
Social Research center ... American University in Cairo

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Social Research center ... American University in Cairo
Attachment III.1
Social Research center
American University in Cairo
2000 - 2012
Rashad, Hoda and Khadr, Zeinab (2012) “Knowledge Gaps: The Agenda for Research and
Action.” in I. Nuwayhid, M. Khawaja, S. Jabbour and R. Giacaman (eds) Public Health in the
Arab World. Pp: Cambridge Press.
Khadr, Zeinab, Hoda Rashad, Susan Watts and Mohamed Salem (2012) “Health inequities:
Social determinants and policy implications” in I. Nuwayhid, M. Khawaja, S. Jabbour and R.
Giacaman (eds) Public Health in the Arab World. Pp: ----Cambridge Press.
Ayeb, Habib (2011) “Social and political geography of the Tunisian revolution: the alfa grass
revolution” Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 38, No. 129. Pp:467-479.
Ayeb, Habib, Ray Bush (2011) “Marginalization and marginalized in Egypt and the Middle
East". Elain publishing house, Cairo. (in Arabic)
Ayeb, Habib (2011) “The Marginalization of the small peasantry: Egypt and Tunisia”
in Marginalization and marginalized in Egypt and the Middle East, Habib Ayeb and
Ray Bush (eds). Pp: 107-140, Elain publishing house, Cairo. (in Arabic)
Elsherif, Sawsan (2011) Women Pathways to Political Power, Women and Quta , in
Ahwal Masreya, Center for Political & Strategic Studies, El Ahram, Cairo, No.49.
Pp: 83 – 97 (In Arabic).
Khadr, Zeinab (2011) “Difference in Levels of Social Integration among Older Women
and Men in Egypt” J Cross Cult Gerontol, National Center for Biotechnology
Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 26 Pp: 137-156.
Khadr, Zeinab, Lamia Bulbul (2011) Egyptian Red Crescent in Zeinhum: Impact
Assessment of Comprehensive Community Development Model for Slums
Upgrading”. This report present the findings of the impact assessment study of
upgrading intervention on the lives of Zeinhum population, carries out in August
V. Nelly Salgado de Snyder, Sharon Friel, Jean Christophe Fotso, Zeinab Khadr, Sergio
Meresman, Patricia Monge, and Anita Patil-Deshmukh (2011) “Social Conditions and
Urban Health Inequities: Realities, Challenges and Opportunities to Rransform the
Urban Lansdcape through Research and Action” Jurnal of Urban Health: Bulletin of
the New York Academy of Medicne. Dol 10. 1007/s11524-011-9609-y. Pp: 11831193.
Gowayed, Heba (2011) “Understanding the results of the Working Women‟s
Characteristics Survey, Informing the Network of Women‟s Rights Organization
(NWRO)” GIZ-assisted Project Promotion of Women‟s Rights (PoWR), in
collaboration with “Pathways of Women‟s Empowerment” project based at the Social
Research Center
Mowafi, Mona, Zeinab Khadr, S.V. Subramanian, Gery Bennett, Allan Hill and Ichiro
Kawachi (2011) “Are neighborhood education levels associated with BMI among
adults I Cairo, Egypt” Social Science & Medicine 72, Elsevier Ltd. Pp: 1274-1283.
Gowayed, Heba (2011) “Understanding the results of the Working Women‟s
Characteristics Survey, Informing the Network of Women‟s Rights Organization
(NWRO)” GIZ-assisted Project Promotion of Women‟s Rights (PoWR), in
collaboration with “Pathways of Women‟s Empowerment” project based at the Social
Research Center
Saad, Reem (2011) “Margins and Frontiers: Two cases from Egypt” in Marginalization
and marginalized in Egypt and the Middle East, Habib Ayeb and Ray Bush (eds). Pp: 5773, Elain publishing house, Cairo. (in Arabic)
Al Sharami, Mulki (2010) “Transnational Family Networks in Somali Diaspora in Egypt:
Women‟s Roles and Differentiated Experiences.” In: Gender, Place, and Culture: A
Journal of Feminist Geography, 17, 4, August 2010: 499-518 (peer-reviewed)
______________ (2010) “Navigating Refugee Life.” , In: UN Chronicle, Vol. 67, 1: 4851 (invited)
______________ (2010) “Legal Reform, Women's Empowerment, and Social Change:
The Case of Egypt” In: IDS Bulletin, 41, No. 2,: 10-17 (peer-reviewed)
Ayeb, Habib (2010) "Crise de la Société Rurale en Egypte... la fin de fellah". Karthala,
Ayeb, Habib and Reem Saad (eds). (in press) Agrarian Transformations in the Arab
World: Persistent and Emerging Challenges. Cairo-Papers in Social Science.
(Monograph Series).
Ayeb, Habib and Reem Saad (in press) “What‟s Urban about Rural Egypt?” In . Habib
Ayeb and Reem Saad (eds). Agrarian Transformations in the Arab World: Persistent
and Emerging Challenges. Cairo-Papers in Social Science. (Monograph Series).
Ayeb, Habib, et al. (in press) Water, land, environment and livelihoods: rights, resistance
and reforms in india and Egypt (Eau, terre, environnement et moyens d‟existence :
droits, réformes et résistances en Inde et en Egypte). Orient Longman (Hyderabad Inde).
Ayeb, Habib (in press) « La disparition de la saqqia en Égypte : Entre patrimonialisation
et exclusion sociale in IRETON F. & BATTESTI V. (ed.) Égypte contemporaine.
Actes Sud. Paris 2008.
Ayeb, Habib (in press), “Hydropolitics of the Arab World: the real and false threats”. Water in
the Arab Countries; Global Perceptions and Local realities. Casa Arabe, Madrid.
Ayeb, Habib (in press), “Water in Egypt: Between wealth and poverty”. In Water in the Arab
Countries; Global Perceptions and Local realities. Casa Arabe, Madrid.
Ayeb, Habib and Reem Saad (eds). (in press) Agrarian Transformations in the Arab
World: Persistent and Emerging Challenges. Cairo-Papers in Social Science.
(Monograph Series)
Ayeb, Habib and Reem Saad (in press) “What‟s Urban about Rural Egypt?” In . Habib
Ayeb and Reem Saad (eds). Agrarian Transformations in the Arab World: Persistent
and Emerging Challenges. Cairo-Papers in Social Science. (Monograph Series).
El-Saadani, Somaya (2010) “Mortality” in Introduction to Demography and its
Applications, Cairo, Population council, West Asia & North Africa Regional Office,
Dar El Nakheel. Pp: 59-78 (in Arabic)
Elsherif, Sawsan (2010) Personal Status law and the reality of marginalization , in
Ahwal Masreya, Center for Political & Strategic Studies, El Ahram, Cairo, No.47.
pp: 127-132 (In Arabic).
Halasa, Yara, Heba Nassar and Hassan Zaky (2010) “Benefit Incidence Analysis of
Government Spending on Ministry of Health Outpatient Services in Jordan”, Eastern
Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol.16, No. 5. PP: 259-265.
Hamed, Ramadan et al (in press) "Fuzzy Logistic Regression: A Goal Programming
Approach", in the Far East Journal of Mathematical Science.
Khadr, Zeinab (2010) “ Population theories” in Introduction to Demography and its
Applications, Cairo, Population council, West Asia & North Africa Regional Office,
Dar El Nakheel. Pp: 135-139 (in Arabic)
Khadr, Zeinab, Mohamed Nour el Dein and Ramadan Hamed (2010) “Using GIS in
constructing area-based physical deprivation index in Cairo Governorate, Egypt”,
Habitat International 34, 2, Elsevier Ltd. Pp: 264-272.
Khadr, Zeinab (2010) “ Social Determinants of Women‟s Health in Egypt” The Suzanne
Mubarak Regional Center for Women‟s Health and Development, Egypt.
Rashad, Hoda and Khadr, Zeinab (in press) “Knowledge Gaps: The Agenda for
Research and Action.” in I. Nuwayhid, M. Khawaja, S. Jabbour and R. Giacaman
(eds) Public Health in the Arab World. Cambridge Press.
Khadr, Zeinab, Hoda Rashad, Susan Watts and Mohamed Salem (in press) “Health
inequities: Social determinants and policy implications” in I. Nuwayhid, M. Khawaja,
S. Jabbour and R. Giacaman (eds) in Public Health in the Arab World. Cambridge
Langsten, Ray, Tahra Hassan (2010) “Education Transitions in Egypt: The Effects of Gender
and Wealth” in International Conference Child Poverty And Disparities: Public Policies
for Social Justice procedure, Egyptian National Child Rights Observatory, NCCM,
Ministry of State for Family and Population, Cairo. pp: 4-29.
E. Cupito and R. Langsten. (in press) “Inclusiveness in Higher Education in Egypt”. Higher
Education. Accepted for publication.
Mehanna, Sohair (in press) “Processes and Methods for Creating Questions and Protocols for
an International Study of Ideas about Development and Family Life.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, (2010) “IOB Impact Evaluation, Drinking
water supply and sanitation programme supported by the Netherlands in Fayoum
Governorate, Arab Republic of Egypt, 1990-2009” an out put of the research “Impact
evaluation of the Netherlands assisted drinking water supply and sanitation programmes
in Egypt, Fayoum Governorate 1990-2007, led by Dr. Ramadan Hamed.
Nassar, Heba, Ghada Barsoum, Fadia Elwan, Hanan el Shair “Education for the 21th.
Century” in Youth in Egypt: Building our Future, Egypt Human Development Report
2010. UNDP pp: 43-56.
Nicholas S. Hopkins and Sohair R. Mehanna (eds.) (2010) “ Nubian Encounters. The Story
of the Nubian Ethnological Survey 1961-1964”. Cairo, AUC press.
Nicholas S. Hopkins and Sohair R. Mehanna (eds.) (2010) “ The Nubian Ethnological
Survey: History and Methods” in Nicholas S. Hopkins and Sohair R. Mehanna (eds.)
Nubian Encounters. The Story of the Nubian Ethnological Survey 1961-1964”. Cairo,
AUC press. Pp: 3-78.
Nicholas S. Hopkins and Sohair R. Mehanna (eds.) (2010) “ The Nubian Ethnological
Survey: Sample Publication 1960-1990, Inroduction” in Nicholas S. Hopkins and Sohair
R. Mehanna (eds.) Nubian Encounters. The Story of the Nubian Ethnological Survey
1961-1964”. Cairo, AUC press. Pp: 81-85.
Rashad, Hoda and Zeinab, Khadr (in press) “Knowledge Gaps: The Agenda for Research and
Action.” in I. Nuwayhid, M. Khawaja, S. Jabbour and R. Giacaman (eds) in Public
Health in the Arab World. Cambridge Press.
Sherine Shawky. “Could the Employment-based Targeting Approach Serve Egypt in
Moving towards a Social Health Insurance Model”, Eastern Mediterranean Health
Journal 2010; volume 16 (16): 663-670.
Cherif Soliman, Ihab Rahman, Sherine Shawky, Tarek Bahaa, Sherif Elkamhawi, Ali
Abd El Sattar, Doaa Oraby, Dina Khaled, Bamikale Feyisetan, Ehab Salah, Zein El
Taher and Nasr El Sayed. “HIV prevalence and risk behaviors of male injection drug
users in Cairo, Egypt”, AIDS 2010, vol 24 (suppl 2): S33-S38
Sherine Shawky. Egypt Progress Towards Achieving The Millennium Development
Goals 2010. Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Major Diseases. Egypt
Ministry of State for Economic Development, Egypt Information and Decision
Support Center (IDSC) and UNDP, September 2010.
Abdel-Rahman El-Zayadi, Hanaa M. Badran, Sherine Shawky, Sally Emara, Ashraf ElBareedy, Mohammed Sobhi. (2010) “Effect of surveillance for hepatocellular
carcinoma on tumor staging and treatment decisions in Egyptian patients”.
Hepatology International. Vol. 4, No.2, Pp: 500-506.
Shawky, Sherine (2010) “Primary Health Care in The Eastern Mediterranean: From Alma
Ata to Doha”. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. Vol 16 (12): 1285-1289.
Dale Huntington, Hassan H.M. Zaky, Sherine Shawky, Faten Abdel Fattah, and Eman ElHadary. (2010) Impact of a provider incentive payment scheme on reproductive and
child health services in Egypt. Journal of Health, Population And Nutrition. vol. 28,
No. 3, pp:273-280. This paper also presented to the CERDI, Clermont-Ferrand,
France, 17-18 December 2009.
Halasa, Y., H. Nassar, and H.H.M. Zaky 2010. “Benefit-Incidence analysis of
government spending on Ministry of Health outpatient services in Jordan”. East
Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ). Volume 16:5. Pp 259-265.
-Zaky, H.H.M. (editor and author) (2010) “Introduction to the Study of Demography and
its Applications (in Arabic)”. Population Council, West Asia and North Africa
Regional Office: Cairo, Egypt
Zaky, H.H.M., Khattab, H. and Nahal, N. (2010) “Experiences of women using
reproductive health services in Egypt: one health system in two governorates”,
Quality in Primary Care, Volume 18:5. Pp 345-352.
Huntington, D, H.H.M. Zaky et al. (2010) Impact of a Provider Incentive Payment
Scheme on the Quality of Reproductive and Child Health Services in Egypt. Journal
of Health, Population and Nutrition. vol. 28, No. 3, pp:273-280.
Al Sharmani, Mulki and Katarzyna Grabska (2009) “African Refugees: Ambivalent
Status and Diasporic Struggles in Cairo” in: Diane Singerman (ed). Cosmopolitan
Cairo: Politics, Culture, and Urban Space in the New Globalized Middle East,
Volume II. The American University in Cairo Press. Pp: 455-488.
__________ (2009) „Egyptian Family Courts: Pathway to Women‟s Empowerment?‟ In:
Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, Volume 7, pp:
Ayeb, Habib and Reem Saad. (2009) “Gender, Poverty and Biodiversity Conservation in
Rural Egypt and Tunisia”. Proceedings of the workshop: Competition over resources,
rural poverty and agrarian policies in MENA - 10th Mediterranean Research
Meeting. 25-28 March 2009, Florence - Italy.
Ayeb, Habib (2009) “Geopolítica del agua en Oriente Medio, de Sudán al Kurdistán”, in
Consecuencias económicas y ecológicas de los conflictos en el mundo árabe. Cycle of
conferences of Casa-Arabe -IEAM. Madrid. Spain.
Ayeb, Habib (2009) “The Hydropolitics of the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Yearbook 2008.
Barcelone. IEMED.
Azer, Adel Sohair Mehanna, Mulki Al-Sharmani and Essam Ali (2009) “Child Protection
Policies in Egypt: A Rights-Based Approach.” Cairo Papers In Social Science
Publication, Volume 30, 1, Cairo, AUC Press.
Hamed, Ramadan (2009) “Advocacy, Education and Behavioral Change
Communication” in Population Status In Egypt: International Conference on
Population and Development (ICDP)@15 report. (Hassan Zaky ed), The Egyptian
Cabinet Information and Decision Support, Evidence-Based Population Policy and
UNFPA, Cairo, pp: 84-93
Khadr, Zeinab (2009) “Monitoring socioeconomic inequity in maternal health indicators
in Egypt: 1995-2005, International Journal for Equity in Health, BioMed Central,
U.K. pp: 1-12.
Azer, Adel Sohair MEHANNA, Mulki Al-Sharmani and Essam Ali (2009) “Child
Protection Policies in Egypt: A Rights-Based Approach.” Cairo Papers In Social
Science Publication, Volume 30, 1, Cairo, AUC Press.
Rashad, Hoda (2009) “Research practices, A question of values” in Henk Molenaar, Louk
Box and Rutger Engelhard (eds) Knowledge on the Move: Emerging Agendas for
Development-oriented Research. Leiden: International Development Publications. pp:4957.
Saad, Reem (in press) “Social and Political Costs of Coping with Poverty in Rural
Egypt”. In: Development Trajectories in Egypt and India. Francois Ireton et al (eds).
Saad, Reem (2009) "Al-Ta‟aqlum wal Muqawma wal Fe‟l: Al-tanmit wal-tamgid fi
Deraset Al-Fallah Al-Misri. (Coping, Resistance and Agency: Stereotyping and
glorification in the study of Egyptian peasants)". In Intaj al-Ma‟rifa an al-Alam alArabi (Knowledge Production on the Arab World). Ed. Hoda Elsadda. Cairo:
Supreme Council of Culture.
Saad, Reem Al-harb ala Ghaza fil-fada‟yaat al-Arabiya (The war on Gaza in Arab
satellite TV) Alshorouk Newspaper. 2009
Saad, Reem Halawet Zaman (Sweet Past). Alshorouk Newspaper. 9 March 2009
Saad, Reem Nafhamak alaan Ya Amitav (We now understand you, Amitav). Alshorouk
Newspaper. April 13, 2009.
Saad, Reem Almuqata‟a wasila wa laysat ghaya (Boycott is a means not an end).
Alshorouk Newspaper . June 29, 2009.
Saad, Reem Amradna wa Hululna Al-gathreya (Our ills, and our radical solutions).
Alshorouk Newspaper. August 6, 2009.
Saad, Reem Alamat laysat kal-alamat (Signs unlike signs). Alshorouk Newspaper.
October 17, 2009.
Saad, Reem Althaqafa walsiyasa wal-mas‟uliyya (culture, politics and responsibility).
Alshorouk Newspaper. November 19, 2009.
Saad, Reem Alwagh alqabih lel-irada al-sha‟biyya (The ugly face of popular will).
Alshorouk Newspaper. December 5, 2009.
Shawky, Sherine 2009 “HIV Epidemic Profile” in Population Status In Egypt:
International Conference on Population and Development(ICDP)@15 report.
(Hassan Zaky ed), The Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support,
Evidence-Based Population Policy and UNFPA, pp: 64-82 Cairo.
Shawky, Sherine (2009) An HIV Center in the Middle East and North Africa: Striving to
organize a regional HIV resource center to confront a growing epidemic. HIV
CENTER for Clinical and Biological Studies. At the NewYork State Psychiatric
Institute and Columbia University. HIV Center E-Newsletter: Volume 3, No. 1.
Shawky, Sherine (2009). Guest Editor for J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2009; vol. 51
suppl 3.
Shawky, Sherine, Cherif Soliman, Kassem Kassak, Doaa Oraby, Danielle Khouri, and
Inoussa Kabore. (2009) “HIV Surveillance and Epidemic Profile in the Middle East
and North Africa”. HIV Surveillance and Epidemic Profile in the Middle East and
North Africa. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr; vol 51 suppl 3: S83-S95.
Shawky, Sherine, Cherif Soliman, Sharif Sawires. (2009) “Gender and HIV in the Middle
East and North Africa: Lessons Learned for Low Prevalence Scenarios”. J Acquir
Immune Defic Syndr; vol. 51 suppl 3: S73-S74.
Abdel-Rahman El-Zayadi, Hanaa Mostafa Badran, Ahmed Saied, Sherine Shawky, Mohy
El-Deen Attia, Khaled Zalata (2009). “Evaluation of Liver Biopsy in Egyptian
HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B Patients at Initial Presentation: Implications for
Therapy”. Am J Gastroenterol 2009; 104: pp:906 – 911; doi: 10.1038/ajg.2009.30;
published online 17 March 2009.
Sholkamy, Hania 2009 “Gender and Population” in Population Status In Egypt:
International Conference on Population and Development(ICDP)@15 report.
(Hassan Zaky ed), The Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support,
Evidence-Based Population Policy and UNFPA, pp: 22-36, Cairo.
Simister, J. and H.H.M. Zaky, 2009. “Wife‟s earnings, child nutrition, and GenderBased Violence in Egypt”. Middle East Development Journal, Volume 1:2. Pp 209226.
Zaky, H.H.M. 2009. “The Timing of the Demographic Dividend in Egypt”. Proceedings
of the 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences. Pp 175-188.
Hawaii, United States of America.
SHR Department of Reproductive Health and Research, Social Research Center,
American University in Cairo (2009) “Impact of provider incentive payments for
reproductive health services in Egypt”. Policy brief, WHO/RHR/09.04.
Abdel Fattah, Faten (2008) “Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women” in Egypt
Achieving The Millennium Development Goals Report, Ministry of Economic
Development, Egypt. pp: 19-25.
Ayeb, Habib et al. (2008) Pauvreté hydraulique et crises sociales; Perspectives de
Recherches et d‟Action. (CD). IRD.
Azer, Adel, Sohair Mehanna, Mulki Al-Shermany and Essam Ali (2008) “ The Inclusion
of the Excluded A Rights-Based Approach to Child Protection Policies in Egypt”,
Cairo, Dar El Fekr El Arabi. (in Arabic).
El-Saadani, Somaya (2008) “Reduce Child Mortality” in Egypt Achieving The
Millennium Development Goals Report, Ministry of Economic Development. Egypt,
Pp: 27-40.
El-Saadani, Somaya (2008) “Improve Maternal Health” in Egypt Achieving The
Millennium Development Goals Report, Ministry of Economic Development. Egypt,
Pp: 33-40.
El Zeini, Laila “The path to replacement fertility in Egypt: acceptance, preference, and
achievement”, El-Zeini, Laila O. Studies in Family Planning, 2008, 39(3): 161-176.
Hamed, Ramadan (2008) “Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger” in Egypt Achieving The
Millennium Development Goals Report, Ministry of Economic Development Egypt. pp:
Hamed, Ramadan (2008) “Achieve Universal Primary Education” in Egypt Achieving The
Millennium Development Goals Report, Ministry of Economic Development, Egypt. pp:
Yount, Kathryn and Khadr, Zeinab. (2008) “Gender, Social Change, and Living
Arrangements among Older Egyptians during the 1990s.” Population Research and
Policy Review 27(1).
R. Langsten and R. Salem. 2008. “Two Approaches to Measuring Women‟s Work in
Developing Countries: A Comparison of Survey Data from Egypt”. Population and
Development Review, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 283-305.
Nassar, Heba, (2008), “Regional Trade Agreements and Human Rights,” Paper presented to
the conference on Development and Employment, Arab Labor Organization and The
Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rabat.
Nassar, Heba (2008), “Irregular Migration” , Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied
Research on International Migration (CARIM) Analytic and Synthetic Notes 2008/57,
Irregular Migration Series,
CSDH (2008), Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health equity through action on the social
determinants of health. Final Report on the Commission on Social Determinants of
Health, Geneva: World Health Organization (Hoda Rashad is a contributing author as a
member of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health).
Shawky, Sherine (2008) “Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Major Diseases” in Egypt
Achieving The Millennium Development Goals Report, Ministry of Economic
Development, Egypt. pp: 5-12.
Shawky, Sherine, Cherif Soliman, Kassam Kassek, Doaa Oraby, Inoussa Kabore, (2008),
“HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Epidemic Profile in Middle East and North Africa. Gender
and HIV: Policy Lessons for Low Prevalence Scenarios,” Cairo, April 13-16. J Acquir
Immune Defic Syndr 2009; vol 51 suppl 3: S83-S95.
Shawky, Sherine (2008) “Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Major Diseases” in Egypt
Achieving The Millennium Development Goals Report, Ministry of Economic
Development, Egypt. pp: 5-12.
Shawky, Sherine, Cherif Soliman, Kassam Kassek, Doaa Oraby, Inoussa Kabore, (2008),
“HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Epidemic Profile in Middle East and North Africa. Gender
and HIV: Policy Lessons for Low Prevalence Scenarios,” Cairo, April 13-16. J Acquir
Immune Defic Syndr 2009; vol 51 suppl 3: S83-S95.
Sholkamy, Hania (2008) “State and SCO Partnerships in Poverty Alleviation” in Egypt‟s
Social Contract: The Role of Civil Society, Egypt Human Development Report 2008.
UNDP pp: 127-147.
Sholkamy, Hania (2008) “Why Kin marriages? Rational in rural Egypt” in Yount, Kathryn
M. and Hoda Rashad (eds.) “Family in the Middle East, Ideational change in Egypt. Iran,
and Tunisia” Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies, N.Y. pp: 139-150.
Yount, Kathryn M. and Hoda Rashad (eds.) (2008) “Family in the Middle East, Ideational
change in Egypt. Iran, and Tunisia” Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic
Studies, N.Y.
Yount, Kathryn and Khadr, Zeinab (2008) “Gender, Social Change, and Living
Arrangements among Older Egyptians during the 1990s.” Population Research and
Policy Review Volume 27, NO. 2, pp: 201-225.
Al Sharmani, Mulki (2007) “Reconstructing the Nation in Diaspora: The Poetics and
Practices of Soomaalinimo.” In: Kusow, Abdi M. and Bjork, Stephanie R. (eds).
From Mogadishu to Dixon: The Somali Diaspora in a Global Context. Trenton, New
Jersey: Africa World Press/The Red Sea Press. pp: 71-94.
____________ (2007) "Transnational Somali Families in Cairo." In: Refuge, 24, Volume
1, pp: 88-99.
Casterline, John and Laila O. El Zeini (2007) “The Estimation of Unwanted Fertility” in
Demography, The Population Association of America, Vol. 44, No. 4. pp: 729-745.
Elsherif, Sawsan (2007) Scientific Research Utopia, Academic freedom Illusion We
Live in or the Dream We Eager to Achieve , Alhadara-Alarabia Centre with
cooperation of Ahmed Bahaa El Din Association. (In Arabic).
Hafez, Zeinab (2007) “The empowerment of women to activate their contribution in the field
of literacy, Teachers needs versus community potentials, Female sample among literacy
teachers of Intermediate graduates” Teba Magazine, Moasaset El Maraa El Gedida, Vol.
9, pp: 7-36.(in Arabic).
Nassar, Heba (2007) “Private Health Insurance in Egypt” in Private Voluntary Health
Insurance in Development: Friend or Foe? Edited by Alexander S. Preker, Richard
M. Scheffler and Mark C. Bassett, World Bank, Public Information Center,
Nassar, Heba (2007) “Population Dividend and its Implications for the Labor Market in
Egypt”, Second Population Report, UNFPA, Deanship for Community
Services,(Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Information and Decision
Support Center for the Cabinet),Cairo.
Nassar, Heba (2007) “A perspective from the Arab Region on Migration and
Development”, in How Migration can benefit Development, (Kristos Tama and
Joakim Palme ,Eds.), Stockholm, the Institute for Future Studies.
Nassar, Heba and Nahed Ez El Din, Eds. (2007) “The Economic Aspects of Job Creation in
Egypt” in “Proceedings of the Forum on Job Creation in Egypt” Deanship for
Community Services, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
Rashad, Hoda (2007) “Youth and Education: Proposals for Collaborative Activities” in
British-Egyptian Relations: From Suez to the Present Day” (Noel Brehony and Ayman
El-Desouky, Eds.), The London Middle East Institute, School of Oriental and African
Studies, London.
Saad, Reem (2007) “Egyptian Workers in Paris – Economic Migration and the Male Burden
under Transnationalism” in Transnational Experiences. Europe. The Middle East,
Kvinder, K N Forskning NR 2-3, 2007.
Sholkamy, Hania (2007) "Old Men‟s Tales or Medicine: Physicians‟ Perceptions of
Gender and Reproduction in an Egyptian Teaching Hospital", A. Carter & S. Watkins
(eds) in The Circulation of Population Knowledge, Berghahn Press.
Zaky, H.H.M. et al. , 2007. “Evaluation of the impact of provider incentive payments on
reproductive health services: Egypt‟s health sector reform programme”. The Social
Research Center, The American University, Cairo, Egypt.
Zaky, H.H.M. et al., 2007. “Assessing the quality of reproductive health services in
Egypt via exit interviews”. Maternal and Child Health Journal. Volume 11:3. Pp 301306.
Al-Sharmani, Mulki. (2006) “Living Transnationally: Diasporic Somali Women in
Cairo,” Journal of International Migration, 44, Volume 1, pp:1-23.
Coker, Elizabeth M. (2006) “Religion, ethnicity, and community mental health: service
provision and identity politics in an unplanned Egyptian community” Community
Development Journal Advance Access, Oxford University Press and Community
Development Journal, Vol.43, No.1, pp: 79-92.
El Katsha, Samiha Shukreya Labeeb, Susan Watts and Awatif Younis (2006) “Roles of
Informal Sector Health Provider Practices and the Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus:
A Pilot study in two Egyptian Villages. The Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal,
WHO. Vol. 12, No.12, pp: 758-767.
Hamed, Ramadan (2006) “Goal Programming Three-Level Data Envelopment Analysis
Model: Measuring the Efficiency of the Egyptian Electricity Production Companies”,
The 18th annual conference on statistics & modeling in human and social Sciences
procedures, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, pp:133154.
Yount, Kathryn and Khadr, Zeinab. (2006). “A Biosocial Model of Medication Use
among Older Women and Men in Ismailia, Egypt.” Journal of Biosocial Science
Nassar, Heba, Hassan H.M. Zaky and Somaya Abdel Mowla (2006) “Policy Implications
of the Demographic Dividend (Window of Opportunity) and its Consequences on the
Labor Market: A Case Study of Egypt”. United Nations Fund for Population,
Promoting Evidence Based Dialogue on Evolving Population and Developmet Issues,
Ministry of Economic Development and Vice Deanship for Community Services and
Environmental Development & Center for Surveys and Statistical Applications.
Rashad, Hoda (2006) “Promoting global action on the social determinants of health”
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