
Aerobic Fitness Bowling Club Advisor: Aimee Freemer Advisor: Michelle Pardue

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Aerobic Fitness Bowling Club Advisor: Aimee Freemer Advisor: Michelle Pardue
CLUBS ON CAMPUS 20152015-2016
Aerobic Fitness
Advisor: Aimee Freemer
President: April Sawyer
Description: To Educated Students about a
healthy active lifestyle.
When & where: During Class Only.
American Sign Language)
Advisor: Angela Bechtold & Cynthia Ross
President: Olivia Tozzi
Description: To encourage the learning and use
of American Sign Language
When & where: Tuesdays at lunch room 673.
Anime Club
Advisor: Bill Crookshank
President: Kristofer Mendoza
Description: learn Japanese culture through
Japanese animation
When & where: Every Thurs. 2:30-4pm rm.
Art Club
Advisor: Debbie Weaver
President: Lindsey Reddick
Description: Talk about. Learn about & make
When & where: 1-2 times a month at lunch see
Mrs. Weaver for details room 808.
Advisor: Amanda Mayfield
President: Carson Bowers
Description: Promote college to Students
When & where: Every Friday after school Ms.
Mayfield’s room 626
Astronomers Club
Advisor: Marianne Gallegos
President: Mauncio Guillen
Description: encourage interest in Astronomy.
When & where: see Mrs. Gallegos in room
726 for more details & meeting times.
Ballet Folklorico
Advisor: Jaime Zarate
President: Pending
Description: To promote cultural awareness
through Latin American dance.
When & where: Thursdays & Fridays 4pm at
Best Buddies
Advisor: Ashlee Wilson
President: Rebecca Rendahl
Description: to assimilate the special needs students into activities on campus.
When & where: 628 monthly during Senate.
Bowling Club
Advisor: Michelle Pardue
President: Will Barnes
Description: to unite students on campus
and have fun
When & where: See Mrs. Pardue in room
California Scholastic Federation
Advisor: Debbora Santelices
President: Amrik Kang
Description: To foster high standards of
scholarship, service and citizenship on the
part of students.
When & where: Thursdays at Lunch room
Campus Rev
Advisor: Greg Baird
President: Ashlyn Gergins
Description: Teaching student how to lead
public speaking, with open and frank discussions through the bible.
When & where: Wednesdays room 732
during lunch.
Chess Club
Advisor: Alejandro Guerrero/Dan Crawford
President: Amrik Kang
Description: learn critical and strategic
thinking skills, to
engage in activities that promote lifelong
learning standards.
When & where: Tuesdays lunch 680 & Fridays lunch room 615.
Choir Club
Advisor: Nadia Stehmeier
President: Braeden McCann
Description: To teach singing technique
and perform at concerts and festivals.
When & where: Daily during class period
& officers meet every Monday at Lunch.
Chop Shop MVHS
Advisor: Tom Misich
President: Joseph Stefano
Description: Automotive technology technical information exchange.
When & where: Fridays at lunch room
Club Dust
Advisor: Kristen Stragier
President: Anna Gorski
Description: to Work with dustclub.org
making donations to Tecate, Mexico
When & where: Wednesdays at Lunch
room 711.
CLUBS ON CAMPUS 20152015-2016
Crimson Cadets
Advisor: Joshua Boyd
President: Talia Garcia
Description: Musical Performance Group Band
& Color Guard.
When & where: Band room during class time
and after school practices as assigned.
Drama Club
Advisor: Shilind Wheaton
President: Emily Graham
Description: To produce, create & perform live
theatrical stage productions.
When & where: Wed. after school 2:30–4pm in
the drama room 906 and the main stage in the
Earth Club
Advisor: David Marrett
President: Hannah Adams
Description: Community Service and helping
people learn about becoming “greener”.
When & where: Wednesdays at lunch in room
Ecology Exploration
Advisor: Michelle Pardue
President: Nicholas Ignelis
Description: To re-establish the innate human
bond with nature.
When & where: Tuesdays at lunch room 713
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Advisor: Todd Thornburg
President: Cassidy Thornburg
Description: To support Christian Athletes &
promote ethical values.
When & where: Fridays during lunches room
Fiction Flock Club
Advisor: Bill Crookshank
President: Kaylee Cummings
Description: Assist students with story telling
and expand creativity of young writers.
When & where: Fridays after school 2:303:30pm room 677.
FHA Hero (Food & Beverage)
Advisor: Marguerite Smith
President: Leslie Cruz & Jason Schauers
Description: Producing and selling food to
staff and to provide students with a culinary
When & where: 1st period Monday-Friday.
Advisor: Kristen Stragier
President: Kenndie Hemrich
Description: Raise funds and awareness for
Alzheimer's, dementia and other related illness.
French Club
Advisor: Madame Marsolais
President: Gunnar Plunkett
Description: Broaden students’ understanding
of French culture & the French language.
When & where: 2nd Wednesday of the month
room 672.
Gardening Club
Advisor: Don Fitzgerald
President: Tori Breason
Description: Educate students & community in
the area of ecology.
When & where: Wednesdays at Lunch room
Girl Up
Advisor: Hanah Thomas
President: Kathy Kong
Description: learn about girls in undeveloped
countries and teach advocacy to help these
When & where: TBA
Advisor: Nicole Fryer
President: Noah Der
Description: Awareness and support of our
LGBT Student Population
When & where: Wednesdays twice a month in
room 729
Habitat for Humanity
Advisor: Marianne Gallegos
President: Sarah Ponce
Description: To educate students on world responsibility by elping to build and rehab
When & Where: Wednesdays at Lunch room
#I Can Help
Advisor: Cathy Leseberg
President: Alexis Tektonopoulos
Description: to delete negativity on social media & the internet.
When & where: See Mrs. Leseberg in HRC for
Advisor: Dean Nielsen
President: Inez Gonzalez
Description: Community Service
When and where: Every Wednesday during
lunch room 823.
CLUBS ON CAMPUS 20152015-2016
International Baccalaureate
Advisor: Alanna Fields
Executive Officer: Matt Navarette
Description: To promote a community of learners & foster a global understanding.
When & where: Tuesdays in room 671. See
Mrs. Fields for more details.
Medical Club
Advisor: Monte Jones
President: Kayla Ortiz
Description: To further knowledge of students
interested in the medical field.
When & where: 1st & 3rd Thursday of the
month at lunch room 722
International Baccalaureate Action Club
Advisor: Alanna Fields
President: Evan Suther
Description: aid in getting action hours &
healthy lifestyle
When & where: Wednesdays at lunch 671.
Mock Trial/Academic Competition
Advisor: Todd Thornburgh
President: Yvonne Delzompo
Description: Team court procedure, the theory of law & improve public speaking
When & where: For more info see Mr. Thornburg in room 605.
Journalism Club
Advisor: Ella Harrison
President: Ashley Chollar
Description: Connect students through a passion for photography, writing and reporting.
When & where: Once a month at lunch room
Life Teen
Advisor: Victoria Barr
President: Sarah Pounce
Description: To learn, teach & live the Catholic
When & where: Lunch on Friday’s room 607.
Link Crew
Advisor: Aimee Freemer
President: Tessa Bishop
Description: to unify, welcome guide and encourage new students & freshemen
When & where: 1st period in the Hawk Rock
& 2nd Monday’s at Lunch.
Lion Club
Advisor: Victoria Barr
President: Bryan Le
Description: expose and allow people to experience lion dancing
When & where: Thursdays after school room
607 2:30-3:30pm
Lupus Warriors Club
Advisor: Marianne Gallegos
President: Sarah Ponce
Description: Discuss & educate about autoimmune diseases come up with fundraising ideas.
When & where: Thursdays @ Lunch room 726.
Marine Biology Club
Advisor: Mariano Aranda
President: Tyler Kinnan
Description: Promote studies in Marine Bio
Where & when: Tuesday’s Rm. 811 at Lunch
Mountain Bike Club
Advisor: Ella Harrison
President: Jake Bolton
Description: Train & race competitively.
When & where: Weekly Room 825, see Mrs.
Harrison for more details.
Model United Nations
Advisor: Diana Hess
President: Hannah Adams
Description: Educate students on international relations and problem solving.
When & where: Monday’s after school room
Multicultural Club
Advisor: Jaime Zarate
President: TBD
Description: explore & learn about the diverse cultures at MVHS.
When & where: Tuesdays at lunch room 810.
Advisor: Major Tordai & 1st SGT. Huckobey
President: Nathan Barr
Description: To foster discipline, patriotism &
instill course objectives into the lives of cadets.
When & where: In Class daily and Tuesday’s
at lunch Room 652.
Murrieta League Group
Advisor: Todd Tatro
President: Anthony Pastizzo
Description: Discussions, Tournaments and
friendly competitions
When & where: Tuesdays & Thursdays at
Lunch room 635.
Murrieta Valley International
Advisor: Victoria Barr
President: Clara Myung
Description: Interact with exchange students
through sports/activities.
When & where: Wednesdays lunch room 607.
CLUBS ON CAMPUS 20152015-2016
MV Surf Club
Advisor: Ella Harrison
President: Noah Fontes
Description: pull students together who have
an interest in surfing.
When & where: various lunches room 825.
See Mrs. Harrison for details.
National Honor Society
Advisor: Sherry Taufer
President: Shruti Amin
Description: To serve and honor students who
have demonstrated excellence in the areas of
scholarship, leadership, service, & character.
When & where: First Thursday of every
Nighthawk ALS Club
Advisor: Cathy Leseberg
President: Dakota Brubaker
Description: Raise funds & awareness about
When & where: 1st & 3rd Mondays after
school in the Hawk Rock.
Nighthawk Cancer Club
Advisor: Cathy Leseberg
President: Alexis Tektonopoulos
Description: Raise awareness & funds for cancer research.
When & where: Meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays after school in the Hawk Rock & 2nd
Tuesday of the Month at Rancho Springs 6pm.
Nighthawk Connections
Advisor: Alanna Fields
President: Kade Mueller
Description: Create safe & supportive environment for students & help them find their place
When & where: Thursdays @ Lunch 671
Nighthawk Dance Company & Production
Advisor: Meghan Romero-Hemmerling
President: Keiley Kordick & Shannon Ponn
Description: In class activities with culminating project the annual Dance Production
When & where: During Class time in the
dance room, after school and announced rehearsal times.
Nighthawk Dance Team
Advisor: Meghan Romero-Hemmerling
President: Keiley Kordick & Shannon Ponn
Description: Performance at home Football &
Basketball Games: perform at SDSU Clinic,
and completion schedule
When & where: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:455pm & 7th period Class.
Nighthawk Flight Crew
Advisor: Cathy Leseberg
President: Steven Brown
Description: To support military troops, family & volunteer w/VSSN.
When & where: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the
month after school in the Hawk Rock after
Nighthawk Productions
Advisor: Ella Harrison
President: Diana Hernandez
Description: Film school events
When & where: During Class time in room
Nighthawk Robotics Club
Advisor: Kevin Bradley
President: William Davidian
Description: Building robots, programming
robots, seeking out tournaments, competing in
tournaments, and winning tournaments.
When & where: After school, Mondays,
Wednesdays & Fridays in room 824 from 2:30
One Can Can Make a Difference
Advisor: Jim Sammon
President: Mackenzie Velk
Description: Provide canned food to the local
food pantries.
When & where: Room 727 first Wednesday of
each month.
Our Dream Helping Another
Advisor: Mario Aranda
President: Darren Wang
Description: community involvement, community service projects & character building.
When & where: Thursdays at lunch Room
Parkour Club
Advisor: Nadia Stehmeier
President: Christian Owen
Description: To get students active
When & where: Every Thursday at lunch room
Peanut Butter & Jelly Club
Advisor: Victoria Barr
President: Krysta Bass
Description: unite students by feeding the
When & Where: Once a week in room 607
CLUBS ON CAMPUS 20152015-2016
Photography Club
Advisor: Bruce Erickson
President: TBD
Description: to learn more photography
techniques outside of school campus
When & where: Friday’s at lunch room 840.
Programing Club
Advisor: Rogelio Gallegos
President: Hudson Rawlings
Description: Learn computer skills & programming.
When & where: Wed.at lunch room 735
Racquetball Club
Advisor: Dean Nielsen
President: Enzo Prina
Description: Encourage Racquetball activities
When & where: Thursdays at lunch room
823 and at LA Fitness
Advisor: Karrie Carlson
President: Kaylee Williams
Description: educate our peers on positive
activities as opposed to making destructive
Where & when: Tuesdays rm. 637 at lunch.
Science Olympiad
Advisor: Mariano Aranda
President: Amrik Kang
Description: organize a team to compete in
regional/statewide competitions.
When & where: Once a month at lunch room
Si Se Puede
Advisor: Inez Vallejo
President: Edwin Melara
Description: promote academically strong
future leaders
When & where: Wednesdays at lunch room
Special Education Recycling Program
Advisor: Ashlee Wilson
President: Shailee Mains
Description: Recycle bottles & cans to clean
up the school campus.
When & where: Daily in room 628
Speech & Debate
Advisor: Steve Fowler
President: Jessica Kim
Description: develop critical thinking skills
& persuasive argumentation .
When & where: Friday’s after school room
Sports Medicine
Advisor: Scott Putjenter
President: Kayla Ortiz
Description: Assist in prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries to MVHS Athlete’s.
When & Where: 7th period in Training
Room & daily after school.
Student Venture
Advisor: Debbora Santelices
President: Gracyn Schmidt
Description: The goals are to strengthen
families and interpersonal relationships
among students.
When & where: Lunch on Tuesdays room
Virtual Enterprise Club
Advisor: Joel Levin
President: Stephanie Machuca
Description: Competing against schools
across California, fundraising and trade fairs
When & where: Every first Friday of the
month room 819.
World Language Club
Advisor: Mr. Guerrero
President: Kyle Hames
Description: To make students aware of
positive cultural difference and similarities.
When & where: Mondays room 680.
Advisor: Jacob Johnson
President: Annabelle Zeller
Description: Publication of Image Yearbook
When & where: B days during 2nd period
room 627.
Young Democrats
Advisor: Stacy Swenck
President: Connor Madalo
Description: discuss views of democrats and
assist with elections.
When & where: Tuesdays at lunch room 636
Young Knights
Advisor: Dean Nielsen
President: Amrik Kang
Description: To discuss knights and ethics
and to do community service.
When & where: Mondays at Lunch room 823.
Young Republicans
Advisor: Cathy Leseberg
President: Connor Madalo
Description: to discuss views of the Republican party assist with elections.
When & where: Tuesdays HRC at 2:35pm.
Fly UP