CENTER FOR PARTNERSHIP MEETING MEETING DATE February 2, 2013 MEETING TIME 1:00-3:00 NOTE TAKER Allison Rapp ATTENDEES Denice Skelton, John Haas, Becky Krystyniak, John Eller, Scott Staska, Osman Alawiye, Eric Williams, Rob Galler, Joanne Johnson ABSENT Dan Gregory, Mindi Jenson, Jim Johnson, Beth Mann & George Nolan, Agenda topics WELCOME, AGENDA REVIEW, DISCUSSION NORMS DENICE SKELTON Reviewed the meeting norms, binder contents and discussed the need to change the March 22 nd meeting date. The Charges and progress were not discussed as a group. The team was referred to their binder to utilize the charges as needed during the completion of the service by stakeholder matrix session. DISCUSSION ACTION ITEMS nd The March 22 meeting needs to be rescheduled due to other meetings that same week. PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Denice Skelton As soon as possible COMPLETE SERVICES MATRIX DENICE SKELTON The group was divided into 3 teams and each team was assigned 3 services to work on. The teams were to identify the service information by stakeholder. Each team posted their service matrix for review. The teams then had an opportunity to review the other team’s work and add additional comments and thoughts. Then, as a whole group, all of the team’s work was reviewed along with the additional comments & thoughts. All of the team’s work will be incorporated into the Services by Stakeholder Matrix (st arted at the January 18, 2013 meeting). Scott Staska shared the matrix format he created. This is another way to look at the stakeholder matrix. The team will review prior to the next meeting. DISCUSSION ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE All of the flip chart notes for the stakeholder analysis will be incorporated into the Services by Stakeholder Matrix and shared with the team. Denice Skelton Week of February 11, 2013 MEETING SCHEDULE DISCUSSION DENICE SKELTON Doodle poll will be sent out for the following: Reschedule March 22 nd meeting Schedule April & May meeting dates ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Send out doodle polls Denice Skelton February 8, 2013 OBSERVERS Michael Dwyer, Guy Gahungu & Kaitlyn Hartzell RESOURCE PERSONS None SPECIAL NOTES FOR TPI OFFICE MANAGER None