
Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts 2013-2014 Annual Report Mission Statement:

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Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts 2013-2014 Annual Report Mission Statement:
Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts
2013-2014 Annual Report
Mission Statement:
The Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts is committed to providing a transformative
education for all students and to preparing majors in humanities and fine arts for positions of
leadership and stewardship in the complex, diverse, and interdependent world of the twenty-first
To this end, the College emphasizes the values of intellectual vitality, moral activism, aesthetic
appreciation, and creative engagement within and beyond the classroom. These values are
 Through the disciplined refining of skills in careful reading, clear thinking, close
observation, effective writing, and persuasive argument, and
 Through student mastery of the body of knowledge specific to each major within the
In its emphasis on students as makers of the world they inhabit, the College serves its ultimate
goal: to prepare each student to live a thoughtful and fulfilling life as a responsible and responsive
human being.
Vision Statement:
We are an intellectual and artistic community that cultivates a passion for rational thought,
creative expression, and moral responsibility.
Core Values:
We are student-centered
We work for the common good of our College, our University, our community
We respect academic and intellectual diversity
We commit ourselves to student accessibility
We promise transparency of deliberations and decision-making
We strive for excellence, creativity, and originality
Structure of Assessment:
The Associate Dean for the Humanities, Dr. Carol Osborne, and the College Assessment Coordinator, Dr.
Ellen Arnold, directed assessment within the Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts and reported
on assessment to the Dean. They worked directly with the nine Department Chairs, one Graduate
Director, and four Directors of Centers to update and establish clear assessment plans for each
academic program, to insure that such plans are followed and that stated assessment tools are used,
and to edit the resulting assessment reports from each area. These final reports included the
explanations of results and use of results for continuous improvement for that year. Within their areas,
each Chair is ultimately responsible for implementing the posted departmental assessment, though in
most departments this responsibility is delegated and distributed to multiple faculty members. The
college-wide COHFA Student Learning Committee made up of representatives from each department in
the College and chaired by Dr. Arnold meets regularly throughout the academic year to evaluate
College assessment plans and results and to make recommendations to the Dean. The Student Learning
Committee hosted its second annual COHFA Confab in February, providing an opportunity for members
of COHFA faculty to present and discuss their strategies for using assessment to evaluate and improve
student learning. The Confab program is attached in supporting documents. For the first time this year,
the committee also compiled descriptions of Successful Working Models of assessment within the
College for 2012-13 and made this document available to departments (see supporting documents). Dr.
Osborne and Dr. Arnold both report to and work with the University-wide Assessment Committee.
Evaluate the Assessment Progress of your Division :
Identify the strengths you have found as a consequence of the assessment :
(1) Just as in previous years, according to the various assessment tools now in use, the majority of our
majors tend to master the basic skills and background information required of their disciplines at a level
that “meets or exceeds departmental expectations” by the time they graduate.
(2) Likewise, by the time majors arrive at the upper-level courses within the major, longitudinal
assessments find that skills and knowledge have advanced from where they were two or three years
(3) As a whole, the College is applying a wide variety of assessment measures, both direct and indirect.
Direct measures range from national and department-developed objective tests, to evaluation of
student performance by faculty teams, to assessment of oral presentations, to assessment of student
writing and in some cases portfolios of student writing. Indirect measures include student selfassessments, exit/alumni surveys, and exit interviews.
Identify the challenges you have found as a consequence of the assessment:
(1) The areas of student learning that are most challenging for students are, not surprisingly, the
higher-order areas of critical thinking. Assessments in multiple departments note student difficulty with
analyzing and evaluating the ideas of others, and with formulating theoretical concepts or arguments of
their own.
(2) In some cases, departments notice that students are challenged by even more basic skills such as
reading comprehension, when they are expected to comprehend theoretical and discipline-specific
literature. Several departments note weaknesses in students’ abilities to comprehend discipline-specific
literature, even by their final year.
(3) A large proportion of programs (close to 80%) in COHFA are now assessing student writing, so it is
no surprise that students’ writing abilities continue to be a concern across the College. Although some
departments note marked improvement when writing done early in the student’s career is compared to
writing done in the senior year, many departments document students’ consistent difficulty with
multiple levels of writing skills, especially assembling supporting evidence from sources and
What are the changes based on assessment results:
(1) Changes within departments: Most departments in COHFA have a growing number of interested
faculty members, including standing committees and Associate Chairs or Assessment Coordinators who
help administer various parts of the assessment plan, report results to the department, recommend
actions in response to assessment findings, and revise assessment methods. We see this increased
involvement as a strong positive sign that the college has embraced assessment as a useful tool for
measuring and ultimately improving student learning.
(2) Changes in course content, curriculum, and teaching methods: One very positive outcome of the
increased involvement of multiple faculty within departments is the opportunity for collaboration that
has arisen as faculty discuss ways to address challenges identified through assessment. Several
departments report collaborative planning of courses, revision of syllabi, calibration of assignments and
grading rubrics, and team teaching that have resulted from their department-wide work on assessment.
In addition, a sharpened focus on longitudinal tracking of individual student achievement over the
course of several years has guided changes in advising and course sequencing in multiple departments.
(3) Changes in assessment methods or instruments: Some units are experimenting with e-portfolios,
others are refining their use of juries and rubrics, and others are working to better differentiate the
assessments according to concentrations or tracks in the major. In general, we see a long-term
movement away from nationally normed examinations toward more specialized assessments that are
developed and implemented by the department.
Ashes2Art and CCU signed an MOU with the University of the Aegean for an international summer school
for EU and USA credits in technology and cultural heritage to begin summer 2015.
New sculpture facility to include blast furnaces, a foundry, a pit, 3 forges and anvils, welding (Arc, TIG,
MIG), centrifugal casting, sandblasting, eyewash stations, 3 kilns, natural gas, 208w 3-phase wiring,
cold water, crane, togs, ventilation hoods, roof, security gated. All of this was purchased by the
president’s office to support the construction of a monumental bronze Chauncy by Logan Woodle.
The maquette was approved by the president and the fullsize bronze is to be installed on Feb. 1,
2015 in the new sports complex outside the new baseball stadium. The statue will be constructed
with students through an ARTS 499 course on bronze casting during fall 2014.
The Digital Humanities Collaborative will be built in EHFA 105 in spring 2015 with the support of QEP, the
Dean’s Office, and the Office of the Provost. It will serve various courses in several disciplines
focused on digital humanities projects. Furniture has been purchased.
Murals (Mondian, Vitruvian Man, Miles, Hamlet, the Muses) painted by students on the walls of HVAC
building adjacent to Edwards during Maymester 2014 have gotten good press. Students were led
by Cat Taylor.
Institute for Leadership and Public Policy
 Developed student involvement in the new Institute for Leadership and Public Policy, including
training students in polling and survey research, supervising student policy analysis (both in a
traditional class setting and as independent research), and involving students in the South Carolina
Small Business Chamber of Commerce Rising Sea-levels Project (hybrid survey research and
community engagement project)
Under the direction of Denise Paster, the English Department completed the re-design of ENGL 101 and
102, including development of Digital Badge initiative.
The English Department held numerous composition workshops, brownbag teaching workshops, and
scholars’ symposia.
English faculty teaching first-year writing courses are mentoring graduate teaching assistants in the MAW
New Permanent Study Abroad Program created: Coastal in Arezzo
New Majors and Minors
 New Geographic Information Systems (GIS) online certificate
 Peace and Conflict Studies (Minor)
New Courses
ARTS 318 – Advanced Color Theory
ARTH 110 – American Film
ARTS 214 – Book Arts
ARTD 105 – Intro to Digital Image Making
ENGL 469/569 – Literary Magazine Production
ENGL 663 – Short Novel Workshop
GEOG 321Q – Public Health Geography
GEOG 450 – Ashes2Art: Digital Reconstruction
GEOG 502 – Human Geography
HFA 391 – Press Project Workshop
HIST 126 – Introduction to East Asian History
HIST 288 – History Beyond the Classroom
HIST 339 – The Great War
HIST 393 – Crime and Punishment in Early
HIST 396 – Manuscripts and Archives: An Introduction
HIST 397 – Digital History
HIST 461 – The Pursuit of Peace
HIST 462 – The Causes, Conduct, and Consequences of War
MUED 101 – Introduction to Music Education
MUED 310 – Musicianship Pedagogy for Music Educators
MUED 321 – Music Methods Grades PreK-2
MCJ 385 – Improvisation and Jazz/Pop Theory II
MUS 172 – Class Piano I
MUS 173 – Class Piano II
MUS 272 – Class Piano III
MUS 273 – Class Piano IV
PHIL 333 Q – Doing Philosophy with Children
POLI 457 – Environmental Law
RELG 105 – Introduction to Abrahamic Religions
RELG 203 – Studying Religion: Theory and Methods
THEA 321 – Applied Theatre
Aidoo, Richard (with Pam Martin and Min Ye). Coastal Carolina University Professional Enhancement
Grant. “Mimicking Real World in the Classroom: introducing Active Learning Simulations in
International Relations Courses.” ($1500). AY2013-2014
Arendt, Jim. South Carolina Arts Commission Visual Artist Fellowship, ($5000) FY2014
Bergeron, Sue (with Clayton Whitesides). Coastal Carolina University COOL Grant. AY2013-2014.
Chamberlain, Adam. Coastal Carolina University Professional Enhancement Grant. AY2013-2014.
Dillian, Carolyn. Research Enhancement Grant, CCU: New Research into Archaeological Sites at ~8,000 B.C.
in the Karari Escarpment, Kenya. $4422
Martin, Pam (with Richard Aidoo and Min Ye). Coastal Carolina University Professional Enhancement
Grant. “Mimicking Real World in the Classroom: introducing Active Learning Simulations in
International Relations Courses.” ($1500). AY2013-2014.
Martin, Pam. Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador Galapagos Institute for Arts and Sciences
Faculty Fellow. ($6000). 2014.
Propst, Tonya; State Department of Education Scholarship Grant for Gifted & Talented
Tully, Amy and Patti Edwards; National Endowment for the Humanities. “America’s Music: A Film
History of Our Popular Music from Blues to Bluegrass to Broadway.” $1500. Fall 2012 – Jan 2014
Whitesides, Clayton. (with Sue Bergeron). Coastal Carolina University COOL Grant. AY2013-2014.
Whitesides, Clayton. Coastal Carolina University Professional Enhancement Grant. ($3000). 2014.
Ye, Min (with Richard Aidoo and Pamela Martin). “Mimicking Real World in the Classroom: introducing
Active Learning Simulations in International Relations Courses.” ($1500). AY2013-2014.
Ye, Min. Co-PI, “South Korea’s Rise in the Era of Globalization: Power, Economic Development, and Foreign
Relations,” The Academy of Korean Studies, AKS-2012-AAZ-2101, $1,183,141, 2012–2017.
(awarded in 2012, second year of the grant).
Boyle, Christopher. Mansfield Plantation: A Legacy on the Black River. Charleston: The History Press, 2014.
Dillian, Carolyn. Editor, Twenty-Five Years on the Cutting Edge of Obsidian Studies: Selected Readings from
the IAOS Bulletin. Ontario, Canada: International Association for Obsidian Studies, 2014.
Green, Ronald. Living in Peace: How Buddhism Can Contribute to a Sustainable Peace, co-editor with
Chanju Mun. Honolulu: Blue Pine Books, December 2013.
Martin, Pam (with Thomas Princen and Jack Manno). Ending the Fossil Fuel Era. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Morehouse, Maggi. War Stories: Black Soldiers and the Long Civil Rights Movement, Bedford St. Martin’s
Press, 2014.
Morehouse, Maggi. Editor & Contributor, Handbook of the American South Routledge, forthcoming 2015
Ockert, Jason. Neighbors of Nothing. (Short story collection.) Dzanc Books, 2013.
Palmer, Brandon. Fighting for the Enemy: Japan’s Mobilization of Koreans, 1937-1945. Seattle: University
of Washington Press, 2013.
Palmer, Brandon. George Akita and Brandon Palmer. Nihon no Chōsen tōchi wo kenshō suru, 19191945 (Japan in Korea: Japan’s colonial policy, 1910-1945) Tokyo: Soshisha, 2013
Edited Journals and Volumes
Articles and Book Chapters
Aidoo, Richard. “The Role of Minor Parties in political Competition: Lessons from Ghana's 2012
Elections.” Journal of Asian and African Studies, (Forthcoming) (with Adam Chamberlain)
Aidoo, Richard. 2014. “Charting the Roots of Anti-Chinese Populism in Africa: A Comparison of Zambia and
Ghana.” Journal of Asian and African Studies 49(2): 129-147 (with Steve Hess)
Bergeron, Susan. 2014. “Immersive Technologies to Explore the Cyrene Treasury at Delphi,”
in Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 14(3) (with Arne Flaten, Marcello Garofalo,
Brandon Rudolph, and Jeff Case).
Breede, D., Davis, C., & Warren-Findlow, J. (2014). Rhetoric of absence on South Carolina
Antebellum Tourist Sites. Under review. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies.
Davis, C. S., Breede, D. C., Warren-Findlow, J., Young, R., & Solomon, I. (2014). Decay and
resurrection: Ghosts of Old Westview Cemetery, Under review. Death Studies.
Brian, Amanda. “Listening to Lothar Meggendorfer’s Nineteenth-Century Moving Picture Books,
Princeton University Library Chronicle (forthcoming, May 2014)
Boyle, Jen. “The Will to Obsolescene: Nitezsche and the Digital Present,” Digital Dionysus:
Nietzsche & the Network-Centric Condition. New York: Punctum Books, Summer 2014.
Chamberlain, Adam. “The Role of Minor Parties in political Competition: Lessons from Ghana's 2012
Elections.” Journal of Asian and African Studies, (Forthcoming) (with Richard Aidoo).
Chamberlain, Adam. “Voter Coordination and the Rise of Republican Party: Evidence from New
England.” Social Science History (Forthcoming).
Chamberlain, Adam. 2013. “The (Dis)Connection Between Political Culture and External Efficacy.”
American Politics Research, 41(5): 761-782.
Craig, C., Campbell, B., Bichard, S., & Baker, D. (2013). Digital house calls: US healthcare
professionals and online media communication. Journal of Communication in Healthcare,
6(4), 187- 196.
Danker, S. H. (2014). Brand: Identity, image, and relationships. Art Education, 67(1), 41-51.
Daoud, Suheir. “Women in the Islamic Movement in Israel,” Gender and Islamism-Special Issue,
Frontiers: A Journal for Women Studies (Forthcoming).
Dillian, Carolyn. “Data Retrieval from an Unprovenienced Museum Collection: The Ludy Collection at the
University of Pennsylvania Museum” Pennsylvania Archaeologist 83 ii (2013) : 52-64.
Earl, Dennis: (2014). “Supervaluationist entailment and definitions.” Conceptus 40 (98), 1-12. (DOI:
Earl, Dennis: (2014). “Effective use of blogs in philosophy courses.” APA Newsletter on Teaching
Philosophy 13 (2), 2–11.
Earnest, Steve -- “Clash with the Vikings: Gerpla and the Struggle for National Identity in Iceland.”
Theatre Symposium (Volume 21) Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press 2013.
Earnest, Steve -- “Hamlet at Teatro Sao Pedro Brazil” Latin American Theatre Journal. Lawrence. KS:
University of Kansas Press, 2014.
Flaten, Arne, “Medaglie delle Donne Auguste: Medals of Imperial Woman after Enea Vico,” Mitteilungen
der Österreichischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft [Peer reviewed Proceedings from Die andere
Seite: Funktionen und Wissensformen der frühen Medaille, International symposium on
Renaissance Medals, Center for Advanced Study, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Feb
7-8, 2014]. Accepted. (will be listed next year as published)
Flaten, Arne, “The Renaissance Medal,” Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 68, No. 2 (2015); 6000 words,
solicited by editor. (will be listed next year as published)
Flaten, Arne, Susan Bergeron, Marcello Garofalo, Brandon Rudolph, and Jeff Case, “Immersive
Technologies to Explore the Cyrene Treasury at Delphi,” in Mediterranean Archaeology and
Archaeometry, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2014 (fall). Accepted. (will be listed next year as published)
Glaze, Eliza. “Preface,” A Critical Edition of Peter of Eboli’s ‘De Balneis Terre Laboris’: The Phlegraean
Fields, by Jean D’Amato Thomas (posthumous publication by her family). 2 volumes. (Lewiston,
NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2013), ix – xii.
Green, Ronald: Buddhism Goes to the Movies: Introduction to Buddhist Thought and Practice. NY:
Routledge, December 2013.
Green, Ronald: “East Asian Buddhist Philosophy” a chapter in Blackwell Companion to Buddhist
Philosophy edited by Stephen Emmanuel, London: Blackwell, April 2013.
Halverson, Jeffrey: “The Anti-Shi‘a Polemics of an Online Salafi-Jihadi: The Case of Nasir al-Qa‘ida in
Historical Perspective,” in The Muslim World, 103:4 (Wiley, 2014), 501-517.
Hasty, J. Daniel. “We might should be thinking this way: Theoretical and methodological concerns in
studies of syntactic variation.” In Raffaella Zanuttini and Laurence Horne (eds.) Micro-syntactic
variation in American English. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Park, S.-Y., Yun, G.W., Holody, K.J., Yoon, K., Xie, S., & Lee, S. (2013). Inside the blogosphere: A
taxonomy and framing analysis of abortion weblogs. The Social Science Journal, 50(4), 616624.
Yun, G.W., Park, S.-Y., Holody, K.J., Yoon, K., & Xie, S. (2013). Selective moderation, selective
responding, and balkanization on the blogosphere: A field experiment. Media Psychology,
16(3), 295- 31.
Howie, Elizabeth. Co-editing an issue of Review of Disability Studies on Art History and Disability Studies
with Ann Millett-Gallant, to be published in Dec. 2014 (will be listed next year as published)
Littlejohn, John T. and Michael T. Putnam, eds. Rammstein on Fire: New Perspectives on the Music and
Performances. McFarland, 2013.
Littlejohn, John T. “Fire, Water, Earth and Air: The Elemental Rammstein.” Rammstein on Fire: New
Perspectives on the Music and Performances. Ed. John T. Littlejohn and Michael T. Putnam.
McFarland, 2013.
Martin, Pamela (with Craig Kaufmann). 2014. “Scaling Up Buen Vivir: Globalizing Local Environmental
Governance from Ecuador,” Global Environmental Politics February 2014: 18pp.
Martin, Pamela (with Thomas Princen and Jack Manno). 2013. “Keeping Them in the Ground: Ending the
Fossil Fuel Era,” in Is Sustainability Still Possible. Washington DC: World Watch Institute.
Miller, Stephanie. “A material distinction: fifteenth-century tin-glazed terracotta portraits in Italy,” The
Sculpture Journal vol. 22/1 (2013), 7-20. (published this year; reported in last year’s report).
Miller, Stephanie. “Introduction- Early Modern Domesticities: Integrating People, Spaces, Objects” (coauthored) in The Early Modern Italian Domestic Interior, 1400-1700: Objects, Spaces,
Domesticities, edited by Erin Campbell, Stephanie R. Miller, and Elizabeth Carroll Consavari
(Ashgate, November 2013), 1-16. (published this year; reported in last year’s report)
Miller, Stephanie. “Parenting in the Palazzo: Images and Artifacts of Children in the Italian Renaissance
Home” in The Early Modern Italian Domestic Interior, 1400-1700: Objects Spaces
Domesticities, edited by Erin Campbell, Stephanie R. Miller and Elizabeth Carroll Consavari
(Ashgate, November 2013), 67-88. (published this year; reported in last year’s report)
Morehouse, Maggi. “African Diaspora Theory: Here, There, and Everywhere,” in Diasporas, Cultures of
Mobilities, 'Race', Vol 2, Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (P.U.L.M.) of the University
Paul Valéry-Montpellier III, forthcoming. Morehouse, Maggi. “Civil Rights Pioneers: Building Race Consciousness in the WWII Armed Forces”
in Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, 'Race', Vol 3, Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée
(P.U.L.M.) of the University Paul Valéry-Montpellier III, forthcoming.
Oestreich, Kate. “Sue’s Desires: Sexuality and Reform Fashion in Jude the Obscure.” Victorians Institute
Journal 41 (2013): 128-54.
Oldfield, Anna. “Reimagining the Caucasus: Music and Community in the Azerbaijani Aşıq Tradtion.” In
The Globalization of Musics in Transit: Current Perspectives on Musical Migration and Tourism.
New York: Routledge, 2014. 230-50. Print.
Pillai, Tripthi. “Shoe Talk and Shoe Silence in The Two Gentlemen of Verona.” Shakespeare and ObjectOriented Environs. Eds. Jeffrey Cohen and Julian Yates. New York: Punctum Books, 2014.
Rauhut, Nils: "How Virtuous was Socrates?" in Reason and Analysis in Ancient Greek
Philosophy Anagnostopoulos and F. Miller (eds.) Springer, 2013 pp.109-124.
Rauhut, Nils: "A Philosophical Look at Generation NeXT: What Teaching and Learning in Philosophy
Classes Tells us about the 'Weltanschaung' of Today's Generation of US College Students “in:
Wiseman, Fediakina, Hills, and Mardakhaev (eds.)
Rauhut, Nils: Youth and the Socio-Cultural Environment: Russia and the USA, A Cross-Cultural
Analysis Russian State Social University Press 2013 pp.118-127
Sanjines, J. “Meher Baba’s Silent Semiotic Output”. Signs and Society. Vol. 2, No. S1 (Spring 2014): S121S159.
Sanjines, J. “On Inventing the Enemy: Lies and Irony in Eco’s Fiction”. The Interdisciplinary Journal of
Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis. Vol. 19, No. 1 (Spring 2014).
Schwinke, Gwendolyn -- “SenseAbility, Unmaskin.” Feldenkrais Educational Foundation of North
America, Summer/No. 60, p.1, 2013
Smith, Jon. “Amateur Hour? Experience and Faculty Qualifications in U.S. Intelligence Courses”, Journal
of Strategic Security 6(3): 25-39.
Smith, Jon. “Intelligence and Uncertainty: The Impact of Intelligence on DOD Perceptions of the Bosnian
Conflict” in The Role of Intelligence in Ending the Conflict in Bosnia in 1995, Timothy Walton, Ed.
(New York: Lexington Press, 2014). (Forthcoming Summer 2014)
Sosis, Clifford: Sosis, C. & Bishop, M.A. (2013). Rationality: An Advanced Review. Wiley Interdisciplinary
Reviews: Cognitive Science.
Turner, Daniel. “Lyric Dissections: Rendering Blood Memory in Natasha Trethewey’s and Yusef
Komunyakaa’s Poetry of the Black Diaspora.” The Southern Quarterly: The Journal of Southern
Cultures. Special Issue: Natasha Trethewey. Edited by Joan Wylie Hall (University of Mississippi).
50:4 (2013): 99-121.
Whalen, Philip. “Le dernier Carnival de Dijon: Une politique festive et genrée” in Khalid Amine, Jaouad
Radouani and George F. Roberson (eds.),Intermediality, Performance and the Public
Sphere (Tangier: International Centre for Performance Studies, 2014), 149-57.
Whalen, Philip. “Modern Burgundy as Gastronomic Regime” in Philip Whalen and Patrick Young
(eds.), Place and Locality in Modern France, 1750-present (London: Bloomsbury Academic,
forthcoming in Aug. of 2014).
Whalen, Philip. “The Local in French History: Changing Paradigms and Possibilities” with Patrick Young in
Philip Whalen and Patrick Young (eds.),Place and Locality in Modern France, 1750present (London: Bloomsbury Academic, forthcoming in Aug. of 2014).
Wood, Frederick (with Jeremy Duff). 2013. “The Effect of Political Advertising on Voter Participation in
Judicial Campaigns, 2000-2004.” Journal of Political Science 40:101-130.
Ye, Min (with Shale Horowitz). 2013. “Nationalist and Power-Seeking Leadership Preferences in EthnoTerritorial Conflicts: A Measurement Framework with Applications to the Break-Up of
Yugoslavia.” Civil Wars 15(4): 508-30.
Ye, Min (with Uk heo). 2014. “The Empirical Analysis of Conflicts, Using Databases.” In Routledge
Handbook on Research Methods in Military Studies, eds. Joseph Soeters, Patricia Shields, and
Sebastiaan Rietjens, pp.238-248.
Poems and Chapbooks
Albergotti, Dan. “Ars Poetica.” The Southern Review 49.4 (autumn 2013): 694-95.
Albergotti, Dan. “Ghazal: The Prelude” and “Splinter & Sneeze.” Terminus 10 (fall 2013): 91-94.
Albergotti, Dan. “The Days of Our Lives.” Barn Owl Review 7 (2014): 1.
Albergotti, Dan. “Reel.” Tupelo Quarterly 3 (www.tupeloquarterly.com) spring 2014
Hensel, Hastings. “Snag Arrangement,” “Conversion Narrative in a Walk-In Freezer,” “Widowmaker,”
and “Late Spring Inlet Arrangement.” Steel Toe Review 3 (spring 2014).
Short Stories, Essays, and Interviews
Adams, Cara Blue. “Whatever Happens, I’m Having a Good Time: An Interview with David James
Poissant.” Tin House blog. March 11, 2014. Online.
Turner, Daniel. “Enworlded Words/Enworded Worlds: The Uses of Poetry: An Interview with Dan
Albergotti.” storySouth (www.storysouth.com). Edited by Terry Kennedy. (Summer 2014).
Adams, Cara Blue. “The Personality of a Translator.” Essay Daily. October 16, 2013.
Online. http://essaydaily.blogspot.com/2013/10/cara-blue-adams-personality-of.html
Adams, Cara Blue. “Seeing Clear.” The Mississippi Review (winter 2014): 8-12.
Turner, Daniel. “Father Christmas” (creative nonfiction essay). Hub for the Holidays. Edited by John Cribb
and Kari Jackson. Hub City Press. (2013). 65-68.
Turner, Daniel. “Enworlded Words/Enworded Worlds: The Uses of Poetry: An Interview with Dan
Albergotti.” storySouth (www.storysouth.com). Edited by Terry Kennedy. (Summer 2014).
Book reviews, encyclopedia articles, other types of review articles
Aidoo, Richard. “China and Angola: The True Dynamic Duo in Sino-African Relations.” Foreign Policy
Journal, June 20, 2013 http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2013/06/20/china-and-angola-thetrue-dynamic-duo-in-sino-africa-relations/.
Chamberlain, Adam. Review of James Cairns and Alan Sears, The Democratic Imagination: Envisioning
Popular Power in the Twenty-First Century (University of Toronto Press, 2012), American Review
of Canadian Studies, 43(3), 2013: 451-452.
Childs, Becky. Review of Warren Maguire and April McMahon, Analysing Variation in English.
English World-Wide 35. 1 (2014): 104-108.
Dillian, Carolyn. 2013 Review of Contemporary Lithic Analysis in the Southeast: Problems, Solutions, and
Interpretations, by Philip J. Carr, Andrew P. Bradbury, and Sarah E. Price (eds.). Journal of
Middle Atlantic Archaeology 29 (2013) 193-195.
Dillian, Carolyn. 2013 Review of Making Archaeology Happen: Design versus Dogma, by Martin Carver.
Left Coast Press, 2001. Published inSouth Carolina Antiquities 45: 109-110.
Flanders, J. reviewed Spanish Text Books Para Siempre and Viajes
Jeon, Y.S. reviewed Unidos, textbook edited by Pearson, in November 2012.
Jeon, Y.S. reviewed Viajes Second Edition, textbook edited by Burrston House, in September 2012
Jones, Jeff; Book review of Putting It Together: Music Theory through Music Theatre by John
Franceschina, Oxford University Press (Norman Hirschy, editor); August 2013
Martin, Pamela L. 2014. “Ecuador’s Yasuni-ITT Intiative: Why did it Fail?,” International Policy Review,
April 2014. URL : http://poldev.revues.org/1705 ; DOI : 10.4000/poldev.1705, 6pp.
Morehouse, Maggi. Biographical Essays, O. Vernon Burton,” “Walter Edgar,” and “Charles Joyner,”
in The SC Encyclopedia Guide to SC Writers, Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2014.
Oldfield, Anna. Review of Falu Bakrania, Bhangra and Asian Underground. Popular Music and
Society. Taylor & Francis. Published online March 2014. Web (Forthcoming in print).
Perez, J.A. “Razón para emigrar no es siempre económica” (The Reason to emigrate is not always
economical) in Koulutus Nicaraguassa (The education in Nicaragua) a Finnish-Nicaraguan
bilingual magazine, Managua, Nicaragua, December, 2012
Peterson, Paul. 2014. Review of Paul A. Cantor, The Invisible Hand in Popular Culture: Liberty Vs.
Authority in American Film and TV, in The Journal of American Culture.
Peterson, Paul. Review of Ted Geltner, Last King of the Sports Page; The Life and Career of Jim Murry, in
The Journal of American Culture. (Forthcoming).
Peterson, Paul. Review of Sheree Homer, Rick Nelson: Rock’n’Roll Pioneer, in The Journal of American
Culture. (Forthcoming).
Peterson, Paul. Review of Raymond I. Schuck and Ray Schuck, Do You Believe in Rock and Roll?: Essays
on Don McLean's "American Pie," in The Journal of Rock Studies, (Forthcoming).
Peterson, Paul. "Milton Friedman," entry in The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Blackwell Publishing,
Peterson, Paul. "Limited Government," entry in The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Blackwell
Publishing, (Forthcoming).
Prince, Wink. Making Tobacco Bright: Creating an American Commodity, 1617–1937, by Barbara
Hahn. Reviews in American History 42 (Spring 2014).
Prince, Wink. William Gilmore Simms’s Unfinished Civil War: Consequences for a Southern Man of
Letters, edited by David Molke-Hansen. Civil War Book Review, A publication of LSU Libraries,
(Fall 2013).
Sanjines, J. “The Extrasemiotic in Borges’ The Library of Babel” The Latin Americanist. March 2013: 6578. A publication of the Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies (SECOLAS) and Wiley
Torres, M.L. reviewed Viajes: Introducción al español. 2nd edition. Heinle/Cengage Learning: 2013
Trinka, Jill; Invited Reprint of “The Kodály Approach to Music Education” Utah Music Educators
Journal, Spring, 2014, Vol. 59, No. 3, 18-19.
Trinka, Jill; Contributor. A Tear in the Curtain, the Musical Diplomacy of Erzsébet
Szönyi: Musician, Composer, Teacher of Teachers, by Jerry Jaccard. Peter Lang
Publishing. New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2014.
Trinka, Jill; Foreword for and editor of - De Tin Marín: Mi Canto, Mis Raices (collection of Mexican
Children’s Singing Games and Songs) for author Beatriz Aguillar. September, 2013; published
November, 2013.
Trinka, Jill; Contributor. "Messages from Past OAKE Presidents." Kodály Envoy Special 40th
Anniversary Issue. Vol. 40, No. 3, Spring, 2014.
Trinka, Jill; Contributor. “In Memoriam Mark Williams” Kodály Envoy. Vol. 40, No. 1, Fall, 3013.
Trinka, Jill; Contributor. “In Memoriam Rita Klinger (1953-2012) Kodály Envoy. Vol. 39, No. 2. Winter,
2013, p. 34.
Trinka, Jill; Contributor. “In Memoriam of Laszlo Dobsay (1935-2011)” by Mary Allmon Epstein. Kodály
Envoy. Vol. 39, No. 2. Winter, 2013, pp. 28-29.
Trinka, Jill; Editor. Pathways to Music Book II, by Roger Sams and BethAnn Hepburn. Cleveland, OH:
Music is Elementary. Published December, 2013.
Whalen, Philip. Jeremy Jennings, “French Historians, 1900-2000: The New Historical Writing in
Twentieth-Century France,” French Studies 67.2 (2013): 294-95.
Other non-peer reviewed publications
Bergeron, Sue. Co-host and director of A VerySpatial Podcast, and regular content contributor and editor
of VerySpatial.com, a New Media Digital platform for discussing news, events, and topics related
to Geography, GIS, and geospatial technologies.
Chamberlain, Adam. ILPP County Council Survey, Spring 2014.
Hamelman, Steve. “Eulogy for Lou.” Rock Music Studies 1.1 (2014): 52-57.
Paster, Denise, and Alan Reid. “A Digital Badge Initiative in First-Year Writing Courses.” Campus
Technology. 17 April 2014. Web.
Reid, Alan, and Denise Paster. “Digital Badges in the Classroom.” Inside Higher Ed. 11 October 2013.
Turner, Daniel. “Mickey Spillane: The Writer’s Writer.” Invited Introduction for My Life with Mickey by
Jane Spillane. Athenaeum Press (2014). v-xi.
International Presentations
Aidoo, Richard (with Pamela Martin and Min Ye). “Footprints of the Dragon: The Local and Global
Struggles to Keep Oil Below the Soil and Sea in Ecuador and Ghana, and the Impacts of Chinese
Investment” Paper co-presented at the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Meeting,
Toronto, Canada, March 26th-29th, 2014
Barnes, Aneilya. “Defying Domesticity: Roman Women and Early Christian Ritual Practices” 5th
International Conference of Mediterranean Worlds Conference, University of Bern, Bern,
Switzerland (September 2013)
Bergeron, Sue (with Arne Flaten). Delphi in the Digital Age: Immersive Technologies to Explore Greece’s
Omphalos. Paper presented at the 1st International Workshop on Virtual Archaeology,
Museums, and Cultural Tourism (VAMCT13). Delphi, Greece, September 2013.
Brian, Amanda. “European Review of History/ Revue europeenne d’histoire: An Anniversary Conference
on Declines and Falls in European History and Historiography, “ Budapest, Hungary, May 2013
Daoud, Suheir. "Palestinian Women in Israel: Challenges From Within and Without.” Department of
Sociology and Anthropology, Haifa University, Israel, June 25, 2013.
Dillian, Carolyn. “Holocene Research in Turkana Basin: Perspectives from the Eastern Shores” (first
author with Emmanuel Ndiema and Purity Kiura, presented by E. Ndiema), presented at the East
African Association for Paleoanthropology and Paleontology Conference, Mombasa, Kenya,
Dillian, Carolyn. “Experimental Production of Shell Tools and an Archaeological Case Study, Waties
Island, South Carolina” presented at the Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology
Conference, Gastonia, NC, 10/18-10/20/2013
Flaten, Arne and Susan Bergeron. “Delphi in the Digital Age: Technologies for Exploring Greece’s
Omphalos,” International Workshop on Virtual Archaeology, Museums and Cultural Heritage,
Delphi, Sept.
Flaten, Arne. “Medaglie after Enea Vico’s Le imagine delle donne Auguste, ”Center for Advanced Study,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Feb.
Glaze, Eliza. “The Antidotarium Nicholai and Salerno's European ‘Empire’ of Pharmacy,” International
Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, Leeds UK, July 7-10, 2014.
Glaze, Eliza. Organizer, three sessions on “Empires of Medicine in the Long Twelfth Century,” an
examination of pharmaceutical knowledge across Asia, North Africa, and Europe. International
Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, Leeds UK, July 7-10, 2014.
Glaze, Eliza. “Medicine’s Eleventh Century Renaissance: Text or Practice?” part of a session organized by
Patricia Skinner (Swansea University) on medicine in the Early Middle Ages.
International Medieval Congress, Leeds University, Leeds UK, July 1-4, 2013.
Howie, Elizabeth. “‘So Full of Shapes is Fancy’: Photogenic Time and Space in Twelfth Night,” paper
presented at panel "Shakespeare and the Visual Arts," Shakespeare 450 Conference, Paris, 2014
Kellogg, David, with Ah Jung Jeon, Mohammed Asif Khan, and Greg Tucker-Kellogg. “Nurturing students
as critical thinking scientists: Implementing inquiry based writing in the science laboratory
course.” 2nd International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference, Miri, Sarawak,
Malaysia. December 9–10, 2013. (Delivered by Ah Jung Jeon and Greg Tucker-Kellogg.)
Martin, Pamela (with Richard Aidoo and Min Ye). “Footprints of the Dragon: The Local and Global
Struggles to Keep Oil Below the Soil and Sea in Ecuador and Ghana, and the Impacts of Chinese
Investment” Paper co-presented at the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Meeting,
Toronto, Canada, March 26th-29th, 2014.
Morehouse, Maggi. “Female Journalists of the African Diaspora,” AfroEuropeans IV Conference, London,
Sept 2013.
Morehouse, Maggi. “Creating Diasporic Communities in the British Colonial Armed Forces,” for the
Diasporic Subjectivity, Intimacy and Memory conference, Oxford, England, June 2013.
Morehouse, Maggi. “Military Migrants: Race Policies and Migration Theory in the Armed Forces,” for the
Diaspora and Race conference, Montpellier, France, June 2013.
Nance, Brian. “’But I Determined the True and Legitimate Cause:’ Pieter Van Foreest and the
Medicalization of Demonic Possession,” La Medicine Dissident dans l’Europe XVIe et XVIIe Siecles
(II): Language et Savoir Populaire, Geneva, December 5-7, 2013. Invited, paid paper.
Nance, Brian. “Evidence of Insanity in the Observations of Pieter Van Foreest,” Renaissance Society of
America, Annual Conference, New York, March, 2014.
Navin, John. “House of Horrors in the City of Churches: Charleston’s Workhouse and the Quest for
Respectability” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Utopian Studies, November 2013.
Oestreich, Kate. “Pearls of Desire: (Ad)dressing Female Bi-Sexuality in Orlando.” Literary Dolls: A
Conference at Durham University and in association with the University of Durham’s Centre for
Sex, Gender and Sexualities. Durham, England. Mar. 8, 2014.
Pillai, Tripthi. “The Photographical Logics of Temporality: Visions, Songs, and Letters in Twelfth
Night.” Shakespeare 450, Paris, France, April 21-27, 2014.
Smith, Jon. “Ivory Tower or Mean Streets – Experience in Intelligence Education” presented at the
International Association for Intelligence Education Conference, 21 May 2013, El Paso, TX.
Trerise, Jonathan. "Women in Sports and the Costs of Lots of Money." International Association for the
Philosophy of Sport 2013 conference, California State University, Fullerton, September 2013.
Whalen, Philip. “Une Politique festive et genrer de l’entre-guerres,” for the International Center for
Spectacle Studies, Tangier, Morocco. 6/3-5/13
Ye, Min (with Richard Aidoo and Pamela Martin). “Footprints of the Dragon: The Local and Global
Struggles to Keep Oil Below the Soil and Sea in Ecuador and Ghana, and the Impacts of Chinese
Investment” Paper co-presented at the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Meeting,
Toronto, Canada, March 26th-29th, 2014.
Ye, Min (with Shale Horowitz). “Back To The Cold War? Geopolitical Consequences of China’s Rise.” The
International Conference on Asia-Pacific Studies, Kaohsiong (Taiwan), November 2013.
National Presentations
Adams, Cara Blue. Panel Presentation: “What the Dog Said: Writing in Unusual Points of View.” The
Association of Writers and Writing Programs, Seattle, WA. March 1, 2014.
Anderson, C., & Holody, K.J. (2013). Stimulating dialogue: Measuring success of the “Smoke Free Horry”
campaign. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference,
Washington, DC.
Bergeron, Susan J. “Learning as We Go: immersive virtual landscapes and spatial narratives as tools in
teaching about the past.” Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Cultural
Association National Conference, Chicago, IL, April 2014.
Bergeron, Susan J. “3D Digital Cities in the Classroom.” Poster presented at the Esri International User
Conference, San Diego, CA, July 2013.
Boyle, Jen. Presentation/Panel Chair and Respondent. “Early Modern Media Ecologies.” Modern
Language Association Convention, Chicago, January 2014.
Breede, D DisEmbodied ethnography: On fieldwork and field work, 2013 National Communication
Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC
Brian, Amanda. "Putting the Figure on the Map: Imagining Sameness and Differences for Children,"
Princeton, NJ, September 2013
Childs, Becky, and J. Daniel Hasty. “The Old is New Again: Curvilinear Patterns of Linguistic Change in
Appalachia.” NWAV 42. Pittsburgh, PA. October 17-20.
Craig, C. & Bichard, S. (August, 2013) Product Placement Advertising & Consumer Socialization: How are
Emerging Adults Influenced by Parents, Peers, and Media? Paper presented to the Advertising
Division at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D.C.
Merle, P., & Craig, C. (August, 2013). Page one or six: A proposition for a news type index. Paper
presented to the Newspaper and Online News Division at the annual conference of the
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, D.C.
Danker, Stephanie & Schwartz, K. (2014). Becoming exceptional elementary art teachers through themebased lessons and technology. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Art Education
Association, San Diego, CA.
Daoud, Suheir. “Minorities on the Move.” The Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting (MESA),
New Orleans, Louisiana, October 12, 2013.
Dillian, Carolyn. “Holocene Obsidian Use in Northern Kenya” (first author with Emmanuel Ndiema, Purity
Kiura, and David Braun), presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference, Austin,
TX 4/23-4/27/2014
Dillian, Carolyn. Discussant in a session entitled “Collaborative and Community Archaeology” organized
by Charles A. Bello, Society for American Archaeology Conference, Austin, TX 4/23-4/27/2014
Flaten, Arne. Session Chair & Organizer: Coins and Medals in the Renaissance I & IV (6 papers) 60th
Renaissance Society of America annual meeting, New York, April.
Green, Ronald. “Buddhist-Muslim Diversity through the Thai Film Ok Baytong” paper presentation at the
ASIANetwork annual conference, Chicago, April 2014.
Green, Ronald. Farming Satori: the Buddhist Philosophy of naturalist farmer Fukuoka Masanobu.” paper
presentation and organizer of the panel on “Contemporary Buddhist Environmental Philosophy
and Activism” at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religions, Baltimore,
November 2013.
Hamelman, Steve. Shelby in Memphis; or, the Phenomenology of the Tribute Record.” MidAtlantic Popular Culture/American Culture Association, Atlantic City, November 7-9, 2013.
Hamelman, Steve. “McCartney’s McCartney.” Panel organizer and chair, “All by Myself: A Study of SelfMade Pop and Rock Albums.” Popular Culture/American Culture Association,
Chicago, April 16-19, 2014.
Hasty, J. Daniel. “When there aren’t clear semantically equivalent variants: Microparametric variation in
the case of the double modal.” Paper presented at the Syntax and Variation Workshop at the
2013 LSA Summer Institute. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. July 2013.
Wood, F., & Holody, K.J. (2014). Functional theory and popular judicial campaigns after Republican Party
of Minnesota v. White. Paper to be presented at the Law and Society Association Annual
Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Kellogg, David. “How Freud Became Antiscience: Shifting the Burden of Demarcation in the Science
Wars.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference. San Antonio, TX, May 22-26, 2014.
McDonough, Matt. Session Organizer, Pedagogy & the Civil War. Popular Culture Association/American
Cultural Association Conference, Chicago, 2014
McDonough, Matt. “From Wind in your Hair to Dirt on your Face: Teaching the American Civil
War” Popular Culture Association/American Cultural Association Conference , Chicago IL. 2014
Ngondo, P. & Craig, C. (March, 2014) Seeing through the golden arches: Transparency in the digital age.
Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Public Relations Research
Conference (IPRRC), Miami, FL.
Oldfield, Anna. “Song Hunter: The Life and Work of Emina Eldarova.” Central Eurasian Studies Society
(CESS) Annual Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 2013.
Oldfield, Anna. “Moscow – or Istanbul?: Real and Forbidden Geographies in the
Azerbaijani Ashiq Tradition.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual
Conference. New York University, April 2014.
Palmer, Brandon. “Imperial Shintōism in Korea: Its Rise and Propagation.” At the 53rd Annual Meeting of
the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies in Wilmington, NC, January.
Paster, Denise. “Coastal Composition Commons: An Institutional Ethnography of a FYC Structural
Revision.” Research Network Forum, Open Sources, Access, Futures, Conference on College
Composition and Communication, Indianapolis, IN, March 2014.
Pillai, Tripthi. “‘Itemizing’ Violence in Bollywood and Marlowe: the Case of Dido, Queen of Carthage”
2014 BABEL, Santa Barbara, October 16-18, 2014.
Propst, Tonya, accepted to refereed professional presentation in Music Research and Teacher Education
National Conference, NAfME, St. Louis, MO
Turner, Daniel. “Learnin’ ’Ern Studies: South Minus Zero/No Limit?” on roundtable, “Pedagogies of New
Southern Studies.” The Society for the Study of Southern Literature Conference, Arlington, VA,
March 27-29, 2014.
Turner, Daniel. Co-organizer of session, “Coastal Souths,” and presenter, “Shoring the Undead: Black
Diasporic Visions of the Coastal South in Natasha Trethewey, Yusef Komunyakaa, and Gullah
Orature.” The Society for the Study of Southern Literature Conference, Arlington, VA, March 2729, 2014.
Turner, Keaghan. “Old Victorian Looking-glasses in the New Curiosity Shop.” Victorians Institute, Middle
Tennessee State University, November 2013.
Turner, Keaghan. “The New Woman in the Whitechapel Hospital.” Nineteenth Century Studies
Association, Chicago, March 2014.
Whalen, Philip. “The Gender Politics of Burgundian Festival Puppetry,” for the American Folklore Society,
Providence, Rhode Island. 10/16-19/13
Whitesides, Clayton. “Conifer germination in soils disturbed by small mammals.” Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Tampa Florida, April 2014.
Ye, Min (with Uk Heo). “Guns versus Butter: An Analysis of the Economic Interdependence-Political
Cooperation Link in South Korea and China.” The Annual Conference of American Political
Science Association, Chicago, August 2013.
Ye, Min. "Overcoming the Organization Gap in East Asia: A Network Analysis of China and South Korea’s
FTA Strategies." Presented at South Korea's Rise: Politics, Economics, and Humanities
Conference, Milwaukee, WI., May 1st, 2014.
Regional and State Presentations
Barnes, Aneilya. “Between Pagan and Christian: Roman Women and Early Christian Ritual Practices”
Southeast Medieval Association Conference, Appalachian State University (October 2013)
Breede, D Material culture, material methods: Interpretive research at Hobcaw Barony and
beyond. 2014 Hobcaw Barony Research Symposium. Georgetown, South Carolina. (Invited
research presentation)
Breede, D The future of ethnography: Future scholars envisioning cultural representations.2014
Southern States Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA (Invited
Roundtable Respondent, Ethnography Interest Group)
Breede, D Writing from the heart: Ethical implications of writing stories of loved ones. 2014 Southern
States Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA (Invited Roundtable
Participant, Ethnography Interest Group)
Breede, D Blue, green, and all else in between: Understanding the “other.” 2014 Southern States
Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA (Roundtable Organizer,
chair/respondent, & participant; Intercultural Communication Division)
Breede, D Mentoring and the experiential university classroom.2014 Southern States Communication
Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA
Chamberlain, Adam. “A New Perspective on External Efficacy.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Southern Political Science Association, January 2014. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Danker, Stephanie. SECAC session chair, Strengthening Community Relationships Through Art. October
31, 2013, Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC), Greensboro, NC
Daoud, Suheir. "Women and Islamism in Israel." South Carolina Political Science Association Annual
Meeting, Coastal Carolina University, March 2, 2014.
Dillian, Carolyn. “Does Surface Weathering Affect the PXRF Characterization of Rhyolite?” presented at
the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Tampa, FL. 11/7-11/9/2014.
Dillian, Carolyn. “The Little River Neck Shell Midden: New Questions and New Methods for Research”
presented at the Archaeological Society of South Carolina conference 3/1/2014.
Earnest, Steve -- "Cold Reading for Film, Television and Theatre" SCTA Annual Conference, Charleston,
SC, November 2013
Earnest, Steve -- "Producing Equity Theatre in South Carolina" SCTA Annual Conference, Charleston, SC,
November 2013
Almeida, E., Stana, A., & Flynn, M. A. (2014). Social support in an online PTSD forum. Presented at April,
2014, Southern States Communication Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Fondren, W. (2014). Practical Aspects of Mentoring Students by Co-presenting at Conferences. Eastern
Communication Association's Annual Conference 2014.
Fondren, W. (2013). Subversive Mentoring. Carolinas Communication Association's Annual Conference
Green, Ronald. “Buddhist Doctrinal Teachings Offered as Theories of Peace,” paper presentation and
organizer of the panel on “Religion in Modern Asia: Extremism, Engagement, and Imperialism”
at the 53rd Annual meeting of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies,
Duke University, January 2014.
Howie, Elizabeth. “The Photographic Moment in Literature,” panel co-chaired with Tripthi Pillai; we also
presented our paper, “‘So Full of Shapes is Fancy’: Photogenic Time and Space in Twelfth Night,”
SAMLA, Atlanta GA, 2013.
Julius, Michael. “Presidential Midterm Campaigning and Party Competitiveness.” Presented at the
Annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January
Mann, Scott. 100% Designer Lecture Series, Harrington College of Art and Design in Chicago, IL
Mann, Scott. Chasing the Paper Canoe, Society of Photographic Educators Southeast Region Conference
talk in Charlotte, NC
Means, Armon. New College - Sarasota, FL, November 25, 2014, Methods / Methodologies / Practice Black Bikers: The End of Danny Lyon and Cultural Refuge
Norris, Mikel (with Todd Cherner). “Aligning Social Studies Content Knowledge to the Common Core
State Standards.” In Common Core and the Social Studies. (Forthcoming).
Norris, Mikel. “Assessing the Importance of Income Inequality on the Decline of External Political
Efficacy.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association,
January, 2014, New Orleans, LA.
Palmer, Brandon. The Korea-Japanese Dispute over Dokdo/Takeshima” at the 2014 ASIANetwork
Conference. April.
Paster, Denise. “Rewriting our Roles: Competing Commitments for Junior WPAs” (with Collie
Fulford). Making Connections: The WPA as Worker, Writer, and Scholar. The Carolina Writing
Program Administrators 10th Annual Fall Conference, Little Switzerland, NC, September 2013.
Peterson, Paul. The Influence of Charles Beard on American Understanding of the Constitution, Paper
delivered at the annual meeting of The South Carolina Political Science Association, Conway, SC,
March 22, 2014.
Peterson, Paul. The Role of Faith in Frank Capra's "American Madness," Paper delivered at the annual
joint meeting of The Popular Culture Association and The American Culture Association,
Chicago, April 16-19, 2014.
Pillai, Tripthi. “‘So Full of Shapes is Fancy’: Photogenic Time and Space in Twelfth Night.” The South
Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, November 8-10, 2013.
Schwinke, Gwendolyn -- Presenter, regional conference: Southeast Theatre Conference, Mobile, AL,
“Voice, Body, Presence”, 2014
Schwinke, Gwendolyn -- Presenter, regional conference: Southeast Theatre Conference, Mobile, AL,
“Freeing the Shoulders”, 2014
Selby, Easton. BLUESLAND, Gallery Walk & Lecture / August 13, 2013, Capps Archives and Museum,
Delta State University, Cleveland, MS
Selby, Easton. FIRST TUESDAY / BLUESLAND, Visiting Artist Lecture + History of Photography Talk /
November 7, 2013, Delta State University, Cleveland, MS
Smith, Jon. “Campaign Professionalism in South Carolina – A Rising Tide?” presented at the Southern
Political Science Association Conference, 9 January 2014, New Orleans, LA.
Smith, Jon. “Intelligence and Uncertainty: The Impact of Intelligence on DOD Perceptions of the Bosnian
Conflict” presented at Intelligence and the Transition from War to Peace Conference, 20 March
2014, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Sosis, Clifford. “If Well-Being is a Natural Kind, Are We Investigating it the Right Way? Happiness and the
Virtues, a Conference on the Character Traits of a Flourishing Life,” Viterbo University.
Trerise, Jonathan. “On Using One's Privilege." Presidential Address at the South Carolina Society for
Philosophy's annual meeting. Furman University
Trinka, Jill; North Carolina Music Educators Association. Featured Elementary Music Clinician.
“Assessment: It’s Easier Than You Think!” and “In-Tune Singing: Techniques and Strategies for
Getting Kids to Sing In Tune,” Nov. 10-11, 2013
Turner, Daniel. “Lyric Dissections: The Thrall of the Undead in Natasha Trethewey’s Poetic Autopsies.”
The South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, November 8-10, 2013.
Woodling, Casey. “Knowing what one is thinking, knowing that one is thinking that p and content
externalism,” South Carolina Philosophical Society, Greenville, SC, February 2014
Woodling, Casey. “Twin Earth and Intentional States with a World-to-Mind Direction of Fit,” Southern
Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Charleston, SC, February 2014
Local Presentations
Bergeron, Susan J. 3D Visualization and Digital Cities. Invited presentation at the Horry Georgetown GIS
User Group Meeting, Conway, SC, March 2014.
Bergeron, Susan J. Digital History Workshop. History Department, Coastal Carolina University, October
Crookston, Emily. Presented at the Celebration of Inquiry session on Political Ethics with Jonathan
Trerise and David Killoren (Apr. 2014)
Crookston, Emily. Presented at the Celebration of Inquiry session on Political Ethics with Jonathan
Trerise and David Killoren (Apr. 2014)
Crookston, Emily. Presented at Tea and Ethics session on Political Ethics with Jonathan Trerise and David
Killoren (Mar. 2014)
Green, Ronald. Spoke on “Hinduism and Poverty” for the monthly series on religions and poverty at the
Lackey Chapel, sponsored by the Jackson Center.
Green, Ronald. Assisted with Chanju Mun's talk on “Buddhism and Poverty” including writing the
handout for the monthly series on religions and poverty at the Lackey Chapel, sponsored by the
Jackson Center.
Green, Ronald. Spoke on a CCU forum panel titled “Of Saints and Sex: Gender, Sexuality, and
Religion”, March 25th in the Johnson Auditorium, sponsored by the Coastal Humanists and
Women’s and Gender Studies.
Green, Ronald. Guest lectured on Shintō in Chanju Mun's World Religions classes.
Green, Ronald. Spoke to the Japanese Club on Japanese Shintō religion.
Halverson, Jeffry. “St. Anthony, Poverty, and the Origins of Christian Monasticism,” at the Jackson Family
Center for Values and Ethics at Coastal Carolina University, April 24, 2014. (Invited)
Halverson, Jeffry. “Revolutionary Art in the Arab World,” presented at the 2014 Celebration of Inquiry at
Coastal Carolina University, April 2, 2014. (Invited)
Halverson, Jeffry. “Persepolis,” presented for the Muslim Journeys series at the Chapin Memorial
Library, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, February 25, 2014. (Invited)
Halverson, Jeffry. “The Story of the Qur’an,” presented for the Muslim Journeys series at the Jackson
Family Center for Values and Ethics at Coastal Carolina University, October 15, 2013. (Invited)
Halverson, Jeffry. “Muhammad: A Very Short Introduction,” presented for the Muslim Journeys series at
the Jackson Family Center for Values and Ethics at Coastal Carolina University, October 1, 2013.
Howie, Elizabeth. “The Tender Soul of Stone and Space: The Landscape Photography of Ansel Adams,”
talk scheduled for July 2014 in conjunction with the Burroughs and Chapin Museum’s Ansel
Adams exhibition
Kenny, Maura. Gallery Talk at the Discovery Center on Hobcaw Barony - Nov. 9, 2013
Kenny, Maura. Gallery Talk at the CCU Art Gallery - March 22, 2014
Killoren, David. I have presented my paper, "Robust Moral Realism: An Excellent Religion" in four
different venues in South Carolina
Propst, Tonya; Invited Professional Presentation, Horry County Schools Staff Development. Brass
Propst, Tonya; Invited Honor Band Conductor, Horry County All-County Middle School Band
Selby, Easton. Camera Obscua workshops, Burroughs & Chapin Art Museum.
Sosis, Clifford. Gave a presentation to Coastal Humanists: If God Exists, God is a ‘Humanist’: The
Euthyphro Dilemma Revisited.
Sosis, Clifford. Gave a presentation to the Coastal Carolina University Philosophy Club: The Problem of
Evil and the Aesthetic Point of View.
Tankersley, Holley. “Poverty in Horry County.” Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values Poverty
Conference, April 2014.
Trerise, Jonathan. Celebration of Inquiry Presentation: "Building Community through the Arts: Building
Community through Film", with Tripthi Pillai and Sommersill Tarabek
Trinka, Jill; August 15, 2013 Myrtle Beach, SC. Horry County Music Teachers Professional Development.
Day-long Professional Development Workshop.“Teaching Music Literacy Skills Through Active
Music-Making and Discovery Learning Within an Ear To Eye/Sound to Sight Pedagogic Approach
(With Special Emphasis on Reading, Writing, Improvising, and Composing”
White, Matt; Guest speaker on “The St. Helena Spiritual Project” for Southern Studies Courses “the
Undead South” (Daniel Turner) and “Intro to Southern Studies” (Maggie Morehouse).
Creative Achievements
Arendt, Jim. Solo Exhibition: Those of Us Still Living, Sumter County of Art, Sumter, SC,
Kenny, Maura. One Person Show - titled "Out of Hobcaw" at the Discovery Center, Hobcaw Barony,
Georgetown, SC. Nov. 7, 2013-Dec. 31, 2013.
Kenny, Maura. One Person Show - titled "Out of Hobcaw" at the CCU Rebecca Bryan Gallery, Campus,
Conway, SC. March 10, 2014-April 4, 2014.
Means, Armon. Black Bikers (solo exhibition), Silverspace Gallery - Asheville, NC, May 3 - July 1, 2014
Selby, Easton. Bluesland / 2013 / Solo Exhibition, Capps Archives and Museum, Delta State University,
Cleveland, MS. Project was featured in Oxford American, Featured Article on the "Eyes of the
South" Photography blog http://www.oxfordamerican.org/articles/2014/mar/12/eyes-southeaston-selby/
Group International
Arendt, Jim. Group Exhibition, The 8th Cheongju International Craft Competition 2013 Cheongju
International Craft Biennale, Honorable Mention, Cheongju,
South Korea, http://okcj.org/wp/?cat=78
Keller, Elizabeth. “CRAFTFORMS 2013”, the 19th annual international juried exhibition of contemporary
craft, Davenport Gallery, Wayne Art Center, Wayne, PA Dates: Dec. 6, 2013 – Jan. 25, 2014. One
work: Penjing Tea #5 (“cradle bole”) with 3 cups (constructed in 2013)
Keller, Elizabeth. “Art We Use”, an international exhibition of objects both everyday and special, Dairy
Barn Art Center, Athens, OH June 20 - Sept. 7, 2014. High Tea #6 with 4 cups (constructed in
2011); Penjing Tea #4 (“fused trunk”) with 3 cups (constructed in 2013); Sycamore Tea with 2
cups (constructed in 2014)
Group National
Arendt, Jim. Group Exhibition: Artfields 2013 Winners Gallery, Jones-Carter Gallery, Lake City,
SC, http://www.jonescartergallery.com/exhibitions/index.html
Arendt, Jim. Group Exhibition: Who We Aren't National Juried Exhibition, Honorable Mention, Union
Street Gallery, Chicago Heights, IL: http://www.unionstreetgallery.org/whowearent.htm
Arendt, Jim. Group Exhibition, Innovations in Fiber Art VI, Third Place, Sebastopol Center for the Arts,
Sebastopol, CA https://www.facebook.com/events/1430151027207822/
Arendt, Jim. Group Exhibition, E(labor)ated Surfaces, Ground Floor Gallery, Nashville,
TN: http://groundflrgallery.wordpress.com/exhibitions-2/past/
Keller, Elizabeth. “Functional Relationships”, a national juried exhibition, Arts Council of Southwestern
Indiana, Evansville, IN June 14, 2013 – July 25, 2013. High Tea #6 with 4 cups (constructed in
2011); Penjing Tea #3 (“windswept”) with 3 cups (constructed in 2013); Penjing Tea #5 (“cradle
bole”) with 3 cups (constructed in 2013)
Olsen, Paul. “Imperfect Harmony,” 28th LaGrange Biennial National Juried show. February 21 – April 18,
2014. This show had over 1,114 entries and only 115 were chosen for inclusion
Selby, Easton. Portfolios 2013, Juried / Group Exhibtion, Atlanta Photography Group and Gallery,
Atlanta, GA
Group Regional/Local
Arendt, Jim. Group Exhibition: Great Getaway, Lumberton, NC
Arendt, Jim. Group Exhibition: Fiberart International, Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art
Museum of Myrtle Beach,
SC: http://www.myrtlebeachartmuseum.org/Exhibitions/pastexhibitions.cfm
Arendt, Jim. Group Exhibition, Connecting Concept & Medium, Pickens County Museum of Art and
History, Pickens, SC: http://www.visitpickenscounty.com/event/635/connecting-conceptmedium-fiber-art-in-south-carolina/
Bunch, Larry. 17th Annual Juried Exhibition, Waccamaw Arts and Crafts Guild, Franklin G. Burroughs &
Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum of Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. May 1-22, 2014
Cotton, Jacob. Great Getaway Juried Art Exhibition, Lumberton NC.
Kenny, Maura. Painting entry accepted into Juried Regional Exhibit, ArtFields 2014, Lake City, SC. April
25, 2014- May 4, 2014
Olsen, Paul. “Pierced” Accepted to the ArtFields Regional Juried Exhibition. April 25 – May 4, 2014.
Olsen, Paul. “Spokes Speak,” 17th annual Waccamaw Arts and Crafts Guild Juried show. May 1-22, 2014.
Design Work
Case, Jeff. Newly designed and coded company website: https://www.homecarepulse.com/; as well as
subweb pages, and book covers for the company’s Benchmark Study.
Cotton, Jacob. Worked with the Driver Land and Cattle Company, established in 1878 and one of the
largest and oldest land companies in west Texas, to create a comprehensive identity system to
be used for various needs which include, their truck fleet, oil wells, cattle brands, stationary etc.
A user style guide was also created along with easy to update pdf card forms for easy use by
company employees.
Mann, Scott. Art Director / Production Manager – Executive Travel SkyGuide, an international monthly
publication of flight schedules for North America and key international destinations with a
subscriber base of approximately 85,000. Continuing project.
Mann, Scott. Creative Director / Designer: American Express OPEN card (Self Segmentation, Carousel,
Mobile Insurance, Single Card, Grocery Insurance, Single Card Corporate, Multi-Card Corporate
and SBS Canada). New project.
Olsen, Paul. National, regional and local print advertising for the Myrtle Beach Marathon.
Theatre Performance
Pelty, Adam -- Billy Elliot: The Musical. Resident Choreographer, North and South
American Tour. Jan - Aug, 2013
Hall, Eric – Costume Design. The Piano Lesson – Cape Fear Regional Theatre
Martin, Kenneth – Scenic Design/Lighitng Design. Lombardi – Ocean State Theatre
Gribbin, Michael – Resident Music Director – Utah Shakespearean Festival
Earnest, Steve -- ACTOR - All She Wishes. The Role of TEACHER. G I Entertainment.
SAG-ULB Movie filmed in Marion, SC, May 2014,
Earnest, Steve -- ACTOR - "Workplace Safety Refined." Role of OFFICE WORKER/BOSS.
Educational Resources Incorporated, Columbia, South Carolina 2013
Earnest, Steve -- DIRECTOR - Crimes of the Heart. CCU Mainstage Season. February
Schwinke, Gwendolyn -- Featured Presenter, international conference: Annual
Feldenkrais Conference, “Unmasking”, San Francisco, 2013
Schwinke, Gwendolyn -- Presenter, international conference: Voice & Speech Trainers
Association (VASTA), “Freeing the Shoulders”, Minneapolis, MN 2013
Bell, Monica -- MASTER CLASS/ THE FINE ARTS CENTER, taught a four hour audition
master class for potential BFA undergraduates for recruitment purposes,
Greenville, SC, fall 2013. (Bell)
FINE ARTS, taught a four hour audition master class at the performing arts
school for potential BFA undergraduates in Greenville, SC, fall 2013. (Bell)
Schwinke, Gwendolyn -- Presenter, organizer: Feldenkrais-for-Actors developmental
workshop with professional colleagues from New York and Europe (held in
Myrtle Beach, open to CCU students)
Adams, Cara. Fiction Reading, Words to Say It series, spring 2014.
Albergotti, Dan. Poetry Reading, Carolina Forest Library, April 13, 2014.
Albergotti, Dan. Poetry Reading, Scuppernong Books, Greensboro, NC, April 20, 2014.
Albergotti, Dan. Poetry Reading, University of Maine–Farmington, April 17, 2014.
Albergotti, Dan. Poetry Reading, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, April 16, 2014.
Albergotti, Dan. Poetry Reading, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, April 14, 2014.
Albergotti, Dan. Poetry Reading, Kalamazoo Book Arts Center, Kalamazoo, MI, April 12, 2014.
Albergotti, Dan. Poetry Reading, Literati Bookstore, Ann Arbor, MI, April 11, 2014.
Albergotti, Dan. Poetry Reading, Albion College, Albion, MI, April 10, 2014.
Albergotti, Dan. Poetry Reading, Dalton State College, Dalton, GA, October 24, 2013.
Burch, Colin, with Caroline Cahill, Jeremy Griffin, and Hastings Hensel. Readings in Words to Say It series
(lecturer and TA showcase), spring 2014.
Ockert, Jason. Fiction reading from Neighbors of Nothing, CityLit Festival, Baltimore, MD, April 12, 2014.
Ockert, Jason. Fiction Reading, Words to Say It series, fall 2013.
Workshops and Conference Presentations
Trinka, Jill;. North Coast Kodály Educators. Day-long workshop for music teachers - Using Folk Songs to
Teach Music Literacy Skills: An Investigation of Pedagogic Process Using Folk Songs, Cleveland,
OH, April 5, 2014
Trinka, Jill; Organization of American Kodály Educators National Conference. “Christmas Music from St.
Helena Island, SC – A Progress Report” and “Intermediate Dulcimer: Exploring Tunings,” Atlanta,
GA, March 21-23, 2014
Trinka, Jill; Ohio Music Educators Conference. Elementary Headline Clinican. Three Sessions. “Making
Folk Music Come Alive, Part I,” “Making Folk Music Come Alive, Part II,” and “Using Folk Songs to
Teach Music Literacy Skills,” Columbus, OH, February 7, 2014
Trinka, Jill; Tennessee Arts Academy. Week-long intensive teaching: :How to Make Folk Song Come
Alive in Your Classroom and Use Them to Teach Music Literacy Skills” and “Singing Games and
Play Parties For Everyone!” Nashville, TN., July 13-17, 2013
Trinka, Jill; Texas Tech University. West Texas Kodály Initiative. Three-day Workshop: “Playing the Folk
Guitar and Soprano Recorder,” Lubbock, TX., June 13-15, 2013
Trinka, Jill; OAKE National Conference. With Dr. Mary Epstein, New England Conservatory, and Katy
Nichols, Georgia State University. “When Harmony and Friendship Unite: The Kodály Fellowship
Programs,” Atlanta, Ga., March 21, 2014
Trinka, Jill; OAKE National Conference. With Dr. Jerry Kerlin, NewYork University and Dr. Christopher
Roberts, Washington University, Seattle. “World Music in Kodály Certificate Programs,” Atlanta,
GA., March 22, 2014
Johnson, Richard; Clinician, Heritage Festival of Music, Atlanta, Georgia, April 26-27, 2013
Johnson, Richard; Clinician, Heritage Festival of Music, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, April 19-20,
Johnson, Richard; Clinician, WorldStrides Heritage Festival of Music, Ray Charles Performing Arts
Center, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA, March 21-22, 2014
Powell, Philip; Masterclass, Charleston Southern University, March 25, 2014
Sinclair, Terri; All-Sate Chorus clinic, Waccamaw High School, Oct. 21, 2014
Tully, Amy; Master class and teaching presentations, Loris Middle School
Tully, Amy; Master class and teaching presentations, Carolina Forest High School
Tully, Jim; clinician, SC Band Directors Association Region 2 (SC) Senior Band, Myrtle Beach
Tully, Jim; clinician, SC Band Directors Association Berkeley County “All County Band”
Tully, Jim; clinician, SC Band Directors Association Horry County “All County Band”
Sinclair, Terri; Clinic/Masterclass with Waccamaw Middle School Chorus, Oct. 16, 2014
Sinclair, Terri; All-State Chorus Clinic with Waccamaw High School, Oct. 21, 2013.
Jones, Jeff; Mass in G (Schubert), baritone soloist, Durango Choral Society, Durango Colorado; May 2,
Jones, Jeff; Belshazzar’s Feast (Walton), baritone soloist, Long Bay Symphony, Myrtle Beach South
Carolina; January 19, 2014
Jones, Jeff; Musical Classics for the Holiday Season, baritone soloist, Long Bay Symphony, Myrtle Beach
South Carolina; December 7-8, 2013
Jones, Jeff; Requiem (Mozart), baritone soloist, Chattanooga Symphony, Tivoli Theatre, Chattanooga
Tennessee; November 14, 2013
Jones, Jeff; Sweeney Todd (Sondheim), producer and performer, Coastal Carolina University,
Wheelwright Auditorium; September 12-13, 2013
Jones, Jeff; Requiems of Fauré and Duruflé, baritone soloist, Durango Choral Society, Linzer Mariendom,
Linz Austria; June 15, 2013
Jones, Jeff; Requiems of Fauré and Duruflé, baritone soloist, Durango Choral Society, Grosser Stadtsaal,
Innsbruck Austria; June 13, 2013
Jones, Jeff; Requiems of Fauré and Duruflé, baritone soloist, Durango Choral Society, Grosser Saal at the
Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg Austria; June 12, 2013
Jones, Jeff; Missa Brevis (Kodály), Durango Choral Society & Salzburger Domchor, Salzburger Dom,
Salzburg Austria; June 9, 2013
Jones, Jeff; Requiem (Fauré), baritone soloist, Durango Choral Society, Bazilika Srca Isusova, Zagreb,
Croatia; June 5 2013
Jones, Jeff; Carmen (Bizet), role of Escamillo, Carolina Master Chorale, Beach Church Auditorium, Myrtle
Beach South Carolina; May 5, 2013
Jones, Jeff; The Kitchen Sink: A Celebration of Theatrical Singing (CCU Voice Faculty Recital), Piccolo
Spoleto Festival, City Gallery at Waterfront Park, Charleston South Carolina; May 25, 2013
Jones, Jeff; Kirsten Chavez & Friends: A Carolina Master Chorale Benefit Recital, Trinity Church, Myrtle
Beach South Carolina; May 6, 2013
Powell, Philip; “Concerto in F,” soloist. Long Bay Symphony. September 2014.
Powell, Philip; “Music of the 20th and 21st Century. Piano Series, CCU. Spring 2014.
Powell, Philip; Guest artist recital, Charleston Southern University, March 25, 2014
Propst, Tonya; (core member, horn section) Long Bay Symphony, 2013-2014 season
Sinclair, Francis; All-State Chorus clinic at Waccamaw High School on Oct. 21, 2013.
Sinclair, Francis; 14th Annual Holiday Concert, Community Concert Series, Dec. 2, 2013, Conway United
Methodist Church.
Sinclair, Francis; Bach, Beethoven, and the Boys- Choral Masterworks Concert, with members of the Long
Bay Symphony and CCU voice faculty, Mar. 18, 2014.
Sinclair, Francis; 7th Annual Isn't It Romantic? concert, with CCU Jazz Combo and Dr. Matt White, Apr.
22, 2014.
Sinclair, Francis; CCU Chamber Choir Tour Performance with Charleston School of the Arts Chamber
Choir, Feb. 20, 2014, St. Marks Episcopal Church, Charleston, SC.
Trinka, Jill; Appointed (reappointment) as reviewer for the three OAKE Research Awards:
(1) Alexander Ringer Award for Doctoral Research;
(2) Lászlo Eösze Award for Professional and Non-Doctoral Research, and
(3) Erzsébet Szönyi Award for Academic Research.
Tully, Amy; principle flute, Long Bay Symphony, 2013-2014 season
Tully, Amy; Tully Hull Flute and Guitar Duo, September 17, 2013
Tully, Amy; Tully Hull Flute and Guitar Duo Recital, CCU, September 24, 2013
Tully, Amy; Tully Hull Flute and Guitar Duo Recital, West Virginia University, October 10, 2013
Tully, Amy; Tully Hull Flute and Guitar Duo Recital and master class, University of Akron, Oct. 11, 2013
Tully, Amy; Flute Duo recital with Regina Helcher Yost, CCU, March 23, 2014
Tully, Amy; World Premiere of Dance Suite for Flute and Piano by Andrew Fowler, March 29, 2014
Tully, Amy; Modern Music Recital with Philip Powell, piano, CCU, February 16, 2014
Tully, Amy; Tully Hull Flute and Guitar Duo performance at the Women in Philanthropy and Leadership
conference, Convention Center, Myrtle Beach, SC, February 27, 2014
White, Matt; Recordings: The Super Villain Jazz Band (iTunes , CDBaby ) on the ARC Recording Label.
White, Matt; Recordings: Nashville Jazz Orchestra – It Ain’t Necessarily So (iTunes , CDBaby )
White, Matt; Recordings: Lynn Lewis – At Long Last Love (iTunes , CDBaby )
White, Matt; Recordings: Dave Douglas Quintet – Live Fall 2013 (mixing, mastering, producing)
White, Matt; National Television: Featured soloist on “The Mavericks: In Time Live.”
White, Matt; Project Initiator, Album Producer, committee member: The St. Helena Island Project.
Gullah: The Voice of an Island
White, Matt; National Performances: The Nashville Jazz Workshop (leader and sideman – Evan Cobb
Quintet, Jeff Coffin)
White, Matt; National Performances: Barking Legs Theatre – Chattanooga, TN (Evan Cobb Quintet)
White, Matt; National Performances: Elliot St. Pub (Atlanta) – Coffin/White Tour
White, Matt; National Performances: The Soundtable (Atlanta) – Coffin/White Tour
Willis, Jesse; Chamber Percussion Recital, May 5, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Guest Artist at Lexington High School, May 12, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Guest soloist at Texas Tech Jazz Festival, June 25, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Faculty Recital (CCU Honor Band Festival), December 6, 2013
Willis, Jesse; core performer, Long Bay Symphony, 2013-2014 season
Propst, Tonya; Trinity United Methodist Church (NMB);
Propst, Tonya; Dept. of Music Faculty Recital (Faculty Brass Quintet);
Propst, Tonya; Funeral of Charles Allen (Bladenboro, NC);
Propst, Tonya; Ocean Drive Presbyterian Church (NMB);
Propst, Tonya; Sweeney Todd (CCU);
Propst, Tonya; Pawleys Island Presbyterian Church.
White, Matt; National Performances: The Mezz – Charleston, SC (leader)
White, Matt; Local Performances: Matt White and Friends (CD pre-release) – CCU
White, Matt; core performer, Long Bay Symphony, 2013-2014 season
White, Matt; Fall Faculty Recital
White, Matt; Spring Faculty Recital
White, Matt; Music Film Series – CCU Faculty Jazz Sextet
White, Matt; Horry County Schools Summer Camp Clinics – CCU Faculty Brass Quintet
White, Matt; Southeastern College Jazz Festival
White, Matt; David Bankston and Friends
White, Matt; Grand Strand Jazz Orchestra – Ellington
White, Matt; Aunt Pearlie Sue and Gullah Kinfolk
White, Matt; Trumpeter – First Presbyterian Church of Myrtle Beach
Willis, Jesse; Performed with Director/Composer Andy Fowler and the First United Methodist Church
Choir (Timpani), November 1, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Performed with Surfside Methodist Church, Christmas Cantata Services, December 15,
Willis, Jesse; performed with Surfside Methodist Orchestra for Palm Sunday Services, April 13, 2014
Willis, Jesse; Performed for Trinity United Methodist Ash Wednesday Service, April 16, 2014
Willis, Jesse; Performed for Celebration Community Church Maundy Thursday Service, April 17, 2014
Willis, Jesse; Performed for Trinity United Methodist Easter Service, April 20, 2014
Willis, Jesse; Performed for First Presbyterian Jazz Thursday Service April 24, 2014
Willis, Jesse; Performed for First Presbyterian Jazz Sunday Service, April 27, 2014
Willis, Jesse; Performed at Kingston Presbyterian Church for Scottish Service, May 18, 2014
Johnson, Richard; Adjudicator, South Carolina CBDNA Intercollegiate Band Auditions, Wheelwright
Auditorium, January, 23, 2014
Johnson, Richard; Adjudicator/Clinician, FiestaVal, Invitational Music Festival, Myrtle Beach, HS, Myrtle
Beach, SC, April 11-12, 2014
Johnson, Richard; Adjudicator/Clinician, FiestaVal, Invitational Music Festival, Myrtle Beach, HS, Myrtle
Beach, SC, April 4-5, 2014
Propst, Tonya; Adjudicator, South Carolina Music Educators Conference Master Recital
Propst, Tonya; Adjudicator, South Carolina Music Educators State Solo and Ensemble Brass Competition
Sinclair, Terri; adjudicator for SC ACDA collegiate Conducting Seminar, CCU, October 2013.
Sinclair, Terri; Adjudicator, Festivals of Music, Fiestaval, and Music in the Parks, Mar. 21, Apr. 25 - 26,
Tully, Jim; Adjudicator for Fiestaval Music Festivals, Richmond, VA
Tully, Jim; Adjudicator for Festivals of Music, Pennsylvania
Tully, Jim; Adjudicator for Peak Performance Tours, NJ
Tully, Jim; Adjudicator for Nation Ford High School Marching Band, Fort Mill, SC
Tully, Jim; Adjudicator for Clinton Band Day, Clinton, NC
Tully, Jim; Adjudicator Ardrey Kell Mighty Knight Marching Band Invitational, Charlotte, NC
Willis, Jesse; masterclass, Lexington High School with J2 Percussion Duo (Columbia, SC) May 12, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Guest consultant/clinician, Monterrey High School Drumline and Front Ensemble (Lubbock,
TX) June 7-9, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Guest Adjudicator for the North Myrtle Beach Marching to the Coast Band Festival,
September 21, 2013
Willis, Jesse; clinician, Carolina Forest High School with J2 Percussion Duo November 8, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Jazz Clinician, Socastee High School Jazz Band December 18, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Marching Percussion clinician at the South Carolina Percussive Arts Society Day of
Percussion April 5, 2014
Professional Discipline
Adams, Cara. Fiction/Nonfiction Reviewer, Massachusetts Cultural Arts Council.
Aidoo, Richard. Academic Advisory Board Member, Student Atlas of World Politics (McGraw Hill).
Aidoo, Richard. Peer Reviewer for African Studies Review, International Journal of Emerging Markets,
International Political Science Review, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Oxford University
Press, CQ Press, Pearson, and Rowman & Littlefield.
Boyle, Jen. Peer Reviewer, PMLA, Publication of the Modern Language Association.
Boyle, Jen. Peer Reviewer, book manuscript Hacking and the Medieval Commons, Punctum Books.
Boyle, Jen. New Media Planning Coordinator for BABEL Conference 2015.
Boyle, Jen. Member, Editorial Board, Punctum Books.
Boyle, Jen. Member, Editorial Board, Postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies.
Boyle, Jen. Modern Language Association Division on Literature and Science.
Breede, D. Second Vice President, 2014-2015, Ethnography Interest Group, Southern States
Communication Association (SSCA)
Breede, D. Editorial Board Member, 2013-present, Social Construction Division, National Communication
Association (NCA)
Breede, D. Editorial Board Member, Ethnography Division, NCA; Health Communication, Higher
Education Division, Oxford University Press; Communication Theory Division, NCA
Breede, D. Editorial Board Member, Ethnography Interest Group, SSCA; Gender Studies Division, SSCA,
Carolinas Communication Association, Rhetoric and Public Address Division, SSCA; Kaleidescope
Brian, Amanda. Judge at National History Day (NHD) SC State Competition
Chamberlain, Adam. Associate Editor of the Journal of Political Science.
Chamberlain, Adam. Member, Editorial Board for the Social Science Journal.
Chamberlain, Adam. Panel chair/Discussant, Southern Political Science Association.
Chamberlain, Adam. Peer Reviewer for American Politics Research; American Journal of Political Science;
Social Science Journal; Politics & Policy; Politics, Groups, & Identities; and Interest Groups &
Childs, Becky. Conference Co-Chair, Southeastern Conference on Linguistics.
Childs, Becky. Editorial Board Member, American Speech.
Childs, Becky. Abstract Reviewer for New Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference.
Childs, Becky. Mansucript Reviewer for Routledge Press.
Childs, Becky. Mansucript Reviewer for Journal of Appalachian Studies.
Childs, Becky. Editorial Board Member, Language and Linguistics Compass.
Childs, Becky. Advisory Board Member, Linguistic Atlas Project of the United States.
Childs, Becky. Nominations Committee, Southeastern Conference on Linguistics.
Daoud, Suheir. Peer Reviewer for Oxford University Press and the Mediterranean Review.
Flaten, Arne. Advisory Board, International Forum for Virtual Archaeology, Seville, Spain
Flaten, Arne. Advisory Board, Virtual Hancock Shaker Village, West Chester, OH
Flaten, Arne. Advisory Board, Virtual Sirkap, University of California-Berkeley/Claremont McKenna
Flaten, Arne. Article reviewer, Renaissance Quarterly
Flaten, Arne. Consultant, Morton & Eden Ltd., London (numismatic auction house in association with
Flaten, Arne. Review Panelist, National Endowment for the Humanities, Digital Implementation grants
($300K), Washington, DC
Glaze, Eliza. Peer reviewer for journals: Social History of Medicine, Journal of the History of Medicine and
Allied Sciences, Studi Medievali
Glaze, Eliza. Peer reviewer for academic book publisher Bloomsbury Academic
Hamelman, Steve. Book and Audio Review Editor for Popular Music and Society and Rock Music Studies.
Hamelman, Steve. Editorial Board Member, Popular Music and Society and Rock Music Studies.
Hasty, Daniel. Co-organizer, Southeastern Conference on Linguistics.
Hasty, Daniel. Member, Southeastern Conference on Linguistics Nominating Committee.
Kellogg, David. Member, Editorial Team, Cultural Studies/Pedagogy/Activism Book series, Lexington
Holody, Kyle. Editorial assistant to the Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.
Holody, Kyle. Reviewer for Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Holody, Kyle. Reviewer for the “Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk” division of the
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Howie, Elizabeth. Article reviewer, Age, Culture, Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Julius, Michael. Panel Chair/Discussant, South Carolina Political Science Association Annual Meeting.
Kellogg, David. Member, Editorial Team, Cultural Studies/Pedagogy/Activism Book series, Lexington
Kellogg, David. Board Member, Carolina Wren Press.
MacAnn, Treelee. Text reviewer, Drawing Essentials (Oxford University Press)
Martin, Kenneth; National Officer, Scene Design Commission – US Institute for Theatre Technology
Martin, Pamela. Editorial Board Member, International Development Policy Journal.
Martin, Pamela. Master’s Thesis Committee Member, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Latinoamerica,
Quito, Ecuador.
Martin, Pamela. Peer reviewer for Antipode Journal and Global Environmental Politics.
Morehouse, Maggi. Black British Writers Tour organizing committee, 2015 Morocco, 2016 US tours.
Morehouse, Maggi. Ecotones: Encounters, Crossings, Communities, 2015-2019, member scientific
committee, international scholars hosting scholarly conferences and publishing select articles.
Norris, Mikel. Organized 2014 Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Political Science Association.
Norris, Mikel. Peer reviewer for Journal of Political Science and American Politics Research.
Norris, Mikel. Vice-President and president-Elect, South Carolina Political Science Association.
Ockert, Jason. Judged the 2014 Harvey Swados Fiction Prize for the MFA program at the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst.
Oestreich, Kate. Member, Website Committee, Nineteenth Century Studies Association.
Oestreich, Kate. Reviewer, Victorian Network (scholarly journal).
Peterson, Paul. Peer reviewer for the Journal of Political Science.
Rauhut, Nils. Board Member, American Association of Philosophy Teachers, 2013-2014
Rauhut, Nils. Treasurer, South Carolina Society for Philosophy, 2013- 2014
Rogers, Ken. Peer reviewer for Scientific Journals International and Energy and Emission Control
Rogers, Ken. Reviewer and Judge, South Carolina Political Science Association Best Undergraduate Paper
Schwinke, Gwendolyn; Member, Board of Directors – International Feldenkrais Federation
Selby, Easton. Sprint Systems, Chemical Technician
Selby, Easton. Vice-Chair, Society for Photographic Education, Southeast region
Sinclair, Francis; Vice President and Executive Board member, SCACDA
Smith, Jon. Chair, Program Certification Committee, International Association for Intelligence Education.
Smith, Jon. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Political Science.
Smith, Jon. Panel Discussant, International Association for Intelligence Education Conference, 20 May
2013, El Paso, TX.
Tankersley, Holley. Panel discussant, South Carolina Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2014.
Trerise, Jonathan. President. South Carolina Society for Philosophy.
Trinka, Jill; Appointed Member, Standards and Repertoire Committee, Conference Committee, and
Research Committee, Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE)
Tully, Jim; State Chair, College Band Directors National Association
Tully, Jim; Founding Member, Big South Band Directors Association (2013)
Tully, Amy; Artistic endorser of Azumi flutes by Altus
Turner, Daniel. Delegate, Modern Language Association.
Turner, Daniel. Co-editor, H-Southern-Lit (listserv).
Turner, Daniel. Member, Executive Council of the Society for the Study of Southern Literature.
Turner, Daniel. Advising/Contributing Editor, The James Dickey Review.
White, Matt; Endorsement: Patrick Mouthpieces
Whitesides, Clayton. Member, Awards Committee, Mountain Geography Specialty Group, Association of
American Geographers.
Whitesides, Clayton. Peer reviewer for Applied Geography Conference and Geomorphology.
Whitesides, Clayton. Presentation Judge, Biogeography Specialty Group Student Presentation Award,
Association of American Geographers.
Whitesides, Clayton. Reviewer for Graduate Student Research Grants, Biogeography Specialty Group,
Association of American Geographers.
Willis, Jesse; Performing Artist for Yamaha Musical Instruments
Willis, Jesse; Artist/Educational Endorser for Remo Drumhead Corporation
Willis, Jesse; Artist/Educational Endorser for Vic Firth Percussion Corporation
Wood, Frederick. Peer reviewer, CQ Press, Routledge/Taylor and Francis, SAGE, and Westview Press.
Ye, Min. Associate Editor, Journal of Political Science.
Ye, Min. Panel discussant, International Conference on Asia-pacific Studies, Gaoxiong.
Ye, Min. Peer reviewer for American Political Science Review.
Ye, Min. Reviewer and Judge, South Carolina Political Science Association Best Undergraduate Paper
Adams, Cara. Editor, Waccamaw (Spring 2014)
Adams, Cara. Co-Fiction Editor, Waccamaw (Fall 2013)
Adams, Cara. Co-Nonfiction Editor, Waccamaw (Fall 2013)
Aidoo, Richard. Member, Academic Affairs Committee.
Aidoo, Richard. Member, International Programs Committee.
Aidoo, Richard. Presentation at Celebration of Inquiry.
Aidoo, Richard. UGR Competition Judge at Celebration of Inquiry.
Albergotti, Dan. Editor, Waccamaw (Fall 2013).
Anderson, C. Member, Student Life Committee
Arnold, Ellen. AAUP Executive Board.
Arnold, Ellen. Member, CAFE (Contingent and Associated Faculty Exchange).
Arnold, Ellen. Faculty Senate.
Barnes, Aneilya. Senator for Faculty Senate, Fall 2008-Present
Barnes, Aneilya. Member of the Board of Trustees Faculty Process Committee, Fall 2013-Present
Barnes, Aneilya. Member of WGST Academic Programs and Initiatives Advisory Committee, Fall 2009Present
Bergeron, Sue. Presentation at Celebration of Inquiry.
Breede, D. Faculty Senate Secretary, Certified CETEAL Peer Evaluator/Facilitator
Breede, D. WGST Advisory Board; judge for URC and Upsilon Eta Research Symposium
Breede, D. Chair, COHFA Arts Peer Review Committee
Brian, Amanda. Vice Chair of Faculty Welfare & Development Committee (FWDC)
Brian, Amanda. Acting Chair of FWDC for Purposes of Professional Enhancement Grants (PEGs)
Brian, Amanda. Organizer of new Faculty Excellence Summit
Brian, Amanda. Editor of Bridges
Brian, Amanda. Opening Women's History Month lecture
Brian, Amanda. Faculty Judge, Undergraduate Research Competition
Burch, Colin. Editorial Advisor for Tempo.
Chamberlain, Adam. Faculty Senate liaison to Board of Trustees Budget Committee.
Chamberlain, Adam. Member, Faculty Senate.
Daoud, Suheir. Member, Faculty Senate.
Daoud, Suheir. Organizer of panel on Syrian Crisis (open to students and the public).
Daoud, Suheir. Organizer of panel on Ukrainian Crisis (open to students and the public).
Daoud, Suheir. Panelist for WGST Event on Gender, Religion, and Spirituality.
Daoud, Suheir. Presentation at Celebration of Inquiry.
Daoud, Suheir. UGR Competition Judge at Celebration of Inquiry.
Dillian, Carolyn. Student Life Committee Member; Student Conduct Subcommittee member
Earl, Dennis. Core Curriculum Committee.
Earl, Dennis. UGR Competition Judge at Celebration of Inquiry.
Earnest, Steve – Promotion and Tenure (Chair)
Edwards-Russell, Robin; Senator – Faculty Senate
Flynn, Mark. Alcohol Coalition Committee, Technology Committee, University Messaging subcommittee.
Fondren, Wes. Faculty Senate; Instructional Coach (CETEAL), Interdisciplinary Studies Admission
Committee; Reviewer for Bridges, CRU Advisor,
Fowler, Gwen. Advisor for The Chanticleer
Glaze, Eliza. Faculty rep, RFP Evaluation Panel for Bookstore, Honors Program Director Search
Committee, Faculty Judge Undergraduate Research Competition
Hall, Eric – Tenure and Promotion Committee
Hensel, Hastings. Member, CAFE (Contingent and Associated Faculty Exchange).
Hensel, Hastings. Editorial Assistant, Poetry, Waccamaw.
Holody, Kyle. Faculty Senate
Howie, Elizabeth. CeTeal Advisory Board
Jeon, Y. Faculty Senate
Johansen, Roger. Provost Search Committee, 2013-14.
Johansen, Roger. Search Committee for Assistant Director of Student Affairs, spring 2014.
Johansen, Roger. Traffic Citation Appeals Board.
Johansen, Roger. Member, Academic Integrity Appeals Board.
Johansen, Roger. Vice President, AAUP, CCU chapter.
Johnson, Richard; Faculty Senate
Johnson, Richard; Graduate Council
Kellogg, David. Faculty Senate.
Madden, Steve. Chair, Faculty Senate
Madden, Steve. University Technology Council; University Finance, Planning and Facilities Committee
Madden, Steve. Provost Council, University Strategic Planning Committee, TEAL Leadership Committee
Madden, Steve. University Board of Trustees Senate Representative
Mann, Scott. Buildings and Grounds committee
Mann, Scott. Media Management committee
Martin, Pamela. Chair, Distance Learning Committee.
Martin, Pamela. Member, Faculty Welfare and Development Committee.
Martin, Pamela. Past President, American Association of University Professors.
Miller, Stephanie. Faculty Senate
Navin, John. Speaker, Constitution Day; Faculty Senator
Norris, Mikel. Discussion leader for Big Read.
Ockert, Jason. Fiction Editor, Waccamaw.
Oestreich, Joe. Nonfiction Editor, Waccamaw.
Oestreich, Joe. Ex Officio Member, University Graduate Council.
Oestreich, Kate. Nominations and Elections Committee.Olsen, Paul. Lead Advisor, Student Media
Oxley, Julinna. Chair, Women’s and Gender Studies Advisory Committee and advisor for Minor
Oxley, Julinna. Institutional Representative, Coastal Carolina University, South Carolina Women in Higher
Palmer, Brandon. Chair of University Academic Affairs Committee
Paster, Denise. Faculty Senate.
Pillai, Tripthi. Faculty Senate.
Pillai, Tripthi. Member, University Graduate Council.
Pillai, Tripthi. Core Curriculum Committee.
Pillai, Tripthi. Financial Aid Appeals Committee.
Propst, Tonya; member, Strategic Management Committee
Propst, Tonya; Member, University Academic Contingency Advisory Board
Propst, Tonya; Director, CCU Summer Arts Music Academy, Office of Academic Outreach
Roessler, B. Faculty Advisor, IABC CCU and Pi Kappa Phi; Faculty Senate
Schumacher, Kim. Faculty Advisor for WCCU.COM Radio
Selby, Easton. International Programs committee
Sinclair, Terri; Commencement Committee
Sinclair, Terri; Student Conduct Board
Sloan, Don; Director of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies degree, January 2014–present.
Sloan, Don; Member, ex officio, Graduate Council
Smith, Renee. Chair, Faculty Grievance Committee.
Smith, Renee. Senator, Faculty Senate
Smith, Renee. Member, Provost Search Committee.
Tankersley, Holley. Academic Representative at CCU Football Recruiting Luncheon.
Tankersley, Holley. Advisor, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society.
Tankersley, Holley. Delivered August 2013 Commencement Address.
Tankersley, Holley. Member, WGST Program Events and Community Connections Advisory Committee.
Tully, Amy; Member, Strategic Management Committee
Tully, Amy; Member, Student Life Committee
Turner, Keaghan. Editorial Board, Bridges.
Turner, Daniel. Faculty Senate.
Turner, Daniel. University Process Committee.
Whalen, Philip. Editorial Committee for Bridges
Whitesides, Clayton. Participant, Five Phone Calls Campaign.
Willis, Jesse; Faculty Senate, Music Department Representative
Wood, Frederick. Academic Integrity Officer.
Wood, Frederick. Advisor, Men’s Lacrosse Club.
Wood, Frederick. Advisor, Women’s Lacrosse Club.
Wood, Frederick. Campus Security Authority, Department of Public Safety and Counseling Services.
Wood, Frederick. LSAC Pre-Law Counselor.
Wood, Frederick. Member, Student Life Committee.
Wood, Frederick. Participant, Five Phone Calls Campaign.
Wood, Frederick. SafeZone Ally.
Ye, Min. Member, International Programs Committee.
Aidoo, Richard. Member, Asian Studies Minor Advisory Board.
Arendt, Jim. Hanging all the shows throughout the year in the RRB Gallery, including receptions.
Arnold, Ellen. Coordinator of Assessment, COHFA.
Arnold, Ellen. Judge, COHFA Faculty Awards, 2013-14.
Barker, G. Student Learning Committee, QEP Committee
Barnes, Aneilya. QEP College Coordinator
Bell, Monica; Member Curriculum Committee
Bergeron, Sue. Digital History Workshop for faculty in the Department of History
Bergeron, Sue. Member, COHFA Ad-Hoc Humanities Committee.
Bergeron, Sue. Member, COHFA Student Learning Committee.
Bergeron, Sue. Member, Search Committee, Michie Chair in Historical Archaeology.
Bergeron, Sue. Panelist, 2014 COHFA Student Learning Confab.
Boyle, Jen. New Media Coordinator, Athenaeum Press.
Boyle, Jen. Athenaeum Press Executive Committee.
Boyle, Jen. Coordinator of New Media and Digital Culture Minor.
Breede, D. MALS Planning Committee; Chair, COHFA Arts Peer Review
Brian, Amanda. Member Faculty Awards Committee.
Case, Jeff. Chair, COHFA Technology committee
Chamberlain, Adam. ILPP Polling Director.
Childs, Becky. Technology Committee, COHFA.
Craig, C. Tea & Ethics Panelist
Danker, Stephanie. COHFA Curriculum Committee
Dillian, Carolyn. Technology Committee
Earl, Dennis. Graduate Studies Committee Chair
Earl, Dennis. Student Learning Committee.
Flaten, Arne. Chair, Department of Visual Arts (tough to pick a category)
Fondren, Wes. Curriculum Committee, Graduate Council, FYE and MALS development, Technology
Glaze, Eliza. Coordinator for International Programs (COHFA), Student Learning Committee
Green, Ronald. COHFA QEP Coordinator.
Green, Ronald. Faculty advisor for the Japanese Club.
Green, Ronald. Faculty advisor for the Meditation Club.
Hall, Eric; Member Arts Peer Review Committee
Holody, K. Merit committee
Howie, Elizabeth. COHFA Confab, panelist
Jeon, Y. Coordinator for Core Spanish Classes; chair of Spanish major/minor planning committee
Jones, Jeff; COHFA Curriculum Committee
Keller, Elizabeth. COHFA Peer Review Committee
Kellogg, David. Curriculum Committee, COHFA.
Killoren, David. Faculty advisor for Coastal Humanists.
Madden, Steve. College P&T Committee
Mann, Scott. Advisor for Tempo
Mann, Scott. Art Production Manager, Athenaeum Press and Excecutive Committee
Mann, Scott. QEP committee
Martin, Kenneth; Chair – CoHFA Technology Committee
Martin, Kenneth; Member – Cultural Arts Committee
Martin, Pamela. Member, COHFA Graduate Studies Committee.
Miller, Stephanie. Ad Hoc Humanities committee
Morehouse, Maggi. URC judge, Gullah Project committee member, DCD ad-hoc committee, co-director
of Southern Studies Minor
Norris, Mikel. Member, COHFA Curriculum Committee.
Norris, Mikel. Participant, COHFA Student Learning Confab.
Oestreich, Joe. COHFA Graduate Committee.
Oestreich, Joe. COHFA Student Learning Committee.
Oestreich, Kate. Athenaeum Press Executive Committee.
Oldfield, Anna. Asian Studies Committee.
Oldfield, Anna. MALS Program Committee.
Oldfield, Anna. UNIV 110: First Year Experience Committee.
Olsen, Paul. Advisor for Archarios
Palmer, Brandon. Strategic Management Committee, P&T committee
Propst, Tonya; member, Assessment Committee
Propst, Tonya; member, Spadoni College of Education MAT Committee
Schwinke, Gwendolyn; Member CoHFA Assessment Committee
Selby, Easton. COHFA Student Learning committee
Selby, Easton. Executive committee, Athenaeum Press
Sloan, Don; Member, ex officio, COHFA Graduate Committee
Sloan, Don; Member, COHFA Ad Hoc Humanities Committee
Smith, Jon. Chair, COHFA Promotion and Tenure Committee.
Smith, Renee. Member, Dean’s Policy/Advisory Committee.
Tankersley, Holley. ILPP Policy Analysis Director.
Trerise, Jonathan. Faculty Senate, Institutional Review Board, College Core Curriculum Committee.
Tankersley, Holley. Member, Board of Directors, Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values.
Tully, Amy; Chair, CCU Nominations and Elections Committee
Tully, Amy; Member, COHFA FYE Planning Committee
Turner, Daniel. COHFA QEP Committee.
White, Matt; COHFA Technology Committee
White, Matt; Athenaeum Press Executive Committee– St. Helena Island Spiritual Project – Faculty
Advisor and Project Initiator
Wood, Frederick. Member, Technology Committee.
Wood, Frederick. Member, FYE Planning Committee.
Ye, Min. Member, COHFA Graduate Studies Committee.
Ye, Min. Member, COHFA QEP Committee.
Community Engagement and Outreach Activities
Aidoo, Richard. Interviewed by China in Africa Project as part of podcast series on Sino-Africa Relations.
Aidoo, Richard. Keynote Speaker, Coastal Montessori Charter School Model UN, May 2014.
Arnold, Ellen. Therapy Dogs International Volunteer.
Barnes, Aneilya. Panel member, WGST
Bergeron, Sue. Co-host and Director of A VerySpatial Podcast, and contributor to VerySpatial.com.
Bunch, Larry. Board of Directors, Waccamaw Arts and Crafts Guild
Crookston, Emily. Presented “What Would Nelson Mandela say to Socrates?” at All Souls Waccamaw
Unitarian Universalist Church
Danker, Stephanie. Director, Summer Arts Academy
Daoud, Suheir. Interviewed by local media (radio and television) on two separate occasions.
Dillian, Carolyn. Chairperson, Horry County Board of Architectural Review; Speaker, Horry County Patriot
Tree Project; Speaker, Horry County Business Legacy Recognition Program dedication
Earnest, Steve; Board Member, Atlantic Stage
Edwards-Russell, Robin; Board member Horry County School Improvement Council
Jones, Jeff; Carolina Master Chorale -Board member (since 2009) and annual membership
Jones, Jeff; Grand Strand Opera Workshop -Board member (since 2010) and annual membership
Jones, Jeff; First Presbyterian Church of Myrtle Beach -chancel choir membership Martin, Pamela. Board
Member, coastal Montessori Charter School, Litchfield, SC.
McDonough, Matt. History Day Competition organizer and Head Judge
Morehouse, Maggi. Executive Board, SC Humanities Council, contributed to talk shows, documentary,
film, and gave community talks
Navin, John. Service Award, Horry County Board of Education and District Administration
Norris, Mikel. Guest Speaker, Myrtle Beach Democrats monthly meeting.
Norris, Mikel. Judge for Carolina Forest High School “We the People” team.
Oxley, Julinna. Panelist, “Coddling College Students” Jackson Center for Ethics’ Java Jabber, August 28,
Oxley, Julinna. Interview with Courtney Griffin, WPDE News, “South Carolina’s Working Mothers,” May
7, 2014
Pelty, Adam; Board Member, Myrtle Beach Performing Arts Center
Peterson, Paul. “American Constitutionalism at the Time of the American Revolution: The State
Constitutions and the Constitution of 1787.” Lecture presented at the J. Reuben Clark Law
School, Brigham Young University, September 19, 2013.
Peterson, Paul. “The Importance of Families in Federalist Principles in the Founding Era.” Lecture
presented at the J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University. September 19, 2013.
Peterson, Paul. 1st Counselor to Bishop, Surfside Beach Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Peterson, Paul. Opinion Article on Common Core State Standards, Myrtle Beach Sun News.
Prince, Wink. Public lectures and presentations
Propst, Tonya; Member, School Improvement Council, Burgess Elementary School, Myrtle Beach, SC
Propst, Tonya; Member, North Myrtle Beach Community Band
Powell, Philip; member Board of Directors, Litchfield Dance Arts
Powell, Philip; teacher, OLLI program, Litchfield, SC
Riley, Jack. Interviewed by local media outlets on multiple occasions.
Rogers, Ken. Interviewed by The Myrtle Beach Herald.
Sinclair, Terri; Choral Clinic, Waccamaw High School, October 2013
Sloan, Don; Member, Carolina Master Chorale
Sloan, Don; Board member, Long Bay Symphony
Sloan, Don; Board member, Temple Emanu-El
Smith, Jon. Guardian ad Litem.
Tankersley, Holley. Guest Speaker, Myrtle Beach Democrats monthly meeting. (Two occasions).
Tankersley, Holley. Interviewed by local media outlets on multiple occasions.
Tankersley, Holley. Presentation on “Becoming a Leader,” for the Jackson Center Ethics Academy.
Trerise, Jonathan. Bioethics Advisor and Community Representative for Heartland Hospice, Conway, SC
and Member, Ethics committee and Bioethics Advisor for Conway Hospital
Trinka, Jill; Member, Carolina Master Chorale
Whitesides, Clayton. Assistant Scout Master, Boy Scouts of America, Conway, SC.
Whitesides, Clayton. Attended Horry and Georgetown County GIS User Group Meeting.
Whitesides, Clayton. Participated in Beach Sweep at Myrtle Beach State Park with Boy Scout Troops.
Wood, Frederick. Interviewed by Joel Allen for WPDE.
Wood, Frederick. Judge for Carolina Forest High School “We the People” team.
Ye, Min. Keynote Speaker, Coastal Montessori Charter School Model UN, May 2013.
Ye, Min. Volunteer, Myrtle Beach Area Chinese New Year Festival.
Numerous visual arts faculty donated works to worthy causes, including the SC Arts Foundation
auction, The Burroughs & Chapin Art Museum, SeaCoast Gallery, Waccamaw Arts Guild, etc.
Numerous visual arts faculty gave lectures and conducted workshops at the B&C Art Museum
and elsewhere in the community throughout the year.
The Department of Theatre produced six main stage shows, the Musical Theatre
Company/Dance Company showcase, and several shows for “Discovery Days,” a student written
production and various cabarets and showcase events. In addition, the department produced
the third CCU NYC Showcase event. In the end they offered 75-80 public performances to
approximately 9000 patrons.
The Theatre department welcomed a large number of guests to the university to conduct classes
and workshops, including: Marty Rader (Acting), Paul Russell (Casting Director), Ashley Robinson
(Acting), PUSH Physical Theatre (Physical Theatre), John Such (Musical Theatre), National
Theatre Institute (Acting), Paul Carlin (Acting) and Jamie Harris/Clear Talent Group
(Showcase/Casting/NYC Agent).
Adams, Cara. Tennessee Williams Scholarship, Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Summer 2013.
Arendt, Jim. Honorable Mention, The 8th Cheongju International Craft Competition 2013 South Korea
Arendt, Jim. Honorable Mention, Who We Aren't National Juried Exhibition, Union Street Gallery,
Chicago Heights, IL
Arendt, Jim. Third Place, Innovations in Fiber Art VI, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA
Bergeron, Sue. COHFA Distinguished Teaching Award, AY2013-2014.
Cotton, Jacob. SAC Teaching Excellence Apple
Danker, Stephanie. Distinguished Service Award, COHFA
Flaten, Arne. Elected, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg
Glaze, Eliza. Recipient, the Lawrence B. and Jane P. Clark Endowed Chair in History
Mann, Scott. GD Magazine American Graphic Design Award (RRB Gallery logo)
Martin, Pamela. Finalist, Governor’s Professor of the Year, AY2013-2014.
McDonough, Matt. Phi Alpha Theta “teacher of the year”
Schiro, John. SAC Teaching Excellence Apple
White, Matt; 2014 John B. Durrell Award Recipient
Department of Visual Arts, Outstanding Assessment Plan, CCU (2 years straight)
Student Mentoring
Political Science
Research and Publication:
Aidoo, Richard. Supervised study-abroad internship and field research for Sadara Shine at Global
Youth Connect in Rwanda (field internship and research in Rwanda in Summer 2013,
completion of research project back at CCU in Fall 2013), resulting in presentation at the
2014 Undergraduate Research Competition and publication in Bridges.
Chamberlain, Adam. Supervised ILPP-SCBARS Project research for Sean Dove, resulting in survey
of local business leaders and report.
Martin, Pamela. Co-supervised Honors Thesis for Dominique DeWit, resulting in presentation at
the 2014 Undergraduate Research Competition and publication in Bridges.
Martin, Pamela. Supervised study-abroad internship and field research for Sean Dove at
Universidad San Francisco de Quito (field internship and research Fall 2013 in Ecuador,
completion of research project back at CCU in Spring 2014), resulting in publication in
Martin, Pamela. Co-supervised Honors Thesis for Anastasia Rhodes, resulting in presentation at
the 2014 Undergraduate Research Competition.
Tankersley, Holley. Co-supervised Honors Thesis for Dominique DeWit, resulting in presentation
at the 2014 Undergraduate Research Competition and publication in Bridges.
Tankersley, Holley. Co-supervised Honors Thesis for Anastasia Rhodes, resulting in presentation
at the 2014 Undergraduate Research Competition.
Tankersley, Holley. Supervised five groups of students in completion of policy analysis briefs
resulting in publication and dissemination on the ILPP website.
Wood, Frederick. Supervised Honors Thesis for Brandon Reilly.
Chamberlain, Adam. Co-advisor for South Carolina Student Legislature, resulting in 15 students
presenting individual pieces of original state legislation for debate and vote in mock
legislative session.
Martin, Pamela. Supervised internship program for CCU students to coach and mentor students
at the Coastal Montessori Charter School (Litchfield, SC) on the Montessori Model
United Nations competition. Students made academic presentations and taught
portions of classes at CMCS.
Martin, Pamela. Advisor for Model United Nations, resulting in 18 students presenting position
papers at mock UN session in regional competition.
Norris, Mikel. Advisor for Mock Trial, resulting in 7 students presenting civil case arguments at
Mock Trial tournaments.
Wood, Frederick. Co-advisor for South Carolina Student Legislature, resulting in 15 students
presenting individual pieces of original state legislation for debate and vote in statewide
mock legislative session.
Visual Arts
Danker, Stephanie. Supervised/advised two MAT students, who presented at the National Art Education
Association conference in San Diego (March 28-April 1). Student presentation was entitled,
“Creating an Online Professional Presence.”
Means, Armon. SPE Regional Conference with two students
Student Awards:
27 ADDY Awards given out to Graphic Design students
Archarios Literary/Art magazine, Gold Student Addy award
Archarios Literary/Art magazine won 8th place in Best of Show Competition at the CMA/ACP Conference
Cory McNair, Gold ADDY, Best in Show
Emily Englehart, Silver ADDY
Tyler Buse, Silver ADDY
Amber Eckersly, photography accepted at NCUR
Amber Eckersly, art history research paper accepted at NCUR
Marcello Garofalo, BEST IN SHOW Award – Local level for Chasing the Paper Canoe Book
Marcello Garofalo, Gold ADDY Award – Local level for Chasing the Paper Canoe Book
Tori Jordan, Silver ADDY Award – Local level for Student Handbook
Tori Jordan/Matt Fram, Silver ADDY Award – Local level for Tempo Magazine Cover (Fall 2013)
Tori Jordan, Silver ADDY Award – Local level for Tempo Magazine (Fall 2013)
Tori Jordan,Silver ADDY Award – Local level for Coastal Compass Textbook
Nicole Scott, Gold ADDY Award – Local level for Tempo Magazine (Spring 2013)
Olivia Bennett, Silver ADDY Award – Local level for Coastal Coffee Bar logo
Chris Bell, First Place, poster design for Pawley’s Island Festival of Music and Art
Landen Martin, Silver Student Addy award, packaging
Daniel Mableton, two Silver Student Addy awards, packaging
Nora Kyles, Silver Student Addy award, poster design
Student Mentoring (Research and Publications)
 Albergotti, Dan. Thesis Director (Graduate). Angela Pilson, “The Human Particle” (poetry
Boyle, Jen. Thesis Director (Graduate). Lori Sircable, “Females in the News Media:
Sensationalized and On Display.”
Boyle, Jen. Directed the independent study of four students on narrative components and web
publication for Athenaeum Press project, Gullah: The Voice of an Island
Childs, Becky. Thesis Director (Graduate). Margaret Fain. “A Sociolinguistic Analysis of
Hensel, Hastings. Mentored Yasmina Elmesiry, who won the Paul Rice Poetry Broadside Contest
in spring 2014 with a villanelle written in his ENGL 468 course.
Oestreich, Joe. Mentored Thom Madray, whose poem “Verse of the Puzzle Makers,” written in
Joe’s ENGL 301 class, was published in Prairie Margins, a national undergraduate literary
magazine published at Bowling Green State University.
Oestreich, Joe. Mentored Lane Osborne, whose essay “Well-Heeled,” written in Joe’s ENGL 655
course, was published in Step Away, a national literary magazine.
Oestreich, Joe. Mentored Samantha Riley, whose essay “Like Father, Like Daughter,” written in
Joe’s ENGL 301 course, was published in Outrageous Fortune, a national undergraduate literary
magazine published at Mary Baldwin College.
Student Mentoring (Presentations)
 Hamelman, Steve. Organized panel and mentored four English 483 students (Dexter Gore, Owen
MacLeod, Courtney Mullis, Patrick Siebel) at the Celebration of Inquiry: “Four Ways to Freedom
Through Literary Theory.” April 1, 2014.
 Paster, Denise. Guided and collaborated with Megan Fahey, Angela Pilson, and Arsenio Silva
(MAW and MAT GTAs) as they submitted a proposal to, prepared for, and presented “Teaching
2.0: SCoring Digital Tools for the Common Core Classroom” at SCore with SCCTE 2014 at The
South Carolina Council of Teachers of English Conference in Kiawah Island, SC, January 2014.
 Albergotti, Dan. Taught at The Tennessee Young Writers Workshop, Clarksville, TN, July 14-20,
 Oestreich, Joe. Taught at The Ohio State University Young Writers Workshop, Columbus, OH,
July 7-12, 2013.
Student Mentoring (Research and Publications):
White, Matt; mentored and supervised studio recording students
White, Matt; offered improvisation workshops for Jazz After Hours students
Student Mentoring (Presentations):
Sinclair, Terri; MAT students conducting choral clinic at Waccamaw Middle School.
Tully, Amy; coached two Junior Recitals (Ann Rose and Casey Hawkins).
Tully, Amy; coached one Senior Recitals (Sterling Harlston).
Tully, Amy; CCU Flute Choir - Spectrum Concert, Family Weekend, September 20, 2013
Tully, Amy;, CCU Flute Studio student recital, November 7, 2013
Tully, Amy; CCU Flute Studio student recital, April 13, 2014
Tully, Amy; coordinated performance and masterclass with Regina Helcher Yost, CCU, March 23, 2014
White, Matt; coached two Junior Recitals
White, Matt; coached one Senior Project (MUS 498) “History of the Trumpet”
White, Matt; prepared and coached two students for admission to graduate programs (MTSTMasters in Recording Engineering, and NTSU – Masters in Jazz Performance).
White, Matt; coordinated departmental clinics and master classes for all music students with the
following guest artists:
Jeff Coffin (Dave Matthews Band)
Joe Davidian (Chester Thompson Trio, Nashville Session pro)
Michael Feinberg (Billy Hart, John Scofield)
Dana Hawkins (Estelle, Jeremy Pelt)
Dave Douglas (Grammy nominated trumpeter, band leader)
Eric Thompson (professional drummer/educator)
Steve Patrick (Nashville Session pro)
Dr. Max Matzen (USU Professor of Trumpet)
White, Matt; Director of the CCU Jazz Ensemble
White, Matt; Director of the CCU Student Jazz Combo
White, Matt; Coordinator of all Jazz large and small ensembles
White, Matt; Director: CCU Trumpet Ensemble and CCU Student Jazz Combo
White, Matt; Spectrum 1 Concert – CCU Jazz Ensemble
White, Matt; CCU Jazz Ensemble Fall Concert – CCU Jazz Ensemble and Combo
White, Matt; Spectrum 2 Concert – CCU Jazz Ensemble
White, Matt; “From Sousa to Swing” – CCU Jazz Ensemble
White, Matt; CCU Small Group Spring Concert
White, Matt; CCU Jazz Ensemble Spring Concert
White, Matt; Isn’t it Romantic? – Jazz Small Group (House Band)
White, Matt; independent studies and non-credit lessons in: Advanced Improvisation, Jazz Piano
Voicings, Arranging, and Jazz Composition.
Willis, Jesse; CCU World Music Ensemble - CCU Cultural Celebration, September 18, 2013
Willis, Jesse; CCU Steel Pan Ensemble and Drumline - Spectrum 1 Concert, September 20, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Drumline – Marching to the Coast Band Festival exhibition, October 22, 2013
Willis, Jesse; CCU World Music Ensemble - Fall Concert, Wheelwright Auditorium November 12, 2013
Willis, Jesse; Percussion students collaborate in Theater Production, “A Chorus Line” Oct.-Nov., 2013
Willis, Jesse; CCU Percussion Ensemble - Wheelwright Auditorium, November 21, 2013
Willis, Jesse; CCU Percussion Ensemble, World Music Ensemble, and Drumline - Honor Band and
Scholarship Festival. December 6, 2013
Willis, Jesse; CCU Percussion Students collaborate in Theater Production, "Into the Woods" Feb., 2014
Willis, Jesse; CCU Brazilian Percussion Ensemble - Rioz Brazilian Steakhouse, Carnaval Celebration,
February 21, 2013
Willis, Jesse; CCU World Music Ensemble - Lakewood Elementary School, Fine Arts Day. April 11,
Willis, Jesse; CCU Percussion students - Edwards College Gala. April 11, 2014:
Willis, Jesse; CCU World Music Ensemble - Spring Concert April 8, 2014
Willis, Jesse; CCU Percussion Ensemble - Spring concert, Wheelwright Aud. April 15, 2014
Willis, Jesse; Senior percussion student, Bill Flynn, senior recital. April 27, 2014:
Willis, Jesse; Junior percussion student, Wade McMillan, Junior Recital April 27, 2014:
Willis, Jesse; collaborations with the Carolina Forest Elementary Taiko Ensemble during CCU
World Music concerts (Fall and Spring)
Willis, Jesse; prepared and coached two students for admission into graduate programs (MTSTMasters in Recording Engineering, and CCU – Masters in Arts in Teaching).
Student Mentoring (Presentations):
 Student written Production, Nathan Smith, Untitled
 Student Set Design, Will Dameron, Sweetest Swing in Baseball
 Student Set Design, Jennifer Hebda, A Chorus Line
 Student Costume Design, Rachael White, The Shape of Things
 Student Sound Design, Taylor Dankovich, The Shape of Things
o Over 100 theatre majors worked on productions throughout the year. Each of those
should be considered in this category. Actors, designers, technicians, stage managers,
dance captains, makeup artists and designers, switchers, carpenters, properties artisans,
assistant directors, dramaturges, media designers, stagehands, painters, electricians and
others created over 75 performances for the general public.
 Barnes, Aneilya
o Faculty Mentor for Mitchell Locklear’s article, “Word, Spirit, and Power: Women and
Prophetic Authority in the Early Church,” in Bridges, Spring 2014
 Nance, Brian
o Cordaro, Dylan. "New Leviathan of Society". Archarios Coastal Carolina University, Conway,
SC. Spring, 2014. Print.
o Cordaro, Dylan. "Internal War on War". Archarios Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC.
Spring, 2014.
o Steward, Devonta. "Status Quo". Archarios Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC. April,
o Waldowski, Sarah. "Smoke and Mirrors". *Second Place Literature* Best in Show.
Archarios Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC. Spring, 2014.
Student Mentoring (Presentations):
Barnes, Aneilya
“Women of Augustan Rome” at the Celebration of Inquiry Undergraduate Research
Competition, Honors Thesis Presentation, April 2.
Brian, Amanda
Barnhill, Jeffry, Joseph Churillo, Rebecca Heise, Danielle Lafreniere, Nicholas Mazzie, Katelyn
Miscia, Steven Sargent, Nicholas Scoras, Delton Wells and John Zanardo. "Your History
Degree and You". Celebration of Inquiry Conference, Coastal Carolina University,
Conway, SC. April, 2014.
Cox, C. Grace. "Walt Disney World: A Rite of Passage". 6th Annual Undergraduate Research
Competition, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC. April, 2014.
Glaze, Eliza
Derek Berthiaume, “Breaking the Fourth Wall: American Theatre History in American
Culture,” Proceedings of the Big South Undergraduate Research Symposium 2013.
Eckersley, Amber. "The Eternal Coitus of Love and Death in Julia Margaret Cameron's Madonna
RESEARCH, NCUR, University of KY, Lexington, KY. April, 2014.
McKinney, Nicklaus. "Averroes: An Examination of a Lesser Commentary". 2014 NATIONAL
April, 2014.
Morehouse, Maggi
Bernadyn, Amanda. ³The Correlation between Child Abuse and Delinquency.² 6th Annual
Undergraduate Research Competition, Coastal Carolina. University, Conway, SC, April,
Sargent, Steven. "Digital Archiving of Black WWII Soldiers." 6th Annual Undergraduate Research
Competition, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC, April, 2014.
Navin, John
Jessup, Mark. "Artless and Uncultivates as the Soil which Fosters Them". 6th Annual
Undergraduate Research Competition, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC. April, 2014.
Fly UP