
FUNDAMENTALS Faculty Improvement grants: short-term

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FUNDAMENTALS Faculty Improvement grants: short-term
FALL 2013
Faculty Improvement grants: short-term
Short-term grant awards support registration fees, travel and per diem related to non-credit workshops or
training programs 1-14 days in length. Funds do not support attendance at annual meetings or professional
conferences. Maximum amount awardable is $3,000.
Institutional Review Board Meetings
Application deadline: October 15, 2013 and March 17, 2014 by 4:30PM
faculty improvement grants: research
Research grant awards support scholarly activity greater than 14 days in length. Research is broadly defined as
creative achievement and/or scholarly pursuit of knowledge using recognized procedures in the applicant’s area
of study. Funds are available for the execution, not the development, of a well-conceived scholarly plan. Grants
may be applied for only once a fiscal year. Maximum amount available is $10,000.
new researcher funds
Applications requiring full review
must be submitted at least two
weeks prior to a scheduled meeting.
Application deadline: October 4, 2013 by 4PM
Up to $4,000 will be granted to probationary faculty and staff in their first five years of service to SCSU for
research and scholarly activity. Funds should be used to move the applicant towards the peer-reviewed
dissemination of their work or in the submission of a proposal for external funding. $2,000 compensation plus
39% fringe can be included. Interdisciplinary projects with multiple principal investigators may include additional
compensation (wage plus 39% fringe) for each co-investigator. Maximum award for interdisciplinary projects is
$9,000. Applicants can receive only one University Researcher or New Researcher award in any given fiscal
year. Final reports are due by June 30, 2014. Maximum of one award every two years per principal investigator.
Application deadline: October 1 and December 2, 2013 by 4PM
Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee Meetings
Applications must be submitted at
least two weeks prior to a scheduled
university researcher funds
The University Researcher Fund was established in FY02 to assist individuals seeking external funds of $25,000
or more for research, scholarly or creative activity. Probationary and tenured faculty and staff can apply for up to
$5,000. Individuals working in collaboration or on closely related projects should apply as a group. Funds can be
used to develop preliminary results needed for proposal submission or to develop and hone the skills necessary
to be successful in seeking mid-level funding. $2,000 compensation for the principal investigator is allowed.
Interdisciplinary projects with multiple principal investigators may include additional compensation (salary and
39% fringe) for each co-investigator. Maximum award for interdisciplinary projects is $10,000. Applicants can
receive only one University Researcher or New Researcher award any given fiscal year. Maximum of one award
every two years per principal investigator. Final reports are due by June 30, 2014.
Application deadline: October 1 and December 2, 2013 by 4PM
saigo endowment for faculty and staff excellence fund
Roy and Barbara Saigo established the Saigo Endowment for Faculty and Staff Excellence Fund in 2007 out
of a desire to help support faculty and staff in their ongoing professional development. The purpose of the
fund is to encourage and assist faculty and staff with scholarly activities including professional presentations,
performances and exhibitions; research and creative endeavors; and publications.
Application deadline: January 22, 2014 by 4PM
student research funds and colloquium
These funds support academic research and creative activity by SCSU undergraduate and graduate students
under the direction of a SCSU faculty member. The university may award up to $1,500 for each project with the
average award being $550. Approximately 50-60 awards will be made each year. Projects must be related to
academic program and career objectives and must have a faculty sponsor. If several students are collaborating
on a project, they must submit a joint application. All students accepting an award agree to present their project
at the Student Research Colloquium which is held mid-April each year. The intent to present and abstract
deadlines are February 15 and March 1, respectively, in each year of the colloquium.
Application deadline: October 9th, 2013 and January 31, 2014 by 4PM
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St. Cloud state university recieves $152,082 mjsp grant for bernick’s - by Linnea Lindquist
Promoting a Caring Community - by John Eggers
The Center for Continuing Studies at St. Cloud State University has partnered with Bernick’s Beverages &
Vending to obtain a $157,082, two-year Minnesota Job Skills Partnership (MJSP) grant. The purpose is to
encourage educational institutions and businesses to
work together to train or retrain workers, expand work
opportunities, and keep quality jobs in Minnesota.
St. Cloud State University provides a full range of training
services to Minnesota businesses through the Center
for Continuing Studies (CCS) program. The CCS gives
employers and workers opportunities to upgrade their
skills on an ongoing basis, and serves close to 60,000
people per year. The grant was submitted by Tammy
Anhalt-Warner and Linnea Lindquist will coordinate grant
activities. Several learning methods will be applied to the
training to address multiple learning styles of employees.
Bernick’s is a provider of beverages, vending, and food
solutions, representing brands such as Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Miller Brewing, and New England Coffee. The corporate
headquarters is located in Waite Park, with additional facilities in Duluth, Brainerd, Bemidji, and the twin cities. Of
its 503 Minnesota employees, 416 are full-time.
To meet its projected growth, the partnership between Bernick’s and St. Cloud State will provide training to 100+
employees in three areas:
• A new warehouse management system
• Voice Pick Solution System
• Refrigeration training
The new warehouse management and Voice Pick systems will provide new, paperless systems that will provide
easier warehouse operations, sustainability, and growth. Training on these systems for Bernick’s employees
will be developed by St. Cloud State. To meet and exceed customer expectations, refrigeration technology
requires greater knowledge and skills for Bernick’s employees who service and repair equipment. Faculty
from Minneapolis Community & Technical College will develop curriculum and provide training for Bernick’s
refrigeration employees.
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Promoting a Caring Community (PACC) is a grant-funded
program that seeks to promote compassion and prevent
suicide on our campus. Through the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration, we have been awarded a three-year $300,000 grant to strengthen our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of our students. PACC
enacts the prevention efforts of the grant, with the guiding
philosophy that suicide prevention is everyone’s concern.
PACC helps to fulfill SCSU’s commitment to the safety and
growth of the whole student. The goals of the grant program
are to: prevent suicide through the creation of a caring community, increase help-seeking behavior, reduce the stigma
about mental health concerns, provide tools to instill compassionate responsiveness to students, and create a community that is healthier and stronger for all. These
goals are achieved through training programs such as Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) and Kognito At-Risk
for faculty/staff and students. We also offer educational seminars and informational materials that include the
warning signs of suicide, describe risk and protective factors, and promote resources such as the National
Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The continued success of our grant programming has been due to the partnerships
and collaborations across campus and in the greater community.
Through our grant efforts to date, PACC has brought about greater awareness of suicide prevention to over
13,000 students, faculty, and staff. We have offered more than 50 educational programs and information
sessions, 40 in-person training program sessions to over 650 participants, and have had at least 400 people
complete our online training program.
Kreider Fellowship experience at elizabethtown college - by Marie Dick
In 2013, Dr. Marie Dick, Associate Professor of Mass Communications, served as the Kreider Fellow at The
Center for Anabaptism and Pietist Studies housed on the Elizabethtown College campus in Elizabethtown,
Pennsylvania. While at The Center, Professor Dick furthered her on-going research on Southern Cheyenne
Chief Lawrence Hart, who lives in Norman, Oklahoma.
Professor Dick has worked on a various projects pertaining to the life and work of Chief Hart with a particular
focus on his pacifist rhetoric and his nationally-recognized work with bone repatriation. Professor Dick
is conducting work on this project in collaboration
with Dr. Susan Schultz Huxman, President of Conrad-Grebel College, University of Ontario, Ontario,
Canada, and Lawrence Hart’s official biographer
Raylene Hinz-Pen ner, retired English Professor from
Washburn University, Topeka, KS.
With gracious support from the Young Center for
Anabaptism and Pietist Studies, Professor Dick was
able to further her analysis of Lawrence Hart’s rhetoric
centered on the Peace Chief role and tradition within
the Southern Cheyenne.
Dr. Dick lecturing at Elizabethtown College
Page 4
NSF S-STEM scholarship program increases number of graduates through mentorship
The science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)
program at St. Cloud State University has been awarded
a $600,000 scholarship grant from the National Science
Foundation (NSF). NSF S-STEM Scholars are awarded up to
$9,100 biennial scholarships in three disciplines: Information
Systems, Computer Science and Computer Engineering.
Student selection is based on financial need, academic
performance and likelihood of success.
Preference is given to women, students of color, Native
Americans, first-generation college students and transfer
students from community colleges. The program will last for
four years and the first ten students were honored December
5, 2012 for Fall 2012/Spring 2013 at an awards ceremony at
Atwood. The second ten or more students will be awarded
October 15, 2013 for Fall 2013/Spring 2014.
The NSF S-STEM scholarship program is intended to
increase the graduation of students in the areas of high-demand STEM careers. The Principal Investigator (PI) – Dr.
Susantha Herath, Co-PI’s – Dr. Dennis Guster & Dr. Jayantha Herath and senior personnel – Dr. Ratchaneekorn Thamvichai and Dr. Mahbub Hossain are improving infrastructure
for advising and mentoring the following ways:
Bi-weekly mentor meetings are held between faculty and scholars
Mentors work with scholars frequently on academic and non-academic goals
Mentors provide S-STEM Scholars help for research projects and professional development
Mentors address questions on education and career goals
S-STEM Scholars have the ability to ask questions on how to improve skills needed and set goals
Advising on what classes S-STEM Scholars should pursue
The faculty being available for scholars in mentor meetings helps strengthen the retention of students, by providing scholars with
guidance and experience in their majors and helping scholars with organization and projects as needed. Scholars are developing
the following because of the continuing support of STEM faculty: leadership and organizational skills, better academic performance,
time management and volunteering in the community. The NSF S-STEM Scholarship is helping to provide this opportunity to 30 plus
students at SCSU.
S-STEM Scholars have shared their experiences and support structures they have received from SCSU faculty during
a presentation at the St. Cloud Technical
College. This exposure to community colleges is expected
to draw students who are very interested in STEM careers and are working on completing or already have AAS
degrees. Scholars also participated in the SCSU STEM
Summit in January 2013, which was attended by over 1,500
Central Minnesota 6th through 12th graders. Scholars
shared their experiences at SCSU; explained what majors
are considered STEM majors and informed students of the
high demand for STEM careers now and in the future.
Page 5
Refining your results
St. Cloud State University has access to SPINPlus,
the world’s largest funding opportunities database,
to assist with the research process.
Category Filters can be configured to describe
yourself as an applicant in several areas. Select
the most relavant options that describe you, and
the systems will dosplay only results that you
are eligible for.
Gaining access
1. Visit http:/www.infoedglobal.com
2. Select “SPIN” from the Client Login section
NOTE: Remote users accessing SPINPlus from
off-site or from a non-registered IP address, must enter
their personal Login Name and Password.
Running a basic search
Spin provides a modern full-text search that is run against
the entire record. You may search for any component of an
opportunity, for example:
• Opportunity Title
• Sponsor Name
• Funding Opportunity Number
• Field/Subject Matter
• Eligible Applicant Types
*Results are returned in relevancy ranked format,
and can be further sorted, grouped, or filtered by
the results grid column headers.
Search Options can be set under the Options menu
to conifgure some personal preferences, such as
only viewing recently updated opportunities or
excluding US federal sponsored opportunities.
Page 6
Due: 10/01/2013
Scientific Research Projects support research on the impact of music on the human condition. Examples might include
the study of the effects of music on mood, cognition and healing, as well as the medical and occupational well-being
of music professionals and the creative process underlying music. Archiving and Preservation Projects support efforts
that advance the archiving and preservation of the music and recorded sound heritage of the Americas. Deadline
refers to required letter of inquiry. No phone calls. See www.grammy.org/grammy-foundation/grants for details.
Herb Block Foundation
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Federal Grant Opportunities
External Grant Opportunities
Scientific Research and Archiving and Preservation Projects
Due: 10/03/2013, 6/05/2014
Herb Block Foundation Foundation supports the art of editorial cartooning and makes two types of national grants:
Defending Basic Freedoms (Deadline: 10/3/13) supports projects that safeguard the freedoms of the Bill of Rights
and prevent discrimination. Encouraging Citizen Involvement (Deadline 6/5/2014) seeks to ensure a responsible,
responsive democratic government through citizen involvement. Awards range from $5,000-$25,000.
See www.herbblockfoundation.org/programs for details.
All grant opportunities are posted in detail on www.Grants.gov. Select Find Grant Opportunities - Basic Search,
enter the grant Funding Opportunity Number provided below each funding opportunity, click Search and click on
the funding opportunity title. Postings provide eligibility information, objectives and deadlines. For more information
contact [email protected].
Academic Research Enhancement Awards
Supports small-scale research projects at educational institutions that provide baccalaureate or
advanced degrees for a significant number of the Nation’s research scientists but that have not been
major recipients of NIH support. The goals of the program are to (1) support meritorious research, (2)
expose students to research and (3) strengthen the research environment of the institution. Awards
provide limited direct costs, plus applicable indirect costs, for periods not to exceed 36 months.
Application Deadline: October 25, 2013 and February 25, 2014 Funding Opportunity Number: 12-006
Computer and network systems (cns): core programs
Spencer Foundation
As part of a new institutional initiative, the Spencer Foundation will make several awards of up to $40,000 for research
projects in Philosophy as it relates to educational policy and practice. We encourage applicants to understand
educational policy and practice in broad terms, including issues that directly relate to K-12 schools and higher
education institutions, but also concerning policies that influence children’s growth and development in the family and
in other areas of social life including children’s upbringings, educational issues in family life and in the workplace, the
educational effects of welfare policy. See www.spencer.org/content.cfm/philosophy-in-educational-policy--practice-rfp
for details.
Environmental Research and Education Foundation
Due: 1/05/2014, 7/15/14
Supports research and education on solid waste management and sustainability. Solicited proposals must respond to annual research agendas. Priority topics are General Solid Waste Research and Sustainability Research. Funds projects averaging $100,000. Annual deadlines: solicited proposals due; required pre-applications for unsolicited proposals due 5/21, 10/1. See www.erefdn.org/index.php/grants/proposal for details.
Looking for proposal writing
resources? Check out the Grant
Information course available on D2L
Content within this semesterless course
includes •
searching tips and strategies
propose writing tips by funding agency
past workshop presentations
proposal examples by funding agency
and much much more!
Please access this valuable information under
the “Content Section” of the semesterless
course titled “Grant Information”
Supports research and education activities that invent new computing and networking technologies
and that explores new ways to make use of existing technologies. The program seeks to develop a
better understanding of the fundamental properties of computer and network systems and to create
better abstractions and tools for designing, building, and analyzing, and measuring future systems.
Small Projects include funding up to $500,000 over a period of three years.
Application Deadline: January 17, 2014
Funding Opportunity Number: 13-581
Facilitating Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
The Research in Undergraduate Institutions actively supports research by faculty members through
the funding of individual and collaborative research projects, the purchase of shared use-research
instrumentation and Research Opportunity Awards for work with NSF supported investigations at other
Application Deadline: Anytime
Funding Opportunity Number: 00-144
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program
The Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Talent Evaluation Program seeks to increase the
number of students receiving associate or baccalaureate degrees in established or emerging fields
within science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Type 1 proposals are solicited that
provide for full implementation efforts at academic institutions. Type 2 proposals are solicited that
support educational research projects on associate or baccalaureate degree attainment in STEM.
Application Deadline: December 3, 2013 Funding Opportunity Number: 11-550
Smart and connected health grants
The goal of the National Science Foundation Smart and Connected Health Program is to Accelerate
the development and use of innovative approaches that would support the much need transformation
of healthcare from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive, proactive, evidence-based,person
centered and focused on well-being rather than disease.
Application Deadline: October 17, 2013
Funding Opportunity Number: 13-543
Page 8
Searching For Opportunities
Award Administration
and Management
The Life Cycle of a Grant
Developing a Proposal
Submitting a Proposal
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Staff and Affiliates
Patricia Hughes
Interim Associate Provost for Research and
Dean of Graduate Studies
Administrative Services 121
(320) 308-4932
Kim Johnson
Office Manager, Office for Research and Sponsored Programs
Administrative Services 210
(320) 308-4932
Proposal Development and Award Administration:
Jodi Kuznia, Director of Research Development
Administrative Services 210
(320) 308-5176
Carrie Barth, Assistant Director for Grants and Contracts
• Academic Affairs
• College of Science and Engineering
• School of computing, Engineering, and Environment
• School of Education
• School of Health and Human Services
• Student Life and Development
Administrative Services 210
(320) 308-4921
Aretta-Rie Johnson, Assistant Director for Grants and
• College of Liberal Arts
• School of The Arts
• Herberger Business School
• School of Pulic Affairs
• Learning Resources Services
• University Communications
• Center for Continuing Studies
Administrative Services 210
(320) 308-4973
Supports: Finding opportunities, developing a proposal,
submission, resubmission and award administration.
Ethics and Compliance:
Linda Donnay, Director of Compliance and Ethics
Adminstrative Services 210
(320) 308-5148
Eric Rudrud, IRB Chair
Professor of Community Psychology
Engineering and Computing center 154
(320) 308-4155
Marina Cetkovic-Cvrlje, IACUC Chair
Professor of Biology
Wick Science Building 268
(320) 308-3490
Supports: IRB, IACUC, responsible research, financial
conflict of interest and federal compliance reporting.
Post Award Administration
Lorie Ortloff, Grants Officer
• Herberger Business School
• School of Public Affairs
• School of Health and Human Services
Adminstrative Services 210
(320) 308-4953
Deb Rothstein, Grants Officer
• College of Science and Engineering
Wick Science Building 261
(320) 308-2036
Nicolette DeIeso, Grants Accountant
Business Services
Administrative Services 123
(320) 308-3134
Supports: Post-award processing, expenses, financial reporting,
and invoicing.
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