
Elena Pavan

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Elena Pavan
European skills passport
Elena Pavan
Elena Pavan
Department of Sociology and Social Research (University of Trento)
(+39) 0461 28 1378
[email protected]
Skype helena_p.
Sex Female | Date of birth 14/05/1980 | Nationality Italian
Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research
University of Trento
Dissertation: Transnational Communication Networks on Internet Governance. Mapping an emerging
field. Supervisor: Prof. Mario Diani
M.A. Communication Science (Laurea vecchio ordinamento)
University of Padova, Padova (Italy)
Dissertation: The Right to Communicate. Analysis of an ongoing debate. Supervisor: Prof. Gianni
Final Grade: 110/110 magna cum laude
Seminar on research design and online networks – analysis through
NodeXL and TNet
Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis, University of Manchester, Manchester (United Kingdom)
Advanced course on the use of the software TALTAC2 for
automated lexicon content analysis
Dipartimento di studi Geoeconomici linguistici statistici storici per l'analisi regionale, Università La
Sapienza, Roma (Italy)
Basic course on the use of the software TALTAC2 for automated
lexicon content analysis
CITICoRD, Centro Interateneo per le Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione nella
Ricerca e nella Didattica, University La Sapienza, Roma (Italy)
Advanced Social Network Analysis Course
University of Essex, Essex (United Kingdom)
Seminar on online thematic networks mapping through the Issue
Crawler software
University of Trento, Trento (Italy)
26/11/2014 – Ministry of Education and Research, Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Associate
Professor, Disciplinary Sector 14/C1 (General Sociology, Juridical Sociology, Political Sociology). Valid
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Elena Pavan
Through 26/11/2020.
Research Associate (Collaborazione Coordinata e Continuativa)
Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, Trento (Italy)
▪ Coordination and realization of the project “MADRE” for the mapping and the study of the online
and offline public discourse on equal opportunities
Project funded by Provincia Autonoma di Trento – Ufficio per le politiche di pari opportunità e
conciliazione vita-lavoro, Bando per Realizzazione Progetti di Pari opportunità tra Donna e Uomo
Research Associate (Prestazione Occasionale)
Faculty of Law, University of Trento, Trento (Italy)
▪ Support of research activities on the automatic identification of identity frauds
Post-Doctoral Fellow (Assegno di Ricerca)
Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, Trento (Italy)
▪ Coordination and realization of the project “REACtION” for the design and the application of a
theoretical and empirical multi-disciplinary framework to study collective action networks between
online and offline dimensions.
Project funded by Provincia Autonoma di Trento – Bando Post-doc 2011
Research Associate (Prestazione Occasionale)
Department of Political and Juridical Sciences and International Studies (DSPGI), University of
Padova, Padova (Italy)
▪ Gathering, organization and analysis of relational data for the reconstruction of social and semantic
networks online and offline in the field of Gender-oriented Communication Governance.
Post-Doctoral Fellow (Borsista Post-Doc)
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), University of Trento, Trento
▪ Interdisciplinary study of online interactional patterns;
▪ Exploration of mechanisms to stimulate the use of ICTs for constructing,
maintaining and scaling social relations (with specific reference to interactions designs projects
pursued by the Department);
▪ Development of systematic theoretical and empirical frameworks of analysis to
address the challenges posed by large-scale problem solving activities (with
specific reference to the restructuration of the public sphere).
Post-Doctoral Fellow (Assegno di Ricerca)
Department of Sociology and Social Research (DSRS), University of Trento, Trento (Italy)
▪ Coordination and development of research activities for the “Expertises and Competences Service
for Monitoring, Data gathering, Experimental Researches, Elaboration and Implementation of an
Information System to support the activation of an Observatory on Trafficking in Human Beings
(THB)” for the Department for Equal Opportunities, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
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European skills passport
Elena Pavan
Research Associate (Borsa di Studio a progetto)
Transcrime, Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore e
Università di Trento
▪ Research activities for the “Expertises and Competences Service for Monitoring, Data gathering,
Experimental Researches, Elaboration and Implementation of an Information System to support
the activation of an Observatory on Trafficking in Human Beings (THB)” for the Department for
Equal Opportunities, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
Research Assistant (Prestazione Occasionale)
Department of Sociology and Social Research (DSRS), University of Trento, Trento (Italy)
Research within the project “Transnational Movements Networks and governance processes
transformations: the Internet Governance case”
Specific activities:
▪ Social and semantic networks data gathering;
▪ Social and semantic networks analysis;
▪ Lexicon context analysis of documents.
Research Assistant (Prestazione Occasionale)
Department of Historical and Political Studies, University of Padova, Padova (Italy)
▪ Research within the project “Communication Rights between local and global”
▪ Specific activities: Social, semantic and online thematic networks data gathering and elaboration
Visiting Fellow
SONIC Laboratory - Advancing the Science of Networks in Communities, Northwestern University,
Evanston (IL) (United States)
▪ Research activity on the nexus between social media and collective action dynamics in network
Visiting Scholar
School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Boulder University, Boulder (CO) (United States)
▪ Theoretical framework design for the analysis of Internet governance through a network approach;
▪ Research in political communication and public opinion; media, development and globalization;
discourse analysis.
Other Collaborations
Research Associate (Prestazione Occasionale)
University of Liverpool (UK)
▪ Illustration of theoretical and methodological aspects in the management of data about gender
representation in the context of the project “Study on Area J of the Beijing Platform for Action:
Women and the Media in the European Union”
Research Associate (Prestazione Occasionale)
Institute for Advanced Studies, Wien (Austria)
▪ Analysis of websites online networks of the extreme right in Europe and the US;
▪ Analysis of policy network in the field of health in the region of Tuscany.
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European skills passport
Elena Pavan
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Organisational / managerial skills
▪ Mastery of different research methods and techniques
▪ Marked capacity for multi-disciplinary analysis and reflection (sociology, network science and
analysis, criminology, political science, statistics, computer science)
▪ Marked sense of organization and respect of deadlines
Job-related skills
▪ High teamwork skills
▪ Ability to handle stress and perseverance in overcoming obstacles
▪ Good ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding work relationships based on
cooperation and in preventing, managing, and resolving interpersonal conflicts
▪ Ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through experience abroad
Computer skills
▪ Good command of Microsoft and Mac OS
▪ Good command of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™)
▪ Good command of network analysis tools (UCINET, NetDraw and NodeXL for network analysis;
Issue Crawler for online network analysis)
▪ Good command of Digital Methods Tools of the Digital Method Initiative for online analysis
▪ Good command of automatic lexicon-content analysis tools for discourse analysis (TALTAC2)
▪ Basic command of the software GEPHI for network analysis
▪ Basic command of SPSS for statistical analysis
Books and Ebooks
Pavan, Elena. (in press). La Network Analysis con NodeXL. Milano: Franco Angeli. [ISBN 978-88917-2721-3; Contract number: CIG XEF14AA0A2].
Bazzarin, Valentina and Elena Pavan. 2013. Medicina 2.0. Comunicare la salute via social media.
Cagliari: Prometeo Edizioni [ISBN 978-88-903376-6-6].
Pavan, Elena. 2012. Frames and Connections in the Governance of Global Communications. A
network study of the Internet Governance Forum. Lanham MD: Lexington Books [ISBN 978-07391-4643-9 (hard cover); ISBN 978-0-7391-9059-3 (paperback); ISBN 978-0-7391-4645-3
Book Chapters and
Encyclopedia items
Padovani, Claudia and Elena Pavan. 2015. “Networks and Power in Gender-oriented
Communication Governance. Linking Theory to Empirical Explorations.” In N. Chitty and Luo Qing
(edited by) China, USA and the World - Theatres of Soft Power, pp. 36-62. [ISBN: 978-7-56571260-9].
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Elena Pavan
Pavan, Elena. 2014. “Politics and Social Networks”. In R. Alhajj and J. Rokne (edited by)
Encyclopedia on Social Network Analysis and Mining, New York: Springer-Verlag, pp 1893-1901
[ISBN 978-1-4614-6169-2].
Padovani, Claudia and Elena Pavan. 2011. “Actors and interactions in Global Communication
Governance: the heuristic potential of a network approach.” In R. Mansell and M. Raboy (edited by)
The handbook of global media and communication policy, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 543563 [ISBN 978-1-4051-9871-4].
Padovani, Claudia and Elena Pavan. 2009. “The Emerging Global Movement on Communication
Rights: a New Stakeholder in Global Governance? Converging at WSIS but Looking beyond.” In L.
Stein, D. Kidd & C. Rodriguez (edited by) Making Our Media: Mapping Global Initiatives toward a
Democratic Public Sphere, Vol. II, Cresskill: Hampton Press, pp. 223-242 [ISBN 978-1-57273-7952].
Padovani, Claudia and Elena Pavan. 2009. “Information Networks, Internet Governance and
Innovation in World Politics”. In F. Amoretti (edited by), Electronic Constitution: Social, Cultural, and
Political Implications, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 154-173 [ISBN 978-1-60566-254-1].
Padovani, Claudia & Elena Pavan. 2007. “Diversity Reconsidered in a Global Multi-Stakeholder
Environment: Insights from the Online World” in W. Kleinwächter (edited by) The Power of Ideas:
Internet Governance in a Global Multistakeholder Environment, Berlin: Germany Land of Ideas,
2007, pp. 99-109.
Journal Special
Eggert, Nina and Elena Pavan (eds.) (2014) Mobilization: An International Journal – Special issue
on “Researching Collective Action through Networks: Taking Stock and Looking Forward”, volume
19(4): 363-465 [ISSN: 1086-671X].
Journal Articles
Padovani, Claudia and Elena Pavan. (in press). “Global Governance and ICTs. Exploring online
governance networks around Gender and Media”, Global Networks [ISSN: 1470-2266].
Pavan, Elena. 2015 “#takebachthetech and #WhatAreYouDoingAboutVAW. Reclaiming ICTs and
soliciting stakeholders responsibility to end violence against women”. Feminist Media Studies,
volume 15(1): 159-162 [ISSN: 1468-0777].
Pavan, Elena. 2014. “Embedding Digital Communications within Collective Action Networks. A
Multidimensional Network Approach”. Mobilization: An International Journal, 19(4):441-455 [ISSN:
Eggert, Nina and Elena Pavan. 2014. “Researching Collective Action Through Networks: Taking
Stock and Looking Forward”. Mobilization: An International Journal, 19(4): 363-368 [ISSN: 1086671X].
Pavan, Elena. 2013. “Collective action and Web 2.0. An exploratory network analysis of Twitter use
during campaigns”. Sociologica 3/2013. Bologna: Il Mulino [ISSN: 1971-8853].
Pavan, Elena. 2013. “Studying the nexus between collective action dynamics and the web 2.0 a
continuous learning experience. A reply to comments”. Sociologica 3/2013. Bologna: Il Mulino
[ISSN: 1971-8853].
Pavan, Elena. 2012. “Il capitale sociale nelle reti online. Considerazioni preliminari e tecniche di
analisi”. In-Formazione, volume 9: 46-49. [ISSN: 1970-6723].
Padovani, Claudia and Elena Pavan. 2012. “Networks and Power in Gender-oriented
Communication Governance. Towards a systematic analytic framework”. In Derecho a Comunicar,
issue 4:1-20 [ISSN: 2007-137X].
Padovani, Claudia, Francesca Musiani and Elena Pavan. 2010. “Investigating Evolving Discourses
on Human Rights in The Digital Age: Emerging norms and policy challenges.” The International
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Elena Pavan
Communication Gazette, 72(4–5): 359–378 [ISSN: 1748–0485].
Padovani, Claudia, Francesca Musiani and Elena Pavan. 2010. “I diritti umani nell’età digitale:
concetti in evoluzione e norme emergenti nel contesto transnazionale.” Politica del Diritto, Vol. XLI
n.3/2010: 391-418 [ISSN: 0032-3063].
Pavan, Elena and Claudia Padovani. 2009. “Reti di informazione, governance di Internet e
innovazione nella politica mondiale.” Quaderni di Sociologia, volume LIII, n.49/2009: 61-80 [ISSN:
Padovani, Claudia and Elena Pavan. 2009. “Fra reti tematiche e reti sociali. Un ritratto delle
mobilitazioni sui diritti di comunicazione in Italia.” Quaderni di Sociologia volume LIII, n.49/2009: 1142 [ISSN: 0033-4952].
Pavan, Elena Max Senges and Konstantinos Komaitis. 2009. “Towards a humanistic conception of
cybespace. A twofold challenge foe netizens mobilizing for a democratic Internet governance.”
Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, XV: 169-182 [ISSN 1584-0409].
Book Reviews
Pavan, Elena (forthcoming 2015). “The cement of civil society. Foundations for a more genuine
understanding of online collective action.” Partecipazione e Conflitto [ISSN: 1972-7623].
Referred Conference
Padovani, Claudia and Elena Pavan. 2012. “International Norms and Socio-Technical Systems:
Connecting Institutional and Technological Infrastructures in Governance Processes”. In ICT Critical
Infrastructures and Society. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Proceeding of the 10th IFIP Human Choice and Computers International Conference, Amsterdam
27-28 September 2012, pp.56-65 [ISBN: 978-3-642-33331-6, ISSN: 1868-4238].
Pavan, Elena, Mario Diani and Claudia Padovani. 2011. “Social Media for Social Innovation.
Towards a Multi-layered Analytical Framework”. In First International Workshop on Social Innovation
and Social Media (SISoM 2011), in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Weblogs
and Social Media (ICWSM-11), July 17-21, Barcelona. Workshop Technical Report WS-11-01, AAAI
Press, pp. 28-31 [ISBN: 978-1-57735-517-5].
Un-referred Conference
Pavan, Elena. 2012. “Mapping Public Interest Representation in the Information Society: A Network
Analysis Experiment”. In Proceedings of the Consumers in the Information Society: Access,
Fairness and Representation; Kuala Lumpur; 8 and 9 March 2012, pp. 217-226 [ISBN: 978-09567403-9-7].
Pavan, Elena and Mario Diani. 2010. “Structuring online and offline discursive spaces on Internet
governance. Insights from a network approach to map an emergent field”. In Proceedings of ALPIS
itAIS, Italy. Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(21). http://sprouts.aisnet.org/10-21
[ISSN: 1535-6078].
Other publications
Diani, Mario and Elena Pavan. 2014. “Social media and Social Innovation. A complex Ecology.”
R/Evolutions, 2(1): 28-34.
Pavan, Elena, Fausto Giunchiglia and David Robertson. 2012. “Social Computers help to resolve
global social challenges”. Awareness Magazine – Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems. DOI:
Research Reports
“Deliverable D4.1. Overview of regulatory and governance methodologies”, with C. Marsden and M.
Marzouki. European Network of Excellence on Internet Science, http://www.internet- science.eu
“Deliverable 6.1: Overview of user needs analysis, plus draft catalogue of design responses to
needs analysis”, European Network of Excellence on Internet Science, http://www.internetscience.eu
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Elena Pavan
“Work package: WP 1 (social network analysis on extreme right organizations), Case studies Italy,
Spain, France, England, Germany, United States”, Date: 11 May 2011, with M. Caiani. IHS Project:
The Dark Side of the Web: Patterns of Right-Wing Political Radicalization Using the Internet in
Europe and the United States, project n. 14035, funded by the ONB
“Work package: WP 1 (social network analysis on extreme right organizations), Case study Austria”,
Date: 28 December 2011, with M. Caiani. IHS Project: The Dark Side of the Web: Patterns of RightWingPolitical Radicalization Using the Internet in Europe and the United States, project n. 14035,
funded by the ONB
“Research report on development trends of human trafficking” (original title: Rapporto di ricerca
Attività 1e - Ricerche (di carattere nazionale, in aree campione, come studi di casi significativi) su
aspetti qualiquantitativi del fenomeno, con particolare attenzione alle tendenze via via emergenti
Prodotto 1.e1), Trento: Transcrime, 2010, promoted by: Department for Equal Opportunities, Italian
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
“Analysis of case studies on last development trends of human trafficking” (original title: Rapporto di
ricerca Attività 1e - Ricerche (di carattere nazionale, in aree campione, come studi di casi
significativi) su aspetti qualiquantitativi del fenomeno, con particolare attenzione alle tendenze via
via emergenti Prodotto 1.e2), Trento: Transcrime, 2010, promoted by: Department for Equal
Opportunities, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers
“Research report on improvements of evaluation procedures for projects proposals ex art. 13 L.
228/03 and ex art. 18 D.Lgs. 286/98” (original title: Relazione sintetica con suggerimenti ed
indicazioni per agevolare le procedure di valutazione delle proposte progettuali ai sensi dell’art 13
L228/03 e dell’art.18 D.Lgs 286/98, Prodotto 3.a2), Trento: Transcrime, 2010, promoted by:
Department for Equal Opportunities, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers
“Proposal for an ex post evaluation procedures of projects ex art. 13 L. 228/03 and ex art. 18 D.Lgs.
286/98” (original title: Rapporto di ricerca contenente un modello per valutare le proposte progettuali
di assistenza alle vittime ex art. 13 e art.18 e gli interventi una volta conclusi -Prodotto 3.a3), Trento:
Transcrime, 2010, promoted by: Department for Equal Opportunities, Italian Presidency of the
Council of Ministers
“Collection, sistematization and analysis of good practices developed against human traffigking at
the national and the international level” (original title: Attività 4b - Raccolta, sistematizzazione e
valorizzazione di buone pratiche sia italiane che di altri paesi -Prodotto 4.b1), Trento: Transcrime,
2010, promoted by: Department for Equal Opportunities, Italian Presidency of the Council of
“Analysis of media representations of human trafficking” (original title: Rapporto di ricerca -Attività
7.a - Rassegna ed analisi delle rappresentazioni mediatiche sul fenomeno - Prodotto 7.a1), Trento:
Transcrime, 2010, promoted by: Department for Equal Opportunities, Italian Presidency of the
Council of Ministers
Collection and analysis of data from human trafficking interventions to protect and assists human
trafficking victims” (original title: Raccolta ed elaborazione dei dati provenienti dagli specifici
interventi messi in campo per la tutela delle vittime di tratta -progetti art. 18 e art. 13, Numero Verde
- Prodotto 1.a1), with A. Di Nicola and V. Piazzera, Trento: Transcrime, 2009, promoted by:
Department for Equal Opportunities, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers
“Repertoire of training, update and cultural promotion on human trafficking” (original title: Repertorio
delle attività di formazione/aggiornamento/promozione culturale sul tema - Prodotto 6.b1), with A. Di
Nicola, Trento: Transcrime, 2009, promoted by: Department for Equal Opportunities, Italian
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
▪ A:Y. 2015/2016
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Elena Pavan
Lecturer (Insegnamento con titolarità) – New Media Research [cod. 135372]
Department of Sociology and Social Research (DSRS), University of Trento
Course: SRS(2) (Laurea Specialistica); Language: English
Lecturer (Insegnamento con titolarità) – Social Research and Digital Data [cod. 135330]
(original title: Ricerca Sociale e Dati Digitali)
Department of Sociology and Social Research (DSRS), University of Trento
Course: SOC(3) (Laurea triennale); Language: Italian
▪ A.Y. 2013/2014
Invited Lecturer – “Big Data for Social Analysis”
Course: Digital Social Data., Department of Sociology and Social Research (DSRS), University of
▪ A.Y. 2012/2013 and 2013/2014
Lecturer - Seminar on Social Media and Social Media Online Networks (Seminario di Credito)
Department of Sociology and Social Research (DSRS), University of Trento
▪ A.Y. 2013/2014
Invited Lecturer - Seminar "Introduction to social network analysis and online network analysis for
studying collective action dynamics"
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague
▪ A.Y. 2013/2014
Invited Lecturer - Seminar "The role of the online networks in the Arab springs. An introduction to
social network analysis"
First Joint Summer School on Contemporary Issues on peace, conflict and security: Building Peace
after the Arab Springs (JSS), Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques, Free University of Bruxelles,
▪ A.Y. 2013/2014
Lecturer (Insegnamento senza titolarità) - Course Research methods in Political Science [cod.135281]
Department of Sociology and Social Research (DSRS), University of Trento
▪ A.Y. 2012/2013
Invited Lecturer
Seminar "Introduction to Social Media and Social Media networks"
International Communications (Master Degree), Department of Linguistics and Literature (DISLL),
University of Padova
▪ A.Y. 2011/2012
Invited Lecturer
Seminar "Concepts and tools of Social Network Analysis"
International Communications (Master Degree), Department of Linguistics and Literature (DISLL),
University of Padova
▪ A.Y. 2011/2012
Invited Lecturer
Seminar "The network society"
Global Society and Political Cultures (Master Degree),Department of Political and Juridical Sciences
and International Studies (DSPGI), University of Padova
▪ A.Y. 2010/2011
Teaching Assistant
Data Management in the Cloud (Intensive workshop on Social Network Analysis concepts and
techniques) (Post-graduate level)
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), University fo Trento
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Elena Pavan
▪ A.Y. 2010/2011
Invited Lecturer
Seminar "Social Computer and Social Computation"
Information Systems Organizations (Master Degree), Department of Sociology and Social Research
(DSRS), University of Trento
▪ A.Y. 2009/2010
Invited Lecturer
Seminar "Thinking networks: introduction to the social network analysis approach"
Political Research Methods Course (Master Degree), Department of Sociology and Social Research
(DSRS), University of Trento
Supervision M.A. Thesis
Ongoing supervisions
“Hyperlink networks on feminicide in Italy” (original title: “Reti di hyperlink sul femminicidio in Italia”, with
prof. Mario Diani)
A.Y. 2013/2014
▪ “Violence Against Women: a network to survive. A social network analysis of the Committee for the
protection of violence victims in the Trento Province” (original title: “Violenza di genere: una rete per
uscirne. La network analysis applicata alla rete del Comitato per la tutela delle donne vittime di
violenza della Provincia Autonoma di Trento”, with Dr. Cristiano Vezzoni);
▪ “A social Science: studying science and society within digital media” (original title: “Scienza social:
studiare scienza e società nei media digitali”, with prof. Massimiliano Bucchi).
▪ September, 2nd 2014 – Winner of the grant “Projects for equal opportunities between women and
men”, issued by the Equal Opportunity Office of the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) for the
project “MADRE – MApping public DiscouRse on Equal opportunities”
▪ January, 20th, 2012 – Winner of the three years grant “post-doc 2011” issued by the Provincia
Autonoma di Trento (PAT) for the realization of the project REACtION, REti di Azione Collettiva tra
Interazioni ONline ed Offline (Collective Action Networks between Online and Offline Interactions)
for the study of the nexus between collective forms of political participation and social media use.
A.Y. 2013/2014 - present
Fellow - NEXA Center for Internet & Society, Politecnico di Torino
International Academic Conferences
▪ International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) XXXV General Conference, Panel
“Networks of Collective Action and Social Movements”;
▪ European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Panel “Social Media
and Political Networks”; Glasgow, 4-6 September;
▪ European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Panel “Linking Social
Media and Political Networks”; Bordeaux, 4-7 September;
▪ International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) XXXIII General Conference, Panel
“Online Political and Governance Networks”; Hamburg 21-26 May;
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Elena Pavan
▪ 10th IFIP Human Choice and Computers International Conference, Amsterdam 27-28 September.
▪ Human Rights and Communication, International Association for Media and Communication
Research (IAMCR); panel “Communication Policy and Technology”; working groups on “Global
Media Policy”; “Emerging Scholars Network”, Mexico City, 21-24 July;
▪ Exploring the past, Anticipating the future, International Studies Association Annual conference
(ISA): innovative panel “Understanding Multistakeholder Participation in the Global Governance of
Information and Communication Policy” and round table “Framing a Research Frontier:
Cyberinfrastructure Policy in a Global Perspective”, New York, 15-18 February.
▪ Media, Communication and Humanities, London School of Economics; panel “Innovation
Governance and Policy”, London, 21-23 September
▪ Media and Global Divides, International Association for Media and Communication Research
(IAMCR); Methodology panel, Stockholm, 20-25 July
▪ Bridging multiple divides. International Studies Association Annual Conference, International
Studies Association (ISA): special workshop “To shape early efforts on Cyberinfrastructure (CI)
policy research with a global and cross-cultural focus” and panel “Global Multi-stakeholder
Governance for the Information Society: Quo vadis-post WSIS”, San Francisco, 25-29 March
▪ Médias, Communication et Information: Célébrer 50 ans de théories et de pratiques conference,
International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR); panel “Between theory
and practice: methodological Reflection on scholarly analyses of media and communication
processes”, Paris, 23-25 July
▪ New Network Theory conference, Institute of Network Culture of Amsterdam, Media Studies,
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis; panel, “Networks and
movements: an interdisciplinary conversation, Amsterdam, 28-30 June
▪ Changing Cultures in Europe, European Sociological Association (ESA); panel “Methodological
Issues in Cultural Research”, Ghent, 15-17 November
▪ Internationalizing Media Studies – Imperatives and Impediments, University of Westminster; panel
“Alternative modes of communication: internationalization from below”, London, 15-16 September
International Workshops and Seminars
▪ Mobilisations, Changing Protest Cultures and Web 2.0 Technologies, Seminar 1 of the SoME
Seminar Series (Social Movements and Media Technologies: Present Challenges and Future
Developments), Panel “Beyond Networks? Changing Organisational Patterns and Social
Movement Research”, London 14-15 May.
▪ 41st European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Workshop Sessions, Panel
“Collective Action Online: Theories and Methods”; Mainz 11-16 March.
▪ 1st Workshop on Social Innovation and Social Media (SISoM2011), Fifth International AAAI
Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Barcelona (Spain), 21 July
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Elena Pavan
▪ 40th European Consortium of Political Research; workshop “Network Governance and the
Governance of Networks: Social Network Analysis in Political Science”, Munster (Germany) 22-27
▪ Second International Workshop on Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field
in Construction, panel “What’s in a field? IG research methodology”, Brussels, 11 May
▪ The contours of media governance, Centre for Culture, Media and Governance (CCMG), New
Delhi, 8-10 December
▪ Third GigaNet Symposium, Global Internet Governance Academics Networks; panel “Networked
Internet governance and the Institutionalization of Internet governance”, Hyderabad, 2 December
▪ Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in Construction, Global Internet
Governance Academic Network (GigaNet); roundtable “Models, Players and Democratic
Principles”, Paris, 23 June
National conferences
National Congress of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP); panel “Gender and media: political
communication in transition”; Florence12-14 September;
National Congress of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP); panel “Research Methodology”,
Rome 13-15 September
Transformations of International System after the Cold War, International Relations Standing Group
(SGRI) of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP); panel “International Scenarios”, Bertinoro
(FC), 27-28 June
National Congress of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP); panel “International
Communications”, Bologna 12-14 September.
Conference and Seminars Organization
Organizer of the Seminar “Collective Action Networks Between Online and Oflline Interactions”,
Departiment of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, Trento 17 March 2015;
Co-organizer of the Seminar Series “Digital methods for critical research -Tools and approaches for
web-based and text-based analyses” in collaboration with University of Padova, Next Generation
Global Studies Group;
Organization of the Panel “Online Political and Governance Networks”, International Networks for
Social Network Analysis (INSNA) XXXIII General Conference, Hamburg 21-26 May;
Member of the Organizing Committee for the XXX Session of Sunbelt Conference, International
Network for Social Network, Riva del Garda (TN), 29 June – 4 July 2010
Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee for the International Seminar Networks and change in
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European skills passport
Elena Pavan
global media and communication governance, Università degli Studi di Trento ed Università degli Studi
di Padova, Venezia San Servolo 26-27 June
Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee for the International Seminar Mapping Global Media
Policy: Concepts, Framework, Methods, Università degli Studi di Trento ed Università degli Studi di
Padova, Venezia San Servolo, 17-19 April
Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee for the International Seminar Mapping Global Media
Policy: Concepts, Framework, Methods, Università degli Studi di Trento ed Università degli Studi di
Padova, Venezia San Servolo, 17-19 April
Memberships in Projects and
Research Teams
▪ Project MADRE - MApping public DiscouRse on Equal opportunities
Period: 2015
Leading Institution: Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento
Role: Coordinator and Principal Investigator
▪ Project: REACtION – Collective Action Networks between Offline and Online Interactions
Period: 2012- 2015
Leading Institution(s): Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento
Role: Principal Investigator
URL: http://reactionproject.info
▪ Project: Women and Media in Europe
Period: 2013
Leading Institution(s): European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
Role: Research team member
URL: http://www.womenandmedia.eu
▪ Project: European Network of Excellence in Internet Science
Period: 2011- 2015
Leading Institution(s): Consortium for the Network of Excellence in Internet Science
Role: Research team member and Technical Committee Member for the 1st Internet Science
URL: http://www.internet-science.eu
▪ Project: Mapping Global Media Policy
Period: 2007- 2012
Leading Institution(s): International Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Global
Media Policy Working Group
Role: Collaborator
URL: http://www.globalmediapolicy.net/
▪ Project: Network and Power in gender Oriented Communication Governance
Period: 2011- April 2012
Leading Institution(s): University of Padova
Role: Research Team Member
URL: https://sites.google.com/site/gendernets/
▪ Team: KnowDive
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European skills passport
Elena Pavan
Period: 2010-2011
Leading Institution(s): University of Trento Department of Information Engineering and
Computer Science
Role: Research Team Member
URL: http://disi.unitn.it/~knowdive/
▪ Project: Expertises and Competences Service for Monitoring, Data gathering, Experimental
Researches, Elaboration and Implementation of an Information System to support the activation of
an Observatory on Trafficking in Human Beings (THB)
Period: 2009-2010
Leading Institution(s): Transcrime – Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime
Role: Coordinator
URLs: http://transcrime.cs.unitn.it/tc/918.php and http://www.osservatorionazionaletratta.it/
▪ Project: PRIN - Communication rights between local and global: movement networks and
transformations in governance processes
Leading Institution(s): University of Trento, Faculty of Sociology and University of Padova,
Faculty of Political Sciences
Role: Research Team member
Organizational memberships
2013 – present: Member and Communication Committee Member for the ECPR Political Networks
Standing Group
2012 – present: Member of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP)
2013 – present: Member of the International Networks for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)
2008 – present: Member of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) [Secretary
from 2008 to 2010]
2008 – 2009: member of the International Studies Association (ISA)
Reviewer for
Social Forces [ISSN: 0037-7732]
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication [ISSN: 1083-6101]
International Journal of Communications [ISSN: 1932-8036]
Social Media + Society [ISSN: 2056-3051]
European Review of Organized Crime [ISSN: 2312-1653]
Interface [ISSN: 2009-2431]
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