
Master’s in Bilingual Education Assessment #1 Comprehensive Exam a. Assessment Tool

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Master’s in Bilingual Education Assessment #1 Comprehensive Exam a. Assessment Tool
Master’s in Bilingual Education
Assessment #1
Comprehensive Exam
a. Assessment Tool
Comprehensive Exam Questions for
Master’s in Bilingual Education
You will be allowed four hours to complete the examination. Plan your time accordingly. Avoid spending too
much time on any one answer; leave enough time for each of your responses.
Identify your answers with the numbers of the questions and the letters of the sections.
A faculty committee will evaluate your examination. This process should be completed within ten (10) days.
You may contact the graduate office at that time for the results.
Answer the four questions below. Read each question carefully and organize your answer carefully. Be sure you
answer ALL parts of the questions, including ALL the information asked for by the question. NOTE you should
answer A and B (and C for # 1).
1.) Language Acquisition and ESL Techniques in Content Areas (one hour). (Standards 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 5a)
A) A) Current approaches to teaching ESL call for teaching language through content organized through units of
inquiry rather than in isolation. Discuss WHY it is important to teach language through content and WHY it is
important to organize through units of inquiry. Once you have discussed teaching language through content and the
importance of organizing around units of inquiry explain how Cummins’ quadrants support these approaches over
traditional approaches. In addition, provide examples of activities for each quadrant contextualizing the activities in one
unit of inquiry of your choice.
B) Draw on three of the following theorists and researchers and explain their theory and/ or research explaining how
their work influences student achievement and the schooling of English language learners:
Krashen’s hypotheses (all five)
Cummins’ Threshold Hypothesis
Ogbu’s differentiation between immigrant and involuntary minorities
Types of English Language Learners
Sue and Padilla Perspectives on Failure
Cortés Contextual Interaction Model
C). Ofelia García suggests that we use the term “emergent bilinguals” to refer to our second language learners. Why
does she prefer this term? What does “emergent bilingual” means and how is this label different from the ELL or LEP
Question 2 for double emphasis (Standards 1b, 5c):
2.) Biliteracy Instruction and Literature. Answer en español.
Contestar la parte A en español.
A) Explique la concepción sociopsicolingüística de la lectura y enumere las características . Explique la diferencia
entre la modalidad PRE y el habla explorativa al hablar sobre los libros de literatura infantil con los niños.¿Cuál de las
dos modalidades representa la concepción sociopsicolingüística?
Describir en detalle el modelo de transferencia gradual de la responsabilidad de la lectura. Incluir todas las etapas (la
lectura en voz alta, la lectura compartida, la lectura interactiva, la lectura guiada, y la lectura independiente) Explicar de
que manera este modelo apoya la alfabetización de los estudiantes bilingües emergentes.
Answer Part B in English
B) Reshaping the school climate allows educators to incorporate and appreciate diversity. Explain the importance of
creating a school climate that is inclusive of ELLs. Provide specific examples of what the school vision and mission
should be when ELLs’ identities are respected and valued. Then provide specific ideas on the type of professional
development that should be provided for the teachers and staff in the campus. Mention both the content that would be
covered and include at least two different structures of professional development that would be used.
Question 2 for Dual Language emphasis (Standard 1b):
2.) Biliteracy Instruction and Literature. Answer en español.
A) Compare la concepción de la lectura de reconocimiento de palabras con la concepción sociopsicolingüística de la
lectura. Enumere las características de cada una, o escriba una definición detallada de cada concepción. Dentro de la
concepción sociopsicolingüística describa en detalle el modelo de transferencia gradual de la responsabilidad.
B) ¿Cuál de las dos concepciones descriptas en la pregunta anterior apoya más el uso de la literatura auténtica en la
enseñanza de la lectura? ¿Por qué? De ejemplos de algunas estrategias (por ejemplo el uso de la imagen) que han
implementado algunos maestros en el salón de clase usando la literatura infantil. En su respuesta debe hacer explícito la
importancia del uso de libros que reflejan la(s) cultura(s) de los hispanohablantes y el uso de libros ilustrados. Además,
explique la diferencia entre la modalidad PRE y el habla explorativa al hablar sobre los libros con los niños.
Question 2 for ESL emphasis (Standard 1b, 5c ):
2.) Biliteracy Instruction and ESL Professionalism.
A) Compare the two perspectives on early literacy: reading readiness and emergent literacy. Explain which
perspective aligns better with the sociopsycholinguistic view of reading. Then provide an overview of the
checklist for effective reading instruction. Give an example of a lesson in which a teacher delivers literacy
instruction following the checklist and the sociopsycholinguistic view of reading. In your response, focus on
the stages of the balanced approach to literacy mentioning the kinds of books and structures (read aloud,
guided reading, shared reading, independent reading) that would support English language learners’ literacy
development in English.
Reshaping the school climate allows educators to incorporate and appreciate diversity. Explain the importance
of creating a school climate that is inclusive of ELLs. Provide specific examples of what the school vision and
mission should be when ELLs’ identities are respected and valued. Then provide specific ideas on the type of
professional development that should be provided for the teachers and staff in the campus. Mention both the
content that would be covered and include at least two different structures of professional development that
would be used.
3) Dual Language Issues and Curriculum Development (1 hour). (Standard 3a, 5a)
A.) Describe in detail the following programs offered to emergent bilingual in the United States. You must include
their effectiveness in helping students develop academic proficiency in English and reaching appropriate academic
grade levels:
Two-Way Dual language programs
One-Way Dual language programs
Late-Exit bilingual programs
Early-Exit bilingual programs with content ESL
Early-Exit bilingual programs with traditional ESL
ESL pull-out programs
B) In the Dual Language Essentials book, the authors discuss curriculum essentials, and planning essentials. Discuss
both of these essentials providing classroom examples that exemplify them. Be sure that you include
1) preview, view, review
2) daily routine
3) scaffolded instruction for comprehensible input
4) vertical and horizontal planning
5) Collaborative planning
4.) Linguistics and Language Assessment (Standards 1a, 4a, 4b, 4c)
A.) Three areas of language studied by linguists are phonology, morphology, and syntax. Explain each of these areas by
telling what is studied and what the key concepts are in that area. Then, using examples from one of the three areas,
demonstrate that language is systematic, not random.
B.) TESOL has developed sample performance indicators to help determine ELLs’ academic language proficiency.
Describe how the TESOL performance indicators are organized. Then choose one content area, one domain, and one
grade level cluster and write a performance indicator for each of the five levels of proficiency. For this part of your
answer, put the model performance indicators in a chart like the one below. Be sure each performance indicator
includes the content, the language function, and the support or strategy.
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