, please contact
Casey Keck at 843-349-5002.
Danielle Novotny, administrative support
Lisa Rickenbrode, director of operations
Cal Wall, administrative support
A Special Thanks
As we come to the end of the spring semester, we would like to thank our wonderful OLLI Board of Advisors, OLLI
instructors and OLLI volunteers! Each of you are truly appreciated for all of your time, knowledge, talents and skills that
you bring to our OLLI@CCU program. Lastly, a thank you to all of our OLLI students!
Without all of you, we would not be able to have the wonderful program we do.
Thank you for a successful semester!
Have a fantastic summer, and we hope to see all of you in the fall!
The Staff of Executive Development and Continuing Education
Looking Ahead
May 23 – Litchfield Education Center – Little Bites: Dessert for the Heart and Tummy (XLITR
512 L04). Join us for dessert and socializing to celebrate the end of another wonderful OLLI
year and a delightful reading. Local author Bob O’Brien will give a reading from his newest
book, Little Bites. O’Brien is the owner and founder of Prose Press, so this is also your chance
to meet a local publisher and make the connection to publish your own book! 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Fee: OLLI. Call 843- 349-6584 or 843-349-2767 to register.
Save the dates:
A Sample of OLLI (formerly Free Week) is an open
house for the 2016 Fall OLLI
Georgetown Education Center
Tuesday, Sept. 6
Conway - Coastal Science Center
Thursday, Sept. 8
Myrtle Beach Education Center
Tuesday, Sept. 13
Litchfield Education Center
Thursday, Sept. 15
OLLI Buzz . . .
Interested in receiving OLLI benefits throughout the community?
You’ll need your OLLI student photo ID. OLLI students can get their OLLI IDs at the main CCU campus. Follow the
link below on how to locate Baxley Hall on the main campus and get your photo taken.
Baxley Hall is #1 on the map – the CINO Card office is located on the first floor. Coastal Carolina University Campus
Did you hear? Did you see them? Did you
get yours?
Receive an OLLI@CCU T-shirt if you donate $25! See staff
at outreach centers for more details.
8:30 to
10 a.m.
Building Beauty from the Inside Out (You Deserve Pampering)
Barbara Melenik
XFITN 728 C01
We’ll begin by offering a mix of healthy eating and skin care tips followed by a work-out mix of ZUMBA Gold Toning/core strengthening.
10 a.m. to
Music, Mysticism and All That Jazz
Sarah Kelly
A fascinating journey into the extraordinary life and music of jazz pianist/composer Mary Lou Williams.
XMUSC 695 C01
2 to
4 p.m.
Clustering: A Tool for Writers
Joe DiSabatino
We’ll practice the pre-writing tool of clustering, a technique for tapping into the rich personal imagery of our right brain.
XWRIT 550 C01
4 to
5 p.m.
Easy to Make Simple Cards
Ellen Jampole
Everything needed is included; you’ll have a finished card to take home. If you have colored pencils or markers you prefer to
use, please feel free to bring them. (A $5 materials fee will need to be paid to the instructor on the day of class.)
XART 189 C01
See reverse for additional classes at CSCC.
Coastal Science Center, 843-349-5002
301 Allied Drive, Conway
Myrtle Beach Education Center, 843-349-2767
900 79th Ave. N., Myrtle Beach
Litchfield Education Center, 843-349-6584
14427 Ocean Highway, Litchfield Landing Complex,
Litchfield Beach
9:30 to
10:30 a.m.
The “Lucky Breaks” that Shaped Horry County
Walter Hill
XHIST 526 C01
This program will discuss the economic mainstays that contributed to the development of Horry County, including turpentine, timber, tobacco and
11 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Teal Nutrition Education
Eniqua Jones
XHEAL 706 C01
Begin with a presentation regarding your ideal intake of fruits, vegetables, lean protein and calcium, then head over to Swain Hall for a tour of the
InBody 570 machine and Dietary Analysis program.
1 to
3 p.m.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
Bert Hayslip
XHEAL 752 C01
An overview of Alzheimer’s disease and the other dementias – the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment issues will be discussed, as will caregiving in
the context of dementia.
2 to
5 p.m.
Mixed Media Painting Party
Olivia Thornton
XART 200 C01
Everything is included (paint, canvas, easel, apron, brushes, palette, etc.) in this painting party. You will have a finished piece of art to take home.
9 to
11 a.m.
Wondering Where to Start
Linda Sisco
Have you thought of writing your life story but don't know where to start? This is the class for you!
XWRIT 549 C01
See reverse for additional classes at CSCC.
Coastal Carolina University (CCU) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information, mental or physical disability, or status as a
disabled or Vietnam-era veteran in its admissions policies, programs, activities or employment practices. For more information relating to discrimination, please contact the CCU
Title IX Coordinator/EEO Investigator, Coastal Carolina University, Kearns Hall 104B, Conway, SC; Title IX email [email protected]; office phone 843-349-2382; Title IX cell phone
843-333-6229; EEO email [email protected]; or the U.S. Dept. of Education Office for Civil Rights at www2.ed.gov/ocr.
9 to
10:30 a.m.
Identifying Snakes of the Coastal Plain
Barnie Slice
What do you know of South Carolina snakes? Barnie Slice promises you’ll learn a lot in this informative and exciting presentation.
9 to
11 a.m.
Shells along the Grand Strand
Sue Ann Whittick
XNAT 914 L01
Learn how to collect and identify South Carolina shells. Make an ID chart and take home a seashell ornament. (A $5 materials fee will need to be paid to
the instructor on the day of class.)
9:30 to
10:30 a.m.
By George! I Didn’t Know That
Come learn interesting and little-known tidbits about Georgetown County.
11:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Paige Sawyer
XNAT 913 L01
XHIST 529 L01
Pet Safety in the Summer
Lisa Aprea
Come learn some techniques and tips for pet safety during our hot, humid summer months.
XSKIL 745 L01
9 a.m. to
How to Simplify Complicated Scenes
Hank Pulkowski
See methods to simplify a complicated subject for painting. Participants may be of any skill level who paint in any medium.
9 a.m. to
Stained Glass
Kathy Welde
XART 122 L01
Dust off your stained class project, and get re-energized. Bring an in-progress project, or start a new one to continue in the fall. (Supplies will be provided
for anyone new to get started; cost depends on what each student needs. Please bring check or cash to be paid to the instructor on the day of class.)
10 a.m. to
Current Events
Bob Poirier
XGOVT 401 L01
Just because OLLI doesn’t meet in the summer, doesn’t mean the world stops turning. Come talk about what is happening there, here and everywhere.
1 to
3 p.m.
What Do You Know about Peru?
Luz Greene
Come learn from a native about Peru and its splendors, not just alpacas and Machu Picchu. Try a special Peruvian dessert!
1 to
4 p.m.
Stained Glass
Kathy Welde
XART 122 L02
Dust off your stained class project, and get re-energized. Bring an in-progress project, or start a new one to continue in the fall. (Supplies will be provided
for anyone new to get started; cost depends on what each student needs. Please bring check or cash to be paid to the instructor on the day of class.)
3 to
4 p.m.
The “Lucky Breaks” that Shaped Horry County
Walter Hill
XHIST 526 L01
This program will discuss the economic mainstays that contributed to the development of Horry County including turpentine, timber, tobacco and tourism.
XART 198 L01
XSPAN 309 L01
See reverse for additional classes at LEC.
Litchfield Education Center, 843-349-6584
14427 Ocean Highway, Litchfield Landing Complex, Litchfield Beach
Myrtle Beach Education Center, 843-349-2767
900 79th Ave. N., Myrtle Beach
9 to
11 a.m.
Clustering: A Tool for Writers
Joe DiSabatino
We’ll practice the pre-writing tool of clustering, a technique for tapping into the rich personal imagery of our right brain.
9 a.m. to
4:30 p.m.
Glass on Glass Mosaics
Simone Esquibel
XART 197 L01
Create a stained glass mosaic made on glass which will nicely reflect the light. All skill levels welcome to this two-day workshop (Thursday, July 7, and
Friday, July 8). (A $45 materials fee will need to be paid to the instructor on the first day of class.)
10 a.m. to
Star-Spangled Songs – OLLI Fundraiser
Phil Bruschi
XWRIT 550 L01
$20 (Member)
XMUSC 650 L01
$25 (Non-member) XMUSC 650 L02
Come hear Bruschi sing patriotic songs. By doing so, you will be supporting your OLLI program.
9 to
11 a.m.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
Bert Hayslip
XHEAL 752 L01
An overview of Alzheimer’s disease and the other dementias – the clinical picture, diagnosis, and treatment issues will be discussed, as will caregiving in
the context of dementia.
9 a.m. to
Jolene Williams
XART 107 L01
Learn what the Zentangle Method is, how to tangle, a few Zentangle patterns and about strings while you create a unique piece in a relaxing atmosphere.
See reverse for additional classes at LEC.
Litchfield Education Center, 843-349-6584
14427 Ocean Highway, Litchfield Landing Complex, Litchfield Beach
Myrtle Beach Education Center, 843-349-2767
900 79th Ave. N., Myrtle Beach
Coastal Carolina University (CCU) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information,
mental or physical disability, or status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran in its admissions policies, programs, activities or employment
practices. For more information relating to discrimination, please contact the CCU Title IX Coordinator/EEO Investigator, Coastal Carolina
University, Kearns Hall 104B, Conway, SC; Title IX email [email protected]; office phone 843-349-2382; Title IX cell phone 843-333-6229;
EEO email [email protected]; or the U.S. Dept. of Education Office for Civil Rights at www2.ed.gov/ocr.
9 to
11 a.m.
Wondering Where to Start
Linda Sisco
Have you thought of writing your life story but don’t know where to start? This is the class for you!
9:30 to
10:30 a.m.
The “Lucky Breaks” that Shaped Horry County
Walter Hill
XHIST 526 M01
This program will discuss the economic mainstays that contributed to the development of Horry County including turpentine, timber, tobacco and tourism.
10 to
11:30 a.m.
Brief Highlights of British Social History
Clark Wilburn
This session will be a sneak preview of what is to come in the fall about British social history from the years 1850 through 1940.
XHIST 528 M01
11:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Theory and History of Stand Up
Learn the premise of stand-up comedy – why, how and where it arose.
XHIST 527 M01
1 to
3 p.m.
What Do You Know about Peru?
Luz Greene
Come learn from a native about Peru and its splendors, not just alpacas and Machu Picchu. Try a special Peruvian dessert!
4 to
5 p.m.
Learn to Shoot Fireworks – Legally and Safely
Keith Jacobs
XPHO 101 M01
Learn to photograph fireworks and get results with your DSLR camera. After class, meet at 9 p.m. at Broadway at the Beach for a fireworks display.
9 a.m. to
Jolene Williams
XART 107 M01
Learn what the Zentangle Method is, how to tangle, a few Zentangle patterns and about strings while you create a unique piece in a relaxing atmosphere.
9:30 to
10:30 a.m.
Fit for Life
Danielle Novotny
XFITN 707 M01
Learn to do low-impact, safe and effective exercises at home to manage pain and keep fit, based on the Arthritis Foundation’s exercise program.
10:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Clustering: A Tool for Writers
Joe DiSabatino
We’ll practice the pre-writing tool of clustering, a technique for tapping into the rich personal imagery of our right brain.
XWRIT 550 M01
1:30 to
2:30 p.m.
Pet Safety in the Summer
Lisa Aprea
Come learn some techniques and tips for pet safety during our hot, humid summer months.
XSKIL 745 M01
Jo Ann Tufo
XWRIT 549 M01
XSPAN 309 M01
See reverse for additional classes at MBEC.
Litchfield Education Center, 843-349-6584
14427 Ocean Highway, Litchfield Landing Complex, Litchfield Beach
Myrtle Beach Education Center, 843-349-2767
900 79th Ave. N., Myrtle Beach
9 to
11 a.m.
Shells along the Grand Strand
Sue Ann Whittick
XNAT 914 M01
Learn how to collect and identify South Carolina shells. Make an ID chart and take home a seashell ornament. (A $5 materials fee will need to be paid to
the instructor on the day of class.)
9 a.m. to
How to Simplify Complicated Scenes
Hank Pulkowski
See methods to simplify a complicated subject for painting. Participants may be of any skill level who paint in any medium.
2 to
3 p.m.
Move and Groove
Ellen Jampole
XMUSC 651 M01
Come do some dancing and prancing. Move like nobody’s watching. Laugh. No particular style of dance taught. Try hula hooping, too.
3:30 to
5:30 p.m.
Star-Spangled Songs – OLLI Fundraiser
9 to
11 a.m.
Building Beauty from the Inside Out (You Deserve Pampering)
Barbara Melenik
XFITN 728 M01
The first hour offers a mix of healthy eating and skin care tips followed by an hour work-out mix of ZUMBA Gold Toning/core strengthening.
9 a.m. to
Mixed Media Painting Party
Olivia Thornton
XART 200 M01
Everything is included (paint, canvas, easel, apron, brushes, palette, etc.) in this painting party. You will have a finished piece of art to take home.
1:30 to
2:30 p.m.
Easy to Make Simple Cards
Ellen Jampole
XART 189 M01
Everything needed is included; you’ll have a finished card to take home. If you have colored pencils or markers you prefer to use, please feel free to bring
them. (A $5 materials fee will need to be paid to the instructor on the day of class.)
2 to
4 p.m.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
Bert Hayslip
XHEAL 752 M01
An overview of Alzheimer’s disease and the other dementias – the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment issues will be discussed, as will caregiving in
the context of dementia.
Phil Bruschi
Come hear Bruschi sing patriotic songs. By doing so, you will be supporting your OLLI program.
XART 198 M01
$20 (Member)
XMUSC 650 M01
$25 (Non-member) XMUSC 650 M02
See reverse for additional classes at MBEC.
Coastal Carolina University (CCU) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information, mental or physical disability,
or status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran in its admissions policies, programs, activities or employment practices. For more information relating to discrimination,
please contact the CCU Title IX Coordinator/EEO Investigator, Coastal Carolina University, Kearns Hall 104B, Conway, SC; Title IX email [email protected]; office phone
843-349-2382; Title IX cell phone 843-333-6229; EEO email [email protected]; or the U.S. Dept. of Education Office for Civil Rights at www2.ed.gov/ocr.
a GR
health and
Health and Fitness Assessments Price Guide
$25 – Bloodwork analysis of cholesterol and glucose, blood pressure check, and pulmonary function testing
***Each additional test $5 each***
$50 – Complete assessment of health and fitness includes the following:
 Heart rate
 Blood pressure
 Blood analysis
 Pulmonary function
 Body composition
 Flexibility
 Muscular strength and endurance
 Cardiorespiratory and functional capacity
Contact: Ashlee Case, M.S., clinical health professional, 336-816-6589 to schedule your appointment.
1320 U.S. 501 Business
Conway, S.C.
Star Spangled Songs:
A Salute to Patriotic Music
Thursday, July 7, 2016
10 a.m.-noon
Join Phil Bruschi in this educational and entertaining program as
he highlights patriotic music with performances of “America the
Beautiful,” “God Bless the USA,” “This Land is Your Land” and
Seating is limited. Reservations are $20 per person for OLLI members
and $25 per person for non-OLLI members. Please call the Litchfield
Education Center at 843.349.6584 or the Myrtle Beach Education
Center at 843.349.2767 to reserve your seat.
This fundraiser will benefit the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at
Coastal Carolina University.
Litchfield Education Center
14427 Ocean Highway, Litchfield Landing Complex,
Litchfield Beach
Coastal Carolina University (CCU) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information, mental or physical disability, or
status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran in its admissions policies, programs, activities
or employment practices. For more information relating to discrimination, please
contact the CCU Title IX Coordinator/EEO Investigator, Coastal Carolina University,
Kearns Hall 104B, Conway, SC; Title IX email [email protected]; office phone 843-3492382; Title IX cell phone 843-333-6229; EEO email [email protected]; or the U.S. Dept. of
Education Office for Civil Rights at www2.ed.gov/ocr.
Star Spangled Songs:
A Salute to Patriotic Music
Thursday, July 7, 2016
3:30-5:30 p.m.
Join Phil Bruschi in this educational and entertaining program as
he highlights patriotic music with performances of “America the
Beautiful,” “God Bless the USA,” “This Land is Your Land” and
Seating is limited. Reservations are $20 per person for OLLI members
and $25 per person for non-OLLI members. Please call the Myrtle
Beach Education Center at 843.349.2767 or the Litchfield Education
Center at 843.349.6584 to reserve your seat.
This fundraiser will benefit the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at
Coastal Carolina University.
Myrtle Beach Education Center
900 79th Ave. N., Myrtle Beach
Coastal Carolina University (CCU) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information, mental or physical disability, or
status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran in its admissions policies, programs, activities
or employment practices. For more information relating to discrimination, please
contact the CCU Title IX Coordinator/EEO Investigator, Coastal Carolina University,
Kearns Hall 104B, Conway, SC; Title IX email [email protected]; office phone 843-3492382; Title IX cell phone 843-333-6229; EEO email [email protected]; or the U.S. Dept. of
Education Office for Civil Rights at www2.ed.gov/ocr.
OLLI and Coastal Carolina University events
Ongoing through May 24 – Barry R. Jones: Lesson 2 – Barry R. Jones’ work explores ethics and asks the oldest
of questions: What does it mean to live a good life? What is our responsibility to each other, to our families,
to those with disabilities, to the past? In the face of tragedy, how do we reaffirm that life is good? He
examines these questions through projections, videos and audio that explore the narratives of marginalized
voices. Gallery hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Ongoing programs/activities offered by OLLI or CCU partners
Ongoing through May 22 – Horry-Georgetown County High Schools 15th Annual Juried Art Exhibition – Diverse
arrays of media as well as artistic styles fill the second-floor galleries at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin
Myrtle Beach Art Museum with color, life and originality. This exhibit is an extraordinary opportunity for area
high school art students to gain experience in the actual process of having their artwork exhibited in a
professional setting. This year, Coastal Carolina University gallery director and professional artist Jim Arendt
was invited to judge the art. Arendt selected the winners of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works,
each category receiving a first-, second- and third-place ribbon, as well as a Best in Show and eight
honorable mentions. At the conclusion of the exhibition, the People’s Choice award will be presented to our
visitors’ favorite work of art. All ribbons were accompanied with a cash award. For more information, call the art
museum at 843-238-2510.
Ongoing through May 24 – Waccamaw Arts and Crafts Guild 19th Annual Juried Art Exhibition – The Franklin G.
Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Myrtle Beach Art Museum was conceived by a small but visionary group of local art
enthusiasts, among them a group of artists formed in the late 1960s called the Waccamaw Arts and Crafts Guild.
Beginning in the spring of 1969, a pattern of art exhibitions was established that continues today. To honor the
integral role that the guild played in the museum's establishment, the museum proudly hosts the guild's annual
spring juried art exhibition, which is now in its 19th year. A diverse array of media, including ceramics, drawing,
fiber, graphic, hand-crafted jewelry, mixed media, painting, photography, sculpture and wood carving, all
completed by local artists within the past two years, will be exhibited. This year's judge, Jim Arendt, professional
artist and assistant professor and gallery director at Coastal Carolina University, has exhibited internationally and
was recently featured in the museum's 2015 exhibition Indigo: Works in Denim. For more information, call the
art museum at 843-238-2510.
Ongoing through July 24 – Selected Works by Rainey Master Sculptors, 2014-2016 – The sculpture of
Brookgreen Gardens’ 2014-2016 Sculptors in Residence in the Anne Edens Rainey Master Sculptor Program will
be showcased in this exhibition – 2014: Jim Licaretz, FNSS (Philadelphia, Pa.); 2015: Heidi Wastweet (Albany,
Calif.) and T. D. Kelsey, FNSS (Guthrie, Texas); 2016: Peter Rubino (Monroe, N.C.) and Christopher Smith, FNSS
(Philadelphia, Pa.). Free with garden admission. For more information, call Brookgreen Gardens at 843-235-6000.
Ongoing through Sept. 5 – Brookgreen Gardens hosts 12 larger-than-life LEGO® brick sculpture installations in its
Native Wildlife Zoo. Created by Sean Kenney, renowned artist and children’s author, “Nature Connects” is
an award-winning exhibit currently touring the country. Made from almost a half-million LEGO® bricks, the
sculptures bring nature to life with a 6-foot-tall hummingbird hovering over a trumpet flower, a deer family made
from 48,000 bricks, a giant tortoise, a 7-foot-long giant dragonfly and more. The exhibit is open daily
and is included in garden admission. Call 843-235-6000 for more information.
June 11 and July 9 – Second Saturdays with Sweetgrass Basketmaker Adrina Glover – The art of
sweetgrass basketmaking with craftswoman Adrina Glover returns to the porch of the Kaminski House Museum.
Glover will demonstrate this traditional craft and will offer a variety of baskets for sale, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m. For more information, call 843-546-7706.
This certificate entitles: 1 Free Class
Certificate must be presented in person.
This certificate Is for new members only.
Authorized by:
Alayna Defalco, Owner
1320 U.S. 501 Business, Conway s.c.
May 18 – History for Lunch is a series of one-hour lunch-time programs held at the S.C. Maritime Museum. Each
program begins at noon and features a speaker and a buffet lunch prepared by a local restaurant. Tickets are
$20 for each event. Seating is limited. We recommend purchasing tickets in advance at the museum or by calling
May 19 – Surfing in South Carolina – Lilla O’Brien Folsom and Foster Folsom share their surf experiences during
the tumultuous 1960s and excerpts from their recently published book. They’ll showcase a short film, “Two Feet
and Classy,” filmed in Folly Beach, which recounts Foster’s early surf awareness. Afterward, he’ll reveal how
California longboards arrived on the East Coast. 7 p.m. For ticket information, call the North Myrtle Beach Area
Historical Museum at 843-426-7668 or email [email protected].
May 19 – Baruch Roundtable – Dinner and Lecture Series – Hobcaw Barony welcomes guests to Hobcaw House
to meet and mingle with prominent authors, artists and historians as Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Baruch once did
during their ownership. Limited to 28, these intimate dinners begin with libations on the porch overlooking
Winyah Bay at sunset, continue in the dining room featuring the finest of Lowcountry cuisine, and conclude with
a “salon evening” with our speakers in the living room of the house that once encouraged conversations
between guests and notables Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, Winston Churchill and President Franklin Roosevelt.
Historian David Gregg Hodges brings his knowledge and love of South Carolina to the Lowcountry to discuss the
economics of the mid-20th century in Georgetown County. His lecture, “The Economic Impact of the Sunset
Lodge in Georgetown,” explores the business that served as a landmark in the port city for 30 years, but a legend
forever. Separating fact from fiction, social stigma from acquiescence, Hodges has catalogued valuable
interviews with former customers, employees and officials, while researching the reasons a brothel was able to
stay in business. Reservations are required. $75/person, 6 p.m. For more information, call 843-546-4623.
May 21 – Experience life on the “one horse family farm” in Horry County from 1900-1955 – Farm staff and
volunteers will demonstrate and describe how Bluegrass and traditional music and instruments evolved in the
20th century. This demonstration will feature live music with acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, slide guitar,
and bass. The L. W. Paul Living History Farm is located at the corner of Hwy 701 North and Harris Shortcut Road
in Conway, SC. For more information, please contact the L. W. Paul Living History Farm at 843-365-3596 or email
the Horry County Museum at [email protected]. For a full list of programs and events at the Horry
County Museum and L.W. Paul Living History Farm, visit our website at www.horrycountymuseum.org. This
event is free and open to the public. The music will take place from 1:00 PM-3:30 PM.
June 3 – Friends of the Kaminski House Museum Lecture Series – George Washington’s 1791 Southern Tour –
Warren L. Bingham is an acclaimed speaker and writer with a commanding grasp of Southern history, heritage
and commerce. Bingham has long focused on George Washington’s “Southern Tour,” the president’s 1791 visit
to Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia. The cost of the lecture series is $10. The cost of the lunch is $8. RSVP for a
bag lunch by calling the Kaminski House at 843-546-7706.
June 4, July 2 – Friendfield Village – Introductory tours pass through this African-American village, once home to
100 slaves and lived in by black employees until 1952. Take an extended tour of Friendfield, traveling by bus but
being guided on foot through the cabins and the 19th century church. Hobcaw Barony has a unique chance to
interpret history at the site, as gleaned from documents, photographs, oral histories and also visits from
former residents. Tickets are $20 per person, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. For more information, call Hobcaw Barony at
June 23-26 and 30 and July 1-3 – “All Shook Up” – This new musical comedy is built around a number of songs
made famous by Elvis Presley. It’s NOT a biographical revue. It takes place in 1955, somewhere in middle America,
where one girl’s dream and a surprise visit from a mysterious leather-jacketed, guitar-playing stranger help a small
town to discover the magic of romance and the power of rock and roll. Among the 24 songs featured in the score
are classics like “Heartbreak Hotel,” “Love Me Tender,” “Don’t Be Cruel,” “Can’t Help Falling in Love” and, of
course, the title tune. For ticket information, call the Theatre of the Republic at 843-488-0821.
July 4 – 20th Annual Fourth of July Concert featuring the Indigo Choral Society – It’s not the Fourth of July
without a performance of the Indigo Choral Society on the lawn of the Kaminski House Museum. Highlights of
the concert will include Color Guard and songs from the American genre, Carolina-themed songs and a salute to
our Armed Forces. Bring out your lawn chair, favorite snacks and drinks and join us on the lawn. There’s no
better place to be for the Fourth of July! Concert begins at 7 p.m.
Travel opportunities offered by OLLI or partners
Oct. 1-11, 2016 – 11-day Historic Trains of the Old West with Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Start in Denver
with an overnight at the historic 1893 Hotel Colorado. Travel to Durango and take a scenic ride through the
San Juan National Forest on a legendary stream train. Admire the cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde National Park.
Visit the 1,100-year-old city of Taos, N.M., and the famous Royal Gorge. In Colorado Springs, enjoy a train
journey on the cog railway to Pikes Peak. Spend two days at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, the
largest ballooning event in the world. Land tour cost $2,934 per person, double occupancy. Optional travel
insurance additional. Tour deposit $250 per person. Estimate air $550 per person. Hosted by Judy and Bill
Blackburn. For more information, visit www.EarthTravelPals.com; call Judy at 843-222-5839 or email
[email protected]; call Kathy at 843-450-2032 or email [email protected].
Oct. 21-28, 2016 – Ireland – Eight-day tour from $2,999 per person double occupancy that includes roundtrip airfare, six nights’ accommodation, luxury motor coach, tour manager throughout, full Irish breakfast
daily, welcome dinner, one additional dinner, farewell dinner, sightseeing per itinerary (Achill Island,
Connemara, Galway, Dublin, County Wicklow and Glendalough), fuel surcharges/air taxes up to $600.
Membership in the OLLI@CCU program is required for this trip. Please contact the OLLI office at 843-3492767 or 843-349-6584 for OLLI membership details. For more information and reservations, contact World
Cultural Tours at 1-877-218- 8687, reference tour code: CCU009.
Dec. 28, 2016-Jan. 7, 2017 – 10-night Cruise on the Coral Princess to the Panama Canal and Costa Rica –
Enjoy four days at sea from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., with stops in Aruba, Cartagena, Panama Canal, Colon,
Panama, Limon, Costa Rica and Ocho Rios Jamaica. Rates per person, double occupancy: $3,109 mini suite;
$2,709-$2,809 balcony; $2,359 oceanview; $2,049 inside. Single rates available. $200/cabin deposit.
Optional travel insurance and gratuities not included. Hosted by Judy and Bill Blackburn. Call Judy Blackburn
at 843-222-5839 or [email protected].
March 25-April 2, 2017 – Cuba’s Charming Colonial Cities and Havana – People to People program.
Experience the real Cuba with its colorful history and lively culture. Begins with one pre-night in Miami with
two nights in Camaguey, two nights in Trinidad and three nights in Havana. Included: eight nights hotel,
eight breakfasts, seven lunches and six dinners, gratuities, airport transfers, round-trip air from Miami to
Cuba, Cuban visa cost and required Cuban health insurance. Optional cancellation/health travel insurance
available for additional $289. Cost is $4,333 per person double occupancy. Single supplement additional
$545. Save your space for $250 deposit per person. Hosted by Kathy and Bruce Blackburn. To reserve or for
more information, call Kathy at Earth Travel Pals at 843-450-2032 or email [email protected].
May 22-June 3, 2017 – 12-night Alaska Land and Sea Tour - Denali Explorer – Five nights from Fairbanks,
Alaska, including two nights at the Denali National Park and two at Mt. McKinley Wilderness Lodge, with a
seven-day Princess Cruise, Voyage of the Glaciers, with stops in Skagway, Juneau, Ketchikan and Hubbard
Glacier Scenic Cruising, ending in Vancouver. Enjoy the beautiful spring blooms, enchanting wildlife and
scenic views with a group from Myrtle Beach. Inside cabins, $2,156 per person; oceanview, $2,776 per
person; balcony, $3,216 per person (all based on double occupancy). Single rates available. Estimated air
from Myrtle Beach $900 per person. Hosted by Judy and Bill Blackburn. Contact Judy at 843-222-5839 or
email [email protected].
Let’s meet and talk TEAL 1000!
We have a new investment opportunity that I want to personally invite you to join called TEAL
1000. We have created an endowed scholarship fund at Coastal Carolina University (CCU) that
supports ONLY local students from Horry and Georgetown counties. I am asking for your
investment of $1,000 annually in this fund, which will live in perpetuity and help students for
many years to come. With your generosity and that of numerous others in the area, together
we can truly impact our local students and help them get the scholarship support needed to
earn a great education at CCU.
How TEAL 1000 works:
Make a $1,000 donation annually ($250/quarter or $83.83/month)
Revenue from all TEAL 1000 donations goes into an endowed fund and the interest
supports scholarships for students from Horry and Georgetown counties.
CCU’s annual economic impact on Horry County and the surrounding area is roughly $420
million and growing. Enrollment is at an all-time high with more than 10,000 students. The
campus continues to grow and change with renovations, new construction of academic
buildings, residence halls and athletic facilities. It is truly a great time to be a Chanticleer!
There are several ways to give to TEAL 1000:
1. Online – simply click on the following link, https://support.coastal.edu/teal1000 and
complete the information.
2. Check – made payable to Coastal Educational Foundation and mailed to Coastal Carolina
University, Office for Philanthropy, P.O. Box 261954, Conway, SC 29528-6054.
3. By phone – please call me directly at 843-503-3552 to assist.
4. In person – I will be happy to meet with you at your convenience.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me on my cell at 843-503-3552, in the
office at 843-349-5038 or via email at [email protected].
Warmest TEAL regards,
Kimberley Causey Gomez
Project Coordinator
TEAL Nutrition
Health Sciences Lab
Swain Hall 141
Mission: Through education, follow-up and support, the TEAL Nutrition Program provides nutrition
and fitness counseling in a compassionate and confidential manner to promote healthier habits across the
Phone: 843-349-2635
Email: [email protected]
Diet analysis and nutrition counseling using Nutrition Maker Plus software
and body composition analysis using the InBody 570 machine are both
provided by the student lab assistants.
The Nutrition Maker Plus software provides diet analysis and nutrition
information based on your three-day diet history to help you adjust your diet
and gain a better understanding of how nutrition relates to your personal
health goals.
The InBody 570 test uses electrical impedance of three different frequencies
to test five body segments and has been scientifically verified to be 98
percent as accurate as DEXA (Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) without
any exposure to radiation. The InBody 570 analyses an individual’s body
composition in terms of water, fat, protein, muscle and bone minerals. The
device is also accurate in terms of the lean muscle in each limb, the amount
and percentage of body fat, and bone mineral content. Testing time is less
than one minute.
Taking into consideration the many benefits of the program, lab workers
would like to offer a special deal to members of the Coastal Carolina
community. Creating awareness among the OLLI members is a major goal
of the program planners. Packages have been pre-made and each have a
discounted fee for the service. Appointments can be made by a phone call or
drop in to the Health Sciences Lab in Swain Hall on the main campus.
Check out the website for more information :
We strive to offer great programs at all of our outreach locations and welcome input from you to help us
continually improve. Your recommendations are gladly received and will be reviewed by the appropriate
committee member(s) or OLLI staff personnel. Please submit a separate suggestion form for each item. YOU
MAY REMAIN ANONYMOUS, but we will need your name and contact information if you desire a formal
response or if we need clarification. Thank you for taking the time to submit your ideas.
Is your suggestion related to a/an:
My suggestion:
(Continue on the back if necessary.)
Are you willing to participate in the realization of your suggestion?
Would you like a formal response to your suggestion?
If yes, do you prefer being contacted via:
Email address:
For a USPS mail response, please enter your mailing address here:
Please return your suggestion form to any of our outreach locations or mail it to:
for Conway and Myrtle Beach:
for Georgetown and Litchfield:
Lisa Rickenbrode
Kelli Barker
P.O. Box 1409
900 79th Ave. N.
Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572-4140
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