
Vita James A. Telese 509 Zapata Av.

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Vita James A. Telese 509 Zapata Av.
James A. Telese
509 Zapata Av.
Rancho Viejo, TX 78575
Ph.D., August, 1994
Texas A&M University in Curriculum and Instruction.
Title: Alternative Assessment of At-risk Students in
Mathematics: The Effects of Context and Setting.
M. S., May 1989
Corpus Christi State University in Education.
Teaching Certificate, 1986
Corpus Christi State University, middle and secondary
Mathematics, and Earth science.
B.S., May, 1982
Texas A&M University in Geology.
The effects of alternative assessment on mathematics learning in the classroom.
The context and settings of performance assessment which best elicit
mathematical knowledge from students. Developing mathematical critical
thinking skills in students. Aspects of the integration of mathematics, science,
and technology. Cognition and social influences on mathematics learning.
8/08 – Present
8/95 – 8/02
University of Texas at Brownsville, School of Education
Teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level, supervise
student teachers, and pre-service field-based experiences. Taught
undergraduate and graduate courses at the Professional
Development School Site conducted seminars for mentors and
mathematics teachers. Preparing proposals and grant applications.
8/94 - 8/95
Penn State-Harrisburg, Division of Behavioral Sciences and
Teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level, supervise
student teachers and field based experiences, and assisting in the
development and implementation of technology in math
classrooms. Teaching elementary and secondary math methods.
Preparing grants and proposals. Serving on campus and outreach
9/91 - 8/94
Texas A&M University, Department of Curriculum and
Teaching Assistant - Responsible for planning and the
development of teaching activities for the undergraduate middle
and secondary mathematics methods course which included the
use of technology and manipulatives, encouraged cooperative
group learning, and the teaching of higher-order thinking skills.
Supervised the students' field experiences in the public schools.
Research Assistant - Participated in fulfilling grant requirements.
Assisted in the coordination of research activities for the
Innovative Mathematics Assessment Project (IMAP) with the
objectives to determine whether or not alternative assessments
encourages teachers to teach higher-order thinking skills, and how
students respond to those changes. Extensively involved in the
alternative assessments training activities for the 20 teachers
working with IMAP. A second grant involved the development of
an alternative assessment training module for the state of Texas.
Instrumental in the module's organization of background research,
development, design, and writing the activities. Participated in
the training of the trainers for the state of Texas. A third grant
involved the performance assessment in mathematics of at-risk
students to examine the effects of context and setting.
Responsible for designing and writing of the tasks, collecting and
analyzing data, and coordinating the efforts of the researchers and
the teachers from urban and rural school districts.
5/91 - 8/91
Research Assistant Internship
The Ocean Drilling Program, Texas Alliance for Science,
Mathematics and Technology at Texas A&M University.
Participated in the Teacher-in-Industry intern program a summer
program designed to provide industry experience for secondary
mathematics and science teachers. Co-authored a curriculum
document for eighth-grade designed to teach Earth Science
concepts integrated with mathematics based on the real-life
science activities of the Ocean Drilling Program.
9/90 - 6/91
A&M Consolidated High School,
College Station, Independent School District, TX
9/89 - 6/90
Kaffie Middle School,
Corpus Christi Independent School District, TX
9/87 - 5/89
Tom Browne Middle School,
Corpus Christi Independent School District, TX
Driscol Jr. High School,
Corpus Christi Independent School District, TX
1/87 - 6/87
9/86 - 12/86
Flour Bluff Jr. High, student teaching,
Flour Bluff Independent School District, TX
3/83 - 3/86
Core Analyst, Core Service Inc., Corpus Christi, TX
Performed scientific analysis of reservoir rock properties for
petroleum exploration and development companies in the south
Texas area. Evaluated well logs at rig site.
6/82 - 12/82
Geological Assistant, American Gulf Energy, Inc.
Co-developed south Texas oil and gas prospects with an
independent petroleum geologist. Required research of data from
prospect areas. Gathered data and well logs, correlated logs for
prospective drill sites, and designed other subsurface geologic
7/74 - 7/78
United States Navy-Honorable discharge received July 28, 1978.
2013 Migrant Program Evaluation, San Benito Consolidated School District.
2013 IES Counseling Grant Program Evaluation, San Benito Consolidated
School District.
2010 Thinking Map Program Evaluation, San Benito Consolidated School
2009-2010 Elementary Mathematics Program Evaluation, Santa Maria
Independent School District.
Spring 2009-2010, Grant evaluator for Difficult Dialogue, funded by the Ford
Foundation to Dr. John Cook, University of Texas, Brownsville.
8/ 28/2007-2009, San Benito High School, Algebra I tutor for students who have
2006-2007. Evaluator for IPC, Teacher Quality Grant.
2006- present. Evaluator for University of Texas Pan-American, Regional
Biotech Laboratory, three-year grant from National Institute of Health.
2004-Evaluator for Del Mar College, GIS-Tech Program, three-year National
Science Foundation Grant.
2002-2004, Evaluator for University of Texas Pan-American, Regional Biotech
Laboratory, three-year grant from National Institute of Health.
2000-2004, Brownsville Independent School District, Urban Systemic
Partnership Grant, Evaluator, five-year National Science Foundation Grant.
September, 2003, Port Isabel Independent School District, Aligning Middle
School Mathematics to Standards and Benchmark exam development.
October, 2003, Port Isabel Independent School District, Designing and aligning
Curricular Goals with Benchmark Exam.
September, 2002, San Benito Independent School District, Aligning Middle
School Curriculum to meet the Demands of Eight-grade Algebra I.
October 23, 2002, Port Isabel Independent School District, The Importance of
Using Technology in Algebra I and the TAKS test.
November, 18, 2000, San Benito Independent School District, Algebra I and
Spring, 2000, San Benito Independent School District evaluation of Algebra I
teaching program.
June, 2000, State Board for Educator Certification Standards Review
Mathematics 8-12.
Summer, 2000, PBS Mathline, piloted videos of elementary mathematics
Summer, 2000, Texas Professional Development Online advised committee on
Mathematics Modeling program.
November, 2000 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Project
2061, Assisted in the development of an alignment tool that aligns assessment
tasks to national mathematics standards.
February, 1999 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Project
2061, Workshop on aligning curriculum with national standards for Junior
College Mathematics Faculty.
September, 1999 State Board of Educator Certification, Selected to develop
mathematics teaching standards for the state.
July, 1998 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Project 2061,
Middle School Mathematics Curriculum Evaluation.
October, 1998 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Project
2061 Middle School Mathematics Curriculum Evaluation.
May 1998 Harlingen High School, Teaching Math with Technology
September 1997 - August 1997: Brownsville Independent School District,
conducted mathematics education research and evaluation.
January 1996 - August 1996: Brownsville Independent School District,
conducted mathematics education research.
January 1995 - March 1995: Harrisburg area schools, assisted teachers in the
development of multimedia programs for teaching mathematical concepts.
Present-Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, reviewer.
2002-present, School Science and Mathematics Association, reviewer.
2004-present, American Association for Computing in Education Journal
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Mathematics Assessment: A
Practical Handbook for Grades 9-12.
Corwin Press, 6/1998, Book Reviewer.
Sage Press, 2006, and 2007, book reviewer.
American Education Research Association proposals for the 1998 annual
Reviewed manuscripts for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
series Changing The Faces of Mathematics: Perspectives on Latinos and
Reviewed manuscripts for the American Association for the Advancement of
Science's publication, Blueprints for Reform.
Reviewed proposals for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for
Information Technology and Teacher Education DLPE division.
Grant Activity
Telese, J. (2013). Texas Regional Mathematics Collaborative for Excellence in
Mathematics Teaching, funding source, MSP, University of Texas, $80,000.
Telese, J. (2012). Texas Regional Mathematics Collaborative for Excellence in
Mathematics Teaching, funding source, MSP, University of Texas, $80,000.
Zhang, Z., & Telese, J. (2012). Multiple dimensional diagnostic assessment of
algebraic content knowledge and thinking skills, National Science Foundation,
Telese, J. (2013). Texas Regional Mathematics Collaborative for Excellence in
Mathematics Teaching, funding source, MSP, University of Texas, $80,000.
Telese, J. (2012). Texas Regional Mathematics Collaborative for Excellence in
Mathematics Teaching, funding source, MSP, University of Texas, $80,000.
Telese, J. (2011). Texas Regional Mathematics Collaborative for Excellence in
Mathematics Teaching, funding source, MSP, University of Texas, $80,000.
Telese, J. (2011). Beginning Teacher Induction Mentoring Program funding
source, Texas Regional Mathematics Collaborative for Excellence in
Mathematics Teaching, University of Texas, $200,00, two-year grant.
Telese, J. (2010). Texas Regional Mathematics Collaborative for Excellence in
Mathematics Teaching, funding source, MSP, University of Texas, $80,000.
Telese, J. (2009). Texas Regional Mathematics Collaborative for Excellence in
Mathematics Teaching, funding source, MSP, University of Texas, $80,000.
Telese, J. (2008). Texas Regional Mathematics Collaborative for Excellence in
Mathematics Teaching, funding source, MSP, University of Texas, $80,000.
Contreras, R., & Telese, J. (co-director). Teacher Quality, Problem Solving for
Secondary Teachers, $78,000, Texas Higher Education Coordinating board,
Dukes, P., & Telese, J. (co-director). Teacher Quality in Physics Instruction,
$80,000, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 2005-2006.
Ortiz, J., & Telese, J. (co-director). Improving Student Achievement in
Mathematics Through Professional Development Partnerships, $70,000, Texas
Education Agency, 2005-2006.
Project Director, NASA MUREP, South Texas Master Mathematics and Science
Teacher Program, $200,000 for three years, 2000-2003.
Co-director of a sub-contract five-year grant from National Science Foundation
Co-director of a sub-contract five-year grant from National Science Foundation,
Telese, J. (May, 1998 - September, 1999)Project GATE(way): Graphing,
Algebra, Technology, and Excellence. Awarded $82,000 for professional
development of middle and high school mathematics teachers from the
EisenhowerFoundation, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Telese, J. (May, 1997 - September, 1998). Project GATE(way): Graphing,
Algebra, Technology, and Excellence. Awarded $70,000 for professional
development of middle and high school mathematics teachers from the
EisenhowerFoundation, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Telese, J. & Ramirez, R. (September 1996- August 1997). Center for
Opportunities for Students in Mathematics and Science (COSMOS). Awarded
$280,000 sub-contract grant from the National Science Foundation through the
Brownsville Independent School District.
Zhang, Z., & Telese, J. (2011). Algebra tasks’ cognitive demand and student
achievement. Institute of Education Sciences, 100,000.
Zhang, Z., & Telese, J. (2010). Exploring issues in algebraic learning and
teaching and modeling pedagogical processes and related factors via structural
equation modeling. Institute for Education Sciences, 100,000
Texas Regional Collaborative for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching (2006),
with Dr. Laura Villarreal, and Ms. Mary Wagner, Department of Mathematics.
Algebra, Technology, and Middle School Mathematics, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board, with Dr. Roger Contreras.
Bridges, MSP, National Science Foundation, member of writing team (2003).
The Effects Connected Mathematics Curriculum on Middle School Students’
Mathematics Achievement, U. S. Department of Education. (2003).
Academic Language in Algebra Classrooms, U.S. Department of Education.
South Texas Assessment Research Project, submitted to Field Initiated Study
Program of the U.S. Department of Education.
Sub-contract through the AAAS submitted to the U. S. Department of Education.
National Science Foundation, Certification of Middle School Mathematics
National Science Foundation, Collaborative of Excellence in Teacher Preparation
(CETP) received favorable reviews.
South Texas Assessment in Mathematics and Science Initiative, U.S.
Department of Education.
Telese, J. A. (submitted). Sustained professional development of mathematics
teachers and self-efficacy. Teacher Education and Practice.
House, J.D., & Telese, J.A. (In press). Mathematics instruction and achievement of
eighth-grade students in Korea: Results from the TIMSS 2007 assessment.
Junk, D., & Telese, J. (in press). Six years of measuring effects of mathematics
professional development on teacher’s content knowledge. Proceeding of
the International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics
Education (ICRSME XIV).
Zhang, Z., & Telese, J. (2012). Determining a model to predict Hispanic
preService teachers’ success on the TExES examination. Teacher Education and
Practice, 25(3), 388-401.
Telese, J. (2012). Middle school mathematics teachers’ professional development
and student achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 105(2), 102-111.
doi: 10.1080/00220671.2010.521209
House, J.D., & Telese, J.A. (2012). Effects of mathematics lesson activities and
computer use on algebra achievement of eighth-grade students in the United
States and Japan: Findings from the TIMSS 2007 assessment. International
Journal of Instructional Media, 39(1), 67-79.
House, D., & Telese, J. (2011). Effects of computer activities and classroom lesson
strategies on motivation for mathematics learning for eighth-grade students in the
United States and Korea. International Journal of Instructional Media, 38(3),
Telese, J. (2008). Teaching middle school mathematics for all. In Y. Freeman, D,
Freeman, & R. Ramirez (Eds.), Meeting the needs of diverse learners.
Portsmouth, NH, Heinemann.
House, D., & Telese, J. (2008). Relationships between student and instructional factors
and algebra achievement of students in the United States and Japan: An analysis
of TIMSS 2003 Data. Educational Research and Evaluation, 14(1), 101-112.
Telese, J. (2007). Mexican American Middle school students’ attitudes toward
mathematics and their classroom experiences with standard based curriculum.
The Journal of Border Education Research, 6(1), 103-114.
House, D., & Telese, J. (2007). Relationships between student and instructional factors
and algebra achievement of students in the United States and Japan: An analysis
of TIMSS 2003 data . The Second IEA International Research Conference:
Proceedings of the IRC-2006, Vol. 1, Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study (TIMSS), (pp. 11-22). International Association for the Evaluation
of Educational Achievement (IEA): Amsterdan, the Netherlands.
Telese, J. (2004). Middle school mathematics classroom practices and achievement:
A TIMSS-R analysis. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 26(4), 1931.
Telese, J. (2004). Standards: Mexican American students’ attitudes. Academic
Exchange Quarterly, 8(2), 120-125.
Telese, J. (2003). Diet, ratio, and proportion. from
Telese, J., & Alanis, I. (2003). The role of social constructivism in teaching
mathematics for understanding. Texas Association of Bilingual Education
Journal, 7(1), 43-62.
Telese, J., & Abete, J. (2002). Diet, ratios, and proportions: A healthy mix. Teaching
Mathematics in the Middle School, 8(1),8-13.
Telese, J., & Lamb, C. (2001). A pedagogical triad: Function concepts, graphing
technology, and problem-based learning. Texas Mathematics Teacher, 44(1), 1318.
Telese, J., & Ramirez, R. (2001). Discursive practices in language minority mathematics
classrooms. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 5(3), 184-190.
Telese, J. (2000). Beyond formulas in mathematics and teaching: Dynamics of the
high school algebra classroom. Education Review. Available:
Telese, J. (2000). Social constructivist philosophy in the teaching of school algebra and
in the preparation of mathematics teachers. Eric Document Reproduction
Service (ED 432 469).
Telese, J. (1999). Mexican American Students’ Attitudes Toward Mathematics and
Their Teaching Experiences. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 21(2),
pp. 154-169).
Telese, J. (1999). Preservice Teachers’ Changes in Teaching Philosophy. Texas
Education Forum, 24, pp. 24-36.
Telese, J. (1998). Making mathematics assessment fair for at-risk students. The Middle
School Journal., 29(3), 40-48.
Telese, J. (1998). Social Constructivism as a Philosophy of Mathematics. The
Education Review [On-line], 6/1. Available:
Telese, J. (1997). Hispanic teachers' view of mathematics and its effects on
instructional practice. Eric Document Reproduction Service (ED 406 216).
Telese, J. (1997). Hispanic students' attitudes toward mathematics and their classroom
experience. Eric Document Reproduction Service (ED 407 256)
Telese, J. (1997). State of Mathematics Education. Final Report. Center for
Educational Research on Teaching and Learning, University of Texas at
Telese, J. (1997). Field-based preservice teachers' philosophical perspectives on
teaching. Eric Document Reproduction Service (ED 402 283).
Telese, J. (1996). Secondary mathematics acceleration research project: Final Report.
National Science Foundation.
Telese, J. (1996). The effectiveness of the Lower Valley Center for Professional
Development and Technology. Final Report, Texas Education Agency.
Telese, J. (1996). The effectiveness of instructional technology on pre-service teachers'
lesson desgin.. In B. Robin, J. Price, J. Willis, & D. A. Willis (Eds.),
Technology and teacher education annual 1996:
Telese, J., & Kulm, G. (1995). Assessment scenarios for at-risk students in
mathematics. Urban Review, 27(2), 121-140.
Telese, J. (1994). Alternative assessment in mathematics: Towards equity in
mathematics education. The Clemson Kappan, 12 (1), 13-20.
Telese, J. (1994). Alternative assessment in mathematics from the student's view.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 361 378).
Telese, J. (1994). Ocean drilling simulation activity. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. ED 365 555).
Telese, J., Kulm, G., & McMullen, B. (1993). Alternative assessment in mathematics:
Module 31. Houston, TX: Harris County Department of Education, Texas
Education Agency.
Telese, J., & Jordan, K. (1991). In search of Earth's secrets. In L. Neil (Ed.), Teacher
in Industry: Curriculum implementation plans (p. 39-49). College Station, TX:
Texas Alliance for Science, Technology, and Mathematics Education, Texas
A&M University.
Telese, J. & Aguilar, M. (March, 2012). Geogebra, spanish missions and middle
school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
Information Technology and Teacher Education, Austin, TX.
Cook, J., Telese, J., & Rehman, S. (2009, October). A study of participant reactions to
Difficult Dialouges regarding immigration and the border fence. Paper presented at
the Fourth International Colloquium of Northeast Mexico and Texas, Brownsville,
House, D., & Telese, J. (2006, November). Relationships between student and
instructional factors and algebra achievement of students in the United States and
Japan: A analysis of TIMSS 2003 data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Attainment.
Telese, J. (2011, November). Mathematics Teachers self-efficacy and professional
development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the School Science and
Mathematics Association, Colorado Springs, CO.
Telese, J., & Junk, D. (2010, November). Impacting teachers’ algebra pedagogical
content knowledge. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the School Science and
Mathematics Association, Ft. Myers, FL.
Telese, J. (2009, October). Assessing inservice teachers van Hiele Level of Geometric
Thinking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the School Science and
Mathematics Association, Reno, NV.
Telese, J. (2008, November). Teacher Professional Development in Mathematics and
Student Achievement: A 2005 NAEP Analysis. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the School Science and Mathematics Association, Indianapolis, IN.
Telese, J. & Eyambe, G. (2007, November). Using inquiry-based learning modules
and science achievement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the School
Science and Mathematics Association, Indianapolis, IN.
Telese, J. (2007, April). Barriers Latinas face in a graduate school of education. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association,
Chicago, IL.
Telese, J. (2006, October). Comparing algebra student and instructional factors in
Japan and in the U.S. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the School Science
and Mathematics Association, Missoula, MT.
Telese, J. (2005, February). The role of technology in teaching geometry. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning,
Little Rock, AK.
Telese, J. (2005, November). The importance of situated mathematics activities. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Schoo Science and mathematics Association,
Fort Worth, TX.
Telese, J. (2004, February). Standards-based mathematics curriculum and middle
school student’s attitudes toward mathematics. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Research Council on Learning in Mathematics, Oklahoma, City, OK.
Telese, J. (2004, April). Standards-based curriculum and Hispanic Middle School
Students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education
Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Telese, J., & Eyamabe, G. (2004,October). The impact of bio-technology modules on
student attitudes and career aspirations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the School Science and Mathematics Association.
Telese, J. (2003, February). Improving understanding of state standards. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning,
Tempe, AZ.
Telese, J. & Sullivan, M. (2003, March). Spreadsheets, diet, ratios, and proportions.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and
Teacher Education, Alburquerque, NM.
Telese, J. (2003, October). Elementary mathematics and kit-based science instruction.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the School Science and Mathematics
Association, Columbus, OH.
Telese, J. (2002, January). Mathematical understanding and the decisions preservice
elementary teachers make about teaching. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J. (2002, February). Critical Thinking in a Technology Enhanced Secondary
Methods Course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of
Teacher Educators, Denver, CO.
Telese, J. (2002, March). United States 8th graders perception of mathematics
instructional practices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Research
Council for Mathematics Learning, Memphis, TN.
Telese, J. & Ramirez, R. (2001, February). Discursive practices in mathematics
classroom as perceived by Mexican-American high school students. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Bilingual
Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Telese, J. (2001, November). Teaching Mathematics for Understanding: An
Observation Guide. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the School Science
and Mathematics Association, Downers Grove, IL.
Telese, J. (2000, February). Latino students’ abilities in Algebra I: Implications for
teacher preparation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of
Mathematics Teacher Educators, Charlotte, NC.
Telese, J. (2000, April). School algebra teaching reform: Meeting the grade? Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research
Association, New Orleans, LA.
Telese, J. (2000, October). Increasing the number of certified Hispanic mathematics
teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the School Science and
Mathematics Association, Albuquerque, NM.
Sullivan, M. & Telese, J. (2000, October). Connecting migrant students to
mathematics using distance learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the School Science and Mathematics Association, Albuquerque, NM.
Telese, J. (1999, January). Social Constructivism: Its Role in the Algebra Classroom.
A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Mathematics
Teacher Educators, Chicago, IL.
Telese, J. & Abudiab, M. (1999, January). In-service Teachers, Graphing Calculators,
and Mathematical Modeling. Preliminary Report. A paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J. (1999, February). Elementary Mathematics Teaching: Meeting the Grade?
A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics
Learning, College Station, TX.
Hinojosa, J., Telese, J., & Sullivan, M. (1999, March). Power on: Bustin’ the barriers.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology
and Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J., & Abudiab, M. (1999, March). Improving teachers’ understanding of
mathematical modeling and facility with graphing calculators. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher
Education, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J., & Abete, J. (1999, April). Comida Caseras: Using diet as a context to teach
statistical concepts to Mexican American students. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, San Fransisco,
Telese, J. (1999, October). Social constructivist pedagogy in the algebra classroom.
Paper presented at the joint meeting of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of
Mathematics and the School Science and Mathematics Association, Greensboro,
Telese, J. (1998, March). Teaching function concepts through problem-based learning.
A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information in
Teacher Education, Washington, DC.
Telese, J. (1997, April). Mathematics inclusion is A OK (All right for Our Kids). Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics. Minneapolis, MN.
Telese, J. (1997, March). Hispanic teachers philosophy of mathematics and
mathematics teaching. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Education Research Association. Chicago, IL.
Telese, J. (1996, October). Field-based interns' philosophy of teaching. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Regional Association of
Teacher Educators, Charleston, SC
Telese, J. (1996, March). The effectiveness of instructional technology on pre-service
teachers' lesson design. Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference
of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Telese, J. (1996, May). Problem solving and its assessment. Paper presented at the
Second Annual Bi-National Education Conference, Brownsville, TX.
Telese, J. (1995, April). Situated Performance-based assessment of at-risk students:
The effects of context and setting. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Telese, J. (1993, April). Effects of alternative assessment from the student's view.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research
Association, Atlanta, GA.
Telese, J., & Linden, M. (1993, November). Meaningful application to social
questions. Paper presented at the annual Conference of the National Council
for the Social Studies, Nashville, TN.
Telese, J., & Julson, A. (1991, October). In search of Earth's secrets: A curriculum
plan developed through "Teacher-in-Industry" internship at the Ocean Drilling
Program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of
America, San Diego, CA.
Telese, J., & Zhang, Z. (2013, February). Examining the level of academic rigor in a
school district. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest
Education Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J. (2013, June). Developing van Hiele levels of geometric thinking. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Texas Regional Collaboratives for
Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, Austin, TX.
Telese, J., & Avalos, B. (2013, July). The LCM and GCF revisited. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics
Teaching, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J. (2012, February). Improving elementary teachers’ self-efficacy for
mathematics teaching. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest
Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Telese, J. (2012, June). Crossing the Euler Line: Geogebra vs. Patty Paper. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Texas Regional Collaboratives for
Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching, Austin, TX.
Telese, J. (2012, July). Integrating Texas history with mathematics instruction. Paper
presented at the annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics
Teaching, Dallas, TX.
Telese, J. ( 2012, October). A line in the sand: Geometry and Texas History. Paper
presented at the annual regional meeting of the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, Dallas, TX.
Telese, J., & Jewett, L. (2012, November). Improving rigor through formative
assessment in mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, TX.
Telese, J. (2011, February). Preservice teacher characteristics and performance on the
PPR TeXES Examination. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Southwest Education Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J., & Aguilar, M. (2011, June). A line in the sand: Connecting Texas history
and geometry. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Texas Regional
Collaboratives for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching, Austin, TX.
Telese, J. (2011, July). Desgining middle grades situational performance assessments.
Paper presented at the annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics
Teaching, Dallas, TX.
Telese, J., & Aguilar, M. (2011, November). A line in the sand: Texas history and
geometry. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rio Grande Valley
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, TX.
Telese, J. (2010, February). Geometric Thinking of inservice teachers: Impact of a PD
program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Educational
Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Telese, J., & Smetter, D. (2009, February). Development of a classroom walk through
observation instrument. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest
Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J. ( 2008, February). Eighth grade student achievement and teacher
characteristics: A 2005 NAEP data analysis. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Telese, J., & Dukes, P. (2007, February). Enhancing physics teachers’ conceptual
understanding and inquiry pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Dukes, P., & Telese, J. (2007, February). Creating computer based scoring rubrics for
assessing and improving student performance. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, TX.
Telese, J. (2006, February). Barriers faced by Latinas as graduate students in a school
of education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Educational
Research Association, Austin, TX.
Telese, J. (2005, February). The impact of inquiry-based science curriculum on
elementary students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest
Educational Research Association, Dallas, TX.
Telese, J. (2004, February). Mexican American Middle school students attitudes toward
math and standards based curriculum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
Southwest Educational Research Association, Dallas Tx.
Telese, J. (2003, February). Mexican-American middle school students’ and standardsbased mathematics curriculum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Southwest Education Research Association, Dallas, TX.
Telese, J. (2002, February). United States eighth graders and communication in the
mathematics classroom . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest
Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Telese, J. (2001, February). Elementary teachers and the development of a teaching
mathematics for understanding observation instrument. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, New
Orleans, LA.
Telese, J. (2001, September). Fourth-graders’ Attitude and Achievement on the 1996
NAEP: A Comparison Between LEP and Non-LEP Students. A paper presented
at the annual meeting of the Rio Grande Valley/Texas Association for Bilingual
Education Conference, Edinburg, TX
Telese, J. (2000, April). Developing an on-line course for pre-service teachers: A
community in action. Paper presented to faculty at the University of Texas,
Brownsville, Brownsville, TX.
Telese, J., & Ramirez, R. (2000, January). Language minority and non-language
minority students’ perception of opportunities for discourse in mathematics and
science classes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest
Education Research Association, Dallas, TX.
Telese, J. (2000, November). Teaching mathematics for understanding. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, Edinburg, TX.
Telese, J. (2000, November). Algebra I and Technology. Workshop presented at the
San Benito Consolidated School District Curriculum Conference, San Benito,
Telese, J. & Ramirez, R. (1999, January). Improving Minority Students’ Access to
Science, Mathematics, and Technology in Post-secondary Coursework. A paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Education Research
Association, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J. (1999, October). Social Constructivist Philosophy in the Algebra
Classroom. Paper presented at the joint meeting of the School Science and
Mathematics Association and the North Carolina Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, Greensboro, NC.
Telese, J., & Sullivan , M. (1999, December). The Development of a Mathematical
Modeling On-line Course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rio
Grande Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, TX.
Telese, J. (1998, January). Strategies for Changing the Pedagogy of Poverty.
A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Education Research
Association, Houston, TX.
Telese, J., & Telese, J. (1998, February). Mathematics inclusion: A merging highway
of opportunity. A paper presented at the annual southern regional meeting of the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Dallas, TX.
Telese, J. & Ramirez, R. (1998, February). COSMOS: A galaxy of opportunities in
math and science for minority students. A paper presented at the annual southern
regional meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Dallas,
Telese, J. (1998, October). Using Technology in the Math Class. Paper Presented at the
5th bi-National Education Conference, Matamoros, MX
Telese, J. (1998, November). Teaching Function Concepts with CBLs. Paper presented
at the 33rd Annual Meeting of Rio Grande Teachers of Mathematics, University
of Texas-Edinburg.
Telese, J., & Olivarez, A. (1997, January). Psychometric properties of high school
students' views about mathematics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Southwest Education Research Association. Austin, TX.
Telese, J. (1997, January). Hispanic students' attitudes toward mathematics and their
classroom experiences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest
Education Research Association. Austin, TX.
Telese, J. (1995, May). Rater effectiveness: A generalizibilty study of a situated
performance-based assessment. Paper presented at the New England Education
Research Organization annual meeting, Portsmouth, NH.
Telese, J., & Kulm, G. (1994, February). Performance assessment scenarios for at-risk
students in mathematics. Paper presented at the Conference for Innovative
Practices for At-risk students, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Telese, J. (1993, January). Critical mathematics pedagogy and alternative assessment.
Paper presented at the annual Conference on the Teaching of Secondary
Mathematics, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX.
Telese, J., & Kulm, G. (1993, August). Performance tasks for the assessment of
problem-solving. Paper presented at the Conference for the Advancement of
Mathematics Teaching, Dallas, TX.
Telese, J., & Gomez, L. (1992, April). Are LEP students performing to their potential
in mathematics? Paper presented at the annual Bilingual Conference, Texas A&I
University, Kingsville, TX.
Telese, J. (1992, August). Algebra and geology. Paper presented at the annual
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J., & Gomez, L. (1992, August). Mathematics curriculum tracking and its
impact on minority students. Paper presented at the annual Conference for the
Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX.
Telese, J. (1992, October). Algebra that geologists use. Paper presented at the Joint
National Science Teachers Association and Conference for the Advancement of
Science Teaching Convention, Fort Worth, TX.
State Level
Texas Education Agency, Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and
Science Teaching Selection Committee 2013.
Texas Hispanic STEM Alliance, SEDL, member of alliance.
State Board of Educator Certification, Mathematics Teaching ExCET Revision
Committee (2000 -2001).
State Board of Educator Certification, Master Mathematics Teacher Program Committee
Texas Education Agency Developmental Advisory Committee for Grades 10-11
Mathematics Spring, 2000.
Texas Education Agency, Texas Professional Development Online Advisory Committee
November, 2000.
Gifted and Talented Education, A&M Consolidated High, College Station, TX.
Out Reach: Goals 2000: Mathematics and Science Task Force, Council For Public
Education, Harrisburg, PA.
Teacher in-service, Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Co-chairperson of Mathematics Collaborative Partnership, UTB/BISD (1995-1996)
Member of Mathematics Collaborative Partnership, UTB/BISD
Executive Committee of the Lower Valley Center for Professional Development
and Technology.
BISD National Science Foundation Advisory Board (1996-1997)
University of Texas at Brownsville
2009-2011 Achieve the Dream
2008 Ad Hoc Committee to Respond to the SACS Report.
2006-2009, University Quality Enhancement Plan, Committee.
2005-2007, University Academic Standards Committee.
2005-2006, University Task Force for Student Success.
University Grievance Committee, Spring 2004 to 2008.
2002-2004, University Enrollment Committee.
2002-2003, Gear-up Consultant.
Doctoral Committee Member for Roger Contreras, Mathematics Education, Texas A&M
Doctoral Committee Member for Margie Mancillas, Educational Administration,
University of Houston.
Doctoral Committee Member for Diana Garza, Special Education, University of Texas,
College of Education
2011-2013 College of Education Personnel Committee, Dean’s Representative.
2010-2013 Faculty Representative on the NCATE Executive Council.
2010 -2013 Chair, of the College of Education Assessment Committee
Chair, Departmental Graduate Committee, Fall 2004
Various Department Search Committees, 2002-present.
Chair, Departmental Graduate Committee, Fall ,2000- Spring, 2001.
Chair, Departmental Personnel Committee Fall, 2000 – Spring, 2001.
Graduate International Admission Policy Committee, Spring, 2000.
Chair, Secondary Curriculum Restructuring Committee, Fall, 2000.
General Education Assessment Steering Committee Fall, 1999-Spring, 2000.
Chair, Secondary Education Faculty Search Committee (Fall, 1996-1999).
University Research Enhancement Committee (Fall/Spring, 1998).
Teacher Education Curriculum for The 21st Century (1995-1996).
Dean Search Committee, School of Education, Univeristy of Texas at
Brownsville. (Spring 1996).
Chair, Secondary Education Search Committee (1997-1998).
School of Education Jamison Bill Committee (1997-1998).
School and Department Graduate Curriculum Committees (1995-present).
Chair, University Library Committee (1998-1999).
Curriculum Restructuring (Secondary) Committee 1995.
ExCET Review and Research Commitee (Fall 1996).
Penn State-Harrisburg
Faculty Development, Penn State-Harrisburg.
Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity at Penn State-Harrisburg.
Professional Development Activities
Attended various Professional Development through the Texas Regional Collaborative
for Excellence in Mathematics Education, most recently Focus on Algebra: Linear
Selected for the National Assessment of Educational Progress data analysis workshop,
Washington, DC, 2007.
Mixed-methods Research Design, San Antonio, TX, 2007
Fundamentals of Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Austin, TX, 2006.
Mathematical Modeling Institute for Secondary Teachers, Houston, TX July, 2001.
Selected from a national Competition to receive training data analysis of the National
Assessment of Educational Progress database, sponsored by the National Center on
Educational Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education, July 22 - 26, 2001,
Rockville, MD.
Selected from a national Competition to receive training data analysis of the Third
International Mathematics and Science Study database, sponsored by the National Center
on Educational Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education, August 27 - 30, 2001,
Rockville, MD.
Selected Participant in the National Research Council's National Convocation on
Mathematics Education in the Middle Grades, September 25-27, 1998, Washington, DC.
Selected from a national Competition to receive training data analysis of the
Third International Mathematics and Science Study database, sponsored by the National
Center on Educational Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education, October 14-17,
1998, Rockville, MD.
Eisenhower Technical Assistance Meeting, Austin, TX, November 6, 1998
University of Texas, Brownsville Spanish for Faculty Fall, 1996- Spring, 1997, Fall,
1997, Spring, 1998.
University Forum, Teaching Mathematics with Technology, Conroe, TX, May, 1997.
University Forum, Teaching Statistics and Middle School Mathematics with
Technology, Austin, TX, May, 1998.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Eisenhower Technical and
Financial Assistance Meeting, Austin, TX, August 14-15, 1997.
National Science Foundation Regional Grant Opportunity Meeting, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY, October, 1996.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
American Education Research Association
Southwest Education Research Association
Special Interest Group of NCTM: Special Interest Group for Ethnomathematics
American Association of Computing in Education
Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education
Fly UP