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Director, The Robert and Mary Rita Murphy Stump Library, Saint Xavier
University (July 2002-present)
I am responsible for all aspects of the Library’s budget, financial priorities, resources, services,
and staffing. My focus is on effectively serving the SXU community, working closely with
faculty to improve pedagogy through technological innovation, and leading the transition from
print to electronic resources.
Tenured, with academic rank of Librarian (full professor).
Led a $3 million renovation of the entire Library, the first in over fifty years, focusing
on improvements to group study rooms, individual study space, computer labs, and
other student areas. Served as project director for a $1.2 million Illinois Board of Higher
Education Independent Colleges Capital Program grant and a $750,000 U.S. Department of
Education Library Technology Grant which was the core funding for the renovation.
Currently participating in the final plans for an additional $2.5 million renovation to
Library and related areas scheduled for summer 2013.
Facilitated two strategic plans (2004-2009 and 2012-2017). Currently planning a
comprehensive program review, including a MINES for Libraries survey.
Founded an external Library Advisory Council (2003-2011) that assisted in advancing
the Library’s recognition, fundraising, and the quality and variety of its collections,
facilities, programming, and services. Currently developing a new Faculty Advisory
Supervised twenty employees (including four unionized tenured or tenure-track faculty
positions) at the main Chicago campus and the branch Orland Park campus. Reviewed
staff duties and responsibilities based on effects of changing priorities and technology.
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Implemented numerous policy and procedural changes to improve operational
performance, improve access to services, and reduce administrative costs. Staff was
cross trained to ensure continuity of operations, and evening and weekend circulation
desk coverage was improved substantially. Implemented the use of search and screen
committees for all positions to ensure that the highest qualified candidates are sought,
recruited, hired, and retained.
Redirected the Library’s materials funds during simultaneous years of inelastic or
shrinking budgets through better allocations and analysis of needs. The purpose was to
more accurately reflect the Saint Xavier University curriculum and ensure the highest
standards of financial accountability. Focused collection development on acquisition of
electronic resources for research and teaching use, and increased the number of online
journals from 1,000 to over 45,000 and streaming video from none to over 25,000 titles.
Implemented the WorldCat Local discovery tool and ILLIAD inter-library service to
improve access to materials held at the Library, in our statewide consortium, and
libraries worldwide. Patron demand for inter-library loans immediately increased 300%
due to the ease of finding materials.
Developed online assessment tutorials through Adobe Captivate and Panopto
CourseCast web recordings for better integration of library instruction with courses.
Implemented a unique third-party off-site storage program which housed over 60% of
the book collection and all of the print journals. The program resolved many
longstanding space problems efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.
Converted the Library from the Dewey Decimal System to the Library of Congress
Classification System, on schedule with no additional staffing.
Received the first-ever “Best Of” award for an entire website from Springshare LLC,
developers of LibGuides and CampusGuides.
Increased hours of operation 12%.
Lead the University effort to become the first institution in Illinois to implement the ISkills examination from the Education Testing Service.
Coordinated with the Development Office to obtain gifts and grants for the Library’s
collections and facilities.
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Director, Nash Library, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (July 1999June 2002)
Supervised one professional, three non-professional, and four FTE student employees.
Reviewed staff duties and responsibilities based on effects of changing priorities and
Raised the total budget 18% and the operating budget by 28%. Led a successful effort to
obtain from the Board of Regents a $1.25 library fee per credit per student.
Completed a comprehensive analysis to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the
Worked closely with the faculty to address the precipitous decline in hard-copy journal
usage, rise in the use of electronic databases and journals, and the usual high price
increases in journals.
Updated the Library’s internal budgeting procedures, simplifying processes, reduced
paperwork, and improved efficiencies. Prepared a detailed budget to more carefully
control allocations and spending in every subject area and by format.
Improved the Library’s hours of operations by 56%, from 72 hours to 129 hours per
Reviewed and updated the Library's weeding policies.
Directed Nash Library’s becoming an official Oklahoma State Depository Library. By
participating in the depository library program, Nash Library greatly improved its local,
regional, and state information resources for the USAO community.
Acquired the SIRSI Unicorn catalog system in 2001, including the writing the RFP’s,
review of responses, recommendations to the Board of Trustees, and implementation.
Established a book preservation program with the focus on rebinding and repair of
heavily used books.
Created a variety of documents to improve workflow within Academic Affairs,
including an annual schedule; budgeting process; review and plan; and curriculum
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Academic Archivist III, Milwaukee Urban Archives, Golda Meir Library,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (July 1989-June 1999)
Planned and implemented collection development initiatives, electronic access to the
collections, and reorganization of overall operations.
Undertook collection development initiative focusing on urban redevelopment
neighborhood associations. Worked extensively with individual, corporate, and
organizational donors on- and off-campus.
Designed and constructed the website for the Archives, which included 11 exhibits, 49
subject guides, and 570 finding aids. Implemented use of archival arrangement and
descriptive standards and loading of over 900 MARC records into OCLC. Developed
data management system for accessioning and physical control over the collections.
Directed restructuring, reappraisal, and reprocessing of the university archives and
collections from a five-county area. Responsible for setting processing priorities at the
Archives, and directing accessioning, arrangement, and description of the collections.
Assisted in the revision of records management procedures, including simplification of
records retention and authorization scheduling.
Developed policies on access to collections, levels of reference and research, fees, and
copying of collections.
Lecturer for "Seminar in Automated Archival Techniques," Library Science
Course 891, School of Library and Information Science, University of WisconsinMilwaukee (1993-97)
Planned and taught graduate level course, emphasizing understanding of principles of database
design, information flow, effective website design, archival cataloging, and return on website
investment for non-profit institutions.
Assistant Archivist, Institute Archives and Special Collections, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1987-89)
Processed collections; established policies concerning audio-visual, photographic, and
restricted materials; helped plan conversion to the MARC AMC format; and performed
reference service.
Coke Oven Heater, United States Steel Corporation, Gary, Indiana (1977-85)
Maintained gas temperature and pressure on coke oven batteries.
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“Improving Electronic Resources Through Holistic Budgeting,” with James P. Kusik. Journal
of Electronic Resources Librarianship 21 (3-4) 2009: 200-205.
“The Road Ahead for Catholic Libraries.” Catholic Library World 80 (2) 2009: 113-115.
“Implementing the Holistic Collection Development Budget,” with James P. Kusik. Library
Leadership and Management 23 (4) 2009: 191-197.
“Aligning Core Values to a Philosophy of Service.” Catholic Library World 79 (4) 2009: 276278.
“The Progressive Agent of Mischief: The Whiskey Ration and Temperance in the United States
Army.” The Historian 67 (2) 2005: 199-216.
“Using a Third-Party Vendor for Off-Site Storage of Library Materials.” Library
Administration & Management 19 (1) 2005: 26-30.
“The Milwaukee Urban Archives and Urban Research.” Research and Opinion (Milwaukee:
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Graduate School, 1996).
Guide to the Records of the Chancellor's Office at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
(Milwaukee: Golda Meir Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1995). Coauthored with
James P. Kusik and Christel T. Maass.
Review of Guide to the Archival Collections in the Neils Bohr Library at the Institute of
Physics in Archival Issues 20 (2) 1995: 172-173.
Guide to Genealogical Collections in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area. (Milwaukee: Library
Council of Metropolitan Milwaukee, 1995).
Guide to Archival and Manuscript Collections in the Milwaukee Urban Archives. (Milwaukee:
Golda Meir Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1994).
“Do We Need Authority Control? Investigations at the Milwaukee Urban Archives.” Archival
Issues 19 (1) 1994: 45-51.
“Scenes from Polish Working-Class Life in Milwaukee, 1900s-1940s.” The Historian 57 (1)
(Autumn 1994): 89-96.
“Catalog Them Again for the First Time.” Archival Issues 17 (1) 1992: 49-63.
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“The Military Justice System and Illegal Punishments as a Cause of Desertion in the U.S.
Army, 1821-1835.” The Journal of Military History 55 (January 1991) 1-19.
Guide to the Polish-American Holdings in the Milwaukee Urban Archives (Milwaukee:
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1991).
Review of “Archives, Personal Papers and Manuscripts” in The Midwestern Archivist 15
(1990) 58-60.
“Archival and Manuscripts Holdings in the MIT Institute Archives and Special Collections.”
Science and Technology Libraries 9 (Summer 1989): 41-56.
“A Textbook Collection as Outreach,” Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries,
“Connect More Users to More Content with WorldCat Local,” OCLC webinar, 2010
“Single Discovery and Delivery: It’s Not Just WorldCat Anymore,” American Library
Association, 2010
“Creating the Effective Library Research Assignment,” Lilly Conference on College and
University Teaching and Learning, 2010
“Tips for a Successful WorldCat Local Implementation” OCLC webinar, 2010
“The Transformative Tool: Implementing WorldCat Local and Its Implications for Library
Operations,” Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries, 2010
“Planning and Implementing the Use of New Online Research and Networking Tools to
Improve Engagement with the Campus Community,” International Conference of Education,
Research and Innovation (Madrid, Spain), 2009
“Building and Strengthening Upper Level Research Skills with Captivate Tutorials,”
Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching, 2009
“Staff Management in Lean Times,” LIBRAS Consortium, 2009
“Holistic Budgeting to Improve Electronic Resources and Services,” Electronic Resources and
Libraries Conference, 2009
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“The End is Here for the Print Reference Collection,” Consortium of Academic and Research
Libraries in Illinois, 2008
“The SXU Library and Information Literacy,” SXU Faculty Study Day, 2008
“Developing Online Instructional Tutorials,” LIBRAS, 2008
“Copyright in the Digital Era,” SXU Center for Educational Practice Forum on Ethics in
America: Uses and Abuses of Technology, 2003
“Marketing Unique Public Services,” Oklahoma Library Association, 2002
“Workshop on Arrangement and Description,” Midwest Archives Conference, presented
multiple times from 1996-2000
“Workshop on Archival Website Design and Implementation,” Midwest Archives Conference,
“Why We are on the World Wide Web,” Midwest Archives Conference, 1998
“Digital Archives,” Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians, 1998
“Revitalization and Decline,” Midwest Archives Conference, 1997
“Special Session on Arrangement and Description,” Midwest Archives Conference, 1997
“Workshop on Fundamentals of Archives,” Illinois Association of Museums, 1996
“Controlled Versus Uncontrolled Vocabulary,” Society of American Archivists, 1996
“Improving Backlog Workflow,” Midwest Archives Conference, 1996
“Taking the Mystery Out of MARC/AMC, OCLC, and RLIN,” Midwest Archives Conference,
“Archives in the Academic Library,” Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians, 1995
“Be Prepared: Security and Your Library,” Library Council of Metropolitan Milwaukee, 1995
“Methods to Improve Processing,” Library Council of Metropolitan Milwaukee, 1994
“Issues in Processing: Is It Done Yet?” Midwest Archives Conference, 1993 and 1994
“Workshop on an Introduction to LCSH,” Library Council of Metropolitan Milwaukee, 1990
and 1992
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“The NHPRC Documenting Milwaukee Project: A Critique,” Midwest Archives Conference,
“Archives and Theater Records,” Midwest Regional Conference of the League of Historic
American Theaters, 1992
“Workshop on an Introduction to Archival Descriptive Cataloging,” Library Council of
Metropolitan Milwaukee, 1990 and 1992
“The LCOMM Archives Committee Presents the Divine Comedy,” Wisconsin Library
Association, 1991
“Creating MARC Records for University Libraries,” Midwest Archives Conference, 1991
“The Roman Kwasniewski Photograph Collection,” Polish-American Historical Association,
“The AMC Format: Current Practice and Future Plans,” Midwest Archives Conference, 1990
Boston Archivists Group, Coordinator, 1987-89
EBSCO Publishing’s Customer Satisfaction Advisory Council, 2007Illinois Library Association
 2005 Conference Committee, 2004-05
 Fundraising Committee, Chair, 2004-05
Library Council of Metropolitan Milwaukee, Archives Committee, Co-Chair, 1990-91
LIBRAS consortium
 Past president/continuing education coordinator, 2008-09
 President, 2007-08
 Vice-President, 2006-07
Midwest Archives Conference
 Website designer, 1996
 Program Committee, 1990-91
National Historical and Public Records Administration, Proposal Reviewer, 1990-95
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New England Archivists, Local Arrangements Committee, 1988
 Americas Regional Council, Bylaws Committee, 2010-11
 WorldCat Local Users Group, co-chair, 2011Oklahoma Council of Academic Library Directors, 1999-2002
Oklahoma Department of Libraries, Publication Clearinghouse Advisory Council, 2002
Oklahoma Library Association, Interlibrary Cooperation Committee, 2000-02
Oral History Association, Local Arrangements Committee, 1994-95
Society of American Archivists
 1992 Program Committee, 1991-92
 College and University Archives Section Program Committee, Chair, 1994-95
 Committee on Public Information, 1991-94
 OCLC Roundtable, Co-Chair, 1990-91
 SAA/ALA Joint Committee, 1991-93; chief author of the revised ALA/SAA Joint
Statement on Access to Primary Research Materials
Current Member of:
American Library Association
American Society for Information Science & Technology
Association of College and Research Libraries
Illinois Library Association
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Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning Advisory Board
Deans Council
Diversity Action and Reflection Team
Faculty Development Advisory Committee
Faculty Senate
o Liaison for the Title III Creating Engaged Learning Environments Grant
o Liaison for Faculty Bylaws and Handbook Committee
o Vice-President
Higher Learning Commission, Committee III
Institutional Review Board
Intellectual Property Committee
Mission Continuity Task Force
School of Continuing and Professional Studies Curriculum Committee
Student Success Task Force
Technologies in Instruction Advisory Committee
Web Site Advisory Committee
Master of Library Science, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1987
Master of Arts in History, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1987
Bachelor of Arts, History Major, Indiana University Northwest, Gary, Indiana, 1985
Library Leadership & Management Association, Webinar on Return on Investment in a Tough
Economy: Defining the Value of the Academic Library, 2011
Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, Workshop on Copyright Basics
and Library Reserves, 2008
Council of Independent Colleges, Workshop on the Transformation of the College Library,
Metropolitan Library System, Workshop on Smart Project Planning and Evaluation, 2005
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Association of College and Research Libraries/Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic
Librarians, 2004
Oklahoma Association of College & Research Libraries, Workshop on Outcome Assessment,
Oklahoma Library Association, Workshop on Electronic Licensing, 1999
National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators, Workshop on
Optical Scanning Technology, 1991
Society of American Archivists, Workshop on Public Relations for Archives, 1990
Society of American Archivists, Workshop on the MARC AMC Format, 1989
Society of American Archivists, Workshop on the Management of Photographic Collections,
Society of American Archivists, Workshop on Library Descriptive Standards, 1988
Fly UP