
Thomas W. Secrest, Ph.D. Professor Economics Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics

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Thomas W. Secrest, Ph.D. Professor Economics Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics
Thomas W. Secrest, Ph.D. Professor
Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics
Wall College of Business Adminstration
[email protected]
Academic Background
Ph.D. University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, Finance, 1993
M.B.A. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, Finance, 1983
B.A. University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, Economics, 1981
Academic Experience
Professor of Economics, Coastal Carolina University (August, 2007 - Present). E. Craig Wall, Sr. College of
Business Administration.
Associate Professor of Economics, Coastal Carolina University (August, 2001 - July, 2007). E. Craig Wall, Sr.
College of Business Administration.
Assistant Professor of Economics, Coastal Carolina University (August, 1994 - July, 2001). E. Craig Wall, Sr.
College of Business Administration.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance, University of North Carolina, Wilmington (August, 1998 - May, 1999).
Cameron School of Business.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, Coastal Carolina University (August, 1993 - May, 1994). E. Craig
Wall, Sr. School of Business Administration.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance, Coastal Carolina University (January, 1993 - May, 1993). School of
Business Administration.
Graduate Research Assistant, University of South Carolina (1988 - 1993).
Graduate Research Assistant, Auburn University (January, 1982 - December, 1983).
Professional Interests
Research Interests
Fixed Income Securities, Economic Impact Studies, Nonprofit Organizations
Teaching Interests
Macroeconomics, Financial Intermediation
Refereed Articles
Secrest, T. W. (2013). A Multi-Year Study of Contingent Liabilities: Rollins, Inc. International Research
Journal of Business and Economics, 1 (1).
Secrest, T. W. (2013). Underwater Mortgages: Why Homeowners May Continue to Pay the Debt. Journal of
Economics and Economic Education Research, 14 (2), 101-114.
Secrest, T. W. (2012). A Method to Determine Financial Loss of Use in a Real Estate Setting. Journal of Legal
Issues and Cases in Business.
Secrest, T. W. (2012). A Seasoned Instructor's New Look at Fixed Income Securities: An Exercise Using
Discounted Bonds. American Journal of Business Education, 5 (1).
Hucks, N., Todd, V., Burney, R. B., & Secrest, T. W. (2011). Agricultural Risk Management in the Northern
Plains of South Carolina. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 9, 1-9.
Secrest, T. W. & Burney, R. B. (2010). Corporate Cost of Debt: The Issue of Premium or Discount
Bonds. AABRI Journal of Finance and Accountancy, 4.
Burney, R. B. & Secrest, T. W. (2006). Pedagogical Difficulties in the Pricing of Fixed-Income and Discount
Securities. International Journal of Business Disciplines, 17 (2), 87-94.
Boyles, G. V., Secrest, T. W., & Burney, R. B. (2006). The Pricing of Bonds between Coupon Payments: From
Theory to Market Practice. Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 4 (2), 61-68.
Secrest, T. W. (2005). A Case Study of the Economic Value of a Community Development Corporation on
Local Economies. Review of Business Research, V (2).
Koch, T. W., Porter, G., & Secrest, T. W. (2004). The Role of Non-Interest Income and Expense in Reducing
the Interest Rate Sensitivity of Large Commercial Bank Earnings. Journal of Financial Intermediation.
Refereed Proceedings
Full Paper
Secrest, T. W. (2012). A Method to Determine Financial Loss of Use in a Real Estate Setting. Academic and
Business Research Institute.
Secrest, T. W. (2012). Underwater Mortgages: Why Homeowners May Continue to Pay the Debt. Allied
Academies Fall 2012 International Conference.
Secrest, T. W. (2012). A Multi-Year Study of Contingent Liabilities: Rollins, Inc. Global Business Development
Hucks, N., Todd, V., Burney, R., & Secrest, T. (2011). Agricultural Risk Management in the Northern Coastal
Plains of South Carolina. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 18th Annual Meeting,
http://asbbs.org/files/2011/ASBBS2011v1/PDF/H/HucksN.pdf: .
Secrest, T. W. & Burney, R. B. (2009). Corporate Cost of Debt: The Issue of Discount or Premium
Bonds. Allied Academies Fall 2009 International Conference.
Secrest, T. W. (2006). A Seasoned Instructor's New Look at Fixed-Income Securities: An Exercise Using
Discounted Bonds. International Business and Economic Research Conference.
Burney, R. B. & Secrest, T. W. (2005). Pedagogical Difficulties in the Pricing of Fixed-Income and Discount
Securities. Academy of Economics and Finance.
Secrest, T. W. (2005). Claiming Contingent Liabilities and Their Effect on Stockholder Wealth. American
Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
Secrest, T. W. (2003). Bugs in the Books? Historical Accounting Practices at Orkin Exterminating,
Inc. International Business and Economic Research Conference, International Business and Economic
Kendree, J. M. & Secrest, T. W. (1998). System Constraints in Local Level Labor Force Data. American
Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 10.
Secrest, T. W. (1998). Perceived Rapid Economic Development in a Tourism Environment: Should Growth Be
Curtailed? . National Conference, Academy of Business Administration, Academy of Business Administration.
Secrest, T. W. (1998). The Passing of Lore: From Face-to-Face to Interface (From the Campfire to the
Internet). National Conference, Academy of Business Administration, Academy of Business Administration.
Eason, J. F. & Secrest, T. W. (1998). Development and Implementation of a Distance Learning Course for
Principles of Management. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 5.
Secrest, T. W., Barr, P. B., & Thompson, S. H. (1998). A Model for Assessing Community Health. American
Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 7.
Barr, P. B., Nale, R. D., & Secrest, T. W. (1997). The Impact of Cultural Festivals in a Tourist
Environment. Academy of Business Administration.
Secrest, T. W. & Eason, J. F. (1997). Reasons for Matriculation, First Impressions, and Their Effect on the
Success and Retention of Freshmen. Southeastern Chapter INFORMS.
Secrest, P. W. & Secrest, T. W. (1996). A Model for Quality Management of Non-Profit Health Care
Facilities. Southeastern Chapter INFORMS.
Hefner, F. L. & Secrest, T. W. (1996). Responses of Tourism-Based Coastal Economies to Seasonal
Fluctuations and Exogenous Shocks. Southeastern Chapter INFORMS.
Secrest, T. W. (1996). Regional Tourism Destinations and the Shifting of Economic Power Within the State of
South Carolina. UNLV Environments for Tourism Conference.
Secrest, T. W., Burney, R. B., & Kendree, III, J. M. (1996). Capital Investment and Community Growth: A
Tourism Economy Example. Southeastern Chapter INFORMS.
Secrest, T. W. (1995). An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Applying Total Quality Management In the Public
Sector. Academy of Business Administration.
Eason, J. F., Garland, W. L., & Secrest, T. W. (1995). A Model for the Evaluation of Quality Management in
the Public Sector. Institute of Management Science, Southeast Chapter.
Abstract Only
Secrest, T. W. (2011). Claiming Contingent Liabilities and the Effect on Stockholder Wealth. Academic and
Business Research Institute.
Secrest, T. W. (2006). A Comparison of Senior Migration to Tourist Destinations. Southern Regional Science
Secrest, T. W. (2004). A Comparison of the Importance of Older Residents to Tourism-Based
Economies. International Business and Economic Research Conference.
Secrest, P. M. & Secrest, T. W. (2004). Clear the Decks: A Planning Strategy for Graduate
School. International Business and Economic Research Conference.
Presentation of Refereed Papers
Secrest, T. W. (2013). Methods to Manage Risks Unique to Entities Dependent on Agriculture. Mustang
International Academic Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2012). A Multi-Year Study of Contingent Liabilities: Rollins, Inc. Global Business Development
Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2012, October). A Method to Determine Financial Loss of Use in a Real Estate Setting.
Academic and Business Research Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2012, October). Underwater Mortgages: Why Homeowners May Continue to Pay the Debt.
Allied Academies Fall 2012 International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2011). An Exploration of Financial Contracts used for Agricultural Risk Management. Clute
Institute Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Burney, R. B. & Secrest, T. W. (2010, October). Vegetable or Oil: An Exploratory Investigation. Allied
Academies Fall 2010 International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2010, February). The Buck Starts Here: Recent Federal Reserve Liquidity Programs.
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. & Burney, R. B. (2009). Corporate Cost of Debt: The Issue of Discount or Premium Bonds.
Allied Academies Fall 2009 International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2006, October). A Seasoned Instructor's New Look at Fixed-Income Securities: An Exercise
Using Discounted Bonds. International Business and Economic Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2000, December). Economic and Commercial Applications and Data Handling Requirements of
Global Positioning Systems. Academy of Business Administration, Cancun, Mexico.
Secrest, T. W. (2005, April). The Effect of Limiting Access to Instructor Prepared Teaching Material. Seminar
of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant Recipients, Conway, South Carolina.
Secrest, T. W. & Burney, R. B. (2013). Competing Demands for U.S. Agricultural Crops and Exogenous
Shocks. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Hucks, N., Todd, V., Burney, R. B., & Secrest, T. W. (2011, February). Agricultural Risk Management in the
Northern Coastal Plains of South Carolina. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 18th
Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2011, October). Claiming Contingent Liabilities and Their Effect on Stockholder Wealth.
Academic and Business Research Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2009). A Model to Determine an Executive Housing Allowance as a Form of Compensation.
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2008). A Method to Determine Financial Loss of Use in a Real Estate Setting. American
Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. & Krippel, G. L. (2008). A Multi-Year Study of Contingent Liabilities: Rollins, Inc. American
Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2007, February). Corporate Cost of Debt: The Issue of Premium and Discount Bonds.
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2005, February). Claiming Contingent Liabilities and their Effect on Stockholder Wealth.
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2004, October). A Comparison of the Importance of Older Residents to Tourism-Based
Economies. International Business and Economic Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, P. M. & Secrest, T. W. (2004, October). Clear the Decks: Practical Planning for Graduate School.
College Teaching and Learning Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2004, February). Understanding College Students' Prior Life Experience. American Society of
Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2003, February). Confessions of an Instructor of Freshmen Business Seminars. American
Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2002, February). National Recessions in the U.S. and the Impact on Tourism Markets.
American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2001, February). Global Positioning, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Management
of Information. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Secrest, T. W. (2000, February). Base Industries and Their Importance to Small Community Economic
Development. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Barr, P. B., Nale, R. D., & Secrest, T. W. (1997, April). The Impact of Cultural Festivals in a Tourist
Environment: An Exploratory Study of VIVACE! Academy of Business Administration, Toronto, Canada.
Secrest, T. W. (2005, April). Seniors Migrating to Tourist Destinations: A Comparison. Southern Regional
Science Association, Arlington, Virginia.
Koch, T. W., Porter, G., & Secrest, T. W. (1991, April). A Reevaluation of the Relationship Between Interest
Rates and Commercial Bank Profitability. Eastern Finance Association, Hot Springs, Virginia.
Working Papers
Secrest, T. W.
Secrest, T. W.
Maguire, K. A.
Secrest, T. W.
Secrest, T. W.
Secrest, T. W.
Secrest, T. W.
Secrest, T. W.
(2013). "Methods to Manage Risks Unique to Entities Dependent on Agriculture".
& Burney, R. B. (2013). "Competing Demands for U.S. Agricultural Crops and Exogenous
& Secrest, T. W. (2012). "Rollins, Inc.: A Case Study Exercise in Creative Accounting".
(2012). "Does a High Concentration of Retirees Shield Against Economic Downturns?".
(2011). "Contingent Liabilities and Their Effect on Stockholder Wealth".
& Burney, R. B. (2010). "Vegetable or Oil: An Exploratory Investigation".
(2010). "The Buck Starts Here: Recent Federal Reserve Liquidity Programs".
(2009). "A Method to Determine an Executive Housing Allowance as a Form of Compensation".
Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers
Secrest, T. W. (2013). Scholarly Reassignment Accomplishments. CCU Post-Reassignment Scholars'
Symposium, Conway, South Carolina.
Secrest, T. W. (2013). Underwater Mortgages: Why Homeowners May Continue to Pay the Debt. Wall
Interdisciplinary Talks (WITS), Conway, South Carolina.
Secrest, T. W. & Burney, R. B. (2007). Corporate Cost of Debt: The Issue of Premium or Discount Bonds.
Wall Interdisciplinary Talks (WITS), Conway, South Carolina.
Secrest, T. W. (2004, October). A Comparison of the Importance of Older Residents to Tourism-Based
Economies. Wall Interdisciplinary Talks (WITS), Conway, South Carolina.
Secrest, T. W. (2006, April). A Comparison of Senior Migration to Tourism Destinations. Southern Regional
Science Association, St. Augustine, Florida.
Secrest, T. W., Burney, R. B., & Hefner, F. L. (1996, October). Economic and Commercial Development in an
Economy with Anticipated Economic Shocks. Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education,
Asheville, North Carolina.
Professional Associations
Academic and Business Research Institute, 2012-2013
Academy of Business Research, 2012-2013
Academy of Economics and Economic Education, 2012-2013
Academic and Business Research Institute, 2011-2012
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies (unit of Allied Academies), 2009-2011
Academy of Economics and Finance, 2007-2010
Southern Regional Sciences Association, 2005-2008
American Association of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 2000-2013
Courses Taught
Courses from the Teaching Schedule: Business Finance, Financial Institutions Management., Financial
Institutions and Markets, Real Estate Finance and Investment
Courses taught, but not in the Schedule:
Financial Institutions Management, Real Estate Finance and Investment, Introduction to Real Estate, Financial
Decision Making, Managerial Economics, Business Finance, Business Statistics, Introduction to Business,
Principles of Economics I: Macroeconomics, Principles of Economics II: Microeconomics, Business Freshman
Success Seminar, University Freshman Success Seminar, Commercial Bank Management I, Commercial Bank
Management II
Other Teaching Activities
Assurance of Learning - Teaching
2012 - Assurance of Learning - Teaching. Spring semester: Required that students in the Accounting and
Finance major section of CBAD 363: Business Finance used the McGraw-Hill Connect online learning system.
The system was used to create all of the following: Extensive practice assignments, homework, quizzes on
applicable subject matter and, occasionally, exams. The system allowed the instructor to more closely monitor
student progress during the semester.
2012 - Assurance of Learning - Teaching. Spring semester: Engaged students in a simulation that mimics the
decision making amid the uncertain environment of a typical, large commercial bank. The Stanford Bank
Game was used successfully during the semester as part of the active learning process in FIN 471: Financial
Institutions Management; the capstone course for the wealth management track of the finance major.
2012 - Assurance of Learning - Teaching. Actively participated in Webinar sponsored by McGraw-Hill on the
advanced use of Connect online learning system. January 13, 2012
2011 - Assurance of Learning - Teaching. Spring semester: Required that students work in two-person teams
in a simulation that mimics the complicated decision making process in an uncertain environment of a typical,
large commercial bank. The Stanford Bank Game was used successfully as part of the learning process in FIN
471: Financial Institutions Management; the new capstone course for the wealth management track of the
finance major.
2011 - Assurance of Learning - Teaching. Fall semester: Each student in RTMA 467 / CBAD 467 was required
to develop an MS Excel workbook capable of analyzing the cash flow, leverage, and income tax effects of a
to develop an MS Excel workbook capable of analyzing the cash flow, leverage, and income tax effects of a
hypothetical commercial property. This included the purchase, operation, and eventual sale of the property, as
well as a determination of investor rates of return.
Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional
2011 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Spring semester: FIN 471: Financial Institutions
Management, the capstone course for the Financial Institutions track within the Finance major. Catalog
description follows: This course is required for a major. This course provides detailed coverage of financial
institutions management with an emphasis on depository institutions. A bank management computer
simulation is integrated throughout the course as a dynamic multi-period case. The simulation provides a
unique opportunity for students to practice depository institutions management techniques in an environment
in which earlier decisions impact latter decisions. In addition to managing a simulated bank, the student will
conduct financial analysis on other banks in the simulation industry. The course material includes current
readings from various business publications.
2010 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Fall 2010: Developed course materials for a new
(capstone) course to be offered beginning Spring 2011. FIN 471: Financial Services Management.
Student Assign-Independent Studies
2011 - Student Assign-Independent Studies. 1 student. Spring semester: Developed a 3-credit independent
study project for an undergraduate finance major.
Student Assign-Students Advised (UG)
2012 - Student Assign-Students Advised (UG). 1 student. Spring semester: Was selected by student enrolled
in FIN 471 to oversee small research project that would qualify the student to enroll in the class as an honors
Student Assign-Supervised Research (UG)
2011 - Student Assign-Supervised Research (UG). 1 student. Fall semester: Was selected by student enrolled
in RTMA 467 to oversee small research project that would qualify the student to enroll in the class as an
honors course.
Other Teaching Activities
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. Student letters of appreciation
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. Fall semester: Participated in the International Summer School sponsored by
the Wall College through the inclusion of one student from Germany in CBAD 467 Section 01. The program
lasted 4 weeks during which the student attended class, completed normal assignments, and also completed
a special research project designed by the instructor of the course.
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. International Summer School participant instructor. Hosted one student in
RTMA 467, Fall 2011
Student Team Evaluations
2011 - Student Team Evaluations. 175 students. Student Evaluations of Teaching, calendar year 2011.
2011 - Student Team Evaluations. 100 students. Student written comments, Spring 2011
2011 - Student Team Evaluations. 75 students. Student written comments, Fall 2011
Non-Academic Experience
Director, Center for Economic and Community Development, Coastal Carolina University (August, 1994 December, 2002).
Senior Financial Analyst and Head of Cost Accounting, First Federal Savings and Loan Association, Rochester,
New York. (April, 1985 - May, 1988).
Registered Representative, Thomas James and Associates (September, 1984 - August, 1985).
2012: Attorneys Lee, Eadon, Isgett, Popwell, & Reardon, Determine current and future amount of business
and personal lost income following a client's automobile accident
1998-2011: Thomas Warner Research, LLC, A limited liability company engaged in the dissemination of
economic research and statistics as well as economic and financial consulting.
2009: Mr. Michael C. McCh*** redacted, Determine loss of use and enjoyment of property due to action by
Homeowner Association
2007-2008: Parsons, Ouverson, Stark, Guest Law Firm, Loss of Use, Determine the economic and financial
loss of use during mandatory reconstruction and repair of a three building, 76 unit condominium complex in
North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
2006: Coastal Carolina University, Housing Allowance analysis for University executives, An analysis to
determine the housing allowance supplement that is appropriate for the President of the University.
2004: Five Rivers Community Development Corporation, Economic Impact of a Nonprofit Organization,
Determine the economic impact that a service oriented nonprofit has on the local economy.
2003: South Carolina Department of Transportation, Evaluate commercial property values, The organization
was involved in several condemnation proceedings related to the building of a new overpass on Highway 501.
They desired a local, independent consultant to conduct a study that would help clarify issues related to the
2003: Grubb & Ellis, South Park Village, Provided statistical and research assistance to a national developer
proposing a residential/commercial project for land at the former Myrtle Beach Airforce Base.
2001: Van Osdell, Lester, Howe, & Jordan, Determine value of Orkin Exterminating, Inc. a wholly owned
subsidiary of Rollins, Inc. as part of a lawsuit seeking compenstion
2000: North American Institute of Aviation, The project involved determining the economic impact that the
North American Institute of Aviation (NAIA) has on the local area. NAIA desired a relatively quick study and
summary of the impact. Project completed and delivered on February 2, 2001.
1999-2000: Burroughs and Chapin, Multi-County Business Park, Performed extensive data collection, analysis,
and interpretation related to the structure of land use and financing for what eventually became Broadway at
the Beach.
1998: WPDE NewsChannel 15, 15 most influential people in Horry County, Survey design, data collection, and
reporting on a project to determine the most influential people in Horry County.
1997: Myrtle Beach Herald, How residents of Horry County view the area in which they live, Survey of local
residents to determine the positive and negative aspects of living in a Mecca for tourism.
1996: WPSJ Gospel 1330, Business valuation, Determine the value of a local radio station and whether it had
the resources necessary to purchase a larger and more appropriate building, and construct a new
transmission antenna
1995: PARTNERS Corporation, Strategic Management Project, Was member of small committee that
conducted a strategic management study for local nonprofit development agency.
1995: Horry County Quality Management Task Force, Comprehensive study of County Governement
operations, Extensive, multi-leader project to assess and improve the operations and functionality of Horry
County government's delivery of services to the community.
Paid Service
2007: Unnamed Law Firm, Engaged to determine the monetary value of loss of use during mandatory
reconstruction/repair of a condominium complex.
2002: Unnamed Law Firm, Prepared expert witness research for a lawsuit involving Orkin Exterminating
2002: North American Institute of Aviation, Determine the economic impact that NAIA has on Horry County,
South Carolina.
2001: Horry County Community Development Corporation, Feasibility study of locating a restaurant in Atlantic
Beach, South Carolina
1999: Mystique Communications, Determine the on-going economic impact of a mid-scale (750 employees)
steel mill on the local economy.
1998: Beach Regional Injury Center, Prepared a market value study of an existing rehabilitation clinic.
1998: Mystique Communications, Determine the on-going economic impact of a mid-scale (750 employees)
steel mill on the local economy.
1997: Conway and Loris Community Hospitals, Prepared a comprehensive community health assessment for
two local hospitals.
Secrest, T. W. (2013). Test Bank to accompany Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management
Approach, 8th Edition.
Secrest, T. W. (2010). Test Bank to accompany Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management
Approach, 7th Edition McGraw-Hill / Irwin.
Research Grants
2012: Secrest, T. W., Scholarly Reassignment, Coastal Carolina University. Coastal Carolina University
awarded Scholarly Reassignment for the Fall semester 2012.
2007: Secrest, T. W., Summer 2007 Wall College of Business First Annual Summer Research
Award ($6,000.00)
Service to the University
Department Assignments
2008-2009: Search Committee for faculty position in Finance
2006-2007: Search committee for faculty position in Finance - advising member
2006-2007: Search committee for faculty position in Economics
1995-1996: Wall College of Business Finance Day
1993-1994 – 1995-1996: Wall College Finance Day
College Assignments
2003-2004: Chair, Finance Day at the Wall College: Arranged for speakers and coordinated activities for
student-oriented day to learn about the field of finance.
Faculty Advisor:
2007-2008 – 2008-2009: CIDD International Summer School
2003-2004 – 2004-2005: CIDD International Summer School: Instructor of finance and business in a
summer school program for an international partner of Coastal Carolina University.
2011: Search Team for Finance Instructor: Member of the search team to fill an instructor position in the
Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics. August 2011
2010-2011: Strategic Planning Committee, Wall College: Wall College Strategic Planning Committee
2008-2009: College Assessment Committee
2001-2002: College Promotion and Tenure Peer Review
2000-2001 – 2001-2002: Committee to Evaluate Curriculum in Economics
College Assignments
2012-2013: WCOB Assessment Committee
2011-2012 – 2012-2013: WCOB Strategic Planning Committee
2010: WCOB Strategic Planning Committee: Member of the committee as the college prepares for AACSB
College Assignments
1996-1997: Wall College of Business Selection Committee: A committee to evaluate and select a Tourism
Research Coordinator for the College.
1996-1997 – 1998-1999: Wall College Assessment Committee
1995-1996: Wall College of Business Selection Committee: A committee to evaluate and select an
Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator.
Other Institutional Service Activities:
2004-2005 – 2010-2011: Faculty Senate
Writing Student Recommendations:
2011 – 2012: Letters of Recommendation: Wrote several letters of recommendation for Jose-David
Licera Mendoza as he pursues a graduate program in Mathematical Finance or Financial Engineering.
2010: Letters of Recommendations: Wrote letters of recommendation and served as adjunct advisor to
Stephen K. Lashower (CCU-MBA), Timothy A. Kahn (Georgetown University - Law), Kevin Gunn
University Assignments
Faculty Advisor:
2004-2005: CIDD International Summer School: Instructor of finance and business in a summer school
program for an international partner of Coastal Carolina University.
2009-2010: SACS Educational Programs Team: Researched and documented existing policies and
protocol related to implementation of undergraduate and graduate programs at the university in
preparation for the SACS readiness audit. Majority of the work was completed during the Spring Semester
2007-2008 – 2008-2009: University Strategic Planning Committee
2002-2003 – 2004-2005: University Promotion and Tenure Committee
1999-2000: Celebration of Inquiry: Evaluation Sub-Committee
1999-2000 – 2003-2004: Faculty Senate
1999-2000 – 2000-2001: SACS Self Study: Undergraduate Program Committee for University
1999-2000 – 2000-2001: Core Curriculum Committee: A committee of the Faculty Senate
1998-1999: Faculty Budget Advisory Committee: A committee of the Faculty Senate.
1998-1999: Faculty Budget Advisory Committee: A committee of the Faculty Senate.
1997-1998: Celebration of Inquiry: Steering Committee to institute the Celebration of Inquiry at CCU.
1997-1998: Annual Fund Drive: Leadership Committee for CCU's annual fund drive
1997-1998: Faculty Budget Advisory Committee: A committee of the Faculty Senate
1996-1997: Extended Learning: Faculty Development Project on Distance Learning.
1996-1997: Extended Learning: Long-Range Planning Committee; Developing a Plan for Extended
Learning Programs for the Retirement Community.
1996-1997: CCU International Programs: Long-Range Planning Subcommittee
1995-1996: CCU Selection Committee: Search for the Dean of Extended Learning an Public Service
Mentoring Activities:
1997-1998: University Individual Admissions Program: For at-risk CCU freshmen
Other Institutional Service Activities:
2011: SACS Readiness Audit Team: Continued service until team disbanded in spring 2011.
Student Placements:
2010: Assistance to former student: Assisted a former student and advisee in obtaining employment
with the Department of Financial Services at Coastal Carolina University.
State-wide Assignments
1997-1998: State of South Carolina: University Performance Indicators Task Force
Student Placements:
2011: Letters of Recommendation: Was pleased to provide letter of recommendation to a South Carolina
Circuit Judge on behalf of former student and Economics major Timothy Kahn. Mr. Kahn currently attends
Georgetown Law School and was eventually selected by the Judge to be his summer 2011 intern
Service to the Profession
Academic Conference: Discussant
2005: Southern Regional Sciences Association, St. Augustine, Florida.
Chair: Committee / Task Force
1997 – 1998: North Carolina/South Carolina Cross-Border Conference, Whiteville, North Carolina. Co-Chair
of Subcommittee on Economic Development
1995 – 1996: Southeast Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, Asheville, North Carolina.
Chair, Task Force to Assess the Continued Viability of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.
Chair: Conference / Track / Program
2012: Academic and Business Research Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2010: American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. Session Chair at the 17th
Annual Conference. Track: Finance Pot Pourri
2002: American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. Track chair for Tourism
2001: Academy of Business Administration, San Antonio, Texas. Track Chair for Macroeconomics and
1999 – 2001: American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. Track Chair for
Economic Development
Reviewer - Article / Manuscript
2011 – 2012: Allied Academies. Volunteer service to referee papers within area of discipline.
2010 – 2012: Academic and Business Research Institute. Am committed to be a reviewer of manuscripts for
the Journal of Finance and Accountancy.
2010: Allied Academies Fall 2010 International Conference. Volunteer service to referee papers within area
of discipline.
2009: Allied Academies Fall 2009 International Conference. Volunteer service to referee papers within area
of discipline.
2006: Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Wilmington, North Carolina. Reviewer/referee for an
online academic journal listed in Cabell's
2004: Journal of Financial Research, Columbia, South Carolina. Reviewer/Referee for well-respected
academic journal
Reviewer - Book / Textbook
2011: Textbook Review. Pearson Education Review Panel : Keown/Martin/Petty, Foundations of Finance,
7th Ed
2009 – 2010: McGraw Hill/Irwin. Reviewed the textbook: Saunders/Cornett, Financial Markets and
Institutions, 4e. Completed surveys on each chapter for the publisher to forward to authors as the text is
preparing for a new edition.
2004: Dryden Press. Assisted in the review of the textbook used in CCU's Micro and Macroeconomic courses.
2001: Dryden Press. Assisted in the review of the textbook used in CCU's Micro and Macroeconomic courses.
Officer: Organization / Association
2000: Eastern Finance Association, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Vice-President and Chair of Local
Arrangements, Thirty-sixth annual meeting.
Other Professional Service Activities
2012: Jose-David Licera Medoza. Assisted Peruvian tutor, former student, by providing textbook
supplements unavailable to him in Peru.
2006: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Conducted study of housing allowance awarded
to executives of the University
2004: Community Development Corporation in Georgetown County, SC, Georgetown, South Carolina.
Economic impact study of a nonprofit organization that has a mission to provide affordable housing and job
training to low and moderate income families
Service to the Community
Chair of a Committee
2003: Horry County Community Development Corporation, President of a non-profit CDC.
Member of a Committee
2000 – 2012: Regional Board of Economic Advisors to the State of South Carolina, An original member; have
served three Governors in this capacity.
2001 – 2003: Conway Chamber of Commerce, Member of the Education Committee
2001 – 2002: Horry County Community Development Corporation
1994 – 2002: Small Business Development Center, CCU, Member of the Advisory Board
1997 – 1999: Socastee Recreation Commission, Member of Advisory Board to the Socastee Recreation
1998: City of Conway, Member of Cultural Arts Committee
1995 – 1996: Energen Corporation, Founding Member of Non-Profit to serve Georgetown County youth.
1994 – 1996: SC Commission on Higher Education, Member of a once-per-decade committee to study the
higher education infrastructure and resources of the state of South Carolina
Other Community Service Activities
1994 – 2002: CCU Director of the Center for Economic and Community Development
1997: Pee Dee Magazine, Provided strategic development services.
1997: Political Candidate, Conducted survey design, telephone poll, and analysis of results for a local political
1996 – 1997: Grand Strand Research Quarterly, Statistician and contributing writer for CCU based business
1996 – 1997: Myrtle Beach Herald, Contributing writer to the Business Section of local newspaper
1996: Outlet Park at Waccamaw, Conducted a customer demographic profile for local retail establishment.
Faculty Development
Research-Related Conference/Seminar
2012: Academic and Business Research Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2012: Allied Academies Fall 2012 International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2011: Clute Institute Fall 2011 Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2010: American Society of Business and Behavioral SciencesAmerican Society of Business and Behavioral
Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. Presented paper and participated in session entitled Finance VII: All other
areas. Saturday, February 20, 2010.
2010: Allied Academies Fall 2010 International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. Attended.
2010: Allied Academies Fall 2010 International ConferenceAllied Academies Fall 2010 International
Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. Presented and participated in an interdisciplinary session on Wednesday,
October 13, 2010..
2010: Allied Academies Fall 2010 International ConferenceAllied Academies Fall 2010 International
Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. Presented and participated in an interdisciplinary session on Wednesday,
October 13, 2010..
Professional Seminars / Workshops
2010: American Society of Business and Behavioral SciencesAmerican Society of Business and Behavioral
Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada. Attended.
2002: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Participated in two-day Master Teacher
Workshop at CCU. Subsequently was awarded a small honorarium for implementing teaching strategies
endorsed by the workshop..
Research Reports
2010: State of South Carolina Regional Economic Advisory BoardState of South Carolina Regional Economic
Advisory Board, Columbia, South Carolina. Attended the meeting and presented to the Board of Economics
Advisors an economic report on issues relevant to state revenue forecasts for fiscal year 2011-2012.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010..
Technology-Related Training
2011: Teal Center, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Training in the new CCU
Blackboard Learn system that is to be instituted in the Fall semester 2011..
2007: Teal Center, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Participated in one day training
workshop on the use of Blackboard online teaching software.
2007: Second Place; 3rd Annual Research Paper Competition. Robert B. Burney and Thomas W. Secrest and
Robert B. Burney, 'Corporate Cost of Debt: The Issue of Premium or Discount Bonds.' Paper subsequently
published by the Journal of Finance and Accountancy (2010) D.H. Byers / AVX 2007 Business Paper
2006: Second Place, 2nd Annual Research Paper Competition. Gerald V. Boyles, Thomas W. Secrest, and
Robert B. Burney, 'The Pricing of Bonds Between Coupon Payments: From Theory to Market Practice.' The
paper has subsequently been published by the Journal of Economics and Finance Education. D.H. Byers / AVX
2006 Business Paper Competition.
2005: Second Place; 1st Annual Research Paper Competition. Robert B. Burney and Thomas W. Secrest,
'Pedagogical Difficulties in the Pricing of Fixed Income and Discount Securities.' Two months later, the paper
is unconditionally accepted for publication in the International Journal of Business Disciplines. D.H. Byers /
AVX 2005 Business Paper Competition.
2004: Received $2,250 grant to conduct research on undergraduate learning related to online teaching
materials. Center for Effective Teaching and Learning.
2003: Received small honorarium for implementing teaching strategies encouraged by a Master Teacher
workshop. CCU Provost's Office.
2012: Distinguished Research Award received during the Allied Academy's Fall 2012 International Conference
for the paper: 'Underwater Mortgages: Why Homeowners May Continue to Pay the Debt.' Academy of
Economics and Economic Education.
2012: Awarded Outstanding Professor of the Year by the Wall College Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, a
business student honor society. Beta Gamma Sigma.
2011: Awarded the AVX-Marshall Butler Distinguished Professor of Finance. May 5, 2011. E. Craig Wall, Sr.
College of Business Administration and the Board of Visitors of the Wall College of Business.
Qualification: Academic/Professional
Academically Qualified
Last updated by member on 16-May-13 (07:55 AM)
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