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THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT BROWNSVILLE and TEXAS SOUTHMOST COLLEGE Fall 2011 Syllabus COURSE: COUN 6310 - Introduction to Guidance Tuesday, 4:15-7:05 p.m., EDBC 2.222 INSTRUCTOR: Alma G. Leal, Ed.D., LPC, LMFT, NCC, CSC REQUIRED TEXT: Gladding, S. T. (2009). Counseling: A comprehensive profession. (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson. Texas Education Agency. A Guide for Program Development Pre-K-12th Grade (A Model Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools), 4th Edition (Revised 2004). OFFICE PHONE/E-MAIL: (956) 882-7672 [email protected] OFFICE LOCATION: EDBC 1.110 OFFICE HOURS: Monday 2:30-4:00 p.m. Tuesday 2:30-4:00 p.m. Wednesday 4:00-6:00 p.m. Other times by appointment only Attendance Policy Prompt and regular attendance is expected. The student may be asked to drop the class after one absence. Tardiness of fifteen (15) minutes or more will be considered an absence. Students leaving early before class is dismissed will also be considered absent. Make-up Policy The student should, if possible, make arrangements in advance for make-up work. If advance notice is not possible, arrangements can be made with the instructor for make-up work provided the absence is explained and legitimate, i.e. sickness; death in family, etc. Anyone who is absent whenever materials are distributed in class must make arrangements to pick up these materials at the instructor's office. Course Description Philosophy, principles, and current practices of pupil guidance. Pupils' social, emotional, intellectual and attitudinal dimensions are explored. Group guidance and individual COUN 6310, page 2 counseling techniques that apply in public schools are studied through lectures, discussions and class participation. This course also introduces the student to the field of counseling and guidance, as well as the major theories of counseling. The student will develop an awareness of the guidance services and the role identity of the counselor. Knowledge of the development of counseling and the present state of the profession will be acquired. The students will understand the importance of personal qualifications and professional preparation standards for counselors. Students will begin to evaluate the self in relation to these qualifications and standards. The course also presents an overview of the purposes and objectives of professional organizations. Also included in the course is an in-depth study of ethical standards and legal issues pertaining to the counseling profession. Student Academic Outcomes: Students will CACREP Standards: Common Core=K School Counseling=SC Community Counseling=CC ________________________________________________________________________ 1.Understand how certain factors and events have shaped the counseling profession by becoming familiar with the history and philosophy of the counseling profession. K.1.a, SC.A.1, CC.A.1 2. Define the counselor’s professional roles, functions, and relationships with other human service providers. K.1.b, CC.A.2, CC.B.1 3. Demonstrate technological competence and computer literacy in exploring counseling websites, doing research and presentations and providing counseling, guidance and consultation. K.1.c, K.5.f 4. Identify professional organizations related to counseling and their objectives, benefits, activities, services and current emphasis. K.1.d 5. Distinguish between professional credentialing, certification, licensure, and accreditation. K.1.e COUN 6310, page 3 6. Understand the role of professional counselors in advocating for the counseling profession, addressing social justice issues and removing barriers that affect clients. 7. Compare and contrast ethical standards and legal issues related to professional counseling. K.1.f, K.1.g, SC.B.1 K.1.h, K.5.g, SC.A.11, CC.A. CC.A.4 8. Explain critical issues in Multicultural Counseling and strategies or understanding and working with diverse populations. K.2.a 9. Describe strategies in for addressing the characteristics and needs of diverse populations that can benefit from counseling. K.2.c 10. Develop an awareness of the dynamics of the counseling process and the influence of certain characteristics and behaviors on the helping process. K.5.a 11. Engage in introspection and begin a systematic assessment of self-strengths, weaknesses, and motivation to become a counselor. K.5.a 12. Improve their interpersonal skills. K.5.a 13. Demonstrate effective use of interviewing skills. K.5.b 14. Describe counseling theories and their view of human nature, role of the counselor, goals, techniques, strengths and limitations. K.5.c 15. Explain school counseling, the role of the school counselor, and how school counseling impacts the school setting and students pre-K-12. SC.A.2, SC.A.3, SC.A.6 16. Describe legislative issues, policies, laws, and other current issues related to School Counseling and Community Counseling. SC.A.7, CC.A.3 COUN 6310, page 4 17. Understand the school counselor's role in working with parents, school personnel, and the community in addressing student needs and implementing a comprehensive, developmental counseling and guidance program in the schools. SC.B.2 18. Describe the functions and objectives of comprehensive, developmental counseling and guidance programs in the schools and how they impact on students’ academic, social, emotional, career and developmental needs. SC.C.3.d CACREP Core Standards Addressed K.1.a History and philosophy of the counseling profession, including significant factors and events. K.1.b Professional roles, functions, and relationships with other human service providers. K.1.c Technological competence and computer literacy. K.1.d Professional organizations, primarily ACA, its divisions, branches, and affiliates, Including membership benefits, activities, services to members, and current emphasis. K.1.e Professional credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issues. K.1.f Public and private policy processes, including the role of the professional counselor in advocating on behalf of the profession. K.1.h Ethical standards of ACA and related entities, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling. K.5.b An understanding of essential interviewing and counseling skills so that the student is able to develop a therapeutic relationship, establish appropriate counseling goals, design intervention strategies, evaluate client outcome, and successfully terminate the counselor-client relationship. Studies will also facilitate student self-awareness so that the counselor-client relationship is therapeutic and the counselor maintains appropriate professional boundaries. K.5.g Ethical and legal considerations. CACREP School Counseling Standards Addressed A.3 A.11 B.1 role, function, and professional identity of the school counselor in relation to the roles of other professional and support personnel in the school. ethical and legal considerations related specifically to the practice of school counseling (e.g., the ACA Code of Ethics and the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors). advocacy for all students and for effective school counseling programs. COUN 6310, page 5 CACREP Community Counseling Standards Addressed A.2. roles, functions, preparation standards, credentialing, licensure and professional identity of community counselors. A.4 ethical and legal considerations specifically related to the practice of community counseling (e.g., the ACA Code of Ethics). B.1 the roles of community counselors in various practice settings and the relationships between counselors and other professionals in these settings. Methods 1. Lectures 2. Discussions and demonstrations of counseling 3. Exploration of counseling websites and use of technology 4. Reports to class 5. Readings from textbook, professional books and journals 6. Counseling interviews with peers and others 7. Analysis of counseling sessions 8. Self-awareness/exploration activities 9. Group activities 10. Research papers 11. Examinations Requirements 1. A typed research report (APA style) is required. The emphasis of this paper will be on a topic related to counseling applications (e.g., counseling children of divorced parents, counseling adolescent females with eating disorders; counseling children who are abused). Formal rules of writing are to be followed. An abstract of the research, the bibliography, and listing of sources for additional information should be provided to each student in class. Topics must be approved by the instructor and copies of journal articles must be submitted with the report. Any other sources used such as books must be available upon request by the instructor. Staple all materials together. Do not use folders, envelopes, etc. Only professional sources should be used (minimum of eight). Include current sources. Each student will be required to give a short presentation on the research report to the class. CACREP Standards: K.2.c, K.1.c, K.5.f 2. A journal may to be kept by each student recording insights, self-analysis, responses to self-awareness activities, strengths, weaknesses, feedback, etc. Each student will submit a self-evaluation report. COUN 6310, page 6 CACREP Standards: K.5.a 3. Each student will engage in a minimum of two counseling sessions with clients. These sessions are to be recorded on audio cassettes and critiqued in class. A typed summary of each session must be submitted with each counseling tape. Please adhere to the following instructions: a. Tapes should be approximately 45-50 minutes. b. Label all tapes and containers with your name, date, a client name or code, and the course number. Submit the tapes in containers to avoid damage to the tapes. c. You may use initials, codes, or other names for your clients to ensure confidentiality. d. Be honest. Let your clients know that tapes will be evaluated in class. A signed consent form is required for each adult, minor and his/her parent/guardian. e. Do not turn tape off and on during the session. f. Avoid distractions such as school bells, phones, and background noise. g. Check that all equipment is working including batteries. h. Use only regular size cassette tapes and choose tapes that will accommodate an entire session. i. Rewind tapes before submitting them and indicate the side the session is taped on. j. Make sure the tapes are audible before you submit them. k. It is the student's responsibility to pick up any tapes left with the instructor at the end of the semester and to dispose of them properly. CACREP Standards: K.5.a, K.5.b 4.Interview a counselor from a school or agency regarding job role, counseling approaches used, recommendations for student counselors, etc. Turn in a typed report on the information gathered. CACREP Standards: K.1.b, CC.A.2, CC.B.1 5.Students will be required to attend at least one seminar offered by the faculty of the Counseling Program. Submit a one-page reflection paper. Program Requirement 6.Students will be required to read one book each semester from the “Required Reading List for Graduate Students in Counseling & Guidance Studies,” and submit a one-page critique. Program Requirement 7. Mid-term and Final exams will be given. COUN 6310, page 7 No final course grades will be given over the phone or through e-mail. The mid-term exam will cover the following: History and Trends of Counseling, Counselor Competencies, Counseling Theories, Building, Maintaining, and Terminating Counseling, Professional Organizations, Credentialing, Certification, Licensure and Accreditation. CACREP Standards: K.1.a, K.1.d, K.1.e, K.1.h, K.5.c, K.5.g, SC.A.1, SC.A.11, CC.A.1, CC.A.4 The final exam will cover the following: School Counseling (roles, legislative issues, laws, comprehensive developmental programs, parents, educational/social/personal development of students), Mental Health and Community Counseling, Multicultural Counseling, Counseling specialties (Groups, Career, College, Marriage, Abuse/Disabilities). CACREP Standards; K.1.g, K.2.a, K.2.c, SC.A.2, SC.A.3, SC.A.6, SC.A. 7, SC.B.1, SC.B.2, SC.C.3.d, CC.A.3 10.Students are responsible for reading and becoming familiar with all the material included in the textbook, handouts, and assigned outside readings whether covered in class or not. 11.Class participation is an important component of the course. Students are expected to contribute to discussions, engage in experiential activities, provide each other feedback, do a presentation on the research project, attend a seminar, read a book from the reading list, and participate in other activities as assigned. Evaluation and Grading A systematic and periodic assessment of students' interpersonal skills (as demonstrated on the counseling tapes) will be conducted. Feedback sessions will provide students with specific and concrete feedback on their performance with suggestions for improvement. Students will provide feedback to each other during critiquing sessions. Students will learn to recognize and rate, and be rated, on the various interpersonal skills. A systematic rating procedure will be explained. As far as possible, specific performance criteria will be presented. However, the very nature of counseling is subjective and even though many specific competencies will be demonstrated, the overall performance requires a subjective judgment as to appropriateness, timing, and intensity. Therefore, a judgment by the instructor as to the quality of the student's performance will be necessary. COUN 6310, page 8 Students will also be evaluated on the research report related to counseling applications. It will be graded according to comprehensiveness, presentation, coherence, style (APA), format, and organization of material. Include the following: Introduction, target population and characteristics, statistics related to this population, individual and group counseling techniques, (counseling strategies, and approaches used with this population), findings and results related to these counseling approaches, conclusions and recommendations. The counselor interview, class participation, the self-evaluation, attendance at seminar(s), readings from the required reading list and other assigned activities will also be considered in evaluating students. Mid-term and final exam grades will also be used in the evaluation. Grades will be determined according to the student’s performance on the requirements for this course. The grading system will be based on the following weight distribution with a possible total of 100%. The Grading Scale is as follows: A=90-100; B=80-89; C=70-79; D=60-69; F=to any grade below a 60. Activity Outcomes Assessed Weight Counseling sessions (audio cassette tapes) 10, 12, 13 20% Research Report 3, 9 20% Mid - Term Exam 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 14 25% Final Exam 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18 25% Counseling Interview 2 05% Participation (discussion, feedback, activities, journal, presentation, seminars, book(s) read, self-evaluation, etc.) 11 05% Should the student be allowed to remain in class after one absence because of extenuating circumstances, five (5) points will be taken off the final course grade for each additional absence after the first absence (includes leaving early before class is dismissed). Two (2) points will be taken off for each tardy less than15 minutes and five (5) points for tardies 15 minutes or more. COUN 6310, page 9 All work submitted must be typed. Staple assignment pages together. Do not use folders or notebooks. Academic honesty and ethical behavior are expected and required. Students are required to do their own work. All telephones and beepers must be turned off during class. For emergency cases or other important situations, see your instructor before class begins. Instructional Modifications: Students with disabilities who need reasonable modifications to complete assignments successfully and otherwise satisfy course criteria are encouraged to meet with the instructor early in the semester to identify and plan specific accommodations. Students may be asked to provide documentation on their disability, which will assist in planning modifications. UTB/TSC offers Disability Services through the Counseling Center. To request services, contact the Counseling Center or see your instructor after class. Copyright Statement: Unauthorized photocopying of copyrighted works, including musical works, may be unlawful and may infringe the copyright of the copyright owner. Students in possession of unauthorized duplications of copyrighted material are subject to appropriate disciplinary action as well as those civil remedies and criminal penalties provided by federal law. Syllabus Disclaimer: While the provisions of this syllabus are as accurate and complete as possible, the instructor reserves the right to change any provision herein, not covered by UTB/TSC HOOP or UT Regent Rules, with notice if circumstances so warrant. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of such changes and information about such changes will be available at all times from the instructor. It is the responsibility of each student to know what changes, if any, have been made to the provisions of this syllabus and to successfully complete the requirements of this course. Questions regarding information on the syllabus and course requirements need to be addressed by students when the syllabus is received. Student Responsibility: The student is ultimately responsible for becoming familiar with all program, academic and university requirements and information described in the graduate catalog the student is following to complete the M.Ed. in Counseling & Guidance. The student is also responsible for becoming familiar with any certification and licensure requirements, application processes and deadlines that apply to him/her. Due to the nature of the course, absolutely no recording is allowed. Use of laptops must be limited to class-related activities. Please do not use laptops for e-mail, Facebook, to complete assignments, etc. during class. COUN 6310, page 10 Tentative Course Schedule Date Week 1 8/23 Topics & Readings Assignments Due Chapter 1History of Counseling Topics: Review syllabi; History/Trends of Counseling; Definitions; Philosophy; Using Technology Week 2 8/30 Chapter 2 Personal/Professional Aspects Chapter 6 Building Counseling Relationship Chapter 7 Working Counseling Relationship Chapter 8 Terminating Counseling Videotapes: Attending Skills Topics: Program/professional orientation; Professional roles; Interpersonal Skills—Listening and Empathy; Initiating, Maintaining, Terminating Counseling Week 3 9/6 Continue Chapters 2, 6, 7, 8 Counseling Tapes and Empathy Week 4 9/13 Chapter 2 Professional Counseling Chapter 3 Ethics & Legal Aspects ACA Website; Advocacy Competencies, Code of Ethics AMCD Website: Multicultural Competencies Topics: Professional organizations; Credentialing; Ethical & Legal Issues Week 5 9/20 Chapter 3 Ethics and Legal Aspects Topics: Ethics/Legal Issues Ethics Scenarios Counseling Interview COUN 6310, page 11 Week 6 9/27 Chapter 3 Ethics & Legal Aspects Chapter 611 Health & Safety Code; FERPA; Texas Family Code; NBCC website: Internet Counseling Topics: Ethics and legal issues Week 7 10/4 Chapter 9 Psychoanalytic/Humanistic Theories Chapter 10 Behavioral/Cognitive Theories Topic: Counseling Theories 2 Counseling sessions Week 8 10/11 Chapter 9, 10 (cont’d) Topic: Counseling Theories Week 9 10/18 Mid-term Exam Week 10 10/25 Chapter 17 Professional School Counseling Texas Education Code, Chapter 33 TEA Guide for Program Development, Pre-K-12th Grade, The ASCA National Model, Topics: School Counseling; Roles; Comprehensive Developmental Models; Students’ Academic/ Social/Emotional/Career Developmental needs Week 11 11/1 Chapters 4 Counseling in Multicultural Society Chapter 5 Counseling Diverse Populations ACA website: Multicultural Competencies ACA/AMCD website: Advocacy Competencies, Ethics Research Sue & Sue (2008): Counseling Report the Culturally Diverse Videotapes: Multicultural Counseling Topics: Multicultural Counseling; Multicultural Competencies; Diverse Populations COUN 6310, page 12 Week 12 11/8 Continue with Week 11 on Multicultural Counseling Experiential Activity: Values Clarification Week 13 11/15 Chapters 11 Groups in Counseling Chapter 15 Career Counseling Chapter 16 Marriage/Family Counseling Chapter 18 College Counseling Chapter 19 Abuse/Disability Counseling Topics: Counseling Specialties: Community/ Mental Health Counseling, Group, Career, Marriage/Couple/Family, College, Abuse/Disability Seminar Report Week 14 11/22 Student Presentations on Counseling Diverse Populations Reading List Book Report Week 15 11/29 Student Presentations on Counseling Diverse Populations Journal Week 16 12/6 Final Exam Self-Evaluation