
Document 2378229

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Document 2378229
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Physics
Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics 1
‫גוריון בנגב‬-‫אוניברסיטת בן‬
‫המחלקה לפיסיקה‬
1 ‫תרמודינמיקה ומכניקה סטטיסטית‬
Exercise 6 – Thermal Radiation & Planck Distribution
Heat shields
A black (nonreflective) plane at temperature Tu is parallel to a black plane at temperature Tl.
The net energy flux density in vacuum between the two planes is JU   B (Tu4  Tl 4 ) , where
 B is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. A third black plane is inserted between the two and is
allowed to come to a steady state temperature Tm. Find Tm in terms of Tu and Tl, and show
that the net energy flux density is cut in half because of the presence of this plane. This is
the principle of a heat shield and is widely used to reduce radiant heat transfer.
Bonus: Calculate for N planes such that Tl  T0  T1  ...  TN  TN 1  Tu . Validate the
result from the first part of the problem
Surface temperature of the sun
The value of the total radiant energy flux density at the Earth from the Sun normal to the
incident rays is called the solar constant of the Earth. The observed value integrated over all
emission wavelengths and referred to the mean Earth-Sun distance is 0.136J/s/cm2.
a. Show that the total rate of energy generation of the Sun is 4 x 1026J/s
b. From this result and using the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, calculate the effective
temperature of the Sun treated as a black body
Take the distance of the Earth from the Sun as 1.5 x 1013cm and the radius of the Sun as 7 x
Surface temperature of the Earth
Calculate the temperature of the surface of the Earth on the assumption that as a black body
in thermal equilibrium it reradiates as much thermal radiation as it receives from the Sun.
Assume also that the Surface of the Earth is at a constant temperature over the day-night
cycle. Use TSun  5800K , RSun  7 1010 cm and the Earth-Sun distance of 1.5 10 cm .
Bonus: Consider a satellite orbiting Earth at height h from the center of the Earth. The
satellite is equipped with solar panels of surface area A pointed directly at the Sun. Find the
temperature of the solar panels as a function of h and α, the emissivity of the back of the
panel (0<α<1 is the fraction of the absorbed energy emitted out of the back of the panel)
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Physics
Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics 1
‫גוריון בנגב‬-‫אוניברסיטת בן‬
‫המחלקה לפיסיקה‬
1 ‫תרמודינמיקה ומכניקה סטטיסטית‬
Age of the Sun
Suppose 4 x 1026J/s is the total rate at which the Sun radiates energy at the present time.
a. Find the total energy of the Sun available for radiation, on the rough assumptions
that the energy source is the conversion of hydrogen (atomic weight 1.0078) to
helium (atomic weight 4.0026) and that the reaction stops when 10% of the original
hydrogen has been converted to helium. Use the Einstein relation E  (m)c 2
b. Use (a) to estimate the life expectancy of the Sun
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