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College of Education
Conceptual Framework & Knowledge Base
The conceptual framework contains four core
concepts that are themes through which we
organize and deliver our programs; hence they are
central to our vision of professional educators and
scholars. These include:
Pedagogical Leadership
College of Education (COE) Mission
 To prepare highly skilled professionals to assume roles and positions in teaching,
research, educational leadership, and human development.
 To provide undergraduate and graduate programs based on proven best practice,
knowledge acquisition, reflective inquiry, critical thinking, and respect for the
cultural and linguistically diverse learner.
 To continuously develop a dynamic local, state, national, and international,
dimension that promotes innovations and contributes to scientific educational,
economic, and social change.
College of Education (COE) Vision Statement
The vision of the College of Education is to be consistently recognized as fullyaccredited and as a nationally and internationally respected college in the areas of
science, mathematics, educational technology and intercultural dimension (language,
literacy, culture and interdisciplinary studies in regard to preparing teachers,
counselors, administrators, educational researchers, and professional at all levels, not
only for the school system but for other economical and service areas which require
training, human resources, development and life-long learning.
Teacher preparation programs of the College of Education will be central to the mission
of the University and will have national prominence. It will be at the forefront in
programs for English Language Learners and, through teacher preparation, P-16 and
life-long education initiatives will be a model for helping to close the student
achievement gap.
All of these will require the COE to be noted for the quality of its graduates, the
scholarship of its faculty, and the leadership and service they provide to the local,
regional, and national educational communities in the previously mentioned areas.
Note: Be advised that the College of Education conducts ongoing research regarding
the effectiveness of the programs. You will receive one survey in the final semester
prior to graduation regarding your program during your time here. A second survey
will occur within one year following graduation from or completion of a program,
and will be sent to your employer. This survey will focus on the preparation
received at UTB. Please remember that your response to these surveys is critical to
UTB excellence.
College of Education
Department of Language, Literacy, and Intercultural Studies
BILC 6365.60: Action Research in Bilingual and ESL Classrooms
FALL 2012
Yvonne S. Freeman, Ph.D.
Office: EDBC 1.120
e-mail: [email protected]
Office phone: 956 882-572
Office hours Mon 2-4:30; Tues 2:00-4:00 Wed 11-12
Sandra Mercuri
Office: EDBC 1.112
E-mail: [email protected]
Office phone: 956 882-5842
Office hours: Mon 3-5, Tues 3-5, Wed. 11-12
Day and Time the Class meets: Tuesday, 5:15-8:00 pm
Location of Class: UBLB
Course Catalog Description: The course emphasizes the value of teacher research
through which critical issues in the fields of ESL and bilingual education of Latinos in
particular are investigated. Students will identify research questions, review current
literature, and complete action research projects related to bilingual/ESL teaching and
Required Texts:
 Hubbard, R. & B. Power. (2003). The Art of Classroom Inquiry: A Handbook for
Teacher-Reserachers. (REVISDED EDITION) Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann.
 Suárez-Orozco, Suárez-Orozco, y Todorova (2009). Learning in a New Land:
Immigrant Students in American Society. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
 NOTE: A Tk20 account may be required for this course. Your instructor will inform
you of its necessity. Tk20 is an electronic toolkit used by candidates and other
school professionals to provide evidence that they have mastered state and
professional standards for the profession, as a necessary component of the College
of Education’s assessment program. Additional information regarding Tk20 is
available at: https://tk20.utb.edu/
Other Readings (Posted on Blackboard or online)
Ferrance, E. (2000). Action Research. In OERI (Ed.), Themes in Education. Providence, RI: Brown University.
Ross-Fisher. (2008). Action Reserach to Improve Teaching and Learning. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 160-164.
Wachholz, P., & Christensen, L. (2004). When Teachers Research: Action Research as Professional Development.
Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 20(10), 50-56.
Course Description Expanded and Purpose of the Course:
In this course, students will review research on second language learners and analyze
factors that influence their school success or failure. Students will compare research
finding to programs implemented in the Rio Grande Valley. They will read about teacher
research and apply research strategies and techniques of action research in their own
educational settings. Through their own research projects, students will come to a deeper
understanding of teaching and learning and of how to support the academic development
of emergent bilinguals. Student research projects will help teachers see how they can
advocate for best practices for the English learners.
Course Objectives
Course Objective(s)
Program Standard
Standard 1.b.
Candidates understand
and apply concepts,
theories, research, and
practice to facilitate
the acquisition of the
primary language
(Spanish) and a new
language in and out of
classroom settings
Standard 3a
Candidates know,
understand, and apply
concepts, research, and
best practices to plan
classroom instruction
in a supportive
learning environment
for bilingual students.
The knowledge
candidates gain of the
history of and research
on bilingual education
helps them take
advocacy positions at
their schools in their
First night
Introduction to action research
Review of Syllabus
Brainstorm possible “problems” to research
Read Ferrance, E. (2000). Action Research. In OERI
(Ed.), Themes in Education. Providence, RI:
Brown University.
And Chapter one pp. 1-11 of Hubbard and Power
(Bring some possible questions for your research)
Remember to attend the webinaire Global Literacies
Gee lecture 9/9 at 7:00
Read Ross-Fisher. (2008). Action Reserach to Improve
Teaching and Learning. Kappa Delta Pi Record,
Wachholz, P., & Christensen, L. (2004). When Teachers
Research: Action Research as Professional
Development. Language Arts Journal of
Michigan, 20(10), 50-56.
Discussion board: (in three paragraphs) 1)What about
what you read excited you? 2)What seemed
difficult? 3) [Be sure to comment somewhere on
both articles.]What question do you want to
research? Why? Respond to ALL your peers
about all three questions for points. Post by
Saturday midnight and respond by class.
Blackboard #1
Discuss Gee Global Literacy presentation in class
Read Chapter 2 Hubbard and Power pp. 12-35.
Consider your question. List three ways that are listed in
the chapter you might use to research your questions. Be
prepared to discuss the data collection methods and why
they would give you appropriate data.
1b, 3a
1b, 3a
1b, 3a
1b, 3a
Read Chapter 3 Hubbard and Power pp. 36-87
Read the chapter and see if there are more considerations
that you need to think about for your research question
and your data collection methods. Begin to plan your
research design. (See research design outline posted on
Blackboard.) Print out at least one IRB form posted on
Blackboard for discussion in class.
Read Chapter 5 of Hubbard and Power pp. 134-143.
Read A pp. 187-196- Complete a draft of the Research
Design form items 1-6 (Do not do analysis,
conclusions, implications)
From what you have read, choose a desgin for your study
following the outline for the research design. Post it on
blackboard. Respond to the designs of your peers. Be
ready to discuss your design in class. You should be
beginning to collect your data at this point. Blackboard
#2 Post by Saturday midnight and respond by class.
Remember to attend the webinaire Global Literacies
Alan Luke lecture 10/7 at 7:00
Read “Learning a New Land”pp 1-54 Describe the
study by completing the Suárez Orozco Study Overview
posted on Blackboard. Answer the following questions by
completing the overview. What were the purposes of the
study? Who were the participants? What were the
settings? How did they carry out the study? What kinds
of data did they collect? What were the results? E-mail
Overview to your professor 10/9 Collect data for your
study. Bring to class for discussion
Be prepared to discuss Luke.
Read “Learning a New Land”Networks of
relationship pp 55 to 88. Consider the findings of the
study. Pick at least four of the networks of relationships
that you also see with your students. Be prepared to
discuss. Collect data for your study
Read “Learning a New Land” “Less than optimal
schools pp. 89-145. What do the authors say about
segregated schools? How do the schools differ? What
were teacher attitudes and expectations? Be prepared to
discuss. Collect data for your study. Bring to class for
Read Hubbard and Power Chapter 4 pp. 65 to 100.
How will you analyze the data for your study? Complete
the Data Analysis form. Post on Blackboard #3.
Respond to all peers in your group. Bring to class to
discuss. Post by Saturday midnight and respond by class.
Remember to attend the webinaire Global Literacies
Freeman and Freeman lecture 11/4 at 7:00 if you have
not attened Gee and Luke.
Work on your literature review. Find some research
articles and books that support your research study. Make
a table. Complete the literature review form. This will
be part of your final proposal. Bring your table to class
for discussion
Read “Learning a New Land” the Portrait assigned to
your group. Prepare a power point of 20 minutes with
1b, 3a
1b, 3ª,5a
1b, 3ª, 5a
your group members to present 11/27. Email “Global
Literacies” summaries to your professor by today
11/13. Be prepared to discuss Global literacies.
Present Portrait assignment. Work on power point for
your research presentation.
Final Presentations- Present following the Research
Proposal form on blackboard and include the annotated
bibliography of articles and books from distant teachers.
E-mail ppts and proposal design form to professors.
Final Presentations- Present following the Research
Proposal form on blackboard and include the annotated
bibliography of articles and books from distant teachers.
E-mail response sheets from peer presentations.
1b, 3ª, 5a
1b, 3ª, 5a
1b, 3ª, 5a
Course Requirements
1.Attendance /Participation-Learning takes place during social interaction. The professor plans
each session carefully, and your presence at each session is important. It's not only what you'd
miss, but what you'd fail to contribute that is of concern. For every absence regardless of the
reasons on point will be deducted.
Participation is also part of this grade. It is important that you not only come to class but
that you participate in whole class and group discussions. Attendance is NOT the sole
criteria for your Attendance and Participation grade.
Absences. If you know you need to miss a class, please notify the professor in advance so
she can give you your assignment. It should be noted that Assignments are still due, even if
you are absent.
Grading- Your grade will be based on your written work, and your participation and
attendance. Because this is a research class, it is critical that you bring assignments related
to the research (questions, data collection, data analysis) to class. You will lose points if you
do not bring materials to class for discussion.
If you see that your grade is not good, please communicate with the professors before the
end of the course.
2. Action Research Project: (proposal (20 points ) (due 12/4) and presentation (15
points) (due 12/4 and 12/11)) Students will develop research questions, choose one and
do a mini-research project/study. This must be related to ESL/dual language
education/programs/classrooms or bilingualism. If you do not have a classroom, you can
work with a classmate as a co-researcher. You should use the Research Design form for the
study. Also use the same Research Design form to organize your short power point
presentation to the class. (15minutes maximum).
3. Global Literacies (10 points -5 points each session) (Due November 13)Global
Conversations in Literacy Research (GCLR) is a series of free interactive web seminars
that feature cutting-edge literacy research conducted by international literacy
researchers. GCLR is grounded in critical literacy, and sees as its mission to provide nocost, accessible professional development that connects leading literacy scholars with
global populations. Information can be found at
You will be required to attend two of three of these from home or anyplace where you
have access to the internet on at 7:00 Sunday, Sept. 9, Sunday, October 7, and Sunday,
November 7. (Due November 13)You will write up the following:
1) Who is the speaker? What is his/her/their area of expertise? What are the academic
credentials (in a sentence) of the speaker. In other words, why is this person a wellknown educator?
2) Write a one page summary of the presentation
3) List at least five ways this speaker’s ideas will influence your thinking and/or your
For Fall
Dr. James Paul Gee, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA; September 9, 2012; 7:00
p.m. EST/USA; Web seminar
link: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=221&password=M.90F1A9E1A6BD3D4EE25AA4
Dr. Allan Luke, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia; “Critical
Literacy, School Improvement, and the Four Resources Model”; October 7, 2012; 7:00 p.m.
EST/USA; Web seminar link:
Dr. Yvonne Freeman and Dr. David Freeman, University of Texas at Brownsville,
USA; “Academic Language for English Language Learners”; November 4, 7:00 p.m.
EST/USA; Web seminar link:
3. Other Written assignments
• Blackboard assignments 15 points (3)= 5 points each for assignment 1 for
• Súarez Orozco Study Overview-(Use Súarez Orozco Overview form on Blackboard)
10 points
• Your final Research Proposal-(Use Research Proposal form on Blackboard )
20 points
Response sheets for your peers research presentations. Following the form posted
on Blackboard fill in the problem/purpose/rationale, research question(s), setting,
participants, research methodology, and findings for your peers’ presentations.
5 points
4. Power Point presentations
• Súarez-Orozco, Súarez-Orozco and Todorova Portraits- (group) 10 points This
five year longitudinal study is not action research but contains important
information on newly arrived immigrants and their struggles in schools. The
portraits of students provide examples of case studies and the results of this study
are important. (20 minutes)
• Research Presentation (individual) 15- points Following the Research Proposal
categories you will present your research individually and the results. (15 minutes)
5. E-mail -It will be necessary to check your e-mail weekly to read a letter from your
professor either clarifying or reminding you of assignments. In addition, there will be times
that an e-mail response from you may be required.
Check your e-mail weekly for reminders and messages from the professor.
Attendance and participation
Research design
Research presentation
Global Literacies Reserach Summaries
Blackboard assignments
Suárez Orozco et al Overview
Súarez Orozco et al. Portraits Presentation
Research Summaries of Peers
A Outstanding scholarship. Performance that significantly exceeds the requirements
and qualitative expectations of the course. Superior mastery of subject matter. Initiative
and self-direction leading to significant study and related activity beyond course
B Good Scholarship. Performance that fully meets all the requirements and qualitative
expectations of the Course. Solid mastery of subject matter.
C Marginal Scholarship. Performance that meets the requirements and qualitative
expectations of the course but does not indicate solid mastery.
Note: The grading system for UTB has changed so we now have an Alphanumeric
system. Please go to this link to see how this works. It is summarized below.
Partial evaluations will be made with numbers (exams, tests, papers, presentations and
so on). Letter grades of “A” through “F” (course final grade) will be awarded based on
the following scale:
A+ 98-100
A 93-97
A- 90-92
B+ 88-89
B 83-87
B- 80-82
C+ 78-79
C 73-77
C- 70-72
D+ 68-69
D 63-67
D – 60-62
F 0-59
Incomplete Grades: A grade of Incomplete (I) may be given at the discretion of the
instructor to a student who has been unable to complete the course requirements due
to a serious interruption not caused by the student’s own negligence.
UTB/TSC monitors academic progress every fall and spring semesters to identify
those students who are experiencing difficulty with their courses. Satisfactory
Academic Progress (Sap) is based upon two components: GPA of 2.0 or higher and
successful course completion of at least 70% of couse work attempted. Students
remain in good standing with the university and Financial Aid when both criteria
are met. Students who do not maintain these required minimum standards will be
placed on probation or suspension as appropriate. The complete Satisfactory
Academic Progress policy and the Undergraduate Satisfactory Academic Progress
for Financial Aid policy can be found in the current Undergraduate catalog. For
more information, please visit http://blue.utb.edu/vpaa/sap
Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties,
including the possibility of failure in the course and expulsion from the University.
Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion,
submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in
part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed
to be unfair advantage to a student, or the attempt to commit such acts. Since
scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the
University, Policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforce. (Board of
Regents Rules and Regulations)
Students are expected to be diligent in their studies and attend class regularly and
on time. Students are responsible for all class work and assignments. On
recommendation of the instructor concerned and with the approval of the Dean,
students may, at anytime, be dropped from course. This may result in a “w” or “F”
on the student’s permanent record.
In compliance with the Emergency UTB/TSC Academic continuity Program,
academic course, partially or entirely, will be made available on the MyUTBTSC
Blackboard course management system. This allows faculty members and students
to continue their teaching and learning via MyUTBTSC Blackboard
http://myutbtscblacboard.com, in case the university shuts down as a result of a
hurricane or any other natural disaster.
The university will use MyUTBTSC Blackboard to post announcements notifying
faculty members and students of their responsibilities as a hurricane approaches
our region. If the university is forced to shut down, faculty will notify their
course(s). To receive credit for a course, it is the student’s responsibility to
complete all requirements for that course. Failure to access course materials once
reasonably possible can result in a reduction of your overall grade in the class.
To facilitate the completion of class, most or all of the communication between
students and the institution, the instructor, and fellow classmates will take place
using the features in your MyUTBTSC Blackboard and UTB email system. Therefore,
all students must use Scorpion Online to provide a current email address. Students
may update their email address by following the like titled “Validate your e-Mail
Account” in MyUTBTSC Blackboard Portal. In the event of a disaster, that disrupts
normal operations, all students and faculty must make every effort to access an
internet-enabled computer as often as possible to continue the learning process.
Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wish to request
accommodations in this class should notify the Disability Services Office early in the
semester so that the appropriate arrangements may be made. In accordance with
federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of
his/her disability to the Disability Services counselor. Fro more information, visit
Disability Services in the Lightner Center, call 956-882-7374, or e-mail
[email protected].
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