
Tovashal Tidings Tovashal Thoughts

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Tovashal Tidings Tovashal Thoughts
Tovashal Elementary
Tovashal Tidings
Volume 1, Issue 5
December 2015
January 2016
Tovashal Thoughts
We had so many activities in November! Listed below are some of the highlights:
Science Rocks: At Friday Flag, Mrs. Soca’s class taught us all about Rainbows. The students did the research, wrote the script, and performed. Talk about the power of collaboration!
Our school-wide spelling bee was held Nov 18. Class winners from all 4th & 5th Grade classes competed to see who would represent Tovashal in the District Bee in January. Our two winners are Mia Barraza and Heavyn Gamble, and our alternate is Seth Bouma.
In honor of Veterans Day, all MVUSD 5th grade students toured the city’s Field of Honor, located by
City Hall. Additionally, Tovashal held a breakfast on November 13, inviting all current and former military members of our Tovashal Family. The choir gave its first performance, and Tovashal Ambassadors
greeted the military members and their families. Afterwards, our entire school acknowledged the contributions of our military Tigershark family members at Friday Flag.
Winners of the PTA’s annual Reflections competition were announced. Tovashal had many fabulous
entrants, and 3 of our students were recognized at the district level. Cesar Uribe placed 2nd in Photography, Khaila Jackson placed 3rd in Film Production, and Panisa Wanapun Brown placed 3rd in Literature and Photography. Congratulations to all!
Third Grade opened the doors to the Native American Museum on Nov 19. Students from other
grades and Tigershark families were invited to attend and view the displays created by the students.
The students served as experts of their tribe, having researched daily living and other interesting
facts. It was a wonderful event and showcased the efforts of our 3rd Graders.
24 of our 5th Graders competed in Thompson Middle School’s annual Turkey Trot, hoping to win part
of Thanksgiving dinner for their families. It was a fun and exciting event. Although none of our Tigersharks finished in the top 3, everyone did a fantastic job,
Our “Stuff the Turkey” food drive allowed us to provide needed food supplies to Mesa High School for
their Share the Harvest event. We plan to continue until winter break. Thanks Tigersharks for being so
caring about our community.
See our December/January List of Activities
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single
moment before starting to improve the world.
Anne Frank (1929-1945)
Tovashal Elementary School  23801 St. Raphael  Murrieta CA 92562
(951) 696-1411  (951) 304-1783 Fax
December 1, 2015
Dear Tovashal family,
This year, Tovashal, in conjunction with its School Site Council and Leadership Team, have reviewed policies to improve the safety and overall climate at our school. As a Red Ribbon certified school,
safety and health play an increased role to create an environment conducive to learning.
We love having volunteers and visitors on campus. Without your support, many of the activities provided to our students would not happen. However, it is also important to balance that with the safety of
our students.
Effective January 1, 2016, we will be limiting recess and lunch days for families to be with their
children to once a month. These will be in conjunction with our monthly Fit Fridays, and we encourage
you to bring a healthy snack or lunch to share with your child on those days. Fit Fridays are listed below
for the rest of the year, so you may plan accordingly:
January 22
February 19
April 15
May 20
Our intent with this is two-fold: provide opportunities for parents and family members to share a fun
healthy day with their students, via Fit Friday (exercise before school, Friday Flag, a nutritious snack/
lunch) and provide increased safety for our students the rest of the year.
As you know, incidents have occurred nationwide mandating increased vigilance on our part. In order to maintain the safety of our students, we must be proactive in minimizing potential risks to our students. As you know, we have made security adjustments in the front office, and limiting lunch/recess visits is another step in that process.
Visitors coming on campus on Fit Fridays for recess/lunch will be required to have a completed visitor form, with proper identification, on file in the office. Those individuals will be required to sign in and
have a visitor sticker/badge.
This policy does not preclude access during normal Friday Flags and special events on campus.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Marcie J. Kea
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Tovashal Tidings
Tovashal Elementary Upcoming Events
Friday Flag 8:20 am
Valentine for Vets Kick Off
12/7– 12/11 Holiday Shop (see flyer for times)
12/11 Friday Flag 8:20 am
Color Run Dance
Earn-A-Bike Graduation 4:00 pm—6:00 pm
12/15 Band Concert 7:00 pm (MPR)
12/16 Spirit Night—Shakey’s Pizza 5:00 pm—8:00 pm
12/17 Polar Express—1st Grade
Fit Friday 7:45 am: Jazzercise
Friday Flag 8:20 am
Report Cards go Home
Student Return to School
After Winter Break
1/15 Friday Flag 8:20 am
PTA Association Meeting
(after Friday Flag)
Awards Assembly
2nd Grade: 8:45 am
Kinder: 11:10 am
5th Grade: 1:45 pm
1/18 HOLIDAY— Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
1/22 Friday Flag 8:20 am
Awards Assembly
3rd Grade: 10:00 am
1st Grade: 11:00 am
4th Grade: 1:30 pm
1/25-1/29 The Great Kindness Challenge
1/29 Friday Flag
5th Grade Panoramic Picture
Volume 1, Issue 5
Page 3
Counseling Corner
December/January Newsletter
The month of December and January, Tovashal will be focusing
on the PBiS skill of the month, “Be Responsible.” The winter holiday months are a perfect time to help empower students to be
responsible for their words and their actions. We will be developing an understanding of what it means to be responsible and
how they can become more responsible, whether in the classroom, on the playground or at home.
During the past month, I delivered 3rd and 4th grade
classrooms guidance lessons where we discussed what strong
emotions are and how to manage them such as: anxiety, anger,
grief and frustration. During December, I will continue with
teaching skillsets to help students relax, calm down and appropriately express how they are feeling. These skills will help them
be responsible with their emotions and actions.
During January, I am excited to facilitate Tovashal becoming a ‘Kindness Certified School’ through participation in
“The Great Kindness Challenge 2016.” In January, we will also
kick off our Student Valet program where 4th & 5th grade students who are interested in developing their ability to be responsible can by leading through example. More information
about BOTH of these wonderful programs are on the following
Best wishes for the New Year!
Jodi Spoon-Sadlon, RAIN Elementary School Counselor
TOVASHAL - Mon/Wed (951)696-1411, ext. 2591
Great Kindness Challenge
Lunch Time Kindness
Themed Activities
Daily “Kindness” Spirit
Wear Themed Days
Friday Flag: Kindness
Family Links to Connect:
Tovashal PTA
(click on link)
Volume 1, Issue 5
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Volume 1, Issue 5
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Safety Valet Program
PURPOSE: The Student Valet Program will
improve the safety of students who are dropped off for school
and provide a more fluid motion of vehicular traffic. This program is designed so the parent will not need to park or exit their
vehicle to drop off their children. Student Valets open the doors of
cars dropping off students; say, “Good Morning!” and close the driver’s
door to help keep traffic flowing and increase safety.
WHO: 4th and 5th grade students
WHAT: Student Valets will attend a 1 hour training, afterschool
with Riverside County Transportation, Counselor and administration. Each student will take an oath and written test showing an understanding of safety requirements.
WHEN: 5 students each day volunteer to arrive at school by
7:50am to assist with student drop off. Once the first bell rings,
the student valets head to their class. Each student works 1 or 2
days a week (per schedule). A Valet will work for one semester,
then have the option to participate the next semester and possibly help with training new valets.
HOW: Interested 4th & 5th grade students attend an information
meeting at lunch and fill out an application which requires parent permission to participate. Students must be able to commit at
least 1 morning per week from 7:50am until 8:20am. Once all
applications are received, students will be selected based on
teacher recommendation and a review of attendance and behavior records by the principal.
JANUARY 25th –29th,
The Great Kindness
The Great Kindness Challenge is
one school week, January 25th –
29th devoted to students performing as many acts of kindness as
possible, choosing from a 50 item
checklist, (attached).
Research shows that when students collectively focus on spreading kindness, it creates a positive
school culture and has the power
to increase tolerance, unity and
respect for all!
Tovashal Tigersharks accept the
challenge to…
Spread Kindness!
Volume 1, Issue 5
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Volume 1, Issue 5
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Volume 1, Issue 5
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December 19—January 11
School Starts January 12
Are you planning a family trip for the holidays? As you think about your arrangements, we want to stress the importance of sending your child to school every
day possible. Every year, absences spike in the weeks before and after the winter
holiday as families squeeze in a few more vacation days. It’s time to break that
We know that just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and put your child behind
in school. This is as true in kindergarten as it is in high school. Put simply, too
many absences at any age can affect a student’s chances for academic success
and eventually for graduation.
We recognize that holidays are an important time for reconnecting with families
far away. The costs of plane tickets often influence when you want to travel. But
keep in mind the costs to your children’s education if they miss too much
school—and the message you will be sending about the importance of attendance.
Even if you’ve got a homework packet from the teacher, it doesn’t make up for
the interaction and learning that happens in the classroom. Our teachers will be
teaching, and our students will be learning, right up until vacation starts and the
first day back.
You can help us convey that message. This holiday season, give your children the
gift of an education and the habit of attendance.
Have a wonderful holiday with your family, starting on
December 19. See you back in 2016 on Tuesday, January
12. Remember: On Time, All The Time!!!
Tovashal Staff
Volume 1, Issue 5
Page 7
Mindset: Why It Matters
Do you know someone who never has a bad word to say about anyone or anything?
Someone who just naturally sees the silver lining, even around the darkest cloud? How do
you feel when you are in the company of that person? Don’t you feel refreshed and positive? The grateful mindset can do wonders to help you and our child become a happier,
more successful person. Positive attitudes are infectious, just as negatives ones are. So,
what can you do to make sure you surround yourself with that positive energy?
 Pick your friends wisely.
 Train yourself to notice the good, not focus on the bad, in a given
 Don’t get pulled into negative talk.
 Look for opportunities to say “Thank You.”
 Be reflective about the things in your life that make you grateful.
The grass ALWAYS looks greener on the other side, but usually it
is because we have failed to carefully reflect on our own lives and the things we have to be
grateful. As the holiday season approaches, we all face additional stress and anxiety from a
variety of sources. Don’t be so hard on yourself or others. Take a deep breathe and truly
open your eyes to all that matter to you.
A positive mindset impacts ALL aspects of your life…...
Taken from:
Information on times
to follow. Watch for it!
Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It
turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion
into clarity...it makes sense of our past, brings peace for
today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
Melody Beattie, author
Dear Tigershark Family;
Just a short note to say we have enjoyed 2015,
and can’t wait for 2016! Have a wonderful, joyfilled break. See you on January 12, 2016!!
Mrs. Kea and Mrs. Evans
Volume 1, Issue 5
Page 8
Ask 3 Questions
We have long been told that words can’t hurt us. But that isn’t true. Words can hurt, especially in today’s world of social media. Words have a way of staying in your mid, and can impact how to feel about
yourself and how you react to situations. Ask Yourself:
Would I want people to say the same things about me that I have said about
Do I say things I know will hurt someone’s feelings just because I am mad, upset
or hurt? Or if I don’t say things, do I laugh or agree, when someone else says unkind things?
Have I ever used social media to say unkind things, because no one would know
it was me?
Tech Talk
Happy Holidays Tovashal Tiger Sharks!
With the break coming upon us quickly, I thought this would be a great opportunity to share a website you may find useful during this holiday season! I personally struggle with wondering if material within video games, books, TV shows, apps, websites,
and movies is appropriate for my own children and this website helps alleviate some of
those concerns. I recommend you take a moment to visit
This website not only reviews material your children may have access to, but also
provides helpful information in English and Spanish such as:
Recommended safe apps your children would enjoy
Best movie, book, game, and TV lists
Lists of common parent concerns and how to address them
Great tips for digital citizenship
And so much more!
Of course this website does not replace the
need for involved parenting, but Common Sense
Media is dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world
of media and technology. Common Sense Media’s
goal is to help families raise a generation of kids
who think critically, act responsibly, and interact
positively in the digital world.
Check it out for yourselves! I hope you find
this resource as beneficial as I do.
Have a wonderful Holiday Break and I look forward
to seeing you all after vacation!
Mrs. Jacque Howe
Instructional Technology Leader
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Tovashal Tidings
For Our Wall of Honor
If you are currently a member of the
military, or if you ever served, we
want to recognize your contributions.
To participate, please submit a 4x6 or 5x7 photo of you (with your
Tigershark, if you want). Make sure and include the following information:
Student Name: _____________________________
Teacher Name: _____________________________
Military Members Name: _______________________________________
Rank: _______________
Branch of Service: ________________
Relationship to Student: _____________________
Special mentions or bestowments (Medal of Honor, Purple Heart,
POW/MIA, Crosses, etc.)
Provide all of the above to the Tovashal Office.
Thank you for all you do. We are honored we can honor your service.
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Tovashal Tidings
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Tovashal Tidings
Tovashal Elementary
Marcie Kea
[email protected]
23801 Saint Raphael
Murrieta, CA 92562
Eva Evans
[email protected]
Julie Henton
[email protected]
Phone: 951-696-1411
Fax: 951-304-1783
Counselor: Jodi SpoonSadlon
We donated hundreds of canned and
boxed food products to Mesa High
School for their annual Share the
Harvest Feast.
Building Success,
1 Student at a Time
We will continue collecting until Dec
18. We only stuffed the turkey once!
Let’s see how many times we can fill
him up!
the street during drop off
and pick up times. Signs are
posted. For the safety of our
Tigersharks, we have asked
the police department to
start issuing citations.
Play It Safe
The car loop is a drop off/
pick up zone ONLY
If you are escorting your
child, you must park your car
(not in the car loop)
We walk on school property, unless we are out on
the grass field.
Students are to be dropped
off/picked up from the DRIVER’S SIDE of the vehicle. If
you cannot do that, please
park your car (not in the car
loop) and then assist your
child in/out of the car on the
driver’s side.
St. Raphael is a NO PARKING
ZONE on the school side of
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Remind your children:
Bicycles, scooters are
walked on school grounds.
We walk our scooters and
bicycles on St. Raphael. Pedestrians have the right-ofway.
Set the example for your children—slow down and follow
the rules
Tovashal Tidings
Fly UP