FACULTY GRANT ACTIVITY 2012-2013 Grant Activity by Year Year
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FACULTY GRANT ACTIVITY 2012-2013 Grant Activity by Year Year
Addendum Exhibit 5.7.a Scholarly Activity The University of Texas at Brownsville FACULTY GRANT ACTIVITY 2012-2013 Grant Activity by Year Year 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Number of Grants Number of Grants Applied For Awarded 16 5 13 5 22 13 24 12 29 13 Grant Activity by Semester/Year Semester/Year Spring 2013 Fall 2012 Number of Grants Applied For 5 11 Amount Received $ 580,500 $ 303,999 $ 3,500,000 $ 2,656,832 $ 227,441 Number of Grants Awarded 2 4 Amount Received 114, 499 330, 500 Grant Activity by Faculty Member & Semester/Year Fall 2013 Semester/Year Applied For Fall 2013 Faculty Last Name, First Name Cavazos, Lionel Grant Name (Title) Awarded (Yes/No) Amount Received Understanding Predictors of Mental Health, Help-Seeking Attitudes, and Utilization of Counseling Services among Latino/a College Students No 0.00 Fall 2013 Rivas, Olivia Workforce Solutions Cameron, Inc. (Local Initiative Project) Yes 50,000.00 Fall 2013 Ramirez, Reynaldo Texas Regional Yes 161,000.00 Collaborative for Excellence in Science 13-14 Fall 2013 Telese, James A. Texas Regional Collaborative for Excellence in Math 1314 Yes 92,000.00 Fall 2013 Curtis, Mary Sutterby, John A. Rio Grande Valley Early Intervention Specialists 'Special Education Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities' No 1,250,000.00 Fall 2013 Ramirez, Reynaldo Texas 21st Century Telese, James A. Community Learning Garcia, Gregorio Centers Grant Program, Cycle 8 (MOU) No 15,500.00 Fall 2013 Karabulut, Murat Arterial Compliance, Cardiorespiratory fitness, Body Composition and Lipid Profile Responses to Low-intensity Cycling Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction in Obese Individuals No 158,137.00 Fall 2013 Bussert-Webb, Kathy Arthur Vining Digital Literacy Leadership Grant No 199,966.00 Fall 2013 Karabulut, Murat Physiological Responses to Blood Flow Restriction Training in Obese People No 199,524.00 Fall 2013 James, Eric G. Vestibular rehabilitation using Differential Training No 368,197.00 Fall 2013 Escotet, Miguel A. Texas 21st Century Ramirez, Reynaldo Community Learning Centers Grant Program, Cycle 7 (MOU) Yes 27,500.00 Awarded (Yes/No) Amount Received No 395,866 Fall 2012 Semester/Year Applied For Fall 2012 Faculty Last Name, First Name Telese, James A. Grant Name (Title) Improving Students’ Jewett, Laura Zhang, Zhidong Outcomes in Mathematics and Reading through an University/School District Research Partnership Fall 2012 Ramirez, Reynaldo Exploring Water Quality Petty, Lori through PBL Paull, Gene Garcia, Gregorio Yes 104,100 Fall 2012 Ramirez, Reynaldo Exploring Water Quality Petty, Lori through PBL Paull, Gene Garcia, Gregorio Yes 10,399 Fall 2012 Mercuri, Sandra Musanti, Sandra Lu, Ming-Tsan O'Connor, Brendan Dikes, Phillip R. Promoting Scientific Literacy among Latino Pre-Service Teachers through an InquiryBased Language Infused Model No 450,000 Butler, Janice Ramirez, Reynaldo Zhang, Zhidong Mohanty, Soumya Torres, Cristina TimeSpy “A crossplatform third person single-player perspective action adventure role-playing educational game" No 3,000,000 Fall 2012 a. A few examples of scholarship such as articles, books, presentations are provided in Exhibit 5.3.b, a full listing and current vitae should be made available. Without this information it is unclear whether faculty model best professional practices in Scholarship. CORBEIL Response to 14b: FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP 2012-2013 by Semester/Year & Faculty Name Note: For a list of faculty publications by Publication Type, please go to end of the Fall 2012 chart. SPRING 2013 Faculty Name Abrego, Jesus Abrego, Michelle Bussert-Webb, Kathy Butler, Janice W. Cavazos, Lionel J. Publication Citation Selke, M.G., Abrego, M., Abrego, C., Gilson, T.W., Pace, N. and Smith, P. (in press). Graduate program redesign for the preparation of 21st Century educational leaders. Southern Journal of Educational Administration. Selke, M.G., Abrego, M., Abrego, C., Gilson, T.W., Pace, N. and Smith, P. (in press). Graduate program redesign for the preparation of 21st Century educational leaders. Southern Journal of Educational Administration. Bussert-Webb, K. (In press). Book Review. [N. Gonzalez, L. Moll, C. Amanti, Funds of Knowledge: Theorizing Practice in Households, Communities, and Classroom]. Rutledge. Diaz, M.E., and Bussert-Webb, K. (2013, January). Reading and language beliefs and practices of Latino/a children in a border colonia. Journal of Latinos and Education, 12(1), 59-73. Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2013). Digital literacy, language, and Latinos: LI.4Word. Paper to be presented in April 2013 at the annual meeting of the AERA, San Francisco, CA. Ramirez, R., Garcia, G., and Butler, J. (under review). Investigating the Potential of "BYOD" (Bring Your Own Device) to Motivate Student Achievement. Balkin, R., Cavazos, J., Hernandez, A. E., Garcia, R., Dominguez, D., and Valarezo, A. (in press). Assessing at-risk youth using the Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory with a Latino/a population. Journal of Addiction and Offender Counseling. Castro, V., Castillo, Y., and Cavazos Vela, J. (in preparation). School counselors' perception of graduate school preparation: A Rio Grande Valley study. Cavazos Vela, J., Johnson, M. 13., Castro, V., Ikonomopolis, J., and Gonzalez, P. (in preparation). Differentiating factors between successful and less successful Latina/o college students: Perspectives from first-year seminar instructors. Cavazos Vela, J., Johnson, M. B., Cavazos, A. G., lkonomopolis, J., and Cavazos, L. (in preparation). Differences among Latina/o students across barriers, Scholarship Category Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Book Reviews Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation National / International Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript coping responses, and acculturation. Chamberlain, Steve Cavazos Vela, J., Zamarripa, M. X., Balkin, R. S., Johnson, M. B., and Smith, R. S. (in preparation). Understanding Latina/o students' perceptions of support from teachers as predictors of enrollment in AP coursework. Cavazos Vela, J., Zamarripa, M. X., Balkin, R. S., Johnson, M. B., and Smith, R. S. (in preparation). Understanding Latina/o students' perceptions of support from school counselors and acculturation as predictors of enrollment in AP coursework. Ikonomopolis, J., Zamarripa, M. X., and Cavazos Vela, J. (in preparation). A narrative approach to clinical supervision. Cavazos Vela, J., Zamarripa, M. X., and Balkin, R. S. (under review). Understanding Latina/o students' perceptions of support as predictors of enrollment in AP coursework. Presentation submitted to the American Association of Hispanic Higher Education annual meeting in San Antonio, TX. Cavazos Vela, J., and Flamez, B. (under review). Beginning assistant professors' reflections on the publication process. Presentation submitted to the American Association of Hispanic Higher Education annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Lu, M.T. and Cavazos, J. (2013). Online Learning Perceptions and Effectiveness of Research Methods Courses. Paper to be presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013, New Orleans, LA. Chamberlain, S.P. (2013). An interview with Gerald Wallance: Reflections and prespectives on the field of Learning Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 48(3), 184-189. Chamberlain, S.P. and Garcia, J. (in progress). (Over) referral and (over)identification in one border community. Chamberlain, S.P. and Garcia, J. (in progress). Teacher attributions of their special education students’ learning difficulties in one border community. Chamberlain, S.P., Shefelbine, J., and Garcia, J. (in progress). Perspectives of administrators, educational diagnosticians, and general education teachers on prerefferal (responses-to-intervention), Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript referral, and identification processes for students suspected of having disabilities. Conatser, Phillip Corbeil, Joseph R. Corbeil, Maria Elena Smith, P., Chamberlain, S.P., Garcia, J.H., and Sutterby, J.A. (in progress). Sushi in Matamoros: Social discourse in and out of the academy. Conatser, P., James, E.G., and Ledingham, C.M. (In press). Early intervention developmental screening assessment. Palaestra. James, E.G., and Conatser, P. (under review). Differential training enhances learning and reminiscence in a unimanual arm rotation task. Journal of Motor Behavior. James, E.G., and Conatser, P. (under review). Utilizing differential I learning in physical education. JOPERD. Corbeil, J.R. and Corbeil, M.E. (In press). Elearning past, present, and future. In M. Ally & B. Khan (Eds.), The International Handbook of Elearning. Canada: Athabasca University. Corbeil, M.E., and Corbeil, J.R. (In press). Beyond Blackboard: Hacking the LMS to enhance social learning. In A. Benson & A. Witworth (Eds.), Research on Course Management Systems in Higher Education. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishers. Corbeil, M.E. and Corbeil, J.R. (2013). Faculty and student perceptions of their learning management system's social learning tools. Full paper presentation at the 2013 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Conference. New Orleans, LA. Corbeil, J.R. and Corbeil, M.E. (In press). Elearning past, present, and future. In M. Ally & B. Khan (Eds.), The International Handbook of Elearning. Canada: Athabasca University. Corbeil, M.E., and Corbeil, J.R. (In press). Beyond Blackboard: Hacking the LMS to enhance social learning. In A. Benson & A. Witworth (Eds.), Research on Course Management Systems in Higher Education. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishers. Banker, D.A and Corbeil, M.E. (2013). Not your mother's teacher ed course: Using immersive online worlds and online technologies to prepare teachers Scholarly work Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Book Chapters Book Chapters Presentation State Book Chapters Book Chapters Presentation State Curtis, Mary Diaz, Maria E. Freeman, Yvonne Garcia, Gregorio Garcia, Jaime H. for next century learners. Full paper presentation at the 2013 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Conference. New Orleans, LA. Corbeil, M.E. and Corbeil, J.R. (2013). Faculty and student perceptions of their learning management system's social learning tools. Full paper presentation at the 2013 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Conference. New Orleans, LA. Curtis, M. G., and Chavez, L. H. (2013, May). The Accessibility of a Children’s Museum. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 2(1). Curtis, M.G. (In progress) Pre-kindergarten in Honduras. Target journal: Young Children (estimated submission by Dec. 2013). Curtis, M.G. (in progress) An Interview with Tanis Bryan: A legend in the field of Special Education. School and Clinic (An invited article: estimated Dec. 2013 publication date). Diaz, M.E., and Bussert-Webb, K. (2013, January). Reading and language beliefs and practices of Latino/a children in a border colonia. Journal of Latinos and Education, 12(1), 59-73. Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2013). Digital literacy, language, and Latinos: LI.4Word. Paper to be presented in April 2013 at the annual meeting of the AERA, San Francisco, CA. Rodriguez, A.D., and Freeman, Y. (March 2013). Transforming Students’ Engagement in Culturally Relevant Texts with Exploratory Talk. Presentation at the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Dallas, Texas. Ramirez, R., Garcia, G., and Butler, J. (under review). Investigating the Potential of "BYOD" (Bring Your Own Device) to Motivate Student Achievement. Garcia, J.H., Smith, P.H., Diaz, M., Parson, P., and Aguilar-Crandall, M. (submitted). Developing Children’s Voice in a Marginalized Community. America Educational Research Journal. Chamberlain, S.P. and Garcia, J. (in progress). (Over) referral and (over)identification in one border community. Chamberlain, S.P. and Garcia, J. (in progress). Teacher attributions of their special education Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Manuscript Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Manuscript Manuscript students’ learning difficulties in one border community. Hinton, Kip Austin James, Eric Chamberlain, S.P., Shefelbine, J., and Garcia, J. (in progress). Perspectives of administrators, educational diagnosticians, and general education teachers on prerefferal (responses-to-intervention), referral, and identification processes for students suspected of having disabilities. Smith, P., Chamberlain, S.P., Garcia, J.H., and Sutterby, J.A. (in progress). Sushi in Matamoros: Social discourse in and out of the academy. Hinton, K.A. (revise and submit). Texas Nationalism at the Alamo: Manifest Destiny, or Just Anther Stop on the Tour? Submitted to Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. Hinton, K.A. (submitted). “Should We Use a Capital Framework to Understand Culture? Cultural ‘Capita’ within Communities of Color.” Submitted to Theory and Research in Education. Hinton, K.A. (under review). Undocumented citizens: The civic engagement of activist immigrants. Submitted to Journal of Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice. Hinton, K.A. (2013, April). “You’re not going to succeed”: Guidance Counselors and College-Bound Latina/o Students. Paper for presentation at AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Hinton, K.A. (2013, March). English as a Second Language Ideology: Beliefs of Asian Immigrant and International Students. Paper submitted for presentation at TESOL International Convention. Dallas, TX James, E.G. (under review). A model of stable and metastable postural coordination dynamics. Gait & Posture. James, E.G. (under review). Non-stationary of stable states in rhythmic bimanual coordination. Motor Control. James, E.G. (under review). Short-term differential training decreases postural sway. Gait & Posture. Manuscript James, E.G., and Conatser, P. (under review). Differential training enhances learning and reminiscence in a unimanual arm rotation task. Journal of Motor Behavior. Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Scholarly work Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Jewett, Laura Karabulut, Murat James, E.G., and Conatser, P. (under review). Utilizing differential I learning in physical education. JOPERD. James, E.G., and Karabulut, M. (in press). Vascular restriction decreases EMG regularity during walking. Human Movement Science. Conatser, P., James, E.G., and Ledingham, C.M. (In press). Early intervention developmental screening assessment. Palaestra. James, E.G., and Karabulut, M. Vascular Restriction Pressure Level and Muscle Activation Dynamics. Muscle and Nerve, 2013. (Under review) James, E.G., and Karabulut, M., (2013). Vascular Restriction Increases EMG Complexity during Walk. Human Movement Sciences. Jewett, L. Curricular Contrabandistas: A Border Educorrido. A book prospectus to be submitted upon the request of Rebecca McCary, education editor for Lexington Books.. Prospectus in preparation Jewett, L, Zuniga, L. and Trevino, E. Bordering curriculum. To be submitted to Taboo: The Journal of Culture & Education. Manuscript in preparation. Jewett, L. "Between El otro lado and este lado: Corrido, educorrido, and Narrative Inquiry inbetween" To be submitted to the Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. Manuscript in preparation Jewett, L. Border violences: Epistemology, inquiry, and a lived curriculum of solastalgia. To be submitted to International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. Manuscript in preparation. Crafting transnational curriculum: To be submitted to Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education. Manuscript in Preparation Karabulut M, Perez G. Neuromuscular response to varying pressures created by tightness of restriction cuff. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2013 Aug 2. doi:pii: S1050-6411(13)00179-X. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23962386 James, E.G., and Karabulut, M. (in press). Vascular restriction decreases EMG regularity during walking. Human Movement Science. James, E.G., and Karabulut, M. Vascular Restriction Pressure Level and Muscle Activation Dynamics. Muscle and Nerve, 2013. (Under review) Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Manuscript Manuscript Books Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript Articles in Refereed Journals Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Manuscript James, E.G., and Karabulut, M., (2013). Vascular Restriction Increases EMG Complexity during Walk. Human Movement Sciences. Karabulut, M., and Perez, G. Neuromuscular Response to Varying Pressures Created by Tightness of Restriction Cuff. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2013 (Under review) Karabulut, M., Leal, J.A., Garcia, S.D., Cavazos, C., and Bemben, M.G. Tissue Oxygenation and Lactate Response to Different Blood Flow Restrictive Pressures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2013. (Under review) Cavazos, G., Garcia, S.D., Leal, J.A., Amaral, B., and Karabulut, M. The Effects of Aerobic Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction on Cardiovascular Parameters in Athlete vs. Non-Athlete Females. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Flores, L., Garcia, S.D., Alaniz, B., Perez, G.E., and Karabulut, M. Influences of Vascular Restriction on the Obese Female Substrate Utilization. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Garcia, S.D., Flores, L., Alaniz, B., Leal, J.A., Cavazos, C., and Karabulut, M. Influences of Blood Flow Restriction Exercise on the Cardiovascular System in Obese Subjects. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Karabulut, M., Leal, J.A., Garcia, S.D., Cavazos, C., Soto, Y., Bemben, M.G. Effects of Leg Composition on Electromyography Activity during Exercise with Different Initial Restrictive Pressures. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Lopez, J. Perez, G.E., and Karabulut, M. Lactate Concentration Response to Knee Extension Exercise with Various Initial Restrictive Pressures in Females. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN. It will be published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45(5 suppl.). Perez, G.E., Lopez, J., and Karabulut, M. Gender Comparisons of the Electromyography Response to Knee Extension Exercises with Different Initial Restriction Pressures. Submitted to the ACSM Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Leal, Alma Ledingham, Christopher M. Lu, Ming-Tsan Pierre Leal, A. (2013, May). Latino Stereotypes, Program to be presented at the Collaborating to Meet the Needs of English Language Learners Conference, University of Houston-Clear Lake. Conatser, P., James, E.G., and Ledingham, C.M. (In press). Early intervention developmental screening assessment. Palaestra. Overton, T. and Lu, M.T. (In progress). Understanding Research. Pearson Publishing. Lu, M.T. (In progress). The DKE Model Revisited: Learning L2 Vocabulary Pronunciation Through 1stAnd 2nd-Hand Experiences. Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Lu, M.T. and LaVaglio, M. (In progress). Teaching with Cloud Technology: Google Docs for Chinese Language Learning. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning. Lu, M.T., Black, J., and Hallman, G. (under review). Embodied Animations for Chinese Character Learning. Language Learning and Technology. Lu, M.T. (2013). Design-based Learning: Teaching with Scratch. 75-minute Workshop to be presented at The 2013 Teaching Professor Conference, New Orleans, LA. Lu, M.T. (2013). Scratch for Education: Use of the User-friendly Computer Programming Language for Learning and Teaching. 75-minute Workshop presented at the SERA 2013 36th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Lu, M.T. and Cavazos, J. (2013). Online Learning Perceptions and Effectiveness of Research Methods Courses. Paper to be presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013, New Orleans, LA. Lu, M.T. and Overton, T. (2013). Teaching Reading in a Research World: The Effectiveness of Research ABC Presentation and Hands-on Experience on Reading Journal Articles in a Saturday Workshop. Paper presented at the SERA 2013 36th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Book Reviews Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Mercuri, Sandra Morgan, Bobbette Musanti, Sandra Mercuri, S., and Rodriguez, A.D. (In press). Tentative Title: Grade 2: Developing academic language through an ecosystem unit. In M. Gotlieb and G. Ernst-Slavit. Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms- English Language Arts, Gr. K-2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Mercuri, S. and Rodriguez, A. (In press). Teaching Academic Language Through an Ecosystem Unit. Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit (Eds.) Academic Language Demands for Language Learners: From Text to Context. Corwin Press. Mercuri, S. Bridging Science and Literacy to Support ELLs' Academic Language Development. Submitted to the MEXTESOL Research Journal. Realigning continuous improvement: An epistemological autobiography of emergent change. To be submitted Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. Manuscript in Preparation. Mercuri, S. and Musanti, S.I. (February, 2013). Advancing instruction for emergent bilinguals: Promising practices for academic literacy development. Proposal submitted for the 42nd Annual NABE Conference, February 7-9, 2013, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Mercuri, S. and Musanti, S.I. Promising practices for English language learners' academic literacy development. Proposal accepted for the TESOL Convention. March, 2013, Dallas, TX. March 20-23, 2013, Dallas, TX. Teemant, A., Juarez, B., Rodriguez, L., L., Mitchell, K., Bravo, M., Mercuri, S., and Rodriguez, A.D. (March 2013). Preparing every teacher: The next generation of teacher education. Colloquium at the teachers English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Dallas, Texas Rosenberg, G.P. and Morgan, B. (2013). Create a positive environment in the ESL classroom using cooperative learning, drama and music. National Association of Bilingual Educators, Orlando, FL. Celedon-Pattichis, S. and Musanti, S. I. (In press). Grade 1: "Let's suppose that...": Developing base-ten thinking with Latina/o emergent bilingual learners. Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit (Eds.) Academic language in diverse classrooms: Promoting content and language learning. Grades K- Books Book Chapters Manuscript Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation State Books 2, Mathematics. Corwin Press. O'Connor, Brendan H. Mercuri, S. and Musanti, S.I. (February, 2013). Advancing instruction for emergent bilinguals: Promising practices for academic literacy development. Proposal submitted for the 42nd Annual NABE Conference, February 7-9, 2013, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Mercuri, S. and Musanti, S.I. Promising practices for English language learners' academic literacy development. Proposal accepted for the TESOL Convention. March, 2013, Dallas, TX. March 20-23, 2013, Dallas, TX. Musanti, S.I., Marshall, M., and Celedon-Paticchis, S. (February, 2013). Understanding Emergent Bilingual Students ' Mathematical Thinking to Improve Instruction in K-2 Bilingual Classrooms. Proposal submitted for the 42nd Annual NABE Conference, February 7-9, 2013, Lake Buena Vista, FL. O’Connor, B., and Brown, G. (in press). Just keep expanding outwards: Embodied space and cultural critique in the work of a Navajo hip hop artist. TO appear in L. Wyman, T. McCarty, and S. Nicholas (Eds.), Indigenous Youth and Multilingualism: Language Identity, Ideology, and practice in Dynamic Cultural Worlds. London and New York: Routledge. O’Connor, B., Anthony-Stevens, V., and Gonzalez, N. (in press). Nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning and high expectations. To appear in R. Ylimaki (Ed.), The New Instructional Leadership and the ISLLC Standards. London and New York: Routledge. O’Connor, B. Epistemic practice, socialization, and identity in a high school science classroom: The epistemic of scientific and cultural citizenship. For submission of Research on Language and Social Interaction. O’Connor, B. Double-voicing and double consciousness: Troubling racial classification in everyday linguistic transgressions. For submission of Journal of Sociolinguistics. Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Book Chapters Book Chapters Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Overton, Terry Pan, Sam Ramirez, Reynaldo Rodriguez, Alma D. O’Connor, B. (2013, March 17). The (dis)order of things in classroom discourse. Roundtable presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Dallas, Texas. Overton, T. and Lu, M.T. (In progress). Understanding Research. Pearson Publishing. Overton, T. (revisions requested, resubmitted). Exploration of measures to predict group membership of autism spectrum disorders for Hispanic children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Overton, T. (Manuscript in Progress). Increasing professional self-efficacy of graduate Students in special education and counseling programs through a cross-disciplinary service learning project. Lu, M.T. and Overton, T. (2013). Teaching Reading in a Research World: The Effectiveness of Research ABC Presentation and Hands-on Experience on Reading Journal Articles in a Saturday Workshop. Paper presented at the SERA 2013 36th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Pan, C. (under review). A symbiosis between instructional system design and project management. Under second review of Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT). Pan, C. (under review). Marketing for Web-based Master’s degree program. Under first review of The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (OJDLA). Ramirez, R., Garcia, G., and Butler, J. (under review). Investigating the Potential of "BYOD" (Bring Your Own Device) to Motivate Student Achievement. Mercuri, S., and Rodriguez, A.D. (In press). Tentative Title: Grade 2: Developing academic language through an ecosystem unit. In M. Gotlieb and G. Ernst-Slavit. Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms- English Language Arts, Gr. K-2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Rodriguez, A.D. (In press). La escritura de la aula bilingüe. In M. Gomez Medina and D.J. Mendez Domínguez (Eds.), Experiencias Investigativas de Interculturalidad Educativa. Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México: Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. Presentation State Book Reviews Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Manuscript Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Books Books RodriguezGarcia, Ana Laura Mercuri, S. and Rodriguez, A. (In press). Teaching Academic Language Through an Ecosystem Unit. Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit (Eds.) Academic Language Demands for Language Learners: From Text to Context. Corwin Press. Rodriguez, A.D. (under review). Bilingual and ESL preserve teachers learner about effective instruction for ELLs through meaningful collaboration. GiST Journal. Rodriguez, A.D. (under review). Culturally relevant books: Culturally responsive teaching in a bilingual classroom. NABE Journal of Research and Practice (NJRP). Rodriguez, A.D. (under review). Graduate student’s reflections on the creative reading approach: Transformative education for Latino Students. Journal of Transformative Education. Rodriguez, A.D., and Freeman, Y. (March 2013). Transforming Students’ Engagement in Culturally Relevant Texts with Exploratory Talk. Presentation at the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Dallas, Texas. Teemant, A., Juarez, B., Rodriguez, L., L., Mitchell, K., Bravo, M., Mercuri, S., and Rodriguez, A.D. (March 2013). Preparing every teacher: The next generation of teacher education. Colloquium at the teachers English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Dallas, Texas Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2013, April). Romi sit down and listen to me read! Manuscript in Process Book Chapters Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2013). Experiencing and valuing diversity in early childhood classrooms: How to use children's literature to promote realistic and accurate views about individuals with exceptionalities. Proposal submitted to the annual conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children Conference. Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2013, April). Reading as a social act: "Romi sit down and listen to me read! " Accepted presentation at the Lifelong Health, Fitness, and Learning Through Play Conference, San Antonio, Texas. Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. and Sutterby, J. (2013, March). "Mami quiero mi iPad para leer": A case study of playful encounters with technology. Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Manuscript Presentation State Presentation State Rosenberg, Graciela Shefelbine, Janet R. Sutterby, John Telese, James Varbelow, Sonja Accepted presentation at the annual international conference for the Association for the Study of Play, Newark, Delaware. Rosenberg, G.P. (in press) Técnicas y Estrategias en la Enseñanza del Inglés como Segundo Idioma. Educación y Sociedad. Colección Con Ciencias Humanas y Sociales 13. First Volume. Rosenberg, G.P. and Morgan, B. (2013). Create a positive environment in the ESL classroom using cooperative learning, drama and music. National Association of Bilingual Educators, Orlando, FL. Rosenberg, G.P. (2013). The Use of Drama Techniques and Culture of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford Round Table Childhood Education. Oriel College, Oxford University, Oxford United Kingdom. (accepted for March 2013). Chamberlain, S.P., Shefelbine, J., and Garcia, J. (in progress). Perspectives of administrators, educational diagnosticians, and general education teachers on prerefferal (responses-to-intervention), referral, and identification processes for students suspected of having disabilities. Ward, H. and Shefelbine, J. (2013). A Communicative Structure for Exceptional Students: Modeling Powerful Oral Language Environment (POLE), Council for Exceptional Children, April 36, 2013, San Antonio, TX. Smith, P., Chamberlain, S.P., Garcia, J.H., and Sutterby, J.A. (in progress). Sushi in Matamoros: Social discourse in and out of the academy. Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. and Sutterby, J. (2013, March). "Mami quiero mi iPad para leer": A case study of playful encounters with technology. Accepted presentation at the annual international conference for the Association for the Study of Play, Newark, Delaware. Telese, J. (submitted). Sustained Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers and Selfefficacy. Journal of Educational Research. Varbelow, S. (in print). Curriculum theory and the ecology of learning: Understanding identity and place In B. Griffith and D. Loveless (eds.), The interdependence of teaching and learning Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation State Presentation National / International Manuscript Presentation National / International Scholarly work Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Ward, Hsuying C. Ward, H. C., & Andruske, C. (2013). The impact of Powerful Oral Language Lab on Chilean EFL Preteachers. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 1(3), 176-187. Ward, H. C., Lu, M.-T., O’Connor, B., & Overton, T. (2013). Successful Faculty Collaboration in Higher Education: Stories from One Faculty Learning Community. Educational Studies. (under review) Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Ward, H. C. (2013). Engaging minority parents of children with special needs in early childhood. Submitted to Journal of Advancing Early Childhood Education. (under review) Manuscript Lu, M.-T, Ward, H. C., Overton, T., & Shin, Y. (2013). The Synergetic Approach to Effective Teachers’ Research Education: An Innovative Initiative for Building Educational Research Capacity in a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. (under review) Manuscript Ward, H., Shin, Y, and Espinoza, C. (2013). Shaken Baby Syndrome and its effect on learning. SMAEYC Conference, April, 2013. Ward, H. and Shefelbine, J. (2013). A Communicative Structure for Exceptional Students: Modeling Powerful Oral Language Environment (POLE), Council for Exceptional Children, April 36, 2013, San Antonio, TX. Presentation State Manuscript Presentation National / International FALL 2012 Faculty Name Abrego, Jesus Abrego, Michelle Publication Citation Abrego, M., Abrego, C. and Rubin, R. (2012). Preparing educational leaders to engage with diverse families. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education. October 22, 2012. Abrego, M.H., Rodriguez, A.D. and Rubin, R. (2012), Literacy coaches: A support system for new educators. Book Chapters in 2012 Yearbook: Literacy Summit: ifhat's Hot in Literacy for 2012. Available online: http://www.texasreaders.org/uploads Scholarship Category Presentation State Book Chapters /8/6/6/5/8665759/whats_hot in literacy-2012yearbook.pdf BussertWebb, Kathy Abrego, M., Abrego, C. and Rubin, R. (2012). Preparing educational leaders to engage with diverse families. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education. October 22, 2012. Abrego, M., Sutterby, J. and Rubin, R. (2012). Using scenarios to help prepare educators for involving families of Ells. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education. October 22, 2012. Sutterby, J. and Abrego, M. (2012, October). Engaging families of English language learners. Kindergarten Teachers of Texas Conference. San Antonio, Texas Bussert-Webb, K. (Accepted in 2012). Latino/a preservice teachers and community service learning: Justice embraced, dodged and troubled. In V. M. Jagla, J. A. Erikson, and A. Tinkler (Eds.). Transformation Teacher Education through Service-Learning, 2013 volume in the series Advances in Service-Learning Research. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Bussert-Webb, K. (2012). “So they can feel sure of themselves”: Community service learning impact on female walkers. Journal for Civic Commitment, 18. Retrieved from http://www.mesacc.edu/other/engagement/Journal/ Bussert-Webb, K., and Díaz, M.E. (2012). New literacy opportunities and practices of Latino/a children of poverty in and out of school. Language and Literacy, 14(1), pp. 125. * This is an international journal of the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC). Retrieved from http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/langandlit/iss ue/current Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2012, in press). Digital literacy, language, and Latinos: L14World. Journal of Literacy and Technology. Bussert-Webb, K. (2012). Academic mentoring and digital literacies. Received IRB-HS proposals from BISD and UTB to study the impact of academic mentoring and the digital technology aspects of the 21st Century Learning Center Grant, Cycle 7. Five-year data gathering in progress. Bussert-Webb, K. (2012). Children and preservice teachers: Contextualized disciplinary literacy. Data gathered and analyzed. Manuscript in preparation. Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Books Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Manuscript Manuscript Butler, Janice W. Cavazos, Lionel J. Bussert-Webb, K. (2012). Theatre and health: Results from “Dulce and the Good Life.” Data gathered and analyzed. Manuscript in preparation. Bussert-Webb, K. and Hinton, K. (2012). In their hands: inviting teachers and students to write and perform ethnoprocess dramas to resist normalization. Manuscript in preparation. Bussert-Webb, K., and Zhang, Z., (2012). Reading beliefs of Texas high school students. Result from 2,570 Surveys. Data gathered and analyzed. Manuscript in preparation. Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2012, November). Latino/a children and disciplinary literacy in out-of-school contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA. Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2012, November). Latino/a children and disciplinary literacy in out-of-school contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA. Butler, J. W. and Telese, J. (2012). Southwest Educational Research Association (SERA) Teacher Attitudes Toward Use of Technology in Teaching: Survey. Butler, J. W., and Duarte, G. (2012). Children’s Perspective on Play and Electronic Games. The 2012 Association for the Study of Play Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Flamez, B., Cavazos, J., Sangganjanavanich, V. F., and Watson, J. C. (2012). Developing scholarship through mentoring and self-reflection: A transformative process for doctoral students. In C. J. Boden & S. M. Kippers (Eds.), Pathways to transformation: Learning in Relationship (pp. 111-129). Information Age Publishing Inc. Johnson, M. B., Cavazos, J., and Corbel, R.E. (2012). Group counseling for sports teams: A conceptualization linked to practice. In R. Schinke (Ed.), Athletic insight’s writings in sport psychology. (pp. 183-198). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Cavazos, J., Holt, M. L., and Flamez, B. (2012). Using narrative therapy to help Hispanic students pursue and succeed in higher education: Implications for counselors and counselor educators. Arizona Counseling Journal, 27, pp. 4-14. Cavazos, J., Flamez, B., Ikonomopoulos, J., and Smith, R. (2012, October). The use of narrative therapy to help Latina/o adolescents become resilient. Roundtable presentation at the meeting of the Southern Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Savannah, GA. Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Book Chapters Book Chapters Articles in Refereed Journals Presentation State Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L. (November, 2012) "Hi, I am the counselor. How can I help you?" Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L.(November, 2012) Looking Beyond the Labels: Understanding At-Risk. and Adjudicated Youth Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23m Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L.(November, 2012) "Hola, soy la consejera. Como le puedo ayudar?" Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L.(November, 2012) Mirando mas alla de las Eliquetas: Entendieno a los jovenes "en riesgo" o que han tenido problemas con la ley. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Chamberlain, Chamberlain, S.P. (2012, October). Special educators’ Steve perspectives about prereferral and identification practices over 10 years (poster). Council for Learning Disabilities 34th International Conference, Austin, TX. Corbeil, Corbeil, M. E., and Corbeil, J.R. (2012). Changing the Joseph R. culture of e-learning in higher education: Moving faculty from inaction to action. Issues in Information Systems, XIII(2), 226-231. Retrieved from: http://iacis.org/iis/2012/120 iis_2012 226-231.pdf Corbeil, Johnson, M. B., Cavazos, J., and Corbel, R.E. (2012). Maria Elena Group counseling for sports teams: A conceptualization linked to practice. In R. Schinke (Ed.), Athletic insight’s writings in sport psychology. (pp. 183-198). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Corbeil, M. E., and Corbeil, J.R. (2012). Changing the culture of e-learning in higher education: Moving faculty from inaction to action. Issues in Information Systems, XIII(2), 226-231. Retrieved from: http://iacis.org/iis/2012/120 iis_2012 226-231.pdf Curtis, Mary Ward, H., Shefelbine, J., and Curtis, M. (2012). Engaging Language Minority Pre-service Teachers through POLL Method. Council for Learning Disabilities, October 10-12, 2012, Austin, TX. Ward, H., Shefelbine, J., and Curtis, M. G. (Oct. 2012). “Engaging Language Minority Pre-service Teachers Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Book Chapters Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation National / International Edited Books through POLL Methods,” International Council for Learning Disabilities. Austin, TX. Diaz, Maria E. Duarte, Georgianna Bussert-Webb, K., and Díaz, M.E. (2012). New literacy opportunities and practices of Latino/a children of poverty in and out of school. Language and Literacy, 14(1), pp. 125. * This is an international journal of the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC). Retrieved from http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/langandlit/iss ue/current Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2012, in press). Digital literacy, language, and Latinos: L14World. Journal of Literacy and Technology. Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2012, November). Latino/a children and disciplinary literacy in out-of-school contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA. Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2012, November). Latino/a children and disciplinary literacy in out-of-school contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA. Miller, E. and Duarte, G. (2012) The Challenges of Mentoring Diverse Populations, International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, October, 2012. Duarte, G. (2012) “Culturally Responsive Teaching” International Journal in Early Childhood Education, 20(4), pages 30-50. Duarte, G. (2012) “International Collaboration: Opportunities for reflection and professional growth” Emerging Educator, ACEI, Winter 2012 Duarte, G. (2012) “Learning Science in A community Play Day” International Journal In Early Childhood Education, 20(4), pp. 111-120. Duarte, G. and Flores-Morales, J. (2012) “Play and Children’s Rights in a Global Society” E Journal of International Play Association-USA, Volume One, Number One, Pages 17-30. Duarte, G. (2012) "Culturally Responsive Teaching" Center of Early Childhood Studies, Staff Training, Brownsville, Texas November 28th Duarte, G. (2012) "Effective Environmental Strategies" Center of Early Childhood Studies, Staff Training, Brownsville, Texas November 27th Duarte, G. (2012) "Symphony in the Park: A community Paly Day of Diversity, Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Texas Association for the Education of Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Book Chapters Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Young Children, October 25-25th, Galveston, TX Freeman, Yvonne Garcia, Gregorio Duarte, G. (2012) Building Feelings of Confidence: Positive Guidance, Presentation at the Bi-Annual Conference of the Southmost Association of For the Education of Young Children, Brownsville, Texas, October 6th. Butler, J. W., and Duarte, G. (2012). Children’s Perspective on Play and Electronic Games. The 2012 Association for the Study of Play Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Duarte, G. (2012) "Meaningful Engagement, School Readiness Results: Advancing the Progress of Latino Families in ECE Programs: NAEYC Latino Interest Forum, Presentation at the Annual Conference of the National Association for the Education of Young, November 7-10, Atlanta, Georgia Duarte, G. (2012)"Early Childhood Curriculum: What is Appropriate?" International Development Conference„ Freetown, Sierra Leone, December 4-8 Duarte, G. and Pabs-Garnon, A (2012)"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" International Development Conference„ Freetown, Sierra Leone, December 4-8 Duarte, G. (2012) "Play Advocacy in the 21st Century and Beyond: The significance of play in building the next generation of learners" Presentation at the Annual Conference of the National Association for the Education of Young, November 7-10, Atlanta, Georgia Rodriguez, A.D., and Freeman, Y. (October 2012). Transforming Students’ Engagement in Culturally Relevant Text with Exploratory Talk. Presentation at the Texas Association for Bilingual Education conference. San Antonio, Texas. Garcia, G. (2012). Depth of Knowledge for High School Science. Presentation at the Rio Grande Valley Science Association (RGVSA) Conference; Pharr, Texas. Garcia, G. (2012). Depth of Knowledge for K-8. Presentation at the Rio Grande Valley Science Association (RGVSA) Conference; Pharr, Texas. Ramirez, R. and Garcia, G. (2012). Designing Field Experiences for Maximum Knowledge Gains. Full paper presentation at the 2013 National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies (NAHLS/NAAS) Conference. Baton Rouge, LA. Presentation State Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Garcia, Jaime H. Garcia, J.H., Pendsleton Jimenez, K., and Padron, M. (2012). Addressing bullying of LGBT and other minorities in school. Workshop conducted at the annual meeting of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies, Chicago. Gawenda, Lu, M.T., Ward, H., Zhang, Z., Overton, T., and Peter B. Gawenda, P. (2012). Creating Effective ResearchOriented Programs for Teachers' Professional Development and Continuing Education. Paper presented at the CREATE 2012 Research Conference on Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX. Hart, Susan Hart, S. (2012). Fitness Curriculum for Early Childcare Programs. Presentation provided at the "Texas Workforce" conference for administrators and teachers of early childcare centers in Texas, South Padre Island, Texas. Hart, S. (2012). Windows of Opportunity for Physical Development. Presentation Provided at the UTB/TSC Early Literacy Conference. Hinton, Kip Bussert-Webb, K. and Hinton, K. (2012). In their hands: Austin inviting teachers and students to write and perform ethnoprocess dramas to resist normalization. Manuscript in preparation. Hinton, K.A. (2012, October). English as a Second Language Ideology; Beliefs of Asian Immigrant and International Students. Paper accepted for presentation at Texas Association for Bilingual Education. San Antonio, TX Hinton, K.A. (2012, October) Equitable Teaching Cultural equity in a Chicano/a farmworker high school. Paper accepted for presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. San Antonio, TX James, Eric James, E.G. (2012). Body movement instructions facilitate synergy level motor learning, retention and transfer. Neuroscience Letters, 522, 162-166. James, E.G. (2012). Dynamical degrees of freedom and correlations in isometric finger force production. Experimental Brain Research, 223, 533-539. James, E.G. (2012). Fixed-point drift and hysteresis in frequency-scaled unimanual coordination. Journal of Motor Behavior, 44, 281-288. James, E.G., and Layne, C.S. (2012). Dimensionality in rhythmic bimanual coordination. Human Movement Science. Doi 10.1016/j.humov.2012.11.003 Jewett, Laura Jewett, L. (2012, November). El Otro Lado, Este Lado, and Epistemology In-between Paper presented at the 13th Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, New Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Manuscript Presentation State Presentation National / International Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation State Orleans, LA. Jones, Irma S. Karabulut, Murat Jewett, L. and Barshes, D. (Fall 2012). Crafting Transnational Curriculum. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2013 Annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. San Francisco, CA. Jewett, L. and Smolen-Santana, J. (2012, November). The Curriculum that care forgot. Pare presented at the 13th Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, New Orleans, LA. Telese, J., and Jewett, L. (2012, November). Improving rigor through formative assessment in mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, Texas. Lovett, M., Jones, I.S., Davis, S. and Yeong, N. (2012). Closing the Service Learning Loop: Enhancement of Student Resumes through the Integration of ServiceLearning Projects. Campus to Community Coalition C3 Texas, Random Acts of Service By Design, Spring 2012, Vol. 1, pp. 25-30. Rivas, O. and Jones, I. S. (2012). Leadership: Building reams using structured activities. Research in Higher Education Journal,17, ISSN: 1941-3431 Karabulut, M., Sherk, V.D., Bemben, D.A., and Bemben, M.G. Inflammation Marker, Damage Marker, and Anabolic Hormone Responses to Resistance Training with Vascular Restriction in Older Males. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 2012. (Under review) Garcia, S.D., Leal, J.A., Soto, Y., Bemben, M.G., and Karabulut, M. Comparison of Skeletal Muscle Tissue Oxygen Saturation Responses between Genders. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 (5 suppl.): S506. (Poster Presentation at the ACSM Annual Convention, 2012, San Diego, CA). Karabulut, M., Leal, J.A., Cavazos, C., Garcia, S.D., Soto, Y., and Bemben, M.G. Tissue Oxygenation and Blood Locate Concentration during Knee Extension Exercises Combined with Blood Flow Restriction. (Thematic Poster Presentation at the ACSM Annual Convention, 2012, San Diego, CA). Leal, J.A., Garcia, S.D., Soto, Y., Bemben, M.G., and Karabulut, M. Neuromoscular Responses during Knee Extension Exercise in Combination with Different Blood Flow Restriction Initial Pressures. Medicine and Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Book Chapters Articles in Refereed Journals Manuscript Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(5 suppl): S87. (Thematic Poster Presentation at the ACSM Annual Convention, 2012, San Diego, CA). Leal, Alma Lerma, Eunice Martinez, V., Montoya, J., Karabulut, M., Cox, C., Martinez, A., and Wittenburg, D. Psychological Needs Mediate The Relationship Between Physical Exertion Barriers and Body Fat Percent in College-Age MexicanAmerican Women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(5 suppl.): S349. (Poster Presentation at the ACSM Annual Convention, 2012, San Diego, CA). Leal, A., Yznaga, S. and Madrigal, A. (2012, November). Border Violence: Not Just a Border Issue Anymore. Program presented at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference, Galveston, TX. Lerma, E, Ricard, R.J., and Heard, C Teen Talk: Training Mental Health Counselors a School Setting (Presented at Disciplinary Alternative Education Program, targeted Journal Counselor Education and Supervision Manuscript Lerma, E. Journey to the Doctorate: Successful Stories of Hispanic/Latino Counselor Educators (Dissertation, targeted Journal Counselor Education and Supervision) – Manuscript Ricard, R.J., Lerma, E., and Heard, C. Piloting an integrative group counseling program with high risk students in a school setting (Will be presented at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference, targeted journal Journal for Specialists in Group Work (The Association for Specialists in Group Work) – Manuscript Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Best practices for at-risk and adjudicated youth. Will be presented at the Rio Grande Valley Counseling Association Workshop. Donna, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Best practices for at-risk and adjudicated youth. Will be presented at the Rio Grande Valley Counseling Association Workshop. Donna, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Building a school counselor/clinical portfolio. Will be presented at Counseling & Guidance Student Association (CGSA) Meeting. Brownsville, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Building a school counselor/clinical portfolio. Will be presented at Counseling & Guidance Student Association (CGSA) Meeting. Brownsville, TX. Presentation State Presentation State Manuscript Manuscript Manuscript Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Through the Eyes of a Labeled Child: Counseling At-Risk and Adjudicated Youth. Will be presented at the Fall 2012 Faculty Seminar Series. Brownsville, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Through the Eyes of a Labeled Child: Counseling At-Risk and Adjudicated Youth. Will be presented at the Fall 2012 Faculty Seminar Series. Brownsville, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012). Nothing but a "G" thing: Exploring the Gang Culture. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 2nd Annual Staff Development Extravaganza. Harlingen, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012). Nothing but a "G" thing: Exploring the Gang Culture. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 2nd Annual Staff Development Extravaganza. Harlingen, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012). Using Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT) with At-Risk and Adjudicated Youth. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 2nd Annual Staff Development Extravaganza. Harlingen, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012). Using Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT) with At-Risk and Adjudicated Youth. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 2nd Annual Staff Development Extravaganza. Harlingen, TX. Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L. (November, 2012) "Hi, I am the counselor. How can I help you?" Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L. (November, 2012) Looking Beyond the Labels: Understanding At-Risk. and Adjudicated Youth Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23m Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L.(November, 2012) "Hola, soy la consejera. Como le puedo ayudar?" Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L.(November, 2012) Mirando mas alla de las Eliquetas: Entendieno a los jovenes "en riesgo" o que han tenido problemas con la ley. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Conference. Harlingen, TX Lu, MingTsan Pierre Mercuri, Sandra Ricard, R.J., Lerma, E., and Heard, C (November, 2012) Piloting an integrative group counseling program with high risk students in a school setting. Will be presented at the Texas Counseling Association Conference. Galveston, TX Lu, J., and Zhang, Z. (2012). Assessing arguments: Supporting argumentation with online rubric-based assessment. Manuscript in preparation. Zhang, Z. and Lu, J. (2012). Quantitative assessment of medical student learning through effective cognitive Bayesian representation. Manuscript in publication. Lu, M.T. (2012). Han Character Learning and Teaching Using Scratch: An Empirical Study. Paper presented at the AACS 2012 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. Lu, M.T. (2012). Impact of Embodied Cognition, Imagination, and Technology on Learning Chinese Characters. Poster presented at the 2012 Association of Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. Lu, M.T. (2012). Instructional Methods and Learning Effectiveness of the Use of Seal Type Calligraphy for the Centered Tip Technique for Beginning Learners of CFL. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Hanzi Shufa Calligraphy Education (ASSCE 2012), Georgetown, TX. Lu, M.T. and LaVaglio, M. (2012). Teaching with Cloud Technology: Google Docs for Chinese Language Learning. In T. Amiel & B. Wilson (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (pp. 2025-2034). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Lu, M.T., Ward, H., Zhang, Z., Overton, T., and Gawenda, P. (2012). Creating Effective ResearchOriented Programs for Teachers' Professional Development and Continuing Education. Paper presented at the CREATE 2012 Research Conference on Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX. Lu, M.T. and Overton, T. (Nov. 12th 2012). Creating Effective Research-Oriented Programs for Teacher 's Professional Development and Continuous Learning. CREATE Conferences, San Antonio Mercuri, S. (2012, Noviembre). The Re-Definition of the Cultural Self of a Latina Educator: Understanding the Interconnectedness between Language, Culture and Presentation State Manuscript Scholarly work Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Identity Development. Education and Learning Research Journal, 6, pp.12-42 Morgan, Bobbette Musanti, Sandra Morgan, B. (2012). Building a positive learning environment with cooperative learning. Jornada Binacional de Education Intercultural, 5a/2do Coloquio Internacional de Education y Sociedad. Morgan, B. (2012). Teaching cooperative learning with children's literature. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, 22(3). Morgan, B. (2012). Mentoring Strategies. Early Head Start and Head Start State Conference. South Padre Island, TX. Morgan, B. (2012). Principles of adult learning. Early Head Start and Head Start State Conference. South Padre Island, TX. Morgan, B. and Rosenberg, G.P. (2012). Using Cooperative Learning, Music and Drama Techniques in the ESL Classroom. Texas Association of Bilingual Education (TABE), San Antonio, Texas. Morgan, B. and Keitz, R. A. (2012). Quantitative and qualitative results: Cooperative learning implementation with Hispanic community college freshmen. American Association of Teachers of Curriculum, San Antonio, TX. Rosenberg, G. and Morgan, B. (2012). ESL Classrooms: Using drama and cooperative learning. National Association of Bilingual Educators, Dallas, TX. Skukauskaite, A. and Morgan, B. (2012). Making ordinary the extraordinary: Learning qualitative research. American Association of Teachers of Curriculum, San Antonio, TX. Rosenberg, G.P. and Morgan, B. (2012). Create a Positive Environment in the ESL Classroom Using Cooperative Learning, Drama, and Music. National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE), Orlando, Florida. Rosenberg, G.P. and Morgan, B. (2012). ESL Classrooms: Using Drama and Cooperative Learning. Demonstration session presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE). Dallas, Texas. Musanti, S., and Rodriguez, A.D. (October, 2012). On Becoming a Bilingual Teacher: Lessons Learned from a Teacher Preparation Program. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organization for Texas Teacher Education Conference. Austin, Texas. Musanti, S.I., and Celedon-Pattichis, S. (October, 2012). Mathematics Academic Literacy in Bilingual Kindergarten Classrooms. Proposal submitted for the TABE, Texas Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation State Presentation State Association for Bilingual Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. O'Connor, Brendan H. Overton, Terry Petty Musanti, S.I., and Rodriguez, A.D. (October, 2012). What Bilingual Teachers Need: Lessons Learned from Preservice Latina/o Teachers. Proposal submitted to the TABE, Texas Association for Bilingual Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. Rodriguez, A., and Musanti, S.I. (2012, October). On Becoming a Bilingual Teacher: Lessons Learned from a Teacher Preparation Program. Proposal submitted to the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education (CSOTTE). Dallas, TX. O’Connor, B. Epistemic practice, socialization, and identity in a high school science classroom: The epistemic of scientific and cultural citizenship. For submission of Research on Language and Social Interaction. O’Connor, B. Double-voicing and double consciousness: Troubling racial classification in everyday linguistic transgressions. For submission of Journal of Sociolinguistics. O’Connor, B. (2012, November 15). World enough and time: Time-consciousness and the time of practice in linguistic anthropology. Society of Linguistic Anthropology Presidential Panel: Frontiers in Methodology in Linguistic Anthropology. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), San Francisco, CA. Watt, K. and Overton, T. (2012). Career readiness education, 103-120, In Anita Pankake and Mark Littelton, Eds., The Administration & Supervision of Special Programs in Education. Kendall Hunt Publisher. Lu, M.T., Ward, H., Zhang, Z., Overton, T., and Gawenda, P. (2012). Creating Effective Research-Oriented Programs for Teachers' Professional Development and Continuing Education. Paper presented at the CREATE 2012 Research Conference on Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX. Lu, M.T. and Overton, T. (Nov. 12th 2012). Creating Effective Research-Oriented Programs for Teacher 's Professional Development and Continuous Learning. CREATE Conferences, San Antonio Petty, L., and Narayan, R. (2012). To what extent is there a multicultural component in the secondary science curriculum? Accepted for publication to National Association of Multicultural Education Journal, For November 2012. Presentation State Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation State Book Chapters Presentation State Presentation State Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Philip Ramirez, Reynaldo Rivas, Olivia Rodriguez, Alma D. RodriguezGarcia, Ana Phillip, C. (2012). The American School Health Association 86th Annual Conference presented on “Health and Physical Education with and Adapted Twist” San Antonio, Texas, October 10-13, 2012. Ramirez, R. and Garcia, G. (2012). Designing Field Experiences for Maximum Knowledge Gains. Full paper presentation at the 2013 National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies (NAHLS/NAAS) Conference. Baton Rouge, LA. Ramirez, R., Ramirez, I., and Perez-Olvera, Y. (September 17, 2012). Aquatic Habitat Mapping: An Angler's Perspective. Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching, Corpus Christi, Texas. Ramirez, R., Williams-Santa Ana, Z., Henderson, M. I. and Escobar, M. G. (September 17, 2012). Renew Your Approach to Tackling the STAAR. Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching, Corpus Christi, Texas. Rivas, O. and Jones, I. S. (2012). Leadership: Building reams using structured activities. Research in Higher Education Journal,17, ISSN: 1941-3432 Rodriguez, A.D. (October, 2012). Graduate Students’ Reflection on Transformative Education. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education Conference. Austin, Texas. Musanti, S., and Rodriguez, A.D. (October, 2012). On Becoming a Bilingual Teacher: Lessons Learned from a Teacher Preparation Program. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organization for Texas Teacher Education Conference. Austin, Texas. Musanti, S.I., and Rodriguez, A.D. (October, 2012). What Bilingual Teachers Need: Lessons Learned from Preservice Latina/o Teachers. Proposal submitted to the TABE, Texas Association for Bilingual Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. Rodriguez, A., and Musanti, S.I. (2012, October). On Becoming a Bilingual Teacher: Lessons Learned from a Teacher Preparation Program. Proposal submitted to the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education (CSOTTE). Dallas, TX. Rodriguez, A.D., and Freeman, Y. (October 2012). Transforming Students’ Engagement in Culturally Relevant Text with Exploratory Talk. Presentation at the Texas Association for Bilingual Education conference. San Antonio, Texas. Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2012). Mami quiero mi iPad para leer: A case study of playful encounters with Presentation National / International Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Articles in Refereed Journals Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Manuscript Laura Rosenberg, Graciela Shefelbine, Janet R. Skukauskaite , Audra Sutterby, John technology. Manuscript in Process Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2012, November). Developing writers in early childhood classrooms. Professional development training for early childhood teachers at the Center for Early Childhood Studies, Brownsville, TX. Rosenberg, G. and Morgan, B. (2012). ESL Classrooms: Using drama and cooperative learning. National Association of Bilingual Educators, Dallas, TX. Morgan, B. and Rosenberg, G.P. (2012). Using Cooperative Learning, Music and Drama Techniques in the ESL Classroom. Texas Association of Bilingual Education (TABE), San Antonio, Texas. Rosenberg, G.P. (2012). Aspectos Lingüísticos: Técnicas y Estrategias en la Enseñanza del Inglés como Segundo Idioma. Jornada Binacional de Educación Intercultural, 5ª/2da Coloquio Internacional de Educación y Sociedad. Rosenberg, G.P. (2012). Teaching Children’s Literature Using Drama. Oxford Round Table Childhood Education. Oriel College, Oxford University, Oxford United Kingdom. Rosenberg, G.P. and Morgan, B. (2012). Create a Positive Environment in the ESL Classroom Using Cooperative Learning, Drama, and Music. National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE), Orlando, Florida. Rosenberg, G.P. and Morgan, B. (2012). ESL Classrooms: Using Drama and Cooperative Learning. Demonstration session presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE). Dallas, Texas. Ward, H., Shefelbine, J., and Curtis, M. (2012). Engaging Language Minority Pre-service Teachers through POLL Method. Council for Learning Disabilities, October 10-12, 2012, Austin, TX. Ward, H., Shefelbine, J., and Curtis, M. G. (Oct. 2012). “Engaging Language Minority Pre-service Teachers through POLL Methods,” International Council for Learning Disabilities. Austin, TX. Skukauskaite, A. and Morgan, B. (2012). Making ordinary the extraordinary: Learning qualitative research. American Association of Teachers of Curriculum, San Antonio, TX. Chance, R., Sheneman, L., Aguilar-Crandall, M., and Sutterby, J. (2012). What is special about bilingual/multilingual family literacy. In R. Chance and L. Sheneman (Eds.) Crash Course in Family Literacy Programs, pp. 87-101. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Edited Books Presentation State Book Chapters Telese, James Abrego, M., Sutterby, J. and Rubin, R. (2012). Using scenarios to help prepare educators for involving families of Ells. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education. October 22, 2012. Sutterby, J. (2012, October) Health and fitness begin in early childhood. Texas Association for Bilingual Education Preconference Institute. San Antonio, Texas Sutterby, J. (2012, October). Nature beckons: The importance of nature and the outdoors for healthy children development. Kindergarten Teachers of Texas Conference. San Antonio, Texas Sutterby, J. and Abrego, M. (2012, October). Engaging families of English language learners. Kindergarten Teachers of Texas Conference. San Antonio, Texas Jarrett, O., Stenhouse, V., Sutterby, J. and DeMarie, D. (2012, November). Who gets to play? Access to quality play experiences as a social justice issue. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Atlanta Georgia. Sutterby, J. (2012, November). Rethinking children’s play: A discussion with play scholars from around. Play, Policy and practice SIG. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Atlanta Georgia. Sutterby, J. (2012). Early Childhood Education in a Global Context. Advances in Early Education and Day Care, Volume 16. London: Emerald. Zhang, Z., and Telese, J. (2012). Determining a model of predict Hispanic pre Service teachers’ on the TExES examination. Teacher Education and Practice, 25(3), 388401. Zhang, Z. and Telese. J. (2012). Using hierarchical linear model to explore elementary reading and math performances and relevant factors in south Texas area. Manuscript in preparation. Telese, J. (2012, November). Facilitating discussion through “Math Congresses.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, Texas. Telese, J. (2012, October). A line in the sand: Geometry and Texas History. Paper presented at the annual regional meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Dallas, Texas. Telese, J., and Jewett, L. (2012, November). Improving rigor through formative assessment in mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Presentation National / International Presentation National / International Edited Books Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Scholarly work Presentation State Presentation State Presentation State Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, Texas. Varbelow, Sonja Viren, Vejoya Ward, Hsuying C. Yznaga, Selma Butler, J. W. and Telese, J. (2012). Southwest Educational Research Association (SERA) Teacher Attitudes Toward Use of Technology in Teaching: Survey. Varbelow, S. (2012). Society and curriculum: iterations based on ideas of William doll. International Journal of Instruction, 5(1) Varbelow, S. (2012). Re-Enacting the Self-The School Stories Project. 11th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS). Vancouver, Canada, 2012. Hazarika, G. and Viren, V. (2012). The Effect of Early Childhood Developmental Program Attendance on Future School Enrollment and Grade Progression in Rural North India. Accepted for publication by Economics of Education Review. Viren, V. (2012). Fostering Self-esteem in young children. Presented at the Child Care Conference. Brownsville TX. Viren, V. (2012). Infant topic: Conversations and cognition. Presented at the Child Care Conference. Brownsville TX. Viren, V. (2012). Children's Perspective on Parent's Social Play. Paper presented at The Association for the Study of Play, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ward, H. C. (2012) Academic Language Lab Student Manual, UTB, Brownsville, TX Lu, M.T., Ward, H., Zhang, Z., Overton, T., and Gawenda, P. (2012). Creating Effective Research-Oriented Programs for Teachers' Professional Development and Continuing Education. Paper presented at the CREATE 2012 Research Conference on Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX. Ward, H., Shefelbine, J., and Curtis, M. (2012). Engaging Language Minority Pre-service Teachers through POLL Method. Council for Learning Disabilities, October 10-12, 2012, Austin, TX. Ward, H., Shefelbine, J., and Curtis, M. G. (Oct. 2012). “Engaging Language Minority Pre-service Teachers through POLL Methods,” International Council for Learning Disabilities. Austin, TX. Leal, A., Yznaga, S. and Madrigal, A. (2012, November). Border Violence: Not Just a Border Issue Anymore. Program presented at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference, Galveston, TX. Presentation National / International Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Presentation National / International Manuscript Presentation State Presentation State Presentation National / International Non-Refereed Publications Presentation State Presentation National / International Edited Books Presentation State Zhang, Zhidong Lu, J. and Zhang, Z. (2012). Understanding the effectiveness of online peer assessment: A path model. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 46(3), 317337. Zhang, Z., and Telese, J. (2012). Determining a model of predict Hispanic pre Service teachers’ on the TExES examination. Teacher Education and Practice, 25(3), 388401. Bussert-Webb, K., and Zhang, Z., (2012). Reading beliefs of Texas high school students. Result from 2,570 Surveys. Data gathered and analyzed. Manuscript in preparation. Lu, J., and Zhang, Z. (2012). Assessing arguments: Supporting argumentation with online rubric-based assessment. Manuscript in preparation. Zhang, Z. (2012). A data-driven argumentative representation with Bayesian network models in current debatable social issues in secondary school learning environments. Manuscript in preparation. Zhang, Z. and Lu, J. (2012). Quantitative assessment of medical student learning through effective cognitive Bayesian representation. Manuscript in publication. Zhang, Z. and Telese. J. (2012). Using hierarchical linear model to explore elementary reading and math performances and relevant factors in south Texas area. Manuscript in preparation. Lu, M.T., Ward, H., Zhang, Z., Overton, T., and Gawenda, P. (2012). Creating Effective Research-Oriented Programs for Teachers' Professional Development and Continuing Education. Paper presented at the CREATE 2012 Research Conference on Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX. Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Manuscript Manuscript Scholarly work Scholarly work Scholarly work Presentation State Please see below for a list of faculty publications 2012-2013 by Publication Type. BOOKS Bussert-Webb, K. (Accepted in 2012). Latino/a preservice teachers and community service learning: Justice embraced, dodged and troubled. In V. M. Jagla, J. A. Erikson, and A. Tinkler (Eds.). Transformation Teacher Education through Service-Learning, 2013 volume in the series Advances in Service-Learning Research. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Celedon-Pattichis, S. and Musanti, S. I. (In press). Grade 1: "Let's suppose that...": Developing base-ten thinking with Latina/o emergent bilingual learners. Margo Gottlieb and Gisela ErnstSlavit (Eds.) Academic language in diverse classrooms: Promoting content and language learning. Grades K-2, Mathematics. Corwin Press. Jewett, L. Curricular Contrabandistas: A Border Educorrido. A book prospectus to be submitted upon the request of Rebecca McCary, education editor for Lexington Books. Prospectus in preparation Mercuri, S., and Rodriguez, A.D. (In press). Tentative Title: Grade 2: Developing academic language through an ecosystem unit. In M. Gotlieb and G. Ernst-Slavit. Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms- English Language Arts, Gr. K-2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Rodriguez, A.D. (In press). La escritura de la aula bilingüe. In M. Gomez Medina and D.J. Mendez Domínguez (Eds.), Experiencias Investigativas de Interculturalidad Educativa. Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México: Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. BOOK CHAPTERS Abrego, M.H., Rodriguez, A.D. and Rubin, R. (2012), Literacy coaches: A support system for new educators. Book chapter in 2012 Yearbook: Literacy Summit: ifhat's Hot in Literacy for 2012. Available online: http://www.texasreaders.org/uploads /8/6/6/5/8665759/whats_hot in literacy-2012yearbook.pdf Chance, R., Sheneman, L., Aguilar-Crandall, M., and Sutterby, J. (2012). What is special about bilingual/multilingual family literacy. In R. Chance and L. Sheneman (Eds.) Crash Course in Family Literacy Programs, pp. 87-101. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. Corbeil, J.R. and Corbeil, M.E. (In press). E-learning past, present, and future. In M. Ally & B. Khan (Eds.), The International Handbook of E-learning. Canada: Athabasca University. Corbeil, M.E., and Corbeil, J.R. (In press). Beyond Blackboard: Hacking the LMS to enhance social learning. In A. Benson & A. Witworth (Eds.), Research on Course Management Systems in Higher Education. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishers. Flamez, B., Cavazos, J., Sangganjanavanich, V. F., and Watson, J. C. (2012). Developing scholarship through mentoring and self-reflection: A transformative process for doctoral students. In C. J. Boden & S. M. Kippers (Eds.), Pathways to transformation: Learning in Relationship (pp. 111-129). Information Age Publishing Inc. Johnson, M. B., Cavazos, J., and Corbel, R.E. (2012). Group counseling for sports teams: A conceptualization linked to practice. In R. Schinke (Ed.), Athletic insight’s writings in sport psychology. (pp. 183-198). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Lovett, M., Jones, I.S., Davis, S. and Yeong, N. (2012). Closing the Service Learning Loop: Enhancement of Student Resumes through the Integration of Service-Learning Projects. Campus to Community Coalition C3 Texas, Random Acts of Service By Design, Spring 2012, Vol. 1, pp. 25-30. Mercuri, S. and Rodriguez, A. (In press). Teaching Academic Language Through an Ecosystem Unit. Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit (Eds.) Academic Language Demands for Language Learners: From Text to Context. Corwin Press. Miller, E. and Duarte, G. (2012) The Challenges of Mentoring Diverse Populations, International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, October, 2012. O’Connor, B., and Brown, G. (in press). Just keep expanding outwards: Embodied space and cultural critique in the work of a Navajo hip hop artist. TO appear in L. Wyman, T. McCarty, and S. Nicholas (Eds.), Indigenous Youth and Multilingualism: Language Identity, Ideology, and practice in Dynamic Cultural Worlds. London and New York: Routledge. O’Connor, B., Anthony-Stevens, V., and Gonzalez, N. (in press). Nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning and high expectations. To appear in R. Ylimaki (Ed.), The New Instructional Leadership and the ISLLC Standards. London and New York: Routledge. Watt, K. and Overton, T. (2012). Career readiness education, 103-120, In Anita Pankake and Mark Littelton, Eds., The Administration & Supervision of Special Programs in Education. Kendall Hunt Publisher. BOOK REVIEWS Bussert-Webb, K. (In press). Book Review. [N. Gonzalez, L. Moll, C. Amanti, Funds of Knowledge: Theorizing Practice in Households, Communities, and Classroom]. Rutledge. Overton, T. and Lu, M.T. (In progress). Understanding Research. Pearson Publishing. ARTICLES IN REFEREED JOURNALS Cavazos, J., Holt, M. L., and Flamez, B. (2012). Using narrative therapy to help Hispanic students pursue and succeed in higher education: Implications for counselors and counselor educators. Arizona Counseling Journal, 27, pp. 4-14. Karabulut M, Perez G. Neuromuscular response to varying pressures created by tightness of restriction cuff. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2013 Aug 2. doi:pii: S1050-6411(13)00179-X. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23962386 Rivas, O. and Jones, I. S. (2012). Leadership: Building reams using structured activities. Research in Higher Education Journal,17, ISSN: 1941-3432 PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES Balkin, R., Cavazos, J., Hernandez, A. E., Garcia, R., Dominguez, D., and Valarezo, A. (in press). Assessing at-risk youth using the Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory with a Latino/a population. Journal of Addiction and Offender Counseling. Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2012, in press). Digital literacy, language, and Latinos: L14World. Journal of Literacy and Technology. Bussert-Webb, K. (2012). “So they can feel sure of themselves”: Community service learning impact on female walkers. Journal for Civic Commitment, 18. Retrieved from http://www.mesacc.edu/other/engagement/Journal/ Bussert-Webb, K., and Díaz, M.E. (2012). New literacy opportunities and practices of Latino/a children of poverty in and out of school. Language and Literacy, 14(1), pp. 1-25. * This is an international journal of the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC). Retrieved from http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/langandlit/issue/current Chamberlain, S.P. (2013). An interview with Gerald Wallance: Reflections and prespectives on the field of Learning Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 48(3), 184-189. Conatser, P., James, E.G., and Ledingham, C.M. (In press). Early intervention developmental screening assessment. Palaestra. Corbeil, M. E., and Corbeil, J.R. (2012). Changing the culture of e-learning in higher education: Moving faculty from inaction to action. Issues in Information Systems, XIII(2), 226231. Retrieved from: http://iacis.org/iis/2012/120 iis_2012 226-231.pdf Curtis, M.G. (In progress) Pre-kindergarten in Honduras. Target journal: Young Children (estimated submission by Dec. 2013). Curtis, M. G., and Chavez, L. H. (2013, May). The Accessibility of a Children’s Museum. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, Vol. 2, No. 1. Diaz, M.E., and Bussert-Webb, K. (2013, January). Reading and language beliefs and practices of Latino/a children in a border colonia. Journal of Latinos and Education, 12(1), 59-73. Garcia, J.H., Smith, P.H., Diaz, M., Parson, P., and Aguilar-Crandall, M. (submitted). Developing Children’s Voice in a Marginalized Community. America Educational Research Journal. Hinton, K.A. (revise and submit). Texas Nationalism at the Alamo: Manifest Destiny, or Just Anther Stop on the Tour? Submitted to Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. Hinton, K.A. (submitted). “Should We Use a Capital Framework to Understand Culture? Cultural ‘Capita’ within Communities of Color.” Submitted to Theory and Research in Education. Hinton, K.A. (under review). Undocumented citizens: The civic engagement of activist immigrants. Submitted to Journal of Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice. James, E.G. (2012). Body movement instructions facilitate synergy level motor learning, retention and transfer. Neuroscience Letters, 522, 162-166. James, E.G. (2012). Dynamical degrees of freedom and correlations in isometric finger force production. Experimental Brain Research, 223, 533-539. James, E.G. (2012). Fixed-point drift and hysteresis in frequency-scaled unimanual coordination. Journal of Motor Behavior, 44, 281-288. James, E.G. (under review). A model of stable and metastable postural coordination dynamics. Gait & Posture. James, E.G. (under review). Non-stationary of stable states in rhythmic bimanual coordination. Motor Control. James, E.G. (under review). Short-term differential training decreases postural sway. Gait & Posture. James, E.G., and Conatser, P. (under review). Differential training enhances learning and reminiscence in a unimanual arm rotation task. Journal of Motor Behavior. James, E.G., and Conatser, P. (under review). Utilizing differential I learning in physical education. JOPERD. James, E.G., and Karabulut, M. (in press). Vascular restriction decreases EMG regularity during walking. Human Movement Science. James, E.G., and Layne, C.S. (2012). Dimensionality in rhythmic bimanual coordination. Human Movement Science. Doi 10.1016/j.humov.2012.11.003 Lu, J. and Zhang, Z. (2012). Understanding the effectiveness of online peer assessment: A path model. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 46(3), 317-337. Lu, M.T. (In progress). The DKE Model Revisited: Learning L2 Vocabulary Pronunciation Through 1st- And 2nd-Hand Experiences. Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Lu, M.T., Black, J., and Hallman, G. (under review). Embodied Animations for Chinese Character Learning. Language Learning and Technology. Lu, M.T. and LaVaglio, M. (In progress). Teaching with Cloud Technology: Google Docs for Chinese Language Learning. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning. Mercuri, S. (2012, Noviembre). The Re-Definition of the Cultural Self of a Latina Educator: Understanding the Interconnectedness between Language, Culture and Identity Development. Education and Learning Research Journal, 6, pp.12-42 Morgan, B. (2012). Building a positive learning environment with cooperative learning. Jornada Binacional de Education Intercultural, 5a/2do Coloquio Internacional de Education y Sociedad. Morgan, B. (2012). Teaching cooperative learning with children's literature. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, 22(3). O’Connor, B. Double-voicing and double consciousness: Troubling racial classification in everyday linguistic transgressions. For submission of Journal of Sociolinguistics. O’Connor, B. Epistemic practice, socialization, and identity in a high school science classroom: The epistemic of scientific and cultural citizenship. For submission of Research on Language and Social Interaction. Overton, T. (revisions requested, resubmitted). Exploration of measures to predict group membership of autism spectrum disorders for Hispanic children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Pan, C. (under review). A symbiosis between instructional system design and project management. Under second review of Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT). Pan, C. (under review). Marketing for Web-based Master’s degree program. Under first review of The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (OJDLA). Petty, L., and Narayan, R. (2012). To what extent is there a multicultural component in the secondary science curriculum? Accepted for publication to National Association of Multicultural Education Journal, For November 2012. Ramirez, R., Garcia, G., and Butler, J. (under review). Investigating the Potential of "BYOD" (Bring Your Own Device) to Motivate Student Achievement. Rodriguez, A.D. (under review). Bilingual and ESL preserve teachers learner about effective instruction for ELLs through meaningful collaboration. GiST Journal. Rodriguez, A.D. (under review). Culturally relevant books: Culturally responsive teaching in a bilingual classroom. NABE Journal of Research and Practice (NJRP). Rodriguez, A.D. (under review). Graduate student’s reflections on the creative reading approach: Transformative education for Latino Students. Journal of Transformative Education. Rosenberg, G.P. (in press) Técnicas y Estrategias en la Enseñanza del Inglés como Segundo Idioma. Educación y Sociedad. Colección Con Ciencias Humanas y Sociales 13. First Volume. Selke, M.G., Abrego, M., Abrego, C., Gilson, T.W., Pace, N. and Smith, P. (in press). Graduate program redesign for the preparation of 21st Century educational leaders. Southern Journal of Educational Administration. Telese, J. (submitted). Sustained Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers and Selfefficacy. Journal of Educational Research. Varbelow, S. (2012). Society and curriculum: iterations based on ideas of William doll. International Journal of Instruction, 5(1) Varbelow, S. (in print). Curriculum theory and the ecology of learning: Understanding identity and place In B. Griffith and D. Loveless (eds.), The interdependence of teaching and learning Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Zhang, Z., and Telese, J. (2012). Determining a model of predict Hispanic pre Service teachers’ on the TExES examination. Teacher Education and Practice, 25(3), 388-401. MANUSCRIPT Castro, V., Castillo, Y., and Cavazos Vela, J. (in preparation). School counselors' perception of graduate school preparation: A Rio Grande Valley study. Cavazos Vela, J., Johnson, M. 13., Castro, V., Ikonomopolis, J., and Gonzalez, P. (in preparation). Differentiating factors between successful and less successful Latina/o college students: Perspectives from first-year seminar instructors. Cavazos Vela, J., Johnson, M. B., Cavazos, A. G., lkonomopolis, J., and Cavazos, L. (in preparation). Differences among Latina/o students across barriers, coping responses, and acculturation. Cavazos Vela, J., Zamarripa, M. X., Balkin, R. S., Johnson, M. B., and Smith, R. S. (in preparation). Understanding Latina/o students' perceptions of support from school counselors and acculturation as predictors of enrollment in AP coursework. Cavazos Vela, J., Zamarripa, M. X., Balkin, R. S., Johnson, M. B., and Smith, R. S. (in preparation). Understanding Latina/o students' perceptions of support from teachers as predictors of enrollment in AP coursework. Curtis, M.G. (in progress) An Interview with Tanis Bryan: A legend in the field of Special Education. School and Clinic (An invited article: estimated Dec. 2013 publication date). Duarte, G. (2012) “Culturally Responsive Teaching” International Journal in Early Childhood Education, 20(4), pages 30-50. Duarte, G. (2012) “Learning Science in A community Play Day” International Journal In Early Childhood Education, 20(4), pp. 111-120. Duarte, G. (2012) “International Collaboration: Opportunities for reflection and professional growth” Emerging Educator, ACEI, Winter 2012 Duarte, G. and Flores-Morales, J. (2012) “Play and Children’s Rights in a Global Society” E Journal of International Play Association-USA, Volume One, Number One, Pages 17-30. Ikonomopolis, J., Zamarripa, M. X., and Cavazos Vela, J. (in preparation). A narrative approach to clinical supervision. James, E.G., and Karabulut, M., (2013). Vascular Restriction Increases EMG Complexity during Walk. Human Movement Sciences. James, E.G., and Karabulut, M. Vascular Restriction Pressure Level and Muscle Activation Dynamics. Muscle and Nerve, 2013. (Under review) Jewett, L, Zuniga, L. and Trevino, E. Bordering curriculum. To be submitted to Taboo: The Journal of Culture & Education. Manuscript in preparation. Jewett, L. Border violences: Epistemology, inquiry, and a lived curriculum of solastalgia. To be submitted to International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. Manuscript in preparation. Crafting transnational curriculum: To be submitted to Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education. Manuscript in Preparation Jewett, L. "Between El otro lado and este lado: Corrido, educorrido, and Narrative Inquiry inbetween" To be submitted to the Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. Manuscript in preparation Karabulut, M., Leal, J.A., Garcia, S.D., Cavazos, C., and Bemben, M.G. Tissue Oxygenation and Lactate Response to Different Blood Flow Restrictive Pressures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2013. (Under review) Karabulut, M., and Perez, G. Neuromuscular Response to Varying Pressures Created by Tightness of Restriction Cuff. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2013 (Under review) Karabulut, M., Sherk, V.D., Bemben, D.A., and Bemben, M.G. Inflammation Marker, Damage Marker, and Anabolic Hormone Responses to Resistance Training with Vascular Restriction in Older Males. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 2012. (Under review) Lerma, E, Ricard, R.J., and Heard, C Teen Talk: Training Mental Health Counselors a School Setting (Presented at Disciplinary Alternative Education Program, targeted Journal Counselor Education and Supervision - Manuscript Lerma, E. Journey to the Doctorate: Successful Stories of Hispanic/Latino Counselor Educators (Dissertation, targeted Journal Counselor Education and Supervision) – Manuscript Lu, J., and Zhang, Z. (2012). Assessing arguments: Supporting argumentation with online rubric-based assessment. Manuscript in preparation. Mercuri, S. Bridging Science and Literacy to Support ELLs' Academic Language Development. Submitted to the MEXTESOL Research Journal. Realigning continuous improvement: An epistemological autobiography of emergent change. To be submitted Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. Manuscript in Preparation. Ricard, R.J., Lerma, E., and Heard, C. Piloting an integrative group counseling program with high risk students in a school setting (Will be presented at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference, targeted journal Journal for Specialists in Group Work (The Association for Specialists in Group Work) – Manuscript Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2012). Mami quiero mi iPad para leer: A case study of playful encounters with technology. Manuscript in Process Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2013, April). Romi sit down and listen to me read! Manuscript in Process Ward, H.C. (2012) Academic Language Lab Student Manual, UTB, Brownsville, TX Manuscripts in Progress Ward, H.C. (2013). Impact of Service-Learning on Special Education Pre-Service Teachers' attitudes toward disabilities. Submitted to Studies in Higher Education, Manuscript ID: CSHE2013- 0027. Ward, H.C., and Andruske, C. (2013). The impact of Powerful Oral Language Lab on Chilean EFL Pre-teachers. Submitted to International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. Manuscript ID: USEP-2012-0045. Zhang, Z. and Telese. J. (2012). Using hierarchical linear model to explore elementary reading and math performances and relevant factors in south Texas area. Manuscript in preparation. Zhang, Z. (2012). A data-driven argumentative representation with Bayesian network models in current debatable social issues in secondary school learning environments. Manuscript in preparation. Zhang, Z. and Lu, J. (2012). Quantitative assessment of medical student learning through effective cognitive Bayesian representation. Manuscript in publication. SCHOLARLY WORK Bussert-Webb, K. (2012). Academic mentoring and digital literacies. Received IRB-HS proposals from BISD and UTB to study the impact of academic mentoring and the digital technology aspects of the 21st Century Learning Center Grant, Cycle 7. Five-year data gathering in progress. Bussert-Webb, K. (2012). Children and preservice teachers: Contextualized disciplinary literacy. Data gathered and analyzed. Manuscript in preparation. Bussert-Webb, K. (2012). Theatre and health: Results from “Dulce and the Good Life.” Data gathered and analyzed. Manuscript in preparation. Bussert-Webb, K. and Hinton, K. (2012). In their hands: inviting teachers and students to write and perform ethno-process dramas to resist normalization. Manuscript in preparation. Bussert-Webb, K., and Zhang, Z., (2012). Reading beliefs of Texas high school students. Result from 2,570 Surveys. Data gathered and analyzed. Manuscript in preparation. Chamberlain, S.P. and Garcia, J. (in progress). (Over) referral and (over)identification in one border community. Chamberlain, S.P. and Garcia, J. (in progress). Teacher attributions of their special education students’ learning difficulties in one border community. Chamberlain, S.P., Shefelbine, J., and Garcia, J. (in progress). Perspectives of administrators, educational diagnosticians, and general education teachers on prerefferal (responses-tointervention), referral, and identification processes for students suspected of having disabilities. Hazarika, G. and Viren, V. (2012). The Effect of Early Childhood Developmental Program Attendance on Future School Enrollment and Grade Progression in Rural North India. Accepted for publication by Economics of Education Review. Overton, T. (Manuscript in Progress). Increasing professional self-efficacy of graduate Students in special education and counseling programs through a cross-disciplinary service learning project. Smith, P., Chamberlain, S.P., Garcia, J.H., and Sutterby, J.A. (in progress). Sushi in Matamoros: Social discourse in and out of the academy. PRESENTATIONS State Banker, D.A and Corbeil, M.E. (2013). Not your mother's teacher ed course: Using immersive online worlds and online technologies to prepare teachers for next century learners. Full paper presentation at the 2013 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Conference. New Orleans, LA. Abrego, M., Abrego, C. and Rubin, R. (2012). Preparing educational leaders to engage with diverse families. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education. October 22, 2012. Abrego, M., Sutterby, J. and Rubin, R. (2012). Using scenarios to help prepare educators for involving families of Ells. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education. October 22, 2012. Cavazos Vela, J., and Flamez, B. (under review). Beginning assistant professors' reflections on the publication process. Presentation submitted to the American Association of Hispanic Higher Education annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Cavazos Vela, J., Zamarripa, M. X., and Balkin, R. S. (under review). Understanding Latina/o students' perceptions of support as predictors of enrollment in AP coursework. Presentation submitted to the American Association of Hispanic Higher Education annual meeting in San Antonio, TX. Cavazos, G., Garcia, S.D., Leal, J.A., Amaral, B., and Karabulut, M. The Effects of Aerobic Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction on Cardiovascular Parameters in Athlete vs. Non-Athlete Females. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Cavazos, J., Flamez, B., Ikonomopoulos, J., and Smith, R. (2012, October). The use of narrative therapy to help Latina/o adolescents become resilient. Roundtable presentation at the meeting of the Southern Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Savannah, GA. Chamberlain, S.P. (2012, October). Special educators’ perspectives about prereferral and identification practices over 10 years (poster). Council for Learning Disabilities 34th International Conference, Austin, TX. Corbeil, M.E. and Corbeil, J.R. (2013). Faculty and student perceptions of their learning management system's social learning tools. Full paper presentation at the 2013 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Conference. New Orleans, LA. Duarte, G. (2012) Building Feelings of Confidence: Positive Guidance, Presentation at the BiAnnual Conference of the Southmost Association of For the Education of Young Children, Brownsville, Texas, October 6th. Duarte, G. (2012) "Culturally Responsive Teaching" Center of Early Childhood Studies, Staff Training, Brownsville, Texas November 28th Duarte, G. (2012) "Effective Environmental Strategies" Center of Early Childhood Studies, Staff Training, Brownsville, Texas November 27th Duarte, G. (2012) "Symphony in the Park: A community Paly Day of Diversity, Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children, October 25-25th, Galveston, TX Flores, L., Garcia, S.D., Alaniz, B., Perez, G.E., and Karabulut, M. Influences of Vascular Restriction on the Obese Female Substrate Utilization. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Garcia, G. (2012). Depth of Knowledge for High School Science. Presentation at the Rio Grande Valley Science Association (RGVSA) Conference; Pharr, Texas. Garcia, G. (2012). Depth of Knowledge for K-8. Presentation at the Rio Grande Valley Science Association (RGVSA) Conference; Pharr, Texas. Garcia, J.H., Pendsleton Jimenez, K., and Padron, M. (2012). Addressing bullying of LGBT and other minorities in school. Workshop conducted at the annual meeting of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies, Chicago. Garcia, S.D., Flores, L., Alaniz, B., Leal, J.A., Cavazos, C., and Karabulut, M. Influences of Blood Flow Restriction Exercise on the Cardiovascular System in Obese Subjects. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Garcia, S.D., Leal, J.A., Soto, Y., Bemben, M.G., and Karabulut, M. Comparison of Skeletal Muscle Tissue Oxygen Saturation Responses between Genders. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 (5 suppl.): S506. (Poster Presentation at the ACSM Annual Convention, 2012, San Diego, CA). Hart, S. (2012). Fitness Curriculum for Early Childcare Programs. Presentation provided at the "Texas Workforce" conference for administrators and teachers of early childcare centers in Texas, South Padre Island, Texas. Hart, S. (2012). Windows of Opportunity for Physical Development. Presentation Provided at the UTB/TSC Early Literacy Conference. Hinton, K.A. (2012, October). English as a Second Language Ideology; Beliefs of Asian Immigrant and International Students. Paper accepted for presentation at Texas Association for Bilingual Education. San Antonio, TX Jewett, L. and Barshes, D. (Fall 2012). Crafting Transnational Curriculum. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2013 Annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. San Francisco, CA. Jewett, L. and Smolen-Santana, J. (2012, November). The Curriculum that care forgot. Pare presented at the 13th Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, New Orleans, LA. Jewett, L. (2012, November). El Otro Lado, Este Lado, and Epistemology In-between Paper presented at the 13th Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, New Orleans, LA. Jewett, L., Trevino, E., and Zuniga, L. (Fall, 2012). Border Violences: Epistemology, Inquiry, and a Lived Curriculum of Solastalgia. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, CA. Jewett, L., Zuniga, L., and Trevino, E. (Fall, 2012). Bordering Curriculum. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2013 Annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. San Francisco, CA. Karabulut, M., Leal, J.A., Cavazos, C., Garcia, S.D., Soto, Y., and Bemben, M.G. Tissue Oxygenation and Blood Locate Concentration during Knee Extension Exercises Combined with Blood Flow Restriction. (Thematic Poster Presentation at the ACSM Annual Convention, 2012, San Diego, CA). Karabulut, M., Leal, J.A., Garcia, S.D., Cavazos, C., Soto, Y., Bemben, M.G. Effects of Leg Composition on Electromyography Activity during Exercise with Different Initial Restrictive Pressures. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Leal, A. (2013, May). Latino Stereotypes, Program to be presented at the Collaborating to Meet the Needs of English Language Learners Conference, University of Houston-Clear Lake. Leal, A., Yznaga, S. and Madrigal, A. (2012, November). Border Violence: Not Just a Border Issue Anymore. Program presented at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference, Galveston, TX. Leal, J.A., Garcia, S.D., Soto, Y., Bemben, M.G., and Karabulut, M. Neuromoscular Responses during Knee Extension Exercise in Combination with Different Blood Flow Restriction Initial Pressures. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(5 suppl): S87. (Thematic Poster Presentation at the ACSM Annual Convention, 2012, San Diego, CA). Lerma, E. (October, 2012). Nothing but a "G" thing: Exploring the Gang Culture. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 2nd Annual Staff Development Extravaganza. Harlingen, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012). Nothing but a "G" thing: Exploring the Gang Culture. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 2nd Annual Staff Development Extravaganza. Harlingen, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012). Using Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT) with At-Risk and Adjudicated Youth. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 2nd Annual Staff Development Extravaganza. Harlingen, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012). Using Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT) with At-Risk and Adjudicated Youth. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 2nd Annual Staff Development Extravaganza. Harlingen, TX. Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L. (November, 2012) "Hi, I am the counselor. How can I help you?" Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L. (November, 2012) "Hi, I am the counselor. How can I help you?" Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L.(November, 2012) "Hola, soy la consejera. Como le puedo ayudar?" Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L.(November, 2012) Looking Beyond the Labels: Understanding AtRisk. and Adjudicated Youth Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23m Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L. (November, 2012) Looking Beyond the Labels: Understanding AtRisk. and Adjudicated Youth Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23m Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L.(November, 2012) Mirando mas alla de las Eliquetas: Entendieno a los jovenes "en riesgo" o que han tenido problemas con la ley. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. and Cavazos, L.(November, 2012) Mirando mas alla de las Eliquetas: Entendieno a los jovenes "en riesgo" o que han tenido problemas con la ley. Will be presented at the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District: 23rd Annual Parental Involvement Conference. Harlingen, TX Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Best practices for at-risk and adjudicated youth. Will be presented at the Rio Grande Valley Counseling Association Workshop. Donna, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Best practices for at-risk and adjudicated youth. Will be presented at the Rio Grande Valley Counseling Association Workshop. Donna, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Building a school counselor/clinical portfolio. Will be presented at Counseling & Guidance Student Association (CGSA) Meeting. Brownsville, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Building a school counselor/clinical portfolio. Will be presented at Counseling & Guidance Student Association (CGSA) Meeting. Brownsville, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Through the Eyes of a Labeled Child: Counseling At-Risk and Adjudicated Youth. Will be presented at the Fall 2012 Faculty Seminar Series. Brownsville, TX. Lerma, E. (October, 2012) Through the Eyes of a Labeled Child: Counseling At-Risk and Adjudicated Youth. Will be presented at the Fall 2012 Faculty Seminar Series. Brownsville, TX. Lopez, J. Perez, G.E., and Karabulut, M. Lactate Concentration Response to Knee Extension Exercise with Various Initial Restrictive Pressures in Females. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN. It will be published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45(5 suppl.). Lu, M.T. and Cavazos, J. (2013). Online Learning Perceptions and Effectiveness of Research Methods Courses. Paper to be presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013, New Orleans, LA. Lu, M.T. and Overton, T. (2013). Teaching Reading in a Research World: The Effectiveness of Research ABC Presentation and Hands-on Experience on Reading Journal Articles in a Saturday Workshop. Paper presented at the SERA 2013 36th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Lu, M.T. (2012). Han Character Learning and Teaching Using Scratch: An Empirical Study. Paper presented at the AACS 2012 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. Lu, M.T. (2012). Impact of Embodied Cognition, Imagination, and Technology on Learning Chinese Characters. Poster presented at the 2012 Association of Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. Lu, M.T. (2012). Instructional Methods and Learning Effectiveness of the Use of Seal Type Calligraphy for the Centered Tip Technique for Beginning Learners of CFL. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Hanzi Shufa Calligraphy Education (ASSCE 2012), Georgetown, TX. Lu, M.T. (2013). Design-based Learning: Teaching with Scratch. 75-minute Workshop to be presented at The 2013 Teaching Professor Conference, New Orleans, LA. Lu, M.T. (2013). Scratch for Education: Use of the User-friendly Computer Programming Language for Learning and Teaching. 75-minute Workshop presented at the SERA 2013 36th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Lu, M.T., Ward, H., Zhang, Z., Overton, T., and Gawenda, P. (2012). Creating Effective Research-Oriented Programs for Teachers' Professional Development and Continuing Education. Paper presented at the CREATE 2012 Research Conference on Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX. Lu, M.T. and LaVaglio, M. (2012). Teaching with Cloud Technology: Google Docs for Chinese Language Learning. In T. Amiel & B. Wilson (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (pp. 2025-2034). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Lu, M.T. and Overton, T. (Nov. 12th 2012). Creating Effective Research-Oriented Programs for Teacher 's Professional Development and Continuous Learning. CREATE Conferences, San Antonio Martinez, V., Montoya, J., Karabulut, M., Cox, C., Martinez, A., and Wittenburg, D. Psychological Needs Mediate The Relationship Between Physical Exertion Barriers and Body Fat Percent in College-Age Mexican-American Women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(5 suppl.): S349. (Poster Presentation at the ACSM Annual Convention, 2012, San Diego, CA). Morgan, B. and Keitz, R. A. (2012). Quantitative and qualitative results: Cooperative learning implementation with Hispanic community college freshmen. American Association of Teachers of Curriculum, San Antonio, TX. Morgan, B. and Rosenberg, G.P. (2012). Using cooperative learning, music and drama techniques in ESL classrooms. Texas Association of Bilingual Educators, San Antonio, TX. Morgan, B. (2012). Mentoring Strategies. Early Head Start and Head Start State Conference. South Padre Island, TX. Morgan, B. (2012). Principles of adult learning. Early Head Start and Head Start State Conference. South Padre Island, TX. Morgan, B. and Rosenberg, G.P. (2012). Using Cooperative Learning, Music and Drama Techniques in the ESL Classroom. Texas Association of Bilingual Education (TABE), San Antonio, Texas. Musanti, S.I., and Celedon-Pattichis, S. (October, 2012). Mathematics Academic Literacy in Bilingual Kindergarten Classrooms. Proposal submitted for the TABE, Texas Association for Bilingual Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. Musanti, S.I., and Rodriguez, A.D. (October, 2012). What Bilingual Teachers Need: Lessons Learned from Preservice Latina/o Teachers. Proposal submitted to the TABE, Texas Association for Bilingual Education Conference. San Antonio, TX. Musanti, S., and Rodriguez, A.D. (October, 2012). On Becoming a Bilingual Teacher: Lessons Learned from a Teacher Preparation Program. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organization for Texas Teacher Education Conference. Austin, Texas. O’Connor, B. (2012, November 15). World enough and time: Time-consciousness and the time of practice in linguistic anthropology. Society of Linguistic Anthropology Presidential Panel: Frontiers in Methodology in Linguistic Anthropology. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), San Francisco, CA. O’Connor, B. (2013, March 17). The (dis)order of things in classroom discourse. Roundtable presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Dallas, Texas. Perez, G.E., Lopez, J., and Karabulut, M. Gender Comparisons of the Electromyography Response to Knee Extension Exercises with Different Initial Restriction Pressures. Submitted to the ACSM Annual Convention, 2013, Indianapolis, IN). Ramirez, R. and Garcia, G. (2012). Designing Field Experiences for Maximum Knowledge Gains. Full paper presentation at the 2013 National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies (NAHLS/NAAS) Conference. Baton Rouge, LA. Ramirez, R., Ramirez, I., and Perez-Olvera, Y. (September 17, 2012). Aquatic Habitat Mapping: An Angler's Perspective. Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching, Corpus Christi, Texas. Ramirez, R., Williams-Santa Ana, Z., Henderson, M. I. and Escobar, M. G. (September 17, 2012). Renew Your Approach to Tackling the STAAR. Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching, Corpus Christi, Texas. Ricard, R.J., Lerma, E., and Heard, C (November, 2012) Piloting an integrative group counseling program with high risk students in a school setting. Will be presented at the Texas Counseling Association Conference. Galveston, TX Rodriguez, A., and Musanti, S.I. (2012, October). On Becoming a Bilingual Teacher: Lessons Learned from a Teacher Preparation Program. Proposal submitted to the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education (CSOTTE). Dallas, TX. Rodriguez, A.D. (October, 2012). Graduate Students’ Reflection on Transformative Education. Presentation at the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education Conference. Austin, Texas. Rodriguez, A.D., and Freeman, Y. (October 2012). Transforming Students’ Engagement in Culturally Relevant Text with Exploratory Talk. Presentation at the Texas Association for Bilingual Education conference. San Antonio, Texas. Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. and Sutterby, J. (2013, March). "Mami quiero mi iPad para leer": A case study of playful encounters with technology. Accepted presentation at the annual international conference for the Association for the Study of Play, Newark, Delaware. Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2013). Experiencing and valuing diversity in early childhood classrooms: How to use children's literature to promote realistic and accurate views about individuals with exceptionalities. Proposal submitted to the annual conference of the National Association for the Education of Young Children Conference. Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2012, November). Developing writers in early childhood classrooms. Professional development training for early childhood teachers at the Center for Early Childhood Studies, Brownsville, TX. Rodriguez-Garcia, A.L. (2013, April). Reading as a social act: "Romi sit down and listen to me read! " Accepted presentation at the Lifelong Health, Fitness, and Learning Through Play Conference, San Antonio, Texas. Rosenberg, G. and Morgan, B. (2012). ESL Classrooms: Using drama and cooperative learning. National Association of Bilingual Educators, Dallas, TX. Rosenberg, G.P. and Morgan, B. (2013). Create a positive environment in the ESL classroom using cooperative learning, drama and music. National Association of Bilingual Educators, Orlando, FL. Skukauskaite, A. and Morgan, B. (2012). Making ordinary the extraordinary: Learning qualitative research. American Association of Teachers of Curriculum, San Antonio, TX. Sutterby, J. (2012, October) Health and fitness begin in early childhood. Texas Association for Bilingual Education Preconference Institute. San Antonio, Texas Sutterby, J. (2012, October). Nature beckons: The importance of nature and the outdoors for healthy children development. Kindergarten Teachers of Texas Conference. San Antonio, Texas Sutterby, J. and Abrego, M. (2012, October). Engaging families of English language learners. Kindergarten Teachers of Texas Conference. San Antonio, Texas Telese, J. (2012, November). Facilitating discussion through “Math Congresses.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, Texas. Telese, J. (2012, October). A line in the sand: Geometry and Texas History. Paper presented at the annual regional meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Dallas, Texas. Telese, J., and Jewett, L. (2012, November). Improving rigor through formative assessment in mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, Texas. Viren, V. (2012). Fostering Self-esteem in young children. Presented at the Child Care Conference. Brownsville TX. Viren, V. (2012). Infant topic: Conversations and cognition. Presented at the Child Care Conference. Brownsville TX. Ward, H., Shin, Y, and Espinoza, C. (2013). Shaken Baby Syndrome and its effect on learning. SMAEYC Conference, April, 2013. NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2012, November). Latino/a children and disciplinary literacy in out-of-school contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA. Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2012, November). Latino/a children and disciplinary literacy in out-of-school contexts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA. Bussert-Webb, K., and Diaz, M.E. (2013). Digital literacy, language, and Latinos: LI.4Word. Paper to be presented in April 2013 at the annual meeting of the AERA, San Francisco, CA. Butler, J. W., and Duarte, G. (2012). Children’s Perspective on Play and Electronic Games. The 2012 Association for the Study of Play Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Butler, J. W. and Telese, J. (2012). Southwest Educational Research Association (SERA) Teacher Attitudes Toward Use of Technology in Teaching: Survey. Duarte, G. (2012) "Meaningful Engagement, School Readiness Results: Advancing the Progress of Latino Families in ECE Programs: NAEYC Latino Interest Forum, Presentation at the Annual Conference of the National Association for the Education of Young, November 7-10, Atlanta, Georgia Duarte, G. (2012) "Play Advocacy in the 21st Century and Beyond: The significance of play in building the next generation of learners" Presentation at the Annual Conference of the National Association for the Education of Young, November 7-10, Atlanta, Georgia Duarte, G. and Pabs-Garnon, A (2012)"Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" International Development Conference„ Freetown, Sierra Leone, December 4-8 Duarte, G. (2012)"Early Childhood Curriculum: What is Appropriate?" International Development Conference„ Freetown, Sierra Leone, December 4-8 Hinton, K.A. (2012, October) Equitable Teaching Cultural equity in a Chicano/a farmworker high school. Paper accepted for presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. San Antonio, TX Hinton, K.A. (2013, March). English as a Second Language Ideology: Beliefs of Asian Immigrant and International Students. Paper submitted for presentation at TESOL International Convention. Dallas, TX Hinton, K.A. (2013, April). “You’re not going to succeed”: Guidance Counselors and CollegeBound Latina/o Students. Paper for presentation at AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Jarrett, O., Stenhouse, V., Sutterby, J. and DeMarie, D. (2012, November). Who gets to play? Access to quality play experiences as a social justice issue. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Atlanta Georgia. Mercuri, S. and Musanti, S.I. (February, 2013). Advancing instruction for emergent bilinguals: Promising practices for academic literacy development. Proposal submitted for the 42nd Annual NABE Conference, February 7-9, 2013, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Mercuri, S. and Musanti, S.I. Promising practices for English language learners' academic literacy development. Proposal accepted for the TESOL Convention. March, 2013, Dallas, TX. March 20-23, 2013, Dallas, TX. Musanti, S.I., Marshall, M., and Celedon-Paticchis, S. (February, 2013). Understanding Emergent Bilingual Students ' Mathematical Thinking to Improve Instruction in K-2 Bilingual Classrooms. Proposal submitted for the 42nd Annual NABE Conference, February 7-9, 2013, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Phillip, C. (2012). The American School Health Association 86th Annual Conference presented on “Health and Physical Education with and Adapted Twist” San Antonio, Texas, October 1013, 2012. Rodriguez, A.D., and Freeman, Y. (March 2013). Transforming Students’ Engagement in Culturally Relevant Texts with Exploratory Talk. Presentation at the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Dallas, Texas. Rosenberg, G.P. (2012). Aspectos Lingüísticos: Técnicas y Estrategias en la Enseñanza del Inglés como Segundo Idioma. Jornada Binacional de Educación Intercultural, 5ª/2da Coloquio Internacional de Educación y Sociedad. Rosenberg, G.P. (2012). Teaching Children’s Literature Using Drama. Oxford Round Table Childhood Education. Oriel College, Oxford University, Oxford United Kingdom. Rosenberg, G.P. (2013). The Use of Drama Techniques and Culture of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford Round Table Childhood Education. Oriel College, Oxford University, Oxford United Kingdom. (accepted for March 2013). Rosenberg, G.P. and Morgan, B. (2012). Create a Positive Environment in the ESL Classroom Using Cooperative Learning, Drama, and Music. National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE), Orlando, Florida. Rosenberg, G.P. and Morgan, B. (2012). ESL Classrooms: Using Drama and Cooperative Learning. Demonstration session presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE). Dallas, Texas. Sutterby, J. (2012, November). Rethinking children’s play: A discussion with play scholars from around. Play, Policy and practice SIG. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Atlanta Georgia. Teemant, A., Juarez, B., Rodriguez, L., L., Mitchell, K., Bravo, M., Mercuri, S., and Rodriguez, A.D. (March 2013). Preparing every teacher: The next generation of teacher education. Colloquium at the teachers English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference. Dallas, Texas Varbelow, S. (2012). Re-Enacting the Self-The School Stories Project. 11th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS). Vancouver, Canada, 2012. Viren, V. (2012). Children's Perspective on Parent's Social Play. Paper presented at The Association for the Study of Play, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ward, H. and Shefelbine, J. (2013). A Communicative Structure for Exceptional Students: Modeling Powerful Oral Language Environment (POLE), Council for Exceptional Children, April 3-6, 2013, San Antonio, TX. Ward, H., Shefelbine, J., and Curtis, M. (2012). Engaging Language Minority Pre-service Teachers through POLL Method. Council for Learning Disabilities, October 10-12, 2012, Austin, TX. EDITED BOOKS Sutterby, J. (2012). Early Childhood Education in a Global Context. Advances in Early Education and Day Care, Volume 16. London: Emerald. Ward, H., Shefelbine, J., and Curtis, M. G. (Oct. 2012). “Engaging Language Minority Preservice Teachers through POLL Methods,” International Council for Learning Disabilities. Austin, TX. 2. Can the unit provide a copy of the Handbook of Operating Policies? MACHUCA 3. Can the unit clarify the timing of promotion and tenure? JAMES a. Examples of faculty service to the college, university, school and community are provided in Exhibit 5.3b. A more complete summary of these activities is provided in Exhibit 5.3.E. Examples are provided of collaborative activities between faculty and P-12 schools. Faculty in the unit are engaged in professional associations, and other types of services. The IR provides a list of unit standing committees and their functions, however, there is no indication which or how many faculty serve on these committees. BUSSERT-WEBB Response to 16a: NCATE Standard Committee Assignments – NCATE 2011-2014 STANDARD 1: CURRICULUM (overarching committee) Council Member: Dr. Laura Jewett, tenure track TLI Chair: Dr. Michelle Abrego, tenure track EPLS Dr. Christopher Ledingham, tenure track HHP Dr. Sandra Musanti, tenure track LLI Dr. Vejoya Viren, tenure track TLI Dr. Ana L. Rodriguez-Garcia, tenure track EPLS Dr. Steve Chamberlain, tenure track EPLS Standard 2: Assessment Chair: Dr. James Telese, tenure track TLI Co-Chair: Dr. Alma Rodriguez, tenure track LLIS Dr. Laura Jewett, tenure track TLI Dr. Zelma Mata, tenure track HHP Dr. Christopher Ledingham, tenure track HHP Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track TLI Dr. Carmen Garcia-Caceres, Director, non-tenure TLI Dr. Lionel “Javier” Cavazos, tenure track EPLS Ms. Patricia Ramirez, non-tenure track, clinical faculty TLI Mr. Luis Machuca Staff Mr. Hector Castillo Staff Standard 3: Field Experience & Clinical Practice Council Member & Chairs: Dr. Gayle Brogdon Staff Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez, tenure track TLI Dr. Carmen Garcia-Caceres, Director, non-tenure TLI Dr. Chuy Abrego, tenure track Dr. Mary Curtis, tenure track Dr. Phillip Conatser, tenure track Dr. Eunice Lerma, tenure track Ms. Sonja Varbelow, lecturer Dr. Janet Martinez, lecturer Mr. Gustavo Valencia, lecturer Dr. Mozelle Barron, lecturer Dr. Ulku Karabulut, tenure track Mr. Gonzalo Garza, lecturer EPLS EPLS HHP EPLS TLI TLI TLI EPLS HHP HHP Standard 4: Diversity Council Member: Dr. Sandra Mercuri, tenure track Chair: Dr. Kip Hinton, tenure track Dr. Gregorio Garcia, tenure track Dr. Ming-Tsan Lu, tenure track Dr. Murat Karabulut, tenure track Dr. Jaime Garcia, tenure track Dr. Georgianna Duarte, tenure track Dr. Maria Eugenia Diaz, tenure track LLIS LLIS TLI TLI HHP EPLS TLI TLI Standard 5: Faculty Standards Council Member: Dr. Zelma Mata, tenure track Chair: Dr. Irma Jones, tenure track Dr. Kathy Bussert-Webb, tenure track Dr. Eric James, tenure track Dr. Hsuying Ward, tenure track Dr. James Ikonomopoulos, tenure track Dr. Maria Elena Corbeil, tenure track HHP TLI LLIS HHP EPLS EPLS TLI Standard 6: Unit Governance and Resources Council Member: Mr. Hector Castillo Chair: Dr. Karin Ann Lewis, tenure track Dr. Sam Pan, tenure track Dr. Bobbette Morgan, tenure track Dr. Terry Overton, tenure track Dr. Ignacio Rodriguez , lecturer Dr. Juan Garcia, lecturer Ms. Norma Infante-Garcia Staff EPLS TLI TLI EPLS TLI EPLS Staff Technology Council Member: Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez. Tenure track TLI Chair: Dr. Janice Butler, tenure track TLI Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track TLI Dr. Zhidong Zhang, tenure track TLI Dr. Alejandro Garcia, tenure track EPLS Dr. Brendan H. O’Connor, tenure track Ms. Prisci Tipton LLI Staff UTB COE Faculty Participating in Academic Working Groups for the UTB/Pan Am Merger Academic Program Working Faculty Name Group 1. Dr. Ming Tsan"Pierre" Lu, Social Sciences tenure track 2. Dr. Christopher Health Professions Ledingham, tenure track 3. Dr. Murat Karabulut, Health Professions tenure track 4. Dr. Eric James, tenure Health Professions track 5. Dr. Terry Overton, tenure Health Professions track 6. Dr. Karin Lewis, tenure Education track Education 7. Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track 8. Dr. Laura Jewett, tenure Education track 1 – Education 9. Mr. Gustavo Valencia 2 – Uteach 10Dr. Steve Chamberlain, Education tenure track 11Dr. Sandra Mercuri, tenure Bicultural Studies track 12Dr. Sandra Musanti, tenure Bicultural Studies track 13Dr. Maria E. Diaz, tenure Trans-Disciplinary Programs track 14Dr. Brendan O'Connor, Trans-Disciplinary Programs tenure track Academic Administration Working Group Student Engagement & Experiential Learning Graduate Student Enrollmetn Management/Admissions Policies Faculty Governance Executive Council for NCATE - College of Education Faculty (F) and Staff (S) Dr. Sandra Mercuri, F MAIN 2.306D 882-5842 sandra.mercuri@utb.edu Dr. Gayle L. Brogdon, MAIN 2.200 882-5706 gayle.brogdon@utb.edu staff Mr. Hector Castillo, staff MAIN 2.306 882-7220 hector.castillo@utb.edu Dr. James Telese, tenure MAIN 1.326 882-7669 james.telese@utb.edu MAIN 2.310 882-8269 laura.jewett@utb.edu MAIN 2.226 882-7660 olivia.rivas@utb.edu MAIN 2.306B 882-7255 reynaldo.ramirez@utb.edu MAIN 2.210 882-8291 zelma.mata@utb.edu track Dr. Laura Jewett, tenure track Dr. Olivia Rivas, tenure track Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez, tenure track Dr. Zelma D. Mata, tenure track Mr. Luis Machuca ,Staff MAIN 2.200A Special Committee: Curriculum Dr. Alma Rodriguez, tenure track alma.rodriguez@utb.edu Dr. Chris Ledingham, tenure track christopher.ledingham@utb.edu Dr. Laura Jewett, tenure track laura.jewett@utb.edu Dr. Michelle Abrego, , tenure track michelle.abrego@utb.edu Dr. Peter Gawenda, tenure track 882-4242 luis.machuca@utb.edu peter.gawenda@utb.edu Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez, , tenure track reynaldo.ramirez@utb.edu Dr. Steve Chamberlain, tenure ttrack steve.chamberlain@utb.edu Dr. Vejoya Viren, tenure track vejoya.viren@utb.edu Technology Committee Council Member: Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez, tenure track Chair: Dr. Janice Butler, tenure track Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track Dr. Zhidong Zhang, tenure track Dr. Alejandro Garcia, tenure track Dr. Brendan H. O’Connor, tenure track Ms. Prisci Tipton, staff EPLS Committees for 2013-2014 (all faculty) Comprehensive Exam Proctoring Committee Fall Dr. Eunice Lerma, tenure track Dr. Jaime Garcia, tenure track Dr. Terry Overton, tenure track Dr. Rodriguez-Garcia, tenure track Spring Dr .Melissa Alvarado, tenure track Dr. Hsuying Ward, tenure track Dr. Javier Lionel Cavazos, tenure track Dr. Michelle Abrego, tenure track Summer Dr. Steve Chamberlain, tenure track Dr. Chuey Abrego, tenure track Graduate Curriculum Dr. Lionel Javier Cavazos, tenure track Dr. Alejandro Garcia, tenure track Dr. Jaime Garcia, tenure track Dr. Hsuying Ward, tenure track NCATE Assessment Dr. Javier Lionel Cavazos (chair) , tenure track Dr. Karin Lewis, tenure track Dr. Mary Curtis, tenure track Dr. Alejandro Garcia, tenure track NCATE CACREP Coordinators (Counseling) Dr. Eunice Lerma – Coodinator, tenure track Dr. Javier Lionel Cavazos, tenure track Dr. Olivia Rivas, tenure track NCATE Committee –Ed. Admin. Dr. Chuey Abrego – Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Michelle Abrego, tenure track Juan O. Garcia, lecturer Alejandro Garcia, tenure track NCATE SPA Committees –SPED Graduate Committees (Educational Diagnostician, Applied Behavior, and Advanced Interdisciplinary Programs) Dr. Terry Overton – SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Hsuying Ward, tenure track Dr. Steve Chamberlain, tenure track Dr. Mary Curtis, tenure track NCATE SPA Committee –SPED Undergraduate Dr. Dr. Steve Chamberlain – SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Terry Overton, tenure track Dr. Hsuying Ward, tenure track Dr. Mary Curtis, tenure track SACS 5th Year Report Committee Dr. Javier Lionel Cavazos, tenure track Dr. Mary Curtis, tenure track Dr. Juan Garcia, lecturer Teacher Work Sample Reviewers Fall Dr. Mary Curtis, tenure track Dr. Juan Garcia, lecturer Dr. Ana Laura Rodriguez-Garcia, tenure track Spring Dr. Eunice Lerma, tenure track Dr. Nick Vallado, tenure track Dr. Jaime Garcia, tenure track Undergraduate Curriculum Dr. Steve Chamberlain, tenure track Dr. Chuey Abrego, tenure track Dr. Eunice Lerma, tenure track Dr. Karin Lewis, tenure track Webmaster for EPLS Dr. Alejandro Garcia, tenure track Dr. Eunice Lerma, tenure track Dr. James Ikonomopoulos, tenure track Welfare Committee (sicknesses, bereavement) Dr. Eunice Lerma, tenure track Dr. Moselle Barron, lecturer Dr. Alejandro Garcia, tenure track Dr. Michelle Abrego, tenure track Dr. Hsuying Ward, tenure track Dr. Javier Lionel Cavazos, tenure track Kappa Delta Pi Student Club Sponsor Dr. Hsuying Ward, tenure track Health and Human Performance Committee Assignments & Student Organization Sponsors 2013--2014 Personnel Committee (see below) Graduate Curriculum Committee Dr. Eric James, Chair, tenure track Dr. Murat Karabulut, tenure track Dr. Phillip Conatser, tenure track Dr. Christopher Ledingham, tenure track NCATE Assessment Committee Dr. Christopher Ledingham, Chair, tenure track Dr. Zelma Mata, tenure track Mr. Gonzalo Garza, lecturer Dr. Phillip Conatser, tenure track Dr. Murat Karabulut, tenure track SACS 5th Year Report Committee Dr. Christopher Ledingham, Chair, tenure track Dr. Zelma Mata, tenure track Dr. Murat Karabulut, tenure track Search Committee: Exercise Science Position Dr. Murat Karabulut, Chair, tenure track Dr. Phillip Conatser, tenure track Mr. Gonzalo Garza, lecturer Dr. Eric James, tenure track Dr. Christopher Ledingham, tenure track Dr. Zelma Mata, tenure track NCATE SPA Committee Dr. Christopher Ledingham, Chair, tenure track Dr. Zelma Mata, tenure track Mr. Gonzalo Garza, lecturer Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Dr. Christopher Ledingham, Chair, tenure track Dr. Phillip Conatser, tenure track Mr. Gonzalo Garza, lecturer Dr. Eric James, tenure track Dr. Murat Karabulut, tenure track Dr. Zelma Mata, tenure track Kinesiology Club Sponsor Dr. Christopher Ledingham, tenure track Grupo Folklorico Tizatlan de UTB Sponsor Dr. Zelma Mata, Director, tenure track Exercise Science Club Sponsor Dr. Murat Karabulut, tenure track Kappa Delta Pi Student Club Sponsor Dr. Zelma Mata, tenure track Language, Literacy, and Intercultural Studies Committee Assignments & Student Organization Sponsors 2013—2014 Faculty Senate Dr. Brendan O’Connor, tenure track (Senator) , tenure track Dr. Sandra Musanti, Dr. Sandra Mercuri (Senator) , tenure track Graduate Curriculum Committee Dr. Sandra Musanti - Chair, tenure track Dr. Kip Hinton, tenure track Dr. Kathy Bussert-Webb, tenure track Graduate Reading/Literacy Program Coordinator Dr. Kathy Bussert-Webb, tenure track Graduate Bilingual Education Program Coordinator – M.Ed. Bilingual Ed. Dr. Sandra Musanti, tenure track Graduate Bilingual Education Program Coordinator – Doctoral Biling. Specialization Dr. Sandra Mercuri, tenure track NCATE Assessment Committee Dr. Alma Rodriguez - Chair, tenure track Dr. Kip Hinton, tenure track Dr. Sandra Musanti, tenure track NCATE SPA Committee – English Dr. Kathy Bussert-Webb – SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. TLI Faculty (Bobbette Morgan) , tenure track Dr. One English faculty (Lyon Rathbun) , tenure track NCATE SPA Committee – ESL Dr. Alma Rodriguez – SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Sandra Musanti, tenure track Dr. Sandra Mercuri, tenure track NCATE SPA Committee – Bilingual Dr. Alma Rodriguez – SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Sandra Musanti, tenure track Dr. Sandra Mercuri, tenure track NCATE SPA Committee – Spanish Dr. Kip Hinton– SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Dania López-García, tenure track Ana Peña -Oliva Dr. Brendan O’Connor, tenure track Personnel Committee (see below) SACS 5th Year Report Committee (Bilingual and ESL Undergraduate Programs) Dr. Alma Rodriguez, tenure track SACS 5th Year Report Committee (Bilingual Master’s) Dr. Alma Rodriguez, tenure track Search Committee (Bilingual Education/Biliteracy) Dr. Alma Rodriguez, tenure track Dr. Sandra Musanti, tenure track Dr. Brendan O’Connor, tenure track Search Committee (Literacy/Reading) Dr. Kathy Bussert-Webb (chair), , tenure track + more professors to be assigned later Spanish Ad Hoc Committee Dr. Sandra Mercuri, tenure track Dr. Sandra Musanti, tenure track Dr. Alma Rodríguez, tenure track Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Dr. Alma Rodriguez - Chair, tenure track Dr. Brendan O'Connor, tenure track Dr. Lori Wells, tenure track Bilingual Education Student Organization (BESO) Sponsor Dr. Kip Hinton, tenure track Kappa Delta Pi Student Club Sponsor Dr. Sandra Musanti, tenure track Teaching, Learning, and Innovation Committee Assignments & Student Organization Sponsors 2013—2014 Faculty Senate Dr. Bobbette Morgan, tenure track (President) Graduate Curriculum Committee Dr. Maria Elena Corbeil (Chair) , tenure track Dr. Zhidong Zhang, tenure track Dr. Georgianna Duarte, tenure track NCATE Assessment Committee Dr. Jim Telese, tenure track Dr. Laura Jewett, tenure track Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track Dr. Carmen Garcia-Caceres, tenure track Ms. Patricia Ramirez, non-tenure track, clinical faculty NCATE SPA Committee –C&I M.Ed. Dr. Rey Ramirez - SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track NCATE SPA Committee –Doctoral Dr. Peter Gawenda– SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Maria Elena Corbeil, tenure track Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track NCATE SPA Committee –Math Dr. Jim Telese – SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Roger Contreras (Math Faculty) , tenure track NCATE SPA Committee –Science Dr. Greg Garcia – SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Rey Ramirez, non-tenure track, clinical faculty Dr. Maria E. Diaz, tenure track NCATE SPA Committee –Social Studies Dr. Sonja Varbelow, lecturer, and Chris Letingham, lecturer, Co-SPA Writers and CoCoordinators, tenure track NCATE SPA Committee –Educational Technology Dr. Rene Corbeil - SPA Writer and Coordinator, tenure track Dr. Maria Elena Corbeil, tenure track Personnel Committee (see below) SACS 5th Year Report Committee Doctoral Dr. Peter Gawenda, tenure track Dr. Maria Elena Corbeil, tenure track Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track SACS 5th Year Report Committee Ed. Tech Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track Search Committee (Research FY 11-69 Garcia de Alba) Peter Gawenda (Chair) Zhidong Zhang, tenure track James Telese, tenure track Search Committee: Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Dr. Vejoya Viren (Chair) , tenure track Dr. Maria Diaz, tenure track Dr. Laura Jewett, tenure track Kappa Delta Pi Student Club Sponsor Dr. Irma Jones, tenure track COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 2013-2014 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE College of Education Dr. Phillip Conatser, Chair, tenure track Dr. Kathy Bussert-Webb, Vice Chair, tenure track Dr. Peter B. Gawenda, tenure track Dr. Chuey Abrego, tenure track Dr. Irma S. Jones, tenure track Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies Dr. Chuey Abrego, Chair, tenure track Dr. Vejoya Viren, tenure track Dr. Sam Pan, tenure track Health & Human Performance Dr. Phillip Conatser, Chair, tenure track Dr. Christopher Ledingham, tenure track Dr. Gayle L. Brogdon, staff Language, Literacy, and Intercultural Studies Dr. Kathy Bussert-Webb, Chair, tenure track Dr. Alma D. Rodriguez, tenure track Dr. Maria Elena Valdes-Corbeil, tenure track Teaching, Learning and Innovation Dr. Peter B. Gawenda, Chair, tenure track Dr. Rene Corbeil, tenure track Dr. Irma S. Jones, tenure track Charge: The Personnel Committees will meet and handle all personnel actions coming from the departments based on the personnel action calendar and the internal deadlines for the College of Education. All meetings of the committee will be handled professionally and with complete discretion. The chair will serve as the central point of contact and handle all communications with the Office of the Dean as the next level of review. b. The unit conducts systematic and comprehensive evaluations of faculty in accordance with the Handbook of Operating Policies. Standards for retention, promotion, and tenure of Tenure-Track ranked faculty are included. The COE faculty Handbook provides a description of the mentoring process for tenure-track faculty. Interviews will need to confirm this process. BUSSERT-WEBB Response to 16b: Tenured faculty members are assigned to all new tenure track faculty within the same department until the mentee receives tenure. Mentors meet with the new faculty on a regular basis and help them with their personnel action binders, as well as any questions the mentees have. Mentors normally observe and formally evaluate the teaching of their mentees. Starting in fall 2013, all mentors were required to send reports of their mentoring to Dr. Escotet. This protocol will occur on a semester basis. All of the following faculty have received tenure or will apply at some point for tenure. Mentor Assignments for EPLS Dr. Michelle Abrego mentors Dr. Alejandro Garcia Dr. Terry Overton mentors Dr. Karin Lewis Dr. Chuey Abrego mentor Javier Cavazos Dr. Olivia Rivas mentors Dr. James Ikonomopoulos Dr. Olivia Rivas mentors Dr. Eunice Lerma Dr. Steve Chamberlain mentors Dr. Hsuying Ward Mentor Assignments for Health & Human Performance Dr. Phillip Conaster mentors Dr. Murat Karabalut Dr. Phillip Conaster mentors Dr. Eric James Dr. Zelma Mata mentors Dr. Ulku Karabalut Mentor Assignments for LLIS Dr. Kathy Bussert-Webb mentors Brendan O’Connor Dr. Sandra Mercuri mentors Kip Hinton Dr. Sandra Mercuri mentors Sandra Musanti Mentor Assignments for TLI Dr. Maria Elena Corbeil mentors Maria E. Diaz Dr. Rey Raminez mentors Dr. Zhidong Zhang Dr. Bobbette Morgan mentors Dr. Miriam Espinoza Dr. Cheng-Chang Sam Pan mentors Dr. Ming-Tsan Pierre Lu Dr. Rey Ramirez mentors Dr. Greg Garcia Dr. Janice Butler mentors Dr. Laura Jewett c. The timing of when faculty apply for tenure and promotion is a span of three academic years. More clarification will be needed onsite. JAMES Response to 16c: There is not a span of multiple years in which faculty can apply for tenure. The year of application for tenure and promotion is specified at the time of employment (HOP 7.3.6). Minimum (5 years) and maximum (7 years) normal time periods for tenure and promotion are given by the College of Education Policies and Procedures Manual (Section 3.1.3.B) and University HOP (7.3.6). d. Faculty in the unit who have been granted tenure submit a post-tenure portfolio every five years after the last personnel action. More information is needed on the evaluation process for adjunct, lecturer, and clinical faculty. JAMES Response to 16f: Per University policy non-tenure faculty positions are one year appointments. Student teacher evaluations are used in the process of determining if it is to the benefit of the University to offer reappointments for one year as an adjunct professor or lecturer (HOP 7.2.3). There is currently no other evaluation process in place for adjunct professors or lecturers. 4. Can the unit provide a list of professional development opportunities in which faculty participated? JAMES Response to 17: Below are professional development activities attended by College of Education faculty for 2012-2013. EPLS Chuey Abrego 2012 Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators 2012 Annual Meeting of CSOTTE 2013 Annual Meeting of CSOTTE Melissa Alvarado Attended 2011, 2012, 2013 Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference Javier Cavazos 2013 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision 2013 Meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2013 American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education 2011 Meeting of the Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors Steve Chamberlain 2012 Council for Learning Disabilities 34th International Conference 2012 Texas Council for Exceptional Children 2012 The Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention and Expo 2012 Texas Literature Initiative Trainer for ELL Module. Austin, TX. Mary Curtis 2012 International Council for Learning Disabilities 2012 Texas Council for Exceptional Children 2012 MONARCH Center training on Field Experiences and Pre-service Clinicals 2013 MONARCH Center training on OSEP Grant Writing Anna Laura Rodriguez 2012 Professional development training for early childhood teachers at the Center for Early Childhood Studies Georgianna Duarte 2013 National Association of Bilingual Education 2013 The Association of The Study of Play and International Play Association 2013 Texas Early Childhood Workforce Annual Conference 2013 Annual Play Conference at University of Incarnate Word 2013 Association Child Education International Institute of Education Diplomacy 2013 Association Child Education International Institute of Education Diplomacy 2013 Annual Conference of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children 2013 Mentoring Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico 2013 Annual Conference of The National Association of the Education of Young Children 2012 The Association for the Study of Play 2012 The Association for Child Education International 2012 International Diversity Conference 2012 Bi-Annual Conference of the Southmost Association of For the Education of Young Children, Brownsville, Texas 2012 Annual Conference of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children 2012 Annual Conference of the National Association for the Education of Young, 2012 Center of Early Childhood Studies, Staff Training, Brownsville, Texas 2012 International Development Conference Jaime Garcia 2013 annual meeting of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies 2012 annual meeting of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies Eunice Lerma 2013 Texas Counseling Association Conference 2013 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision National Conference 2013 “Brightening Live” 19th Annual SPI Counselors’ Institute 2012 Texas counseling Association Conference Terry Overton 2013 Council for Learning Disabilities Annual Conference 2013 Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference 2013 SERA 2013 36th Annual Conference 2012 CREATE Research Conference on Teacher Education Vejoya Viren 2013 The Association for the Study of Play 2012 The Association for the Study of Play. Hsuying Ward 2013 CLD Conference 2013 Council for Exceptional Children 2012 Council for Learning Disabilities HHP Phillip Conatser 2012 The American School Health Association 86th Annual conference Eric James 2013 North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity 2012 Society for Neuroscience Murat Karabulut 2013 ACSM 2012 ACSM Christopher Ledingham 2013 TAPHERD 2013 The American School Health Association 2013 It’s Time Texas Summit 2012 The American School Health Association LLIS Kathy Bussert-Webb 2012 Alfredo Artiles’ discussion with faculty and Distinguished Lecture Series Presentation 2012 NCATE professional workshop by Dr. Charles Love for UTB College of Education Faculty. 2012 Angela Valenzuela’s discussion with faculty and Distinguished Lecture Series Presentation 2012 Thomas Friedman’s presentation at UT Pan American 2012 Aaron Thompson’s presentation, Laying the Foundation for a Promising Future Janice Butler 2012 The Association for the Study of Play Maria Elena Corbeil 2013 53rd Annual IACIS International Conference 2013 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 52nd Annual IACIS International Conference 2012 Regional Conference of RBG LEAD Rene Corbeil 2013 53rd Annual IACIS International Conference 2013 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 International Association for Computer Information Systems Maria Diaz 2013 AERA Conference 2012 LRA Conference Laura Jewitt 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. 2012 Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2012 13th Annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference Janet Martinez 2012 UTB NCATE Workshop 2013 HEB Read 3 Program Training 2012 UTB/TSC NCATE Summit 2012UTB/TSC Human Resources on Timekeeping Guidelines 2012 UTB/TSC Human Resources on State Property and Information Security 2012 UTB/TSC Human Resources on Records Retention and Intellectual Property 2012 UTB/TSC Human Resources on FERPA 2012 UTB/TSC Human Resources on Drug Free, Health and Safety in the Workplace 2012 UTB/TSC Human Resources on Contracts & Agreements, and Purchasing 2012 UTB/TSC Human Resources on Conflict of Interest, Ethics and Code of Conduct 2012 UTB/TSC Human Resources on Compliance and Discrimination 2012 UTB/TSC NCATE Workshop 2012 HEB Read 3 Program Training 2012 UTB/TSC Teacher Work Sample Anti-Bias training 2012 UTB/TSC Teacher Work Sample training 2012 UTB/TSC TK-20 Introductory training 2012 HEB Read 3 Program Training Sandra Mercuri 2013 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages 2013 National Association for Bilingual Education 2012 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages 2012 National Association for Bilingual Education 2012 National Two-Way CABE Conference Sandra Musanti 2013 42nd Annual National Association for Bilingual Education Conference 2013 TESOL Convention 2012 41st Annual National Association for Bilingual Education Conference 2012 TESOL Convention 2012 Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Brendan O’Connor 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association Sam Pan 2012 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications Reynaldo Ramirez 2013 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2013 National Association for Hispanic and Latino Studies James Telese 2012 Annual Meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Zhidong Zhang 2013 SERA 36th Annual Meeting 2013 Conference of Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association 2012 AERA Meeting a. Professional faculty in the unit are expected to engage in ongoing professional development. To help with these efforts, the unit provides monetary support for faculty to present at conferences or to serve as offices of professional scholarly associations. Funds that are available are provided on a competitive basis. IKONOMOPOULOS Response to 17a: For a listing of this process and the awarding of such funds, visit section 3.332 on page 53 in the College of Education Faculty Policy and Procedures handbook located at the following link: http://www.utb.edu/vpaa/coe/Documents/COE%20Faculty%20Policies%20and% 20Procedures.pdf. Section 3.332 on page 53 can be seen below: THIS SECTION OF THE COE FACULTY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL BEGINS MID-PAGE 3.3.2 Faculty Development Funding The College of Education is committed to the continuing professional development of its faculty. This is the only way that faculty can adapt to changes in their disciplines, shifting institutional priorities, and the new challenges from our various learners. Historically, professional development support has meant travel money to scholarly meetings, but its definition has now been expanded to include activities and support materials that facilitate improvements in research, teaching, and service to the educational community. Professional development support for new faculty in year one (tenured and tenure-track) will be negotiated by that faculty member and the Dean during initial contract discussions. The purpose of the individualized negotiations is to ensure, especially for appointments at the assistant professor level, that faculty begin their careers at UTB with enough support to put their careers on a trajectory of success. After the initial appointment, each tenured and tenure-track faculty member will be allocated a “minimum base” dollar amount for professional development, according to the department availability of funds. Additional monies may be allocated by the department chair. Under the current guidelines for UTB budgeting, it is not possible to carryover this money from one fiscal year to the next, but the capability to do so would constitute a long-term objective for the College. To promote dissemination of research, the scholarship of teaching, and the activities associated with nationally visible service, each tenured and tenuretrack faculty member may be allocated additional money based on availability of funds, if they are actively engaged in presenting papers and/or serving as officers of a nationally-recognized scholarly association. It is not possible to inventory all conceivable and legitimate applications of professional development funds. Below are some examples of what would and would not qualify for the appropriate use of such funds. The final determination of what constitutes a legitimate use of the money rests with department chairs, though a chair may appoint a faculty committee to develop departmental policy in this area. Expenditures from the allocated “minimum base” that qualify for Professional Development: -media equipment), if not covered by other funding analysis.) licensure or re-certification.) As one can see, there are a number of things that would qualify under this expanded notion of professional development. However, there are some state-mandated restrictions within this framework. For example, while professional development funds may be applied for continuing professional education in the pursuit of re-licensure or re-certification, they may not be used to pay for a license or certification renewal. Nor may such funds be used to cover the costs associated for belonging to or becoming a member of a learned society or organization. These latter two examples reflect prohibitions of using state funds for personal benefit. Two qualifying questions will help determine the legitimacy of any professional development request: (1) Will the user of such funds improve your performance as a researcher, instructor, or service leader? (If so, go to question #2) (2) Is it likely that the perception will be that you are using these funds for some personal benefit or gain? (If so, think of another use for these funds). If in doubt, seek guidance from your department chair. 3.3.3 Course Release Request to Pursue Non-Teaching Assignments 1. Submit the completed request to your department chair for review and approval (See Form in appendix G). 2. Faculty members who were granted a course release in the previous semester need to include [with the new request] documentation showing completion of the project(s) for which release time was granted. 3. Completion date (stated above) refers to deliverables, a completed written document. Work in progress or process is not a “deliverable.” 4. A request for course release time, once approved, becomes part of faculty workload and will be included in the annual evaluation. No course overloads should be given to a faculty that is granted a course release. 5. Faculty are expected to do research as part of their regular load. Research projects for which course release is considered are those that go beyond the established performance guidelines, section 2.2. Release is granted on a semester basis and renewal is contingent upon successful completion. 6. A faculty member has one calendar year to finish up a research project starting from the beginning of the semester in which the course release was granted. For example, if a faculty member receives a course release for the spring 2013 starting January 2013, then the faculty should complete the research project within one year, i.e., by January 2014. Table 1 below illustrates the course release application and research completion deadlines for the years 2012-2016. 7. For equity purposes, a faculty member who was not able to deliver the completed research or project by the deadline will be scheduled to teach a full load of courses plus the release time granted for the following semester from the targeted date of completion. Table 1: Course Release Application and Research Completion Deadlines 2012-2016 are applying for a course release for the Spring semester starting Jan. 1st, 2013 Fall semester starting Sep. 1st, 201 3 Spring semester starting Jan. 1st, 2014 Fall semester starting Sep. 1st, 2014 Spring semester starting Jan. 1st, 2015 Fall semester starting Sep. 1st, 2015 … then the application deadline is … and the research completion deadline is Sep. 1st, 2012 Jan. 1st, 2014 Jan. 1st, 2013 Sep. 1st, 2014 Sep. 1st, 2013 Jan. 1st, 2015 Jan. 1st, 2014 Sep. 1st, 2015 Sep. 1st, 2014 Jan. 1st, 2016 Jan. 1st, 2015 Sep. 1st, 2016 Source: COE Faculty Policies and Procedures Manual b. In 2011, the unit began a professional development institute for professional education faculty, school partners and candidates. The Institute provides professional development experiences focusing on diversity, technology and emerging practices. These themes related to the units conceptual framework. IKONOMOPOULOS Response to 17b: “This institute provides professional development to teachers in the core classes, special education teachers, counselors, and administrators. The following strands are emphasized: • Administration and Technology • Educational Technology • Collaborative Environments • Digital Storytelling • Early Childhood • Gaming/Game-Based Learning and Simulations • Innovations in Education • Master Teaching in Math and Science • Mobile Computing • Online/Distance Learning • Virtual Worlds – SL and Whyville (8-14 year olds) • Technology in Math and Science • Technology and English Language Learners The following link provides information of the Unit’s Faculty Professional Development Activities by year: http://www.utb.edu/vpaa/coe/accreditation/NCATE/standard%205/Documents/Exhibit%205.3. g.pdf