
Karen Maguire, Ph.D. Associate Professor Accounting Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics

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Karen Maguire, Ph.D. Associate Professor Accounting Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics
Karen Maguire, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics
Wall College of Business Adminstration
[email protected]
Academic Background
Ph.D. The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Accounting, 2004
M.S. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, Finance, 1996
B.S.B.A. The American University, Washington, D.C., International Business/Marketing, 1990
Professional Interests
Research Interests
Fraud, Fraud Regulation, Teaching and Learning
Teaching Interests
Fraud Examination, Financial Accounting, Auditing
Refereed Articles
Maguire, K. (in press, 2013). South Carolina Nonprofit Policies and Procedures: Achieving Best Practices for
NPOs of Different Sizes. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3 (3).
Drucker, M., Maguire, K., & Wolf, K. (2012). Penalties for Federal Tax Crimes: The IRS Arsenal. Journal of
Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues, 15 (2), 53-60.
Maguire, K. (2012). Survey of Accounting, Auditing, and Governance Practices in Non-Profit Organizations in
South Carolina: A Research Service Learning Project. Business Management Dynamics, 2 (2), 33-60.
Smith, D. & Maguire, K. (2011). Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Optimization of Timing Structure of
Assisted Recall Technology in Introductory Accounting. International Journal of Business and Social Science,
2 (11 Special Issue), 10-17.
Brallier, S., Maguire, K., Smith, D., & Palm, L. (2011). Visible Tattoos and Employment in the Restaurant
Service Industry. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2 (6), 72-76.
Maguire, K., Smith, D., Brallier, S., & Palm, L. (2010). Computer-Based Testing: A Comparison of
Computer-Based and Paper and Pencil Assessment. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 14 (4),
Maguire, K. (2010). Weak-Form Market Inefficiency and Fraudulent Financial Reporting. Academy of
Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 14 (1), 99-120.
Maguire, K. (2009). An Examination of SEC Investigative Bias among Foreign Registrants and Domestic
Registrants with Foreign Operations. Southern Business Review, 1-18.
Refereed Proceedings
Full Paper
Brallier, S., Palm, L., Graham, J., Maguire, K., Martin, P., Kerry Schwanz, and Jennifer Shinaberger (2008).
Making the Most of Online Instruction. SoTL at the Beach Conference.
Brallier, S. A., Graham, J. M., Maguire, K. A., & Schwanz, K. A. (2008). Addressing the Challenges of Online
Brallier, S. A., Graham, J. M., Maguire, K. A., & Schwanz, K. A. (2008). Addressing the Challenges of Online
Teaching. SoTL at the Beach Conference.
Abstract Only
Maguire, K. (2012). Study on Non-Profit Organizations in South Carolina: A Research Service Learning
Project. Allied Academies 2012 International Internet Conference, 14.
Drucker, M., Maguire, K., & Wolf, K. (2011). Penalties for Federal Tax Crimes: The IRS Arsenal. Allied
Academies 2011 International Internet Conference, 13.
Smith, D. & Maguire, K. (2009). Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Optimization of Timing Structure of
Assisted Recall Technology in Introductory Accounting. Allied Academies Fall 2009 International Conference.
Maguire, K., Smith, D., Brallier, S., & Palm, L. (2009). Computer-Based Testing: A Comparison of
Computer-Based and Paper and Pencil Assessment. Allied Academies Summer 2009 Internet Conference.
Maguire, K. (2009). Weak-Form Market Inefficiency and Fraudulent Financial Reporting. Allied Academies
Spring 2009 International Conference.
Maguire, K., Smith, D., Brallier, S., & Palm, L. (2009). Computer-Based Testing: A Comparison of
Computer-Based and Paper-and-Pencil Assessment. American Institute of Higher Education, the 3rd
International Conference.
Presentation of Refereed Papers
Maguire, K. (2012). Study on Non-Profit Organizations in South Carolina: A Research Service Learning Project.
Allied Academies 2012 International Internet Conference, Arden, North Carolina.
Drucker, M., Maguire, K., & Wolf, K. (2011). Penalties for Federal Tax Crimes: The IRS Arsenal. Allied
Academies 2011 International Internet Conference, Candler, North Carolina.
Maguire, K., Smith, D., Brallier, S., & Palm, L. (2009). Computer-Based Testing: A Comparison of
Computer-Based and Paper and Pencil Assessment. Allied Academies Summer 2009 Internet Conference,
Candler, North Carolina.
Maguire, K. (2009). Weak-Form Market Inefficiency and Fraudulent Financial Reporting. Allied Academies
Spring 2009 International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Maguire, K., Smith, D., Brallier, S., & Palm, L. (2009). Computer-Based Testing: A Comparison of
Computer-Based and Paper-and-Pencil Assessment. American Institute of Higher Education, The 3rd
International Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.
Smith, D. & Maguire, K. (2009). Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Optimization of Timing Structure of
Assisted Recall Technology in Introductory Accounting. Allied Academies Fall 2009 International Conference,
Las Vegas, Nevada.
Brallier, S., Maguire, K., Smith, D., & Palm, L. (2010). Visible Tattoos and Employment in the Restaurant
Service Industry. Celebration of Inquiry, Conway, South Carolina.
Brallier, S., Keiner, L., Maguire, K., McWilliams, K., Hughes, J., Kerry Schwanz, Jennifer Shinaberger, Courtney
Dodig, Linda Palm, Jamie Graham, Pam Martin, Renee Smith, (2008, February). Addressing the Challenges of
Online Teaching. Celebration of Inquiry, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Brallier, S., Palm, L., & Maguire, K. (2009). Does testing format (online versus in-class) affect test scores?
Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Brallier, S. A., Schwanz, K. A., Palm, L. J., & Maguire, K. A. (2008, February). Online Teaching and Testing in
Introductory Sociology Courses. Eastern Sociological Society, New York, New York.
Maguire, K. (2002). Foreign Registrants, Foreign Operations, and AAERs. American Accounting Association
International Accounting Section, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Brallier, S., Palm, L., Graham, J., Maguire, K., Martin, P., Kerry Schwanz, and Jennifer Shinaberger, (2008,
March). Making the Most of Online Instruction. SoTL at the Beach Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Brallier, S. A., Graham, J. M., Maguire, K. A., & Schwanz, K. A. (2008, March). Addressing the Challenges of
Online Teaching. SoTL at the Beach Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Maguire, K. (2002). Foreign Registrants, Foreign Operations, and AAERs. American Accounting Association
Southeast Regional Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Working Papers
Maguire, K. & Secrest, T. (2013). "Rollins, Inc. A Case Study Exercise in Creative Accounting".
Maguire, K., Smith, D., & Little, P. (2010). "Assessment Performance and Educator Rank in Introductory
Accounting Courses".
Maguire, K. & Smith, D. (2009). "An Evaluation of the use of Online Homework Manager Systems in
Intermediate Accounting".
Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers
Maguire, K. (2005). Foreign Registrants, Foreign Operations, and AAERs: Where does the SEC Investigate?
Wall Interdisciplinary Talks, Conway, South Carolina.
Professional Associations
Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants, 2012
Association of Certified Fraud Specialists, 2012
Member ACFE National Advisory Council, 2010-2012
Beta Gamma Sigma
Educator Member, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Member ACFE Higher Education Initiative
Certified Fraud Specialist, 2012
Certified Public Accountant, 2012
Certified Fraud Examiner,
Courses Taught
Courses from the Teaching Schedule: Advanced Auditing (MBA), Advanced Auditing., Auditing,
Financial/Managerial Accounting I, Fraud Examination, Fraud Examination (MBA), Intermediate Accounting I
Courses taught, but not in the Schedule:
Financial/Managerial Accounting I, Financial/Managerial Accounting II, Fraud Detection, Intermediate
Accounting I, Auditing Theory, Fraud Examination, Advanced Auditing
Other Teaching Activities
Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional
2012 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Redesigned 4-course, interdisciplinary curriculum for
Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program and its incorporation with Master of Accountancy Program
2012 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiner's
Higher Education Initiative since 2004; both existing and proposed fraud courses developed for the university
are aligned with objectives of the initiative
2012 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Taught first university honors sections of CBAD 201
Financial/Managerial Accounting I, with comprehensive financial analysis honors project.
2011 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiner's
Higher Education Initiative since 2004; both existing and proposed fraud courses developed for the university
are aligned with objectives of the initiative
2011 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Designed 6-course, interdisciplinary curriculum for
Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program and its incorporation with MBA in Accounting Program
2010 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiner's
Higher Education Initiative since 2004; both existing and proposed fraud courses developed for the university
are aligned with objectives of the initiative
2010 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Designed 6-course, interdisciplinary curriculum for
Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program and its incorporation with MBA in Accounting Program
2007 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing
2007 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. CBAD 631 Fraud Examination
2006 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Intermediate Accounting I
2006 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Auditing and Assurance course for the MBA Program
2005 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Auditing Theory
2005 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Fraud Examination course for the MBA program
2005 - Course (New) - Creation/Delivery: Conventional. Fraud Detection for Business Majors
Student Assign-Independent Studies
2005 - Student Assign-Independent Studies. 1 student. Supervised independent study of CBAD 202
Financial/Managerial Accounting II
Student Assign-Students Advised (UG)
2012 - Student Assign-Students
and management majors.
2011 - Student Assign-Students
2010 - Student Assign-Students
2009 - Student Assign-Students
2008 - Student Assign-Students
2007 - Student Assign-Students
2006 - Student Assign-Students
2005 - Student Assign-Students
Advised (UG). 45 students. Advised 45 undergraduate accounting, finance,
42 accounting and management majors
undergraduate accounting majors
undergraduate Accounting majors
undergraduate Accounting majors
undergraduate Accounting majors
undergraduate Accounting majors
undergraduate Accounting majors
Student Assign-Supervised Research (GRAD)
2010 - Student Assign-Supervised Research (GRAD).
Keri Squires, Daniel Carcara and Scott DeGaris
2009 - Student Assign-Supervised Research (GRAD).
2009 - Student Assign-Supervised Research (GRAD).
Christopher St. John
2009 - Student Assign-Supervised Research (GRAD).
2008 - Student Assign-Supervised Research (GRAD).
2007 - Student Assign-Supervised Research (GRAD).
4 students. MBA Research Advisor to Cassandra Painter,
1 student. Supervised Graduate Research Assistant
1 student. Secondary MBA Research Advisor to
1 student. MBA Research Advisor to Daniel Smith
1 student. MBA Research Advisor to Christopher
2 students. MBA Research Advisor to 2 graduate
Student Assign-Supervised Research (UG)
2008 - Student Assign-Supervised Research (UG). 1 student. Supervised Research Assistant as part of SOTL
Student Assign-Supervised Thesis (UG Seniors)
2010 - Student Assign-Supervised Thesis (UG Seniors). 1 student. Undergraduate Honors Thesis Advisor to
Brett Robertson
Student Collabor: Co-Author of Article/Chapter
2011 - Student Collabor: Co-Author of Article/Chapter. 2 students. Co-authored two articles with two
Graduate Students
2010 - Student Collabor: Co-Author of Article/Chapter. 2 students. Co-authored two articles with two
Graduate Students
2009 - Student Collabor: Co-Author of Article/Chapter. 1 student. Co-authored three articles with Graduate
2007 - Student Collabor: Co-Author of Article/Chapter. 1 student. Co-authored article with student for
submission to Bridges: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Celebration of Inquiry
Other Teaching Activities
2012 - Other Teaching Activities. Working with my MAcc ACCT 637 Advanced Auditing class for The Chapin
Foundation, The Waccamaw Community Foundation, and the South Carolina Association of Nonprofit
Organizations, the purpose of the project was to develop policies and procedures manuals for NPOs of various
sizes. The output provided menus of policies and procedures for NPOs of four different sizes that meet all
state and national legal requirements, and achieve best practices for nonprofit accounting and governance at
both the state and national levels.
2012 - Other Teaching Activities. Redesigned my delivery of CBAD 201 Financial/Managerial Accounting I with
change in department choice for textbook.
2012 - Other Teaching Activities. Implemented use of MyAccountingLab in all sections taught of CBAD 201
Financial/Managerial Accounting I
2012 - Other Teaching Activities. Incorporated use of three modules of KPMG's Ethical Compass Toolkit into
team project for CBAD 631 Fraud Examination course. Modules include Applied Ethics Cases, The SOX
Challenge, and Burden of Proof.
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. Undergraduate student teaching evaluations Fall 2011
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. Undergraduate student teaching evaluations Summer 2011
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. Undergraduate student teaching evaluations Spring 2011
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. Graduate student teaching evaluations Spring 2011
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. Working with my MBA CBAD 631 Fraud Examination class for The Palmetto
Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the purpose of the survey was to gather data on
effective techniques used by professionals who investigate and prosecute fraud in SC. This included
evaluating recent incidences of fraud within the state; identifying effective fraud examination tools or
methods; and increasing the ability to successfully prosecute alleged fraud offenders in the future.
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. Graduate student teaching evaluations Fall 2011
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. Working with my MAcc ACCT 637 Advanced Auditing class for The
Waccamaw Community Foundation, The Chapin Foundation, and the South Carolina Association of Nonprofit
Organizations, the purpose of the survey of all South Carolina nonprofit organizations was to gauge the
overall knowledge of corporate governance, accounting, and auditing policies and to determine what, if any,
practices and programs these organizations currently have in place.
2011 - Other Teaching Activities. CBAD 437 Auditing Theory -- Incorporated the use of Gleim CPA preparation
software into curriculum
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. Research Proposal for Amending SC Fraud Crime Indexing System. Research
Proposal for South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, working with my MBA CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing
class, to be submitted to SC General Assembly. This presentation was approved for cpe credits for area
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. Best Practices in Anti-Fraud Legislation. CBAD 637 Fraud Examination -MBA class presented results of research for the Palmetto Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud
Examiners on recommendations for new statutes, thresholds, and penalties for new SC fraud legislation in 10
fraud categories. This presentation was approved for free cpe credits for area professionals.
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. Research Proposal for Adopting Revised UCC and its Incorporation into SC
Fraud Legislation. Research Proposal for South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, working with my MBA
CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing class, to be submitted to SC General Assembly. This presentation was approved
for free cpe credits for area professionals.
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. Graduate student teaching evaluations Spring 2010
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. An Examination of Federal and South Carolina Fraud Statutes. CBAD 637
Fraud Examination -- MBA class presented results of research for the Palmetto Chapter of the Association of
Certified Fraud Examiners on existing federal and SC fraud statutes in 10 fraud categories. This presentation
was approved for free cpe credits for area professionals.
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. Undergraduate student teaching evaluations Fall 2010
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. Graduate student teaching evaluations Fall 2010
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. CBAD 201 Financial/Managerial Accounting I -- Incorporated the use of
ConnectPlus Online Homework Management System into curriculum
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. Undergraduate student teaching evaluations Spring 2010
2010 - Other Teaching Activities. CBAD 437 Auditing Theory -- Incorporated use of IDEA Auditing software
and professional training workbook into curriculum
2009 - Other Teaching Activities. Internal Control Assessment of Pawleys Island Community Church. Working
with my MBA CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing class and a large, local community chuch to conduct an internal
control assessment of the church's financial activities. Students are using leading audit software, ACL, during
this project as well.
2009 - Other Teaching Activities. CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing -- Incorporated ACL auditing software with
educational training modules into curriculum
2009 - Other Teaching Activities. CBAD 201 Financial/Managerial I -- Incorporated Assisted Recall Technology
into course curriculum
2008 - Other Teaching Activities. CBAD 201 Financial/Managerial Accounting I -- Incorporated Homework
Manager online homework manager system into course curriculum
2008 - Other Teaching Activities. Internal Control Assessment of Myrtle Beach Community Church. Working
with my MBA CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing class and a large, local community chuch to conduct an internal
control assessment of the church's financial activities. Students are using leading audit software, ACL, during
this project as well.
2007 - Other Teaching Activities. Designed all materials on Blackboard and added 'gradebook' to all of my
class websites
2007 - Other Teaching Activities. Met one-on-one with Wiley technical representative regarding CBAD 330,
will be adopting WileyPlus computer system for all Intermediate Accounting classes in the Fall
2007 - Other Teaching Activities. CBAD 330 Intermediate Accounting I -- Incorporated WileyPlus online
homework manager system into course curriculum
2007 - Other Teaching Activities. Writing/editing of block exams for all professors of Financial/Managerial
Accounting I
2006 - Other Teaching Activities. Designed webct class websites for all classes taught
2006 - Other Teaching Activities. Writing/Editing of block exams for all professors of Financial/Managerial
Accounting I
2005 - Other Teaching Activities. Designed webct class websites for all classes taught
2005 - Other Teaching Activities. Writing/editing of block exams for all professors of Financial/Managerial
Accounting I
2004 - Other Teaching Activities. Writing/editing of block exams for all professors of Financial/Managerial
Accounting I
Non-Academic Experience
Corporate Accountant, American Health Care, Inc. (1997 - 1998). Responsible for all facets of accounting for
home health care company.
Author, Self (1991 - Present). Wrote two full length murder mysteries; currently writing third novel.
Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Secretary, Treasurer, Director, Decision Analysts, Inc. (1991 - 2004).
Began with company as a startup, designed accounting systems, responsible for all corporate financing
activities; as Director, participated in all Board level strategic decision making.
Executive Administrator, Digital Equipment Corporation (1989 - 1991). Worked for Office of the President
and various Vice Presidents preparing business plans and Board of Director presentations; worked in all areas
of the firm including Finance, Strategic Management, Education and Training, Materials Management,
Manufacturing, Purchasing, etc,.
Tutor, Self (1987 - 1999). Taught Accounting, Finance, and Algebra.
2012: The Chapin Foundation, The Waccamaw Community Foundation, and the South Carolina Association of
Nonprofit Organizations, South Carolina Nonprofit Policies and Procedures, Working with my MAcc ACCT 637
Advanced Auditing class, the purpose of the project was to develop policies and procedures manuals for NPOs
of various sizes. The output provided menus of policies and procedures for NPOs of four different sizes that
meet all state and national legal requirements, and achieve best practices for nonprofit accounting and
governance at both the state and national levels.
2011: The Waccamaw Community Foundation, The Chapin Foundation, and the South Carolina Association of
Nonprofit Organizations, Study of Nonprofit Organizations in South Carolina, Working with my MAcc ACCT
637 Advanced Auditing class, the purpose of the survey of all South Carolina nonprofit organizations was to
gauge the overall knowledge of corporate governance, accounting, and auditing policies and to determine
what, if any, practices and programs these organizations currently have in place.
2011: The Palmetto Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, South Carolina White Collar
Crimes and Other Fraudulent Activities 2011 Survey Report, Working with my MBA CBAD 631 Fraud
Examination class, the purpose of the survey was to gather data on effective techniques used by
professionals who investigate and prosecute fraud in SC. This included evaluating recent incidences of fraud
within the state; identifying effective fraud examination tools or methods; and increasing the ability to
successfully prosecute alleged fraud offenders in the future.
2010: The Palmetto Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Evaluation of SC Fraud
Legislation, Two phase project with my MBA CBAD 631 Fraud Examination class. For the first phase, students
presented results of research on existing federal and SC fraud statutes for 10 different fraud categories. In the
second phase, students researched other states' fraud legislation, then made recommendations for statutes,
thresholds, and penalties based upon client's request for the strictest of each available. Both of these
presentations provided free cpe credits to area professionals.
2010: South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, Research Proposal for Amending South Carolina State Fraud
Crime Indexing System, Working with my MBA CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing class, create a Research
Proposal for Amending South Carolina State Fraud Crime Indexing System, including recommendations, to be
submitted to SC General Assembly
2010: South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, Research Proposal for Adoption of Revised UCC and its
Incorporation into SC Fraud Legislation, Working with my MBA CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing class, create a
Research Proposal for Adoption of Revised UCC and its Incorporation in SC Fraud Legislation, including
recommendations, to be submitted to SC General Assembly
2009: Pawleys Island Community Church, Internal Control Assessment, Internal Control Assessment of
Pawleys Island Community Church. Working with my MBA CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing class and the 800
member community church to conduct an internal control assessment of the church's financial activities.
Students used leading audit software, ACL, as well as Excel and Powerpoint, during this project.
2009: Myrtle Beach Area Homeowners Association, Fraud Risk Assessment, Working with an area HOA to
determine if financial activities of client's Real Estate Management Company are accurate or whether HOA
funds have been embezzled.
2008: Myrtle Beach Community Church, Internal Control Assessment, Internal Control Assessment of Myrtle
Beach Community Church. Working with my MBA CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing class and the community
mega-church to conduct an internal control assessment of the church's financial activities. Students used
leading audit software, ACL, during this project.
Paid Service
2012-2005: Genpres Corporation, Corporate Director
Research Grants
2008: Maguire, K., Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant ($3,500.00), CCU's Center for Effective
Teaching and Learning
Service to the University
Department Assignments
2010-2011 – 2012-2013: Department of Accounting Assessment Committee: Responsible for Auditing
assessment goals and their measurement
2009-2010: Department of Accounting Assessment Committee: Responsible for Auditing assessment
goals and their measurement
2009-2010 – 2010-2011: Department of Accounting Assessment Committee: Responsible for Auditing
assessment goals and their measurement
2008-2009: Department of Accounting Assessment Committee: Responsible for Auditing assessment
goals and their measurement
2008-2009: Department of Accounting Assessment Committee: Responsible for Auditing assessment
goals and their measurement
2008-2009: Department of Accounting Assessment Committee: Responsible for Auditing assessment
goals and their measurement
2008-2009: Accounting Major Day Organizing Committee
2008-2009 – 2009-2010: Department of Accounting Assessment Committee: Responsible for Auditing
assessment goals and their measurement
Mentoring Activities:
2012-2013: Faculty Mentor to new Assistant Professor of Accounting
2009-2010: Graduate Research Assistant Coordinator
College Assignments
2009-2010: Accounting Lecturer Search Committee
2011-2012: Accounting Professor Search Committee
2011-2012: Accounting Professor Search Committee
2011-2012 – 2012-2013: Wall College of Business Promotion and Tenure Committee
2010-2011: MBA Curriculum Committee
2009-2010: MBA Advisory Committee
2009-2010: Department of Accounting Textbook Selection Committee: Member of the
Financial/Managerial Accounting I and II Textbook Selection Committee
2009-2010 – 2010-2011: MBA Advisory Committee
2007-2008: SCAAE 2009 Conference Organizing Committee Member: South Carolina Association of
Accounting Educators 2009 Conference Organizing Committee Member
2006-2007: Department of Accounting Textbook Selection Committee: Member of the
Financial/Managerial Accounting I and II Textbook Selection Committee
2006-2007: Wall College of Business Finance Professor Search Committee
2006-2007: Wall College Textbook Selection Committee: Member of the Financial/Managerial Accounting
I and II Textbook Selection Committee
Mentoring Activities:
2008-2009 – 2009-2010: ADRIAN Project Faculty Volunteer: ADRIAN Project Faculty Volunteer
2007-2008: ADRIAN Project Faculty Volunteer: ADRIAN Project Faculty Volunteer
2007-2008 – 2008-2009: ADRIAN Project Faculty Volunteer: ADRIAN Project Faculty Volunteer
2006-2007: ADRIAN Project Faculty Volunteer
Other Institutional Service Activities:
2010-2011 – 2012-2013: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework
Manager Faculty Administrator
2009-2010: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty
2009-2010 – 2010-2011: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework
Manager Faculty Administrator
2008-2009: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty
2008-2009: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty
2008-2009 – 2009-2010: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework
Manager Faculty Administrator
2007-2008: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty
2007-2008: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty
2007-2008: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty
2007-2008 – 2008-2009: WileyPlus Homework Manager Faculty Adminstrator: WileyPlus Homework
Manager Faculty Administrator
2006-2007: Service: Secured the donation of a full set of Ibidson manuals to the the Accounting and
Finance Department
Writing Student Recommendations:
2010-2011 – 2012-2013: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for
several of our best accounting students
2009-2010: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2009-2010 – 2010-2011: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for
several of our best accounting students
2008-2009: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2008-2009: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2008-2009 – 2009-2010: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for
several of our best accounting students
2007-2008: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2007-2008: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2007-2008 – 2008-2009: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for
several of our best accounting students
2006-2007: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2006-2007: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2006-2007 – 2007-2008: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for
several of our best accounting students
2005-2006: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2005-2006: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2005-2006 – 2006-2007: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for
several of our best accounting students
2004-2005: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2004-2005: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our
accounting students
2004-2005: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for several of our best
accounting students
2004-2005 – 2005-2006: Writing Student Recommendations: Wrote student recommendations for
several of our best accounting students
University Assignments
2011-2012 – 2012-2013: Student Involvement and Leadership Awards Selection Committee
2010-2011: Jackson Family Center of Ethics & Family Values Director Search Committee
2010-2011 – 2012-2013: Internal Audit Committee Board of Trustees Liaison
2010-2011 – 2012-2013: Interdisciplinary Studies Committee
2009-2010: Interdisciplinary Studies Committee
2009-2010: Internal Audit Committee Board of Trustees Liaison
2009-2010: Internal Audit Committee Board of Trustees Liaison
2009-2010: Interdisciplinary Studies Committee
2009-2010 – 2010-2011: Interdisciplinary Studies Committee
2009-2010 – 2010-2011: Internal Audit Committee Board of Trustees Liaison
2006-2007: University Disabilities Coordinator Search Committee
2005-2006: Department of Counseling Services Search Committee
2005-2006: Celebration of Inquiry Liasons Committee
Mentoring Activities:
2005-2006: Student Research Project Survey Administrator: Assisted student with senior research
project, called Study Habits in Traditional and Nontraditional Age Students. Allowed student to administer
survey in my classes to gather required data.
Other Institutional Service Activities:
2010-2011: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design of 6-course,
interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2010-2011 – 2012-2013: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design
of 6-course, interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2009-2010: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design of 6-course,
interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2009-2010: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design of 6-course,
interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2009-2010: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design of 6-course,
interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2009-2010: Celebration of Inquiry Participant: Celebration of Inquiry Participant
2009-2010 – 2010-2011: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design
of 6-course, interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2008-2009: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design of 6-course,
interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2008-2009: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design of 6-course,
interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2008-2009: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design of 6-course,
interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2008-2009: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design of 6-course,
interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2008-2009: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute: Volunteer Instructor
2008-2009: SAILS Research Project Survey Administrator: Administered SAILS national research skills
survey to all Fall 2008 classes. These results will be used to improve CCU's library facilities.
2008-2009 – 2009-2010: Design of Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program: Completed design
of 6-course, interdisciplinary curriculum for Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
2007-2008: Celebration of Inquiry Participant: Celebration of Inquiry Participant
2007-2008: Celebration of Inquiry Participant: Celebration of Inquiry Participant
2005-2006: Family Weekend 2005 Presentation: Cross-discipline Discussion: Why do Business Ethics
Matter? How events like Enron happen.
Service to the Profession
2010 – 2012: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. National Advisory Council member, serving as expert
on higher education
Member: Committee/Task Force
2012 – 2013: The Center for Women and Children and Homeless Coalition Task Force, Myrtle Beach, South
Carolina. Serve as expert in accounting, auditing, and governance best practices for nonprofit organizations.
2012 – 2013: The Bunnelle Foundation Committee to Build Capacity for South Carolina NPOs, Georgetown,
South Carolina. Serve as expert on accounting, auditing, and governance best practices for nonprofit
Officer: Organization / Association
2010 – 2012: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Florence/Myrtle Beach Branch Manager and member
of Board of Directors of The Palmetto Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
2013: NPO Connections, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
2012: Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina 2012 Fall Conference, Myrtle Beach, South
2012: Municipal Association of South Carolina 2012 Annual Meeting, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Presentation to all mayors and town managers across South Carolina, entitled Ethics: It Starts at the Top
2011: Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina Office Managers and Accountants Meeting, North Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina. Made presentation at professional conference regarding off the clock ethics and acts
discreditable to their profession so that attendees could earn required CPEs.
2011: Carolinas Cash Adventure: Joint Regional Conference North Carolina Treasury Association and South
Carolina Association for Financial Professionals, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Made presentation at
professional conference regarding off the clock ethics and acts discreditable to their profession so that
attendees could earn required CPEs.
2010: Computer Security Conference 2010. Coastal Carolina University Fraud Examination Graduate
Certificate Program
2010: Wall College of Business Accounting Advisory Board. Coastal Carolina University Fraud Examination
Graduate Certificate Program
2010: Wall College of Business Finance Advisory Board. Coastal Carolina University Fraud Examination
Graduate Certificate Program
2007 – 2010: South Carolina Tax Council. Invited presentation on fraud topics so that attendees may earn
CPE Credits.
2009: S.C. Association of Certified Public Accountants. Invited presentation on fraud topics so that attendees
may earn CPE Credits.
2009: Wall College of Business Accounting Advisory Board. Proposed Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate
2008 – 2009: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute -- Free Week. Presentation on fraud topics to local
2005: Southern Association of College and University Business Officers. Presenter at Financial Controls and
Risks in Higher Education Conference: Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Control Risks, SAS 99, and Internal Control
Service to the Community
Member of a Committee
2012 – 2013: The Center for Women and Children and Homeless Coalition Task Force
2012 – 2013: The Bunnelle Foundation Committee to Build Capacity for South Carolina NPOs
Other Community Service Activities
2012: The Chapin Foundation, The Waccamaw Community Foundation, and the South Carolina Association of
Nonprofit Organizations, Working with my MAcc ACCT 637 Advanced Auditing class, the purpose of the
project was to develop policies and procedures manuals for NPOs of various sizes. The output provided menus
of policies and procedures for NPOs of four different sizes that meet all state and national legal requirements,
and achieve best practices for nonprofit accounting and governance at both the state and national levels.
2011: The Waccamaw Community Foundation, The Chapin Foundation, and the South Carolina Association of
Nonprofit Organizations, Working with my MAcc ACCT 637 Advanced Auditing class, the purpose of the
survey was to gauge the overall knowledge of corporate governance, accounting, and auditing policies and to
determine what, if any, practices and programs these organizations currently have in place.
2011: The Palmetto Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Working with my MBA CBAD
631 Fraud Examination class, the purpose of the survey was to gather data on effective techniques used by
professionals who investigate and prosecute fraud in SC. This included evaluating recent incidences of fraud
within the state; identifying effective fraud examination tools or methods; and increasing the ability to
successfully prosecute alleged fraud offenders in the future.
2010: Research Proposal for Amending SC Fraud Crime Indexing System, Research Proposal for South
Carolina Law Enforcement Division, working with my MBA CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing class, to be
submitted to SC General Assembly.
2010: Research Proposal for Adopting Revised UCC and its Incorporation into SC Fraud Legislation, Research
Proposal for South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, working with my MBA CBAD 637 Advanced Auditing
class, to be submitted to SC General Assembly.
2010: Best Practices in Anti-Fraud Legislation, Best Practices in Anti-Fraud Legislation. CBAD 637 Fraud
Examination -- MBA class presented results of research for the Palmetto Chapter of the Association of
Certified Fraud Examiners on recommendations for new statutes, thresholds, and penalties for new SC fraud
legislation in 10 fraud categories. This presentation was approved for free cpe credits for area professionals.
2010: An Examination of Federal and South Carolina Fraud Statutes, An Examination of Federal and South
Carolina Fraud Statutes. CBAD 637 Fraud Examination -- MBA class presented results of research for the
Palmetto Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners on existing federal and SC fraud statutes in
10 fraud categories. This presentation was approved for free cpe credits for area professionals.
2009: Internal Control Assessment of Pawleys Island Community Church, Working with my MBA CBAD 637
Advanced Auditing class and a large, local community chuch to conduct an internal control assessment of the
church's financial activities. Students are using leading audit software, ACL, during this project as well.
2008: Internal Control Assessment of Myrtle Beach Community Church, Working with my MBA CBAD 637
Advanced Auditing class and a large, local community chuch to conduct an internal control assessment of the
church's financial activities. Students are using leading audit software, ACL, during this project as well.
2005: Carolina Forest Junior High School, Tutoring to junior high school students
Positions Held in Civic Organizations
2010 – 2013: The Palmetto Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Serve as
Florence/Myrtle Beach Branch Manager and on the state board of directors for organization
2010 – 2013: The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, National Advisory Council member, serving as an
expert on higher education
Faculty Development
Other Professional Development
2013: CCU Pilot Program for Moodle, Conway, South Carolina.
Both undergraduate and graduate classes in CCU pilot program for Moodle online classroom management
2013: CCU Active Shooter Training, Conway, South Carolina.
2013: Asset Based Community Development Training, Georgetown, South Carolina. Presented by Rev. Bill
Stanfield of Metanoia, Sponsored by The Bunnelle Foundation.
2012: Certified Public Accountant Certification, Birmingham, Alabama.
2012: Certified Fraud Specialist Certification, Sacramento, United States of America.
2012: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. South Carolina Nonprofit Policies & Procedures.
2012: Allied Academies 2012 International Internet Conference, Arden, North Carolina.
2012: Municipal Association of South Carolina 2012 Annual Meeting, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
2012: Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina 2012 Fall Conference, Myrtle Beach, South
2011: Passed REG section of CPA exam, Conway, South Carolina.
2011: Passed CPA exam, Conway, South Carolina.
2011: Allied Academies Summer 2011 Internet Conference, Candler, North Carolina.
2011: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. South Carolina White Collar Crimes and Other
Fraudulent Activities Survey Report 2011.
2011: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Study on Non-Profit Organizations in South
2011: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Earned promotion to Associate Professor of
Accounting and tenure.
2010: Wall College of Business Accounting Advisory Board, Conway, South Carolina. Two meetings in May
& December.
2010: Wall College of Business Finance Advisory Board, Conway, South Carolina. May meeting.
2010: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. An Examination of Federal and South Carolina
Fraud Statutes.
2010: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Best Practices in Anti-Fraud Legislation.
2010: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Revised Uniform Commercial Code.
2010: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Uniform Crime Reporting.
2010: Computer Security Conference 2010, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Privacy Issues in Medical
2010: Computer Security Conference 2010, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. System Administration Security.
2010: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Sexual Harassment Training.
2010: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Conway, South Carolina. Passed BEC section of
CPA Exam.
2010: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Conway, South Carolina. Passed FAR section of
CPA Exam.
2010: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Conway, South Carolina. Passed AUD section of
CPA exam.
2010: Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina. Submitted application for promotion to Associate
Professor and tenure.
2009: South Carolina Association of Accounting Educators, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
2009: Wall College of Business Accounting Advisory Board, Conway, South Carolina. Two meetings in May
& December.
Professional Seminars / Workshops
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Keynote Speaker -- SEC Commissioner Luis Aguilar.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
at the Local and State Level.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Troubled Financial Institutions.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Washington: Current US Department of Justice and Congressional Investigative Priorities.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Ponzi Schemes
Fraud and
A View from
Introduction to
Money Laundering: A Law Enforcement Perspective.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
Fraud Cases and Terrorism Financing.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
Management: A Preventative Control to Reduce Fraud.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
Dialogue on the Hot Topics in Fraud and Forensic Accounting.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
Interview Techniques.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
Valuations: Developing a Business Valuation Niche.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
Greed, speaker convicted fraudster Aaron Beam.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
Forensics: What's Involved.
2009: Third Annual Fraud and Forensic Accounting Education
Forensic Fundamentals: Advanced.
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. International
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Mortgage
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Demystifying IT
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Risk
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. An Open
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Investigative
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Business
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. American
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Computer
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Computer
Technology-Related Training
2012: CCU training on Moodle, Conway, South Carolina.
2012: MyAccountingLab training, Conway, South Carolina.
2011: CCU Training on Connect/Blackboard, Conway, South Carolina.
Endowed Professorship William J. Baxley, Jr. Applied Business Professor.
2nd Place AVX-Sponsored D.H. Byers Business Paper Research Award.
1st Place AVX-Sponsored D.H. Byers Business Paper Research Award.
Endowed professorship William J. Baxley, Jr. Applied Business Professor Award.
4th Place AVX-Sponsored D.H. Byers Business Paper Research Award.
1st Place AVX-Sponsored D.H. Byers Business Paper Research Award.
Endowed Professorship William J. Baxley, Jr. Applied Business Professor.
Distinguished Research Award Winner Allied Academies.
Honorable Mention for Distinguished Research Allied Academies.
Alumni Fellowship recipient Alumni Association.
Full tuition graduate assistantship recipient Boston College.
Presidential Scholarship recipient The American University.
Computer Skills
Fluent in Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 98, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and
Access, Webct, Minitab, SAS Enterprise Guide, SPSS, AccPac, AccPac Plus, Quicken, Quickbooks, Word
Perfect, assorted internet packages
Qualification: Academic/Professional
Academically Qualified
Last updated by member on 30-Apr-13 (04:41 PM)
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