
February 3, 2016 Meeting Minutes Faculty Senate

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February 3, 2016 Meeting Minutes Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate
February 3, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Note: The remarks of the senators and others are summarized and not verbatim. The recording
of this meeting is available in the Faculty Senate Recorder’s office.
Due to the recent loss of two colleagues, Tim Bowie (Business) and Deborah Slavitt (Humanities
and Fine Arts), the Chair asked everyone to remember their families and friends with a moment
of silence.
PRESENT: Janice Black, Jessica Doll, Monica Fine, Kurt Hozak, Lee Shinaberger, Andrew
Weinbach, Todd Cherner, Richard Costner, John Delport, Austin Hitt, Lindsey Pritchard, Ogul
Arslan, Brian Bunton, Wanda Dooley, Michael Dunn, Jean French, Billy Hills, John Hutchens,
Jennifer Jackson, Satish Kumar, Kevin McWilliams, Scott Parker, Amanda Siegrist, Richard Viso,
Keith Walters, Matt Wilkinson, Sandy Wilson, Richard Aidoo, Jim Arendt, Ellen Arnold, Aneilya
Barnes, Susan Bergeron, Adam Chamberlain, Mark Flynn, Daniel Hasty, Kyle Holody, Emma
Howes, Yun Sil Jeon, David Kellogg, Stephanie Miller, John Navin, Joseph Oestreich, Kimberly
Schumacher, Jonathan Trerise, Dan Turner, Jesse Willis, Terri Artemchik, Jennifer Hughes, and
Jeremy Killian.
SUBSTITUTIONS: Cathy Jones for Kimberly Carroll, David Duncan for Rajendra Dahal, Rob
Young for Jenna Hill, Paul Peterson for Suheir Daoud, Steve Earnest for Gwendolyn Schwinke,
Christian Smith for Renee Smith, Brian Roessler for Wes Fondren, and Jim Luken for John Beard.
ABSENT: Richard Martin, Tom Secrest, Steve Firsing, Megan McIlreavy, and Michael Ruse.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of the December 2, 2015 minutes were moved by Joe
Oestreich and seconded by Wanda Dooley. The minutes passed (54 in favor, 0 not in favor, 0
CONSENT AGENDA: All items from the February 3, 2016 Consent Agenda passed.
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
February 3, 2016
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Provost Byington:
Greetings from the President who is currently traveling.
We have identified the number of faculty/staff working in every building and are working
on whether there is adequate faculty/staff parking for each building within a reasonable
distance. Additional parking spaces will be restriped for faculty/staff parking as needed.
The room/seat utilization for the next academic year will be very tight as we work towards
completing the new academic building and renovating the Smith Science building. Space
has been identified in the student union, housing, and various locations around campus and
we will utilize every place that we can.
There is an article in the recent Atheneum newsletter concerning the rollout phases of
moving paper forms and processes online. Phase I will include Graduate Applications,
Graduate Student Applications and some HR projects. There will be an additional two
phases and the goal is to put anything online that we can by Fall 2018.
We have increased our admission criteria by setting higher standards. We are now looking
at two groups: students with higher GPA’s and lower test scores and those with lower
GPA’s and higher test scores. These two groups are being evaluated and reviewed by a
committee. We are committed to controlled growth of the freshman class and increase in
The call should be coming out next week for the Faculty Calling Campaign. The campaign
involves connecting the student with a faculty member to help impact their decision on
which school to attend.
A. Darla Domke-Damonte, Chair of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee
Darla provided an update on the strategic planning process outlining the six task forces.
Strategy statements, agendas, and minutes may be found on the following website:
1. Academic Excellence and Instructional Quality
2. Student Excellence
3. An Engaged Staff and Faculty
4. Accessibility, Inclusion and Diversity
5. Telling the CCU Story Effectively
6. Financial Stability and Infrastructure
B. Michael Ruse, Director of the University Honors Program
Michael Ruse was not able to attend the meeting and will provide his update at the March
senate meeting.
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
February 3, 2016
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Brian Bunton, Chair, reported the following:
Approval of administrative actions 13-16 from the Dec. 2, 2015 meeting.
Renee Smith, Parliamentarian, is on scholarly reassignment for the Spring 2016 semester.
Keshav Jagannathan has been appointed parliamentarian during her absence.
The following three faculty members were appointed to the Faculty Grievance Committee
by the Faculty Senate Chair:
1. Dianne Mark, Education
2. Robert Burney, Business
3. Ken Martin, Humanities and Fine Arts
The University President has instituted a committee based on risk management for the
university and the Faculty Senate Chair has asked Jean French to serve on the committee to
represent the faculty.
Refer to the Feb. 3, 2016 Order of Business for complete details on the following:
A. Academic Affairs Committee
1. Motion to approve a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Geography. The motion
passed (52 in favor, 1 not in favor, 1 abstain).
2. Motion to approve a certificate in Applied Ethics. The motion passed (50 in favor, 1
not in favor, 2 abstain).
B. Faculty Welfare Committee
1. Motion to endorse a new Faculty Compensation Plan. The motion passed (52 in favor,
0 not in favor, 2 abstain).
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
February 3, 2016
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With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Monica Streicher, Faculty Senate Recorder
Approved by Brian Bunton, Faculty Senate Chair
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
February 3, 2016
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