
November 4, 2015 Meeting Minutes Faculty Senate

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November 4, 2015 Meeting Minutes Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate
November 4, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Note: The remarks of the senators and others are summarized and not verbatim. The recording
of this meeting is available in the Faculty Senate Recorder’s office.
PRESENT: Janice Black, Jessica Doll, Monica Fine, Kurt Hozak, Tom Secrest, Lee Shinaberger,
Todd Cherner, Richard Costner, Ogul Arslan, Brian Bunton, Wanda Dooley, Jean French, Jenna
Hill, Billy Hills, John Hutchens, Jennifer Jackson, Satish Kumar, Megan McIlreavy, Kevin
McWilliams, Scott Parker, Amanda Siegrist, Richard Viso, Matt Wilkinson, Sandy Wilson,
Richard Aidoo, Jim Arendt, Ellen Arnold, Aneilya Barnes, Susan Bergeron, Adam Chamberlain,
Mark Flynn, Daniel Hasty, Kyle Holody, Emma Howes, Yun Sil Jeon, David Kellogg, Stephanie
Miller, John Navin, Kimberly Schumacher, Renee Smith, Jonathan Trerise, Dan Turner, Jesse
Willis, Terri Artemchik, Jennifer Hughes, Jeremy Killian, Michael Ruse, and John Beard.
SUBSTITUTIONS: Dave Duncan for Rajendra Dahal, Fredanna McGough for Michael Dunn,
Sharon Thompson for Steve Firsing, Kate Oestreich for Joseph Oestreich, and Adam Pelty for
Gwendolyn Schwinke.
ABSENT: Chris Becker, Richard Martin, Kimberly Carroll, John Delport, Cathy Jones, Lindsey
Pritchard, Keith Walters, Suheir Daoud, and Wes Fondren.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of the October 7, 2015 minutes were moved by John
Navin and seconded by Janice Black. The minutes passed (46 in favor, 0 not in favor, 0 abstain).
CONSENT AGENDA: All items from the November 4, 2015 Consent Agenda passed.
President DeCenzo:
The President and Provost spent some time earlier today with the chairman of the
Commissioner of Higher Education exploring the University and discussing some of the
things we are doing around campus. On Friday, November 13, the President is scheduled
to go to Columbia to testify in a separate and special panel with respects to Board of
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2015
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Regents. The President stated that he would keep everyone posted on any continuing
discussions concerning this matter.
Provost Byington:
The Provost reported that we are in the process of registering our freshmen students. We
are about 62 percent registered, which is exactly where we were last year. The Provost
stated that he will be providing attention and resources toward first generation students as
they have found we need to work on this group for retention.
Brian Bunton, Chair, reached out to the Student Government Association and asked them to speak
for about five minutes on a regular basis. The SGA President, Tyler Wyeth, came forward and
introduced the other officers: Lindsay Hickman, Executive Vice President and Courtney Hammett,
President Pro-Temp.
Tyler Wyeth, SGA President, reported the following:
$24,000 budget for student organizations this past semester has been allocated.
Raised $328 for “Terror under the Bridge” Halloween fundraiser. The money was donated
to the South Carolina Red Cross flood victims.
Collecting bikes this weekend for the bike drive for underprivileged children in Sierra
SGA Town Hall meetings:
1. LGBT issues (already had this meeting)
2. Student workers (Nov. 16 at 5 p.m.)
3. Food services (Feb. 1)
Survey to students for another food option that is open late night (later than 2 a.m.)
New sustainable graduation robes
Tabling (5 events) which is setting up tables and asking students “What would make
Coastal better?”
Change CCU’s party image to include experiential learning
Brian Bunton, Chair, reported the following:
Approval of administrative actions two and three from the Oct. 7, 2015 meeting.
The Strategic Planning Steering Committee is working on identifying and gathering
information. Open sessions are currently taking place. Please send an e-mail to
[email protected] with any suggestions or comments. You may also visit their
website at https://www.coastal.edu/administration/strategicplanning/ for more information.
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Refer to the Nov. 4, 2015 Order of Business for complete details on the following:
A. Graduate Council
1. Motion to approve a Master of Education in Instructional Technology. The motion
passed (48 in favor, 0 not in favor, 0 abstain).
B. Academic Affairs Committee
1. Motion to approve a minor in Military Science. The motion passed (47 in favor, 0 not
in favor, 0 abstain).
C. Calendar Committee
1. Motion to approve the revised 2017-2018 academic calendars. The motion passed (50
in favor, 1 not in favor, 0 abstain).
D. Nominations and Elections Committee
1. Motion to amend the Nominations and Elections Committee’s purpose statement. The
motion passed (48 in favor, 0 not in favor, 0 abstain).
E. Faculty Manual Review Committee
1. Motion to add a section on senate motions to the Faculty Manual. The motion passed
(51 in favor, 0 not in favor, 0 abstain).
2. Motion to specify phone restrictions under FERPA. The motion passed (51 in favor,
0 not in favor, 0 abstain).
3. Motion to define “administrator” for memberships on standing committees.
An amendment to add “or equivalent” after “holding the title of Department Chair”
was made by Jennifer Hughes and seconded by Jonathan Trerise. The amendment
passed by a unanimous oral vote.
The amended motion passed (51 in favor, 0 not in favor, 0 abstain).
4. Motion to make changes to standing committees’ meeting days/times.
An amendment to change “any changes to standing day and time must be reported
at the October meeting of the Faculty Senate” to “any changes to the standing day
and time must be reported at the next scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate”
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was made by Michael Ruse and seconded by Dan Turner. The amendment passed
with a unanimous oral vote.
The amended motion passed (46 in favor, 1 not in favor, 3 abstain).
5. Motion to add a link/reference to the “Guide for Teaching Faculty”. The motion
passed (31 in favor, 9 not in favor, 4 abstain).
University Honors Program Council will meet on Monday, November 16 from 3:30 p.m. to
4:30 p.m. at HTC 207 and on Thursday, November 19 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:25 p.m. at the
Student Union A213. Contact Debbie Hamm at [email protected] if interested.
Ron Rash will be doing a reading in the Johnson Auditorium on Wednesday, November 18
at 5 p.m.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Monica Streicher, Faculty Senate Recorder
Approved by Brian Bunton, Faculty Senate Chair
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November 4, 2015
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