
Greece/Rome 10.1

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Greece/Rome 10.1
Greece/Rome 10.1
Greece- direct democracy (citizens rule )
Three Branches (L.E.J)
Renaissance- “rebirth” Northern Italy
Reformation- Luther questions Catholic church
Magna Carta- King respects law, 1st step to
constitutional law, settled dispute between king and
• Enlightenment- reason, education, religion should
not be used to understand physical world
• Gutenberg- invented printing press
Glorious Revolution
• England’s Parliament battled against a
king who believed in divine right—idea
that since God knows and chose who
would be king, it was the people’s (and
Parliament’s) duty to obey without
• Result: king steps down without a fight
when threatened with revolution
Scientific Revolution
• Use of logic, reason, and experimentation
to make sense of the world
• Copernicus--astronomy
• Bacon—math
• Newton—physics, motion, gravity
• Galileo—astronomy and telescope
Philosophes—social critics who
applied logic and reason to ideas
about government, laws, and rulers
• Hobbes—social contract where citizens
give up rights for security
• Locke—social contract where government
protects natural rights of life, liberty and
• Montesquieu—separation of powers
• Rousseau—consent of governed thru
their free will
Effect of Age of Enlightenment and
Philosophes on America
• Jefferson—used ideas about social
contract and consent of governed from
Hobbes and Locke in the Declaration of
• Madison—used ideas about separation of
powers and protection of freedoms/liberty
in the Constitution
• G.B. best- Nat. resources, waterways, capital and labor
• A.R. leads to I.R. in G.B. first (pop. growth, food, displaced
• City growth due to jobs in factories (pollution, illness, poor
• Workers joined together for better working conditions
formed unions (collective bargaining) (Would strike against
factory owners)
• Textile industry 1st to industrialize
• Machines used steam engines , factories near power source
• Communism- factors of prod. Owned by public (Karl Marx)
• Adam Smith- Capitalism, laissez faire (no gov. interference)
wrote Wealth of Nations
Main Reasons For Imperialism
Industrialization- Countries need raw materials to feed the
machines in their factories.
Social Darwinism- Idea used to explain why one country
should dominate over another. (Racism) Missionary
Nationalism- Countries compete to be the best and build
up their military.
Colony- Imperialist controls territory directly.
Protectorate- A country has its own government,
but its policies are guided by an imperial power.
Sphere of influence- An area dominated by another
country through economic control.
Imperialism in Africa and India
• African boundaries are
unnaturally created
leaving problems today
• Dutch, British and Zulu
fight for S. Africa
• Berlin Conference is
where Europeans divided
Africa up into colonies
(Ethiopia avoided being
• India made Britain
wealthy “Jewel of the
• Sepoy Rebellion due to
rumors about greased
bullets leads to Britain
taking direct rule of India.
World War I
Serbian nationalist Princip shoots Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, the spark
that starts WWI in the Balkan Peninsula (aka Powder Keg of Europe)
A-H declares war on Serbia
Triple Entente(Allied Powers)
France, GB, Russia
U.S., Italy
Triple Alliance (Central Powers)
Germany, A-H, Italy
Total War: rationing, propaganda, industrialization, more deaths
U.S. Enters War: Unrestricted submarine warfare, Zimmerman Note
Russia struggles- food/fuel shortage, Czar Nicholas II steps down, Lenin comes
in and signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany, Russia drops out.
Kaiser Wilhelm II steps down as leader of Germany, Nov. 11, 1918 Armistice
signed and the fighting stops, WWI is over.
Wilson’s 14 Points- a plan for postwar peace, League of Nations, U.S. does not join
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