Self-organized criticality and observable features of avalanching systems Michal Bregman October 7, 2005
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Self-organized criticality and observable features of avalanching systems Michal Bregman October 7, 2005
Self-organized criticality and observable features of avalanching systems Michal Bregman October 7, 2005 Contents 1 Introduction 6 1.1 Characterization of the SOC state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Numerical modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2.1 The basic sandpile model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2.2 Running sandpiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2.3 Forrest-fire model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2.4 Earthquakes model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Analytical approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.3.1 Renormalization group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.3.2 Mean-field approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.4.1 Dynamics of sandpile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.4.2 Dynamics of rice pile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.4.3 Dynamics of water droplets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.4.4 Superconducting vortex avalanches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Space plasma and magnetosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.5.1 Solar flares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.5.2 Current sheet and magnetic storms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1.6 Observational relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.7 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 Sandpile model 23 2.1 One-dimensional bi-directional sandpile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.1.1 Numerical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Two dimensional sandpile model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.2.1 The model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.2.2 Numerical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.2.3 Non-constant grain transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2.2 2.3 2 CONTENTS 3 Dynamics of the burning model 3.1 One dimensional model . . . . . 3.1.1 The model . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Field presentation . . . . 3.1.3 Analytical treatment . . 3.1.4 Numerical results . . . . 3.2 Two dimensional burning model 3.2.1 The model . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Field presentation . . . . 3.2.3 Numerical result . . . . 3.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . 41 42 42 43 44 46 53 53 53 54 57 4 A comparative study 4.1 One dimensional models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Two dimensional models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 58 61 62 5 Comparison with observations 63 6 Conclusions 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Figures 1.1 One-dimensional sandpile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2 Forest-fire model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.3 Sandpile experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.4 Rice pile experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.5 Experiment with water droplets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.6 Chain reaction in water droplet experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.7 Solar flares as avalanches in the loop network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1.8 Illustration of avalanching magnetotail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1 Sandpile activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.2 Number of active sites as a function of time.(One dimensional case) . . . . . . 27 2.3 Distribution of clusters size for the high state. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.4 Distribution of active and passive phase durations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.5 Distribution of active and passive phase durations for different drivings. . . . . 30 2.6 Distribution of clusters size for the high state. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.7 2D sandpile: distribution of active and passive phase durations. . . . . . . . . . 33 2.8 2D sandpile: distribution of active and passive phase durations for different drivings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2D sandpile: distribution of cluster sizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.10 Distribution of active phase duration for the constant grain number transfer case and for the proportional transfer case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.11 Distribution of passive phase durations for the constant grain number transfer case and for the proportional transfer case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.12 Distribution of cluster sizes for the constant grain number transfer case and for the proportional transfer case in log linear scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.1 Energy release for various drivings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.2 Individual avalanche structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.3 Distribution of the cluster sizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.4 Mean temperature for various drivings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2.9 4 LIST OF FIGURES 3.5 3.6 3.7 5 52 54 3.8 Duration of the active and passive phases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Passive and active phase duration for high input probability and weak dissipation. Passive and active phase durations for various input probabilities and weak dissipation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cluster size distribution for various input probabilities and dissipation. . . . . . 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Active phase duration for the case of low driving. Passive phase duration for the case of low driving. Active phase duration for the case of low driving. Passive phase duration for the case of low driving. . . . . 59 60 61 62 5.1 5.2 Burst lifetimes for electrojet index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quiet times for electrostatic bursts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 57 Chapter 1 Introduction Many physical (Lu and Hamilton, 1991; Wang and Shi, 1993; Field et al., 1995; Paczuski et al., 1996; Durian, 1997; Politzer, 2000; Charbonneau et al., 2001; Klimas et al., 2004) and nonphysical (McNamara and Wiesenfeld, 1990; Lee et al., 2004) systems exhibit avalanching behavior, where a small external perturbation may result in a large response of the system. This response is of a finite spatial and temporal extent. After the response (avalanche) is over, the system switches to the passive state, where it waits for another favorable external perturbation. These avalanches seem in most cases unpredictable and uncorrelated. Moreover, distribution of their sizes often does not seem to possess any characteristic scale, showing power-law slopes. Fourier spectra of properly constructed times series (activity peaks, avalanche start time, etc.) also are power-law (famous 1/f noise) (Bell, 1980; Hooge et al., 1981; Matthaeus and Goldstein, 1986; Restle et al., 1986; Rosu and Canessa, 1993; Maslov et al., 1994). These features together brought to life the self-organized-criticality (SOC) paradigm Bak et al. (1987), which suggests that systems consisting of many interacting constituents may exhibit some general characteristic behavior. These systems are dynamical, that is, the state of each constituent is time-dependent, and open, that is, external driving is always present and energy (or particle number) is lost. The basic suggestion of SOC was that, under very general condition, such dynamical systems may organize themselves into a macro-state with a complex but rather general structure. The systems are complex in the sense that many events (avalanches) of various sizes are present and no single characteristic event size exists: there is no just one time and one length scale that controls the temporal evolution of this system. Although the dynamical response of the system is complex, the simplifying aspect is that the statistical properties (which define the system macro-state) are described by simple power laws. SOC paradigm has attracted great attention and was extended to a larger number of systems (Sornette and Sornette, 1989; Obukhov, 1990; Yan, 1991; Cote and Meisel, 1991; Zaitsev, 1992; Alstrøm and Leão, 1994; Rodriguez-Iturbe et al., 1994; Noever et al., 1994; Hwa and Pan, 1995; Elmer, 1997; Chang, 1999a; Tamarit, 1999; Lise and Paczuski, 2001; Fonstad and Marcus, 2001; Feigenbaum, 2003; 6 1.1. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SOC STATE 7 Baker and Jacobs, 2004). The claim by Bak et al. (1987) was that this typical behavior develops without significant tuning of the system from outside. Further, the state into which system organized themselves have the properties similar to those exhibited by equilibrium systems at a critical point. Therefore, Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld (BTW) described the behavior of this system as Self Organized Criticality (SOC). The idea was proposed as a kind of universal behavior of wide class of open dynamical systems far from equilibrium, and has been applied to a large number of physical systems with quite different underlying micro-physics. 1.1 Characterization of the SOC state The term self organized criticality emphasizes two aspects of the system behavior. Self organization is used to described the ability by certain nonequilibrium systems to develop structures and patterns, that is, enter a certain regime, in the absence of control or manipulation by an external agent. The word criticality is used in order to emphasize the similarity with phase transitions: a system becomes critical when all its elements react in a coordinated way, similar to a domino effect, that is, the correlation length becomes infinite. The difference between systems that exhibit non critical behavior and systems that exhibit critical behavior is that, in non critical systems the reaction of the system to external perturbation is described by a characteristic response time and characteristic length scale over which the perturbation is felt, that is, we can predict what will be the avalanche size in the next perturbation and when it will occur. Although the response of a non critical system may differ in details as the system is perturbed at different position and at different time, the distribution of responding can be described by the average response. For critical system, a perturbation that applied at different position or at same position at different time can lead to a response of any size. It is important to mention that till now there does not exist a clear and generally accepted definition of what SOC is. Nor does a sufficiently clear picture exist of the necessary conditions under which SOC behavior arises. The prevailing opinion is (see,e.g. Vespignani and Zapperi, 1998) that SOC may occur in a system with clear time separation: the average time between subsequent external perturbations is much larger than the time of the avalanche (even a large one) development. This regime is also often referred to as a weak driving limit. It has to be mentioned, however, that this opinion is not shared by everybody and sometimes it is claimed that the very presence of the scale-free (power-law) distribution is itself a signature of SOC (Boettcher and Paczuski, 1997; Corral and Paczuski, 1999; Lise and Paczuski, 2001; Hughes et al., 2003; Paczuski and Hughes, 2004). It is also worth mentioning that real avalanching systems do not necessarily have to be in the state of SOC. Thus, the study of avalanching systems can be divided into two different (but closely related) subjects: a) whether avalanching systems do evolve into universal 8 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION SOC behavior, and b) what is the relation of the macroscopic properties of avalanching systems to the microprocesses occurring inside and to the external driving. 1.2 Numerical modeling Ever since the first proposal of SOC, one of the basic tools in studies of avalanching systems is numerical modeling of cellular automata models, among which sandpile models are the simplest and have drawn the greatest attention so far. In these cellular automata models a system is represented as an array of cells possessing some property. This property is changed by external driving and due to the internal redistribution mechanism, transferring it from one cell to another. Such transfer depends on some criticality conditions and goes on until the system relaxes to a subcritical state. The simplest sandpile model is a one-dimensional array of cells. Each cell contains an integer number of grains. Grains can be added to any cell from outside (according to the driving rules). Redistribution of grains inside the array depends on fulfilling some condition, usually when a local gradient (slope) exceeds some critical value. 1.2.1 The basic sandpile model The original model by Bak et al. (1987, 1988) introduced the first basic sandpile model, as we mentioned previously. A one-dimensional pile of sand is essentially a one-dimensional array of integers, hn , n = 1, . . . , N . These integers represent numbers of sand grains (height) in each cell n. These heights change due to the external input (addition of grains) as well as certain rules of the sand redistribution. At any step of time one grain is added to a randomly chosen cell so that the pile gets a slope with time. If the slope of the sandpile becomes too steep, exceeding some critical value, the pile collapses until its slope reaches a barely stable position with respect to small perturbations. Bak at el basic model was a one dimensional sandpile model with one open and one closed boundary. This means that there is a wall at the left edge, n = 1, of the pile and sand can freely exit from the right edge, n = N . Let Zn = h(n) − h(n + 1) be the height difference (slope) between successive positions along the sandpile. The external driving, i.e. adding of one grain of sand at nth position is described by the following rules: hn = hn + 1 and no change for other cells, or Zn → Zn + 1 (1.1) Zn−1 → Zn−1 − 1 (1.2) 1.2. NUMERICAL MODELING 9 When the height difference reaches some given critical value Zc , the site is relaxed and one grain of sand moves to the lower site: Zn → Z n − 2 (1.3) Zn±1 → Zn±1 + 1 (1.4) Figure 1.1 illustrates the behavior of the sandpile model proposed by Bak et al. (1988). Figure 1.1: One-dimensional sandpile automaton. The state of the system is specified by an array of integers representing the height difference between neighboring plateaus. From (Bak et al., 1988) As mentioned earlier there is an open boundary at the right edge and a close boundary at the left edge of the pile: Z0 → 0 (1.5) ZN → Z N − 1 (1.6) ZN −1 → ZN −1 + 1 (1.7) After the unstable site collapses other sites may become unstable (slope exceeds the critical one), in principle, so that the redistribution occurs once again, without adding grains from the outside. Thus, an avalanche develops. The process continues until all the height differences Zn are below the critical value, Zn < Zc . Then another grain of sand is added with the same fixed probability to the system (at a randomly chosen site). There is complete time separation between the external driving and avalanche development. 10 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Bak et al. (1987, 1988) suggested that statistical analysis of the cluster (snapshot of an avalanche) size distribution, and well as of the avalanche size (lifetime) should provide the basic information about the system behavior. Numerical measurements of these quantities have been made and it was suggested that a Fourier-spectrum of the lifetime distribution has the power-law shape 1/f α , with α ≈ 1. The latter statement was later shown to be wrong but the whole idea stimulated extensive research in the field. Bak et al. (1987, 1988) extended their analysis onto two-dimensional models of the same type. They found that the two-dimensional cluster size in a sandpile has a fractal structure. Both distributions, of the the cluster size and the lifetime as well, show a power law distribution indicating that the system is in critical point as expected. Although two-dimensional systems seem more close to reality, one-dimensional sandpiles still remain in the center of research, partly because of the ease of numerical treatment. 1.2.2 Running sandpiles The obvious drawback of the Bak et al. (1987, 1988) model is that it requires complete time separation. However, in real systems, as we know, the external driving does not stop when avalanche is in action. The SOC hypothesis applicability to a number of systems, like plasma, was severely criticized (Krommes, 1999; Krommes and Ottaviani, 1999; Krommes, 2000, 2002) on the grounds that the real characteristic time ratio is inverse, that is, driving is faster than the avalanche development. In order to get rid of the time separation limitation running sandpile models were proposed (Hwa and Kardar, 1992) where the external driving does not depend on the absence of an avalanche. It might reinforce a fading avalanche, make two avalanches run simultaneously and even overlap. Running sandpiles and, more generally, running cellular automata, are the basic models for studies of avalanching systems. It is often claimed that SOC is possible only for infinitely weak driving (see, e.g., Vespignani and Zapperi, 1998), although this opinion is not accepted by everybody (see, e.g., Hughes and Paczuski, 2002). 1.2.3 Forrest-fire model Forest fire models were proposed as another kind of model exhibiting avalanching behavior and presumably possessing SOC behavior. The first forest fire model was introduced by Chen et al. (1990) as another realization of a simple SOC system. The fire forest model is also a cellular automaton which is defined on a d dimensional lattice. Each cell can be at three different positions: occupied by a tree, burning tree and empty site. At each time step trees can growth in the empty site with the probability p, and burn either due to lightnings with the probability f , or if at last one of his nearest neighbors is burning. In the limit of slow tree growth p and without lightnings, fire only spreads from burning trees to their neighbors. The fire front become more 1.2. NUMERICAL MODELING 11 and more regular and spiral shaped with decreasing p. A snapshot of this state is shown in Figure 1.2 Forest fires and other examples of self-organized criticality 6805 Figure 1. Snapshot of the Bak et al forest-fire model in the steady state for p = 0.005 and Figure 1.2: Snapshot of the model theandsteady state. Trees are gray, burning trees L = 800. Treesforest are grey, fire burning trees arein black, empty sites are white. are black and empty site is white. From Clar et al. (1994). g = gC (p) the fire density becomes zero and the forest density becomes one. Figures 2 and 3 show two snapshots of the system for values of g far below gC (p) and near gC (p). At Consolini and De Michelis (2001) proposed a modifies forest model named Revised Forest gC (p), the fire just percolates through the system. Since sites are not permanently immune, this kind of percolation is different usualwas site percolation andin is in the same universalitythe occurrence Fire Model (RFFM). Their simplefrom model introduced order to simulate class as directed percolation in d + 1 dimensions (the preferred direction corresponds to the of sporadic localized relaxation (current disruption events) with increasing p, since the fire in thenthe cangeotail neutral time) [22]. The critical immunityphenomena gC (p) increases the steady state of the system sooner sites where it already been. Above gC (p) lattice plasmareturn sheet. Thetomodel consists of ahastwo dimensional and involves periodic boundary is a completely dense forest. A similar model, using the language of spreading diseases has conditions. Each independently site is in one of the following states that we characterized before: site with been studied in [23]. a tree, burning site and empty site. The analog between this model and the magnetic field 1.3. Self-organized critical (SOC) behaviour conditions in the Earth’s magnetotail is that empty sites can be associated to those regions where The SOC behaviour occurs when the lightning probability is non-zero. For simplicity, we plasma conditions are locally stable, while the site with the trees are locally unstable regions, set the immunity to zero, but we will show later that the SOC state persists for g > 0. The p/f is sites a measure for the number trees regions growing between lightning strokes and and theratio burning are connected to ofthose where two a relaxation phenomenon is taking therefore for the mean number of trees destroyed per lightning stroke. In the limit place. Here we call by relaxation phenomenon any kind of event during which dissipation takes f !p (1.3) place, like a current disruption event. In each step the state of the sites are change according to there exist consequently large forest clusters and correlations over large distances. The the following rules: model is SOC when tree growth is so slow that fire burns down even large clusters before 1. A tree is growing in an empty site with the probability p. 2. A burning tree becomes stable at the next step. 3. A tree starts to burn with the probability f or if at least one of his neighbors is burning. The growing probability can be connected to the growing rate of macroscopic configuration 12 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION instability that is a result of external processes. The lightning strike probability f should be related to the occurrence probability of a local reconnection event. The purpose of this model was to present a new SOC model that seems to be more related to the nature. After years it discover that RFFM also shows critical behavior that is very similar to the ordinary critical phenomena, that is, this model is also missing the self organized ingredient and there is a control parameter that depends on the relation between the growing probability and the lightning probability. 1.2.4 Earthquakes model Earthquakes occur as a result of relative motion between tectonic plates. Friction between the plates prevents a smooth motion and the plates stick together until the stress between this two plates exceeds a critical value and is then released within second or minutes. The stress between the two plates is built over years so we can say that this external driving is very slow. There are two types of earthquakes, small and big ones, and both of them exhibit power law distribution for their size. Olami et al. (1992) suggested Earthquakes model that based on Burridge-Knopoff spring block model (Burridge and Knopoff , 1967). Their model is a generalized continuous, nonconservative cellular automaton model. Their two-dimensional model is based on dynamical system of blocks that are connected by springs. Each block is connected to four nearest neighbors. Each block is connected to a single plate by another set of springs. When the force on one of the blocks exceeds some critical value, the block starts to slip. The slip of one block will redefine the forces on its nearest neighbors. This movement causes a chain reaction. The boundary condition for this system is that the force on the boundary is equal to zero. The time interval between earthquakes is much larger than the actual duration of an earthquake (as is supposed for SOC systems). The model focused on measuring the probability distribution of the size of the earthquakes. It was found that this size is proportional to the energy that is released during an earthquake. The model is different from the Bak model in the following points: (1) after relaxation the strain on the critical site is set to zero. (2) the relaxation is not conservative. (3) the redistribution of strain to the neighbors is proportional to the strain in the relaxing site. The simulation results show a power law distribution for the energy release (that is the earthquake size), that is SOC system in the case of nonconservative model (conservative earthquake models did not show any SOC behavior). 1.3 Analytical approach The research of self organized criticality is mostly based on numerical approach, in the sense of developing the sandpile model and introducing new cellular automata models. In addition, a 1.3. ANALYTICAL APPROACH 13 number of experiments have been performed to establish the connection between the numerical results and the realistic world in order to check if SOC systems do exist in nature. The difficulty of developing analytical treatment is based on the fact that such systems are complex systems that consist of many interacting cells. In many cases the corresponding physical systems to be explained are continuous. Dynamical description of such systems is not available at present. The obvious way is to turn to the statistical mechanics approach. Even the ability to introduce these models into the statistical mechanics language in a more or less rigorous way is rather difficult and Dhar and Ramaswamy (1989); Dhar (1990) made it possible in some way for only part of the BTW (Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld) model. Until now there are two basic approaches, the renormalization group analysis and the mean-field theory and the studies are concentrated mostly on the SOC regime. 1.3.1 Renormalization group The renormalization method (RG) has for the last 25 years or so been the flagship among techniques applied by theoretical physicists. This method was used to describe a large kind of systems in quantum theory of high energy physics, thermodynamics of phase transition, etc. This success has stimulated also the use of this method in connection with self organized criticality. In the RG approach it is assumed (sometimes implicitly) that the system is already in a SOC state and that there is no characteristic size/scale. Respectively, there should be a kind of scaling symmetry (if the size is multiplied by a number nothing physically essential changes), and all distributions are power law. This allows to establish relations between various powerlaw indices. Nevertheless, determination of all indices requires knowledge of dynamics, that is, a solution of the RG equations, which has been done only in several exactly solvable models (Dhar and Ramaswamy, 1989; Maslov and Zhang, 1995; Helander et al., 1999). RG describes behavior in the critical point (SOC) and does not describe approach to SOC. Corrections for non-SOC regimes when driving is not weak are either unknown or difficult to find. These drawbacks of the method resulted in it’s quick substitution with the mean field theories. 1.3.2 Mean-field approach The mean field approach (in terms of a branching process) was first proposed by Zapperi et al. (1995) in an attempt to provide a more general and comprehensive theoretical understanding of SOC. Previous works such as the renormalization group method were too restrictive in doing so since they didn’t take the external driving into consideration but only the critical avalanche behavior. Furthermore, most of previous studies focused on conceiving a particular SOC model such as sandpile or forest-fire instead of attempting to find a full conceptual framework for the general SOC phenomena. The mean field theory succeed in dealing with high dimensional sys- 14 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION tems where most of the other theories fail. Mean field theory consists of estimating the average behavior of many interacting degrees of freedom. The specific details of the surrounding is replaced by the typical average behavior. In doing so it is capable of incorporating symmetries and conservation laws and establish general connection with SOC behavior. Zapperi et al. (1995) proposed a connection between the mean field theory and the SOC theory based on the concept of branching processes. In the mean field theory spreading of avalanche can be approximated by an evolving front consisting of non interacting particles that can either trigger subsequent activity or die out. This is the branching process. For a branching process to be critical one must fine tune a control parameter to a critical value. This, by definition, cannot be the case for SOC system, where the critical state is approached dynamically without the need to fine tune any parameter. Zapperi et al. resolved this paradox by introducing a new mean field model call self organized branching process (SOBP) that acts like a branching process but without the control parameter. This can be done by explicitly incorporating the boundary condition. Their numerical model is based on several models which are different in their size. The analytical calculation of the avalanche distribution agreed with their simulation results. Also, they got that the branching process can be exactly mapped into SOC models in the limit d → ∞ i.e it provides a mean field theory of self organized criticality systems. 1.4 Experiments Numerically studied sandpiles and cellular automata develop avalanches in an ideal world. Whether these models are appropriate for the real world should be verified in experiments and observations. So far a number of laboratory experiments have been performed, mostly with sand and rice grains. 1.4.1 Dynamics of sandpile A trivial sandpile experiment was suggested by Held et al. (1990). In Figure 1.3 we can see the experimental system of the sandpile model. Their main objective was to find out whether there is a power law behavior in the avalanche size distribution of sandpiles and if there is any difference between small and large systems. Their model was a pile with the base ranged from 10-50 grains in diameter. An individual grains (driving) were intermittently dropped on the apex of a conical sandpile. The number of grains that participated in the avalanche process was measured as the total mass that leaves the pile. The diameter of the sandpile was made variable to study sandpiles of various sizes. It was found that in the small sandpile the mass fluctuations show a critical finite size scaling similar to that associated with the second order phase transition. The larger sandpile showed relaxation oscillations and did not exhibit scale 1.4. EXPERIMENTS 15 Figure 1.3: Schematic illustration of the experimental apparatus. From Zapperi et al. (1995). invariance. Several years after this experiment was suggested, Rosendahl et al. (1993) repeated it and suggested that in the sandpile system most of the avalanches are of small size, while the mass transfer in the large sandpile (the sand that measured to get out from the system) is related to the larger avalanches. Thus, the results by Held et al. (1990) do not properly describe the avalanching (or SOC) behavior of the studied system. It worth mentioning though that the definition that self organized criticality is define by only small avalanches is still argued. 1.4.2 Dynamics of rice pile The turn to a rice model was based on the basic differences between these two models, that is, the shape of the grain. In sand each grain has a different shape, while in rice we can find strong similarity between the different grains. One of the three dimension rice model was suggested by Aegerter et al. (2003). The pile was grown up from a uniform line source. This uniform source, as we can see in Figure 1.4, was a custom built mechanical distributor based on a nail board producing a binary distribution. Therefore the external driving was impact in this line and drop rice at an average rate of 5g/s. They measured the size of the displaced volume (grains) in each time step for three experimental setups and found that there is no intrinsic size characteristic for the avalanches. It was found also that the model is self organized into a critical state with distribution function for the size of the avalanche that behaves like a power law, that becomes more and more exact when the length of the model was increased. 1.4.3 Dynamics of water droplets The deposition, growth and motion of fluid is a subject of enormous interest to many disciplines in science. One of the first experiments was suggested by Plourde et al. (1993). They presented 16 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION AEGERTER, GÜNTHER, AND WIJNGAARDEN FIG. 1. A schematic setup. The distribution Figure 1.4: A schematic image of theimage setup. of Thethe distribution board can be seenboard on top, where can befrom seena on top,point where is dropped from single point and Within rice is dropped single and rice subsequently divided intoa even compartment. the wooden box bounding the rice pile. From Aegerter et al. (2003). subsequently divided into even compartments. Within the wooden box bounding the rice pile, a reconstruction of its surface is shown, a systemas with dynamics of avalanching type in continuously driven water. The experimental FIG. 2. A it the is used in further analysis. system is shown in Figure 1.5. An avalanche of a tilted sprayed surface occurs when a droplet From the dis grows instructure size and eventually the critical mass, which time it runs down the surface, of the reaches pile and the size ofat the avalanches, is disThe dark spo cussed in Sec.droplets II. Thein avalanche sizecreating distributions and their triggering other stationary its path and thus a chain reaction. We can see a and blue%, scaling are in presented Sec. III A, together with snapshotfinite of suchsize developing reaction Figure 1.6. in In this experiment they changed the viscosanalysis. Th determination criticalwater exponents. In Sec. IIIslow B, driving, the that ity of thethe droplet and also the rateofof the the entering that is the analog to the age surface surface roughness analyzed and theasnecessary is, driving the system toward theisthreshold of instability in avalanchestechniques study. Their results tion of proj arethat briefly introduced. Also, inavalanche this section, theavalanche scalinglifetime rela- behave are shown the distribution function of the size and Fig. 2, whe tionslaw.between the itroughness exponents andthat thethecritical expolike a power Furthermore, was shown (for the first time) distribution of the time extracted fr are avalanches introduced. These resultsdistribution. are also put into a wider betweennents successive behaves like Poisson It was found that higher viscontexta larger and range compared with the results obtained from KPZ cosity provided of power law behavior, and that increasing the flow rate led in to this way face can be roughening systems that !27". exponential decay of distribution, is, there are characteristic length and time scale (no self reconstruct organized criticality). II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The experiments were carried out on long grained rice with dimensions of typically #2!2!7 mm3 , similar to rice A of Ref. !12". The pile was grown from a uniform line source that is 1 m wide. This uniform distribution was achieved via a custom built mechanical distributor based on a nail board producing a binary distribution !28". The actual setup consists of a board with an arrangement of triangles, as field of vie mm, as we both structu curacy wer is roughly m well suited In a sing period of # experiment 1.4. EXPERIMENTS 17 Figure 1.5: Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus: distilled water is sprayed through the spray mister into a transparent plastic then the streams run down the dome, and drop onto the slanted annular impact ring. From Plourde et al. (1993). Figure 1.6: Typical digitalized output from the image-processing system. From Jánosi and Horváth (1989) 18 1.4.4 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Superconducting vortex avalanches In Field et al. (1995) experiment it was suggested that a superconductor system with a critical external field can behave like a sandpile model. In the experimental setup the magnetic field was increaed slowly until the external field reached a value such that flux first entered the interior of the tube. If the flux enters the tube (as a vortex), this would induce a voltage pulse on the coil. Each pulse represents the sudden influx of many spatially correlated vortices, that is, a flux avalanche. In brief, one can state that an avalanche is represented by the number of vortices. At high rate there is non-negligible overlapping between the avalanches. The experiment results were that in the marginally stable state a hard superconductor exhibits flux avalanches with a power low distribution of sizes (number of vortices in the avalanche). 1.5 Space plasma and magnetosphere One of the fields where the avalanching system and SOC concepts are widely exploited last years, is the space plasma physics. There only remote and/or partial observations are available. 1.5.1 Solar flares A solar flare is believed to be a rapid change in a strong, complicated coronal magnetic field (due to magnetic reconnection) with a subsequent prompt energy release. According to the classical picture by Parker (Parker, 1989) the turbulent plasma flows below the photospheric surface drive the anchored flux tubes into complex, stressed configuration. The magnetic lines are stretched out from the sun and its overlying arcade rise as shown in Figure 1.7. There are lots of close arcades that become closer and closer. When outward line of magnetic field meet inward line they reconnect. When the lines are reconnecting (an outward going line with an inward directed line) they release energy impulsively. The reconnection process causes particle acceleration with the subsequent release of the observed X radiation. An observer can measure the statistics of the energy released, peak x-ray flux distribution and the passive time interval between solar flares. Except for the passive time that act like Poisson distribution, the other parameters are found to be all characterized by power law distribution. These statistics probably indicate that the solar corona may be in a state of self organized criticality (Lu and Hamilton, 1991; Nakagawa, 1993; Boffetta et al., 1999; Charbonneau et al., 2001). Such a view implies that the x-ray flares are avalanche of reconnection events. One of the proposed models of the solar flares suggests (Hughes et al., 2003; Paczuski and Hughes, 2004) a SOC-behaving net of flux tubes. have generated substantial progress in the theoretical quiescent time interunderstanding and computational modeling of local reall characterized by connection in laboratory, space, and solar plasmas. y distribution is parHowever, it remains computationally prohibitive to use e-free behavior over the equations of plasma physics to describe extended y [5]. These statistics y be in a state self- PLASMA AND MAGNETOSPHERE 1.5.ofSPACE 19 ch a view implies that all transient brightenre not fundamentally avalanches of recontics of solar coronal ures with other interas earthquakes, forest 60 nce [10,11]. 40 l model of multiple 20 driven at their foot0 0 0 ootpoints, of opposite to a two-dimensional 50 50 ere. Footpoints of the 100 100 egation on the surface. 150 150 footpoints when they nnection, can lead to 200 200 trigger a cascade of des of magnetic loop FIG. 1 (color online). Snapshot of a configuration of loops in Figure 1.7: Snapshot of a configuration of 200 loops in m the!steady ar flares. the steady state with L ! and 1 (seestate. text).From Hughes et al. (2003) 13)=131101(4)$20.00 1.5.2 2003 The American Physical Society 131101-1 Current sheet and magnetic storms In the early 1960s, spacecraft observation established the existence of the geomagnetic tail. This geomagnetic tail is the name of special regime in the Earth magnetosphere that is stretched away from the sun behind the Earth. In the center of the geomagnetic tail there is a layer of current sheet. This current sheet can be defined as a thin surface (thin is relative term but the sheet thickness is relative small so we can describe this sheet as a plane) across which the field strength or/and direction can change substantially, which means that this layer must carry substantial electric current. As we mentioned above, these magnetic field lines on the night side (magnetic tail) are stretched due to the solar wind that carries plasma from the sun to Earth. This stretch can be further enhanced because of the additional plasma pressure on the magnetic lines due to the large disturbances of the solar wind coming to the Earth. This additional pressure forces the magnetic lines to get close to each other and because of their different direction their breaking occurs. After the breaking the lines reconnect and in this process send plasma to the Earth, eventually causing what is known as a magnetic storm. Magnetic storms and more local events (substorms) have been a subject of intensive studies, and ideas of avalanching systems and SOC have been applied for quite a while (see, e.g., Klimas et al., 2000; Surjalal Sharma et al., 2001; Uritsky et al., 2001). 20 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 702 A. T. Y. Lui: Testing the hypothesis of the Earth’s magnetosphere (a) (b) 0 10 Figure 1.8: Illustration of avalanching magnetotail. Left - processes in the current sheet are compared to snow avalanches. Right - enhanced aurora during substorm is a result of the reconnection in the current sheet.10From Lui (2004). -1 -2 10 1.6 Observational relations -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 For models and laboratory experiments the identification for SOC or SOC-like is more simple 10 10 10 10 10 than dealing with remote observations, like those (c) available in space. In numerical systems the 1. Auroral power exhibits a scale-free density distribution similar to an avalanching system:directly, (a) a schematic since of a snow all details are results of theFig. external driving is theprobability output that an observer can see avalanche and magnetotail activity sites responsible for observed auroral dissipation, (b) an example of a global auroral observation from Polar UVI, and (c) a representative distribution of auroral area showing a power law dependence suggestive of its scale-free nature. immediately available. But in real systems, like the magnetosphere, we can’t say for sure that an observer can see only the system response to the driving and not mixture of this response with the driving himself or other processes occurring between the system and observer and affecting, e.g., propagation of accelerated particles or radiation. Auroral indices (measure of the magnetic field deviation from the daily averaged values along the base of the auroral oval) have received considerable attention for testing the prediction of model showing complexity. The broken power law of the burst lifetime and size distribution (Consolini and Marcucci, 1997; Consolini and De Michelis, 1998; Consolini and Lui, 1999) have been taken to be strong indicator for complexity and SOC in the magnetosphere’s dynamics evolution. Since that, Consolini and Lui (1999) have shown presence of a small ”bump” with characteristic values of burst with duration. Lui (2002) found a power law slope plus a ”bump” (The measure was done in the quiet times where no substorms can interrupt and finding a power law behavior.) at large values corresponding to substorm breakups. 6 7 8 9 10 1.7. OBJECTIVES 1.7 21 Objectives Despite intensive and extensive studies of avalanching systems and self-organized criticality, in particular, during last twenty years, some issues remain weakly analyzed or even were not touched essentially. Until now almost always the research of avalanching systems was based on the concept of weak driving, that is, by popular definition, SOC systems. As we know nature can not wait until the avalanche will fade away to enter a new perturbation and also can not control the perturbation to be weak (although in some cases, like probably earthquakes, it may occur). Therefore, studies of strongly driven systems which could possess avalanching behavior, is not less important. Our objective in the present work was to study numerically and analytically avalanching systems without the restriction of weak driving, in order to know to what extent (if any) the behavior of such systems approaches the self-organized regime within the usual SOC definition, or whether this definition should be revised to make it less restrictive (from a physicist point of view). The problem with some of the avalanching systems is that we do not always know what are the physical microprocesses of the system and it is not so easy (if possible at all) to examine these microprocesses. In order to learn about this kind of systems we measure the results in statistical way (like active time and passive time) and derive implication from the results for the physical processes. It is important to add that sometimes we can not be sure that the results that we are measuring are not affected by the medium and other interruptions in the way from the system to the observer. In order to achieve progress in the issues described above, we perform extensive analysis of the traditional sandpile model and exam the influence of the driving change on the system behavior (we leave the area of weak driving). Our system is made to be more related to existing systems by looking at bi-directional avalanches (no closed boundary is allowed). The results provide the clues to the understanding whether the classical definition of SOC systems (infinitely weak driving) is physically meaningful or it makes sense to understand SOC in a broader way by weakening this condition. Taking into account that one of the main applications should to be to the space plasma reconnecting systems, in the course of our analysis we propose a new avalanching model which is, in our opinion, more related to the, e.g., localized reconnection processes in the current sheet in the Earth magnetotail (Milovanov et al., 2001; Milovanov and Zelenyi, 2002; Lui et al., 2005). In this new model we focus on the physical properties which were not taken care of in the previous works. We study this system numerically in the way similar to the sandpile and perform a comparative analysis of the two systems. In addition, we propose a new method of analytical study of avalanching systems and derive certain statistical properties for our suggested model. We also perform some analysis of two-dimensional systems in order to understand the effect of dimensionality of statistical distributions and SOC behavior. 22 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION The work is organized as follows. In Chapter 2 we deal with the one and two dimensional sandpile model. In Chapter 3 we introduce the new burning model analytically and numerically, and extend the model to the two dimensional case. In Chapter 4 we compare the results of these two models. In Chapter 5 we provide a very brief preliminary comparison of the analyzed models with some observations of real physical systems. Chapter 6 briefly summarizes the results of the work and suggests directions of further studies. Chapter 2 Sandpile model Sandpile models have been proposed for explanation of various phenomena, including solar flares (Lu and Hamilton, 1991; Boffetta et al., 1999; McIntosh et al., 2002; Hughes et al., 2003) and reconnection in the Earth current sheet (Takalo et al., 1999; Milovanov et al., 2001; Klimas et al., 2004). Sandpile models also serve as a basic class of prototype models for studies of the onset and features of self-organized criticality (see, for example, Bak et al., 1987; Kadanoff et al., 1989; Dhar, 1990; Hwa and Kardar, 1992; Benza et al., 1993; Christensen and Olami, 1993; Ghaffari et al., 1997; Dendy and Helander, 1998; Chapman et al., 2001) It is, therefore, natural to start the analysis with a properly adjusted sandpile model. In this section we consider a bi-directional sandpile model, which is a direct generalization of the directed model studied by Carreras et al. (2002); Newman et al. (2002); Sánchez et al. (2002) in a slightly different context. The reason for using this simple model is that it is possible to compare immediately some results with those published in literature. On the other hand, apparent simplicity of the model did not prevent from applying it to rather complicated physical systems. It is also relatively easy to adapt the model introducing various features of driving and redistribution mechanism. 2.1 One-dimensional bi-directional sandpile We consider a one-dimensional sandpile defined on a L long array of sites. The sandpile array is the array of integers N (i), which are heights (number of grains at the site i). The system is open at both boundaries, that is, grains are freely dropping from the sites i = 1 and i = L, provided the slope is sufficiently steep (see below). This allows, in principle, development of avalanches in both directions and is the main difference with the model of Sánchez et al. (2002). The system is externally driven by adding Nd grains at each step to each site with the probability p. The average total amount of grains added to the system at each time step will be Jin = pLNd . Activity of each site is determined by the local slope Z(i) = max(N (i) − N (i − 23 24 CHAPTER 2. SANDPILE MODEL 1), N (i) − N (i + 1), that is, the maximum gradient of the height. If this slope exceeds some critical slope, Z(i) > Zc , the site becomes active and collapses to one or both its neighbors. This collapse is characterized by the transfer of 2Nf grains to the neighbors. If there was a collapse to only one neighbor it will get all the grains but if there was collapse to two neighbors the number of grains will be divided equally between the two. Thus, the collapse process depends on the site itself and also on the state of its nearest neighbors. To summarize all this we get that there will be a collapse of one site i if: θ(N (i) − N (i + 1) − Zc ) + θ(N (i) − N (i − 1) − Zc ) > 0 (2.1) where the step function θ(x) = 1 when x ≥ 0 and zero otherwise. If this condition is satisfied then the heights are changed as follows N (i) → N (i) − 2Nf (2.2) N (i + 1) → [N (i + 1) + 2Nf ]θ(N (i) − N (i + 1) − Zc )θ(−N (i) + N (i − 1) + Zc ) + [N (i + 1) + Nf ]θ(N (i) − N (i + 1) − Zc )θ(N (i) − N (i − 1) − Zc ) (2.3) and similarly for N (i − 1). Updating of all sites is done simultaneously after checking the state of all sites. At the next step the whole procedure repeats, including random adding of grains and collapse of active sites. Open boundary conditions are given by N (1) = N (L) = 0, which means that sand leaves the system at the boundary whenever the nearest neighbor, N (2) or N (L − 1), collapses. Woodard et al. (2005) suggested that the strength of the external driving can be described in terms of two parameters: the measure of the temporal overlap of avalanches x1 = Nd L2 p/Nf (overlapping is not negligible when x1 & 1) and the measure of spatial merging of clusters x2 = Nd Lp (merging is not negligible is x2 & 1). It has to be noted that x1 assumes that the average avalanche length is ∼ L, otherwise x1 should be reduced by the factor L/average avalanche length. 2.1.1 Numerical analysis Since we are interested in the stationary regime (see below) we prepare our initial distribution so that it is near the critical point, in order to save simulation time. Of course, a sandpile can also be built by dropping grains in a random way onto an empty array, but in this case we have to wait a long time until stationary regime is achieved. Even for the prepared initial sandpile stationary regime is achieved in about 50,000 steps. Stationarity is assessed by visual inspection of the times series of the number of active sites. The stationary regime is characterized by the balance between the external driving (average number of grains added to the system per unit time) and losses at the edges (average number of grains that leave the system from the boundary 2.1. ONE-DIMENSIONAL BI-DIRECTIONAL SANDPILE 25 per unit time). The numerical analysis proceeds in the following way. We drop grains to the system in random way (at each step each site gets Nd grains with the probability p). After the grains are dropped we scan the system searching for the sites where the slope become more then the critical value. The sites with the slope above the critical value are relax and transfer 2Nf grains to their neighbors. The grains transfer occurs simultaneously at all relevant sites (synchronous updating). In the present numerical analysis we use the following parameters: L = 201 ,Nd = 10 ,Zc = 200 and Nf = 15. These parameters were chosen by Sánchez et al. (2002) for their one-directional model. We choose the same set of parameters in order to be able to easily compare our results to those of Sánchez et al. The probability p was used to control the avalanching activity, if p increases there will be more active sites, and therefore more avalanches. We have chosen to measure the distribution functions for the active phase duration, passive phase duration and the size of avalanche per iteration. One of our main purpose is to understand whether very limited measurements done by a remote observer may provide sufficient information to distinguish between two physically different avalanching systems (the SOC is only bonus). These three main measurements that we introduce above are very simple to observe from distance and, because of that, can give us useful and simple information. On the other hand, in many cases more sophisticated measurements are not available because of insufficient resolution or not useful because of the unknown properties of the medium between the avalanching system and the remote observer. As we mentioned above, this model is different from Sánchez et al. (2002) model in few elements, one of them being the bi-directionality, which removes the artificially closed boundary inappropriate for comparison with such physical systems like solar flares or current sheet. In this bi direction case we expect that the avalanches main direction will be down the slope, so there is relatively weak activity in the top of the pile. Most of the activity should occur between the middle and the bottom of the pile, so that there should be substantial similarity with the ordinary one-directional sandpile. Thus, we can expect for a power law distribution for the duration of the active time, that is, we expect for system to act like a self organized one and no correlation between the avalanches duration and length. We also expect to Poisson distribution for the passive time (like Sánchez et al.) because we expect that the passive time depend only on the nature of the external driving. This driving is random and we believe that the probability of avalanche to start is random too. If we will increase this probability we will get more and more avalanches, that is the system will be more active, so that temporal overlapping of avalanches become more and more important. With further increase of the driving spatial merging of avalanches should become non-negligible. It should be noted also that large avalanches, spanning more than a half of the system, should occur on the both sides of the top, that is, some activity at the upper part should be observed. 26 CHAPTER 2. SANDPILE MODEL To start with, we show the activity of the system in Figure 2.1 (upper panel). As expected, 200 180 160 140 site 120 100 80 60 40 20 1 2 3 4 5 time 6 7 8 9 10 x 104 80 70 60 site 50 40 30 20 10 9.94 9.945 9.95 time 9.955 9.96 9.965 x 104 Figure 2.1: View of the sand system activity: 106 time steps on the top panel, enlarged part on the bottom panel. (One dimensional case) in the middle of the pile, that is near i = 100, there is almost no activity. In the bottom panel of this Figure we provide a closeup of the activity graph to show a developing avalanche in more detail. Figure 2.2 shows the time series of the number of active sites (mentioned above). From both figures it is easily seen that the system is in a regime of non-weak driving, that is, far from the self-organized-critical state (see, for example, Vespignani and Zapperi, 1998), and (temporal) avalanche overlapping is substantial. Yet cluster merging is negligible. There are two kinds of avalanches, as we can see in the bottom panel of Figure 2.1: one that expands in 2.1. ONE-DIMENSIONAL BI-DIRECTIONAL SANDPILE 27 120 number of active sites 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.5 1 1.5 time 2 2.5 3 x 105 Figure 2.2: Number of active sites as a function of time.(One dimensional case) both directions (two-dimensional shape) and the other that expands only in one direction (linear shape). To quantify the difference (if any) in the system behavior for various drivings, we consider the low (p = 0.00005) and high (p = 0.00015) states. Physically the two states differ according to the percentage of the time which the system spend in the active state (see below). The merging parameters for the two cases are: x2 = 0.1 (low) and x2 = 0.3 (high), so that spatial merging should be negligible in both cases. On the other hand, x1 = 1.3 (low) and x2 = 3.9 (high) mean that temporal overlapping may be significant. Figure 2.3 shows the cluster size distribution in the high state. The complete distribution consists of two sub-distributions. The lower sub-distribution corresponds to the odd-length clusters which are possible only when the cluster grows until it touches the edge of the sandpile (we can see it in two clusters at Figure 2.1). A typical cluster size is even because of the punctuated nature of the clusters (a site that collapses in some iteration becomes a hole - inactive site - in the next iteration) and our method of counting the holes together with the surrounding active sites. The distribution of cluster sizes is Poisson like with the mean cluster size w̄ = 12. The corresponding distributions of the active and passive phase duration are shown in Figure 2.4. The active phase duration is calculated as the difference between the moment of the first appearance of an active site and the moment when the last active site becomes passive. Respectively, the passive phase duration is the time between the end of activity (previous avalanche) and the beginning of activity (next avalanche). Obviously, overlapping avalanches contribute to the same active phase duration. While the passive phase durations are distributed according to the Poisson statistics (as should be expected in the absence of correlation between avalanches), 28 CHAPTER 2. SANDPILE MODEL 100 10−1 pdf 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 0 20 40 60 80 100 cluster size 120 140 160 180 Figure 2.3: Distribution of clusters size for the high state in log linear scale. Upper trend is for even size clusters, lower for odd size ones.(One dimensional case) the active phase duration show shape of power low behavior at large duration. The mean passive and active duration, respectively, are Tp = 58 and Ta = 23. The transition to power law for active phase duration occurs near the mean value. Figure 2.5 shows the distribution for active and passive phase duration for different driving - low and high. In the passive and active phase durations we change the driving from low to high state in order to check if there are any influence on the system behavior. As the results show, the driving not only did not change the characteristic of the behavior (power law, Poisson distribution), but also did not even change the slope of the curves. It is difficult to conclude unambiguously whether the system is in the self-organized critical state, especially in view of the controversy in the definition of what SOC is. It is often claimed that self-organized criticality is achieved only with very slow driving when complete time separation is ensured (Vespignani and Zapperi, 1998). From this point of view our system cannot be in a SOC state because we do not limit ourselves with slow driving. Another point of view is that SOC means more presence of power law distributions in the system which indicates lack of any characteristic length/time scale (Hughes and Paczuski, 2002; Hughes et al., 2003; Paczuski and Hughes, 2004), and there is no correlation between the avalanches. Power-law distributed active phase durations may be considered a kind of indication of SOC or quasi-SOC behavior. 2.1. ONE-DIMENSIONAL BI-DIRECTIONAL SANDPILE 29 100 10−1 pdf 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 0 10 101 10 2 active phase duration 103 100 10−1 pdf 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 0 100 200 300 400 500 passive phase duration 600 700 Figure 2.4: Distribution of active (top-log log scale) and passive (bottom-log linear scale) phase durations.(One dimensional case) 30 CHAPTER 2. SANDPILE MODEL 100 10−1 pdf 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 −1 10 10 0 10 1 active phase duration 10 2 100 10−1 pdf 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 0 2 4 6 8 passive phase duration 10 12 Figure 2.5: Distribution for active (top-log log scale) and passive (bottom-log linear scale) phase duration for high state (circles) and low state (stars). The distribution are normalized with the mean values.(One dimensional case) 2.2. TWO DIMENSIONAL SANDPILE MODEL 2.2 2.2.1 31 Two dimensional sandpile model The model One dimensional systems seem somewhat exceptional (although they proved to be useful in numerical as well as analytical studies). It is therefore natural to generalize the previous model for two dimensions. This model is very similar in the basic rules to the one dimensional model. Let there be a L × L array of sites. The system is open and there is external random driven similar to that of the one-dimensional case: Nd grains are dropped at each site at each time step with probability p. The total amount of energy added to the system at each time step will be Jin = pL2 Nd . If the height of the site exceeds by more than Zc the height of at least one of the four closest neighbors, the site becomes active and collapses to those its neighbors for which the height difference exceeds the critical one. This collapse is characterized by the transfer of 4Nf grains to the neighbors - if there was a collapse to only one neighbors it will get all the grains but if there was collapse to more then one neighbors the number of grains will divided equally between the accepting neighbors. To summarize all this we get that there will be a collapse if: θ(N (i, j) − N (i + 1, j) − Zc ) + θ(N (i, j) − N (i − 1, j) − Zc ) + θ(N (i, j) − N (i, j + 1) − Zc ) + θ(N (i, j) − N (i, j − 1) − Zc ) > 0 (2.4) where the step function θ(x) = 1 when x ≥ 0 and zero otherwise. All the boundaries are open, that is, N (1, 1 : L) = N (L, 1 : L) = N (1 : L, 1) = N (1 : L, L) = 0. At this stage we introduce a modification of the model considering also the case when the transferred grain number Nf is not constant but is some percentage of the height difference, Nf → ηZ, where Z = max(N (i) − N (neighbors). In order to compare the two models (constant transferred grain amount and variable transferred grain amount) we choose the percentage so that for the height difference equal to the critical one, the number of transferred grains be the same in both cases. Namely, in the numerical analysis below Nf = 3 for Zc = 20, so that η = 0.15. 2.2.2 Numerical analysis We again start our simulation with the proper preparation of the initial distribution near the critical point, building the slope which is marginally stable, and begin our analysis when the system enters stationary regime. We drop grains to the system in the random way, as described above, and then we scan where the slope become steeper then the critical value. The grain transfer occurs simultaneously at all relevant sites (synchronous updating). In the present numerical analysis we use the following parameters: L = 101 ,Nd = 1 ,Zc = 20 and Nf = 3. The probability p was used to control the avalanching activity. In what follows we focus on the 32 CHAPTER 2. SANDPILE MODEL passive and active phase durations and the avalanche size. We expect to see whether there is any effect of the dimensionality of the system on the distribution shapes for these variables. We again consider the low p = 0.000005 and high p = 0.00005 states. The corresponding merging parameters for the two-dimensional case are x1 = pL3 Nd /Nf and x2 = pL2 Nd . For our parameters we have in the low state x1 = 1.7 and x2 = 0.05, while in the high state x1 = 17. and x2 = 0.5. Although x1 seems to mean strong temporal overlapping, it should be taken into account that for a more proper estimate one should substitute L2 by the average avalanche size, which may be substantially smaller. Figure 2.6 shows the distribution of individual avalanche sizes. PDF − size of avalanche (per iteration) 0 10 −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 −6 10 0 10 20 30 size of avalanch 40 50 60 Figure 2.6: Distribution of clusters size for the high state in log linear scale. Upper trend is for even size clusters, lower for odd size ones.(Two dimensional case) In deriving this distribution overlapping avalanches were counted separately. We can see that the avalanche size in the high driving case exhibit a Poisson-like distribution. The results are similar to what was obtained in the one dimensional system, in the sense that here we also get odd- and even-sized avalanches. The main difference is that in the one dimensional case the two different kinds of avalanches join together in the large avalanche size limit, while in the two dimensional case these two distributions remain well separated even for largest clusters. The different between these two kind is the size of the system. In the one dimensional system there is large probability that the avalanche develops until it gets to the boundary. This can be seen in the sense that in large avalanches this two curves join into one (large in sense that have size comparable to the system size). In the two dimensional model the system is very big and the chances that even a large avalanche reaches the boundaries are low. We can also see that 2.2. TWO DIMENSIONAL SANDPILE MODEL 33 in the two dimensional model the odd-sized avalanches (that is, the lower distribution) are less common compared to the one dimensional system. In Figure 2.7 we introduce the passive phase duration (log-linear scale, upper panel) and active phase duration (log-log scale, lower panel) of this model for the case of high driving. PDF − passive time −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 passive phase duration 120 140 PDF − system active time 0 10 −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 active phase duration 3 10 Figure 2.7: Distribution of passive (top-log linear scale) and active (bottom-log log scale) phase duration.(Two dimensional case) The passive distribution behaves like Poisson except for long avalanches where statistics become poor. From this distribution one can conclude that the evolution of this two dimensional 34 CHAPTER 2. SANDPILE MODEL sandpile model does not show any time correlation among the avalanche event. The active distribution behaves like Poisson at small duration but looks more like a power law for larger durations. This change of the behavior with the avalanche duration increase is not clear yet and further analysis is required. It is worth noting that, in contrast with most previous works, we do not restrict ourselves with very slow driving. Figure 2.8 shows the comparison of the passive and active phase duration distributions for two different input probabilities. PDF − passive time −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 passive phase duration 700 800 900 PDF − system active time 0 10 −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 active phase duration 3 10 Figure 2.8: Distribution of passive (top-log linear scale) and active (bottom-log log scale) phase duration. Blue line for low state and green line for high state.(Two dimensional case) The green line describes the case where the input probability p = 0.00005 and the blue 2.2. TWO DIMENSIONAL SANDPILE MODEL 35 line describes the input probability of p = 0.000005. In the case for lower input probability the system was in the passive state most of the time. These two kinds of distributions look the same in the active phase duration graph, that is, the active time does not depend strongly on the driving probability. In the passive phase duration we can clearly see that the system with the low probability is less active (the blue line). The largest duration of the passive time in the case of high probability is around 100 while the largest duration in the case of the low probability is around 600. Figure 2.9 shows the comparison of the avalanche sizes for the regimes of two different drivings. We can see that in the low state the statistics becomes very poor. While the even PDF − size of avalanche (per iteration) 0 10 −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 −6 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 size of avalanch 60 70 80 Figure 2.9: Distribution of cluster sizes in log linear scale. Blue line for low state and green line for high state.(Two dimensional case) size avalanches are around the Poisson distribution, the odd size avalanches do not show any particular distribution. 36 2.2.3 CHAPTER 2. SANDPILE MODEL Non-constant grain transfer As is mentioned above, in this model we allow transfer of non-constant number of grains. Namely, (integer part of) the 15% of the maximum height difference is transferred, which corresponds to 3 grains for the height difference exactly equal to the critical value. We expect that the proportional transfer be more important for larger events (longer avalanches or active phase durations) since it means more efficient smoothing for higher gradients. In all subsequent plots the red line corresponds to the constant number of grain transfer while the cyan line corresponds to the proportional transfer. In Figure 2.10 we compare the active phase durations for the two cases. The upper bottom (red curve) shows the active phase duration for the constant transfer case and driving probability p = 0.00005 (log-linear scale). The lower panel (cyan curve) shows the active phase duration for the proportional transfer case and the same driving probability p = 0.00005 (log-linear scale). We can see that in the constant transfer case the distribution deviates from the Poissonlike and somewhat resembles a power law dependence at larger durations. In the proportional transfer case we can see Poisson behavior for larger durations too, which means suppression of larger events. The mean active value is Ta = 11 which is identical to the mean active value that we get in the constant model. Figure 2.11 shows the passive phase durations for the two models. Both distributions exhibit Poisson behavior, but the proportional transfer curve is steeper than the constant transfer curve indicating that in the case of the proportional transfer system is more stable than the constant transfer system (the passive time is the time that the system accumulates energy until it get to the critical state). The mean passive time Tp = 16. This value is much bigger than the value in the constant model and it supports the conclusion that in the non-constant system avalanches end much faster. Figure 2.12 show the distribution of avalanche size for this two above cases The effect on the avalanche size seems negligible. Deviations for odd-sized avalanches are related to relatively poor statistics. 2.2. TWO DIMENSIONAL SANDPILE MODEL 37 PDF ! system active time 0 10 !1 10 !2 pdf 10 !3 10 !4 10 !5 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 active phase duration 140 160 180 PDF − system active time 0 10 −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 active phase duration 120 140 160 Figure 2.10: Distribution of active phase duration for the constant grain number transfer case (top panel, log-linear scale) and for the proportional transfer case (bottom panel, log-linear scale).(Two dimensional case) 38 CHAPTER 2. SANDPILE MODEL PDF − passive time −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 passive phase duration 120 140 160 Figure 2.11: Distribution of passive phase duration in log linear scale. Red curve for the constant grain number transfer case and cyan curve for the proportional transfer case.(Two dimensional case) PDF − size of avalanche (per iteration) 0 10 −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 −6 10 0 10 20 30 size of avalanch 40 50 60 Figure 2.12: Distribution of cluster size. Red curve for constant number of grains state and cyan curve for percent number of grains.(Two dimensional case) 2.2. TWO DIMENSIONAL SANDPILE MODEL 39 In Table 2.1 we summarize the mean values for the bi-directional sandpile model: Mean cluster size w̄ Mean active phase duration Ta Mean passive phase duration Tp Table 2.1: Mean values for bi-directional sandpile. High state Low state High state Low state p = p = p = p = 0.00015 1D 0.00005 1D 0.00005 2D 0.000005 Constant 2D Constant 12 12 7 11 High state p = 0.00005 2D Percent 8 23 21 11 14 11 58 176 12 81 16 40 2.3 CHAPTER 2. SANDPILE MODEL Summary In this chapter we examined the influence of the dimensionality on the behavior of typical distributions (avalanche size, active and passive phase durations) in the sandpile model. The main shapes of these distributions do not change noticeably when the dimensionality is increased (from one-dimensional to two-dimensional). It is important to mention that we focus here only on one- and two-dimensional cases because of our intention to eventually apply the results to certain physical systems (like the magnetospheric current sheet or solar flux tube carpet). At this stage we do not attempt any generalization of our conclusions to higher dimensions. The results for the one-dimensional model have been published in Gedalin et al. (2005d). The results for the two-dimensional model with constant transfer are being prepared for publication. The results for the proportional transfer are of preliminary character, and we are planning further studies. Chapter 3 Dynamics of the burning model Running sandpiles are most ubiquitous, being based on the slope controlled rules and immediate passive-active transitions. SOC, and sandpile models, in particular, have been widely applied to plasma system, especially to those which are thought to be governed by localized reconnection(Chang, 1999b; Chapman et al., 1998; Charbonneau et al., 2001; Boffetta et al., 1999; Consolini and De Michelis, 2001; Klimas et al., 2003; Krasnoselskikh et al., 2002; Lu and Hamilton, 1991; Takalo et al., 1999; Valdivia et al., 2003; Uritsky et al., 2001). The more sophisticated field reversal model (Takalo et al., 2001; Klimas et al., 2004) is based on the hysteresis behavior of the resistivity (diffusion). It is unclear whether it can be directly applied to collisionless localized reconnection. It should be mentioned, though, that there is no definitive observational evidence relating SOC models to the localized reconnection processes in plasma sheet, and there is no general agreement regarding the dynamical nature of current sheet reconnection. Our new model has a number of features characteristic of the localized reconnection process in the current sheet (Milovanov et al., 2001; Milovanov and Zelenyi, 2002; Zelenyi et al., 2002) that are not, in our opinion, properly treated in other models. These features are: • the transition passive-to-active depends on the local threshold, resembling what happens in a current layer, when its width become less than some critical value, or, alternatively, when the current exceed the critical current; • there is a finite life time of an active site, that is, an active site which excites its neighbor, does not become passive immediately (like in the sandpile model) but remains active for some time; • a part of energy dissipates into ”radiation” which can be observed by remote observer. The first declaration of the locality of the threshold can be also introduced even in the most simple sandpile model. This can be done by changing of the variables, that define a site, to a slope. This works, however, only for one dimensional directed models (otherwise a local vector 41 42 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMICS OF THE BURNING MODEL field of ”slopes” has to be defined). Dissipative models are rather ubiquitous. We, however, propose that the dissipated energy is the energy which comes to a distant observer directly from the active site, and can be used for identification of the system state. The finite lifetime feature is the most important since it removes the unphysical condition of immediate energy release by an active site with the transition to the passive regime. The proposed feature not only allows to study the behavior of the avalanching system in the fast driving regime, but also make possible resolution of the temporal behavior of the active regions. 3.1 3.1.1 One dimensional model The model Our discrete model is one dimensional array of L sites. Each site i, 1, ..., L is characterized by his temperature Ti this temperature is the analog to the number of sand grains in the familiar sandpile model. We choose to work with temperature because temperature is a continuously varying parameter. The system is open in the sense that energy can get out from the system, like in normal systems. There is external random input that brings energy from outside to the system. At each time step the system gets the amount of heat q with the probability p. Thus, the average heat input into a single site is qp and the total time average driving into the system is qpL. This heat that a site gets results to increasing of the site temperature until its start burning. This happens when the site temperature exceeds the upper critical value, that is the condition Ti ≥ Tc indicate the burning beginning. During this burning the site looses energy (heat). Part of this heat goes to the closest neighbors and part of it dissipates (the last one is the energy that we can see from large distance). The rate of the energy loss (energy per time step) is Ji = kT . In other words we can say that if this site were left along, its temperature would change according to Ṫ = −kT or T = T (0)exp(−kt). Because of the heat losses the site temperature decreases until the temperature drops below the lower critical value, that is, the condition Ti < T0 = sTc , s < 1 defines the point where the burning ceases. Burning does not start again until Ti ≥ Tc . Physically, it corresponds to the idea that energy release from a site will persist until it is exhausted, and can start only after it exceeds the upper critical value again. To summarizing all this, the energy flux is: Ji = kTi [θ(Ti − Tc ) + θ(Tc − Ti )θ(Ti − T0 )θ(−Ṫi )], (3.1) where the step-function θ(x) = 1 when x ≥ 0 and zero otherwise. The last term θ(J) in (3.1) is related to the idea that a site should be considered burning when the site temperature is below the upper critical value, only if its temperature is above the lower critical value and this site was burning at the previous iteration, that is, its temperature was decreasing. Note that the 3.1. ONE DIMENSIONAL MODEL 43 description is imprecise since the random input may occasionally cause some reheating even during the burning stage. This problem is easily avoided during the discretization, as we shall see a little later. It is worth mentioning that the life time of a lonely burning site, tl , can be estimated as tl ≈ ln(Tc /T0 )/k. As we mentioned earlier, the energy that released from the site is partly dissipated and most of it transferred isotropically to the neighbors. Let a < 1 be the part of energy that is going to the neighbors, so if at the moment t the temperature of the site was Ti at the next time step the site temperature would be Ti (t + 1) = Ti (t) − Ji (t) + (a/2)(Ji−1 (t) + Ji+1 (t)) + η(i, t). (3.2) The last term reflects the possibility that the site will get input energy from the driving with the average hηi = pq, the distribution of the random heat η will be usually taken as uniform if not specified otherwise. Now it is easy to see that the flux can be properly rewritten as Ji (t) = kTi (t)[θ(Ti (t) − Tc ) + θ(Tc − Ti (t))θ(Ti (t) − T0 )θ(Ji (t − 1))], (3.3) The two equations (3.2) and (3.3) completely determine the model. It is worth to reiterate that the proposed model has the following features which are usually absent (or incomplete) in other models: a) the active-passive transitions depend only on the local conditions, that is, the temperature of the site and the energy release of the same site determine whether it is active or passive, b) a site which becomes active does not fade away immediately once it transfers energy to neighbors, but lives for some time, and c) there is some dissipation along with the energy flow inside the system. These features make the system somewhat resembling the current sheet with localized reconnection. 3.1.2 Field presentation While discretization is the natural and only way for performing numerical simulations, in reality there is nothing which requires to break a continuous system into a number of discrete sites, although some minimal scale is always present in physical systems. In this section we transfer our model to a field model. We introduce the respective temporal and spatial reference lengths, τ and l. Thus, the transfer to the field presentation would be t + 1 → t + τ , and i ± 1 → x ± l. Now we can rewrite the temperature equation: τ al2 ∂ 2 J(x, t) ∂T (x, t) = −(1 − a)J(x, t) + + η(x, t). ∂t 2 ∂x2 (3.4) Respectively, the equation for the flux is J(t) = kT [θ(T (t) − Tc ) + θ(Tc − T (t))θ(T (t) − T0 )θ(J(t − τ ))]. (3.5) 44 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMICS OF THE BURNING MODEL We require that in the interval T0 < T < Tc all the variables like the temperature and the flux be changing continuously, so that we can Taylor expand to get τ J˙ = −J + k(T + τ Ṫ )[θ(T + τ Ṫ − Tc ) + θ(Tc − T − τ Ṫ )θ(T + τ Ṫ − T0 )θ(J) (3.6) or ˙ J = kT [θ(T − Tc ) + θ(Tc − T )θ(T − T0 )θ(J − τ J)]. (3.7) Since the discontinuous θ-functions can be substituted with tanh: x 2n+1 1 θ(x) = 2 1 + tanh L where L is sufficiently small and the integer n ≥ 0 is sufficiently large, the derived field equations can be written in an explicitly smooth way. 3.1.3 Analytical treatment In this section we would like to present a calculation of the cluster size distribution. Let Nav be the number of active sites, in the case for weak to moderate driving. The temperature of a burning site decreases from Tc to T0 , so that we can estimate that the energy, which is released in the burning process from a single site, equals to Tc − T0 in the time interval tl . The average power is Pav ≈ (Tc −T0 )/tl . The total energy losses rate is dE/dt ≈ −(1−a)Nav (Tc −T0 )/tl + (dE/dt)b , the last term describe the energy that is lost from the boundaries. In a sufficiently large system the effect of the boundary losses can be neglected in all cases. We examine our system (our numerical results) in the stationary state, that is when the energy that enters the system is equal to the total energy losses. In this case we get Nav ≈ Lpqtl . (1 − a)(Tc − T0 ) (3.8) when Lpq represent the input energy. This approximation should be valid for Na v L, so that pqtl (1 − a)Tc . (3.9) To get a more precise prediction we will look into kinetic description of the cluster distribution. Let N (w) be the number of clusters with length w. The evolution of the cluster number in time is given by dN (w) = −[P (w → w + ∆) + P (w → w − ∆)]N (w) dt + P (w − ∆ → w)N (w − ∆) + P (w + ∆ → w)N (w + ∆), (3.10) 3.1. ONE DIMENSIONAL MODEL 45 where P (w → w + ∆) and P (w → w − ∆) are the probabilities (per unit time) of growth and shrinking, and ∆ is the typical change of length in one step. In our case ∆ = 1 or ∆ = 2, that means, the cluster can grow at the end of the cluster or at both ends (this is one dimensional model). Since we are interested in estimates only and will not solve the (discretized) kinetic equation (3.10) exactly, we simply put ∆ ≈ 1. We proceed by Taylor expanding to obtain dN ∆2 d2 d = ((P+ − P− )N ) , ((P+ + P− )N ) − ∆ 2 dt 2 dw dw (3.11) where P+ and P− are the growth and shrinking probabilities, respectively. In the stationary state, (dN/dt) = 0, one has ∆ d ((P+ + P− )N ) = ((P+ − P− )N ) + C, 2 dw (3.12) where C = const is the probability of the spontaneous appearance of a cluster. Since only clusters of size one are born from the passive background, we have to put C = 0. Then A N (w) = exp(− α Z βdw), (3.13) where A = const, α = P+ + P− , and β = (P− − P+ )/α. Now we would like to describe the growth and shrinking probability. First we introduce the average temperature Tp , we can say that this is also the average temperature of a passive site if we assume that Na v L. The heat flux that transfers from a site that exists on the cluster boundary to its passive neighbor is J = kT during about its life time. The passive site becomes active if the heat flux exceeds the difference between the critical temperature and the site temperature, which can happen during the time tg when J > (Tc − Tp ). Estimating the initial temperature of the active site as Tc we have tg = (1/k) ln[kTc /(Tc − Tp )]. The growth probability then will be P+ ≈ tg /tl and does not depend on the cluster size but depend on the dynamics of the system like strong driving. If the driving is strong the mean temperature Tp gets close to the critical temperature and, as we can see, the time tg during which that passive site may become active depends on Tc − Tp . The shrinking probability is simply the probability to find the active site at the boundary in the end of its life, so that P− ∼ 1/tl . It also does not depend on the cluster size. We got α = (1 + tg )/tl and β = (1 − tg )/(1 + tg ), so that N (w) ∝ exp[−(1 − tg )w/(1 + tg )] ⇒ ln N ∝ −w. (3.14) This result appears dependent on the average temperature Tp which itself should depend on the system dynamics. In order to establish the relation of Tp to the system parameters we should consider the 46 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMICS OF THE BURNING MODEL smallest size, w = 1, clusters. For such clusters (3.11) is not applicable. Instead, we have dN1 = −P− N1 + γN0 , dt (3.15) where the last term describes the spontaneous (driving determined) conversion of passive sites into active ones. Since the average driving heat flux into a passive site is qp, and the gap Tc − Tp should be exceeded to make the site active, we can estimate the birth probability γ ∼ qp/(Tc − Tp ). In the stationary state we would then have N1 qpN0 = . Tc − Tp tl (3.16) Since N (w) ∝ exp(−βw), we have Z L N (w)dw ≈ N1 /β, Nav = (3.17) 1 Substituting (3.17) into (3.16), with the use of (3.8) and taking into account that N0 ≈ L, we get eventually β Tc − Tp = . (3.18) Tc − T0 1−a Since β itself depends on Tp , the relation (3.18) is in fact a (nonlinear) bootstrap equation for the average temperature. As a by-note, the above analysis allows to predict the maximum size of the cluster. Indeed, N (w) = N (1) exp[−β(w − 1)] ≈ ≈ Nav exp[−β(w − 1)] β Lpqtl exp[−β(w − 1)], β(1 − a)(Tc − T0 ) (3.19) and one has N (wmax ) = 1, so that wmax ≈ 1 Lpqtl ln . β β(1 − a)(Tc − T0 ) (3.20) Of course, this relation (as all previous) is of approximate character only. It is clear, however, that the average number of active sites depends on the driving more strongly than the maximum cluster size. 3.1.4 Numerical results One of the objectives of our research is to propose an avalanching model that would describe the reconnection phenomena more properly, in our opinion, then the avalanching models that 3.1. ONE DIMENSIONAL MODEL 47 are already suggested. Another objective is to find observable characteristics of avalanching systems that will enable us to map those system to one of our avalanche models (sandpile or burning) so we will able to learn about the micro process of those system by remote observer who is limited in his methods of observational data processing. In order to compare these two models we are going to perform analysis similar to what we have done in the case of the one dimensional sandpile model. Until now we focused on the description of the model and analytical treatment. For such kind of models, however, existing analytical methods are not sufficiently developed yet. On the other hand, numerical methods proved to be efficient. Our numerical model uses the following parameters: the length of the system L = 100, the critical temperature Tc = 50, the low critical temperature T0 = 0.3Tc , the fraction of energy release going to neighbors a = 0.9, the inverse relaxation time k = 0.3, and the heat amount input at each step q = 2. The driving strength is then determined by the probability of the input p. In our analysis we examine the system for various drivings and fractions of energy released that is going to the neighbors. Figure 3.1 shows how the energy release pattern changes with the driving increase by a factor of ten. For the driving probability p = 0.005 (bottom panel) the system seems to be active most of the time. For lower driving (upper panel) the system is essentially passive with rare bursts of activity. Although the difference in the activity level is quite clearly seen visually from Figure 3.1, it is instructive to introduce quantitative tools of comparisons. Let J(t, i) be the two-dimensional P array of intensities. Then Jav = i,t J(t, i)/(LNt ), where Nt is the number of time steps, would have the meaning of the mean site intensity. The mean radiated energy would be (1 − P a)Jav . Respectively, nav = i,t θ(J)/(LNt ) would give the mean fractional number of active sites. We remind the reader that the mean energy input per site is qp. In the stationary regime (1 − a)Jav ≈ qp (the equality cannot be precise because of the losses at the boundaries - see complete analysis in section 3.1.3). The results of this comparison are given in Table 3.1, where we list the following parameters: p is the driving probability, qp is the average driving input per site, Jav is the average power released by active sites, nav is the mean fractional number of active sites, wmax is the largest cluster size (from all cluster sizes measured at all times), and tmax is the longest avalanche duration (measured for all sites). The last two are defined as follows. First we determine the largest cluster size max(w(t)) for each time t and then wmax = maxt (max(w(t))). The longest duration max(t(i)), on the other hand, is determined for each site separately, and then tmax = maxi (max(t(i))). Thus, wmax corresponds to the timeaverage spatial pattern which an observer would see instantaneously, while tmax corresponds to the spatially-average time evolution which an observer, sitting at some site, would see. In Figure 3.2 individual avalanches are shown. The stronger driving case exhibits first indications of avalanche spatial merging (cluster merging). At stronger drivings such merging would become more important, thus spoiling our analytical treatment. There is a very clear 48 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMICS OF THE BURNING MODEL Table 3.1: Quantitative comparison of activity level. p = 0.0005 p = 0.001 p = 0.005 p = 0.01 qp 0.001 0.002 0.01 0.02 Jav 0.011 0.026 0.12 0.24 nav 0.0013 0.0032 0.0145 0.029 wmax 15 18 21 22 tmax 32 37 37 36 picture of the change of the flux that get out from a site in the cluster as function of time. For the analysis of the distribution N (w) the size of the system was increased to L = 400, in order to reduce the effects of the edges. Figure 3.3 shows the distribution for various values of the probability p. As expected, the maximum cluster size depends only weakly on the driving, and the functional dependence ln N ∝ −w remains the same. Figure 3.4 shows the behavior of the mean temperature. The plots are artificially shifted since the dependence of the temperature on the driving is negligible. It is seen that the system is in the stationary regime, since the temperature fluctuates around some constant value. With increase of driving the fluctuations become more frequent. The statistics for the passive and active phase duration are given in Figure 3.5. The distribution of the passive phase durations is Poisson in a wide range, as could be expected. The Poisson nature of the PDF of passive phases suggests that the evolution of the burning model as described here does not show any time correlation among the avalanche events. However, further work is needed in order to investigate the emergence of time correlation as a function of the driving strength and/or different updating rules including diffusion effects. The distribution of the active phase durations deviates from Poisson toward smaller and larger durations. 3.1. ONE DIMENSIONAL MODEL 49 100 90 80 site number 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 time 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 x 104 100 90 80 site number 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0.8 1 time 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 x 104 Figure 3.1: Energy release for various drivings: top p = 0.0005 and bottom p = 0.005.(One dimensional model) 50 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMICS OF THE BURNING MODEL 45 16 14 40 site number 12 35 10 8 30 6 4 25 2 20 1.3 1.3005 1.301 1.3015 1.302 1.3025 1.303 1.3035 1.304 1.3045 time x 104 50 16 48 14 46 12 site number 44 42 10 40 8 38 6 36 34 4 32 2 30 1.648 1.649 1.65 1.651 time 1.652 1.653 1.654 x 104 Figure 3.2: Individual avalanche structure: top p = 0.0005 and bottom p = 0.005.(One dimensional case) 3.1. ONE DIMENSIONAL MODEL 51 10 6 10 5 f 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 w 25 30 35 40 45 mean temperature Figure 3.3: Distribution of the cluster sizes N (w) (log-linear scale) for p 0.00025, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.005.(One dimensional case) time Figure 3.4: Mean temperature for various drivings (shifted).(One dimensional case) = 52 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMICS OF THE BURNING MODEL 10 0 10 −1 pdf 10 −2 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 0 20 40 60 80 100 active time duration 120 140 160 10 −1 pdf 10 −2 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 0 50 100 150 200 250 passive time duration 300 350 Figure 3.5: Duration (pdf) of the active (top-log linear scale) and passive (bottom-log linear scale) phases.(One dimensional case) 3.2. TWO DIMENSIONAL BURNING MODEL 3.2 53 Two dimensional burning model It is natural to extend this model to more realistic, that is, two dimensional systems. The main idea is the same and the only change is that now an active site transfers energy to its four nearest neighbors and not only two as in the previous model. 3.2.1 The model In this system we also have open boundaries, and the process a site passing is still the same, that is, a site starts to burn when Ti,j ≥ Tc and loses energy in this burning process at the rate Ji,j = kT , so that its temperature is changing in time according to T = T (0)exp(−kt). The burning ceases when the site temperature drops below the lower critical value Ti,j < T0 = sTc , s < 1. So, if at the moment t the site temperature was T (t) at the next step its temperature would be: Ti,j (t + 1) = Ti,j (t) − Ji,j (t) + (a/4)(Ji−1,j (t) + Ji+1,j (t) + Ji,j−1 (t) + Ji,j+1 (t)) + η(t). (3.21) The rate of energy loss would be Ji,j (t) = kTi,j (t)[θ(Ti,j (t) − Tc ) + θ(Tc − Ti,j (t))θ(Ti,j (t) − T0 )θ(Ji,j (t − 1))]. (3.22) As we can see this equation is similar to the one dimensional one. This similarity is quite obvious, since the rate of the energy loss depends only on the site itself and not on its neighbors. 3.2.2 Field presentation Similarly to what has been done earlier for the one-dimensional model, here we represent the two-dimensional model in the continuous form, following the same reasoning as earlier. The temporal and spatial reference scales, τ and l, substitute t + 1 → t + τ and i ± 1 → x ± l, j ± 1 → y ± l. Now we can rewrite the temperature equation as follows: τ al2 ∂ 2 J(x, y, t) ∂ 2 J(x, y, t) ∂T (x, y, t) = −(1 − a)J(x, y, t) + ( + ) + η(x, y, t). ∂t 4 ∂x2 ∂y 2 (3.23) As we mentioned and explained earlier, the equation for the flux does not change when we increase the dimensionality of the model, so, like the one dimensional model, we would get for the interval T0 < T < Tc the same flux description ˙ J = kT [θ(T − Tc ) + θ(Tc − T )θ(T − T0 )θ(J − τ J)]. when θ(x) = 1 if x ≥ 0 and zero otherwise. (3.24) 54 3.2.3 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMICS OF THE BURNING MODEL Numerical result We start with illustrating the avalanching process by presenting avalanche patterns for various driving. We use the following parameters: length of the system L = 100 (the size is L × L), upper critical temperature Tc = 30, low critical threshold T0 = 0.3Tc , fraction of energy release going to neighbors a = 0.9 or a = 0.97 (that is in order the check the influence of this parameter on the results), inverse relaxation time k = 0.3, and the heat amount input at each step q = 0.5. The driving strength is then determined by the probability of the input p. Figure 3.6 show the passive and active phase duration for input probability equal to 0.0001 that is high driving. Fraction of energy that going to the neighbors equal to 0.9. In the top panel we can see that PDF − passive time 0 10 −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 0 50 100 150 passive phase duration 200 250 PDF − system active time 0 10 −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 1 10 2 10 active phase duration 3 10 Figure 3.6: Passive (log-linear scale) and active (log-log scale) phase duration for high input probability and weak dissipation.(Two dimensional case) 3.2. TWO DIMENSIONAL BURNING MODEL 55 the passive time behaves like Poisson distribution while the active times behave like a power law. In the active time panel (bottom) we can see the change of the slope in the transition from short avalanches to longer ones (this transition can be seen more clearly in the next Figure 3.7). The mean value for the active phase duration is Ta = 19 and the mean passive time is Tp = 23 (we can say that the system is active for about 82% of the time, that is, the driving is not weak and we should not be close to SOC, according to the widely-accepted criterion). Figure 3.7 shows the results of the runs with various driving probabilities and dissipations. In the passive phase duration plot, there is merging of the curves that describe the same input probability (cyan - p = 0.0003a = 0.9, green - p = 0.0003a = 0.97, red - p = 0.00003a = 0.9 and blue p = 0.00003a = 0.97), without any relation to the dissipation parameter. It seems very natural that the passive time has no dependence on the dissipation, because this parameter only changes the amount of energy in the system, that is changes the active time (makes it longer). The higher the input probability the smaller is the system passive time and the system is more active. We would like to check this conclusion in one more way, looking at the mean passive time parameters. The mean passive time for p = 0.0003a = 0.9 is Tp = 11, for p = 0.0003a = 0.97 is Tp = 13, for p = 0.00003a = 0.9 is Tp = 79 and for p = 0.00003a = 0.97 the mean passive is Tp = 65. We can see that the passive times for the same input probability are very similar in the case of different dissipation parameters. In the active phase duration plot we can see the influence of the both input probability and dissipation on the activity of the system. The higher the input probability the more active the system is (for p = 0.0003a = 0.9 the mean value is Ta = 29, p = 0.0003a = 0.97Ta = 77, p = 0.00003a = 0.9Ta = 17 and p = 0.00003a = 0.97Ta = 26), and the weaker the dissipation the more active the system is (more energy stays in the system). We also can say that the system distribution behaves like a power law and the transition between the two slopes is more clear. 56 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMICS OF THE BURNING MODEL PDF − passive time 0 10 −1 10 −2 pdf 10 −3 10 −4 10 50 100 150 passive phase duration 200 250 PDF − active time 0 10 −1 10 pdf −2 10 −3 10 −4 10 1 10 2 10 active phase duration Figure 3.7: Passive (log-linear scale) and active (log-log scale) phase durations for various input probabilities and weak dissipation.(Two dimensional case) While the fit is quite good for the first two simulations, it seems to me that in the case of the model #3 we are observing the emergence of a certain characteristic dimension 3.3. SUMMARY 57 of cluster size. To compare the 3 different distributions I have collected all the PDFs The cluster size distribution is shown in Figure 3.8: Mod 1 and mod 2 have the same dis- in one single figure. " !" )*+, !"#! !" #( !" #' !" #& .345! .345( .345( !"#% !"#$ $ - ! ( & $ - !" ( & $ - !"" ( & +./012 ResultsFigure seem3.8:toThe becluster independent on for driving but strongly dependent on size distribution various changes input probabilities and dissipation.(Two dimensional case). Courtesy Consolini. dissipation factor. Now I sipation parameter a = 0.9 while in mod 3 (blue line) the dissipation is a = 0.93. We can see that the cluster size distribution is independent of the driving changes but strongly depends on am simulatingWeoncana large see whatof happens. the dissipation. see alsomatrix that theto distribution the cluster size changes from power law distribution for small sizes to the Poisson for larger sizes. If we compare these results to the one dimensional burning model we can say that the cluster size distribution may provide information about the dimensionality of the system. 3.3 Summary In this chapter we examined the influence of the dimensionality on the behavior of typical distributions (avalanche size, active and passive phase durations) in the burning model. The main shapes of the passive phase duration do not change noticeably when the dimensionality is increased (from one-dimensional to two-dimensional). It can be seen that increasing the system dimension changes the active time distribution from Poisson in the one dimensional case to the power law in the two dimensional case. In the cluster size we can see that changes in the dimensionality create a substantial change in the distribution. The results for the onedimensional model have been published in Gedalin et al. (2005c,d). The results for the twodimensional model are preliminary and require further analysis to understand the details of the transition and the relative role of the dimensionality and internal dynamics. Chapter 4 A comparative study In this section we analyze the two different simple avalanching models that were introduced in the previous chapters from a point of view of a remote observer who is limited in his methods of observational data processing. The underlying physical processes are very different in those two systems. We are interested to know whether the statistical properties are similar or there is clear manifestation of the difference in the microphysics. 4.1 One dimensional models The above results already show that there are differences in the remote observation of both systems. In order to make it more clear we visualize the distribution of passive and active phase duration for the both models together. For this comparison we choose the low state, p = 0.00005 bi direction sandpile model and the low state p = 0.0003, strongly dissipative, a = 0.9, burning model. For both models the system is active for about 10 percent of the time. The mean active and passive phase duration for the sandpile are Ta = 21 and Tp = 176. The mean active phase duration for the burning model, Ta = 11, is strongly affected by the lower limit ≈ 3 on the avalanche lifetime, so,in order to insure proper visual comparison, we truncate the distribution from below, excluding from the analysis the shortest avalanches (which are most probable). In real system observations such short avalanches would be most probably filtered out because of the fluctuating background (noise). With this truncation, the renormalized mean values for the burning model are Ta = 23 and Tp = 145, which is pretty similar to those for the sandpile. Thus, for the chosen parameters, both models exhibit similar level of activity. In Figure 4.1 we compare the sandpile model (stars) and burning model (circles). While the two distributions seem to well coincide for shorter avalanches, at longer values the sandpile model clearly leaves the Poisson curve toward a power law slop. Figure 4.2 show the passive phase duration In this figure both models behave similarly except for the longest avalanches where the statistics becomes poor. 58 4.1. ONE DIMENSIONAL MODELS 59 100 pdf 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 −1 10 10 0 10 1 active phase duration 10 15 20 active phase duration 10 2 100 pdf 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 0 5 25 30 Figure 4.1: Active phase duration for the case of low driving, shown in two different presentations: log-log scale (top panel) and log-linear scale (bottom panel). Distributions for the sandpile model are marked with stars, those for the burning model are marked with circles.(One dimensional case) 60 CHAPTER 4. A COMPARATIVE STUDY 100 pdf 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 0 2 4 6 8 passive phase duration 10 12 Figure 4.2: Passive phase duration for the case of low driving, sandpile (stars) and burning (circles) models in log linear scale.(One dimensional case) 4.2. TWO DIMENSIONAL MODELS 4.2 61 Two dimensional models The two-dimensional results of the active and passive phase duration for both burning model and sandpile model are gathered to one system of axes in order to visualize the differences between these two models (similarly to what we have done for the one-dimensional case). We present the results for these two systems in the case of low driving, that is, the system is active for about 20% of the time. The sandpile results (red curve) are connect with system probability p = 0.000005 and the burning results (cyan curve) are connect with system values p = 0.00003, a = 0.9. The mean active and passive phase duration for the sandpile are Ta = 14 and Tp = 80 and the mean values for the burning model are Ta = 17 and Tp = 80. Both plots are normalized with the mean values. In Figure 4.3 we compare the active time for the sandpile model (stars) and burning model (circles) in log-log scale. As we know from the results in Chapters 2 and 3, both distributions PDF − active time 0 10 −1 pdf 10 −2 10 −1 10 0 1 10 10 active phase duration 2 10 Figure 4.3: Active phase duration for the case of low driving for the sandpile (stars) and burning (circles) models in log log scale.(Two dimensional case) behave like a power law distribution for at least intermediate and large avalanches, although there is some difference between the two distributions. The active phase duration distribution for the burning model exhibits some kind of a transition between two slopes which occurs at intermediate values of the durations. At present the nature of this transition is not clear to us. It does not seem to be directly related to the finite lifetime of a burning site nor to the size of the system. This issue requires further investigation. Figure 4.4 shows the passive phase duration. Like in the one dimensional model the passive time durations do not help us to distinguish between the two models (as expected). 62 CHAPTER 4. A COMPARATIVE STUDY PDF − passive time 0 10 −1 pdf 10 −2 10 0 5 10 15 passive phase duration 20 25 Figure 4.4: Passive phase duration for the case of low driving. Sandpile-stars, burning-circles in log linear scale.(Two dimensional case) 4.3 Summary In this chapter we presented the results of the comparison of simple statistical properties of the two physically different systems. These statistical properties should be available to a distant observer. In the one dimensional case it can be seen very clearly that there is a significant difference between these two models. While in the sandpile model the active phase duration distribution behaves like a power law distribution, in the burning model the active phase duration distribution behaves like Poisson distribution. In the two-dimensional case the situation changes. The difference between the systems is lost and in both systems the active phase duration distribution behaves like a power law, although there is still some difference in that the burning model shows transition between two power laws when moving from short durations to longer ones. In both cases, one and two dimensional, the passive phase duration behaves like Poisson distribution and it is not possible to distinguish between the two models from the passive time observations only. The results obtained for comparison of one-dimensional models are published in Gedalin et al. (2005d). Two-dimensional comparison is in progress. Chapter 5 Comparison with observations In the previous chapters we presented analytical and numerical treatment of two different avalanching models. Models, however, remain just a toy unless there is application to real physical systems. As we mentioned earlier, one of our objectives is to find a relation between observations that can be made remotely (from large distance or without possibility to analyzed the interior of the system) and the physical microprocesses in the system. In order to examine the applicability of our results, a comparison is desirable of the found numerically distribution behavior of the passive and active phase duration with observations of some real physical systems. It appears that most of the existing observations are not the measurements the proposed kind. Because of that it appeared difficult to find in literature a description of physical system observations that would provide us with both passive and active phase durations. Yet we able to find two examples of observations where (separately) active and passive phase durations were measured. The first example is the avalanching system of the current sheet of the Earth magnetotail. The solar wind is the trigger (driving) for this system and the results (output) is the auroral activity. This output is measured by the chain of ground-based stations that are located at the base of the auroral oval. The auroral activity is represented as deviations of the magnetic field strength from the daily averaged value. The distribution of the durations of the bursts of the electrojet index AU (maximum positive disturbance) have been studied by Freeman et al. (2000). This distribution is presented in Figure 5.1. It can be considered as the analog of our active time durations. A set of thresholds was applied that corresponded to the 10, 25, 50, 75 and 90 percentiles of the cumulative probability distribution of the measurement, AU. This thresholding was used in order to separate the background noise, which is present in all physical systems, from true avalanching activity. Several thresholds were used in order to verify the priori assumption that the power law slopes are independent of the choice of threshold. 63 64 1088 CHAPTER 5. COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS FREEMAN ET AL.: LIFETIMES OF AE IN Figure 1. Burst lifetime PDFs for AU , |AL|, vB Figure 5.1: Burst lifetime PDF for AU. From Freeman et al. (2000). slopes are independent of the choice of threshold. The cor- Figure 5.1 is to be compared with Figure 3.7 (bottom panel), which shows similar power responding burst lifetime PDFs are shown in Figure 1. The law for the active phase durations in the two-dimensional burning model. major component of all the PDFs is a power law function over 1-3 decades from just above the smallest measurable lifetime. The power law range varies systematically with the threshold but the power law exponent is approximately independent of threshold. One can fit a power law to the whole AE burst lifetime PDF [Takalo, 1993; Takalo, 1999] but Consolini [1999] has recently argued that the PDF is fitted better by the sum of a power law with an exponential cut-off plus a lognormal. Defining the burst lifetime PDF, D(T ), as the probability of burst lifetimes in the range T to T +dT divided by the interval dT , the PDF of a power law with an exponential cut-off plus a lognormal is: D(T ) = + A −T exp α T Tcut # $ −(log T − µ)2 B √ exp 2σ 2 2πσT ! " (1) Figu PDF 74 n Bot func and erro cont of a T bur fit o lifet m−1 exp an e pow of A I mag lifet m & 16. In Fig. 1, the raw and smoothed signals are within the plasma. The compared. Clearly, in the latter, most LFEs have merged scarce, so that survival into a rather continuous band on top of which clearly stead of pdfs. The surseparated longer events prevail. This band can now be y of interest q gives the eliminated by amplitude thresholding. Before proceedur case, q will be either 65 ing, it must be clarified that the AVEs discussed here are Therefore, q & 0 and found within the last closed magnetic surface (LCS), in al data, Sq "s# is easily contrast to evidence the so-called found in the scrape-off d values of q in decreasThe other experimental is for‘‘blobs’’ the passive phase durations that were measured in layer [19].plasmas While the connection, if it exists, be-experiments turbu; then a rankthenumber is experiments on hot(SOL) Tokamak (Sánchez et al., 2003). In these tween them is not clear, the physics governing their time n T, q(k , by using rk ! lent electric fluctuations, of instabilities the hot plasma, were may bewhich very developed different, because since SOL magnetic in field er of appearances of q(k fieldscales as a function of open. time. The electric field was found to be of a bursty character, and the lines are ion is thenmeasured given by: q Results W7-AS will be presentedflux”. first (discharge o the pdf by p "s# ! fluctuations were describedfrom in terms of ”bursts of turbulent The time between two subseNo. 35427 [5]). The signal has been sampled at %s ! ries the same informaquent turbulent fluxes is the quiet time, according to Sánchez et al. terminology, and correspond 2 MHz and has 200 000 usable points. The probe tips ential or power-law beto our passive phase Thecm details of the micro-process are not known although are duration. located 0–2 within thephysical LCS. Examples of quieter to detect power laws, time survival Thus, functions with the m !are 32available. The obthis is a laboratory experiment. again obtained very limited observations smoothed signal areisshown 2. Clearly, thelower survival =s1 served distribution of the quiet times shownininFig. Figure 5.2 by the curve (the upper curve function obtained without selecting the bursts according ; (1) =s2 #k q;fit "q(k #,2 ; (2) 0 10 q Survival function [S ] s, Sq "s# ) s$k for scales des of power-law behavo claim power-law bequired. Furthermore, to n artifact of the type of relaxing the condition o a pure exponential (s2 st q(k and s1 gives an ) and it is similarly rded. As goodness-ofe merit function [17]: -1 10 -2 10 Power law region All bursts included -1.38 ~q Only bursts lasting more than 20 µs -3 10 Exp. fit: e -0.017q t q values. t be solved to compute -4 10 -4 ntification of the events -3 -2 -1 0 10 10 10 10 10 sing the probe location Quiet time [ms] will be convoluted and ated with faster local FIG. 2 (color online). Examples of quiet-time survival funcFigure 5.2: timefor survival function W7-AS shot No.35427. From Sánchez et al. (2003). s). One approach is toQuiettions W7-AS shot No.for 35427. corresponds to the proposed mode of the data processing using substantial 185005-2thresholding and is not related directly to our subject). The distribution of the quiet timess (passive phase durations) behaves like Poisson distribution. This suggests that avalanches crossing by the probe location do so randomly. Chapter 6 Conclusions In the present work we have studied two internally different but externally similar systems possessing avalanching behavior. The two systems were the bi-directional sandpile (which is a generalization of the classical sandpile model) and the newly proposed burning model. The two systems differ by the underlying microphysics, but should be similarly measured by a distant observer. The systems were analyzed in the case of moderate (non-weak) driving in order to examine the influence of the driving on the system behavior. One of the objectives was to understand whether the widely-accepted definition of SOC as the behavior in limit of negligible driving and total time separation is too restrictive for the description of avalanching systems. The driving applied in our studied models was intermediate to strong, but in all cases we cared to not make it to strong so that the systems are only a part of the time in active state. Strongly driven systems, which are most of the time in active state, cannot be expected to exhibit behavior similar to SOC. We have found for both systems that driving intensity does not change the statistical behavior of the system, that is, statistical distributions of the observed parameters (see below). The only change is in the mean parameters, like the time that takes to the system to move from active to passive state. We conclude, therefore, that since changing the driving does not change the statistical behavior, physically (or observationally) there is no much difference between the system which is strictly self-organized critical (according to the popular definition) and system which is moderately driven. Thus, it makes sense to adopt the SOC terminology even for systems with non-weak driving, provided they exhibit scale-free behavior. Change the dimensionality of the system, on the other hand, results in the change of the statistical behavior for the same measurement in both models, sandpile and burning as well. Apparently, the conclusion whether a system behavior is scale-free, that is, whether, SOC sets on, is dimensionality sensitive. It is possible that some of the earlier found power-law distributions are due to the systems dimensionality, in which case it is not clear what is the relation 66 67 to SOC and whether the last is determined by the avalanching mechanism, dimensionality, or both. In order to allow more or less reliable remote observations, we propose to measure the passive and active phase durations and the cluster sizes in both models. We believe that this three basic measurements are the only ones (at present) that are not influenced substantially by the medium between the observed system and the remote observer, and for now give us the information that helps us to diagnose the system. It is possible, however, that future studies will provide us with more parameters to measure. As we saw, the passive phase duration distributions did not differ for both models, not do they depend on the system dimensions. This is reasonably based on the fact that this measure provides us with the information about the driving nature. Avalanches and SOC systems have been studied for quite a while. Most of the studies are based on numerical and analytical treatment on a simple one dimension sandpile model. We generalized this by extending it to bi-directional sandpile model (thus eliminating the closed boundary) and further proceeded to the two dimensional case. Our numerical results show that the active phase duration distribution is power-law like and the passive time duration distribution behaves like the Poisson. This results are consistent with the found earlier by Carreras et al. (2002); Newman et al. (2002); Sánchez et al. (2002). In the two dimensional model we get Poisson for passive phase duration and Poisson for short avalanches and power law for large avalanches for the active phase durations. In order to improve the model and make it more applicable for other physical systems, we introduced a non-constant redistribution mechanism where the number of grains which is transferred in the relaxation step constitutes certain part (15 percent in our simulations) of the height difference. In this simulation we got the same results for the passive phase duration and for the active phase duration we get a shape that is indicative of Poisson distribution. The power law distribution points to the fact that avalanche can develop in any temporal and spatial length. In the last case of the sandpile model the active phase duration behaves like Poisson, which points to the fact that larger avalanches are rare: their appearance is suppressed by the enhanced grain transfer for steeper slopes. Our second (burning) model is newly proposed. It is built in order to provide better relation of the avalanching models to the reconnection phenomenon. The main difference between these two models is that in the burning model the underlying processes are more physically related to the continuous systems of the type of the current sheet, in the sense that is takes some time to the energy to be transferred from site to site while this process is immediate in the sandpile model. We have also included the dissipation which is unavoidable in real reconnecting systems due to particle acceleration. In the burning model the site relaxation depends on the state of the site itself (critical current is a local parameter for reconnecting systems) and not on the difference between the site and its neighbors. This model has been also studied in the one-dimensional and two-dimensional cases. In the one dimensional burning model we found Poisson distribution 68 CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSIONS for the passive time durations, for the driving which also was random as in the sandpile model. The active phase duration distribution is also Poisson-like, and not power-law. Thus, according to the SOC criteria, the one-dimensional burning model is not self-organized critical. However, in the two-dimensional case the active phase durations become power-law distributed, which is usually considered as clear indication of scale-free dynamics and SOC. Thus, dimensionality may play a crucial role in our interpretation of whether the system is self-organized critical or not, even if the underlying microphysics remains the same. On the basis of the numerical analysis we propose the active phase durations may be used (at least in a number of cases) by a remote observer to distinguish between systems with different microphysics. Observations of passive phase durations do not provide information about the redistribution mechanism but could be, probably, useful in understanding of the driving features. The last issue requires further research. Besides the numerical analysis of the burning model we have treated the model analytically using and developing further the novel method proposed in Gedalin et al. (2005a). The method is based on the developing a ”kinetic” equation for cluster growth and shrinking. In comparison with the previous analytical works, we have been able to predict not only the average cluster size (like in the mean field theory) but also the statistical distribution of the clusters sizes. The predictions are in good agreement with what has been found numerically. In the spirit of this work, in the future research we plan to develop the burning model in several directions. We are going to extend the analytical treatment onto the two dimensional burning model and establish relation between the distribution of clusters and the active passive phase duration. We propose to study the effects of external driving by allowing various nonuniform distributions and including also large disturbances. 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