
Career I.C.T. Syllabus Course Overview 2015-2016

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Career I.C.T. Syllabus Course Overview 2015-2016
Career I.C.T. Syllabus
Required Graduation Course
Course Overview
Students will be introduced to Microsoft Office programs in an online hybrid classroom environment. Students
will gain a basic understanding of internet safety / resources, email, the ‘Cloud’, computer terminology,
keyboarding, study habits, internet searching, researching, career/college exploration, word processing, visual
presentation, public speaking, spreadsheet, and habits of highly effective teens. This class is also the
beginning course that introduces students to the senior exit project requirements.
Expectations / Rules – REFER TO M.V. GUIDE
Arrive on time (Tardy policy enforced). Must be in class and seated by the 3rd bell.
NO food, gum, or drinks allowed in the computer lab; Water O.K.
Complete and submit assignment/project during allotted time frame.
NO electronic devices are allowed (headphones included), except at teacher’s discretion. Keep them
out of sight.
NO Google chatting, instant messaging, email chatting, internet/computer game playing, texting,
downloading unauthorized program, or internet surfing, unless otherwise authorized.
Computers usage for schoolwork only, not just to have computer access/surfing.
Students are responsible for their workstation; report a problem immediately. (Refer to Acceptable Use
Foul, inflammatory, and derogatory language will not be accepted. Respect the teacher, yourself, and
your classmates.
If it is found that a student is not complying with the class expectations/rules, that student will have an
immediate conference with Mrs. Rice (parents may also be contacted), lose computer usage for one or
more class periods, lose daily points, be asked to leave the class, and/or be referred to the Dean of
Students as a disciplinary measure. All classroom rules not followed will be notated via your ‘ABI’
account under weekly participation points.
Assignment Policy
Assignments can be accessed/submitted via ‘Haiku’, Email (24 / 7), Hard Copy. Late assignments will be
accepted, but will drop one letter grade each day late til it expires. Students will be reminded of missing
assignments, during class, via text messaging, and encouraged to check ABI / Haiku during class, to verify
scores and current grade. Students are responsible for and should not discard any assignments until the
semester ends and after the final grade has been posted to ABI. Students can make up assignments at home,
during other periods (if seat available), open lunch lab, during class (if ahead), and after school. Assignments
not completed within the allotted time period will be considered a ‘refusal to complete’ and will not be accepted
at a later date; Plan Ahead!
Materials / Resources Needed
1. Thumb / Flash drive (external storage device)
2. Online Accounts – Google / Remind 101 / California Colleges / Quizstar / Typingweb
4. Student ABI (Aeries) Account
5. Student Haiku Account
6. Typing Account – Typing.com – 10 lessons required each grading period = Linked to ‘teacher’ account.
7. Writing utensil (blue or black) and paper.
Assessments/Quiz - Given at the end of each ‘unit’ lesson and end of the semester.
Warm Ups – Typing or reading the 7-Habits book for 5-10 minutes. Typing ‘proficiency’ contest, completion
during the 1st 10 minutes of the class period, scores only accepted during that window.
Grades – Standard grading scale – REFER TO M.V. GUIDE
Grade reviewing – In ABI, classroom postings (Weeks - 3, 9, 12), printed hardcopies (when requested), end of
grading period, teacher / student conference, parental Inquiries by email (preferred method), Parent email
Grade Point Scale – REFER TO M.V. GUIDE
Refer to the school’s grading scale.
Homework – Typing a minimum of two days per week, from home for an hour.
It is highly recommended that when a student is absent that they contact me via email or make a post in the
Haiku’s ‘Discussion Board’, so the student can earn class participation points and get assignment instructions.
Being absent is not an excuse for not submitting an assignment, or not being in contact to find out what
was missed. When absent please refer to the class calendar in Haiku for that day’s assignment. Absence
must be cleared through the attendance office only, absent students cannot make up ‘warm ups’, but can earn
back lost points via participation pts.
Students must be in class and seated, not walking through the door or socializing, by the 3rd bell. Students will
be admitted to class, with an excused pass only, from the attendance office or another staff member. Students
caught in the tardy sweep will be rerouted to the attendance office; admittance to class with a passes only.
Tardy students will lose warm up and / or participation points.
Parents (Guardians) - Activate your Parent ABI (Aeries) account. Make sure all contact information is
current, as this is my #1 form of communication. Parents and students have separate ABI accounts;
students, who share an ABI account with a parent, will not be able to register for classes next years classes, so
make sure your accounts are separate. Also, it is encouraged that you sign up for the ‘Remind 101’ teacher
twitter site.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teacher Contact Info: Email - [email protected] / Phone - 696-1408 ext. 5816
ABI (Aeries) Questions - Contact Guidance Tech(s) – V. Young or B. Velazquez
Haiku Questions - Contact J. Johnson
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