
e University of Texas at Brownsville Course Syllabus Course Title:

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e University of Texas at Brownsville Course Syllabus Course Title:
The University of Texas at Brownsville
Course Syllabus
Course Title:
Office Location:
Telephone Phone:
Office Hours:
EDAD 6370 Supervision of Instruction
Alejandro Garcia, Ed.D.
[email protected]
By appointment
Class Times:
Mondays and Wednesdays: 5:30 – 10:00
Class Location:
Required Materials:
Instructional Leadership Development Manual: Moving Texas
Forward (Texas Education Agency)(Revised
November 2005)
Marshall, K. (2009). Rethinking teacher supervision and
evaluation. Jossey-Bass. $22.86
Course Rationale:
Students enrolled in Supervision of Instruction will receive credit
for TEA required training: Instructional Leadership Development
(ILD). ILD is the prerequisite training to the EDAD 6397 Analysis
of Teaching Behavior (Professional Development and Appraisal
System – PDAS)
Goals of Instructional Leadership Development:
Leaders will be able to:
1. Recognize that all decisions should lead to quality learning for all students to support student achievement
and a vision that assures “Learning for All”.
2. Recognize the importance of utilizing systems thinking to make decisions.
3. Understand the role as an instructional leader in the system.
4. Apply a framework for continuous improvement to school organization and individuals in order to promote
student success.
5. Identify and utilize four critical elements in understanding and making decisions about teaching and
Standards and Competencies Covered in the Course:
TEXES Principal Competencies
Domain II of the Principal TExES covers Instructional Leadership. Competencies 4-7 are covered in this domain.
Competency 004: The principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of curricula and strategic
plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, resources and assessment; and
promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance.
Competency 005: The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and a
campus culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Competency 006: The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to improve
the performance of all staff members, select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff
development, and apply the legal requirements for personnel management.
Competency 007: The principal knows how to apply organizational decision making and problem solving skills to
ensure an effective learning environment.
Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium: Standards for School Leaders
(Council of Chief State School Officers. (1996). Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium
standards for school leaders. Washington, DC: Author. Available: www.ccsso.org/pdfs/isllcstd.pdf
Standard One: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by
facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and
supported by the school community.
Standard Two: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by
advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and
staff professional growth.
Standard Three: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by
ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning
Course Requirements and Grading for Course:
 ILD Participation/Responses (Response to ILD) Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory – 40%
Chapter Responses (Marshall)
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory – 30%
 Students read assigned chapters
 Be prepared to report on a portion of the chapter
Teacher Observation
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory - 30%
Each student will complete classroom observation(s) utilizing observation instrument
Course Evaluation:
This course is pass/fail. Successful completion of all portions are required for a passing grade.
Pass – Satisfactory completion of the assignments.
Fail – Unsatisfactory completion of the assignments
Attendance and Class work Policy:
 Student attendance in class is a state requirement for ILD certification. Attendance at all sessions is
mandatory in order for recommendation for state certification.
Three tardies will be considered a course absence and will also result in failure to be recommended
for certification.
It is the expectation that all assignments be turned in on the date assigned.
Instructional Modifications:
Any student with special needs whose presence in the classroom requires the modification of the
Course presentation of requirements should submit a written request to that effect within the first two class
periods. The student may also wish to consult with the Counseling Center and/or the Director
of Student Services, Tandy Hall, for further assistance.
Syllabus Disclaimer:
While the provisions of this syllabus are as accurate and complete as possible, the instructor reserves the
right to change any provision herein, not covered by UTB/TSC HOOP or UT Regents Rules, with notice if
circumstances so warrant. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of such changes and
information about such changes will be available at all times from the instructor. It is the responsibility of
each student to know what changes if any, have been made to the provisions of this syllabus and to
successfully complete the requirements of this course. Questions regarding information on the syllabus
and course requirements need to be addressed by the students when the syllabus is received.
UTB/TSC Student Academic Rights and Responsibilities:
Please refer to the UTB/TSC student handbook for the students’ academic rights and responsibilities. It is available
on line at the UTB /TSC website under the students’ section.
Tentative Schedule
June 7
Review of course syllabus
Overview of Assignments and Rubrics: Class
responses/participation, Teacher Interview, Mid-Term, Final, &
Overview of ILD (Slides/Manual/Responses)
Supervision as a dimension of instructional leadership (ILD)
Effective Schools Research
Lone Star M.S. Simulation
ILD Framework
-ILD manual
-Marshall, Introduction
Marshall, Introduction
June 6
June 11
Mon day
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment, Introduction
-ILD manual
Marshall, Chapter 1
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment, Part I,
o Thinking at high cognitive levels
o Making connections
o Varied needs and characteristics of all learners
- Marshall, Chapter 1
-ILD manual
Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment, Part II
o Assessing student progress
o Alignment of learning objectives
Marshall, Chapter 2 & 3
June 13Wednesday
 Supervision
 Introduction/Overview
Supervisory Styles
Process for Formal Observation
-Marshall, Chapter 2 & 3
-ILD manual
-Marshall, Chapter 4 & 5
June 18
June 20
Marshall, Chapter 4 & 5
 Supervision
Marshall, Chapter 6 & 7
 Supervision
Process for Formal Observation, Cont.
Marshall, Chapter 8
-Marshall, Chapters 6 & 7
-ILD manual
Marshall, Chapter 8
June 25
June 27
 Supervision, Cont.
Marshall, Chapter 9
-ILD manual
DUE: Teacher
Professional Development
-ILD manual
July 9
Communication/Community Partnerships
Organizational Management (Turn in all assignments)
July 11
Catch – up, Closure, Fill forms, Pick up notebooks, etc.
July 2
-Marshall, Chapter 9
-ILD manual
ILD Manual
NOTE: The above is a tentative outline. Some sessions may run more or less and thus
adjustments will have to be made.
There will be no class on July 4.
Attachment to Syllabus
The Attachment to the Syllabus includes handouts, individual and group assignments and
other information pertaining to the course. Be sure that they are attached to this syllabus
or look for them in the weekly modules on Blackboard
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