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“We’re Turning Jobs into Careers!”
“We’re Turning Jobs into Careers!”
Applied Business Technology Online Courses
Course Descriptions
APBT courses are designed for students who are entering the workplace or who are seeking
promotion within their current organization. Students learn to become better communicators,
workplace managers, ethical decision makers, and savvy consumers of technology thus preparing
them to compete for today's top positions.
Education and Business
Complex #1.534
APBT 3309 — Workforce Ethics. This course is an introduction of ethical theory and the analysis of social
and professional issues from various ethical perspectives. Offered spring; Professor Betancourt, email:
[email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7526.
APBT 3312 — Administrative Office Management. This course relates to the study of administrative office management, the management of human resources and administrative services, the implementation
of electronic office systems, and the controlling of administrative services. Case studies and projects are
used to develop decision-making and supervisory skills. Offered fall, spring & summer I; Professor Jones,
email: [email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7125.
APBT 3322 — Information & Technology in Organizations. This course discusses the fundamentals and
use of computer networks, terminology, principles, and procedures related to the computer and
information technology as it applies to the business office. This course will cover topics of e-commerce,
online businesses, principles, and procedures related to confidentiality, security, and date integrity associated with the use of the computer in a business. Offered fall, spring & summer II; Professor Arney, email:
[email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7378.
APBT 3335 — Applied Organizational Communication. This course is a systems approach to information
processing, and includes the practical and psychological aspects of formal and informal communication in
organizations, inter- and intra-personal communication related to various corporate cultures, and
intercultural differences in various communication scenarios. Prerequisite: ENGL 1301. Offered fall,
spring & summer I; Professor Arney, email: [email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7378.
APBT 4391 — Current Issues in Applied Technology. This course discusses and examines current issues
facing businesses in the applied technology area. Unique characteristics of managing and exploiting
information technology, business technology, communication and administration of an organization
operating in a global, networked environment. Offered fall, spring & summer II; Professor Jones, email:
[email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7125.
ALAW courses prepare students to work in a legal environment. Students learn legal drafting skills, legal research skills, legal issue spotting and evidence development. These skills are designed to assist professionals already in the workforce as a paralegal with advanced knowledge for career growth, or
anyone interested in a career in a supporting role in the legal field as well as students interested in gaining legal knowledge in anticipation of attending law school.
ALAW 3307 — Civil Litigation-Advanced. This course will cover the research, analysis and preparation of
documents necessary in civil litigation including pleadings, discovery, motions, responses, and judgments.
Offered fall; Professor Betancourt, email: [email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7526.
ALAW 3312 — Evidence. This course will cover the techniques, rules and methods applied to the acquisition, admissibility and use of evidence including drafting motions in the context of evidentiary situations.
Phone: (956) 882-8211 Offered fall; Professor Betancourt, email: [email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7526.
3315 — Criminal Law and Procedure-Advanced. This course will focus on the research and writing
Fax: (956) 882-6550 ALAW
of constitutional and legal criminal law issues. The class will cover the critical analysis of legal issues as
they relate to the criminal prosecution and defense and will include issue spotting, legal research, and synthesizing of the issue and research. Offered spring; Professor Betancourt, email:
http://blue.utb.edu/ [email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7526.
ALAW 4301 — Legal Research and Writing. This course will focus on the research and analysis of legal
businesstechnology/ problems and drafting effective communication of that analysis through drafting legal documents such as
memoranda, letters, motions, briefs, and responses and the writing style of presenting legal authority.
Prerequisite: ENGL 1301. Offered summer (10 weeks); Professor Betancourt, email:
[email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7526.
ALAW 4310 — Appeals and Brief Writing. This course will focus on the development of advanced legal
writing skills through preparation of appellate briefs. Prerequisite: ENGL 1301. Offered spring; Professor
Betancourt, email: [email protected]; Phone # (956) 882-7526.
Revised 8/10/2009
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