
Curriculum Vitae John A. Sutterby EDBC 2.128 (956) 882-5714

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Curriculum Vitae John A. Sutterby EDBC 2.128 (956) 882-5714
Curriculum Vitae
John A. Sutterby
EDBC 2.128
(956) 882-5714
[email protected]
2002 Doctor of Philosophy– University of Texas, Austin – Multilingual Studies
Dissertation Topic – Cross Cultural and Cross Linguistic Play Interactions in Early
Childhood Dual Language Classrooms
1996 – Master of Arts - University of Texas, Austin – Early Childhood Education
Master’s Report – Implementing Dual Language Programs in Early Childhood
1994 – Certification – Trenton State College, New Jersey - English as a Second
Language Instructor
1989 – Bachelor of Science – University of Texas, Austin – Early Childhood Education
Professional Experience
2007-Present – Associate Professor – University of Texas at Brownsville – School of
2007- 2009 - Adjunct Graduate Faculty University of Houston
2007-2009– Project Director Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Grant
2006-2007- Project Coordinator Early Childhood Educators Professional Development
2002-2007 – Assistant Professor – University of Texas at Brownsville – School of
2001-2002 – Instructor – University of Texas at Brownsville- School of Education
2000-2001 – Instructor - Central Texas College, Killeen – School of Liberal Arts
2000 - Adjunct Instructor - University of Texas, San Antonio - Department of
Bilingual/Bicultural Education
1998 - 2001 – Assistant Instructor – University of Texas, Austin – School of Education
1998 – 2001 – Mentor/Tutor – University of Texas, Austin – Athletic Department
2000 – Lab School Instructor – University of Texas, Austin – Department of Human
1996 -1998 – Teaching Assistant – University of Texas, Austin – School of Education
1991 – 1995 – Pre – Kindergarten Teacher – American School of Valencia, Valencia,
1990 -1991 – Pre – Kindergarten Teacher – Davila Elementary, Houston ISD
1989 – 1990 - Substitute Teacher – Austin ISD
1989 – 1991 – Job Coach, Life Skills Trainer – Gulf Coast MHMR
Teaching (at the University of Texas at Brownsville)
Curriculum and Instruction
EDCI 4305 Instructional Planning and Curriculum Development
EDCI 4301 Foundations of Education
EDCI 4322 Human Development
EDCI 6312 Educational Measurement
EDCI 6367 Statistical Methods
Early Childhood Education
EDEC 4386 Basic Skills in Early Childhood Education
EDEC 4388 Play Theory and Development
EDEC 4385 Human Growth and Development
EDEC 4389 The Environment and Early Childhood
EDEC 6301 Major Theories in Early Childhood Education
ECED 6302 Curriculum in Early Childhood
EDEC 6303 First and Second Language Acquisition
EDEC 6310 Special Topics in Early Childhood Education (Play theory, Outdoor
play environments)
ECED 6302 Curriculum in Early Childhood Education
ECED 6308 Graduate internship in Early Childhood Education
Bilingual Education
BILC 3316 First and Second Language Acquisition
BILS 3310 Emergent Literacy in a Bilingual Classroom
BILS 3312 Teaching Reading in the Bilingual Classroom
BILC 6362 Principles of Curriculum Development in Dual Language Programs
BILC 6361 Issues in Dual Language Education
English as a Second Language
EDSL 4307 Teaching ESL in the Pre-K-1st Grade Classroom
Scholarly Activity
Peer Reviewed
Sutterby, J. (2009). What kids don’t get to do anymore and why. Childhood
Education, 85(5), 289-292.
Sutterby, J., Rubin, R., & Abrego, M. (2007) Amistades: The development of
relationships between preservice teachers and Latino families. The School
Community Journal, 17 (1), 77-94.
Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2006). It doesn’t just happen: Essential contributions
from playgrounds. Reprinted article in Annual Editions.
Abrego, M., Rubin, R., & Sutterby, J. A. (2006, Spring). They call me maestra:
Preservice teachers’ interactions with parents in a reading tutoring
program. Action in Teacher Education, 28 (1), 3-12.
Abrego, M., Rubin, R., & Sutterby, J. (2006, Summer). Involving Latino families
in literacy. Academic Exchange Quarterly,
Sutterby, J. & Ayala, J. (2005). Border teacher Spanish language proficiency: 21st
Century bilingual educators. Journal of the Texas Association for
Bilingual Education.
Sutterby, J. (2005). I wish we could do whatever we want: Children subverting
scaffolding in the preschool classroom. Journal of the Association for
Early Childhood Teacher Education, 25, 349-357.
Sutterby, J., Ayala, J., & Murillo, S. (2005). El sendero torcido al español: The
development of bilingual teachers’ Spanish language proficiency in the
Rio Grande Valley. Bilingual Research Journal, 29(2), 435-452.
Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2005). It doesn’t just happen: Essential contributions
from playgrounds. Young Children, 60(3), 26-33.
Sutterby, J. (2005). Scaffolding Play for English Language Learners. Dimensions,
33(1), 24-29.
Sutterby, J. & Frost, J. (2002). Making playgrounds fit for children and children
fit on playgrounds. Young Children, 57(3), 36-41.
LeSeur, M. & Sutterby, J. (2001). Dialogue and play: The Culture of Negotiation
and Peace. The International Journal of Humanities and Peace, 17, (1),
Edited Chapters
Frost, J., Keyburn, D., & Sutterby, J. (2010). Notes from the land down under:
Transforming a sterile urban schoolyard into a nature wonderland. In J.
Hoot & J. Szente (Eds.) The earth is our home: Children caring for the
environment pp. 131-148. Olney, MD: Association for Childhood
Education International.
Rubin, R., Sutterby, J., & Hoffman, J. (2010). Professional development in
culturally diverse settings. In S. Neuman & M. Kamil (Eds.) Preparing
teachers for the early childhood classroom: Proven models and key
principles pp. 163-172. Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes.
Rubin, R., Sutterby, J. & Sailors, M. (2010). The easy, the difficult and the almost
impossible. In. J. Cassidy, S. Garrett, & M. Sailors (Eds.) Literacy
coaching: Research and Practice pp. 95-112. Corpus Christi, TX: Texas
A & M. University Corpus Christi.
Reifel, S. & Sutterby, J. (2009). Play theory and practice in contemporary
classrooms. In S. Feeney, A. Galpar & C. Seefeldt (Eds.) Continuing
Issues in Early Childhood Education, pp. 238-257. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson.
Sutterby, J. & Frost, J. (2006). Creating play environments for early childhood:
Indoors and out. In B. Spodek & O. Saracho (Eds.) Handbook of Research
in Early Childhood Education, Vol 2. Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.
Brown, P., Thornton, C., Sutterby, J. (2004). Kids getting older younger: The
adultification of children’s play. In R. Clements and L. Fiorentino (Eds.),
The child’s right to play: A global approach. Westport, CT: Greenwood
Sutterby, J. (Ed.) (2011). The Early Childhood Educator Professional
Development Grant: Research and Practice. Advances in Early Education
and Day Care, 15. London: Emerald.
Sutterby, J., Kim, M., Nicholson, S. & Reifel, S. (2008). Instructor’s Manual to
accompany Play and Child Development. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Merrill-Prentice Hall.
Frost, J., Brown, P., Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2004). The developmental
benefits of playgrounds. Washington D. C.: Association for Childhood
Education International.
Sutterby, J., & Reifel, S. (2000). Instructor’s Manual to accompany Play and
Child Development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill-Prentice Hall.
Government Documents
Therrel, J., Brown, P., Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2003). Age guidelines for
children’s toys. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington DC.
Therrel, J., Brown, P., Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2003). Age guidelines for
children’s toys: Research Document. Consumer Product Safety
Commission, Washington DC.
Non Peer Reviewed
Hoot, J. & Sutterby, J. (2009). Fit for test scores-Unfit for healthy life: A call to
action. Childhood Education, 85(5). 276-277.
Sutterby, J. (2007, December). Recess and the accountability movement. School
Administrator, 64 (11), 48-49.
Sutterby, J. (2007, October). Legislating recess. Today’s Playground, 7 (6).
Sutterby, J. (2006, Fall). The intercultural jest. Play Review, 30 (3), 8.
Sutterby, J. (2006, Summer). Book Review: The archeology of childhood. Play
Review, 30 (2), 8.
Sutterby, J. (2006, Spring). Book Review: Risk and our pedagogical relationship
to childhood, Play Review 30 (1), 4.
Abrego, M., Rubin, R. & Sutterby, J. (2005). Opening doors to Latino families:
Family involvement strategies that work. Classroom Leadership, 8(5),
Retrieved March 6, 2005, from
Abrego, M., Rubin, R. & Sutterby, J. (2005). It’s a Family Affair: Boosting
Latino Students’ Literacy. Classroom Leadership, 8(5), 1, 6.
Sutterby, J. (2004). Setting up the play environment: Arranging the space and
selecting the materials. Children and Families, 18(4), 24-29.
Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2004). The playground of the mind. Today’s
Playground, 4(3).
Sutterby, J. (2004). Texas accessibility guidelines for playgrounds. Newsletter for
the Council for Exceptional Children.
Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. D. (2003, September). Swinging stimulates both
bodies and brains. Today's Playground, 3(5), 10-11, 44.
Thornton, C. D. & Sutterby, J. (2003, July). What is play? Today’s Playground,
3(4), 8-9, 36.
Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. D. (2003, May). Activity and access: Equal play
opportunities for all? Today’s Playground, 3(3), 14-15.
Thornton, C.D. & Sutterby, J. (2003, March). Extreme sports = extreme danger?
Today’s Playground, 3(2), 10-11.
Sutterby, J., Thornton, C. & Brown, P., (2003). Active teens, obese teens:
Lifestyle changes for today’s youth. Today’s Playground, 3(1), 10-11.
Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2003). Swinging stimulates both brains and bodies.
Today’s Playground, 3(3), 19-21.
Thornton, C., Sutterby, J. & Brown, P. (2002). Outdoor play for all children:
Children with disabilities on playgrounds. Today’s Playground, 2(1), 2021.
Frost, J., Sutterby, J., Therrell, J., Brown, P., & Thornton, C. (2002). Does height
matter? Parks & Recreation, 37 (5), 74-83.
Brown, P. Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2002). Positive effects of play for children
with diabetes. Today’s Playground, 2(2), 18-19.
Thornton, C., Sutterby, J. & Brown, P. (2002). All access pass: Outdoor play for
all children. Today’s Playground, 2(1).
Thornton, C. Sutterby, J. & Brown, P. (2002). Protecting the right to play:
Stopping bullies on the playground. Today’s Playground, 2(4),16-17 .
Brown, P., Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. D. (January, 2002). Combating childhood
obesity with physical play opportunities. Today’s Playground, 10-11.
Thornton, C., Sutterby, J., Therrell, J., & Brown, P. (2001). An investigation of a
manufactured sand & water table: Play value, appeal and maintenance.
Un published industry report.
Brown, P., Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2001). Combating childhood obesity with
physical play opportunities. PTO Today. Retrieved September 9, 2005
from http://www.ptotoday.com/play4.html
Brown, P., Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2001). Dramatic play in outdoor play
environments. PTO Today. Retrieved September 9, 2005 from
Web Content
Brown, P., Sutterby, J. & Thornton, C. (2001). Combating childhood obesity with
physical play opportunities. IPEMA Web Content Retrieved September 9,
2005 from http://www.ipema.org/News/default.aspx
Brown, P., Sutterby, J., Therrell, J. & Thornton, C. (2001). The importance of free
play to children’s development. GameTime Web Content.
Brown, P., Sutterby, J., Therrell, J. & Thornton, C. (2001). The Changing
Landscape of Public Playgrounds IPEMA Web Content, Retrieved
September 9, 2005 from http://www.ipema.org/News/default.aspx
Brown, P., Sutterby, J., Therrell, J. & Thornton, C. (2001). Play is Essential for
Brain Development. IPEMA Web Content, Retrieved September 9, 2005
from http://www.ipema.org/News/default.aspx
Brown, P., Sutterby, J., Therrell, J. & Thornton, C. (2001). Developmental
Domains and Outdoor Play Components. IPEMA Web Content, Retrieved
September 9, 2005 from http://www.ipema.org/News/default.aspx
Brown, P., Sutterby, J., & Thornton, C. (2001). The "Ideal" Outdoor
Manufactured Play Environments. IPEMA Web Content, Retrieved
September 9, 2005 from http://www.ipema.org/News/default.aspx
Smith, P., Chamberlain, S., Garcia, J., & Sutterby, J. (2008, March). Sushi in
Matamoros: Social Discourse in and Out of the Academy. Poster
presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research
Association, New York.
Aguilar-Crandall, M. & Sutterby, J., & Rubin, R. (2007, February). Early
childhood professional development program. Poster presented at the
annual conference of the National Association for Bilingual Education,
San Jose, CA.
Beale, J.M., Sutterby, J., Peña, S., & Contreras, W. (2007). Predicting Children’s
Chess Ability: Is Bilingualism Comparable to Giftedness? Poster
presented at the 19th Annual Convention of the Association for
Psychological Science, Washington, DC
Industry Reports
Frost, J, Frost, B. & Sutterby, J. (2008). Play behaviors of third, fourth, and fifth
grade children on Xscape II. Unpublished industry report.
Frost, J., Sutterby, J. & Frost, B. (2006). Play behavior on a playground designed
for upper elementary age children. Unpublished industry report.
Frost, J., Brown, P., Wisneski, D. & Sutterby, J. (2003). Functions and benefits of
playground swings. Unpublished industry document.
Frost, J., Brown, P., Thornton, C., & Sutterby, J. (2002). The nature and benefits
of children’s climbing behaviors. Austin, TX: GameTime Inc.
Frost, J., Brown, P., Thornton, C., Sutterby, J. & Therrell, J. (2001). The
developmental benefits and use patterns of overhead equipment on
playgrounds. Unpublished industry report.
Frost, J., Sutterby, J., Therrell, J., Brown, P., & Thornton, C. (2001). The
relevance of height for child development and playground safety.
Unpublished industry report.
Frost, J., Brown, P., Sutterby, J. & Therrell, J. (2000). Outdoor play equipment for
infants and toddlers. Unpublished industry report.
Publications (Under Review)
Sutterby, J., Garcia, J. & Chamberlain, S. (Under review).Calmate amigos este es
la migra: Reflections on border education in 2006.
Thornton, C. Sutterby, J. & Brown, P. (Under review). A poly-vocal
reconceptualist conversation on the adultification of children’s play.
Journal of Curriculum Theorizing.
Sutterby, J., Brown, P. & Thornton, C. (Under review). Physical activity levels at
school: Free play, physical education and environment. Journal of
Research in Childhood Education.
Sutterby, J. & Alanís, I. (Under review). Preemptive retention: Addressing the
impact of accountability. Journal of Urban Studies.
Sutterby, J. (under review). Meaning making through play and story in Vivian
Paley’s The boy who would be a helicopter. Play and Culture Studies, Vol.
Frost, J., Keyburn, D., & Sutterby, J. (Under Review). Notes from the land down
under: Transforming a sterile schoolyard into a nature and play
wonderland. Association for Childhood Education International.
Sutterby, J. & Sutterby, S. (2011, April). Girls in virtual reality. Presented at the
Annual Conference of The Association for the Study of Play. Rochester,
Sutterby, S., Sutterby, J., & Aguilar Crandall, M. (2010, November). Selecting
High-Quality Children’s Literature for Latin American and Caribbean
Children. Presented at the National Association for the Education of
Young Children. Anaheim California.
Sutterby, J. (2010, November). Slug bugs and teasing: The importance of
signaling during play. Presented at the National Association for the
Education of Young Children. Anaheim California.
Aguilar-Crandall, M., & Sutterby, J. (May, 2010). Changing Practice: The effect
of professional development in Latino child care. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Denver,
Sutterby, J. & Rubin, R. (May, 2010). Early childhood educator professional
development adds up to higher mathematical achievement in young
children. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association. Denver, Colorado.
Sutterby, J. (2010, March). Controversial Dolls. Presented at the Annual
Conference of The Association for the Study of Play. Atlanta, GA.
Sutterby, J., Jarrett, O., Demarie, D. & Brother, J. (2009, November). Who gets to
play?: Examining access to quality play experiences as a social justice
issue. Presented at the National Association for the Education of Young
Children. Washington DC.
Rubin, R., Sutterby, J., Warren, A., Sandefur, S., Gamble, A., Holcombe, J.,
Keefe, H., Lawrence, R., Lambert, R., Sibley, A. & Kamil, M. (2009,
November). Professional development and mentoring for educators
serving at-risk children: Successful practices from research studies in
three states. Presented at the National Association for the Education of
Young Children. Washington DC.
Sutterby, J. (2009, November). Controversial Dolls. Presented at the Play, Policy
and Practice Forum of the National Association for the Education of
Young Children, Washington DC.
Cohen, L., Han, M., & Sutterby, J. (2009, June). Featured Session: Connecting
home cultural knowledge in young children’s play. National Institute for
Early Childhood Professional Development. Charlotte, NC.
Reifel, S., Wisneski, D., Nicholson, S. & Sutterby, J. (2009, June) Research on
Teachers, Classroom Practice, and the Meanings of Play. National
Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development. Charlotte, NC.
Sutterby, Rubin, R., Sailors, M., & Sutterby. J. A. (2009, April). The Easy, the
Difficult, and the Almost Impossible. Presented at the Literacy Coaching
Summit, Corpus Christi, TX.
Rubin, R., Sailors, M., & Sutterby. J. A. (2009, April). Making Coaching
Culturally Responsive. To be presented at the Literacy Coaching Summit,
Corpus Christi, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2009, February). Meditations on the referee. Presented at The
Association for the Study of Play, Brownsville, TX.
Sutterby, J. A. & Rubin, R. (2009, February). Assessment in two languages:
Challenges and lessons learned. Presented at the National Association of
Bilingual Educators, Austin, TX.
Sutterby, J. & Sutterby, J. (2008, March). Txt mssg: Cell phone play in the 21st
century. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Association for the
Study of Play, Tempe, AZ.
Sutterby, J. & Rubin, R. (2008, March). Early Childhood Educator Professional
Development Grant. Presentation at the Early Reading First Conference,
New Orleans, LA.
Smith, P., Chamberlain, S., Garcia, J. & Sutterby, J. (2008, March). Sushi in
Matamoros. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Moore, L., Frost, J., Norquist, T., & Sutterby, J. (2007, April). The evolution of
play and playgrounds in America and their relevance to child
development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Association
for the Study of Play, Rochester, NY.
Frost, J., Sutterby, J., Moore, L., & Norquist, T. (2007, May). Playgrounds and
playground equipment: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Association for Childhood Education, Tampa
Bay, FL.
Smith, P., Noboa, J., Sutterby, J., Garcia, J. & Chamberlain, S. (2007, April).
Sushi in Matamoros: Creating safe discourse away from the academy.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for
Chicano/a Studies, San Jose, CA.
Sutterby, J., Rubin, R., & Aguilar-Crandall, M. (2007, February). I speak Spanish
so I work with the infants: Attitudes toward Spanish on the Texas/Mexico
border. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association
for Bilingual Education
Sutterby, J. (2006, October). The rheotorics of toys. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children,
Atlanta, GA.
Sutterby, J., Jarrett, O., Stenhouse, V., & Astuto, A. (2006, November). Who gets
to play? Access to play as a social justice issue. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young
Children, Atlanta, GA.
Abrego, M., Rubin, R., & Sutterby, J. (2006, June). Making family involvement
possible: Family involvement training for preservice teachers. Paper
presented at the National Institute for Early Childhood Professional
Development, San Antonio, TX.
Sutterby, J., Garcia, J. & Chamberlain, S. (2006, June). Shared Perspectives on
Teaching the Incorporation of Social Justice in the Classroom. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for
Chicano/Chicana Studies. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Sutterby, J. & Sutterby, J. (2006, May). Children’s Playthings from Paper. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of The Association for the Study of Play.
St Catherines, Ontario.
Sutterby, J. (2006, May). Attitudes on Outdoor Play: Reflections of Teacher
Educators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Association for
the Study of Play. St Catherines, Ontario.
Sutterby, J. (2006, May). Vivian Paley’s Theory of Play in the Classroom. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of The Association for the Study of Play.
St Catherines, Ontario.
Rubin, R., & Sutterby, J. & Abrego, M. (2006, February). Reflections: Involving
Preservice Teachers with Families of Young Children. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Association for Teacher Education, Atlanta, GA.
Rubin, R., & Sutterby, J. & Carlan-Galvan, V. (2006, February). Equipping
preservice teachers with tools to evaluate young English language
learners’ writing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Association for Teacher Education, Atlanta, GA.
Spodek, B., Baroody, A., Lai, M., Saracho, O., Bradley, K., Szegda, M.,
Kavenaugh, R., Mix, K., Ramsy, P., Sutterby, J., & Evans, R. (2005,
December). The growing knowledge base in early childhood education.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for the
Education of Young Children, Washington DC.
Waite-Stupansky, S., Sutterby, J., Jarrett, O., & Burlingame, H. (2005,
December). Unlocking the doors to outdoor play. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young
Children, Washington DC.
Sluss, D., Jarrett, O., Reifel, S., Johnson, J., Tegano, D., Perry, J., Han, M.,
Trawick-Smith, J., Taylor, S., Patte, M., Caulfield, M., Clements, R.,
Sutterby, J., Meckley, A., Kang, S., Shin, E., Christie, J., & Patet, P.
(2005, December). Supporting play in the 21st century: Discussions of
current research and practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the National Association for the Education of Young Children,
Washington DC.
Sutterby, J., Rubin, R., & Abrego, M. (2005, April). Culture and Language: The
Develoment of Relationships Between Preservice Teachers and Latino
Families. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Abrego, M. H., Sutterby, J. A., & Rubin, R. (2005, April) Voices from the TexasMexico Border: Conversations with Latino Parents. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, Orlando, FL
Sutterby, J. (2005, February). Home Culture and School Culture Reflected in
Children’s Play. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Association
for the Study of Play.
Sutterby, J. & Alanis, I. (2005, February) Pre Emptive Retention: Retaining
English Language Learners to Prop Up Accountability Ratings. Paper
presented at the National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies
Conference: Houston, TX.
Sutterby, J., & Alanis, I. (2005, January). Retaining English language learners:
The hidden cost of the accountability movement. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the National Association for Bilingual Education
Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Rubin, R., Abrego, M. H. & Sutterby, J. A. (2004, December). Lessons Learned:
Involving Latino Families in their Children’s School Literacy.
Development. Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, San
Antonio, TX.
Sutterby, J., Brown, P., & Thornton, C. (2004, April). Physical activity levels
during free play and physical education. Paper presented at the American
Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Rubin, R., Abrego, M. H., & Sutterby, J. A. (2004, April). Preparing preservice
teachers to work with Latino parents. Paper presented at the American
Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Sutterby, J., Ayala, J., & Murillo, S. (2004, March). El sendero torcido al
español: The development of bilingual teachers’ Spanish language
proficiency. Paper presented at the Binational Symposium of Education
Researchers. Mexico City, Mexico.
Sutterby, J., Arrona, A., Linck, R., & Murillo, S. (2004, February). Games and
songs of the border. Paper presented at The Association for the Study of
Play, Atlanta, GA.
Sutterby, J. (2004, February). Bilingual teacher Spanish language proficiency.
Paper presented at the National Association for Bilingual Education
Conference. Albuquerque, NM.
Sutterby, J., Brown, P., & Thornton, C. (2004, February). Physical activity and
obesity in children. Paper presented at The Association for the Study of
Play, Atlanta, GA.
Sutterby, J. (2003, January). Activity Structure in a Two-Way Immersion
Classroom. National Association for Bilingual Education Conference.
New Orleans, LA.
Sutterby, J. (2003, April). I wish we could do whatever we want: Children
subverting scaffolding in an early childhood classroom. American
Educational Research Association Conference. Chicago, IL.
Guerrero, M. & Sutterby, J. (2003, April). The voices of bilingual education: The
acquisition of academic Spanish by Latina bilingual education teachers.
American Educational Research Association Conference. Chicago, IL.
Sutterby, J. (2003, April). Obesity and children’s play. Association for Childhood
Education International Conference. Phoenix, AR.
Sutterby, J. (2002, November). Activity setting as scaffolding for children’s play.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. New York,
Sutterby, J. (2002, April). The language of children’s play in a two-way
immersion setting: The language of negotiation. Paper presented at the
American Educational Research Association Conference. New Orleans,
Pierce, L., Sutterby, J., Geneser, V., Steedly, K., Pallmeyer, L., & Gabrielson, T.
(2001, April) Pursuing personal significant research: Lessons in life
histories. American Educational Research Association. Adulthood and
Aging. SIG. Seattle, WA.
Sutterby, J. (2009, October). School and home culture in children’s play. Paper
presented at the Texas Association for Bilingual Education Conference,
Houston, TX.
Aguilar, Crandal, M., Rubin, R., & Sutterby, J. (2007, October). Spanish use in
childcare prior to formal schooling. Paper presented at the annual
conference of the Texas Association for Bilingual Education, San
Antonio, TX.
Ayala, J., Murillo, S., Rodriguez, A. & Sutterby, J. (2005, October). La
importancia de la conciencia fonológica en español. Presentation at the
annual meeting of The Texas Association for Bilingual Education, Corpus
Christi, TX.
Abrego, M., De Dios, J., Martinez, J. Rubin, R. & Sutterby, J. (2005, October).
Building relationships between preservice teachers and Latino families:
One border university’s experience. Presentation at the annual meeting of
The Texas Association for Bilingual Education, Corpus Christi, TX.
Sutterby, J.A., Rubin, R., & Abrego, M.H. (2004, October). Desde otro punto de
vista: Preservice teachers’ reflections on their experiences with diverse
families. Paper presented at the Texas Association of Bilingual Educators
Conference, El Paso, TX.
Sutterby, J. & Alanis, I. (2004, October). Pre emptive retention: Elementary
academic red shirting to prop up accountability ratings. Paper presented
at the Texas Association of Bilingual Educators Conference, El Paso, TX.
Sutterby, J., Arrona, A., Linck, R. & Murillo, S. (2003, October). Juegos y
canciones de la frontera. Paper presented at the Texas Association for
Bilingual Education Conference. Fort Worth, TX.
Sutterby, J. & Ayala, J. (2002, October). 21st century bilingual educators. Texas
Association for Bilingual Education Conference. Houston, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2001, October). Play in early childhood two-way immersion: Theory
and practice. Paper presented at the Texas Association for Bilingual
Education (TABE), Dallas, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2000, October). Sink or swim: Alternative certification teachers in
bilingual classrooms. Texas Association for Bilingual Education. El Paso,
Sutterby, J. & Murillo, S. (2009, November). Border literature: Children’s
literature on the border. Binational Conference, Brownsville, TX.
Sutterby, J., Garcia, J., & Chamberlain, S. (2008, February). Teaching social
justice in the classroom. Paper presented at the Tejas FOCO, McAllen,
Sutterby, J. (2007, July). Enhancing outdoor play. Presentation at the Every
Child Ready for School Conference, Brownsville, TX.
Rubin, R., & Sutterby, J. (2007, March). Diversity and Family Involvement. Paper
presented at the Department of Education Symposium, Brownsville, TX.
Linck, R., Meade, M., Galindo, M. Rubin, R., & Sutterby, J. (2006, October).
Evaluación integral para la calidad educativa. Binational Conference,
Matamoros, Mexico.
Sutterby, J. (2006, January). Scaffolding language in two-way immersion
classrooms. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Rio Grande Valley
Association for Bilingual Education, South Padre Island, TX.
Sutterby, J., Ayala, J., & Murillo, S. (2005, October). La importancia de la
conciencia fonologica en espanol. Presentation at the annual binational
conference, Brownsville, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2005, October). Mejorando las evaluaciones en el aula: Evaluación
de opciones múltiples. Presentation at the annual Binational Conference,
Brownsville, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2005, October). La evaluación de hispanohablantes en Texas.
Presentation at the annual binational conference, Matamoros, Mexico.
Sutterby, J., Olmos, R., & Ramos, N. (2004, October). Juegos y canciones en
español. Presentation at the Rio Grande Valley Association for Bilingual
Education Conference. South Padre Island, TX.
Sutterby, J., Arrona, A., & Linck, R. (2003, October). Games and songs of the
border. Paper presented at the Binational Conference. Brownsville, TX.
Sutterby, J., Ayala, J., & Murillo, S. (2003, December). El sendero torcido al
español. Paper presented at the National Association for Chicano/Chicana
Studies FOCO. Brownsville, TX.
Sutterby, J., & Linck, R. (2003, September). Involucrando a la familia en el
desarrollo del primer idioma. Rio Grande Valley Association for
Bilingual Education, South Padre Island, TX.
Sutterby, J. & Linck, R., Arrona, A. (2003). El juego y la comunicación en un
salón de un programa de inmersión dual. Two-Way Bilingual Education
Symposium. South Padre Island, TX.
Sutterby, J., & Greimel, A. (2002, December). Arranging play in a two-way
classroom. Paper presented at San Antonio Association for Bilingual
Education Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Greimel, A., & Sutterby, J. (2002, February). Arranging play in a two-way
immersion classroom. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Spring
Conference. Kingsville, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2002, September). Making two-way comprehensible. Rio Grande
Valley Association for Bilingual Education. South Padre Island, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2002, April). Making children fit for playgrounds and making
playgrounds fit for children. Paper presented at the Brownsville
Association for the Education of Young Children Conference,
Brownsville, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2001, November). 50/50 bilingual programs and dual instruction.
Paper presented at the Binational Education Conference, Brownsville, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2001). Play in two-way immersion classrooms. Rio Grande Valley
Association for Bilingual Education, McAllen, Texas.
Sutterby, J. (2001, September). Play in two-way immersion classrooms. Paper
presented at the Rio Grande Valley Texas Association for Bilingual
Education (RGTVABE). McAllen, TX.
Sutterby, J. & Gallegos, T. (2003). Voces de Oro. Brownsville Independent
School District. Brownsville, TX.
Grant Writing Activity
Co principal investigator with Renee Rubin Early Childhood Education
Professional Development Grant
Sutterby, J. & Perez, E. (2006). Center for Civic Engagement Mini Grant.
Sutterby, J. & Reifel, S. (2006). Learning through literature, literacy skills and
play: Using scientifically based literacy programs in prekindergarten
programs. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost
College, TX.
Parson, P. & Sutterby, J. (2004). Escribir para leer. The University of Texas at
Brownsville and Texas Southmost College, TX.
Morgan, B., Carlan, V., Parson, P., and Sutterby, J. (2004). English language
acquisition: National professional development program. The University
of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College, TX.
Spring 2003 Applied for a grant from the Ford Foundation to investigate the
impact of chess on children’s academic and cognitive development.
Spring 2003 Applied along with Dr. Rubin and Dr. Peña for a grant from the
Department of Education to investigate the relationship between reading
fluency, language development and reading comprehension.
Spring 2003 Applied for and received a $500 grant from State Farm Insurance
Company to fund a service learning project to develop a playground for
Longoria Elementary
Spring 2003 Along with R. Guerra, provided background information for a
$250,000 grant from the City of Brownsville to develop a playground at
Edelstein Park.
Fall 2002 Applied along with Dr. C. Thornton & P. Brown for and received a
$10,000 grant from the International Playground Equipment
Manufacturers Association for play and physical activity research.
Sutterby, J. & Murillo, S. (2005). Healthy living, Diet and Exercise: Una vida
sana, dieta y ejercicio. 10th annual Districtwide Parent Conference. San
Benito, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2004) Let’s get active. San Benito ISD 9th Annual Districtwide
Parent Conference. San Benito, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2003). Una vida sana para niños. San Benito ISD 8th Annual
Districtwide Parent Conference. San Benito, TX.
Sutterby, J. (2003) Alternative Assessment Workshop. Nursing faculty UTBTSC
August 21, 3002.
Sutterby, J. (2002). Getting fit through play. San Benito ISD Seventh Annual
Districtwide Parent Conference. San Benito, TX.
Program chair Early Childhood Education and Child Development SIG for AERA
First Vice President The Association for the Study of Play
Co-Editor Annual 2009 Annual Theme Issue Childhood Education Fit For Test
Scores--Unfit for a Healthy Life: Issues and Developments in Children’s
Editor Play Review, Quarterly newsletter of The Association for the Study of Play
Board of Directors The Association for the Study of Play
Board of Advisors The International Playground Equipment Manufacturers
Program organizer for the Early childhood significant interest group program for
the National Association for Bilingual Education
Member Play, Policy and Practice Forum for the National Association for the
Education of Young Children
Discussant for Critical Issues in Early Childhood Education SIG: Images and
voices of males in early childhood
Peer reviewer for Play and Culture Studies Vol. 9 for The Association for the
Study of Play.
Peer reviewer for Anthropology and Education Quarterly
Member of the Play, Policy and Practice Forum for the National Association for
the Education of Young Children.
Consulting Editors Panel for National Association for the Education of Young
Children publications.
Peer reviewer for Play and Culture Studies Vol. 8 for The Association for the
Study of Play.
Reviewer of Sluss, D. (2005). Supporting Play: Birth through age eight. Clifton
Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Peer reviewer for Journal of Borderland Studies for the Association for
Borderlands Studies
Peer reviewer for Play and Culture Studies Vol. 7 for The Association for the
Study of Play.
Awards and Honors
2006 – Exceptional Merit University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost
2000 – School of Education Assistant Instructor of the Year – Graduate Students’
1998 – 2000 Title VII Scholarship Fellow for the Department of Multilingual Studies
Fly UP